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Apples, enjoy your weekend at the lake, like I know you will!

Janet, hope the title issue gets worked out quickly. Is it perhaps time for a new trainer??

DH comes home today! This was his last trip out of town til after we move. We both go on Monday for the day to SLC for the walk through on our house and that's it. Will be nice to have him home for a whole week. I don't stress as much when he's around either so that should help me on the food issues I've been having too! I even baked Cookies, what the heck was I thinking? My kids were shocked that I baked, first time in ages.

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Arlene - way to go -- 3 more lbs. You are really doing well. Congratulations, gf.

Peaches - love reading the OA messages. I was also in that group in the 80's and enjoyed their direction and inspiration.

Lori - sounds like the movers have things under control. And you are keeping up with the papers from the mortgage companies.

Julie - I lost my post today too. So frustrating. It just would not send/post. grrrrr.......

Joyce, Thanks! I have a lot more to lose, but for once I want to complete a ticker. I will extend it after I get the next 3lbs off.

Peaches, Judy......how is the OA going? Last week in class we talked about our weight loss tool box. We have to use whatever tool necessary to help our journey . OA, nutrition class, journaling, exercising,LBT buddies......oh and the band. It just takes a lot of tools. Congrats! to both of you for finding another tool that works.:laugh:

Apples, hope you have a great weekend!

Great.......props to you for getting Cookies baked in the midst of a move......I am sure your kids will enjoy them.

Janet.....hope you have a good weekend too, and find time to relax.

Linda, yep, my bottom front teeth are sharp. I just noticed it since this Protein Shake diet. My mouth stays so dry, and I keep rubbing my tongue across them. I know......weird. My teeth feel like they are growing fuzz too....lol. I brush them all day long. I think the ketosis causes that gross feeling.

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Evening ladies,

Today I am doing well. I worked my upperbody as my workout. Totally forgot I had lapband support group.

Everyone has been telling me about this book called Women food and God. The author was on Oprah this week. I went to the book store and picked it up. It isn't reall lengthy but it should give me something to do while out of school. Haven't read any of it yet but it sounds intrestiing.

I have been focusing on getting my Water in and keeping carbs out. Doing really well with it. Gotta develop the habit. Hope yall are doing well today.

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Great – Cookie !!!! OMW yes you are stressed.. I had a candy bar this past weekend – but like I said I buy a candy bar and not a whole bag of candy.. Glad DH will be home..

New trainer – Well don’t know about that one – I think he’s just in one of his cocky moods.. He has a lot on his plate right now and if it all works out – he might not be training in the near future.. Vickey and I will continue to workout together- but cuz I pay someone – I go – not like my cardio days that I have been skipping lately cuz I have been out of town – or something to do right after work… And he’s cheaper than what I could get at 24hr fitness.. We got him to reduce his rate when I got furloughed..

Charlene – Rest is for the wicked :0) I have to get nails done – and go to bro’s house to get the stuff out that’s still their – I’m just going to worry about his paper work and that’s it.. The buy can deal w/the rest of Sis can come down and finish ..

You are doing so great on your shakes/weight loss – WTG on 3 lbs that’s SUPER..

Well drive by – gotta go before I get caught..


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Just a quick note before leaving for Bismarck.... Have a graduation reception this evening... DH is still working so have to go alone... I'm feeling a bit better in the flu area, but today the top of my shoulder (clavical, I think) up into my neck hurts... first real pain for 2 weeks, but only at about a 3 or so... I can take it as long as it goes away again.... the wind is blowing like crazy again, but the weather is in the 70's finally..... don't get to see my Mimi much anymore with all the new circumstances.... But she is here now... sleeping.... DD is getting a haircut..... Hope to talk to you all tomorrow.... Hugs to all........... Julie

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First of all, Julie, do you feel better? Hope so....

I am enjoying OA. I find that I am using my band for a tool much more than I have in awhile. I am doing high Protein, lowlowlow carb and my band helps me control quantity. When I ate---for lack of a better word, CRAP, the band said, "Slide on in!!! Find a place on her thighs or stomach!!" I am also working on stopping eating when I am no longer hungry instead of eating til I am full. No longer hungry comes before being full, so less eating there too.

I got the book Women food God and have just started it. One sentence has been an epiphany for me, but I need to "digest" it more thoroughly--"I am bigger than my pain." (The pain of what makes me overeat compulsively.)

I am about to go to the club for some dancing and socializing (but must be back before Grey' Anatomy!) I have decided that for today, I will not indulge in the Snacks provided at the club. I have some Crystal Lite with me. I can do this today.

xox judy

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Julie, glad to hear you're feeling better from the flu. Not sure what my problem is this week -- had a bad spell at the gym Tuesday -- after working out and doing my weight machines, had a bad vertego spell - got so nauseous I could barely get out the door, but got over it -- felt dizzy, but it got better later in the day. But have been so tired all week -- haven't been exercising -- decided maybe I needed some extra rest.

Arlene, wtg on the weight loss - great job!!

Laura, hope you're doing better too, that Aunt Flo has arrived for her visit. Good news on your Dad -- so happy for you and your family. Maybe now your mom will get some rest too.

Janet, your trainer is very opinionated -- a trend I see every night at work when the young men come to work -- they truly think they know it all. Sometimes it bugs me cause they have little in the way of real "experience", where we have truly experienced these things and have a different understanding.

Melissa, sorry you are struggling -- but I think the advice from OA is really helpful too. I'm really enjoying hearing some of the advice we have had on here recently.

Lori, hope the house issues are better today. We had a situation when we moved from LA - had a call the day after we fed exed our closing papers that they did not arrive -- we were on the road on the way to our new home and the moving van was going to arrive there in 3 days. We had spent several hours at our bank the day before signing before a notary (it took forever) which caused us to get a later start on our trip than we wanted. Long story, but they "found" those papers about 3 months later on "someone's desk" -- the ridiculous part of the whole situation is that they had sent us a pre-addressed fed ex envelope which we had used -- so we couldn't have made a mistake. I told them to check the routing number and they claimed they were told it was not in the system. We had to pay for a notary at a bank in Arizona to re-notarize papers -- luckily we had our "copies" from the day before). They reimbursed us later on (we had to send a letter asking of course) but the mortgage broker was very rude to us and acted like we were lying when we said we had fed exed them. The stress of that was unbelieveable. They ended up apologizing later, but it was pretty bad at the time.

Gotta run, just checking in. Will CBL.


Edited by ljv52

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Janet - I used a trainer twice a week for two years. He was highly educated and certified in everything. An ex-Marine too - and young. He was a great friend (spending that much time together) and a good person.

HOWEVER, he also sometimes pushed too hard and knew everything. He had me doing one legged squats which inflamed my left knee horribly. A year later I had a knee replacement - not caused by the exercise, but osteoarthritis and age. Sometimes he just would not ease up.

Overall, it was wonderful working with him. Glad you let your guy have it. grrrr...

Busy day for me - a marvelous massage, errands and spent time with 17 yr. old grandson & his friend. Then created an advertisement for granddaughter who is a hair dresser to promote her business.

Now will meet DH for dinner - fish, of course.

Dreary, rainy day in KC - but expecting 87 degrees on the weekend.


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Just came back from the club--no Snacks for me!

Good Job JUDY!!!! One day at a time.... nothing tastes as good as abstinence feels!!!:)

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Good evening. Today got of to a crappy (pardon my english) start. First got a call from my surgeon's office. I saw him a month ago. He ordered an upper GI to check my band and some labwork. I went on vacation, etc. I did miss one phone call and called back but hadn't heard anything since then. Well today I get a call and seems my band or rather my pouch is a tad dialated. They think I was a tad too tight, I didn't feel too tight, no reflux or anything. She also thought it could be from 'pushing the limits' of my band. To be honest it's probably that. She said they see it a lot in folks who are a ways out from surgery, getting complacent, pushing the limits etc. I am to measure my food at least once a week so I never forget what a portion looks like and since I am moving, she suggested I get a tad taken out of my band to be safe, which I did today. She said it was nothing to be alarmed about and if I follow the rules and with this unfill it should go back down to normal.

Then, I got a call from the mortgage company, we got our 'conditional approval' on the new home mortgage. They had 9 conditions on there! GRRR Stupid stuff. One thing showed on our credit report as an inquiry in April from our credit union. We had to issue a statement what it was. Well DUH it also shows the next day at said credit union that we got a car loan, it's reported on the said credit report even, but we had to tell them that as well. Also, they have a photo copy of the earnest money check on the new home, but they wanted a copy of the cancelled check, it's a cashiers check! It's guarenteed funds, they have my bank statement showing my balance, but no not good enough, I need something from the bank taht shows that amount of money going out to a cashiers check that day. Such stupid petty stuff. Our credit ratings are in the excellent category, we are putting over 50%down, we have the assets and yet still this. And of course they want it now.

Linda, we just went to a notary and did all that on the papers for this house. They said we forgot to include a page when we sent it back. I insisted we didn't. They discovered eventually, they never sent it.

At least DH is home now and can help me destress. I gotta get back to lapband 101 basics and get things under control. If I can keep it together for another week, I vow to be the perfect bander when I get to UT.

Oh another thing on my blood tests, I am deficient in Vitamin B1 and D. I can't remember but one of them can cause sleeping difficulties. That explains part of that. I never in my life have had trouble sleeping until lately. So she gave me RX's for both of them, one I only take once a week. Will check the prices of the RX's though vs over the counter. Wouldn't Vitamins be vitamins or is there an advantage to an RX one??

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Lori - sorry you had such a rough day. Re: Vitamins - Laura would be best to answer that question.

Re: mortgage company - we own 9 commercial buildings, our home and have other assets (our businesses). Had a small balance on 1 bldg. and the bank was making us jump thru hoops. So, we just paid it off too and told them to go fly a kite. We are a couple of old Jewish people who have worked our hearts out for a lifetime with perfect credit - but, alas - they kept asking. Try to be patient and just forge ahead.

Judy - way to go - no Snacks. You inspire me, girl.

dinner @ Houlihans - they have small plate salmon. Smaller portions and smaller prices. Still brought home 1/2 of 4 oz. portion.

Busy day in KC. Having lunch tomorrow with 31 yr old man who was banded on same day with me. Always enjoy his company.

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Evening ladies,

Today I am doing well. I worked my upperbody as my workout. Totally forgot I had LAP-BAND® support group.

Everyone has been telling me about this book called Women food and God. The author was on Oprah this week. I went to the book store and picked it up. It isn't reall lengthy but it should give me something to do while out of school. Haven't read any of it yet but it sounds intrestiing.

I have been focusing on getting my Water in and keeping carbs out. Doing really well with it. Gotta develop the habit. Hope yall are doing well today.

Jessica - I really do find the less carbs I eat the less I want - but I still have some - maybe just not every night like I did before..

You all who are reading Women Food & God - Share and Please also Share the OA stuff - I think it will be good for all of us...

Just a quick note before leaving for Bismarck.... Have a graduation reception this evening... DH is still working so have to go alone... I'm feeling a bit better in the flu area, but today the top of my shoulder (clavical, I think) up into my neck hurts... first real pain for 2 weeks, but only at about a 3 or so... I can take it as long as it goes away again.... the wind is blowing like crazy again, but the weather is in the 70's finally..... don't get to see my Mimi much anymore with all the new circumstances.... But she is here now... sleeping.... DD is getting a haircut..... Hope to talk to you all tomorrow.... Hugs to all........... Julie

Julie Safe trip and glad the pain isn't too bad... Talk to you tomorrow...

First of all, Julie, do you feel better? Hope so....

I am enjoying OA. I find that I am using my band for a tool much more than I have in awhile. I am doing high Protein, lowlowlow carb and my band helps me control quantity. When I ate---for lack of a better word, CRAP, the band said, "Slide on in!!! Find a place on her thighs or stomach!!" I am also working on stopping eating when I am no longer hungry instead of eating til I am full. No longer hungry comes before being full, so less eating there too.

I got the book Women Food God and have just started it. One sentence has been an epiphany for me, but I need to "digest" it more thoroughly--"I am bigger than my pain." (The pain of what makes me overeat compulsively.)

I am about to go to the club for some dancing and socializing (but must be back before Grey' Anatomy!) I have decided that for today, I will not indulge in the Snacks provided at the club. I have some Crystal Lite with me. I can do this today.

xox judy

Judy - Like I said before Share about OA - I think it can help all of us - I have never been - all my great knowledge comes from WW - Jenny Craig and whatever else diet out there - but never been to OA..

Yes you are bigger than your pain - I like that one

WTG at the club tonite -!!!! Proud of you for sticking w/your plan !!!

Julie, glad to hear you're feeling better from the flu. Not sure what my problem is this week -- had a bad spell at the gym Tuesday -- after working out and doing my weight machines, had a bad vertego spell - got so nauseous I could barely get out the door, but got over it -- felt dizzy, but it got better later in the day. But have been so tired all week -- haven't been exercising -- decided maybe I needed some extra rest.

Arlene, wtg on the weight loss - great job!!

Laura, hope you're doing better too, that Aunt Flo has arrived for her visit. Good news on your Dad -- so happy for you and your family. Maybe now your mom will get some rest too.

Janet, your trainer is very opinionated -- a trend I see every night at work when the young men come to work -- they truly think they know it all. Sometimes it bugs me cause they have little in the way of real "experience", where we have truly experienced these things and have a different understanding.

Melissa, sorry you are struggling -- but I think the advice from OA is really helpful too. I'm really enjoying hearing some of the advice we have had on here recently.

Lori, hope the house issues are better today. We had a situation when we moved from LA - had a call the day after we fed exed our closing papers that they did not arrive -- we were on the road on the way to our new home and the moving van was going to arrive there in 3 days. We had spent several hours at our bank the day before signing before a notary (it took forever) which caused us to get a later start on our trip than we wanted. Long story, but they "found" those papers about 3 months later on "someone's desk" -- the ridiculous part of the whole situation is that they had sent us a pre-addressed fed ex envelope which we had used -- so we couldn't have made a mistake. I told them to check the routing number and they claimed they were told it was not in the system. We had to pay for a notary at a bank in Arizona to re-notarize papers -- luckily we had our "copies" from the day before). They reimbursed us later on (we had to send a letter asking of course) but the mortgage broker was very rude to us and acted like we were lying when we said we had fed exed them. The stress of that was unbelieveable. They ended up apologizing later, but it was pretty bad at the time.

Gotta run, just checking in. Will CBL.


Linda My trainer is like 43 or 44 - not that young ;0) But a man ;0) and yes he is extremely opinionated Lo)

Janet - I used a trainer twice a week for two years. He was highly educated and certified in everything. An ex-Marine too - and young. He was a great friend (spending that much time together) and a good person.

HOWEVER, he also sometimes pushed too hard and knew everything. He had me doing one legged squats which inflamed my left knee horribly. A year later I had a knee replacement - not caused by the exercise, but osteoarthritis and age. Sometimes he just would not ease up.

Overall, it was wonderful working with him. Glad you let your guy have it. grrrr...

Busy day for me - a marvelous massage, errands and spent time with 17 yr. old grandson & his friend. Then created an advertisement for granddaughter who is a hair dresser to promote her business.

Now will meet DH for dinner - fish, of course.

Dreary, rainy day in KC - but expecting 87 degrees on the weekend.


Joyce your Trainer sounds like mine and he is 10 yrs younger than me ;0) - but he hasn't ever had me - over do anything - my left knee acts up sometimes - and I don't push it if I feel pain then I do short leg presses not deep and he's cool w/that - Right now I don't think he pushes me hard enough.. My Guys is xbody builder - xprision guard- xnurse (not a real nurse be a c.a some med training) ex-sales man - just a all around know it all.

Hope you have a great dinner w/dh

Just came back from the club--no snacks for me!
Good evening. Today got of to a crappy (pardon my english) start. First got a call from my surgeon's office. I saw him a month ago. He ordered an upper GI to check my band and some labwork. I went on vacation, etc. I did miss one phone call and called back but hadn't heard anything since then. Well today I get a call and seems my band or rather my pouch is a tad dialated. They think I was a tad too tight, I didn't feel too tight, no reflux or anything. She also thought it could be from 'pushing the limits' of my band. To be honest it's probably that. She said they see it a lot in folks who are a ways out from surgery, getting complacent, pushing the limits etc. I am to measure my food at least once a week so I never forget what a portion looks like and since I am moving, she suggested I get a tad taken out of my band to be safe, which I did today. She said it was nothing to be alarmed about and if I follow the rules and with this unfill it should go back down to normal.

Then, I got a call from the mortgage company, we got our 'conditional approval' on the new home mortgage. They had 9 conditions on there! GRRR Stupid stuff. One thing showed on our credit report as an inquiry in April from our credit union. We had to issue a statement what it was. Well DUH it also shows the next day at said credit union that we got a car loan, it's reported on the said credit report even, but we had to tell them that as well. Also, they have a photo copy of the earnest money check on the new home, but they wanted a copy of the cancelled check, it's a cashiers check! It's guarenteed funds, they have my bank statement showing my balance, but no not good enough, I need something from the bank taht shows that amount of money going out to a cashiers check that day. Such stupid petty stuff. Our credit ratings are in the excellent category, we are putting over 50%down, we have the assets and yet still this. And of course they want it now.

Linda, we just went to a notary and did all that on the papers for this house. They said we forgot to include a page when we sent it back. I insisted we didn't. They discovered eventually, they never sent it.

At least DH is home now and can help me destress. I gotta get back to LAP-BAND® 101 basics and get things under control. If I can keep it together for another week, I vow to be the perfect bander when I get to UT.

Oh another thing on my blood tests, I am deficient in Vitamin B1 and D. I can't remember but one of them can cause sleeping difficulties. That explains part of that. I never in my life have had trouble sleeping until lately. So she gave me RX's for both of them, one I only take once a week. Will check the prices of the RX's though vs over the counter. Wouldn't Vitamins be vitamins or is there an advantage to an RX one??

Great - I would hate to see my stomach - I bet it's stretched..

the vit B is expensive - I have nose spray $200 for 2 month supply you do it once a week - I do it about every other week - I just need to get better at taking daily vitimans - I even have some vit that are like crystal lite that I got at costco and I like it - but just forget..- I most likely need some d - might have something to do w/my mood :0)

Well gang 7:30 need to finish dinner - I have my choice bbq chicken or my left overs from last night chicken catatorri (sp) and salad..

Gotta see want Andrew wants with his - so I'll cbl...

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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