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Must be the weekend for birthdays, I just got home from a party for my FIL. They had cake, pies, ice cream and some apple crisp. It all looked good. but I came away with half a hamburger patty, a spoon of baked Beans and some chips. My weakness is chips. I could turn down all those sweets but not the darn chips. But tomorrow is another day! I'd love to lose 3 this week too, but think I am going to be sitting still for a bit, I always do after having a good loss. Special days come and go, it's what we do the rest of the days that matters most.

Well, I did it.....I guess I just PB'D. OMG....it hurt so bad.....I couldn't throw it up....and it would not go down. I know chicken can get stuck, but this was a first and I hope last time. I just forgot and started chewing on a chicken leg. CHEW! CHEW! CHEW! I hope I never forget what that felt like. IF you vomit and the food doesn't come up , is it just stuck or is that a PB? Anyway, I have stopped sliming and the pain in my chest is gone. Should I just stay on shakes and liquids today?:):thumbup:

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Good Morning! I'm starting my day off here to say, "HI," and to check in so that I watch my food, exercise and do whatever I need to to help my "not working band" and my life and myself.

So once again, "Good Morning.!" I'm going to have Isopure for Breakfast, just to get myself back on track. Also, maybe the band is working a "bit" because I woke up with some discomfort in my midsection. Maybe that's a sign I ate too much yesterday and I just have to start reading my body. Have a great day!


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Hi Charlene, I can't answer about staying on liquids after an episode like yours, but my son-in-law gave me Papaya enzyme tablets in case I ever need them. He uses them when things get stuck. They are supposed to help with digestion. Hope you feel better today!



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Good Monday morning everyone....Ellen...hope you find the right machine for you. I just do the treadmill. Had to quit for awhile because of my knees but now good to go again after the weight came off. I do walk outside when I can but with our cold and snowy (and icy) winters, I love having the treadmill to fall back on.

I did a lot of walking this past week. Was absolutely full of gas after my surgery. Had 7 incisions in the belly and was really swollen. Never laid down once during the day last week. Only at night. Just walked as much as I could. Figured it would help me heal faster. Still have a ways to go. See the doc for my post-op tomorrow. My belly is still quite swollen and is really stiff and sore. I don't give into it though. Just have to be careful not to lift anything. Can be a challenge around here with harvest going on and all these farmers to feel.

I have a question for all of you. Did any of you ever talk with Kerry Conner? She used to PM me once in awhile and posted a lot for awhile. I PM'd her awhile ago and have not heard a thing for a few months. Does anyone know why she dropped off? Anxious to hear how she is doing.

Better go see to lunch for the guys. They'll be in b/4 I know it!

Don't know Kerry - but I can tell you our July 07 thread was VERY active had maybe 30 if not more pple - we are down to like 7 who post regularly..

Well, I did it.....I guess I just PB'D. OMG....it hurt so bad.....I couldn't throw it up....and it would not go down. I know chicken can get stuck, but this was a first and I hope last time. I just forgot and started chewing on a chicken leg. CHEW! CHEW! CHEW! I hope I never forget what that felt like. IF you vomit and the food doesn't come up , is it just stuck or is that a PB? Anyway, I have stopped sliming and the pain in my chest is gone. Should I just stay on shakes and liquids today?:):thumbup:


Yep you pb & slimed - I usually can get it to come up with no problem or it goes down - I find getting up and walking to help and have read putting arms over your head - I don't do the payapa things - mine has never lasted that long - just for a quick few minutes...

I don't do liquids afterwards cuz I don't find I am irritated... It's a personal thing to me - ususally after a pb - i can finish my meal with no problems -

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Thanks, I am just sipping in Tea now. I am just a little sore. I might have a shake later and eat this evening. I have gotten stuck , but not like this.....I had to throw up to move things around. I hope I don't ever do that again. LESSON LEARNED!

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Apples, I've not seen Kerry in a long time. Have you checked her profile or PM'd her?

We had over 300 folks on the June thread who were banded in June, only a few post regularly now, which is why I visit other areas now.

Charlene, Ouch. the PB was when it came up. When it was stuck it was just stuck. I have never needed to go on liquids after. Usually once it's up and gone I'm fine. HOpe you are feeling better. I eat chicken but try and stay away from the white meat as it's usually too dry.

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Long...I have PM'd her and notice that she has not been active since just two weeks after her LB surgery. Was just curious. We stayed in touch for quite awhile.

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Apples, I've not seen Kerry in a long time. Have you checked her profile or PM'd her?

We had over 300 folks on the June thread who were banded in June, only a few post regularly now, which is why I visit other areas now.

Charlene, Ouch. the PB was when it came up. When it was stuck it was just stuck. I have never needed to go on liquids after. Usually once it's up and gone I'm fine. HOpe you are feeling better. I eat chicken but try and stay away from the white meat as it's usually too dry.

Girl, I vomited, but it didn't come up. It did dislodge the food. I just ate a Lean Cuisine.....so I am back from that horrible experience.:crying:

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Hi Ellen,

My 2 cents: I've had one knee replacement, and the other one now needs replacing. Both my former orthopedist (now retired) and my current one have told me not to use a treadmill. They recommend the elliptical trainer or recumbant bike with no weight, but as fast as I choose to go (still doesn't get anywhere!). Neither of these pieces of equipment bother my knees to use them. Prior to my first replacement I had been using our treadmill about 45 min to an hour a day. After several weeks my knee just gave way with me one day. When I saw the doctor he said using the treadmill had accelerated the arthritic damage, and walking/treadmill would no longer be my primary exercise. Fast forward about 3-4 years post replacement I decided to give it a try - nice and slow - again, just 10-15 min with no incline. After a few workouts that familiar ache began in my other leg. 'nough said. Along with the elliptical and bike, both docs recommended Water aerobics and/or walking in the Water, and weight training with minimal weight on the knees. My plan is treatment with cartilage injections until I have lost considerable weight and then have the right knee replaced if still necessary. I know getting the weight off will improve my chances. I don't know what other doctors recommend - just what these doctors have told me. In spite of what my husband says, sometimes I do what I am told. Good luck!

My 2 Cents.... water aerobics is great. I've been doing it again for the lasts 4-5 days. Last two days... I wore my crocs in the pool... helped to cushion the impact on my knees. I do it because I know I HAVE to do it! But, I also have to admit, I"ve had a lot more pain in my left knee since I started the water aerobics again. No pain, no gain, I guess. I've also walked a lot more in the past two weeks than I normally do at home, which also contributes to the increased pain.

Forgive me for all these posts and questions. I promise to log off soon. Question: What are your feelings about caffeine? I'm off of it, but I still feel a bit groggy in the morning. Just wondering. Thanks.

OH, I am anxious to comment on the caffeine issue!! I was told at pre-op nutrition counselling, with the dietician, no caffeine!! So, with great pain, I gave up my coffee! (I'd already given up my Diet Coke). i switched to Decaf. Then at my post-op appt with my surgeon's P.A., I asked her if I could go back on caffeine at any point in time. She said, "WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULDN"T HAVE CAFFEINE????" She said that was NOT my dr's policy!! GRRRR!! So I went back to regular coffee. I drink 1-1/2 cups every morning, often have a SF,FF latte in the afternoon... but I won't be doing that every day all winter!! Will be lucky to get an occassional latte while in CA for the winter!

But, in conclusion.... the caffeine issue is strictly a matter of what your surgeon says! But, I myself do not think it should even be an issue. If your body needs it, have it!! IMHO!!!!

The argument is that it dehydrates you... whatever!! So increase your intake of other liquids!! I drink Crystal Lite all day, after I've had my morning coffee!


I was raised the same as you. Felt it was wrong to be proud of myself that it was bragging or showing off. I remember one time in school I asked a teacher to remove the + from the A on my report card as I didn't people to think I was a show off. Be proud of your accomplishments. I am learning to get there too, with my husband and kids it's easy. But like yesterday we went to a family function and I hadn't seem some of them for a month or two so got many comments on my weight and it was hard to take. I just tried a polite thank you and left it at that.

I agree wholeheartedly!!

That was the thinking when I was growing up, too! Baloney!!

Blow your own horn!! No one else will!!

I have the bad knees too. I am the opposite of JoAnn in that I have an elliptical and home and do the recumbant at the gym. Definitely get a better workout on the elliptical. Doesn't hurt my knees much. However, when I go to my bariatric exercise class they have one elliptical there that does hurt my knee. Just one and that one has the feet pedals or pads at more of an angle. so definitely try them out in the store before buying one and see which one fits you best. The recombant can hurt sometimes too depending on the seat adjustment but once you know exactly your spot that isn't as much an issue. Also, I find the bike to get boring faster unless I am reading. I can't read on the elliptical too much motion and I am usually sweating too much. LOL Good luck in your choice. Mine is a Nordic Track and I like it a lot. Got a real sturdy one as they weight limits on them were very different on the different models as well and at the time I was tipping the 300 lb mark, but am glad I got the sturdier one and DH uses it too. And I can't remember if you met him as he came to a Dr. Phil with me, he's 6'6 and about 240. And for the first time in many years.....I NOW WEIGH LESS THAN HIM!!!!

This is sick, but for quite some time now, I've consistently weighed 100# more than my DH!! I am so happy to be closing in on him!! He's lost some, too, but I am closing the gap!! I was well over 300# when I started my pre-op diet. I will weigh less than him one day in the not too distant future!!


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Hi everyone tonight (Monday). glad to hear everyone is doing well this weekend. I had a better day today as far as food goes. I was busy, I washed all the windows, 4 loads of laundry, weeded a portion of my garden which was a big chore in itself, changed the sheets on the bed, cooked dinner and walked 2.4 miles. I am beat tonight but thought I would put in a short post. I also drink coffee in the morning and it doesn't bother me. I got a stuck today on chicken. It went down but it hurt for a minute. I think I ate too fast. Ya gotta go slow with food. I am signing off so I can go do my daily plate for today but will check in with you all tomorrow.


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Hey Gang..

Phyl I'm with you - if you don't toot your own horn who will

You all are working so hard to change your lives and get healthy - It's work - thin pple don't know what it's like to have to lose 50- 80- 100+ lbs... They don't know what it's like to give up your very best Friend..

So Be Proud - When you have something to brag about - come and do it.... Those things like getting to Onderland - is a great achievement - getting to just obese bmi is great - being able to take the stairs ...

Lori - I think it was after about 6 months that our thread really started losing pple - every now and then they will pop in - most popped in on their 1 yr anniversary date..

Charlene - Glad you are ok -!!!

Phyl - I too weighed more than my DH or the same - I think at one time he was 217 and I was 220 or 230 - then he got to 238 and so we were weighing the same - but he never knew how much I weighed....

Becky - you had a busy day !!! I had chicken last week - had no problems - but I think its cuz I am extra careful when I eat it - I had bbq a chicken breast - it was really good - I prefer cold chick to hot chick

Well it's 7 - gotta go feed my fur babies and ME:tongue:

Will cbl :crying:

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Hi Janet

I have great news - I lost another 2.4 this week! I have been reading the posts, but haven't had much to say since you sorted me out over the last few weeks! :thumbup:

Your pics from what you wore for the commercial are fab - you look so willowy and graceful You look like a todal fox actually!!!:crying:

Its horrible and cold here, and its been mental at work. I haven't eated brilliantly (5 portions of fruit and veg went out of the window for a couple of days) or done any exercise apart from gardening and cleaning - but I am being careful with food, and have a much greater sense of what is good for me to eat and what is not ie. that I cannot simply tuck into chocolate and expect to lose weight!

My boss said the other day to change something which you've done for a long time and want it to be different, you have to do things differently to achieve that - which sounds RIDICULOUSLY obvious - bt actually to me, makes complete sense. I thought by having the band, and continuing to eat poorly - I would be able to lose weight - and sometimes I did, and most times I didn't.

The really important thing for me is trying to remember that this is permanent - I'm not going to stop eaating this way or trying to be healthy. I think if I can crack that thought process - I will really be there.

I am finding that eating different calories everyday rather than the same amount is really helping. There isn't a massive difference between each day, probably a hundred or so, but I think it must be working as 2.4 with no exercise is unheard of!

I don't think that carbs are a problem for me either. I have tried eating high Protein low carb, and I find my loss slows down, so I am really doing a low fat diet, and trying to get between 50-60g Protein a day to keep those amino acids high.

I am hols with my parents next week - so this week has to be a good one! Then I would like to maintain over the holiday and come back and get straight on the wagon. I will do my best not to get off it, as holidays are deceptive - you go on one, come back and suddenly think you're still on one for another 2 weeks!

Anyway = got to get off my bum and go to work - BOO! Speak soon,


ps This is such a positive group - well done all of you!

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Hi Janet

I have great news - I lost another 2.4 this week! I have been reading the posts, but haven't had much to say since you sorted me out over the last few weeks! :wub:

Your pics from what you wore for the commercial are fab - you look so willowy and graceful You look like a todal fox actually!!!:redface:

Its horrible and cold here, and its been mental at work. I haven't eated brilliantly (5 portions of fruit and veg went out of the window for a couple of days) or done any exercise apart from gardening and cleaning - but I am being careful with food, and have a much greater sense of what is good for me to eat and what is not ie. that I cannot simply tuck into chocolate and expect to lose weight!

My boss said the other day to change something which you've done for a long time and want it to be different, you have to do things differently to achieve that - which sounds RIDICULOUSLY obvious - bt actually to me, makes complete sense. I thought by having the band, and continuing to eat poorly - I would be able to lose weight - and sometimes I did, and most times I didn't.

The really important thing for me is trying to remember that this is permanent - I'm not going to stop eaating this way or trying to be healthy. I think if I can crack that thought process - I will really be there.

I am finding that eating different calories everyday rather than the same amount is really helping. There isn't a massive difference between each day, probably a hundred or so, but I think it must be working as 2.4 with no exercise is unheard of!

I don't think that carbs are a problem for me either. I have tried eating high Protein low carb, and I find my loss slows down, so I am really doing a low fat diet, and trying to get between 50-60g Protein a day to keep those amino acids high.

I am hols with my parents next week - so this week has to be a good one! Then I would like to maintain over the holiday and come back and get straight on the wagon. I will do my best not to get off it, as holidays are deceptive - you go on one, come back and suddenly think you're still on one for another 2 weeks!

Anyway = got to get off my bum and go to work - BOO! Speak soon,


ps This is such a positive group - well done all of you!

Congrats Mia on your 2.4 loss - That's Great :w00t:

Thanks for the props on the picture - I'm not too bad for an old broad:tongue: - and the pic doesn't show all my flaws that I am deeply aware of but try and not to focus on them but the overall picture..,

You are so right about this being permanent !!!! This isn't a diet this is the way you are going to eat for the rest of your life - so you have to make it work for you.. It's not that you will never eat chocolate again - it will still be there tomorrow - it's just not something you are going to eat everyday... It's not out of your life forever - Those are the things we have to remember !!! I still have treats - just not as often or as much and I am a happy camper..

It does work that way with exercise - I had discovered this in the past the weeks that I exercised like mad - the weight loss was slow then the next week I didn't get the exercise in and the weight loss was great - so it's like the zig zag on the calories - our bodies like variation...

Where are you going for holiday?? I haven't had a real vacation since banded - a day to 2 here or there - and I do find that I don't eat as well as I do when I am home - but when I get back home - its back to eating healthy - I guess I will allow more treats away from home that and do when I am home - that way I don't feel deprived - at home it's to easy to over do it..

I am going on a cruise in March for GS 18th bday - that will be my test - but I will be in the gym this time... I have been on 8 cruise and never been in the gym and would look at the pple walking around the decks like they were crazy - Well now I get it - if you want to eat that piece of cake you gotta walk...

Ya works is crazy for me right now too - in fact I need to get my bum in gear too..,

TTYL - Hugs - Janet

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Hi Everyone!

I have been so crazy lately and have such a hard time finding time to post. I am going to have to read for a month to catch up on this thread.

Janet: I know you are helping so many people! I get the updates in my mail box, and see bits of it from time to time:cool2: We have been so busy at work and they actually expect me to teach a little. Given the economy, I expect the Vocational Colleges will get even busier.I guess that is job security!

There are some of my June bug friends here and two great buddies, Long2bethin and Apples! Hi Gals!:)

I have been doing ok. I went to the doc for a checkup and got .5 ccs added. I now have restriction. I am also trying to train for the Walk for a Cure, Susan G. Komen Walk. That is 3.1 miles. Janet: I walked the 3 miles to my sister's house again on Sunday and made her bring me home again. I know she gets tired of that, but it is so much easier to walk to "someplace" than just to walk. :wub: Isn't that crazy! :wub:

I am enjoying the wonderful weather here in the mountains of East Tennessee, the leaves are just beginning to change and it is so nice to walk!

Glad to reall about all of you and I will try to pop in here more! Long and Apples: I still go to the June thread, a few more seem to be checking back! I haven't heard from Kerry either, but Hunzi is back and ready to have her band put back in.

Oh, I too am going to have a little more surgery. I am going to have the netting put under my bladder wall, I for got what that is called, but I am tired of having to change clothes if I laugh or cough! The Lapband helped some, but the doc said it wouldn't matter how much I lost, the problem will still be with me. So I am going to have it on the 6th of November. Not a biggie I will not even have General anastheia.

Thanks, Janet, for letting me ramble on here! I love ya!

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Hi tonight. I went to a lap band support group tonight and there was a plastic surgeon to explain all of the surgeries. It was pretty interesting. It isn't cheap though as you all know. Anyway, it was a good meeting. I was looking for Freedom (don't know her name but she posts on here alot) but no one matched up with her. Anyway, today was uneventful. I did so much yesterday that I was tired today. It was rainy so I didn't get my walk in either. Its just one of those days where I want to cheat on food. It is getting late so I know I won't but it is a mindset that you have to ignore. WE all keep plugging away at this weight loss and it is hard. I don't know why but at home I think I am thinner and then when I go somewhere I think I look large. You are right Janet. We still want to think like a fat chick. Catch ya alll later!!!!!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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