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Just a quick check-in b/4 we hit the road again. Spent the night with DS. Out to dinner and a couple of drinks with him. He is doing well and heading to Brazil soon to see a little girlfriend. Talk about long distance relationships! It's almost like he likes it that way.

Working our way back to MN with some planned stops along the way. Dog is the BEST traveller. I am not. Had to stop and get a memory foam pillow for the butt. Seemed to do the job yesterday. Never thought I would be complaining about a boney rear.

Hi to all....caught up on posts but no time to respond. Take care. Will talk soon.

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Laura, HAPPY BANDIVERSARY!! 90 pounds is amazing. I'm very proud of you.

Charlene, very interesting about the planned diet. Yes, let us know when this starts. I have no doubt it will work, anything works if you stick with it completely. And learning how to eat differently is what this journey is all about.

Although my weight loss is very slow and goes is spurts, what I'm noticing is I will lose weight and then slow down and not lose for a while. My body does still look the same and then a few weeks later, although my body still looks the same (and I knew it would) it's getting smaller. Suddenly I can fit in a size smaller and my butt is smaller and my fat gut is smaller. I have 3 new pairs of size 20 pants that fit...they fit really well. I haven't been in a size 20 since at least 1995 or 96 maybe....it's been a very long time. I'm not doing killer exercise, but whatever I'm doing, it's working. Guess this is a NSV for me.

Okay, gotta go to work. Later ladies, have a great day!!


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Hi all,

Wanted to say Hi!

Happy Birthday to the Birthdays I missed.

Congrats to the people who lost

Hang in there for the people struggling

I had to leave work because it is snowing bad today I have 3-4 inches at my house.

I know for the northern folks this is nothing but in Ga this is alot. Alex's school called at 6am to advised no school today I drove to work because it was just raining but then it started to snow and stick so I drove back hope after about 5hrs at wrk.

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Hi Girls,

I am away on business and haven’t posted in a few days. Things are going really well for me. I got to wear that new suit to a dinner tonight that I told you all about. If I must say so myself, it looked good and I felt confident.

I am thrilled to report that I am firmly in the one hundreds with a weigh in this week of 197.5. I am finally able to “see” my loses. I knew I was losing but for the longest time I couldn’t see it. I think my head was not keeping up with my body. It was weird, I knew my clothes were too big but I didn’t look any different.

Off to bed now. I’ll post more when I get home. Good night.

Congrats on hitting Onederland.

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Sandy congrats on Onederland!! So proud of you. Glad you are enjoying a new suit! Feels so good, doesn't it?

Sorry I've been gone for a few days -- time just flies and I have good intentions but some days I just can't get on the computer.

Saturday did my 2 hours of exercise and then DH and I went thrift store shopping for DGD's room -- we took our extra bedroom and transformed it into a room for her - as we only have the one GD and she spends a lot of time at our house -- so we girlied it up and got some great pictures, and a great mirror - she loves looking at herself in the mirror. She's 3 going on 15 I swear!

Then on Sunday we had our little day trip to the casino and spent the night - it was fun to just get away even though it was only one hour away, nice to get away from home.

Tonight I have a perm after work so won't get home until 8:30 or so.

Apples, have a safe trip -- weather has been nice this week -- in the low 30s for highs and sun has been shining -- supposed to be some snow over this weekend, but probably not a lot.

Eva, would love to hear more about what your doctor said about fills. Loved the pics -- looks like lots of work.

Laura, sorry your dad is not feeling great but glad he is there visiting you -- means a lot to Nelson I'm sure. Party looked great -- loved the cake and you ARE a COOL mom to let him drive on the cake! Like everyone else I'm appalled at the adult's behavior -- makes you wonder how their kids will be raised, doesn't it? Loved all the pics here and on FB.

LauraK, sorry you went back to smoking -- I know how tough it is, not sure you were here when I confessed to being addicted to Nicorette gum for many years, but finally kicked that too. I could never go back to smoking, DH and all the step kids still smoke - in the garage and patio but I never even feel the urge -- for which I'm grateful!

Missed saying goodbye to Great, but I know she'll have a fabulous time.

Janet, I know what you mean about the kids - my step daughter can't seem to do anything much -- here I am 32 years older than her and I run circles around her on a daily basis and she's not heavy -- heck even when I was heavier I could run circles around her -- cleaning, cooking, etc. -- she does very little of any of that. That's why I want to live to be old so I can show GD what family traditions are all about. Like you, we have to pick our battles and it's not worth the battle. What movie did you and Andrew watch?

Jessica, hope your son is doing better and you ace all your tests -- you're doing great in all areas of your life.

Crzy and Cheri - you are both Saints and I'm in awe of all you do for your students -- truly greatness in both of you.

Well, gang, I gotta run. Will try to CBL. Happy bandverssary to Laura. TTYAL. Linda

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Hi gals, hope everyone has had a great day.. I was down to PT and it went well.... I've been feeling better the last few days again and I think it is thanks to the Cymbalta that I started taking again... I had quit taking it as I didn't think I needed an anti depressant anymore, but it must be doing something for the pain, too.. There is a pain killer in it.... So it's a week now since I started again and I haven't had any bad episodes in 3 days.... I actually slept in my bed the last 2 nights.... So, I'm happy... I'm having my first massage tomorrow..... They are recommending that I do this on the off days from PT.... just light massage, no deep muscle..... We'll see.....

Happy Bandiversary to Laura............. WTG girl..... Hope your dad will feel better soon....

Sndy, congrats on all the new feelings... It's great isn't it??? You've worked hard and you deserve to feel great..... Onderland is amazing for those of us who haven't been there forever... I'm still a long ways off, but I can see it off in the horizon..... good for you...

Melissa, be careful with that snow..... Even those of us who are used to it can have troubles driving... Hope it doesn't last long...

Judy, congrats on your 11 #'s.... What's this about your arms??? I knew about the other needing adjustments but thought you were happy with the arms...

Arlene, hope your eye appt went well and you had no accidents... My mother stopped tonight and told me that she backed into someone last night in a church parking lot.... OMG, she has had so many little bangs.. She said nothing bad on hers, but DH looked and said it's more than she thinks... Can hardly wait for this to all come out...... Her insurance is going to go sky high....

Apples, you have a safe trip... glad you got the pillow you need... Even a behind with more padding gets tired after a long drive....

Eva, wtg one the size 20's... I have a bunch of those a friend gave me and I can get them on but they aren't comfortable yet.... I'm waiting for that day......

Linda, I enjoy a little respit from the grind, too... We just had a nice afternoon card game with friends that was unexpected...... they called and she was so tired of working and needed a break and wanted to know if we could play cards.. Mimi was sleeping and we had a nice afternoon....

Well, DH is ready for supper.... All you other girls are doing well I hope... OH, Lori e-mailed some of us and said she can't get on the website, but wanted us to know that she had been to the Sea of Gallilee and was not able to walk on water!!! She's having a great time... bye now.... Julie

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Thanks Julie......all went well although it was heck driving the beltway with my eyes dilated. The speed limit is 65, but if you don't go 75 you will get run over. I guess I am gonna have to get laser on my lenses in my eyes. I had cataract surgery two years ago and a film has formed. He said it only takes about five minutes to correct. Evidently this is common.

Good for you on the Cymbalta. My son has several herniated disks and he has had great pain relief from taking it.

Linda, glad you had a good time at the casino. We don't have casinos in Texas. Louisiana gets all our money. I wish they would change the law.

Janet, where are you? I guess I missed ya today.

Oh, Biggest Loser, Later gang!

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I'm here Charlene ;0) - I started to post before my lunch was over but by the time I read - I didn't have time to post - working with my #1 producer is a pain - but a pain I am use to but now working w/my producer #2 - is a bigger pain... I am not liking my job too much right now.. Not that I liked it much before - but the last 2 days ugh... 60 more new accounts - Less Pay - no more 401k contributions for a couple of years now - gotta dump our own trash - and who know's whats going to happen to our health insurance next month.. I am not a very good employee/team player - but the way I look at it is that I don't get crap for going the extra mile - so why should I - they reap all the profits and don't share - so I go do my job and then come home ...

Andrew and I watched - Law Abiding Citizen - Jamie Fox - Since we ate dinner when the movie 1st started - half way thru I dozed missed some - but woke up at the end - it's a good movie...

Yes when a 18 almost 19 yr old wants to watch a movie w/you -you gotta take advantage of it ;0)

Today is my Brooke's 6th Bday - she's at chuckie cheese right now - when I talked to them earlier - they said they were going to Texas Road House - now tell me how many 6 yr old want to go there... Come on now... What happend to the days of fixing your fav dinner - cake and presents at home.. That's bday for me - especially for little kids..

Julie - I am glad you are back on your med's - stay on them girl they are working for you ;0)....

Linda - I bet your GD just loves her room ;0) and glad you got aways -it's always so nice to have a relaxing overnight trip... Ya I ran circles around my dil even heavy - She's taking some new anti depressant meds maybe it will help her.. I know she works hard (Labor/delivery Nurse) and she works alot of OT and my DS is lazy and so is the 15 yr old GD - But she needs to put her foot down..

Charlene - Isn't your DH eating correctly for bypass - that doesn't help you??? I am glad you are going to this class - I too love the idea of a webinar - I think all doc's should have them - I may just suggest it to my dr...

I need to get my eyes ck'd it's been 2 yrs ;0) hope your little lazer goes well..

Laura - Happy Band Anniversary - 90 lbs in 1 yr - WTG !!!!

Hope your Dad is better today - enjoy your time w/them..

Judy - Yep girl get the weight off - maintain it for a while then ck w/the PS - - the arm scar revision isn't included - it's extra ???

Sndyc - WTG Onderland !!!

Joyce - Still on baby food when do you move to soft??

Melissa - Be safe in the snow ;0) - I wish I could get a snow day

Apples - maybe you should look into getting butt implants :0) lol - Will be glad when you are home - miss your post :0)

Eva - I did enjoy being w/family - I did enjoy the drive - but I am glad to be hope - I am pooped - I have been going for a solid month - I need some me time - but that's going to include doing wash this weekend ;0(

Well gang - I didn't go to gym tonite - just too tired - I went last night and will go tomorrow and then Sat Morning - but I wouldn't have done to well if I had gone tonite...

Gotta go feed the dogs - CBL

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Indio - How do you remember all of us??? And put up with the stress at work? You are amazing.

I move from full liquids to mushie on Sunday. My SIL who had gastric bypass last June (has lost over 70 lbs.) is coming over to prepare my first egg. What a sweetie.

sleep well ladies.

Joyce in KC

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Hi All,

Seems like all I have been doing is running in circles too. Did my sisters families taxes and helped with FAFSA forms all day Saturday, of course went shopping Sunday did laundry and discovered by dryer is broke again. So Monday was hair cut came home picked up laundry and off to laundry mat. Monday work, the board meeting that went on for 2 1/2 hrs, tonight greenhouse meeting, Thurs zumba. I can't wait for the weekend. Seems like everything is at the 1st of the month then nothing to do after that.

I'm getting CRS I think it's catchy.

Congrats on onederland, bandavarsery and good grades, hope everyones child is feeling better. That's all I can remember now and not even who, sorry.

Oh my DD had an interview yesterday with the Fed land something or other. Keeping my fingers crossed that she gets this job. Supposed to hear either way by today. Send up good thoughts please.

Take Care

Laura K

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Good Morning Gang

Joyce :0) - I know and love my girls here - I don't have the best memory - in fact I forget alot :0) - but I do try and include everyone - I might not always - senior moments - but if I don't catch everyone - it's cuz I am in a hurry alot of the time and unless I quote everyone - I can forget ;0) but like I said it's not on purpose ;0)

Your eggs will be delicious - how sweet of your sis..

LauraK - I know busy - My closet if full of dirty clothes - it's what I will be doing this weekend..

Well just a drive buy - had a p.m. now it's time to jump in the shower..

I will cbl - Love & Hugs to you all Janet

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I just filled out my Fafsa too. Looks like my school is paid for this year. I guess in someways it pays to be poor. My husband was out of work twice this year so that drove up my Pell grant. Monday I will also be applying for a scholarship for my son to go to private school. We are eligable just depends on how much money is available on wether or not he will get it. This is really a huge relief. My disability is up for review in December. If they decide to take that away from me then I couldn't afford school. Now, with the grant it is not a worry.

This is my first disability review and I don't know what to expect. I am taking steps to get back into the workforce but I don't believe I am ready yet. I still have awhile till then so who knows what the year will bring. With the weight coming off I may be doing better.

Hopefully I will get my energy back. I feel like I could fall asleep at anytime during the day. Even with my stimulant meds. I had a sleep study done and it came back clean. It is just my hormones being all out of whack. That is the thing that led me to the lapband. Trying to figure out why I am so tired. 2 of my docs say the lapband will help me lose weight and my hormones will adjust back to normal levels. I tried meds to adjust it but they made me real sick so the doc took me off.

I gotaa get going to school. I have another anatomy exam today. The last one was so rushed I almost didn't finish. I was panicking. The way the test is set up is, they have models all around the room and we have to identify the parts with numbered stickers on them. So we each have to wait our turn. There can only be one person at a time at each of the models. It is complicated but I have to wait for someone else to finish and if they take a long time I could end up not finishing.

Have a great day everyone.


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Morning to all......

Jessica, good luck on your test and good going on the grants and such.... Nice not to have that worry on your mind.... I know that feeling tired thing.... Hope it gets better soon... You've been sick and that didn't help matters...

Yup, Joyce, you'll enjoy those eggs.. They'll be like the best you've ever tasted.... enjoy!!!!

Laura K, the week is half over now, so hopefully you can settle down some for the weekend.... Good thoughts for your DD.... Have a good day.

Laura, did Nelson get his package yet???? Hope he enjoys it...... It was the smallest shirt I could find.....The pictures of his party were so sweet.... great cake.....

Hope all of you gals have a good day... I'm alone right now, but Mimi will be here in an hour so I'd better get my laundry started.... Then will take her to daycare for an hour while I have a massage.... I think I'm looking forward to it..... Bye now...... TTYL...................Julie

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Joyce, I remember when I could have full liquids. I put some broccoli Soup in the blender, then heated it and...YUM! You would have thought I was at a buffet on a cruise ship!

The scale moved a little today. We (I?) have to remember that this is not a quick fix; this is a managed journey and bit by bit--it can happen!

We are slaves to instant gratification. "I want potato chips NOW!!" And so, when we decide to take charge of our health, we also want it NOW! "I want to weight 150 today!!" With God's grace, I will be here tomorrow and the next day and next week and month and so on.....so I WILL get there. But for today, I am going to make good choices and take care of myself because I am worth it.

Pep talk for me and anyone else that needed one.

xoxo to all--Judy

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You are going to love a massage - I did - I just had my 1st full massage back in Sept 09 - loved it - could get hooked and should make the time to get one more often :0)


School & grants and scholarships - you go girl... I wouldn't know to do any of that stuff ;0)... Good Luck on your test .


Yep Gf when I was trying to lose 5 lbs - I thought it should come off in a weeks time - hell no - it didn't come off that quick the 1st time and each time we gain it back - the harder it is to take off.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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