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Apples, I don't know how to say this without seeming conceited or prideful, but it felt wonderful! I got so so many comments on how I looked. At first it was really hard but then I just started saying thank you and leaving it at that, instead of thank you BUT..... DH kept telling me I was hotter than the bride LOL i told him I was supposed to be to him. But even men were commenting (not in that way) but it's unusual for men to notice things. I think I had the perfect dress for me and for once in my life I just beamed and loved being all dressed up. For the rehersal dinner the night before I even bought a pencil type skirt with a belt and a blouse tucked into it. folks were shocked to see me in a skirt. Even my pastor commented on how great I looked. The whole weekend was like my crowning glory, I felt so good and it sortta clicked something in my head that said, 'Lori, you aren't fat anymore'. I will always be, as Janet says, a fat chick inside, and have to watch my mindset a lot, but my body is telling a different story and I relish in living a 'normal weight' lifestyle. the things I have done in teh past year that I wouldn't have done before are so rewarding. I truly feel like I got my life back. Thanks for letting me gloat a little. In fact, DH went and found the photographer and asked her to take shots of me as he wants one for his desk in his new office. AHHHHH how sweet! Said he had to show me off. Even my sisters commented!

I don't see any "bragging" goin' on, Lori. I see it as you being in a good spot. Being able to except compliments is a big step in the right direction.

Isn't that a great feeling when you can tuck your blouse in and wear a belt? I was so unsure the first time I did after losing weight. DH had to literally make me keep the outfit on and led me out the door so I would not change my clothes. Now I feel sloppy if I don't tuck things in. So many changes and feeling that come with weight loss.

Had my 6 mo. check-in with my LB doc this afternoon. My weight is good and he is happy with where I am at. Nice to have a doctor that you can tell that his passion is helping the obese. He's a real stickler for trying to keep his patients on task. He never intimidated me but laid out what he expected. I hope he is around for a good long time. His staff is wonderfull, too. And, I know they understand things because they are LB ppl too. What I am trying to say is that I lucked out when I chose his office.

Melissa...good to hear you are tracking your food and getting some exercise. Way to go, girl!

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Laura - so good to hear that you are feeling so much better. I understand how difficult to wait 1 1/2 hours to eat. I still need Nexium in the AM and wait one hour to eat Breakfast.< /p>

Apples, Janet - It will be fun to shop again when I have a body. It has been so long, I can't even imagine shopping being anything but agony.

Great - Thank you for sharing how it felt to have all your hard work acknowledged. You MADE this new life happen. How wonderful to have an event where so many ppl could see how beautiful you have become. Yes, you were beautiful before - but now it shows inside and out.

It encourages all of us to hear how success feels.

Well, my exercise begins today. I saw my orthopedic surgeon today. He gave me my new knee last May. Now I'm experiencing pain and instability in right hip. After x-rays - he confirmed the knee looks great (which I knew) and DJD on right hip. So - I had the choice of PT 2 or 3 days a week - I took 3. The evaluation was this afternoon.

Tomorrow I begin 45 min. in the pool therapy and 1 1/2 hr. land therapy 3 days a week.

That should boost my weight loss and set up strong workout routines. Will continue this schedule for 6 weeks, then see where I stand.

My first fill will be 8 days from now. Ready to start losing again.


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Hello friends, this is the first time I've had to check in today.. DH has started back to work sort of full-time now so he leaves early... Mimi came at 6:45 and she kept me busy today.... Spilled a full glass of root beer on my living room carpet... Took a lot to get that out.... She was just trying to bring it to me, but stumbled before I could get to her..... I couldn't get mad about that.... But worked hard to get it up as fast as I could.....

I've just come in from the hot-tub.... my shoulders and neck were aching and I feel the pain coming on again... Thank goodness I get to see the doctor tomorrow.. I don't suppose he'll do much to help me, but at least I should know what's wrong and what we are going to do about it and when..... I'm so ready for some action.....

Lori, I agree with everything Apples said.... You looked amazing and I'm so happy you were able to feel it too... Your DH is sure a keeper!!!! You'll have to share the pictures he had taken with us..... Glad you get a couple days to yourself now before you little trip.... Rest up.....

Apples, thanks for the treats for Mimi... not necessary, but very appreciated.... She only has us.....there are no other grandparents.... Their choice!!!! So it will be nice for her to get something special from someone special... Thank you..... Glad your appt went so well... We know you are doing fantastic..... glad he agrees

Joyce good luck with your new exercise/therapy plan.. I hope you get lots of good from it.... Good luck with your first fill, too...

Laura, happy to hear you are feeling better.... About time, huh????

Jessica, have a great time on your trip... You'll come home wanting a baby yourself maybe??!!!!!

Melissa..... keep up the good work...

Hope everyone else is doing well..... I'm off to relax with DH in front of the TV.... but I think it's all reruns tonight... Easter week and all...... Hugs to all... Julie

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Julie, I can't wait for you to get some relief from your neck/shoulder. There has to be something they can do for it. I know you'll tell us what the doctor says. I can't stand carpet...I know most people have it and in the cold part of the country...it's necessary, but man, keeping that stuff clean is a pain. I have it in my master bedroom and it's a pain. I'll pull it out and replace it one of these days, but it won't be for a while yet.

Joyce, what is DJD? degenerative joint disease? I have arthritis in my left hip and sacrum area. It bugs me now and then and no fun, but my knees are holding up alright. The PT you'll be getting will help a lot and you will feel a lot better...at least after a while you will.

Lori, I'm so glad your sisters said something....I'm assuming it was positive. Did your mom say anything nice to you? Don't feel guilty about them leaving early...I take it they can fly standby too so they can change their flights at will. We are planning on going to Hawaii too, but now in September when flights are cheaper. I guess we will be going to Oahu instead of the big island, but I think DH and I will be sneaking off to the big Island anyway. We want to do volcano stuff.

Apples, glad your appointment with the doc went well. You are such a nice MN Easter bunny. "Our" kids are really going to appreciate what the bunny is going to leave for them. I just picked up some egg coloring stuff to play with on Sunday. The FNSC gang is coming over on Sunday for an Easter brunch and they want to color eggs...so that's what we are going to do. It should be fun...and I'll make them take their eggs home with them.

Janet, so your work computer was down? Bummer....or maybe not, but then everything gets behind when that happens.

Charlene, are the stickers helping? They must be. Can't wait to see what results you are getting from the shakes.

Gotta go...it's date night and we are taking the bug....VW...it's fun. Talk at you all later.


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Jodi - Happy Passover !!!!

Ok gang I am going from memory here and since most of us of are 50+ you will forgive me if I forget something...

Laura - Glad you are feeling better... Your DH seems like a nice and caring man - I really enjoyed him.. How Nelson..

Julie - Glad you are seeing the doc tomorrow..

Great & Apples - yes we are the shopping girls :0) - I wore the $15 dress today zebra print - my gf at work said I looked super tiny in it - to bad I can't wear the dress every day ;0).

Great you look fabulous = eat up the complements - they help in not going back to where we were - I love them - they help reinforce my mindset.. I know you wanted parents around a little longer - but just be glad the negativity wasn't coming your way and ruining your weekend.. If mom was a pain to your sis - you could just imagine how she would have been w/you..

Deb - Have a Great Weekend and girl - how is the stuff getting in the house - remember your house is your safe zone - don't buy it - it won't be there to eat when you are week - I may throw something in my cart - but 99% of the time it's not in there when I am at the ck out stand.. When you are tempted to buy the stuff - read the labels (calories) that does it for me - I know how hard it is to exercise off 100 calories

Melissa - WTG on logging your food - I guess you haven't gotten the beck book - it tells you what to write on those sticky notes - heck on yours - write - LBT - HELP...

Eva ya our computers were down for 1/2 the day - plus we had Unum (or something like that) explaining Long Term Health Care - disability and life insurance - my employer provides the disability (short & long term) 1 x salary for life insurance (we can buy up to 50k w/o any medical) and now 2 yr long term care insurance - I purchased 5 yr up grade - I already have a LTC policy (am of the age that I have to think about these things)

My trainer Idrise called me this morning - I guess it was bugging him about our discussion about food addiction - I tried to explain to him that my fear is that I will regain the weight and that I'm just as addicted as a drug addict ( this is where the conversation got heated - he said no I am diff - that I am not physically addicted to food as a drug addict is - he doesn't get the mental issue) - he said I don't give myself enough credit - that I have made the changes and he doesn't think I will go back - It was nice that he called - you have to understand - he's a know it all - (awe like I'm not ;0)...

So back to the work issues - didn't get much done today - and we have Friday off (Good Friday - Holiday) so the next 2 days are going to be a "B"

Joyce - well I'm a bit confused - do you just need pt on hip or surgery?? pt will be exercise ;0)

Well gang - don't know what I want for dinner - have lamb but really don't feel like it - really don't know what I want..

Think I'll start w/some green Beans :0)

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Back from dinner...went to a steak house and had ribs....or should I say a rib and salad. Didn't do too bad...brought the rest home. I end up throwing a lot of food away because I just don't eat it like I used to. Guess this is another advantage of the band.

I was so hungry by the time we got to the restaurant, I was shaking...I had to sip on DH soda...it helped. I hate it when my blood sugar drops like that...it takes a while to level out again.

Jodi....hope you are having a good passover. My boss went to a passover celebration last night....said he was lucky it wan't one of the long ones where everyone is up until 2am. He wouldn't have been too pleasant if that had happened.

Deb have a really good trip. Take pictures of your flowers. I love those.



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Bug pictures....DH took one of me, but it was so bad I'm not including it. The weather is perfect and it was fun driving there with a big old moon and great weather.

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My little purse invites....they are all different.

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Good Morning

Nice warm morning here. Already 46. Got up to 74 yesterday. I think we have turned our corner into spring. Just hoping it does not do a U-turn.

Eva...you are so talented. Those invitations are so cute. And the bug...both DH and I grew up with bugs. We had 2 and DH had many including a VW van. He was a bit of a stinker and caused his momma some grey hair during his teenage years. He and his dad refurbished a bug and completed it when he was about 15. He was warned that he could only drive it around the yard. Yeah right! He took it down the highway with a friend and rolled it right down the middle of the road. He spent an entire summer staying home on the farm. No outside activities except going to church...and re-refurbishing the bug. Naughty boy.

I used to get the lows with my blood sugars early morning and about 4-5pm. I detested that feeling. Now can hardly remember the last time it happened...maybe 18 months ago. It does all even out.

Janet...got an interesting article from my LB doc yesterday regarding food addiction. The gist of the article is this:

It is believed that a diet heavy in highly rewarding foods (cakes, Cookies, fried Snacks and highly processed foods) might cause changes in the brain's reward system for satiety.

When that goes awry, the result is not only that ppl gain weight, but that they feel compelled to seek out more and more junk food.

When researchers looked at obese animals they tested, they noted there were declines in the dopamine D2 receptor. Previous research has implicated it as similar to addiction to cocaine and heroine. Drug addiction leads to changes in how the brain's reward system works. It is believed the same thing happens with food.

What they think happens is that, as you become obese over a period of time, the D2 receptors go down, which plays a major roll in becoming a compulsive eater.

They also believe that there could be something in accumulated fat that alters the brain's reward threshold, setting up a vicious cycle of overeating yet not feeling satisfied.

Hmmmmm....I would say food can become an addiction and can "snowball" out of control.

It's not like me to not sleep well. I tossed and turned all night. Going to tough it out today cuz lots going on around here (seed corn and bean delivery...too much to mention) and I need to be available. Figure I will sleep better tonight if I don't nap. Actually, no time for a nap.

First thing on my agenda is to go see my friend that lost her mom this week. Got up early and made 3 diff kinds of cookies to take over. 1st rule on the list when you live in MN. Never go visit a family who has lost someone without bringing food. You might not get in the door!

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Eva, those invitations are wonderful! They've inspired me to get back into some of my projects. Lately I can't seem to land on any one thing and get creative with it. Haven't sewed much in a while, and I do need some summer clothes, so maybe I'll get crackin'.

I feel like I'm back on track. The cake is (almost) gone. (Throw away food? ?! Are you kidding!! That goes against every thing I ever learned from my Depression-Era mother!!) I baked it for our Sunday family dinner, then we ended up not eating it because everyone was too full. Here's my excuse (beware of upcoming rationalizations): I've just started having my son and his gf over again for Sunday dinner---he has lots of problems and I get so frustrated with him, that for a while I just wanted to detach a little from him. Now I realize that I can detach from his problems, but still have a decent relationship with him. So I started having them come over more often. And me being Italian and all...food is VERY important, tantamount to LOVE. So I cooked a big meal, with dessert (which I hardly ever do). And bought ice cream to go with the cake. And ate a bunch of it myself! So there's my big excuse (ha ha) I did it because I love my kid! (just kidding)

I've been drinking a bottle of Muscle Milk instead of lunch for the past two days. Mostly because I was having trouble pb'ing at lunch and wanted my swollen stoma to get back to normal. A friend of ours starting selling Muscle Milk and gave me a bunch of free samples. Got on the scale today and lost about 4 lbs since last week...I guess the zumba and all the other exercise I've been doing has finally paid off! I really believe that changing something up (a new kind of exercise, or eating something different than usual) can really kickstart some weightloss.

Has anyone here used Mederma on their scars? It's a little pricey, so I'd like to know if it actually works before I buy it. I have the type of skin that gets keloid scars (all bumped up and very dark in color), and my surgery scars look sort of like red earthworms on my stomach (ick!). I had my surgery back in Sept. so it may be too late to do anything about them.

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Just noticed a thread posted by Alex titled "Common Mechanisms of Drug Abuse and Obesity". Looks very similar to the article distributed by my doc yesterday.

Janet...copy it off and bring it to your trainer.

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New to the whole thing; not banded yet waiting for surgeon to call to schedule. I am looking for a buddy who can help me through the path I am about to embark on.:frown:

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New to the whole thing; not banded yet waiting for surgeon to call to schedule. I am looking for a buddy who can help me through the path I am about to embark on.:frown:

Hey Debbee...welcome and congrats on making the decision to take the road to a new and healthy life. If you are looking for support and a few lapband buddies, you have come to the right place. This thread and LapBandTalk is a great place for support.

There are people in all stages of LB life on this thread. Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in the process, etc.

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My little purse invites....they are all different.

Love them! You are so talented!

Leaving for my weight loss session with the nutritionist. I weighed this morning and I am still just 8lbs down. I'll take it!

I'll check back this afternoon.

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Love them! You are so talented!

Leaving for my weight loss session with the nutritionist. I weighed this morning and I am still just 8lbs down. I'll take it!

I'll check back this afternoon.

You are doing so great, Arlene. Good luck with your weigh-in and keep following your doc's advice. Seems to be doing the job for you.

Julie...anxious to hear what your doc has to say today. Post as soon as you have time. We want you to be fixed and on your way to a pain free life again. You've has such a long haul. Take care.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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