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Arlene, I take Vitamin D, 8000-10,000 mg/day. Little pills, 2000mg each. Easy to swallow. I had lapsed and wasn't sleeping well. Started sleeping much better after resuming taking them. But, I found I can't take them just before bed, then they give me too much energy and I can't fall asleep.

Don't know about the B-12 but I do take a daily Multi-Vitamin. Also, my Protein Drink is beefed up with Vitamins. Have to say the Vitamin D makes the biggest difference. Feel great with it. A lot less seasonal affective disorder. A lot more energy to get through the day. I'm also calmer.


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All done with my filling in as church sec'y. It was actually kindda fun. I left by 1 on a couple of the days.

I know I posted a long post yesterday and then asked a question at the end. So I'll ask again. I was told I was deficient in Vit b1 and D. I know they said one of them caused troubles with sleeping, does anyone know which one? And also they gave me an RX for both, but if the RX's are costly are the over the counter Vitamins just as good if I get the same dosage?? Thanks to anyone that might know.

My Vitamin D level was about 1/2 what it should be a year or so ago and came up nicely by taking over the counter Vit D. And I take over the counter B Complex and she's never told me I was deficient in any of the B's. So... don't really "know", but this is just my personal experience.

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Cheri--I am unfamiliar with any rules. We hardly talk about food, there is no reporting of what we eat, no weighing. If it didn't work for you, okay. But to make them wrong......?

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Cheri--I am unfamiliar with any rules. We hardly talk about food, there is no reporting of what we eat, no weighing. If it didn't work for you, okay. But to make them wrong......?

At the ones by me you weren't allowed to talk unless you had a sponsor who monitored your food plan and whom you were required to call at least once a day. They wanted you to call in any changes in your food plan and you weren't considered abstinate unless you followed your plan exactly.The rules kept multiplying.

I loved OA. It wasn't enough for me long-term, I needed the band. But I follow a lot of the mental attitude. I just can't find a meeting near me that hasn't been infiltrated and taken over by the nazis. I left these meetings so angry all I wanted to do was go out and bury myself in chocolate.< /p>

I liked the meetings where you applied the steps to your life and all issues in order to keep you from getting into the food as a way to deal with them. I found that very helpful. Those meetings seem to have disappeared.


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Cheri - Thanks for the reinforcement !!!

He gives me credit - but like you said he doesn't understand addiction - especially to food.. So I don't argue w/him too often - I have learned he's a know it all and I would be wasting my breath.. But somedays he pisses me off - I think he will leave me alone for a while - he needs the $$$ ;0)

Laura - WTG on the gym - I haven't been for 2 Saturdays - I am going in the morning come hell or high Water - One of the BIGGEST reason I keep my trainer - is just that it MAKES me go - and to me it's worth the $$$ - Otherwise - I would most likely try and skip more.. I do it - enjoy it some days and some days it's a chore.. I really haven't been good about my cardio in 2 or 2.5 weeks.. Well like I said - tomorrow morning gym !!!

Yep the computer can cut into our personal time - It takes a long time to read the post and respond :0) -

I remember the name pacman - but lately I haven't ventured to the main page - did today - but haven't in ages - I use to respond to the newbies all the time - but some times the ones who eat real food day 2 - or cry the blues that they aren't losing weight and they aren't eating correctly thinking the band is going to do it - just don't have the energy anymore - It's the one reason I started this thread - if someone needs help - they can come here and get it..

Linda - it's cuz he's a man - so he's an expert :0) - Prayers on DH up coming surgery...

Charlene - that's why accountability works and hopefully by the time you are done with it - you will have the exercise bug :0) it not the but then at least know that you have to exercise to maintain the weight loss..

Lol that Vitamins makes you gain weight - never heard that excuse before :0) lol - ya those 30 calories (what my chewables can add up to) really pack on the lbs .. too funny

Julie - Glad to hear you are feeling better - Just the reason you state is why I really don't want to get involved in helping out at our reunion - and as it stands now - I will be going on a family vacation the week after Thanksgiving and that's when the reunion is planned for 11/27

I don't have any plans - no graduations - My 1 niece is 38 - Nephew #1 43 #2 38 #3 27 #4 25 - I think Brooke graduates Kindergarden next Friday - But I won't be going ;0)

Gym - Nails - Eye appointment tomorrow are the only scheduled things - Need to go ck Bro's house there are boxes of his paper work than needs to be destoryed -

Phyl - LOL you are from Washington and you are tanner than me :0) - I'm tanned now but it's a bottle tan - not the real thing

Great -I answered your vit question - told you that the B was very expensive ;0)

Since we don't have the malabsorption issues - I think if you are consistent in taking OTC vitamins - you should be ok.. But again you gotta take them every day - 15 min of Sunshine will help in the D department - I have lapband chewables - that have everything we need and you can get their vit B 12 ones too and their calicum ones have D - the problem w/me is that I am not good at taking them..

As to sleep yep - one of the b's - 6 or 8 helps w/sleep - If I had the hebbe jebbies - I would take like 3 vit b complex and I would be able to sleep.

Joyce - Love your new plan !!! It will work - I think you know I am a firm believer in keeping a food log - For me it works - and now I know what the calories are in 98% of the foods I eat..

You don't have the luxury of exercise (do to your physical issues) - so that means that you will have to do w/less food - I guess that's why I could have rice w/my dinners and still lost the weight -

What's your daily calories been like - prior to you plan..

How's your restriction???

Judy - I know OA isn't WW or JC - what I was talking about was the advice to help w/our addiction - Clues on what to do when the urge to binge hits us.. How to give it to our high power.. I don't think any of us think you are trying to push OA on us - I think there are some of us (ME :thumbup: who have never been - all I know about it - is that it's like NA AA but for us food addicts ;0)

I think most of us are closet eaters and that's why we are night time eaters - I would say that most pple I have talked to here on this board (not necessarily this thread) are night time eaters

I love the grape - haven't tried the apple - I did find some lite cranapple drink that I like by whoever makes the cranberry juice drink - oceanspray I think..

Oh on pushing the limits of our bands - I think we all have at one time or another - the other night when I took the pic of my dinner plate - fish rice veggies - I was full after the fish - but I cleaned my plate...

Today at lunch ate my chicken - was full - today I did skip my veggies :0)

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Defeat is a school in which truth always grows str0ng.

-Henry Ward Beecher

Never in all my years of fighting it did I think I would admit to being defeated by food. When the illusion that I could eat like other people was finally routed, many other truths began to emerge. That was the beginning of recovery. EACH DAY I practice the program of recovery, more truth about myself is revealed to me. I welcome all of it, the worst as well as the best. Only when I know who I am can I make use of the directions that tell me how I can change.

For today: Any person or incident that shows me a truth about myself is of benefit to me.

:thumbup: Today, was a good day... I went to a retirement lunch for a dear friend. He served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 38 years! It was awesome to honour him with presentations and luncheon.

Now speaking selfishly, I did VERY well at the lunch. I looked around me and looked at what was on everyone else`s plates. It was a BUFFET type resteraunt... all you can eat...

Now in my prelapband days I would have said YEA-HAW... all the food I can eat!!!!

Well, with the band I have some control. I ate:

Breaky: 1/2 protien bar

Lunch: Green tea, peel and eat shrimp (4), fried shrimp (3), Teriaki chicken 2 oz. , 1 pc of Sushi, 1/2 roll w/Butter, and a small pc. of sugar free CHeesecake.

Dinner: 8 crackers, 25 g of cheese, raw veggies & dip of ff Cream cheese.

so all in all a very good day... It also reminded me of WHAT i would have eaten pre-band...

Buffets`s just don`t hold the magnatism for me any longer ......:smile:

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WTG Candice...

I love the quote !!!

Buffets - We the only time I really ate at them was Vegas and a few times here at our casino's - I could eat one plate but that was about it - I didn't like buffets cuz there was no left overs (you can't take a doggie bags) and my problem was cooking dinner for 4 - then eating it all nite long...

I am proud of you... You are really sticking to your plan!!!

My gf just called (the one who's SIL died yesterday) and she's on the way over - Don't know if I told you all about it - I think I did SIL accident at work - brain injury (brain dead) died yesterday left wife and 3 kids 18 16 13 - so I will be occupied and not in the kitchen... We yak yak yak..

She's here so ttyl


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Linda, the date is tomorrow (sat) we are meeting for lunch. This is all pretty scary for me, but I am trying it.

This is what I was told buffet stands for...

Big Ugly Fat Folks Eat There. I think of the statement everytime I've ever been at a buffet. Reminds me not to go there. Sorry if this offends anyone, not meant to.

Had a great day working with the kids on beautification day. Worked a total of 10 hrs from start to finish. I got my exercise in that's for sure, raking, pulling weeds, shoveling, hauling. My butt muscles hurt!!

Laura K

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LauraK - good luck with lunch date tomorrow. Congrats on all hard work and sore butt muscles.

Peaches (Candice) I loved the quote too. Keep them coming.

Janet - I'm still trying to decide if I'm too tight. Good restriction. After only 4 months, it is difficult to know what is the right feeling.

I AM able to exercise - just have to take it easy on knees. I'll post my daily totals to see how they measure up. What is your goal for grams of Protein, carbs and calories?

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Good evenings, well the good byes have begun and it's hard. Tonight DSIL & DBIL took us out to dinner and said good bye. It's gonna be a tough week.

Janet, thanks for the Vitamin help, I did see where you said B was expensive. I don't need B12, I need B1, I plan on vitamin shopping tomorrow. And will also ask how much my RX's are. Ive been very inconsistent on taking my Vitamins ever since my knee surgeries. They made me stop taking so much due to being on coumadin for surgeries and then I just got lax. I seriously need to get back to basics on vitamins, exercise and meals. Everything is very eratic right now and no consisentcy. My plan for that is big time change when I get moved in.

Judy, glad OA is working for you. We all need to do and find what works best for us.

Laura, enjoy the lunch date tomorrow.

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OK I must have miss some post - didn't know Melissa was struggleing or that Laura K had a date..

Melissa hugs - what is holding you back Well thats a dumb question janet - if she knew she could fix it..

Laura good luck on your date - who is he...

I got some message from some guy on fb - I think he's strolling fb to fiind a date - good looking - but looks younger than me - said bud - I live over 100 miles from you .. Plus I'm just not there... I like my singlehood..

Hope it goes well - let us know..

LauraK - good luck with lunch date tomorrow. Congrats on all hard work and sore butt muscles.

Peaches (Candice) I loved the quote too. Keep them coming.

Janet - I'm still trying to decide if I'm too tight. Good restriction. After only 4 months, it is difficult to know what is the right feeling.

I AM able to exercise - just have to take it easy on knees. I'll post my daily totals to see how they measure up. What is your goal for grams of Protein, carbs and calories?

Joyce - I only counted protein (60 grms a day) and calories - I usually only had what I call carbs/starches for 1 meal - I usually saved that for dinner (rice) - I don't count carbs per se - like yogurt (I eat the splenda sweeten stuff) I don't count the carbs in that - fruit - I don't count the carbs - to me carbs = starch bread potato rice Pasta -

I would eat oatmeal sometimes - but not often - and I may have some granola in my yogurt - but 1/4 cup wasn't enough for me to bother with.

In my weight loss phase I kept my calories between 800-1200 and varied them daily -

Good evenings, well the good byes have begun and it's hard. Tonight DSIL & DBIL took us out to dinner and said good bye. It's gonna be a tough week.

Janet, thanks for the Vitamin help, I did see where you said B was expensive. I don't need B12, I need B1, I plan on vitamin shopping tomorrow. And will also ask how much my RX's are. Ive been very inconsistent on taking my Vitamins ever since my knee surgeries. They made me stop taking so much due to being on coumadin for surgeries and then I just got lax. I seriously need to get back to basics on vitamins, exercise and meals. Everything is very eratic right now and no consisentcy. My plan for that is big time change when I get moved in.

Judy, glad OA is working for you. We all need to do and find what works best for us.

Laura, enjoy the lunch date tomorrow.

Great - Well I bet the b1 is expensive too and with all you got going on right now - I can truly understand being eradick and now consisentcy

Well gf left - I'm headed to the couch talk to you all tomorrow

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Good Morning Gang

Hope everyone got a good nite sleep - I'm up early (5 a.m) charging my ipod - headed for the gym !!!

Tried to eat corn on the cob - but gotta say that's one food that doesnt' go down well for me - I think part of it is the usually I am eating it too fast and not chewing well enough

Eva - you haven't posted lately - must be busy since you got back from your vacation.. Hope all is well..

Well just a quick ck in before I hit the gym - really could have used a little bit more sleep - but another cup of coffee and I will be raring to go..


Hugs J

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Linda, the date is tomorrow (sat) we are meeting for lunch. This is all pretty scary for me, but I am trying it.

This is what I was told buffet stands for...

Big Ugly Fat Folks Eat There. I think of the statement everytime I've ever been at a buffet. Reminds me not to go there. Sorry if this offends anyone, not meant to.

Had a great day working with the kids on beautification day. Worked a total of 10 hrs from start to finish. I got my exercise in that's for sure, raking, pulling weeds, shoveling, hauling. My butt muscles hurt!!

Laura K

Laura! I love it!! Big Ugly Fat Folks Eat Here... omgosh that was so funny.... and it was SO ME...before the band... thanks for the chuckle:tongue2:

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Good morning all,

Just wanted to make clear that I love the principles of OA and please keep posting. I still have my OA Odat. It's just the meetings around here that I don't like.

I also believe that making food plans and journaling food are very helpful for many people. Unfortunately, because of my ADHD, they are impossible for me to do, and trigger very strong emotional reactions in me because I've been shamed so much (by myself as much as anyone else) for not being able to do things like that. I can't keep a calendar or an organizer together. I forget to enter things, I lose them, I forget to check them, I check them or forget what's on them, etc. I took Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Effective People seminar and read his book 2 times. I had his planner, kept it filled for about 2 or 3 months, then less and less and eventually lost it.

Guess what? I'm still a highly effective person because I stopped trying to do what I've never been good at and hired people or married someone who does that for me. That leaves me free to do what I am really good at.

What bothers me about the OA's around here is the shaming that goes on, intentional or not, when people don't work the program according to the rigid requirements the "leaders" have come up with. OA is not supposed to have leaders, just like AA and Alanon have no leaders, but I don't think OA ever emphasized the 12 traditions like AA and Alanon do.

Oh well, such is life. I have found this thread, however, and the non-judgemental people on it. I will continue to be open about my inability to follow food plans or journal about them because I know there are others like me who have felt the same shame. And shame leads back into the food. And I don't want to go there anymore.

On another note, I have been researching something called Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It seems that things like injuries, surgeries, arthritis, temporary stress and long term stress, depression, poor posture, and a variety of causes can lead to trps? which are muscle knots in various parts of the body that cause localized and referred pain. It is usually present with fibromyalgia but is not the same as fibromyalgia and occurs without it, and can cause such constant, severe, debilitating pain, that patients go from pillar to post seeking relief and diagnosis and not finding it. Many doctors are not aware of it and don't know how to treat it. I'm pretty sure that I deal with that in my neck and shoulders. It became very acute after the fall I had in the gym. Does it remind you of anyone else?


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Cheri - you inspire me to get to know myself better. Your description of your strengths and weakness (journaling, calender issues) and the solutions - marrying or hiring others to handle for you. Excellent.

Janet - thank you for your response to amounts of calories and Protein. The journal I'm using was produced by Allegren and suggests 75 grams of protein per day. The nutritionist for my surgeon suggested more - up to 120 grams. I'll observe what works for me as I journal.

The health food store owner (who works with lapband and bypass patients) felt my carbs were too high and that might be my stall issue. He suggested Water, rather than milk in my morning shake. I'm trying 1 c skim milk & water.

Breakfast shake: Prot: 41 Carbs - 26 Cal - 342 (I add I ta of peanut butter)

scale was 200 today - come on 199. Haven't seen that number in about 10 years.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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