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Lori - I admire your offer to volunteer & help out and your desire to meet your commitment - however, the # of days was not specified AND your circumstance did not include an impending move when you agreed.

Would they be willing to find someone else for two of the 4 days to honor your change of situation?

Thanks to everyone for helping me join you on FB.

Cheri - thank you for sharing Breakfast amounts that are "normal" for you. I was considering an unfill, but now believe I'm in the sweet spot. It's difficult for us "newbies" to embrace the new "normal".

Karen - loved your observation about loving ourselves and finding serenity in our lives. My yoga journey began about 10 years ago and has provided the tools for me to embrace a new life.

Time for a snack.< /p>

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Happy Monday everyone!!!

Its been a great day here, weather is warmer!!! and an old GF of mine called today and we got together for coffee ( and I do mean coffee, ,,, only!! I ate no JUNK)

Day #3 of my abstinance and so far so good... I am trying to just FOCUS on Today and not look to far into the future, that is where I get bogged down.CALORIES;CARBS;FAT;PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg771;42;35;66

I have a planned snack for tonight of 150 cals.

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Happy Monday everyone!!!

Its been a great day here, weather is warmer!!! and an old GF of mine called today and we got together for coffee ( and I do mean coffee, ,,, only!! I ate no JUNK)

Day #3 of my abstinance and so far so good... I am trying to just FOCUS on Today and not look to far into the future, that is where I get bogged down.CALORIES;CARBS;FAT;PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg771;42;35;66

I have a planned snack for tonight of 150 cals.

Peaches...congrats on the great food day. We are all so different on what works for us. The trick is to find what makes you stay on track and accountable. Hope each day comes easier for you.:thumbup:

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Way to go Peaches.

Karen - Memorial Day at the lake sounds wonderful. Old fashioned, good, clean fun.

Bought tickets for movie "Sex and the City" for the 28th. For DD & her GF to join me. Will go to Forks and Screen theater so we can enjoy meals and drinks with in seat service. Love it.

Went for coffee with another bander & she shared her Mediterranean (sp?) cruise memories. Two weeks and wonderful trip. Lost 3 lbs. while gone.

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Hey there! I am getting banded on May 27th and I am your age size and weight... I am very determined to do this but my doctor kept saying I should do bypass... it is quicker.. all that jazz. But it scares me!

You seem to have done well.. did you have any health problems that went away? if so how long to see these changes... *( how may pounds I should say) and are you glad you did the band! thanks so much!

Welcome Ninababy

Determination is half the battle - if you keep that motivation you will succeed - and you can keep it - the power to live a healthier life is in your hands you can do it..

I asked my doc which surgery would be best for me - (I had to fill out a questionnaire of foods I ate) he said - I would do fine with lapband..

#1 it's not about how fast you get the weight off - it's about keeping it off - neither lapband nor bypass are guarentees that you will keep the weight off - the surgeries don't make you lose the weight - you and your choices are what makes you lose the weight. WLS is just a tool it doesn't do it for you - You can walk into any WLS doc's office and find pple who have gained all their weight back -

I am very happy with my band - didn't have a problem getting to my sweet spot and I realized that this isn't about dieting but eating healthy - diets don't work - this is truly a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating and exercise habit..

We can never go back to eating "normal" - "Our normal" is what got us fat in the 1st place.

I was on 2 blood pressure meds - got off one right after surgery - can't tell you when - it's almost 3 yrs..

What I can tell you is I feel 10 yrs younger - have 100% more energy - Heck last March (09) went zip lining in Mexico - could have never done that when I weighed 250 lbs..

I lost my weight pretty fast (within the 1st yr - was at my goal of 145 at 1 yr 1 week) and lost the other 7 by just keeping up my healthy eating and exercising - I was fortunate not to have any phyiscal limitations that kept me from exercising - the 1st 8 months I walked the treadmill 4-5 x a week - then got a weight trainer - now do weights 2xweek and cardio 1 or 2 times a week.

Gook luck to you - hope you come back..

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Great - enjoy the lobster for me - we don't have a red lobster around here - have to go all the way to San Bernardino (70 miles)

Joyce - Yep our new normal is hard to adjust too - I myself don't want to be so tight that I can only eat 1/2 cup of food - mentally i need at least 1 cup per meal - and even then I still want more food even though I'm full..

Can't wait to see Sex in the City 2 - but will most likely wait till the crowds have thined out - or go to an early show - I hate crowded threaters..

Laura - Hugs on Dad...

Who asked what concert I went to -Earth Wind & Fire... Old School - well hell most of us here are old school :0)

Peaches - WTG on not eating junk when having coffee w/GF - WTG on those calories !!! What did you do for exercise today??

Phyl - You could most likely give lessons on Water arobics

Apples - Sounds like you had a good weekend - has DS made up his mind about going overseas?? I agree there is no bad food to a degree- I don't allow food in my house that I have no control over - but if I'm at a birthday party - I have a little cake - but a cake or bag of candy isn't sitting on my counter - cuz if it was there - I would walk by a few times but after a while - one would turn into the whole thing being eaten..

I give myself credit for knowing my weakness and strong enough not to bring the stuff in the house..

Yesterday - I bought 1 candy bar - I ate - didn't feel bad about it - but had there been more in the house - it would have been gone..

Jessica - No I haven't had that pain - you may have over done something - give it a rest and if it keeps acting up - go see the doc..

Judy - I saw part of the show - I have been suggesting the book to my GF who's struggling- I didn't watch the whole show - but what I did love was the quit dieting - Like Apples said - it's about moderation - not depriving - it's about being healthy..

Julie - Glad you are doing better - sure hopw you don't get sick too..

Well need to go feed the dogs..

oh - great lf cheese at Costso - Cabot white cheddar - eat square is 50 cal and it's GOOD !!! It's in a yellow bag by the sliced cheese -

Food today

BF 2 servings of the Cabot cheese 100 cal - then 10 crackers 80 (the are made from nuts/rice - 16 cracker 130 cal)

lunch 2 tempura shrimp w/wasaba green Beans - watermelon

snack - 1 cheese

dinner fish veggies popcorn & sherbert

1 hr weight training - arms

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Hey everybody....trying to catch up with the posts, but too many.

Julie, glad to hear you got a little relief....I completely understand and I really hope your insurance company gets their stuff together and lets you get what ever it is you need for releif. I'm getting pretty tired of my foot and leg pain and this trip has not been nice to me in regards to that....so do what you have to do to feel better.

Judy, I've seen you lurking on the thread....glad to see you recognized your issues and are taking the steps you need to help yourself. Stay in touch.

Janet, we need you as our straight talker...it's refreshing and honest and thank you for being here. I was amazed to read you took a sick day....I didn't think you ever did that. (I know it was probably a few days ago....but I'm trying to catch up).

Great, congrats on the house....can you post pictures of the house on this thread too? Maybe I can get to FB also...maybe not tonight.

Jessica....you look amazing and your pictures are really cute of your family.

Joyce, thanks for the well wishes. Yes you need to see your doctor if you are too tight....it causes too many serious problems.

Jodi....my you are one busy person. I can just imagine you running from one place to the next getting all that you do done. Good job on the mini makeover....do you still like it?

Laura, Linda, LauraK, Melissa, Apples....and anyone else I've missed, HI!!

I'm in Tyson Corners just outside of Washington DC. DH has already fallen asleep and I wasn't tired yet, so I had to try and catch up....not really possible.

I got stuck in Dallas again....I texted Janet, but don't know if she got it....remembering our really fun time in Dallas in February. DH and I rented a car and found a hotel room for a very short night. We finally got to Regan National airport in DC just before noon and got to our concert a little after 3pm...we missed a couple of the bands, but we caught Sam Bush, John Hiatt, and David Bromberg. We bought VIP tickets and it was worth the money....they had seats and fed us very good sandwiches, Cookies, and tea, Water, and lemonade. It was beautiful weather too.

Our luggage didn't go with us...it went to Baltimore (where we were supposed to go). We ended up having our suitcase delivered to my SIL's in Annapolis and we caught up with it on Sunday. Three days in the same pants and I was very ready for a shower and clean clothes. I had a spare t-shirt, under pants and socks, but DH only had a spare t-shirt, so we ended up washing out our "undies" in the sink and drying them with a hair dryer...we thought it was pretty funny.

Had a nice visit with SIL and then met up with my brother and his wife in McLean (next to Tyson Corners) tonight. Tomorrow we are going to try and go to the spy museaum in DC and then off to BWI so we can fly to Arkansas on Wednesday.

Once again, don't know when I can check in again but will try to do so when we get free internet.

Take care,


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Lori...Happy Birthday...hope you had a wonderful day!!

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Eva - travels sound like so much fun - even with lost luggage and delays. Guess I'm ready to travel again. Enjoy yourself.

Janet -- thanks for sharing your menu for the day. Helps me get an idea of portions and meals.

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Good Morning to All!

Eva...sounds like you are having a wonderful trip...delays, lost luggage and all. Who would have thought that you would be delayed in Dallas again???? Didn't get enough of it the last time??? Hope to hear from you, but, if we don't, enjoy!

Another busy day on the farm. Up at 4:15, lunches are packed, Breakfast has been had and DH is in the field planting.

Had a short, short night. Kidney stone hit about 6pm and passed the sucker about 3am. It wasn't as bad as some but still kept me awake some. Just happy I passed it cuz there could be no slowing down today.

Going to plant all my flowerbeds today. One of our soldiers that just returned from Iraq opened up a greenhouse and flower shop with his wife. Went there yesterday because wanted to support them. We have a huge greenhouse business just 1.5 miles from us but it is very spendy and NEVER get a thank you at the cash register. Anyway, picked up a truck load of beautiful plants. I am so excited.

I feel so flighty when I am home and trying to catch up with you girls. Didn't take notes when I was reading your posts so did not even hardly "talk" to each of you. So sorry. I guess it's just going to be hit and miss this week and maybe for a bit.

Janet...we asked DS to at least wait till the next training session in Sept to make his decision. Not a small deal to comit to 2yrs and just want him to be sure. That's all I asked of him. If he wants to go, we need to support his decision. I'm not happy about the fact he might be over there but his life. He's young, single (yep...again) and cannot hold them back.

Will check in later...getting a call to run to feild

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Good Morning Gang

Eva - Ya I got your text - read it while at the eye doc on Friday - was going to respond after appointment - but then got busy doing other stuff.

OMG Dallas... Sounds like another fun night mare - I guess we all know now to take carryon w/extra clothes - I usually do carryon on just cuz I hate waiting for luggage and afraid of it getting lost...

Glad you enjoyed your concert - never heard of those pple .. But I guess my music repotroie (sp) isn't as big as yours ;0)

Yep I took a sick day - haven't done it in years - When I was younger I did it almost every Monday lol.. Now I can't tell you the last time I took one..

Glad you are home safe..

Joyce - I was going to take a pic of my dinner last night ;0) to post - but was to lazy and hungry... had about 1/4 c rice 1/4 c green bean and 4 oz of fish - I was full - then had a small ice cream cone before bed..

Apples - Glad DS is going to take a little time to make his decision - we don't want him doing anything rash 2 yrs in a very dangerous place isn't where we want him ;0) Hopefully something else will peak his interest ;0) - Hugs on the kidney stones.. Glad it was short ..

Well off to the showers - cbl hugs gang

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Janet...just gotta correct you on your Dallas airport "nightmare" comment...No...not nightmare...they are called flightmares!

What a great idea to post some photos of the average LB meals on here for ppl that are fairly new and wondering. Think you should do that the next time you are not too hungry and too tired. I would need to post about 15 diff meals since I eat every hour or so. LOL. Too embarrassed to post what a "normal" day is for me. Already had 750 cals in by 7am. Still hang at the same weight no matter what I do. Have accepted every aspect of my new life though and no worries.

I'm going to say this AGAIN just cuz I feel like I have to get it off my chest. Nothing you guys do to make me feel this way...believe me...all me. I don't allow myself to share what I eat and what a normal menu is for me because I am different than most. I actually feel "abnormal" and out of the loop sometimes. And, I don't share much cuz I in NO way want any new ppl or anyone lurking thinking the way I eat is the norm. Just had to get that out. I don't feel lucky or blessed because I, too, have to keep a running total of what I eat just to make sure I get enough in each day. Make sense to you guys why I feel this way?

We haven't had a "Topic of the Day" since the last time Laura suggested one. Gonna think for a few to see if I can come up with something interesting (always a good way to get to delve into what you all are like).

OK...here goes...Share what you feel is your best personality trait. Something you really love about yourself. Share anything...don't feel like you are being arrogant or braggy...just share and be proud of that trait that you admire.

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Best Personality trait - Don't have the faintest :thumbup:) Speak the truth (well at least my truth ;0) - not phony - Approachable most of the time - loyal ..

Apples - we all know that you have a great metabolism - in fact hyper-active ;0) - no worries here about what you eat

I'll take a picture tonite ;0)..

Well off to work - cb when I can..

Have a great day everyone - it's windy here and I dislike the wind ;0)

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Best Personality trait - Don't have the faintest :)) Speak the truth (well at least my truth ;0) - not phony - Approachable most of the time - loyal ..

Apples - we all know that you have a great metabolism - in fact hyper-active ;0) - no worries here about what you eat

I'll take a picture tonite ;0)..

Well off to work - cb when I can..

Have a great day everyone - it's windy here and I dislike the wind ;0)

Approachable...one of the reasons I came to this thread. I had followed some of your posts early on, Janet, and I KNEW I could ask anything and you would be open and honest with your answers. :thumbup:

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First, thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday, they meant a lot. My birthday is one that gets missed a lot for some reason, but even my MIL called me yesterday! I did go out for lobster last night and I ate the whole thing. I was amazed and a little scared by how much I could really eat last night, I had my whole lobster, half a potato and then ice cream on the way home. And unfortunately, I love my lobster dripping in butter. Good thing birthdays come only once a year! No guilt, enjoyed it, and today is a new day.

Today I am hopefully meeting Grandma to take her shopping and to lunch. We only have this week and next before I am gone. But she scheduled a dr appt this morning so the plan is for me to pick her up when she is done.

For my volunteer job at the church this week, when I go tomorrow I am going to ask them about maybe not coming in on thurs. or just for a few hours that day. I got most of the stuff done yesterday and the main thing left is the Sunday bulletins/newsletters and the pastors sermon notes which can be done mostly on Friday. Hopefully my friend that I am supposedly helping out, that is only working today gets most everything else done today. She actually asked me to work half of today too. LOL All I can say is this must be one heck of a graduation party that she is planning this weekend for her son that she can't work anymore. LOL

Gotta find a Fed Ex drop off this morning, we got all the papers signed and notarized that they sent us for the closing on this house. Dang them though, they forgot one form, so they emailed it to me today, however, DH just got on an airplane for Vegas and won't be back til Thurs. to sign it. I hope it doesn't hold things up, it's not our fault!

Nina, welcome. I had the band 2 yrs ago next month, in the first year I lost 126 lbs. There's been no looking back for me. I had high blood pressure and was off my medication within 2 weeks of surgery. My cholesterol has gone done and all my 'numbers' are good.

Eva, you are going to know that Dallas airport well.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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