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Hey guys~

What a difference a day makes. I am feeling a LOT better. Yesterday I had a nice long talk with my surgeon. I paged him and he called me back. His gut feeling (no pun intended) is that it is just esophagitis and gastritis. Probably started with the last fill and then this virus with the vomiting episodes was the clincher. So basically the advice is: all the stuff Cheri said (thanks for listing- you saved me a lot of time), continue the prilosec two times a day for a couple weeks and added Carafate suspension (a prescription esophagus/stomach coating you take one hour before meals and before bed). He said it really doesn't matter warm/cold food/fluids- basically do whatever feels better. Now, he feels very comfortable doing this for a week or so and seeing how I do b/c it is the treatment if I had a barium swallow or endoscopy that showed an ulcer. He doesn't think the band has slipped (though can't be sure of course) but my symptoms do not suggest it. Good news. I have had two doses of the Carafate and I feel a lot better. Cheri, I have to tell you- your note about the chocolate REALLY resonated with me. Yesterday when I wasn't eating, I took a spoonful of DH's cake's icing. It felt like a hot poker going down! I have NEVER EVER EVER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE had problems eating chocolate!!! I have always had a stomach made of iron! Holy cow.

Who was it that was talking about not trying to let the band do all the work? Someone mentioned this. It's so true. Although I know where my "sweet spot" is, I doubt I will go that tight again. I think just having some restriction we should be able to do this. Some stomachs cannot handle the restriction for long periods of time. The acid can eat through your stomach.

Nelson is fine. Had the one bout of diarrhea and was better. and I am sure now it was caused by too much chocolate birthday cake.

My Dad had a procedure done today to see if he could get his nephrostomy tube out. Negative. They said the urine wasn't flowing good enough down to the ureter just yet. He was really bummed. Nels and I will be going on Wed to see them. DH is on call all Easter weekend and gets to stay home.

Julie~ hope you are feeling better this morning. HUGS. Thanks for thinking of me.

HI to everyone else~ will cbl, gotta get some work done.

peasout... Laura

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I slept in a bit after being up late last night.. Just sitting here doing some paperwork before Mimi comes for the day... thought I would check in....

Laura, glad you are feeling better and got some positive news from the doc... No more needing to freak out I hope!!!!! Just relax a bit and heal... You've been through quite an ordeal... How is little Nels..??? It's good that you are on the mend so it doesn't interfere with your plans to go home for Easter... Poor Nael will be alone, but working will help pass the time I'm sure... I spent last Easter in the hospital in a bed!!!! with no food at all......

Well, ladies, I'm at a loss for words.... My DD, who has been through so much when it comes to men....including abuse.............announced to me this morning that she is very serious about this guy..... And how would I feel if they were to get engaged quite soon???? WOW....... it seems like only yesterday she was telling me she wanted nothing to do with men or anything they had to offer.... Quite a switch.... He and his little 2 year old girl were at DD's all day yesterday.... Mimi was on fairly good behavior I guess... She hasn't learned to play well with others just quite yet.. Too much time rough-housing with Grandpa...... DD says he has already said that she is the one for him..... I'm a bit flabbergasted..... Good Golly, I might be the next one to need a MOB dress!!!! Apples will have to help me shop, too....... I just tried to be a calming influence this morning when she called.. Told her they have lots of time... considering I haven't even met him yet... He wants to, but she holds back.. He wants her to meet his parents, too.... Wow, I'm still in shock.. She just said all this to me a little bit ago..... Of course she has already started to worry about everything... Like giving up her house to move to Mandan.(sister city to Bismarck with the Missouri River between.) or him moving here and jeopardizing his custody agreement with his daughter.... She can come up with all the things to worry about....She's the "glass half empty" type of gal...... always sees the negative first..... Anyway, enough of that.... I just want her and Mimi to be happy and healthy.

I should do some picking up around here before Mimi comes, so will say tata for now.... Hugs....... Julie

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Laura...so good to hear that you are feeling better. I think there were a few of us that made the mention of not having the band too tight. IMO, ideal restriction is still having a feeling of hunger every 2-4 hours but still having the band to put a stop to over-stuffing at meal times. I think the true trick is to have good/healthy Snacks on hand and making good choices when that hunger hits between meals. Living with a little hunger is better than living with the issues that come to being too tight. There are just too many things that can pop up (virus, draining sinus, stress) and make our band uber tight.

Now, that was not a lecture....just my point of veiw. You have done quite well with this whole banding thing and I bet you NEVER want to feel like you did this weekend ever again. Treat your band like you were feeding a baby this week and hopefully you will be back to normal while visiting your parents.

Sorry your dad is frustrated and that he had to keep that darned tube.

Julie...I bet you are stunned. I do understand where you are coming from on this. But, sounds like the kids have been visiting for quite some time. I used to scoff that the "love at first sight" crap. Well, not sure what happened, but somebody lit some TNT and the rest is history. We just knew. He knew I was good for him and I surely just knew he was the best for me.

All moms are going to access the situation and maybe have some doubts when things tend to move fast. Testing the waters and not jumping right into marraige is a good thing especially where children are involved. Just do the best you can and be there for her. At least she talks to you and is not hiding how she feels. That's a big plus. I guess I am kind of excited for her and what this could mean for her and Mimi's future.

Been on the run since very early this morning. Up at 5am and in town to do farm errands, bank, etc. since 8am. Now need to fix some lunch for my 2 men. Sliced roast beef with pepper jack cheese sauce and yogurt with carrot Cookies is on the menu today. Better step it up a gear....Later.

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Laura - so relieved that you are feeling better. I was praying for resolution.

Apples - for a newbie, like me - your response to Laura about seeking the fill level - which allows some hunger - yet not too tight, will hopefully help me as my fills begin.

I find it interesting as I read this thread how clear it is to others, when one of you is too tight. And yet, we are unable to notice on our own. Truly reinforces the support available with the experience each one brings to the table. Very comforting as I walk thru this journey.

Julie - sorry you had a difficult night of pain. Wednesday won't come too soon. We have 2 adult children who are unmarried - our 38 yr. old daughter with a 10 yr. old son and 42 yr. old son with no children.

We would love for them to have a partner to share life. Daughter was dating someone we felt was not right, and remained silent. Thankfully, he moved out of her life.

It clearly sounds like your daughter might have found the ONE. It will be interesting to see what you think after seeing them together and what DD thinks of his parents. It is a blessing that she will share her feelings with you.

Well - time for me to get busy.

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Hi everyone, happy Monday! Lori, what beautiful pics -- all of you are gorgeous -- you, your DD, DH and DS! You looked so beautiful in that MOB dress!! You know what I thought in looking at that pic -- I thought "she looks like she's been a thin person all her life" -- truly I see nothing that would make me ever even think you'd been anything but a skinny minnie your whole life. You said you're finally able to see yourself as thin - I'm so happy to hear that. Apples asked the question if we like having our pic taken -- I was shocked that so many of you said you never minded it -- I HATED having my picture taken when I was heavy - now I love it -- but I always hated it before. LOL. Hope your week with your parents goes well -- hope those sisters of yours are on good behavior.

Laura, so happy you are feeling better -- I do hope you mend quickly with no further complications.

Cheri -- thanks for that info -- very helpful and good for us all to remember as we go on this journey. Glad you had fun with your grandkids.

We had a great weekend -- crap weather on Sat. but nice yesterday (but with a very cold wind). Enjoyed my visit with my DS and DDIL and her folks -- had a very nice dinner on Sat. night -- had Mahi Mahi that was cooked on wood burning grill topped with warm pineapple salsa - very delish. We enjoy good meals out as our little town has little to offer so when we away we really enjoy our dining. Got back last night around 9 p.m. We stayed at a Holiday Inn and their fitness room is being renovated so they gave me a key to go to a nearby gym -- Anytime Fitness - we recently had one open in my little town -- only been open about a month. I kept thinking I didn't need to spend the money on a gym membership, but after working out there yesterday morning I decided I'm going to join the one here -- maybe that will get my weight moving again -- I just felt like I got a better work out with the bike, treadmill and the eliptical than I get at home. So I'm going at lunch to sign up. All brand new machines, I've heard it's pretty great - open 24 hours. I belong to our Y but it is old, have little equipment that works correctly -- I go to Water aerobics there and so does my DH, but for anything else it's just too antiquated. You can even meet with a trainer once for free with a new membership, so I will take advantage of that as well. I'm excited.

We too are supposed to have 70s by mid week -- can't wait - so tired of being cold. Plus, for once it might be a warm Easter -- last couple of years it's been very cold for Easter.

Julie, hope they can get you fixed up soon without anything too invasive (or not invasive at all would be really great). Wow, this guy must be something if DD is ready to commit so quickly. I don't want to sound negative, but I do hope they get some counseling before they decide to take the plunge -- my only concern is cause it's hard to raise someone else's kids as I know you know as well. I think having some counseling sessions is helpful. You didn't say if he has custody of his daughter but sounds like he does. I do hope it works out for her - it would be great for both her and Mimi if he's a great guy. Sometimes it doesn't take a long time to know someone - my current DH and I didn't know each other long before we made our committment -- I think when it's right, it's right.

I can't believe how energetic you all were this weekend -- I can't get my DH to part with our entertainment center -- so I'll be out of date forever - he got a great deal on it and he's so PROUD of it. We'll probably never get a flat screen either as he loves his tv and when we had it repaired last time the guy told him it should last another 20 years -- I would love to ditch the center, put in a fireplace on that wall and hang a flat screen above the fireplace. Well, only way that's likely to happen is if DH runs off and that's highly unlikely.

Jessica, have a great time visiting your brother and enjoy yourself -- try to relax while you're gone -- you have a lot on your plate right now.

Hope everyone has a great day - I'll CBL. I'm so excited - this is a 4 day week for us -- Good Friday is a holiday.


Edited by ljv52

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Hey guys~

What a difference a day makes. I am feeling a LOT better. Yesterday I had a nice long talk with my surgeon. I paged him and he called me back. His gut feeling (no pun intended) is that it is just esophagitis and gastritis. Probably started with the last fill and then this virus with the vomiting episodes was the clincher. So basically the advice is: all the stuff Cheri said (thanks for listing- you saved me a lot of time), continue the prilosec two times a day for a couple weeks and added Carafate suspension (a prescription esophagus/stomach coating you take one hour before meals and before bed). He said it really doesn't matter warm/cold food/fluids- basically do whatever feels better. Now, he feels very comfortable doing this for a week or so and seeing how I do b/c it is the treatment if I had a barium swallow or endoscopy that showed an ulcer. He doesn't think the band has slipped (though can't be sure of course) but my symptoms do not suggest it. Good news. I have had two doses of the Carafate and I feel a lot better. Cheri, I have to tell you- your note about the chocolate REALLY resonated with me. Yesterday when I wasn't eating, I took a spoonful of DH's cake's icing. It felt like a hot poker going down! I have NEVER EVER EVER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE had problems eating chocolate!!! I have always had a stomach made of iron! Holy cow.

Who was it that was talking about not trying to let the band do all the work? Someone mentioned this. It's so true. Although I know where my "sweet spot" is, I doubt I will go that tight again. I think just having some restriction we should be able to do this. Some stomachs cannot handle the restriction for long periods of time. The acid can eat through your stomach.

Nelson is fine. Had the one bout of diarrhea and was better. and I am sure now it was caused by too much chocolate birthday cake.

My Dad had a procedure done today to see if he could get his nephrostomy tube out. Negative. They said the urine wasn't flowing good enough down to the ureter just yet. He was really bummed. Nels and I will be going on Wed to see them. DH is on call all Easter weekend and gets to stay home.

Julie~ hope you are feeling better this morning. HUGS. Thanks for thinking of me.

HI to everyone else~ will cbl, gotta get some work done.

peasout... Laura

Laura.......so glad you are feeling betting. I have had gastritis and it is painful. Take care!

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Jessica - MIL can wait ;0) how far are you moving from her?? Take Jake out of that class - you shouldn't have to make him go.. But I might take him to one more to see if the school is going to get involved and make it better...

If you are following the rules - I bet you will be down by the time you go to the docs..

Am glad you are moving out - I think that's fantastic..

Laura - Sorry you are still sick - How was the powder? ?? I don't do alot of the pure Protein Bars just cuz of the calories 190 - 19 grms pt and they don't keep me full

Yep you are lucky to have a doc for a dh ;0)

Tell him I said HAPPY BDAY !!!!

I really like these pre-made ones - the vanilla cream can be doctored up to taste like anything - I put them in the blender w/ice... And as you all know I don't really do pt shakes - but last night didn't feel like eating food (well was craving veggies and ate them - but didn't feel like meat)

Great - enjoy - can't wait for the pictures. Glad the dog issue got taken care of.. Will be thinking about you tomorrow night at 5 ;0) don't cry too much ;0)

Apples - Glad you had a good time w/friend - Yep those pure pt - premade shakes are good - like I said you can take the vanilla and throw anything in it - Haven't tried the choc might have to try that next - but choc I like plain - well maybe with some walnuts ;0)

WTG on shopping -


Oh Well when we Lucky #7 are together in July we can go look for a dress and hat :0)

Bunker down - the wind is suppose to blow for the next 2 evening

Linda - I think I am still on one girls sh*t list - but so be it - I do have to quit being so opinionated and trying to save these pple from their selves - but again it comes from a place of love - and hell pple just don't need that much freaking sugar (well ya I use to but hell it was killing me - but if someone did what I did I would have been pissed in my preband days too - hell it's up to me - but again - pple should understand that we have alot of overweight pple in our office - so why make all that junk so available.. But again we can't save pple from their selves - I gotta learn that..... I did the same thing to poor Judy when we were out eating - she said she wasn't eating carbs - so after dinner she kept picking at the bread - and it just popped out of my mouth (no brain involved) Judy put the bread down :0) It wasn't my place - but she did and said - it's in front of me - I understand that - so we moved it :0)

Here the 2 shapers I got - don't know if the link is going to post - it's from JC Penny's - I got mine at Khols - but Flexee is the brand - I wore the Torsette today - it advertize to help back fat (it's the one like a correset) I felt good in it - wasn't uncomfortable - I wore the body one yesterday - loved the way it held in the skin - but give you panty lines if you have tight pants on - I wore a dress yesterday so no problem

I go up in size - I think I got a large and medium - but i do that with bathing suits too - I wear a 10 or 12 depending on the style.. By their measurements I should be in a small I think - my hips are 36 or 37

I suggest going to the store and trying them on..

What's up w/DSD?? Does she like being in the hospital every other day?? Does your dh beleive her.. I know you love DGD and she makes your day - but again we aren't spring chickens - I took on DGS when he was that age - but I was 40 not 55 - I would take my DGD if something happen to my DS & DIL but having a 6 yr old full time - would make me have to see a shrink..

Hugs on that whole issue - rant away...

Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

JCPenney : Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

JCPenney : Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

Well gang - got a chicken in the oven roasting - Andrew is at work - tomorrow is my furlough friday - no great plans - gym in the a.m. - but that's normal - Taxes @ 2 - and that's it for the plans - feels kinda good - but don't know if I will be able to sit around the house - tax office is over by Stein Mart and Designer shoes for less - so better go ck bank to see how much $$$ is left to spend - but again - theres' always the Visa :0)

Thanks for the Flexie info Janet, I ordered them through the link. Right now they're buy one get one half price so ordered two of each -- can't wait until they come! Since I can't try them on got a large and an Xlarge in each -- if one's too big i'll send back and get smaller size. Gotta do what I gotta do when I live out in the sticks.



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Laura, so happy you are feeling better -- I do hope you mend quickly with no further complications...

...I would love to ditch the center, put in a fireplace on that wall and hang a flat screen above the fireplace. Well, only way that's likely to happen is if DH runs off and that's highly unlikely.


Linda~ Holy canoli you had me laughing! If he runs off you get a fireplace..LMAO! And I hear you guys on the entertainment centers! But they don't get better when you get a "flatscreen". When we bought our first house DH wanted his 50" LCD. He found a center that would "contain" it (and I use that word loosely). This thing must be 11 ft high and 10 ft wide- and the depth is so big, you'd never know it was for a flatscreen!!! I think my house in the peace corps was smaller than that thing. I tried to talk him into putting it on the wall, but then you need a place for the satellite box, DVR, Blue Ray, XBox, PlayStation, Wii, Stereo! (He did have a point there!)

Sounds like you had a good weekend. Glad to hear it. : )


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Linda - I was so lucky. While my husband & I were in Grand Cayman, our partner bought the new flatscreen and custom made a piece of furniture to place under it (hung on the wall screen) to hold the receiver, dvd player, cable box, etc. with side enclosed compartments for misc. items.

However, they moved the old entertainment center to the corner of the room (not knowing what we wanted to do with it) and THERE it sat for 5 years.

Did I complain?? I sure did. DH was attached to it - not me. I would have it hauled away. Oh well, one of the young men who works for our company was thrilled to take it. So, as soon as he has time, he'll come and get it.

Had trouble getting full today. Will add an extra Protein Shake to satisfy hunger.

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I'm glad you all appreciated the info I gave you. I had a lot of issues before banding and I sure hope I don't go through what Laura went through.

By the way, one sure way to loosen a too tight band? Lose 5-10 lbs. Works every time.

Laura, I really feel for you because I think you're going to alternate between tight and loose because of your severe TOM issues. All that extra Water weight makes your band tight then you lose it and you lose restriction.

I'm staying in my chair tonight and did little yesterday that was physical. I've decided to really let all my joints heal well. Just teaching all day puts my neck in pain. I was careful today. I've got to give it time to stabilize. Then, slowly get back into shape--very slowly and carefully.

Trouble is, exercise helps control my hunger and allows me to eat more.

Hey Laura. My Dr. says my blood Calcium is too high. What are the consequences of that? She wants to order more tests. I do take 2 calcium supplements a day (1200mg) and 300mg in my daily Vitamin. I also drink milk in my Decaf coffee all day long. Am I just taking too much calcium. I didn't speak to the Dr directly, just the triage nurse to whom I gave my calcium intake. Nothing else in my bloodwork apparantly concerned her and I've been off my cholesterol meds for a few months. So, that's good news.


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Hey Gang..

Laura - Glad you are feeling better - and I am one of those who doesn't beleive in keeping your band too tight - and that you have to use some mental muscle in this battle - the majority of our issues w/food are in our heads - out bands are only a tool - not the answer to our food issues.. Haven't had a problem with choc ;0) - Water will do it for me sometimes ;0).. Hugs to your Dad - Glad you will be spending Easter with them..

Julie - How long has DD known this guy - sounds like he's pretty sold - he has his own apt/house - he works and takes time for his daughter - But agree about rushing into things - it will all work out..

I didn't feel bad really about my food - it was sorta planed - and my indulgences did the trick - I was fine yesterday and today - had my treats an now eating healthy.

At the roadhouse - you didn't order any hard protein... you should have had dh order a big steak and you could have had just a little of it ;0)

LauraK - Yes girl you are 8 yrs younger than me - if you don't have any knee/back issues - get your butt in gear - if this former slug bug can get her but off the couch so can you ;0) and I totally agree - after a good work out you feel so much better - it gets your mind off your problems

Linda - WTG on joining a gym - I do beleive you will work out harder and burn more calories at the gym - get on the weight machines - work those muscles - muscles burn more calories.

Joyce - I wrote this philosophical piece a long time ago about fills - were they more help mentally or physically - do we rely on our bands to do the work - etc - I can't find it - but i do believe that it takes a while to understand what is eating too much - it's really about the foods we choose to eat and the amount of physical activity we get - dont' get me wrong the band does help by controlling portions (when you eat hard proteins) - but it doesn't stop you from eating 1/2 gallon of ice cream ..

Karen - dinner or was it lunch sounds good - I'm having lamb

Don't feel like bbqing - so it's in the oven - got to 89 today - that's a/c weather ...

Charlene - how are you doing - did you have good weather today so you could walk..

Lori - getting ready for Hawaii..

Eva - we are suppose to get bad weather 68 rain on Wed/Thrusday..

Well gang - busy day at work - then had gym - I need to go change clothes and ck on my dinner - I'm pooped - cbl

Hugs to all that I missed

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I'm glad you all appreciated the info I gave you. I had a lot of issues before banding and I sure hope I don't go through what Laura went through.

By the way, one sure way to loosen a too tight band? Lose 5-10 lbs. Works every time.

Laura, I really feel for you because I think you're going to alternate between tight and loose because of your severe TOM issues. All that extra Water weight makes your band tight then you lose it and you lose restriction.

I'm staying in my chair tonight and did little yesterday that was physical. I've decided to really let all my joints heal well. Just teaching all day puts my neck in pain. I was careful today. I've got to give it time to stabilize. Then, slowly get back into shape--very slowly and carefully.

Trouble is, exercise helps control my hunger and allows me to eat more.

Hey Laura. My Dr. says my blood Calcium is too high. What are the consequences of that? She wants to order more tests. I do take 2 calcium supplements a day (1200mg) and 300mg in my daily Vitamin. I also drink milk in my Decaf coffee all day long. Am I just taking too much calcium. I didn't speak to the Dr directly, just the triage nurse to whom I gave my calcium intake. Nothing else in my bloodwork apparantly concerned her and I've been off my cholesterol meds for a few months. So, that's good news.


Cheri~ Will need to check your thyroid and parathyroid hormones. Can be a sign of a parathyroid disorder or tumor. I am a firm believer though in repeating a blood test when abnormal (those machines can be wrong or not calibrated correctly). If it is barely elevated- prob nothing to be concerned with. I would definitely get this checked though. Let me know- very interesting.

Hey Gang..

Laura - Glad you are feeling better - and I am one of those who doesn't beleive in keeping your band too tight - and that you have to use some mental muscle in this battle - the majority of our issues w/food are in our heads - out bands are only a tool - not the answer to our food issues.. Haven't had a problem with choc ;0) - water will do it for me sometimes ;0).. Hugs to your Dad - Glad you will be spending Easter with them..

Janet~ you are soooooooooo right about the mental muscle. Of course I know all this stuff in theory but it is putting it to practice. I have been making good food choices but I need to get my ass back in the gym as soon as I feel better. I am feeling 100% better tonight than I did Sat. night.

Your clothes sound great! WTG on the deals. : )

ok guys.. nite nite. TTYL... hasta manana!!! Laura

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Janet - thank you for the reminder to eat hard Protein. Still in learning phase and have lots to learn.


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Hope it wasn't a peice of cake, 4 Cookies, 1/2 jar Peanut Butter with a spoon and 3 Snickers!!!!:thumbup:

My dog does not pull me when we ride (though he could with him weighing 100lbs). He just trots beside me and I wear him out. He is in pretty good shape for being 8 yrs old. We are fairly strict with what he eats and he has an entire 15 acres to romp on every day. Puppies have excess energy until they are about 2 and you get their "govenors" (as my DH calls them) taken. Sounds like Grandma is enjoying that new puppy!

I am very jealous....15 acres of dog romping room is something we would love. Glimmer turns 11 on Wednesday, she will get something special for her B-day. I am strict with what she eats, but DH isn't...I finally had to put a measuring device in the dog food bin and make DH use it to feed the dog (that's his chore). It's working for both of them. Glimmer is losing a little weight and feeling better and DH sees she is not suffering from starvation. Poor dears. We (the dog and I) went for a walk after work tonight...it felt good.

So I was reading on Dr Oz website one of the things you can do to cut the sugar and Creamer out of your coffee is to do the following

In your coffee pot: Brew your morning coffee with a cinnamon stick or vanilla bean and ditch the flavored Creamers. Just 1 tablespoon of flavored creamer can add 6 grams of sugar

Has anyone tried this. Do you use a whole stick or just sprinkle Cinnamon in your cup? Were do you get a vanille bean from?

1 day...I put ground cinnamon in with my coffee grounds in the morning. I get big containers of it at costco and use that or sometimes I use a cinnamon stick, but the ground stuff works for me too. I also use vanilla extract...maybe 2-3 teaspoons...same deal...big bottle from Costco. I've also used cocoa, but it clogs up the filter...it's too fine.

This must have been the weekend for cleaning and redoing. My Mom gave me a mattress and boxspring. So new bed for me. Had to buy some new sheets of course. Washed all bedding, curtains, even cut them off and hemmed, just like getting new. Bought paint to do the bed room, so that is next weeks project before carpet goes in. Just love when Mom gets new, her stuff is never worn out so it comes to me.

Made my nut granola, tortilla Soup (knock off receipe from Quodoba's) and 2 loads of laundry. Even walked 2 miles tonight.

Laura & Julie, prayers for you and your troubles.

Apples, we are still on the cool side but supposed to get 60-70's this week too. yeah

Laura K

I have trouble painting rooms any other color than white too because white is so versatile. But I did paint one room an amazingly bright yellow, then did one of those glazing techniques over it and it's pretty cool. Sort of looks like leather.


I slept in a bit after being up late last night.. Just sitting here doing some paperwork before Mimi comes for the day... thought I would check in....

Laura, glad you are feeling better and got some positive news from the doc... No more needing to freak out I hope!!!!! Just relax a bit and heal... You've been through quite an ordeal... How is little Nels..??? It's good that you are on the mend so it doesn't interfere with your plans to go home for Easter... Poor Nael will be alone, but working will help pass the time I'm sure... I spent last Easter in the hospital in a bed!!!! with no food at all......

Well, ladies, I'm at a loss for words.... My DD, who has been through so much when it comes to men....including abuse.............announced to me this morning that she is very serious about this guy..... And how would I feel if they were to get engaged quite soon???? WOW....... it seems like only yesterday she was telling me she wanted nothing to do with men or anything they had to offer.... Quite a switch.... He and his little 2 year old girl were at DD's all day yesterday.... Mimi was on fairly good behavior I guess... She hasn't learned to play well with others just quite yet.. Too much time rough-housing with Grandpa...... DD says he has already said that she is the one for him..... I'm a bit flabbergasted..... Good Golly, I might be the next one to need a MOB dress!!!! Apples will have to help me shop, too....... I just tried to be a calming influence this morning when she called.. Told her they have lots of time... considering I haven't even met him yet... He wants to, but she holds back.. He wants her to meet his parents, too.... Wow, I'm still in shock.. She just said all this to me a little bit ago..... Of course she has already started to worry about everything... Like giving up her house to move to Mandan.(sister city to Bismarck with the Missouri River between.) or him moving here and jeopardizing his custody agreement with his daughter.... She can come up with all the things to worry about....She's the "glass half empty" type of gal...... always sees the negative first..... Anyway, enough of that.... I just want her and Mimi to be happy and healthy.

I should do some picking up around here before Mimi comes, so will say tata for now.... Hugs....... Julie

Wow Julie, that's some news. You know, when it's right, it's right...I knew that about my DH although it took us 20 years to get to that point, but it's also very scary that he's this interested this quick. Hope she doesn't make any rash decision before you get the chance to meet him. I wish her the best of luck and I do hope this is the right guy. It does make me nervous though.

Laura, I'm glad you are finally feeling better. Well you got me beat with the weight loss, but hey, I don't want to trade places because there's no way I want to go through what you just did. So you will be taking off again soon for NC. DH seems to have to work most of the holidays, is he low man on the seniority totem pole?

Jessica...sorry about your fall (the again part is bothering me). Hope you slow down and don't hurt yourself. The move is going to be stressful....your MIL is going to be weird because you are upsetting her apple cart but hang in there, you'll get through it and all will be better. And you can always do without the furniture for a couple of weeks or so and get them as you can. It's not comfortable, but you'll be on your own and that may be worth it.

Janet, ahoh, you've got the farming bug. I can't even log on to FB right now. It's just another distraction for me and I have enough trouble logging on to LBT and keeping up with it. I keep thinking I'd like one of those cruiser bikes, but everything is very hilly here. Anywhere I'd go on the bike from the house would mean coming back up a very steep hill. I'm just not ready for that, but I'm working up to it.

Joyce, sounds like a "refreshing" of the living room might have just been the ticket. It does feel good to give things a bit of a face lift and move stuff around.

Jodi, the week after I was banded I cooked for a wedding (50 people). It was amazing...I tasted stuff by tasting the sauces, but managed to not eat anything and I still got to enjoy the cooking part of it. Right now I'm in the not cooking phase. DH is suffering with frozen left overs because I'm not doing anything new. I am really trying to clean out the freezers and get rid of old stuff so I can cook some new stuff and freeze it. It's amazing how long food lasts now that I'm not eating tons of it all the time. I have to freeze the left overs.

Phyl, I don't envy you the prep in getting ready to go back north. It hasn't been very hot yet this year so do you travel based on the month or the weather? books are great things but I think if I were in your boat (or RV as the case may be) I'd be looking into the Kindle or a digital reader. My sister has one and it sure saves a lot of space. Not as much fun as turning pages, but convenient. It's like a digital photo frame for your books.

Great...the pictures were wonderful. Your daughter was beautiful...she takes after her Mom....you too were beautiful. Glad you had a good time and I hope your visit is going well. Since I haven't seen you posting much, they must be keeping you occupied.

Charlene, how's the shakes going? You should be feeling better with them or getting really sick of them by now.

Cheri...how's the neck doing? Hope it's starting to straighten out and feel better.

Hello to anyone I've missed.

Guess you guys can't tell I'm staying busy. As I said in my earlier post, I stamped all day yesterday (just about) and I'm very pleased with my invites. I haven't stamped like that in months and months and it really felt good. I guess since I'm not cooking, it's my creative outlet.

I didn't go to bed until about midnight last night, so I think I'll try and turn in early. Hope everyone has a great night.


Edited by ocotillo

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Charlene, how's the shakes going? You should be feeling better with them or getting really sick of them by now.

Eva, I am feeling better and sick of the shakes. I weigh in tomorrow. It is a little easier doing the shakes with band restriction, but most of it is mental. Saying I CAN DO THIS! fifty times a day helps. I placed little stickers on my tv remote, in the pantry, on the frig, and my MAC to remind me that I am on a program. Of course the support from all of you is very helpful. Thanks!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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