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Good Evening Gang

Yep Eva - as you on this journey - you will start noticing these things more and more - You are on your way to being not one of them..

CHARLENE - WTG GIRL - YES GOLD STAR 8 OF THEM !!!!! This is what you need - this motivation will help keep you on track..

Deb - Congrats on your 4 lbs - even with the extras - but the combination of that and exercise is what's doing it - but girl - my dad & mom - depression parents 1920 & 1930 - my mom from texas they were poor - I grew up w/clean plate - straving kids in Africa - throw the crap way !!!!

Karen thanks for the artical - I am going to email it to him ;0)

Julie - Laurak - Linda - Melissa - Jewel - Judy (where are you) who am I forgeting - don't mean to but Gang - I'm sorry - but it's 8:11 and I need to go eat - work is a b - I am never going to have any free time -

I'm off friday and tomorrow I don't go to the gym - so I promise to write more..



Okay....with the work, now you know how it goes with me sometimes. Also, we can't log-in I don't think. The site is probably blocked. I'm afraid to even try. As far as being busy though.....it's never ending.

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Hey everybody....... sorry I'm so late getting here to tell you about my appointment.... Long day.......

Anyway, to say that we came home a bit frustrated is an understatment..... Especially DH.. The doctor is soft spoken and talks very fast so DH couldn't understand much of what he said... I have spinal stenosis, from the 4th to the 6th or 7th cervical vertabrae... It was classifed as moderate to heavy there, but otherwise clear.... Doc explained it to me and what I got out of it is that there is swelling and some bulged discs causing a pinching of the nerves that lead out and down my shoulder and arm.... His recommendation is to have shots put in the neck......HOWEVER in order to do that he has to request approval for the procedure from my insurance company.. If all goes well we should have an answer in about a week..... until then, he asked if I had enough pain killers to get me through!!!!!! Isn't that just the best news???!!!! So, now we know what's wrong but still have to wait to do anything about it if the insurance company agrees that I need it..... I'm so fricking happy I could scream!!!!! Doc did tell me go continue with my chiropractor, but no more therapy as it isn't helping anyway.... What a waste of time and money ..... I did get a treatment today, too, then, so we'll see what that does for me... No pain so far today, but I can start to feel it in my shoulder just a touch now... So, sorry to dissappoint you all, but I'm still the same.....

Eva, loved the little purses... so cute.... and nice car... You have restored cars....... I have tractors..... I'm getting tired of hearing about tractors... DH ordered some new parts again today.. He got visions of parades and tractor shows for the summer.... Yipeeeeeee!!!

Arlene, so happy for you and your positive progress.. Keep up the good work....

Laura, you have a safe and fun trip tomorrow... Glad you are feeling better....

Phyll and Linda, my DH must be related to yours.... The other day I made him take off a shirt that he wore on our first day almost 16 years ago...... and it was old then!!!! Last year I made him go through his closet and throw some stuff out, but he never really changes and he doesn't were some of this stuff out....especially dress up clothes.... Work jeans and t-shirts and underwear and sock he can wear out very fast because he isn't at all careful when working... Just jumps right into everything with all his might.... He is very hard on shoes......

Well, I'm not remembering much else to comment on right now... too tired from shopping... Had to get the supplies for Easter Breakfast at chuch on Sunday.. The men do pancakes and sausage, but I always have to do the shopping and organinzing... Should have that all about done now... and got what I need for my dinner.. I will be cooking, but taking it to my mothers so she can have a holiday at her house for a change... Won't be too many of us, so not a big deal... Just doing a ham, potato casserole, veggies, lettuce salad, Pasta salad, and a few goodies... Mom will make her special cresant rolls and some kind of dessert..... Hope to have a restful day... May get to meet DD's new guy and his little girl..... we'll see...

Well, time to sleep if possible.... Take my pills and hope for the best.... Maybe a nice bath first will help. I've got my fingers crossed that the pain will stay back tonight.... Thanks for all your concerns.... I appreciate it very much.... Hugs to all..........Julie

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Phyl, I swear you are the chili queen. I think you've posted about making chili more than anyone I know. It's great food for the crock pot and for chilly weather. When are you heading back to the north? DH has a problem buying shoes too...he'll do it but rarely and it's like torture for him.EVa

Yeah... as soon as I heard this storm was coming I started plotting to make chili! We love it. DH puts it together, then I season it. He's not allowed to do seasoning because he always over does it... too much of everything, especially salt! We have worn out our crockpot. He put it by the door to go to the dump. He found a crack in the pot and one of the handles is broken, so in danger of being dropped every time we lift it or move it. Just discovered those two problems today. I'm hoping to buy a new one before we leave because we'll be on the road at least two weeks and we like to make things in the crock pot... chili, Soups, stew. So I don't want to be without one for the trip home. We leave a week from today.


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Hi All,

Well got half of my room painted yesterday. Decided to do some more cleaning. Boy does it feel liberating to get rid of more clothes. I took 4 more bags to donate between my closet and dresser. Either they were to big or fit but I decided I wanted to dress better. I wear sweatshirts and jeans a lot. I don't have to dress up for work.

DD called she got a call from the FLB, the one she interviewed with in Phoenix. They wanted her to send them her resume again. Now waiting again, praying for good news for her. Job would be in Nevada.

Julie, glad you got some answers now if they can get

you fixed up. fingers crossed.

CBL Laura K

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You are all still here. I got suspicious when it had been since yesterday morning that I got an email update about new posts here and came to check it out and now I am behind. I hate when the email updates don't come.

Julie, sorry you didn't get any immediate treatment or solution to your pain but I still look at it as good news, at least they know what is causing it and can go from there. Here's hoping your insurance approves the treatments promptly though! What caused this to happen? an injury?

Arlene, congrats, glad to hear you sounding positive again, I was getting concerned about you being so down.

Laura, have a good trip to your folks. Hope you get your dad out in that boat.

Phyl, too funny, you get 60 degrees and you break out the crockpot and make chili. We get to 60 degrees and we are breaking out the BBQ and grilling! All a matter of perspective and the climates we get used to.

Linda, my DH is just like your's and others that have posted. He won't throw anything out, periodically I sneak some shirts out of his closet, he never even notices. He had one in there that I bought when I worked at Mervyns. I worked at Mervyns when my 27 yr old son was 2. LOL And to go shopping with him he goes in and 'conquers' the first shirt/shoes/whatever we are shopping for that fits. Whereas I want to shop around and check everything out first to be sure I got the right one. LOL Did you join the gym??

Deb, throw the food out! I grew up with the clean plate club too and depression era parents and grandparents. it's hard to break but once you realize it's doing more harm than good it gets easier.

Janet, enjoy the day off tomorrow! Just found out DH is off tomorrow too but guess he and DS are going fishing.

Eva, I've been noticing at times the sizes of people too. It used to be that I would have to gauge the room to see if I was the heaviest and to some degree still do that.

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Good Morning Girls....

Julie...thanks for the update. Hopefully your ins company will do the right thing and approve treatment without dragging their feet. And, once that happens, I hope the treatments recommended are what you need and do the trick.

This is just a drive by post. Gotta run to town to get some parts for what my men are working on and run to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items for Easter dishes I am making. We are spending Easter with some neighbors/friends/family. (My pretend family). They are hosting and we all bring food. I am making a fresh fruit salad and pea salad just like "mom" used to make.

Also making a bunny cake. I've been making this same cake for years and it's just fun to watch the little ones when they see it. Believe me, I am not a cake decorator but can fake it pretty good. I usually make a buttermilk cake and never use mixes as I love to bake. Did you guys know I love to bake????LOL

So...hope you all have a great day and I had better run so am get these parts back a.s.a.p. Later

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Good Morning Girls....

Julie...thanks for the update. Hopefully your ins company will do the right thing and approve treatment without dragging their feet. And, once that happens, I hope the treatments recommended are what you need and do the trick.

This is just a drive by post. Gotta run to town to get some parts for what my men are working on and run to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items for Easter dishes I am making. We are spending Easter with some neighbors/friends/family. (My pretend family). They are hosting and we all bring food. I am making a fresh fruit salad and pea salad just like "mom" used to make.

Also making a bunny cake. I've been making this same cake for years and it's just fun to watch the little ones when they see it. Believe me, I am not a cake decorator but can fake it pretty good. I usually make a buttermilk cake and never use mixes as I love to bake. Did you guys know I love to bake????LOL

So...hope you all have a great day and I had better run so am get these parts back a.s.a.p. Later

Yum! Bunny cake brings back memories. When I was five we had moved in a new neighborhood. It was my birthday and I told all the neighbor kids that I was having a birthday party except my mother did not plan a party. She freaked, so the neighbor made me a bunny cake and I had the best party. I am glad to hear after fifty four years the bunny cake lives on.

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Yum! Bunny cake brings back memories. When I was five we had moved in a new neighborhood. It was my birthday and I told all the neighbor kids that I was having a birthday party except my mother did not plan a party. She freaked, so the neighbor made me a bunny cake and I had the best party. I am glad to hear after fifty four years the bunny cake lives on.

It's those little things in life that kids carry through with them for a lifetime. These children I am making it for will forever remember the lop-sided bunny cake that Auntie made for them!:thumbup:

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Good afternoon everyone! Hope everyone's day is as lovely as ours -- 82 here today -- although inside I was cold - had to have my heater on all morning -- that's the only bad thing I've found about losing my weight -- I do get cold and have a hard time getting warm sometimes. But, I can turn on a heater or put on warmer clothes quite easily. LOL.

Bunny cake sounds delish -- I should be a good GM and make one for sunday -- I'll have to look up instructions - I know I've seen them around. Aylah would love it I'm sure.

I had to laugh at our notes about our DH's clothes -- I know there are shirts in the closet that I purchased for him the first year we were dating (1992) so that's 18 years. LOL Lori on the 25 year Mervyn's shirt. LMAO. SO, I guess they are all alike. What's sad is that everything still fits even though he's gained a little weight but seems like his clothes always fit him. Urggh!

Julie, so glad you are getting some answers and see an end in sight! Keep up all the positive thoughts and try to just keep that pain in check - always try to stay ahead of it. I know you probably hate taking the pain pills, but better to take them then to be in pain.

LauraK congrats on getting half of the room painted!! That's great. Hope your DD gets that job - if she moves to Vegas we can meet up there (my DS lives there -- he moved there last fall for his job).

Gotta run, cbl so happy I have tomorrow off!!


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Linda...the cake is really easy to make and looks so cute. You just bake 2 round (standard size) cakes (1 batch). The one cake is the face of the bunny. Then you take the other cake and cut it to make ears and bow tie. Make two slices on each side of the round to make the ears and you end up with a bow tie shaped peice for under the chin. I make a cream cheese frosting. I snip marshmallows and spray them the color I want them with decorating spray. I also put dark candies in the marshmallow eyes and nose to make nostrils and define the eyes. I do spray in different colors such as pink for the inside of the ears. Something your GD could have fun helping you make.

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If anyone is looking for a nice spring salad...I made this a few days ago and it is very tasty.

Layer sliced tomatoes, peeled cukes (I use burpless), sliced sweet onion. The dressing is 1/2 cup FF sourcream, 1/2 cup FF Miracle Whip, 2 tsp Mrs. Dash Tomato/Basil/Garlic seasoning and 2 TBL Splenda. Let sit for a day.

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Thanks Apples, I may have to try that bunny cake!! Sounds fun!

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Talk of bunny cakes reminds me of the lamb cake my Grandma used to make when we were kids. She had a lamb shape pan and then put green easter grass around it and some jelly Beans. I'll have to find that pan when we move and I unpack, have no idea where it is now and won't find it by Sunday. I made a good grape salad for a pot luck tonight, think I will make it again for Easter at my MIL's


1 8 oz. Sour Cream

1 8 oz pkg. cream cheese

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 C. sugar

8 Cups of grapes (mix of red and green)

Brown sugar


Mix together softened cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Fold in grapes. Put in serving bowl. Sprinkle top with small amount of brown sugar and nuts.

Of course you can use light sour cream and cream cheese.

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I don't want to be a but I am not doing great with my new food plan. I was going with the flow Mon and Tues writting everything down feel obsessed about my calories and trying to plan what I could eat.

Then Wed. hit and the last two days were horrible. I can basically eat alot now or at least it feels like it. I just took out the .4cc because of the acid reflux always pbing. But I was losing down to 211.

Now I can drink all my Water 64oz or more with no probelm YEAH!!!. But I made the mistake of testing my band and I can eat so much more we went to IHOP and I ate more than I ever had like my band was not there. It is my fault cause in my mind I was like I can drink I bet I can eat. Well goes to show me I am not ready for a looser band.

Now I do not know what to do. spend another 100.00 and add more Fluid back or do a modified shake thing or the five day. My Dr wants me to eat beween 800-1000 calories a day no more than 1200 and that is only if I am working out very hard which I am not.

HELP I feel crappy and confused. Why do you do good than I fall flat I mean I did not even make it a week. :thumbup: I am also reading the beck book but very slowly seems like I never have time.

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I don't want to be a but I am not doing great with my new food plan. I was going with the flow Mon and Tues writting everything down feel obsessed about my calories and trying to plan what I could eat.

Then Wed. hit and the last two days were horrible. I can basically eat alot now or at least it feels like it. I just took out the .4cc because of the acid reflux always pbing. But I was losing down to 211.

Now I can drink all my Water 64oz or more with no probelm YEAH!!!. But I made the mistake of testing my band and I can eat so much more we went to IHOP and I ate more than I ever had like my band was not there. It is my fault cause in my mind I was like I can drink I bet I can eat. Well goes to show me I am not ready for a looser band.

Now I do not know what to do. spend another 100.00 and add more Fluid back or do a modified shake thing or the five day. My Dr wants me to eat beween 800-1000 calories a day no more than 1200 and that is only if I am working out very hard which I am not.

HELP I feel crappy and confused. Why do you do good than I fall flat I mean I did not even make it a week. :cursing: I am also reading the beck book but very slowly seems like I never have time.

Melissa...you CAN do this. You just need to start with positive affirmations that you tell yourself over and over again. You turned the corner for two days and were successful and then stumbled. Brush yourself off and get after again.

You do need to first give yourself a kick and get yourself moving and do some planning as to what will work for you. Having a plan on hand is key. Plan your food, plan your exercise, plan any treats that you may look forward to. Don't allow yourself to sway from your plan until you get a hold on all of this again.

You were asking about Arlene's sticky notes. Make some for yourself. Things like: I CAN do this, I am determined to make this work, I will not let my hunger rule me, I am worth it, I want to live a life as a healthy me, etc.

Give it all a GOOD try for a few weeks. Set a number of days and tell yourself that for the next 18 days I will make this work. After that time, if you feel like you need a tweek of a fill, then go for it.

I really do feel for you and the struggles you have had lately. But no one can do it for you. We are here for you...you know that. Show us what you can do and get that scale moving again. Sending hugs.:thumbup:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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