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DD is not thinking move, she is in school mode and only thinking that & grad day when we all come up. Her advisor suggested she have them delay for a month. Also she wants to be home for my nieces grad party to see everyone.

I'm am not sure how the movers work. They said they would pay to move 10,000 lbs of household items. I'm getting this all thru her so I'm not sure if she has to hire a mover or they do. They are sending all the paperwork to my home as it is so close to her moving home.

You know kids put it off, can't multi task like us moms. Its getting frustrating to me, guess I'm anal about planning the whole thing. I just keep telling myself take a deep breath, her life. ahhhh gotta love them. (I think) lol

The route I mapped, already, shows us going right thru SLC.


Laura K

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Julie - congratulations on compliment. It means so much to have hard work recognized. You have a great attitude.

Question: my doctor advises 24 hr. liquid, then 24 hrs. mushies after a fill - before returning to normal food. What is the reason?

Has anyone seen Food, Inc.? I just watched it and found it very disturbing. Wonder how much is true.

Cold, rainy and dreary in KC today.

Good day for a nap.

My surgeon requires 2 days liquids 3 days soft. He says that he makes it tight and that after a few days it relaxes and losens up.

I didn't think about all that I have accomplished with the move thanks for reminding me.

I have seen the movie Food INC. I had to watch it in film class. It is very disturbing how the farmers and animals are treated.

I passed my microbiology lab test.YAY! Had my last film class last night. One more lab in microbiology left. Micro lecture and Anatomy still have 2 weeks of work left. In anatomy we are behind schedule. I think she is trying to cram 3 weeks of class into 2. I feel a little rushed but I have more time now that film is over.

I have been using the workout room this week and eatting what I am suppose to. Eatting fish for lunch right now. Should see some loss soon. Did my grocery shopping this morning, Still no junk food in the house. Not even sugar. I have even got my husband drinking tea with splenda. He is watching the scale go down too. He even used the treadmill this week.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous about moving out. Wasn't sure if I could handle keeping the house clean without the maid. I have been really good though and my house is actually staying clean. Hubby even vaccumed and did some dishes. Laundry is done. We do love it here. The geese around our pond have had babies. They are so cute. I can walk around in my PJ's. Take a shower when I want and do laundry when I need to.

I have signed back up for this website called flylady.net. It is a website that teaches you how to keep the house clean efficently. Everything is done 15 minutes at a time. I totally recommend this site to people who need guidance in the housekeeping department, if they tell me they are struggling of course. It is all in the planning. Just like our lapband journey.

No plans today. It is my day off. Maybe I'll get in the pool.

Love you guys.

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Eva and Lori, thanks for the heads up on the weather. It is starting. I woke up at 3am this morning with slight aches. I took my FM med at 4am and went back to sleep till 6am. This is the weirdest syndrome. It all hinges around the weather change.......kinda like allergies. Sunday is going to be cool and sunny.

I made the best shake this morning. Two scoops of chocolate Protein Powder, 3 squirts of Da Vinci sf almond Syrup, and a half a cup of frozen blueberries....of course with Water and ice. It was YUUUMMMMYYYY!!!! My Majic Bullet is really getting a workout. I hope it holds up.

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Lori, sorry that I forgot to congratulate you on your 31st wedding anniversary - that is a wonderful accomplishment. It's wonderful that you and DH are still so much in love. Such a good example for your kids. Please don't get snow today -- ouch - I don't want that coming my way.

Julie, I can't believe how much the girls look like each other. They'll get along better when they get used to the idea. Both of them are just feeling insecure -- it's probably pretty scary for both of them. It's nice they'll grow up with each other -- they'll probably end up being very close. How far apart in age are they?

Janet, hugs on the sister issues. I feel so bad for you - sometimes life just sucks and you have to "survive" - I know it's tough but you are one tough lady and can handle anything I know,. I'm so proud of you for not resorting to the eating -- congrats on saying "NO" to the donut. It wouldn't have tasted very good anyway you know.

It's a cold rainy day here. I woke up with lots of pain. My fibromylgia is bad today but I've had a twinge in my shoulder blade area the past few days and now my back is spasming as well - so I got up at 5:00 when the alarm went off but was hurting so bad I just got back in bed until 7 and got up for work. I'm taking arthritis strength tylenol as well as a muscle relaxer and I still hurt. It's the worst day I've had in a very long time. Arlene, sorry you too are having the same kind of day. Hope you feel better soon too.

LauraK, is your route taking you through Iowa? If so I'm only a short distance from I-80. Would love to meet you if we can work it out.

Jessica, so happy you are settled in - sounds like you are thriving in your own place. I'll have to check out that website -- maybe pick up some new tips -- never too old to learn new tricks. Good going with your school classes and your exercise and eating -- keep up all the good work.

Welcome BattleKat, hope you'll let us know what you eat so someone here can try to help you. I've been stuck at the same weight for seems to help. I think sometimes our bodies just do what they want to do. Sometimes we just have to exercise a lot of patience. Let us know if your surgeon had some ideas for you.

I also love JDRobb books -- I think I've read all of them or if not, close to it.

Apples, I laughed so hard at the branding story. Part of my finding it funny is cause I was deathly afraid of bulls -- I would be so certain that they would stampede me -- maybe cause I was small -- but I would not even want to walk to the barn if the bulls were within a half mile of the barn. The last thing I would have done would have been to poke one with a hot stick. LOL. Boys will be boys I suppose.

Julie wtg on the skinny comment - I'm so happy for you - that should make you feel terrific cause you've worked hard for your loss and I'm so happy you are finally hearing some positive affirmations about it -- it means so much coming from people who knew us "before" -- congrats and be proud of it - you deserve it girl!!

Joyce hope you're having a great day down in KC. I'm keeping my fingers crossed we can get together with Eva this summer. I'd so love to meet some of my band sisters in person!

Cheri, sorry you had such a tough time with the choir. Unfortunately that sort of thing does happen but I'm sorry they took it wrong -- I think it hurts worse cause you "know" them and they should "know" you didn't mean it that way. Hope it gets better soon.

Hi to all the rest of you, sorry, I'm have CRS this morning.

Well, gotta go, hope everyone has a great Friday.



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Lori, sorry that I forgot to congratulate you on your 31st wedding anniversary - that is a wonderful accomplishment. It's wonderful that you and DH are still so much in love. Such a good example for your kids. Please don't get snow today -- ouch - I don't want that coming my way.

Julie, I can't believe how much the girls look like each other. They'll get along better when they get used to the idea. Both of them are just feeling insecure -- it's probably pretty scary for both of them. It's nice they'll grow up with each other -- they'll probably end up being very close. How far apart in age are they?

Janet, hugs on the sister issues. I feel so bad for you - sometimes life just sucks and you have to "survive" - I know it's tough but you are one tough lady and can handle anything I know,. I'm so proud of you for not resorting to the eating -- congrats on saying "NO" to the donut. It wouldn't have tasted very good anyway you know.

It's a cold rainy day here. I woke up with lots of pain. My fibromylgia is bad today but I've had a twinge in my shoulder blade area the past few days and now my back is spasming as well - so I got up at 5:00 when the alarm went off but was hurting so bad I just got back in bed until 7 and got up for work. I'm taking arthritis strength tylenol as well as a muscle relaxer and I still hurt. It's the worst day I've had in a very long time. Arlene, sorry you too are having the same kind of day. Hope you feel better soon too.

LauraK, is your route taking you through Iowa? If so I'm only a short distance from I-80. Would love to meet you if we can work it out.

Jessica, so happy you are settled in - sounds like you are thriving in your own place. I'll have to check out that website -- maybe pick up some new tips -- never too old to learn new tricks. Good going with your school classes and your exercise and eating -- keep up all the good work.

Welcome BattleKat, hope you'll let us know what you eat so someone here can try to help you. I've been stuck at the same weight for seems to help. I think sometimes our bodies just do what they want to do. Sometimes we just have to exercise a lot of patience. Let us know if your surgeon had some ideas for you.

I also love JDRobb books -- I think I've read all of them or if not, close to it.

Apples, I laughed so hard at the branding story. Part of my finding it funny is cause I was deathly afraid of bulls -- I would be so certain that they would stampede me -- maybe cause I was small -- but I would not even want to walk to the barn if the bulls were within a half mile of the barn. The last thing I would have done would have been to poke one with a hot stick. LOL. Boys will be boys I suppose.

Julie wtg on the skinny comment - I'm so happy for you - that should make you feel terrific cause you've worked hard for your loss and I'm so happy you are finally hearing some positive affirmations about it -- it means so much coming from people who knew us "before" -- congrats and be proud of it - you deserve it girl!!

Joyce hope you're having a great day down in KC. I'm keeping my fingers crossed we can get together with Eva this summer. I'd so love to meet some of my band sisters in person!

Cheri, sorry you had such a tough time with the choir. Unfortunately that sort of thing does happen but I'm sorry they took it wrong -- I think it hurts worse cause you "know" them and they should "know" you didn't mean it that way. Hope it gets better soon.

Hi to all the rest of you, sorry, I'm have CRS this morning.

Well, gotta go, hope everyone has a great Friday.



Linda, I didn't know you had FM too. So sorry to hear that especially since you live in colder climate. Now I am worried about my 86 year old mother. I just called her and she is aching and has chills. She says it is the weather, but she has a bad heart. She says her chest does not hurt. Hopefully, it is the weather.

I take muscle relaxers about once a month when other stuff doesn't work. Take care!.....stay warm!

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Linda, I will let you know on the route. The one I did shows us going I-80 for over 1200 miles.

Laura K

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Hi gang, I'm home from my trip to Bismarck again... This treatment seemed good again, heavy on the acupuncture today... I'm hoping to get some relief from it all now.... Otherwise another long weekend ahead for me... Lots of activities to do and don't want to do them in pain.....

Did a little shopping... looking for carpet for DD and paint swatches for me.... I stopped at a thrift shop and picked up a bunch of summer clothes for the girls... My stash is exhausted and DD is terrible about bringing things back.. I had to put her same pants on today to get her to daycare because DD brought no clothes for her... She just counts on me to have stuff... So I spent $9 and got lots of shorts and shirts... They both wear about the same size... Bailey is 8 months younger than Mimi, but wears a bigger shoe and is about as tall....They are going to look like twins for the most part......And Bailey is nearly potty trained.... Mimi just growls at you if you bring it up... We have taken her sipper cup away and reduced her liquid intake so she was dry overnight.....

Had lunch with a friend and that was nice.... Now I'm home and really wanting a nap.... Talk to you all later... Julie

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Standardized testing-not.

My African-American students don't know what the word tan means. LOL. It's a white thing.

Also, poor prenatal care, single mothers forced to work and putting their kids in crappy daycare, lead in paint and Water pipes in old city houses, non-standard English at home or with caretaker and a large street vocabulary but small standard English vocabulary, little experiential exposure outside the "hood", whoopin's as the first line of discipline rather than reasoning and logical consequences, frequent fight or flight hormones pumping through the brain taking precedence over training the brain for academics: how the heck can you create a standardized test for these children? Test them on street smarts? Watch them hit the ground when they hear a gunshot while the dumb white teacher stays standing? (Wasn't me.)Test them on how fast they can react to a dangerous situation? Test them on how cleverly they can "treat" (insult) someone else? Test them on how well they can rap using non-standard English? Test them on how well they can use strategy to bring a ball down a basketball court?

I could go on and on. My whole job is paid for by the federal government in order to help bring up these kids scores on standardized tests. Whose standards?

Our young white RCS science teacher from Arizona recently went to a nearby forest preserve that's had a bad reputation since I was a young person. She went to collect pond water. White girls go where angels fear to tread. Survival skills-0.

Janet, is part of the problem with work that you're trying to cram 5 days of work into 4 days? Maybe that's the point you need to make with your bosses.

Julie, glad you're trying to be "good." We're all worried about you. As much as I hate keeping logs or diaries, I was thinking that maybe you need to do that with your activities so you can see patterns and find which activities make your neck and shoulder flare up either immediately or within the next few days. Or it could be a combination of activities.


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Morning friends,.....slept in til 8:00 today.... got to sleep about 1:00 I'd say... Pain was tough before that, but finally settled down so I could sleep. Cheri, you probably have a good idea about trying to pinpoint what it is that starts the pain up, but I've been doing that already and I can't come up with any one thing... Dr. told me anything repetitive would be bad... anything with any pulling at all was bad, like taking wet clothes from the washer..... Seems like such a little thing... I do think that when I have a treatment ( chiro or acupunture) it aggrivates things, but then is better the next day... We'll see how today goes now, if that rings true or not.....

DH just came and wants me.......time to start pulling old carpet and knocking down the wall... He's anxious to get started... I'd better go...... NO, I won't do anything to help, just supervise..... Bye... Julie

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Good Morning Chicks

Cheri - I only have 1 furlough day a month now - they did get that we can't do the work in 4 days - It's that my other boss has adhd like you - he's very unoriginized - something that should be touched once is touched 10 times.. and we are talking about accounts that pay like $200-400 commission so the more times I have to touch the file the less $$$ we make..

Jewel - back in the old days us girls were taught how to clean house ;0) - not a skill that the younger ones seem to know now a days that and cooking - if you clean as you go - it saves you in the long run - as you are brushing your teeth wipe down the counters etc ;0).. Glad you are getting the hang of keeping your own house - WTG on your test !!!

Linda - Ya didn't know you had FM - I have a gf at work who has it too - Gosh - I must be very lucky - no major aches or pains.. How's you DD doing w/her sugar??

LauraK Here you on planning and kids waiting til the last minute but it will all work out - just not on our time tables ;0)

we never stop being mom's ;0)

Julie - When Andrew was little and was with me for 3 days a week - I had clothes for him too cuz what ever I sent him home to his mom in - never came back... How did you sleep last night

Charlene - choc & blueberries & almond - well the choc and almond sounds good

dinner was nice last night - had 1 lamb chops - 3/4 of a pomergrante martine - couple bites of bread - 1/4 of salad - serving of cream spinch and of course ate the dessert when I got home - had them box it up - wasn't going to waste a 2 inch sq of choc cake ;0)

Off to the gym at 8 - dogs going to the beauty shop at 10 banking and nails and who knows what else..

Sis issues - this time it's not upsetting me like it did in the past - I know her true colors by now.. Hopefully this will all be over soon..

Well cbl = Hugs gang

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Well, the front blew in and we escaped all the bad thunder storms. I took a muscle relaxer last night so I got a good rest. Yay!

I lost another lb. Yay! I will officially weigh in on Wed.

Janet, the blueberries are good in the mix......and blueberries are not my favorite berry. Last night I tried a vanilla shake and swirled sf chocolate Syrup in it. It was awesome till I read on the syrup label that I had injested 70 extra calories.....Yikes! No more of that!

Okay, gang, have a great day!

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I don't know if you remember me telling you that since I couldn't exercise the way I was before that bad fall I took at school, I wanted to lose some more weight to make up for less exercise? Anyway, my goal weight was 167 so once I reached it I lost a couple more pounds and then went up and down. Everytime I'd get close to 167 I'd take off the weight. I got so I was pretty stable at 165, but I was still really restricted, especially in the morning and especially with meat, which, in the evening, combined with vegetables, would frequently make me pb. I love meat, and it really helps keep my cravings down if I get enough of it. So, I wanted to loosen my band without getting an unfill, and went back for a few days to what I ate when first banded--protein drinks, Kashi bar, small container no sugar added applesauce, sm. V-8, meat and some veggies and still had one treat a day. Lost 2 more lbs. I'm at 163 this morning. Hopefully, my band will be a little looser now and I'll be a little more comfortable eating the meat and veggies.

I'm still exercising 4 or 5 days a week. Most school days I get in 20 minutes of stair climbing at work first thing. I also frequently run up to the teacher's lounge or the office or other classrooms throughout the day. Then most days after school and/or weekends I go outside and walk 35-45 minutes.

I have to watch how much I swing my arms so I don't irritate my neck. I frequently hang from my inversion table, put my hands under my chin and adjust my neck that way then hang a minute to let it stabilize.

I do as little paperwork as possible, use a laptop sitting with my neck and arms supported rather than sitting at a desk with my arms raised to type, never run a vacuum cleaner and avoid scrubbing motions because they really irritate my neck.

I have started gardening, but because I have my butt up in the air while my arms hang down and my head is down, I seem to be able to pull weeds, which is mostly what I do, without irritating my neck. I first loosen the soil with a small shovel but that involves using my legs and feet, not my neck. As long as I limit that, and do a little a few times a week, I don't seem to irritate my neck.

I'm amazed at how much I can eat and maintain this weight. Seems like once your blood sugar goes down from the weight loss, your insulin resistance goes down, and your metabolism picks up. You're also just naturally more active. I don't trudge up the steps, I run up them. I'm much quicker to get to my feet to help a child at work rather than making them get up to come to me.

I've noticed that my ADHD seems worse however. I have no doubt that I medicated my ADHD with food. It helped me to stay still and concentrate. Also, the weight helped hold me down. Now I have a much harder time sticking to projects. Especially paper projects.

Got my walk in this morning. Ground is too wet to garden. My husband worked midnights so will sleep all day. Think I'll call my daughter and see if I can come over to see my grandkids. Saturday is usually my grandkids day. I frequently pick up my granddaughter Skylar and take her to visit David and Josh.


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Cheri - congratulations on losing more weight. I read your first paragraph twice. Very interesting that you are able to loosen your band, by losing more weight, without getting an unfill.

It is comforting to realize that we have more control over the band.

This is such a journey. So many changes - early on. All good.

Taking DD#2 to see "The Backup Plan".

Gloomy, rainy Saturday in K.C.

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So I took Arlene's advice and bought the Pro Joe not to bad it makes a good Creamer for coffee. So thanks for recommending it to me.

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One day.......I am glad you like the vanilla Pro Joe. For some reason when I drink it with coffee it cuts my cravings and appetite. So, I drink it three times a day and usually use one Pro Joe for the three coffees.

Cheri, CONGRATS! ON THE WEIGHT LOSS! It is amazing to me how much easier shakes are with the band. When I do eat I can only eat about 2-3oz of Protein and a little salad.< /p>

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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