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Joyce, Tylenol isn't a NSAID however, if you need that for anti inflammatory purposes. Hence the reason I needed the ibuprofen once in awhile.

We are going on NCL, I've not been on Regent or Raddison but have been on NCL, Princess, Royal Caribbean, and Carnival.

Well got lots done today, house should look pretty good when we list it on Monday. Why is it the house always looks the best when we sell them??? Guess we've had lots of practice with that.

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Lori - Thank you for the tylenol info. That really helps me. I need anti inflamatory and pain relief. Will feel better when I return to tylenol, as it had been managing the pain b/4 the band.

Have a great time on your cruise.

Thank you for your help.


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Hey Ladies I am starting the shake thing to get back on track today.

Everybodies advice has been great. I also bought Kmart's version of the Sketchers tone up shoes. One of the girls bought them and they were 35.00 compared to the 100.00 for the sketchers she loves walking in them she said they really work.

Hope everyone is doing well

Talk to you all soon

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On the move in OR! Back in to WA today but not going home for a couple more days. Will "camp" south of Seattle for a few days to visit with daughter #2 and her family before we go home. Beautiful day ... near Portland. Taking our time getting on the road today as I-5 is closed from Olympia to Tacoma until noon.

Trying to keep up reading all your posts each day so I don't get too far behind!


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Good Morning Gang

Lori glad the house is looking good - good thought that it will sell quickly..

Phyl - Almost home :0)

Melissa - Good going on the shoes.. Good going on shakes too.

Joyce - old lady shoe :0) - well as the weight comes off maybe you will be able to update a bit - prior to losing the weight - I mostly wore flats - now back in to heal ;0).. But again I don't have any major knee or hip issues (thank God)

Well not much to report - didn't shop yesterday ;0) only went to the store for dinner - picked up a candy bar (snickers w/almonds 230) put it back and said - you can have a pt shake w/banana & pb (bought the reduced fat one) and be fuller and still have a treat and pt..

Going to the movies in a while - need to get to target and get my weekly soap cleaning etc supplys


oh slow thread w/o Apples here junking it up.. lol (jk)

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Janet - what movie did you see??? I love movies and always enjoy a recommendation.

Phyl - enjoy DD #2 and family. Sounds like great weather too. Drive safely - home soon.

I'm off to Walgreens to search for adult, liquid tylenol.

What calcium citrate does everyone take?

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Hi everyone, Eva, when you find out when you'll be in KC let me know too so I can drive down and meet both you and Joyce. So please don't come in July when I'll be in Florida!!!

Not much happening here. Had a busy busy day yesterday -- went to gym and then to several stores -- dollar store, Walmart and another grocery store. Then cooked as I was out of everything. Bought ingredients to make DH's favorite cheesecake as his b-day is day before mine so have to make him his fav (chocolate turtle cheesecake). I'll have a teeny, tiny slice, but HAVE to HAVE some. I'll take most of it to work for the "kids" the next night and leave enough for DH to have a couple of slices.

I slept in again today -- couldn't go to sleep last night -- don't know what's up with that but I hate sleeping so late, cause it makes my day off so short.

Have am appt. Wednes. with lap band surgeon -- don't need a fill but haven't been there in about 4 months so think I'll go just to weigh in and see what they think.

Janet, hope you're enjoying your movie.

DH is working on the swing set -- it's getting a little faster now -- hopefully will be done in the next couple of days.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day. Will CBL. Lori, will the realtor be doing an open house? You're house must have been in great shape if you're already done staging it.

Miss Apples, but hope she's have a great time. I'm a bit jealous, have to admit.


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Happy Sunday everyone,

We went out for Breakfast then to Home Despot and bought a plum tree...dwarf one that hopefully will do well in this area. I also bought a pot of petunias, geraniums, and lavender. Also another golden lantana for the front yard. So I've been working in the yard today....transplanted a couple herbs and I'm working on cleaning out the future mesquite tree hole....got some of the rocks out and pulled more eucalyptus roots and branches out of it. We stopped by our very local nursery and talked about Water reclamation tanks and I asked him about the eucalyptus hole and he said once all the leaves and stuff are cleaned out, fill it with manure and good acidic soil and it should be good to go. Yehaw.......

We also bought a couple more bags of cement, but I'm not going to get that done today...I might take off one morning this week and get another pour done.

I also me our new neighbor today finally. He moved in maybe two or three months ago and I had never met him but he came over and introduced himself today. That was good. Oh and his last name is Good...LOL.

Just taking a water break...back to the yard. Be chatting with you later.


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Good afternoon! How is everyone today? Doing good here. Just got home from breakfast, church, then lunch and Penney's. I got a coupon in my email today for 20% off everything including sale prices. I saw a tshirt I wanted when I took Grandma there on Friday but it was a buy one get one deal, I hate those deals when I only want one. Well today it was 55% off and then I got 20% more! DH was with me and he's been needing a sport coat so we went by the mens section and he got 2. One was 60% off before my coupon had to order it though as they didn't have his size (he's very hard to fit being 6'6) and another one was on clearance in his size for $19, then we found 3 dress shirts for $8each. DD was with us and she found tons of bargains too, it was our lucky day I guess. I never used to like Penneys but lately it's turning into a favorite for some things. Either that or it's because I go so often with Grandma as it's her favorite store for her Alfred Dunner stuff she likes.

Janet, did I read that right that you PB'd on a banana shake?

Eva, sounds like you are very busy in your yard. I bet it will look awesome when it's done. DH loves yard work, I hate it but he is out there puttering around all the time and we have one of the best ones on the block if you ask me! LOL not that I am partial or anything.

Phyl, best wishes for continues safe travels.

Linda, our house wasn't in too bad a shape, after all we've only been in it for 3 1/2 yrs. It was a repo when we bought it and DH totally redid everything then. The realtors all commented on what good shape it was in and that we obviously knew what we were doing when it came to decorating and staging for sale. Lot's of practice! LOL

I might have to check out those tone up shoes. Not sure if I want the sandals or the shoes to wear year round.

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LadyK, I got the Citracal calcium citrate + D3. They come in the Petites so they are easy to swallow. Got them at Walmart.

Great, way to go on the bargins. You are the super shopper of the thread.

Janet, good choice on putting the candy bar back.

Eva, Take lots of pic, I just love hearing about all the things you are doing in your yard. I've got most of my flower beds cleaned and ready to go. We got frost the last two nights so still can't plant anything new yet. I have hyacinth Beans started. I am going to make a living fence with them between the neighbors and me. So I will be making a new bed to encompass 4 trellises for them.

Lori, gotta love cheese cake.


Laura K

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Drive by gang..

We didn't go to the show - next one wasn't til like 3:30 and Deb came over at 1 - so we went to lunch (Chinese) for some reason I have been craving it lately - did that went by grocery store got some strawberries and juice and now home going to go watch some t.v.

No I didn't pb on shake - it had Peanut Butter and banana in it ;0)..

I'm not a big movie goer - I maybe go 3-4 times a year max.. Heck I did that at Xmas New Year - saw - Avatar - It's Complicated - Blind Side -so I guess my next one for the yr will be Sex in the City 2 starts 5/27 - I love BIG ;0) My kid of man...

I have a hard time sitting still for a long movie and have a tenancy to fall alseep (did in Avatar)

dinner will be leftovers shrimp and snow peas or carniasada

Well off to the couch - Eva you have too much energy for me - I can't believe with all the yard work you do the weight isn't falling off


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I also do the Citracal Petites, I can swallow them no problem. Forgot to mention that in my last post. I've tried the chewables from Bariatric Advantage, Celebrate and others but they are so costly and didn't like the flavors, I'd just as soon swallow them and since I have no problem with these I stick with them. I take 3 a day but I space them through the day, the NP at the hospital told me that your body can only absorb so much at a time and pees the rest out, not sure if that is true. Laura, do you know, (well I am sure you do)?

Janet, DUH!! Silly me, PB can equal more than Productive Burp. LOL Never even thought of Peanut Butter, maybe because I detest peanut butter so it's not even in my vocabulary. LOL Mom had to make me butter and jelly sandwiches as a kid. I can eat a peanut butter cookie though! or a Reeses peanut butter cup but not the pieces.

Well, decisions decisions, DH just got a call and has to go to Phoenix tomorrow or Tues. and has invited me along. I've been gone so much so maybe, maybe not, but this is what I am looking forward to when we move, is tagging along with him a lot!

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Eva - I agree with Janet - your hard work in the yard should be melting away the lbs. You go girlfriend. Can't wait to see the pix.

Linda & Eva in K.C. this summer - yippee. I'll be so excited to meet you both.

Janet - my DD can hardly wait to see Sex in the City movie. She plans to have several girls meet to see it together.

Lori - definitely go with DH. I'm sure you been to Phoenix lots - but a day at the pool with a good book - plus time on the plane with DH sounds wonderful. Way to go on the shopping.

Second fill is coming up on Wednesday and I feel I need it. Ate about 5 oz. Salmon for dinner and stopped. Could have eaten all, but saved the rest for lunch tomorrow.

Thanks for the Calcium hints - I forgot about the petites. However, I found the liquid adult tylenol @ CVS - marvelous. Thanks Janet.

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Jodi, You do such wonderful work with the kids. I'll tell you a story. A couple of weeks ago I ran into my DD 1st Consultant. She came to our home to work w/DD as we had just found out she was hearing impaired, DD was only 2 1/2. Worked with her for a yr & 1/2. Any ways I was telling her about DD graduating from college. We chatted for a bit and she told me she was having a moment in church that morning. Feeling down about her DD problems and life in general. She said she was thinking "I wonder if I have touched anyones life". OMG I couldn't get the words out fast enough to tell her my DD wouldn't be where she was today without her early intervention. So the moral of this story is Thank you for all the kids you help.

Laura K

OMG Im so happy to hear that! I never know whether what I do is really helping. When your involved with those babies from the start of program with the kids and families for fulll three years and then they age out....when the connection is strong you keep in touch for several years but then you or the families get busy and "life" happens and they dont need the support any longer. You never really hear about the children you work with many years later. You wonder what ever happened to....(I always wonder). What ever happened to .....that adorable little boy/girl.

So, I really appreciate the thank you. I must tell you however, that it isnt the teachers or the program its the parents of the children that are with the children 24/7 and remember teachers and therapists are only there several times weekly for several hours. You the parent who follows through and work hard to do all the work after that short half hour or so....Yes, we teach you and give you the tools but its you who actually does the hard work day in and out. SO, let me take this oppurtunity to thank you..the parent for helping us do our job helping your children!

Your daughter is so lucky to have you and you must be so proud. Give yourself a hug you deserve it.

Thank you for the kind words.


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Hi all..

Hi all.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Great...what a great trip.. a cruise! What fun. I hope you enjoy.

Concerts....the last one I was at for me was "Meatloaf" Jones beach on 1992? Since then ...well ive seen some musicals and plays but concerts would Hanna Montanna count? lol. My daughter will remember it forever Im sure. Backstage, my friend got us into that concert in Las Vegas. Went to the pre-concert party and have pictures of my daughter and her together. It was fun seing my daughter so happy and I had a good time as well with my friend as well.

Thats never going to happen again. lol I wont ever go see him or Las Vegas ever again.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Im thinking about Phyl in her camper traveling. We had a camper when we were younger. We went camping every summer. Nova Scotia was the furthest away that we traveled. Had so much fun. The most fun was with my brothers and sisters...in that tiny camper. A Prowler. It slept 8. We were 6.

We had many experiences good and some not so good.

We got caught in some severe weather. A huricane, a flash flood ( that was bad) in the Upper Deleware Campground. We got out just in time but lost the camper....got another one right after..the same one.

One time while the trailer was parked on a hill it rolled down the hill after a rock moved from under the wheel. Unfortunately I was in it while it rolled, thought it was an earthquake. I was playing jacks with my friend Glenn....whom I really liked at the time but I was eleven and well...you know how that was...ewwww. But after we both dived out the trailer together as the trailer rolled.....our parents had the nurve to ask if perhaps we were doing something else that made the trailer roll.?? like what??? geez we hated each other after all and we were only 11 yuch! Fun times. lol

Now for the weekend update with Jodi Lynn......

Spent the weekend at my sisters house babysitting for my nieces while sister and hubby was supposed to go on vacation to Ireland. They were supposed to go to Ireland but..the flight was cancelled Friday night due to mechanical difficulties..the repairs that needed to be done needed parts flown in from somewhere else from Euorpe and could not get to them due to the volcanic ash so cancelled all flights to Ireland as well as Europe. They missed the last flight in the afternoon that flew to Dublin. They came home and cancelled their trip and instead of Ireland they will be going to St. Lucia and are leaving Tuesday instead....so we had a family weekend in the end. That was nice.....unexpected nicities.

The house was a killer for any dieter and for me on mushy even worse!

Every where you looked there was chocolate, treat, cake, junk food. Holy crap...the stuff that was there was just unbelievable! Good I brought my own food otherwise I know id have been eating something not good. Ive been so good this whole month and lost now 30llbs....wasnt about to blow it on some damn chocolate and cheese doodles. I was like what the hell?? Do you want me to stay here?? really??? What were you thinking? Do you leave liquor all over for an alcohlic? Why would you leave all this junk while Im here? They didnt think was the response, uh so annoying. We had a great weekend regardless. I cleansed their kitchen over the weekend. They really didnt mind so much and I felt so good. I thought theyd kill me but they didnt. lol I love my sister but sheesh. Come on.

Glad to have gotten out of there this morning none too soon as I didnt have the heart to throw the giant size Peanut Butter jars that I could eat out of by the spoonfuls and I was thinking well...maybe just one...but no no no I didnt.

I had my third training at the gym this week. I went to the gym three times other to just do cardio. I hope this week I continue. Wednesday I go to the surgeon. Hopefully I will get a fill if not then next week for sure. Im hungry alot now and eating much more....still not alot and watching what I am but am drinking and eating without any restriction. Dont feel like I have a band at all.

well. I must go to sleep,

Hope Apples is having a great time at the lake.....

Thanks for all the good thoughts about the tight sched and the gym..hoping this week will get settled although its Israel Independance day tomorrow and the celebrations have allready begun and there are several parties and carnivals. Dassis class is giving a concert at her school tomorrow night and Tuesday has half day and several activities going on.

It will be another busy week but....I will be going to gym tomorrw early afternoon.

oh...the interview that I had on Friday went really well however they cant pay me what im getting now...but i told her I could be flexible if I dont have to travel to Brooklyn everyday...and can work from home, those would be amazing benefits. Its possible....need to wait and see what they will offer. She was happy and wanted me for sure but the money!!! I make too much lol. (Yea me for making good money at teaching not settling for too much less. If I dont get that position she offered my reg sessions at the same rate that I make now in Bklyn and evals as well.....not a bad deal as I really hate to be in Bklyn...but went due to the high rate per session... Id be happy here in Far Rockaway ....no propblem. We shall see....in the meantime Im good where I am. Ill keep you all posted.

Okay.......must go to sleep/ Have a great week all


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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