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Julie - you mentioned NO sugar free or low fat - does that include pudding? and Jello?

I've decided no butter substitutes -


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Hey Gang...

Great - Sending good thoughts that everything goes smoothy for the next 2 weeks... Vegas - Eloping sounds good to me :0) and I bet it will to you too in a week or so lol - naw it's your little girl getting married..

Apples Have fun shopping I will have to find the my mog (morth of the groom) pic - they went to vegas - I look like a little piggy - 240 something most likely - don't remember - so I feel for your friend

Julie - Hugs Hugs Hugs on your pain - I think I would plant my but in the insurance company office.. Airborne and extra vit c..

New fav food - None really Well I guess popcorn it's my life saver - I always liked veggies but didn't cook them often just for me - I have always eaten eggs - oatmeal - bacon - cheese - tortilla - I just eat the same foods but with less fat - less sugar - less starches and exercise.

Busy at work - what's now a days... Weather is great here - I think I heard right now that we may get some wind ;0(

Back from the gym - fish & butternut squash for dinner - need to go get it started..

Got my closet 1/2 done yesterday - still have more to do - would love to Iron it all - maybe friday I will -

Well gang I am pooped... CBL

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Joyce, I decided early on that those sugar substitures like aspartame and Spenda are not any better for me than too much food... If I was going to take on this huge weight loss plan (I was 387 to start.BMI 58.5) then I shouldn't just switch one bad thing for another. I was addicted to Diet Coke and caffeine.... I quit that on the pre-op diet, so then was cleansed of the aspartame and caffeine.... I only do occassional SF products.. I like the fudgesicles for an evening snack.... and I do an occassional Diet root beer... I still crave soda so much and fluids are a big problem for me.... I stir the soda until the fizz is mostly gone and then dilute it with lots of ice.... It works for me... No caffeine.....I don't do pudding or Jello much anyway, so if I have some I just do regular... Just a smaller serving... As for low-fat...... I do either 2% or !% milk... Mostly 2% right now as Mimi (granddaughter) is here for daycare during the week and she needs that and I'm too lazy to buy 2 kinds.... And I do 2% Cottage cheese.... I've lost over 110 pounds now with that practice... I just reduce portions.. I use real butter when I want it.... It isn't a lot most of the time... Everyone has their own ideas about this new way of being... I chose not to give up things, but to reduce amounts mostly... It has worked for me....Each has to come up with their own plan.. Apples, for one, changed lots of her recipes to low-fat and such, but her DH needed to reduce cholesterol and it just worked very well for them... My DH doesn't need that so I haven't changed things as much... I try to do everything more healthy than before.. DH loves fruit and I don't ... I try to eat more fruit now... less desserts... I always make veggies now, where before I did sometimes... DH just needs meat..... I'm not a big meat eater.... See what I mean... You have to figure out what works for your life and then stick to it.....

Hope that helps....

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Good Morning Friends,

Great....thinking of you and your busy life with the wedding, preparing for you island retreat, putting up with the family, etc. As I stated yesterday, take time to enjoy your DD's wedding. Cannot wait to see photos and you in that beautiful MOB dress. Enjoy!

Julie...was up eating oatmeal at the same time you were posting your last post last night. My eyes were foggy and headed back to bed so did not get online to talk. Can tell when you are having a tough time getting to sleep. You were up awfully late. Take care.

Not too much planned for today. Just tapping my foot waiting for spring to arrive. Fingers are crossed that we don't have too many cold days to contend with. Our springs are pretty iffy. Can be 50-60 one day and 30 the next. We do the best we can, soak up those nice days and complain about the rest.

Gotta figure out what to take for my little overnight trip with my friend. Guess the best bet would be to look up the weather forcast b/4 packing. Looking forward to some girl time. The friend I am going with has been a friend for 30 yrs. Met at our wedding...her DH was part of the wedding party. We also worked together for 4 yrs (insurance) late 80's early 90's. She is an insurance agency manager and always pushing for me to work with her when she has an opening in her agency. Would not mind during the "tame" months in MN but winter can be wicked. The drive is about 50 miles one way. We'll see what happens when the next opening comes up. 2 days a week? I can handle that.

Going to take a little poll here...has anyone ever had stoma spasms? I've had them 3 times (not lately) and keep forgetting to ask others. If you've had them, can you pinpoint what you ate to cause them. I guess the reason I am putting this question out there is to help others and to inform them to be careful when testing certain foods. My spasms were caused from just a bite of corn, black grapes and again corn. Just didn't learn the first time. I don't know about any of you that have had spasms, but mine were pretty intense and I consider myself to have a pretty high tolerance for pain. Just curious...

Well, better get back after it. Bookwork, laundry, some closet sorting and need to run to town to the bank at some point today. Will talk later.

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Gee, Apples, I've never heard of stoma spasms---can you describe what you felt?

To answer Apple's query about food--I pretty much eat the same things, only less. I did discover Greek yogurt, which I love. Never liked cantalope much before, but now I do.

I've always had a "nervous" stomach, meaning that when I'm stressed or upset, my stomach really reacts. As a teenager, I had terrible cramps that would practically bend me over. Now I realize (although I've never been diagnosed) that I probably have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Okay, now I'm going to get gross. Even before my wl surgery, I had an awful lot of gas. MAJOR farting. Actually, my mother even noted it in my Baby book! But now, after surgery...let me tell you, I didn't think it could get worse. But it did. I am a farting machine!! Does anyone else have this problem? (Now that I've told you more about myself than you wanted to know!)

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Gee, Apples, I've never heard of stoma spasms---can you describe what you felt?

To answer Apple's query about food--I pretty much eat the same things, only less. I did discover Greek yogurt, which I love. Never liked cantalope much before, but now I do.

I've always had a "nervous" stomach, meaning that when I'm stressed or upset, my stomach really reacts. As a teenager, I had terrible cramps that would practically bend me over. Now I realize (although I've never been diagnosed) that I probably have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Okay, now I'm going to get gross. Even before my wl surgery, I had an awful lot of gas. MAJOR farting. Actually, my mother even noted it in my Baby book! But now, after surgery...let me tell you, I didn't think it could get worse. But it did. I am a farting machine!! Does anyone else have this problem? (Now that I've told you more about myself than you wanted to know!)

Deb...I found that after about 9 months after LB surgery, the gas situation calmed down. I think bandsters have the tendency to get more air trapped and that is the cause. (I could be wrong...wouldn't be the first time).

I had IBS b/4 banding. Now I have no hint of it. I am thinking that the high fat diet I had prior to banding did not agree with my system and that is what caused me so much trouble. Hopefully, yours will wane and you will get some relief.

As far as explaining the spasms...hard to explain but do cause a lot of discomfort for quite a few minutes as whatever it is passes through the stoma. It's like a painful tightening of the stoma and somewhat stabbing pains. The three times it happened to me, it was about 4 hours after eating the three items I listed. This might never happen to you and I am guessing that most of the responses on this will be that most have not experienced it. So, don't let it scare you. I believe you gotta try all foods and if you have troubles, then be really careful with those items or eliminate them from your menu.

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Apples, I don't think I've had spasms either....but I do know that "first bite syndrom" is something like a stoma spasm. This is something the doctor covered in his webinar.

As far as your question about liking different foods after banding? Nothing comes to mind for me because I'm eating pretty much the same kinds of food...meaning everything. What I don't like so much after banding is chicken breast and dry fish.

Okay, I have to get ready for work...I'm taking my jeep in for an oil change. I'm shopping after work tonight, so don't know if I'll be checking in tonight or not....I really want to catch up and I'm not depressed or floundering, just tired and distracted.

Love you guys and miss being here.


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Apples, I don't think I've had spasms either....but I do know that "first bite syndrom" is something like a stoma spasm. This is something the doctor covered in his webinar.

As far as your question about liking different foods after banding? Nothing comes to mind for me because I'm eating pretty much the same kinds of food...meaning everything. What I don't like so much after banding is chicken breast and dry fish.

Okay, I have to get ready for work...I'm taking my jeep in for an oil change. I'm shopping after work tonight, so don't know if I'll be checking in tonight or not....I really want to catch up and I'm not depressed or floundering, just tired and distracted.

Love you guys and miss being here.


OK Girls...I designate today "Send Eva Positive Vibes Day". Here's mine going out to Eva....:smile::tongue::redface::confused::wub::smile2::thumbup::tt1::eek::wink2::wink::thumbup::laugh::w00t::lol::cool2::tt2:

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Julie - Thank you for your response concerning SF and lowfat. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by all the changes.

The therapist encouraged lots of support from others who have the band. I'm reaching out to meet individuals here in KC (outside the doctors support group) to meet privately and share the journey.

I'm meeting one gal for lunch today. Always seeking a road map thru this new foreign land of health.

Apples - hope I don't have a spasm. I might rush to emergency room, not knowing what was happening.

Sending positive vibes to Eva from K.C.


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Julie - Thank you for your response concerning SF and lowfat. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by all the changes.

The therapist encouraged lots of support from others who have the band. I'm reaching out to meet individuals here in KC (outside the doctors support group) to meet privately and share the journey.

I'm meeting one gal for lunch today. Always seeking a road map thru this new foreign land of health.

Apples - hope I don't have a spasm. I might rush to emergency room, not knowing what was happening.

Sending positive vibes to Eva from K.C.


Oh gosh, Joyce...didn't put that spasm thing out there to scare anyone. I guess by you knowing what to expect if you DO experience one, you would be less likely to run off to the E.R. Mine have never lasted for more than minutes and if you know what they are and what to expect, you will just work through it if you ever get them and know what foods trigger them and avoid those foods in the future.

Good for you for meeting new ppl that are banded and reaching out to them for support. We have a very small support group in our area (very rural) and I know very few people personally that are banded. I guess that's why I rely on our group here (plus, I love all you guys). It will be so nice for you to compare notes and look to each other for understanding. And, if others are farther out than you on this journey, that's a plus. It would be a pretty lonesome journey if we did not have other LB ppl to form friendships with and support us along the way.

Every post from you seems so positive thus far and it seems as if you are adjusting to band life just fine. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Apples2

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I've never heard of a stoma spasm either and have never experienced anything like what you described, Apples. Hope I don't!

I got a bit of a reprieve today. My parents were to arrive at 1005 this morning and I was to pick them up, take them to Grandma's, lunch etc. Well, Dad being a retired airline employee, they fly standby like me, and they are stranded still in Florida unable to get a flight. The earliest they will arrive now if they get the next one is 7pm tonight and my sisters are off work and they can pick them up since they are staying there the first week. Suddenly I have some free time today and DH just called and now I have a hot lunch date! Just Mickey D's but I'll take it! Gotta have my mcnuggets you know.

Speaking of mcnuggets, I was so ticked at my DSIL they other day. She is a self appointed food police I guess. She likes to preach lots of more holistic type herbs, foods, etc. She's always on some new fad (but overweight). Anyhow some how the discussion got to fast food and how bad it is, and yes I agree but am not obsessive over it. I believe everything in moderation. I commented on how McD's McNuggets were my thing and addiction from before surgery and since surgery I have allowed myself mcnuggets each week as my 'off plan choice'. It's worked for me, I've lost 126 lbs doing it. Well......she asks if I heard what is in them. I said no and I don't want to know. She said you have to know. DD said no we don't (she takes after her mother and many times when we get nuggets we order a 10 pc and split it). She insisted on telling us anyway and is now always preaching at us to give them up. Granted, they aren't healthy, they probably have crap in them, but don't spoil my splurge. Is that the wrong attitude for me to have? I'm not a drug addict, alcohol, but I love my nuggets. I know a stupid food to have a thing for, but still, let me enjoy them. That's my thought. Once a week isn't going to hurt me.

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This is a reply to the Nuggaholic...

Like you said, Great, you have lost 126lbs and kept if off with your nugget plan. Just because we adjust our way of eating, it does not mean that we need to give up our little splurges once in awhile. We all know that are further out in this game, that those planned treats are something to look forward to. I don't mind listening to ppl's opinions but when they beat it over and over is when I will just walk away.

I guess I can be called a cheesecakeaholic.

Happy you got some time off from all the duties that come with a wedding. Enjoy your "hot" lunch date.

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Thanks, Apples! I will enjoy my nuggets guilt free! On my way out the door now!

Back from my nuggets, enjoyed them. Only could eat 5 today. I call it the nugget test on my restriction Sometimes I can eat only 4 and others 6 isn't enough. When 6 isn't consistently enough, then I need a fill. LOL

About my SIL, it just bugs me when someone has to preach t their diet or food beliefs on me (or anything else for that matter). We are all entitled to our opinions, we can share them, but the decision is up to the individual. I disagree with so many things she does but don't preach it at her, and besides, I think i've proven I have a handle on my 'diet'.

Edited by Great2BThin

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I am back from my first liquid diet program.

4 Protein Shakes a day-800calories

lots and lots of Water

read positive affirmations

lol....stickers of the Davis Clinic to put on things that remind me of my journey.....like the tv remote. I think I will put one on the window button of my car so if I am tempted to go to fast food I have to press on the sticker.

20 minutes of exercise a day.

Okay, I have had two shakes a day. I made one with a 1/2c of Carbmaster yogurt and chocolate Protein powder.......yummy so far. I can use yogurt, milk, or fruit to doctor up the shakes. I just have to keep the carbs to 50gs a day. When I go out to eat I can have a green salad with 4oz of turkey or chicken.....now that is just once in awhile.


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Overeaters Anonymous has a saying--

"Keep your eyes on your own plate."

That is good advice in ALL areas of life, not just eating.

Someone doesn't need to tell me what is good for me and what is not. I know. Someone doesn't need to tell me what to do with the band. I know. Someone doesn't need to comment on what or how much I eat. I know what I am doing. And if it is the wrong thing, I know that too.

Eyes on your own plate.

Likewise, it is not up to me to comment on others' eating plans. Just like I know what is good for me and what is not, they know. My head had to be in the right place first. NO ONE could have changed that with their informing, pleading, whining, preaching, etc.etc. If someone wants to, they will. But it won't be because of something I do because...

My eyes are on my own plate.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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