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Good afternoon, I think I am about ready for my trip. I am probably taking way too many clothes. I had a couple pairs of jeans/pants and a couple capris, then I looked at teh weather and it's been 70's up to 80's but lately it's been 50's and 60's so I threw in more pants, etc. It will be a miracle if I wear everything I packed, DH is giving me a bad time about my suitcase. He had thoughts of us sharing a bag, silly boy!

Jody, of course, I will say a prayer for you at the wall if we are there.

Jewel, I know the ATL airport well, if you have any questions ask me. I fly through there all the time and DH lived there for about 8 mos. once for his job and we commuted back and forth, his company is headquartered there. It's a relatively easy airport to find your way around in. The best foodcourt for selection and quiet is usually the one on the E concourse (it's where most of the int'l flights are). I will be there tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fly through ATL to Tel Aviv tomorrow.

Alfred Dunner, funny my grandma was trying stuff on and thought some things looked too young. LOL Guess when you are a couple months shy of 101, 80 is even young.

Well better go finish my packing, just wanted to check in, not sure I will be on again before I leave, I am taking my laptop with me mostly to download photos to, but who knows I might not be able to resist and ahve to check in.

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Janet, nope not chem stuff here is the receipe if you or anyone is interested. My Mom & step-Dad eat it like a salad not with the chips.< /p>

Texas Caviar

1 can each, pinto Beans, black eyed peas, and white corn, all drained.

1 sm can green chillies 1 sm jar pimentos

1 c green peppers 1 sm onion

1 c celery

Chop peppers, onion, and celery quite fine.

Marinate: Bring to a boil:

1tsp salt ¾ c cider vinegar

½ tsp pepper ½ c oil

1Tbs Water 1 cup splenda

Cool completely & pour over bean mixture. Marinate 24 hrs. Drain off most of liquid

Serve with Frito Scoops they work the best.

Love this stuff

Laura K

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Good Evening, I've just sat down in my computer chair with a heating pad on my back and I'm ready to report on my day... Today was the family baby shower... Lots of people.... Wall to wall, so to speak.... Just a very nice crowd... Had a good time and everything went well, except there is too much cake left...... but I'll figure it out.... It has been a long day as Mimi had to be here because DD had to travel with her boss and co-workers to a seminar they had to have for the certified daycare thing..... She got back by 4, but didn't leave here until way after 6:00.... So about 11 hours of Mimi is a long day for me.... She was good, but always into something.. I'm tired and ready to veg out some... I don't think I have to host or entertain for anything for awhile again and I'm glad of that!!!!

Laura K, glad you gave the recipe for Texas caviar... I figured it was something unique...

Janet, not everyone is tidy as some of us are... I have a brother like that.... We wouldn't think of not putting fresh sheets on a bed when we knew someone was coming... It's a different generation, I think... Hope you enjoy the rest of your time....

Lori, I always take too many clothes with me on vacation.. don't know why, but just don't want to get caught without something I need.... Your GM sounds so neat... I had a 91 year old lady (my nephew's girlfriend's grandma, so I had never met here before) here today and when I was visiting with her she told me she just never expected to live this long... Still alone on the farm, but it is close to her son and his family.... She still does all her own cooking and cleaning... I noticed her hands were all deformed from arthiritus.... But those old folks can be so neat.....

Jessica, I'm so glad you get to go to see your brother and new baby.... You'll be fine.. I was scared to travel alone to FL and if this old lady can do it, then you sure can.......

Laura, I mailed off a package to Nelson today so you can look for it sometime next week.... It will be late for his birthday, but I just couldn't get it done any faster..... Hope you all had a great day and that your party was as successful as mine was.... Nelson, congrats on the new belt... You'll be a black belt before you know it... My grandson just got a new belt to... I think it was green....

Jodi, wtg on the baby food, you'll be on regular foods before you know it.....

Well, time to go, but will try to add one or two pictures... One of my and the baby, Noah, and his other great auntie Julie.... Yup, he has two of us..... poor kid.... the other is a 4 generation with my mother, brother, nephew and Noah..... Night all.... Hugs.. Julie

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Hi guys~

Read the last few posts~ you guys have been busy beavers! I am exhausted after the last few days being so busy. Nelson had a great day and is now sleeping! : ) Now I can have a little down time. The party was a hit. I was a little ticked off, about 10 kids (plus the adults), ~ so 20 or so, RSVPed and then didn't show. I ordered food/cake based on the numbers so we had a LOT extra. I sent whole pizzas home with people! Everyone had fun. It was chilly, high was 60. The kids rode their vehicles, colored the pavement with sidewalk chalk, chased bubbles, played horse shoes, painted sun catchers, ate pizza and had cake! I also made homemade hummus and black bean salad. I did VERY good today~ was too afraid of PBing in front of everyone.

My folks are supposed to fly in tomorrow midday. I am so excited to see them! It's been almost a month.

HUGS and hellos to everyone. I need to go get my feet up. peasout~ Laura

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Laura - what a great party. Easy to see everyone had a blast.

Sorry about the rude ppl who responded and then no-showed.

But they won't ruin the great memories.


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No time to explain all we have been doing. Between friends and DS flying in again for the weekend, we have been busy. Party planned for tomorrow to watch US and Canada again in hockey. All packed ahead of time so we can just enjoy the day b/4 we take off early on Monday morning.

Laura...great photos..have fun with family.

Lori...I'm in on the prayer thing...one for me please! Thanks! Never hurts to have one said. Have the time of your lives. Stay safe...no seatbelt extender so so great! I will never forget the first time the try hit my tummy and was sitting askew. Was in first class where there is more room and it still gave me trouble. No more. How did we get there? Hard work and determination!

Cannot wait for my OWN computer and no laptop. Will be able to catch up and participate again. I have soooooooo missed that. Love ya all...safe travel to all on the road. Lori....want to hear all about the trip when you get home. Trip of a lifetime. Enjoy!

Julie...love babies. Thanks for the photos. Nice avatar...you've lost weight since FL, have'nt you?

Gotta go...on a break. Have company at our cabin. Later

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Hi Gang

Julie I love your new avatar !!! Great Picture!!!!

Glad your baby shower was a hit !!

Laura how freaking rude of those parents !!!!

LauraK - TX cavier sounds good..

Well just a drive by



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Good evening all...hope you are all having a great day...It seems like everyone is busy this weekend....Hope everyone is well!

Laura, Glad to hear the party was a success for those who came...dont ya just hate those who dont come after RSVPing yes....you are too good..id have gone and called them right then and there..tracked them all down....and said...well we are waiting!!! Just plain rude. (things cost money today...not to mention our emotional expense) Glad you guys had a great time regardless!!! The pics were great..sounds to me like a perfect party.

Good luck with your parents tomorrow.

Jodi, wtg on the baby food, you'll be on regular foods before you know it.....

Hi Julie...I think that you meant this for Joyce....she is the one eating the baby food now.....Ill be eating it hopefully next week! lol so im passing this message on to her!!!

Glad to hear the babyshower was a success and you enjoyed.

Joyce....see above....message from Julie meant for you!!...Yes way to go!!!

Indigogirl...you have kept me so busy with all the information youve given....thank you thank you!!

Lori thank you thank you....much appreciated. Have a safe trip.

Well.....its been an interesting weekend all.....Been reading and reserching all the information that you all have given me and well.....Ive learned some more things.

I decided yesturday to make chicken Soup for shabbat dinner.....but made a big vat with lots of vegggies and chicken..after we ate about two bowls each lol took out all the veggies and the chicken seperately...after shabbat blended them each seperately...put them in a freezer snack bags and Im ready for blended foods stage ala chicken and veggies. I blended some together to have Protein as well in each.

As for the Soup...that proved to be slightely harder! lol

I needed to cool it down...then I skimmed it tonight....but its not clear....sooo want to clear it so Ill have to do that tomorrow as I never cleared a soup before...however my "Settlement cookbook" tells you exactly how to do this!!

Whod have thought that an egg shell can do all this!

This week I will make a beef and vegetable broth the same way as above so I will be set with at least liquids for the first week.

Monday I will go to the Health food market and Trader Joes..to check out the Protein powders, drinks, and shakes...and compare to the sites that you also have all suggested and get a few diff samples and see which I like best....fun...lol.

Meanwhile...the marathon holiday weekend will be continuing.....Today we went to synaguage...havent really gone for the longest time due to the inclement weather lol..(I sound like the school closing site....due to inclement weather school will be closed today. Ive heard that one to many times this year.....but I digress). anyways...havent gone as the weather every sat....was so bad and we have to walk.

Today....wasnt too bad and its one of those days where we are recquired to hear the torah reading for the week...there are three such saturdays in the year...two are in winter...why??? I ask??? why??? of course If I lived elsewhere and it was middle of summer id ask the same.

After services....the youth group was having their yearly lunch with the Rabbi and his wife..and the youth leaders. This is where they tell stories, sing and eat. So..we had to go to services regardless as she very much wanted to go to this lunch with her friends....so yea..me I got to sleep for an hour and read for an hour?? wow that was nice.

Needed it as after I had to pick her up and found the after party was at our house....hmmgrh.

so much for resting. lol

Tonight was so much fun...it is Purim....that holiday for kids. and so Dassi and I...as I will always be a kid....dressed up...she as Medussa...and me...well I put on a bandana, dungaree skirt and jacket....and a few beaded necklaces and wallah....60's costume for me....

We went to two parties and one carnival...after hearing the Story of Esther....that was fun.. all the kids are dressed up in their costumes...of course I thing Dassis was best..but im biased...of course.

Tommorrow,....we are going to a party at the Rabbi from my daughters school. That should be interesting. hmm. After we hear the story of Esther for the second time..not really sure why we need to hear it twice.. but we do and then....after its party time where we go to the Rabbi...and then deliver our edible arrangements...treats and then we will go to dinner at one of the big synaguages....to eat a big meal...and Im calling it my last meal!

I hope I get through the day.....Allready my daughters complaining about her costume...the hem fell....the headress is hurting....the shoes are to tight...this ones better etc etc etc....by the end of the day...shel be in reg clothes...and ya know what?? who cares! As long as everyone is having fun.

So.....I must get some rest..its allready Two AM and need to wake early. Hah

Have a great weekend all


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Good Morning!

Laura......loved the birthday pics! I find people who don't show up... don't give parties. Rude or just ignorant of the cost.........I don't know. Probably both.

Julie ......like you pics of baby. Was that at the baby shower? I love baby showers. Everytime I host a baby shower I say I am going to hang up my "shower cap", but then I commit to another one. I have two coming up this spring.

Lori......praying for your safety.

Jodi.......whew! You are one busy lady. All the celebrations sound like a lot of fun.

Cheri .........how are you feeling after your fall? We haven't heard from you.

Apples, have you left Florida?

Joyce, Eva, Janet, Melissa,Laura K, Linda, Judy, and Jessica....and anyone I forgot....I hope all of you are doing good this weekend. Have a great day!

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Good bye!!!! I'm so excited!! Don'[t post too much so I have too much to read when I get back! Just joking. Talk to you all soon.

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Good Morning!

Laura......loved the birthday pics! I find people who don't show up... don't give parties. Rude or just ignorant of the cost.........I don't know. Probably both.

Julie ......like you pics of baby. Was that at the baby shower? I love baby showers. Everytime I host a baby shower I say I am going to hang up my "shower cap", but then I commit to another one. I have two coming up this spring.

Lori......praying for your safety.

Jodi.......whew! You are one busy lady. All the celebrations sound like a lot of fun.

Cheri .........how are you feeling after your fall? We haven't heard from you.

Apples, have you left Florida?

Joyce, Eva, Janet, Melissa,Laura K, Linda, Judy, and Jessica....and anyone I forgot....I hope all of you are doing good this weekend. Have a great day!

Arlene...we are leaving our cabin tomorrow morning and heading back to Atlanta to spend a few days with youngest DS. Looks like we are heading into snow there. Bummer. Plan on spending at least a week or more on the road. Business stops to make. DH has some equipment to look at for our other business.

It's been a great trip and already booking for next year. Same cabin. We are not looking forward to leaving our friends from here as we only see them during our stay here. We do keep in contact which is nice.

Jodi...will be thinking of you as you prepare for you LB surgery. Most important advice I can give is to follow all of your doc's rules. Also, rely on others (us) for advice. There are no questions that you should be afraid to ask. Most of us relied on LB Talk and experienced bandsters to help us along.

Nice and sunny day here. Heading to friend's to watch the US/Canada hockey today. Getting treated to steaks and a good ole' potluck picnic. Should be a good day. One more Shampoo in the lake for puppa. Will be May b/4 he will swim again in MN.

Hi to all. Will check in when I can on the road. Time for a hair cut for me. A friend who is a beautician is going to trim me up...Thank God for that. It's been over six weeks and beginning to look a little like Bozo. Take care.

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Good bye!!!! I'm so excited!! Don'[t post too much so I have too much to read when I get back! Just joking. Talk to you all soon.

Be safe, have fun. Cannot wait to hear about your trip!

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Hey gang....trying to catch up on posts here.

Jodi, as for sushi (you posted this 2-25)...I eat sushi at least once a week....I eat everything including the squid and ocotopus which is very chewy. I just chew a lot. If you ever get to Tucson, I'll take you to a fabulous little sushi bar. The chef is very picky about his food and I think you'll love it. I've also had the quail egg and salmon roe sushi. I love the quail egg, but not so much the salmon roe...but I'll eat it to. Have to keep your options and horizons open. Now do you think a 10 year old will ever be happy with everything? At least she has friends and family to share her holidays with and a loving mother that takes really good care of her. I just strained my chicken and beef broth through a strainer and it was clear enough. I made both ahead of time and froze in portion sized zip locks so I could heat up just what I needed. I really like my own broth better than any I've ever bought.

Janet...hope you are having a great visit with your DS. I'll make you some more Jerky when beef goes back on sale...it has to be the right cut otherwise it's too hard to get decent pieces.

Judy...glad the show went well, wish I could see it. Maybe sometime in the future huh?

Great, you should be on your way across the globe. Wishing you a safe and fun journey. Send postcards...or just buy them and scan them to us when you get back. Take lots of pictures. I'm really excited for you, dang, I want to go too!!

Joyce, I use Isopure Protein mix too...it's not too bad if you mix it with really cold Water. I like it because it has 50 grams of protein and 220 calories, so if you are low on protein, it's a great way to catch up in one fell swoop (or rather two scoops). It's also pretty filling...you have to keep shaking it up to keep it mixed up. I mix the chocolate with the vanilla and it seems to taste a little better.

Linda, how are you doing?

Jessica, you'll be fine flying. Most airports have great signs and you check the "boards" that shows arriving and departing flights and they'll tell you what gate you are flying out of. If you don't have any delays, you'll be fine. If you have a confirmed seat, they won't bump you unless you volunteer (usually). There's usually someone who wants the voucher for a free flight or something so you'll be okay.

Charlene, how are you doing? I suspect my rainy weather is heading your way...hope you are feeling alright. How are the sessions you've been attending? Are they helping? My Mexico doctor is starting to do "webinars" seminars on the web. The first one is tomorrow and I signed up for it. It says he's going to do one the first Monday and Thursday of every month. I think that should be interesting. I bet you give really nice parties and you must enjoy them or you wouldn't keep doing them.

Deb, I see you lurking...how are you doing? If you need to talk you can always PM one of us especially if you don't want to post to the thread.

Hi Sndy, how's it going?

Laura, great pics of Nelson and his class...congrats to him and his TKD. The BD party looked like a lot of fun. So sorry the RSVP's didn't show up. I take it they didn't call either...rude. Guess they don't consider how much work goes into setting up a party and getting food/gifts drink amounts just right. Your parents should be there about now. Hope you are having a great visit and they are doing okay after the trip.

LauraK...well this is Sunday so your daughter should be in Phoenix and I think it's raining there too. It will clear up and be nice by tomorrow though. Thanks for the recipe...I copied it and put it in my file, sounds very yummy and will be great for my veggie friends.

Julie, great pictures and your new avatar pic is great...you look wonderful. Good luck on the insurance letter again.

Apples, have fun with your party and have a safe trip...be careful (I know you will). Go USA!!!

It's been raining since before I got up this morning. We've almost had an inch of rain. I can't wait to see how all this rain will affect the wild flowers this spring.

We got home about 11:30 last night. It was an interesting trip meeting cousins I've never known or even known about. Got to visit with my uncle and aunt (biological mom's brother and sister) and they got to meet my DH. My cousin retired from the Navy after 27 years and we went for the ceremony. It was very interesting. The weather was nice on Friday and since the ceremony was outside in a park that was a good thing, but it rained yesterday.

I'm going to post a couple of pictures of my back yard as soon as I upload them. We have a mess back there. We are changing the overhead power line to an underground one and the trench is open.

I've been posting about 2 hours now, so I better go get something done. I'll check back in later.

Hi to anyone I've missed!!


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The first two pictures are of the trench in the back yard....it always amazes me how rocky our soil is. The 3rd pic is what used to be there...an old falling down porch with our gas line on the roof of it (we've already fixed that). The next picture is of the retirement ceremony...can't see much but backs, but one of the guys on the podium is my cousin.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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