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Laura - burned finger tips are the worse hope you feel better soon. Nels pic is so cute men they are always checking there muscles out even at a young age.

Charlene "Okay, gang, gotta go do a shake. I am trying to come up with a new recipe. I started using more sf syrups. I wonder what orange-banana would taste like? Yep, gonna try it. Later!

Where do you order your syrups from?


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Decision is made and vacation is booked!!!! I am very excited. We are going on a Mediterranean cruise! I couldn't believe the deal we got. We normally get discounts for being airline employees but have never seen one like this, it was $299!!!! 7 days from Barcelona. Of course, we fly free, and with all DH's travels of late, he has enough hotel room credits for a free room in Barcelona the night before. It just all came together perfectly. We leave here on 4/30 and return 5/9. I don't think we could've done Hawaii for that little of a price with hotel and food. We were to some of the ports last year but that's fine, one can only see so much in Rome in one day, there's lots more to explore!

Last night DH & I had a date night, we went and saw Date Night, I enjoyed it, very entertaining. Today we are busy 'staging' the house to go on the market. It will look like a model home when I am done, I hope. LOL DH is cleaning up the yard and I am decluttering inside.

Laura, the muscles picture is so cute. You know I used to hate going to the gym as I figured everyone was looking at me wondering what a fat out of shaped woman was doing there. Then I realized men not matter what the age, are so busy looking at themselves and their muscles in the mirrors to even notice me. LOL

Janet, is Andrew goign to all 3 days of the concert then? He'll remember that forever, i still remember some of my big concerts when I was young. My very first concert was at REd Rocks and it was Linda Rondstadt and opening for her was Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. At Mile High stadium I saw the Eagles and Michael Jackson with the Jackson Brothers, was down on the ground and pretty close for that one. Those were the big ones I remember saw others as well.

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Good Morning Everyone! Had a wonderful time last night -- wonderful meal at Bone Fish Grill -- best fish I've had away from any coast. They cook fish on wood grills. Concert was awesome! Nonstop for 2-1/2 hours -- he didn't stop at all -- unbelieveable at his age! I'm surprised he's not skinny. LOL Such a wonderful entertainer. He said at the beginning of the concert that he hadn't been to Des Moines since 1973 so I think he felt he "owed" the fans an extra special concert. We had great seats (through work) we were the first row off the floor about 3 sections from the stage. I could actually see him without watching monitors.

For any of you struggling for ideas on food, Hungry Girl has a new cookbook out - Hungry Girl 1,2,3 - I just got my copy in the mail and there's tons of great ideas in it -- it's nice to take the "guesswork" out of recipes - with these, all the nutritional information is right there so you know exactly what calories, etc. you are eating. There's even a recipe for mug chocolate cake that only has 147 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. She uses sweetner in all her recipes as well so low fat and sugar free as well. She's very creative with her recipes.

Laura, sorry about the burned fingers, I've done that and it's just miserable.

Great, what a wonderful cruise -- hope this volcano clears up before the end of the month -- what a great deal -- that's down right cheap -- almost free really -- less than $100 per day for both you and DH -- unbelieveable.

I slept in this morning -- by the time we got home I had been up 22 hours -- so didn't even open my eyes until 10 -- wow, I haven't slept that late in many years.

Hope everyone has a lovely day -- I gotta hit the gym -- I'll be back later.


Edited by ljv52

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Morning everyone...hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday.

Laura, Nels is going to be so embarrased when he gets older and finds out you posted him in his skivies. You'll have to save that and embarrass him with his first girlfriend...LOL.

Janet...those music festivals are really fun, but I'm getting to the point that I don't enjoy dealing with 10,000 people. It's too bad they didn't sell single day tickets. The last big festival we went to was the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Fest last year. Thursday was okay, but Friday it started getting really crowded and by Saturday, it was just too hard to maneuver. You had to bring your own chair and set up at which ever stage you wanted to see hours in advance otherwise you couldn't even get close. We did see Tony Bennett but Aretha Franklin canceled.

Great, I am so envious...I want to go on the cruise with you. I've never been to Spain or the Mediterranean. Waaaa, I want to go. I've been to Red Rocks too. Leon Russel in the late 70's and Billy Idol (this was after I moved to AZ and I was visiting Colorado). I love Red Rocks. I've also been to Mile High...they used to have Super Sundays or something like that...we saw Heart, Marshall Tucker, and maybe 6 other bands that I can't remember...it was lots of fun. Of course I was in my very early 20's then.

Linda...we must have been sharing dreams because I slept until 8....slept about 9 hours. Glad to hear your concert was really good. Thanks for the recipe book suggestion...might have to try that one out. So your birthday is soon? There are 3 other people at work with April BD's and my sushi chef, sister-in-law and another friend have birthday's next week. April seems to be a good BD month.

Jodi, it's pretty hard sometimes to go on line when our daily lives are so filled. I really understand about fitting the exercise in too. Maybe your daughter can "exercise" with you? You maybe could find something fun for her to do while you sweat. I have a hard time with exercise because when I'm exercising my arthritis really lets me know it's still there. But I'm slowly working on that and it's getting better sort of. Sometimes a change in jobs is better for other than monetary reasons...some days I seriously think about it. My biggest problem is letting go of the vacation time. I don't think I could handle two weeks vacation. eeks

LauraK..the story about your DD's therapist is truly inspiring. I'm so glad you were able to let her know what a difference she made in your DD's life.

Julie, wow...sounds like you actually might get some relief from your next stuff...yeah! Once the inflammation goes away and everything settles down, you might actually feel normal again. Wouldn't that be great! Glad Mimi seems to be doing well in day care. I'm also glad you still get to see her a lot. How's DD doing with DF?

Joyce, we might be in KC sometime this year. My god-mother lives there and I need to visit her. Just don't know exactly when. You've jumped right in with this thread and become an active and interesting part of it. It's really cool.

1 day...good for you and the walking. Any movement is helpful and it's great you have someone to walk with. I know I'd be more consistent if someone was there to walk with me. There's a lady that walks at work, but it's early....before 8am...I may have to bite the bullet and try and walk with her so I can be more consistent. I'm reading a book called "Protein Power" by Michael R., and Mary Dan Eades, MD's. I'll email you and let you know what it says.

Charlene, I'm so proud of you sticking to your shake diet. You are doing so well it's inspiring. In fact, I did a shake yesterday morning and I think I'll do one a couple times a week. It sure is easier than eating in the morning especially when I have to be in the field.

Going to go work in the yard...CBL


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Andrew just showed me video of JayZ - Beyonce & Alicia Keyes OMG I am so jealous !!! He sneaked in - didn't pay ;0) what you do at 19 it took him 2 tries - They didn't sell day tickets this yr - only 3 day passes - Only JayZ was suppose to be there - but guess wifey poop came - they had fireworks too - I might have dealt with the crowd - He really enjoyed it... I am happy for him - cuz yes these are the times he's going to look back on when he's 50 - and smile - it's all about the memories !!!!

Ya Eva it's just like that - pple camp next door - hotels are booked up - it's great for Indio's economy - except for pple like Andrew (and I guess a whole bunch of other pple) who sneak in ;0)

Lori - you got to see MJ - that big concert tour in 80 something was like $100 a ticket and back then that was like $1 mil to me..

Did you ever see the t.v show Groove - Michael Blogett - it was set at the beach - but they use to come to Ruth Hardy Park in Palm Springs - I was like 7th grade - gotta see alot of pple and it was free - 3 dog night - nitty griddy dirt band - etc I think I have an autograph from 3 dog night - and we use to have concerts at the Drive in - seen Jefferson Airplane - eric burton animal - too - I did alot for a 7th grader ;0) - My 1st kiss was at that concert... Then at the fair ground Iron Butterfly - might have been in 8th grade for that one...

Next Festival is Stagecoach (country music) I think it's next weekend - doubt I am going to it - going to go see Earth Wind & Fire 5/14..

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Okay ladies,

Anyone who drinks the vanilla Pro Joe coffee drinks willing to mail me one bottle? Everyone that sells it only sells a case and I am afraid if I do not like it I have lost out on the $30 it is going to cost me for the whole case and the companies I asked will not take it back if you do not like it

So just let me know if anyone wants to. Or if anyone knows if I can buy a single some where.

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Eva - would love to have you contact me when you come to K.C. Would be great to meet you.

Laura - love the pix of Nelson & muscles. He is so darling.

Arthritis is becoming a major issue for me. Even after PT, I think Water will be my only option.

And - relative to arthritis - what do each of you (who need meds) take. The allegren info says no NSAIDS - inlcuding motrin, ibprophen, aleave, etc. May cause ulcers. So, I've been avoiding taking anything except some liquid childrens products - not nearly strong enough. HELP. Pain is horrible and I'm limping again.

I am official as of lunch today -- shake for Breakfast - then gone until 2 pm. Starving and shoveled in turkey & string cheese. Didn't chew well enough and ate way too fast. Had that feeling - DON'T take another bite. Began burping and felt like throwing up. Felt the slime begin. Walked around holding a plastic bucket waiting for the volcano to erupt. Nothing happened - but I was very uncomfortable for about 15 minutes.

Before the surgery, the therapist advised that these events would occur and to consider them "informational". She advised not to fear them, to welcome the opportunity to learn this new way of life. hmmmm.......... lol

Enjoy your Saturdays, friends.

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Janet, your point about the memories when we are in our 50's is so true...the problem being...is the CRS syndrome and I can't remember all the stuff I did back then. I can't say I've had a boring life but I'm not sure I can remember all of it either LOL. I was fat all through my life....not as fat as I am now, but still always overweight to the point people would say things, but I was always determined not to let it get in my way. I did everything I wanted and then some and I still do. Life is good.

Okay, back to weeding and laundry.

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Joyce, I'm on prescription anti-inflammatory and vicodin for pain....I go off of them when not in pain to help the stomach. I keep a pretty close eye on how my stomach is reacting and so far all is well. I also don't take any of the meds on an empty stomach. I think that may help.

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Janet, I actually got to go to the MJ concert for free. I was living in Salt Lake at the time and my neighbor was an exec with Burger King, some how he had free tickets but was unable to fly to Denver for the concert, knowing I could easily get here he gave them to me. It was pretty cool. And the 'seats' we had would have been way more than $100 aka $1mil to me as well. Sneaking in probably makes the concert all the more memorable for Andrews. LOL

Joyce, I take about a double dose of the childrens Motrin or Ibuprofen when needed. Also, I had to take some after my knee surgery it helped when I was no longer needing the vicodin but Tylenol wasn't cutting it. My lap band dr said I could take it periodically and when I did to take a prilosec with it to coat the stomach/pouch. I have only done that a few times and took it along to Isreal as it was difficult having the liquid childrens stuff along with me and I did so much walking there. Don't think it would be a good idea to do regularly but in a pinch it helped me out a lot.

Linda, Happy Birthday whenever it is! I have seen Bonefish here, I will have to check it out, I love seafood. HMMMM my bday is next month, our anniversary next week. Though DH is going to be out of town on our actual anniversary. 31 years, guess he can miss one! LOL

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I have decided that I will not have any PS. I am only two days post op but determined that this was my last surgery. I have the tools now for my success. I will exercise and make everything better for me. Blessings to all.

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Hi ladies! All talk about concerts is making me jealous! Janet, I absolutely love Earth, Wind, and Fire! Lucky you to get to go. I happen to be sitting in my living room listening to Aretha Franklin right now, and someone mentioned getting to see her. My daughter took me to Radio City Music Hall in NYC a few year's ago for my birthday to see her. It was great. We get a lot of good music coming to town here, but anymore I just hate the crowds. The last concert I went to I left because the college crowd was just so rude. They all had their cell phones out texting or taking photos. Just getting too old and grouchy, I guess!

Went to zumba today...didn't get to go so much last week. Been off on my food and need to get back on track. Staying still on the scale, and I'm determined to get the rest of this weight off!

One really good non-scale victory I've had lately is not having to wear my orthopedic shoes with the orthotics all the time. I actually have been able to wear some of my old "pretty" shoes instead of the clunky ones. Makes me feel good!

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Queen - You may change your mind - surgery is like having a baby - after a while you forget about the pain ;o)

Eva - I remember the stuff I did in the old days - I can't remember what I did yesterday - Hell I was a Mom at 16 so I didn't do much til I got 21 and even then didn't do much - I think late 20's started going to concerts etc.

Great - OMG you are so lucky - Now if I had it to do over again I would work for the airlines !!!! Travel - Have fun on your cruise !!!

Deb - So you are an r&b girl too - I like all kinds of music - but learn towards the r&b as my fav.. Most of the concerts we go to here at the Indian Casino's have all been great - young and white haired pple - we went to see Issac Hayes and I swear there were 80 yr old pple there..

I think we have seen them before - I remember Philip Bailey singing - but again crs comes into play ;0) But it will be a fun night out with my 2 bff's from high school

Joyce - they make adult liquid tyenlol - Ralphs/Kroger - Walgreens is where I find it - it's hard to find.. I would talk to your doc

Linda's actual bday is 4/22 - I just ck'd FB :0) =

Well gang I haven't done anything except wash and play on the computer - my eyes are tired- just got out of the shower - need to go get something for dinner


Jewel now that you moved from mil you don't have time for us -hope all is ok.

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Lori - exciting about the cruise - have a great time. What ship will you be aboard? We loved the Radisson (now Regent) but tried lots of different lines and ships.

Janet - I'll look for the liquid adult tylenol.

Thanks to all for suggestions. I'm still in the learning phase with the band and need to establish new routines.

Love to hear everyones memories of concerts. Good to hear.

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Deb - congrats on the pretty shoes. Those days are over for me - mostly "grandma shoes". But most days, I'm just happy to be walking.

Want strength to travel and again. Last trip was Peru in May 2008. Except for short trip taking 17 yr. old grandson & 22 yr. old granddaughter to San Diego last Aug. 2009. Most of it in wheel chair after knee surgery.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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