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How do you like Texas weather? lol It's the humidity down here on the Gulf Coast that makes it so hot.[/quote

Arlene...our summers are usually hot and humid and in the 90's. Last year was an exception. Our evenings are cool until about mid-June. I imagine the "skeeters" will set in pretty soon. We've had a wet spring and am sure they are muliplying. Now that I lost my fat, this weather is fine for me. :tongue2:

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Julie...sounds like you will have quite the weekend with many hours on the road. Make it a safe one (buckle up) and have a great time with family.

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Janet, 1st of all I want to thank you for your email. Has helped me already :)

I got on the scale this morning and I tracked my calories today, will promise to continue to do that. Also....I made your One Pot Wonder, it was so delish!! I was very excited about it.

Will check in next Monday and give you and update on the scale. :tongue2:


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Apples - Welcome back.. Nope I am not trying ;0) - I have been flucating between 136.5 - 139 for a while - I hit 136.5 every now and then - I just love that number - so that's why I post it - I don't always - but somedays it looks good and feels good to say it

I would love 135 - but I like to eat to much to worry about 1.5 lbs - no biggie to me - anything thing below 140 is fine with me...

Sobe Water has electorlyes water :0) - took me from 7:30 to 3:15 to drink it - not that it was bad - I added some vit crystal like stuff to it - it was too weak that made it too stong - but finally got it down - now 2 more bottles to go..

Jessica - Since I don't count carbs - Im no help.,.

Melissa - how did the doctor go

I dislike Mondays - it takes me all day just to get back into the groove of work..

well have gym after work - arms - cbl

Hey Janet...didn't see your post till now. Always thought about trying the Sobe but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am so picky about my cold drinks. Never used to be. I am a strictly peach tea girl. I have to have lots of ice and drink from a straw and I can get a lot of it in in a day. b/4 LB surgery, I drank plain water. Now can't choke it down. What's with that????? Good going on trying though.

Sorry you hate Mondays. The attitude a person has about Mondays usually has nothing to do with anything other than what you KNOW is waiting for you once you walk in the door at work. Hugs:wub:

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Melissa - I validate your stress and agree with Cheri & Janet - call in sick (a mental health day) and see your doctor too.

Life can get in the way of weight loss. Sometimes just holding on is the best we can do. Sending hugs.

Melissa: I agree with the other ladies, take a day to de=stress... Read some OA lit. go to another meeting, read the BEck BOOK... do whatever it takes...Put YOURSELF and YOUR health in a No.1 position.

If you have a problem at work and eat over it, you`ll only have 2 problems instead of ONE...Remember the slogans of OA...think, Think, THINK One Day at a time Easy Does It

H.A.L.T. ( Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?) I ask myself this when I am tempted to eat something not on plan..

Go into the Bathroom and say the Serenity Prayer:

`` God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,

and the Wisdom to know the difference. THY will be done``

What IS your food plan? How do YOU define it? Is it something that you can LIVE with Just for Today??

Abstinence (sobriety) can start right now, this second, this minute, this MEAL...

Really, the hardest part for me getting started is JUST MAKING THE DECISION.... the rest falls into place.

HUGS, Sweetie:wub:

remember that all of the above suggestions all reduce STRESS

Melissa...let us know how you do at the doc's appt. Good going on taking the steps to go to OA. There's going to be something that clicks for you to get you back on track. Have you ever thought of also doing a scheduled weekly check-in with your doc and weighing in??????

Melissa - how did the doctor go


Hey everyone i went to the Doc I was 219 I confessed that I have been off track no working out eating crap . FYI it cost me $95 everytime I go to him. We talked for a little bit we did not tighten me cause I am tight as I can get and really the band is working if I eat correctly. He wanted me to stick with eating solid Protein 3ozs this will stay in my band longer and i will stay fuller longer. I asked about going back on shakes like I did in the begining but he said the shakes will go through the band faster however I stated I need to do something to get the crappy food out of my system. He said a shake is always better than reaching for junk food and if I wanted to do 3 shakes a day for 1-2 weeks than it is okay but he wanted me to work to get back with regular food. And to eat 1000 calories or less a day. 30 mins each day of exercise and keep my heart rate up the whole time. And he wanted me to start little bit of strength training. So all in all it was good and he was glad that i came and saw him instead of not seeing him at all.

So July 02 is my goal to be below 200

Thank you all for all your advice you are such wonderful friends.

I still went to work which was a good thing because my sister showed up and brought me a sonagram and told me she was 3 months pregnant she is due in Dec. I was so excited I cried. I can't belive it. She is 1 1/2 yrs yonger than me. I get to be an Aunt yeah!!! I love babies.

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Janet, 1st of all I want to thank you for your email. Has helped me already :)

I got on the scale this morning and I tracked my calories today, will promise to continue to do that. Also....I made your One Pot Wonder, it was so delish!! I was very excited about it.

Will check in next Monday and give you and update on the scale. :tongue2:


PJ Any time gf !!! That's what we are here for to support each other and kick butt sometimes.

Glad you enjoyed the 1 pot wonder - that's what you have to do is find something healthy that taste good - don't diet - just eat healthy... Did you make enough to have leftovers to take for lunch ;0)... That's what I do most nights..

Hugs you are going threw a tough time right now - and it's easy to eat your feelings aways - but all that's doing is making you feel worse -

I loved the post Candice wrote about H.A.L.T - I can't see back that far - I really like this info from OA that Judy and Candice & Melissa is going to give us..

Keep posting - being on the computer doesn't allow you to eat ;0)

Hey Janet...didn't see your post till now. Always thought about trying the Sobe but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am so picky about my cold drinks. Never used to be. I am a strictly peach tea girl. I have to have lots of ice and drink from a straw and I can get a lot of it in in a day. b/4 LB surgery, I drank plain Water. Now can't choke it down. What's with that????? Good going on trying though.

Sorry you hate Mondays. The attitude a person has about Mondays usually has nothing to do with anything other than what you KNOW is waiting for you once you walk in the door at work. Hugs:wub:

Apples - They are ok - I had a pear one that I really liked

I took my water to the gym last week drank the whole thing - so today took my grape crystal lite - drank it - so so far today 40 of Fluid - So only need 24 more oz..

Ya once Monday is over - it's ok - it's just seems to take me all day to even get in the groove of work..

Julie - you are going to have to take pic's of the remodel :0)

Well maybe a 2 piece - I don't really use my pool that much - and even with the kids here - I would be more comfortable in a one piece - And due to the whole boob issue - I have to have some support :0)

Well gang - back from the gym - arms today - had a good work out and Idrise was nice - well we all just stayed off certain topics ;0)

Melissa - How did the doctors go..

Eva Welcome home - I was thinking about you on Suncay...

LauraK - when's the next date :0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Ok Apples, no lavendar or butt bows. I was thinking tiger or leopard print for all you hotties.

Janet, not sure of date but we have been emailing about it so it should be soon.

Laura K

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Just got home from a day in Salt Lake. We left on a 6am flight this morning and got home at 8pm tonight. We had a walk through on our house with the builder. It's really going to be our's in a few days. We had 88 degrees here this weekend, must be the warmth Apples has today. SOOOO..... I left this morning in a summery shirt, khaki pants and sandals, I stepped off the plane in SLC to SNOW!!! It is the latest snowfall on record for SLC and I got to experience it. I was so cold, we ran into a Walmart by the house and I bought a cheap jacket on clearance for $4! If I never wear it again, it was worth the $4! I tried skimming the posts but no time to read and respond like I'd like. But I would like to say:

Jewel, CONGRATS on 50!!

PJ, WELCOME BACK! I hope you stay around!

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Karen - welcome back - thank you for your input, as well. It all helps me build my tool kit. Must admit, I had a slip last night. Went over my calories and got right back on plan today.

Julie - have a nice time with your grandsons and family.

Eva - welcome back.

Will catch up on posts later.

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Melissa, glad you're doing better. I think you needed to reach out. Don't wait so long next time. I'd still have a talk with your boss. Tell her you want to work with her so you won't both be so stressed.

Keep those OA posts coming ladies. That's OA the way I remember it. No nazis allowed.

On my best weight loss days this is what I eat. Someone else can add up the calories and carbs.

First, throughout the day I drink Decaf coffee with Splenda and 1/4 1% or for a splurge 2% milk, about 80-100 oz. Gives me constant source of Protein, some fat and low glycemic carbs. Satisfies my sweet tooth, keeps me hydrated.

I have an Atkins royal chocolate Protein Shake for Breakfast.

I might have a chocolate cherry Kashi bar for snack. Depends on if I'm craving food mid morning.

I have teaspoons of shelled salted sunflower seeds throughout the day. Stops cravings.

For lunch I have a 3 oz peel off can of either tuna or chicken. If no time to sit down I drink another protein shake.< /p>

mid afternoon I sometimes have a peel off cup of all natural no sugar added applesauce and maybe a low sodium v-8.

For supper I have meat and some veggies, either well-cooked (crisp veggies get stuck and are incredibly painful). Meat might be a small filet mignon, meat loaf, chicken breast or thigh, pork chop, lamb chop, Tailapia. Got eat it really slow but I tend to make sure I get 6-8 oz.Might have spinach salad instead of veggie.

Depending on Snacks during day I might have a couple of sugar-free Dove raspberry creme dark chocolates or small bag of sun chips.< /p>

I think I eat more than a lot of people but as I lost the weight my metabolism seems to jump up. Probably because my blood sugar has dropped to 102 so I'm probably less insulin resistant.

I go back to this basic food plan if I gain a couple lbs. It only takes a few days to drop the weight. I varied the amounts during weight loss. Some days I had no snacks. I'll bet I'm pretty close to Janet's recommendations.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Trps are trigger points in the muscle knots that are formed in reaction to some other event whether overdoing it, being in an accident, having surgery, having spinal issues, whatever. All of us probably have suffered from them at some point in our live. The frequently accompany fibromyalgia making it worse. They are generally more localized than fibromyalgia which is more generalized. They are not like an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis.

The trps can be felt like nodules inside muscle knots and when pressed will cause an involuntary yelp and twitch. The pain is often referred elsewhere in the body, sometimes to other latent trps.

It is often associated with TMJ (temporary mandibular joint) problems. The neck and shoulder were often mentioned.

Some treatments mentioned were moist heat, NSAIDs, anti-depressants, muscle relaxers, accupressure applied directly to the trps, dry needles inserted and manipulated in the trp (very painful), corticosoid shots directly into the trps, very gentle stretching, very gentle massage, very gentle exercising.

I'm thinking its no wonder chiro's and physical therapists made my neck worse, as did some massage therapists. They always wanted to overstretch, overmanipulate, and overdig into the incredible knots I had in my neck, shoulders, and back. Which only made my muscles react by tightening even more.

It's actually the covering of the muscles, the fascia, that seems to be the problem. The best I can describe it is that it almost seems to become like scar tissue, ropey and knotted and thick. That's my description based on what I read.

I actually use accupressure on those knots myself or if really bad have my husband dig his thumbs into them and press. I actually yelp and jump whenever he finds one. I can usually point to the most painful but as he works his way along the muscle he'll encounter others that elicit the same response from me that I didn't know were there.

I also use hot baths and showers to get relief and often apply heat at night. Sometimes I use hot wet washrags. I'm on NSAIDs, of course, and my Dr. added a muscle relaxer as needed.

I found for myself what works for me. They say it can take a long time and a lot of patience and persistence to do what needs to be done to find relief, especially in severe, highly debilitating cases.

That's my synopsis of what I read. There was, as always on the internet, some conflicting information, and some cures that seemed questionable, but that's the nature of the internet.

Treatments seem to consist of throwing the medical sink at the problem and hoping something sticks.

This is still a very new diagnosis, newer than fibromyalgia, and often confused with it, especially since they can go hand in hand.

I'm putting this out there because there are more of us who have been debilitated at times in our life by this problem.

One of the most interesting things I read said that lowering your carbs can lower the pain and help resolve the trps. I'd like to see the study that suggested that.


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you are so lucky to be able to eat ! I envy you and the foods you just mentioned are so alien to me .

Myself I am only able to eat butter pecan ice cream , NE Clam chowder , gatorade , Jello (small portions) coffee and water...Even with only these I am still deteriorating each day

What do you mean by deteriorating? Are you recently banded? So much of what you're eating is high sugar and carbs. No Protein at all. What's going on?

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Just wanted to stop in and say "hi"! I have been the worst LBT poster ever! So sorry! I think of all of you all of the time. Especially when I'm trying to explain to others how this whole thing works. You gals are the only ones that understand!

Love you!


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Hey everyone i went to the Doc I was 219 I confessed that I have been off track no working out eating crap . FYI it cost me $95 everytime I go to him. We talked for a little bit we did not tighten me cause I am tight as I can get and really the band is working if I eat correctly. He wanted me to stick with eating solid Protein 3ozs this will stay in my band longer and i will stay fuller longer. I asked about going back on shakes like I did in the begining but he said the shakes will go through the band faster however I stated I need to do something to get the crappy food out of my system. He said a shake is always better than reaching for junk food and if I wanted to do 3 shakes a day for 1-2 weeks than it is okay but he wanted me to work to get back with regular food. And to eat 1000 calories or less a day. 30 mins each day of exercise and keep my heart rate up the whole time. And he wanted me to start little bit of strength training. So all in all it was good and he was glad that i came and saw him instead of not seeing him at all.

So July 02 is my goal to be below 200

Thank you all for all your advice you are such wonderful friends.

I still went to work which was a good thing because my sister showed up and brought me a sonagram and told me she was 3 months pregnant she is due in Dec. I was so excited I cried. I can't belive it. She is 1 1/2 yrs yonger than me. I get to be an Aunt yeah!!! I love babies.


Congrats on being an Aunt - Maybe spending the $95 will help motivate you :0) - I spent alot to have surgery (my doc has a program fee) that and the fact that I had major surgery I think were my Ah Ha moments ;0)

You can do this - you truly can.. You just have to find out the reason you think you can't.. Move forward - heck maybe this new baby will be motivation ;0)

Next time you want to eat junk - think of me on your shoulder - what would I say... :0) you know the simon janet :0)...

xoxox J

Just got home from a day in Salt Lake. We left on a 6am flight this morning and got home at 8pm tonight. We had a walk through on our house with the builder. It's really going to be our's in a few days. We had 88 degrees here this weekend, must be the warmth Apples has today. SOOOO..... I left this morning in a summery shirt, khaki pants and sandals, I stepped off the plane in SLC to SNOW!!! It is the latest snowfall on record for SLC and I got to experience it. I was so cold, we ran into a Walmart by the house and I bought a cheap jacket on clearance for $4! If I never wear it again, it was worth the $4! I tried skimming the posts but no time to read and respond like I'd like. But I would like to say:

Jewel, CONGRATS on 50!!

PJ, WELCOME BACK! I hope you stay around!

Great - Weather is weird - we were cold and cloudy on Sunday - 26 degree below average..

you are so lucky to be able to eat ! I envy you and the foods you just mentioned are so alien to me .

Myself I am only able to eat butter pecan ice cream , NE Clam chowder , gatorade , Jello (small portions) coffee and water...Even with only these I am still deteriorating each day

- butter pecan Ice cream NE Clam Chowder - ????

Just wanted to stop in and say "hi"! I have been the worst LBT poster ever! So sorry! I think of all of you all of the time. Especially when I'm trying to explain to others how this whole thing works. You gals are the only ones that understand!

Love you!


Hey Meredith

Hugs & Love !!! How are you doing

Good Morning gang...

Drive by I gotta hit the shower

Have a Great Tuedays - will try and ck in later - boss out of town today - and it will depend on how often my other one walks by my desk ;0)

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Good morning sunshines!

Love all the posts... feels good to have everybody back. Glad everyone is safe and sound. Even some sweet smiles we haven't heard from in a while- Meredith and Pj. :biggrin:

I'm having a tough day today... my baby boy went on his first out of town field trip this morning! They are traveling an hour away to go to the Palm Beach Zoo. Parents are not allowed. It's the end of the year field trip that only the "Explorers" get to go on. (the older kids in his class- Montessori schools have 3-6 yr olds in the same class) He was sooo excited this morning! I had to fight back tears as he got out of the car. :unsure:

I am heading to the gym. I am trying to talk DH into us getting a "joint" trainer. One of the drs in his group (a female) is engaged to a trainer who has his own gym. I really think if we are both training it will help us both stay motivated. I told him though that if our schedules conflict then I will do sessions alone. We are going to check it out tomorrow. My old trainer is going through a divorce and canceled on me TWICE in the last two weeks. Uh, I don't have the patience for this.

I will have to wait until later to do comments. Hugs to you all! Have a great day!!!! peasout... Laura

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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