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Hi guys.

I am still sick. This has been one hell of a stomach flu! I had to have a shot of Zofran last night to stop vomiting. The perks of having a hubby with anti-nausea medication always in his pockets! What a way to lose weight! Down one more pound. OMW. I feel so bad b/c today is DH's birthday. We are supposed to go to Benihana (Japanese where they cook in front of you). Nels is soooooo looking forward to it. I might go and just try to have Soup. Hate to be the party pooper.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I can feel the love.

Julie~ Good luck today! LONG day. I pray you get some answers.

Janet~ I love the pure Protein as well. We do the bars. I have tried the powder but not the premixed. I will have to get that the next time I am at Walmart. You guys know I am a fan of Protein Drinks. I do at least one a day- usually at Breakfast.< /p>

Lori~ I agree with everyone! way to go on no no no. Dog can stay in the kennel for a couple days.

Eva~ WTG on weight! You are doing great. As soon as I can drink fluids, I will likely be back up. Still was nice to see the 215 on the scale, which I haven't seen for 10 years. I FEEL the onderland experience getting closer and closer.

Meredith~ Glad you got a slight unfill. I have been contemplating that. It is hard to get to that sweet spot. Now that I am past the one year I have to pay $$ for fills. I hope it doesn't make me less likely to get one when I need it. Wonder if they will charge the same for an unfill? I begged DH to "tap" it and he refused. I wish I had the nerve to do it myself, but I am a chicken. Giving myself a shot is one thing, but the port is too much.

ok girls, I will CBL. At least I am not running to the toilet like yesterday! peasout.. Laura

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Quick fly by, leaving for rehersal in one hour and I still gotta get ready. Wedding is tomorrow night at 5pm. Thanks for the support in my saying no. Things have worked out for the puppy, DD's future BIL said he'd take her if nothing else. Whew!! Will check in tomorrow if I can otherwise see you after the wedding! Oh got DH's tux today, they goofed on his pants, 2" too short, so had a rush around to get those fixed right.

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Julie - sending good wishes for some answers at the doctor today for you.

Laura - Hope that flu leaves you very soon.

Great - will be thinking of you tomorrow @ 5 pm - I'm sure the wedding will be beautiful.

Jessica - MIL is Unreasonable regarding moving furniture for her on your moving weekend. You are going to be so much better off away from family.

And the karate - I would definitely NOT continue. There are reasons when quitting is the right thing to do. That studio sounds very dangerous. If the owners were fair, they would refund the 2 months fees once you quit.

Your new furniture sounds wonderful.

I can imagine your weight fluctuating with all the stress you have right now. Try to eat well, nourish your body and take one item at a time.


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Hey Girls! Got home a couple of hours ago. Had so much fun. Shopped till I thought my toes would fall off. Walked away with no MOB dress but my friend found one in her hometown that she likes and will go back and purchase that. She had photos along and fabric swatch. Looked for shoes and jewelry and came away empty handed on that also. We had a great time though. Took her daughter (our Goddaughter) and her two friends out for lobster dinner. Just was an all around great little trip. I did not come home empty handed. Found a navy zip up jacket at TJMAXX for $10. Didn't break the bank on this trip anyway.

And, hit a Super Walmart on my way home...needed to pick up a supply of Protein Bars. Found 5 really cute blouses...$3/each. I mean REALLY cute. And, at WalMart. Surpise. Had a can of Pure Protein Powder in my hands and put it back. Funny you talked about it, Janet. Next time I go, I am going to look for the premade that you talked about. I love making fresh fruit smoothies during the summer months. Thanks for the info.

Meredith...happy to hear you got the unfill. You know, the way I look at the LB journey we are on. It's OK to have hunger and learn to manage it on our own. Not to have hunger every day all day long but a little once in awhile is OK. Too tight and no hunger is no fun.

Laura...sounds like you had somewhat of an "unfill" too. Not fun and hope your tummy settles down soon. Don't push the bday dinner...there's always another day. Sending hugs.

Well, better go sort through the mail. A table full waiting for me. We get soooooooooooo much every day. In just the two days alone there are 13 farm magazines and 7 farm related newspapers. No wonder our trash dumpster is full after two weeks.

You all have a good evening. Great thinking of you and hope you are just enjoying time with family and NO puppy.

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Hey Girls! Got home a couple of hours ago. Had so much fun. Shopped till I thought my toes would fall off. Walked away with no MOB dress but my friend found one in her hometown that she likes and will go back and purchase that. She had photos along and fabric swatch. Looked for shoes and jewelry and came away empty handed on that also. We had a great time though. Took her daughter (our Goddaughter) and her two friends out for lobster dinner. Just was an all around great little trip. I did not come home empty handed. Found a navy zip up jacket at TJMAXX for $10. Didn't break the bank on this trip anyway.

You all have a good evening. Great thinking of you and hope you are just enjoying time with family and NO puppy.

You like those little zip up jackets, don't you. The Walmart here still has some of those you talked abut a couple of months ago. I like things like that, too.

When we get home I guess I will have to start looking for a wedding outfit, too. I have a niece in Buffalo who is getting married the end of August and I want to find myself a "stunning" outfit to wear. We're going to take the RV... Seattle to Buffalo to Oklahoma City and then back here to the desert. So we won't be home for very long this year!!

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Lori, Just want to say hi and good luck on the wedding -- I know it will be beautiful and fabulous. I'm still trying to catch up on reading the posts. Just wanted to say that yes, .25 cc's does quite a bit -- I have been getting .25 ccs at a time since after my second fill and it does a lot, trust me, so I do think it'll be worth it and hopefully you won't be too tight.

Apples, sorry to hear about the kidney stone -- always something.

Julie, hope you are doing better -- I know how tough it is when you have pain every day.

Janet, glad to hear you are down to just one furlough day a month -- that extra money will come in handy. What brand were those under garment slimmers you bought? Did you say you found them at Kohls?

DS is in town and had a great night last night - made a big dinner -- had to prep it mostly the night before and then finish it off when I got home at 6 last night - didn't eat until a little after 7. Made homemade tiramisu - my word was that ever delish -- had about a one tablespoon size piece -- goodness, I could have eaten the whole pan - how fabulous that was! LOL. If it's not gone by tonight I'm taking it to work tomorrow to get rid of it. We will leave and drive 3 hours north Sat. to visit DIL and attend her parent's 50th wedding anniversary party on Sunday. Step daughter got home from hospital today so will have a little R&R from our 3 weeks with our sweet but very active GD - who also is on daily steriods so you know she's a bit hyper! But already missed her when I ran home for lunch -- she just always makes me feel so special -- when I walk in the door she screams "Ummmaa's home and runs to give me a hug" -- just isn't the same when I get home and she's not there. My step daughter isn't being honest about what she found out at the hospital -- instead she's saying they don't know what's wrong with her and that "she isn't doing anything wrong". Well, excuse me but someone with Juvenile Diabetis who goes months without taking readings, refuses to learn how to count carbs and take insulin on a sliding scale is not without fault IMHO, but I must learn to zip it rather than cause a problem with my DH. Sorry for the rant, but I need to get it off my chest to someone. Thanks for letting me.

Deb, sounds like you're doing great - wtg on the exercise. I'm proud of you!! I wish I could find a zumba class - I bought the tapes but it's kind of hard doing the tapes at home alone.

Laura, love all the pics of Nelson the past few weeks -- always cheers me up to see his sweet face -- you look amazing -- so photogenic -- glad you're going to visit your folks for Easter.

Joyce, sounds like you're doing great -- I can eat very small amounts of rice (about 1 teaspoon) and I've only had Pasta a couple of times and could only eat very small portions when I did. You just gotta chew it all well. I don't PB very often -- in fact I never slimed until this week -- I had an episode and it was my first time for that. I eat in public all the time -- I just try to stick to meat and veggies - I eat salads at restaurants - I bought fat free ranch dressing in packets that I carry in my purse at all times -- then I order salads and say, "cheese on the side, no dressing, etc." It just makes it easier -- then I take a very small amount of cheese and give the rest to DH. He's getting fatter of course as I get thinner.

LauraK are you still trying to not smoke? I give you lots of credit for trying -- hope you're doing okay. Like I said before, it's a really tough thing to overcome.

Jodi, you bring smiles to my days everytime I try to catch up on the posts -- you're so funny and energetic -- I love your stories -- really cracked up about you leaving the car at the hair dressers, although I'm sure it wasn't all that funny to you or your DB.

Eva, you've been busy too -- i love Stephen King, but haven't read any of his books for ages - I may have to pick up that book for my vacation in July.

Phyll, you're always so busy - love all the jewelry you've been making and all the pics on FB -- you do a great job on it -- all of them are gorgeous pieces. When my GM used to make jewelry it looked like old lady stuff, not like your gorgeous pieces - things have changed in the past 20 to 30 years.

Janet, sorry about work being such a __tch. I was LMAO about your throwing out the food - I'm only caught up to Monday 3-22 so hope they forgave you when you took Cookies in on Monday. I know how you feel, I feel that way when I watch people eat now too.

Finally all the snow melted -- then we got more Sat. and then beautiful weather -- yesterday was cold and rainy but nice again today so hopefully Spring will stick around one of these days!!

Sorry for any of you I've missed, not intentional - just gotta run now and meet my family for dinner at Mexican restaurant. Love you all and have missed everyone so much!! CBL (I hope).


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Phyll, you're always so busy - love all the jewelry you've been making and all the pics on FB -- you do a great job on it -- all of them are gorgeous pieces. When my GM used to make jewelry it looked like old lady stuff, not like your gorgeous pieces - things have changed in the past 20 to 30 years.

Finally all the snow melted -- then we got more Sat. and then beautiful weather -- yesterday was cold and rainy but nice again today so hopefully Spring will stick around one of these days!!

Sorry for any of you I've missed, not intentional - just gotta run now and meet my family for dinner at Mexican restaurant. Love you all and have missed everyone so much!! CBL (I hope). Linda

Linda.... you do a GREAT job of keeping up with everyone! It's so overwhelming!

Yes, Lori... thinking of you this weekend. So much so that I keep thinking we're busy this weekend.. when it's really YOU that has a BIG weekend! LOL!

Linda, glad your snow has melted! We're having great weather here right now, but this morning's weather report sounded a big ominous... like wind is already kicking up AGAIN, and temps are supposed to cool off.. but that just means it might not be in the 80's for a day or two!! :):biggrin::lol:

Thanks for your compliments on my jewelry. I so much enjoy making it. I don't think I'm particularly talented in that arena, but teacher keeps asking me if I've ever done any painting, or am I an artist!!?? She thinks I have a good eye for putting colors together. I had a compliment at Red Hats yesterday.. lady at my table was admiring my "Red Hat" Bracelet and earrings andshe was all ooooos & aahhhhs when I told her I made it. She said if I'd make some more, she'd buy it from me and is sure I could sell to the Red Hat ladies. I've thought about that. Afraid people wouldn't want to pay the price because buying those beads is not cheap!!

12_10_8.gif 12_10_6.gif

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Hi Indigo

I need help again. You helped me last weekend with a stuck lasagna noodle. (Bad choice and ate too fast and didnt chew). However I went to the doctors, had a barium swall. Everything looks good, but it still bothers me to eat, even drink unless I take very tiny sipsand the food is probably 2 oz at a time. Havent even gotten a fill yet. Had my surgery 2/17. Doctor says I dont need a fill. Lost a total of 30 lbs including pre op diets. Am I just not use to eating this little?. How do I get enough Protein in. It feels like someone is squeezing my esophagus.


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Phyll...yep, I love the zip up jackets cuz I like to layer up. That's about all I ever wear around home with my yoga pants.

You'll have to find the "perfect" hat to go with your outfit for your wedding. You look so cute in hats.

Linda...nice to see your post and enjoyed catching up with you. Sure wish your DSD would see the light on her own and not cause you guys such heartache and worry. She also needs to get it that she has a little one to live for. So sad.

Jessica...thinking of you and how busy your life is and will be with this move. Exciting though. Change is good. MIL asking more of you and DH at this time is not. Take time to just breath deep and relax a bit. You will be on your own soon. Poor little Jake and his situation. Hugs.

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Hi Indigo

I need help again. You helped me last weekend with a stuck lasagna noodle. (Bad choice and ate too fast and didnt chew). However I went to the doctors, had a barium swall. Everything looks good, but it still bothers me to eat, even drink unless I take very tiny sipsand the food is probably 2 oz at a time. Havent even gotten a fill yet. Had my surgery 2/17. Doctor says I dont need a fill. Lost a total of 30 lbs including pre op diets. Am I just not use to eating this little?. How do I get enough Protein in. It feels like someone is squeezing my esophagus.



It takes time for our minds to get use to eating smaller amount of food - What are you eating and how do you know it's 2 oz and how long are you staying full after a meal..

How to get your protein - supplements - Protein Shakes or clear Liquid Protein (it's like crystal light) general rule of thumb 1 oz meat has 7 grms of pt - Greek yogurt has like 16 grms pt (Cohban I think is the name of the brand I had today for bf - target has it on sale)

The ones I have been talking about pure protein premade shakes have 21 grams of pt - the vanilla cream has 100 cal - the banana cream 150 - (read my post from this morning)

You are tight - there are a few pple who are banded who don't need fills for a long time out - just the band in place provides enough restriction.

You may just have to eat all day long (5-6) mini meals and sip on pt shakes..

I have always been able to eat at least 4 oz of food - Does your band have any pre-fill in it?? If it does maybe you could have a little taken out

Are you having any heart burn or reflux??

Congrats on 30 lbs ...

Let us know the answers to the questions above ...

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Jessica - MIL can wait ;0) how far are you moving from her?? Take Jake out of that class - you shouldn't have to make him go.. But I might take him to one more to see if the school is going to get involved and make it better...

If you are following the rules - I bet you will be down by the time you go to the docs..

Am glad you are moving out - I think that's fantastic..

Laura - Sorry you are still sick - How was the powder??? I don't do alot of the pure Protein bars just cuz of the calories 190 - 19 grms pt and they don't keep me full

Yep you are lucky to have a doc for a dh ;0)

Tell him I said HAPPY BDAY !!!!

I really like these pre-made ones - the vanilla cream can be doctored up to taste like anything - I put them in the blender w/ice... And as you all know I don't really do pt shakes - but last night didn't feel like eating food (well was craving veggies and ate them - but didn't feel like meat)

Great - enjoy - can't wait for the pictures. Glad the dog issue got taken care of.. Will be thinking about you tomorrow night at 5 ;0) don't cry too much ;0)

Apples - Glad you had a good time w/friend - Yep those pure pt - premade shakes are good - like I said you can take the vanilla and throw anything in it - Haven't tried the choc might have to try that next - but choc I like plain - well maybe with some walnuts ;0)

WTG on shopping -


Oh Well when we Lucky #7 are together in July we can go look for a dress and hat :0)

Bunker down - the wind is suppose to blow for the next 2 evening

Linda - I think I am still on one girls sh*t list - but so be it - I do have to quit being so opinionated and trying to save these pple from their selves - but again it comes from a place of love - and hell pple just don't need that much freaking sugar (well ya I use to but hell it was killing me - but if someone did what I did I would have been pissed in my preband days too - hell it's up to me - but again - pple should understand that we have alot of overweight pple in our office - so why make all that junk so available.. But again we can't save pple from their selves - I gotta learn that..... I did the same thing to poor Judy when we were out eating - she said she wasn't eating carbs - so after dinner she kept picking at the bread - and it just popped out of my mouth (no brain involved) Judy put the bread down :0) It wasn't my place - but she did and said - it's in front of me - I understand that - so we moved it :0)

Here the 2 shapers I got - don't know if the link is going to post - it's from JC Penny's - I got mine at Khols - but Flexee is the brand - I wore the Torsette today - it advertize to help back fat (it's the one like a correset) I felt good in it - wasn't uncomfortable - I wore the body one yesterday - loved the way it held in the skin - but give you panty lines if you have tight pants on - I wore a dress yesterday so no problem

I go up in size - I think I got a large and medium - but i do that with bathing suits too - I wear a 10 or 12 depending on the style.. By their measurements I should be in a small I think - my hips are 36 or 37

I suggest going to the store and trying them on..

What's up w/DSD?? Does she like being in the hospital every other day?? Does your dh beleive her.. I know you love DGD and she makes your day - but again we aren't spring chickens - I took on DGS when he was that age - but I was 40 not 55 - I would take my DGD if something happen to my DS & DIL but having a 6 yr old full time - would make me have to see a shrink..

Hugs on that whole issue - rant away...

Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

JCPenney : Flexees® Ultimate Slimmer™ Torsette

Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

JCPenney : Flexees® Torsette Body Briefer

Well gang - got a chicken in the oven roasting - Andrew is at work - tomorrow is my furlough friday - no great plans - gym in the a.m. - but that's normal - Taxes @ 2 - and that's it for the plans - feels kinda good - but don't know if I will be able to sit around the house - tax office is over by Stein Mart and Designer shoes for less - so better go ck bank to see how much $$$ is left to spend - but again - theres' always the Visa :0)

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What a great day. Sun was shining and I had a 90 minute massage. Felt like a noodle when I left and scheduled for every other week next 2 months.

Still having some difficulties getting my mind around the changes with the band. Sometimes feel sad that I can't eat pizza, popcorn, etc. Then realize - focus and all the positives - better health, self-confidence. Maybe after the wl begins to show, it will become easier. It's a journey.

Fear stops me from trying lots of things - which is good.

Actually I'm pretty proud of my food choices. All healthy and moderation - again the fear is my mentor.

The therapist explained that I'll have to make mistakes in order to "know my band". I'm not ready for mistakes. lolol

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What a great day. Sun was shining and I had a 90 minute massage. Felt like a noodle when I left and scheduled for every other week next 2 months.

Still having some difficulties getting my mind around the changes with the band. Sometimes feel sad that I can't eat pizza, popcorn, etc. Then realize - focus and all the positives - better health, self-confidence. Maybe after the wl begins to show, it will become easier. It's a journey.

Fear stops me from trying lots of things - which is good.

Actually I'm pretty proud of my food choices. All healthy and moderation - again the fear is my mentor.

The therapist explained that I'll have to make mistakes in order to "know my band". I'm not ready for mistakes. lolol

I read somewhere there is no recovery without a relapse..

Why can't you eat popcorn - I eat it almost daily - it's a slider and life saver for me - when I have the hand to mouth issues - but really I don't think I started that till like a yr out - I would have to go back and look at my food logs - Yes I still have them :)

And you can have pizza or whatever - it's just that we don't eat that way 24/7 now a days - it's a treat - preband every meal for the most part was unhealthy -

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Phyl, there you are...so you made a special set of jewelry for the Red Hats? It's really hard to get your money & time back out of making jewelry for other people. But if you love making it and don't want to keep all of it, you can always offer a few pieces for sale.

Joyce, yep, I've had that feeling...wishing I could eat a lot more...but geez that's what got me into this mess....what I try to focus on is eating what I want, but in very small portions. I eat pizza, but boy it's a lot less now that before the band and I eat it very slowly. And lots of people here do popcorn. But I didn't eat those things for at least 3 month after banding...so you might want to take it easy for a little while longer. Everyone is different and can eat different things.

Janet, maybe all that stress from work is getting to you and having that Protein Drink at night helped quell the muchies. Or it's just you weren't hungry. Kind of amazing how we watch others eat now. Hell, it's amazing to watch how I eat now....I just can't finish a meal or eat very fast anymore....it's truly amazing. AND I like you being the food cop...someone has to do it. You do it with love and I appreciate it.

Linda, so good to hear from you. I completely understand about being busy. Glad you had a good visit with DS. I don't think I could deal with a little one like you and Julie do...you guys are great to pitch in with your grandkids. The weather is pretty weird, warm one day and cool the next. Take care Linda!!

Apples, sounds like you had a lot fun. Great deals too! I just can't get my head around clothes yet. The pants thing was necessary because most of mine are sort of falling off, but I haven't really bought any shirts. However, today I noticed my company branded shirt was really big. I like them lose, but you know...one day, it may be too big. Kinda cool.

Jessica...sorry about the problems with your son at school. Don't they have monitors or something? I thought karate was all about discipline....not kids just kicking a pushing. Sorry about your MIL too, tell her you'll come help move furniture after you get moved and settled. It's just too much for you to handle right now. How's school going?

Laura, tell DH Happy Birthday from me!! Hope you start feeling better soon. Geeze no fun if you are sick from both ends. Take care of yourself and I'm going to have to catch up with you now...don't want to get sick to do it though.

Great, hope you are having a GREAT time with the wedding. Will be thinking about you tomorrow!!!

I spent a good chunk of my day transferring from one computer to another at work and moving them physically around to find an arrangement I like. I finally got admin rights to the new (used) computer and was able to install AutoCAD lite...and it works okay, so I had to move my bookmarks and email and all that other stuff....takes a while. Then I moved three computers, disconnected them and sorted all the cords and reconfigured everything. I spent a bit of time on the floor hooking stuff up and running cords around. Gee what an exciting day. Then I went shopping for a new office chair.

Why is it that it's always the most expensive item that appeals to me. I sat in at least 10 chairs and of course the one I liked the most cost the most. I didn't buy it, but I'm thinking about it. I could sleep in that chair....I'm looking for one that I could sit in to watch TV too...so that one really fit the bill...and it was attractive too, leather and wood.

I have pile of paperwork to sort and just don't want to do it...guess I'll go watch TV or listen to a book...hope everyone has a good night.


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Watch survivor from last nite - I love Boston Rob - always have and always will - Like/Hate Russell to - but Boston Rob my fave

Eva - Thanks GF - I guess it's cuz we have all the same struggles so we understand and need to have some help at time - that's one of the reasons we are all here isn't it..

You sure got your exercise - I hate unconnecting computers and rehooking them up - I am too impatience -

Well tribal is on - gotta go watch to see who gets booted tonite or should I say last night..

oh I just wasn't too hungry i think it was the exercise - did alot of crunches :))

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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