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Hope everyone is doing well.

My week isnt slowing down any but..such as the story of my life. lol

My daughter....she is a trouper however... if she has even the slightest bit of pain..well then she isnt going to school. So, for the last three days shes been home..meaning ive been home with her until today. I had to go to work. So, Grandma to the rescue. It was good....I got "out" and she got to be with Grandma what can be better....School??

Tomorrow she is going....thats it. Shes got to go to school. She isnt in pain anymore.

I will not feel guilty, I will not feel guilty, I wil not, I will not.

Since this week isnt working out like I planned...I actually came to some conclusions. One....I am not going to bake for Purim which is this sunday and Im not going to buy all sorts of stuff to make baskets...because If I do all the above..I will eat as I do....and my daughter will do the same. sooo, instead I am going to buy about 6 baskets allready done. Yes, they cost more then if I would have made them myself... however between the time, the effort and eating of all the baked goods and candies, junk...It just isnt worth it. Bottom line....so im a horrible jewish mother lol. I didnt spend hours kneading my dough....and baking Hamentashen from scratch....stand on long lines at costco to buy junk foods in bulk and buy baskets and baskets to decorate to give out to freinds and family.

no....im going to be that modern jewish divorced/widowed woman..who is taking the short cut and if my daughter doesnt realize that Im not grandma bubby from poland allready then maybe this will enlighten her. Im sorry. oh and if anyone who recieves a store bought basket from me and thinks...hmmm well so theyl think it.

there...I feel better allready.

Lori...you are going to Israel? What a fantastik time to go...a fun time...When I lived in Jerusalem..Purim which is this weekend....was soo much fun. I remember having a party in my house that we ended up having at least a 100 people....unfortunately I apparently drank two many drinks before the party started and did not remember a thing from the party as I was sooo sick that I spent night in my room....sick. This was the only time I ever was sick or drunk or whatever it was....in my life.

But...I do remember this time...because it was so beutiful there and we were able to go outside with just a light jacket. Fun....ENJOY!!!

well....I cant wait to go to work and play with all the wonderful things that we got from "Make a wish"....The party was amazing and I have to say that in all the years Ive worked in the field....this day was the most special for the family..and I was able to be a part of it...now I can retire. lol

well not exactly as I need to play with all the great things that were brought and not alone..but with my little guy!!!! Alone would be boring...no, I cant wait to see him play and watch him...for those ahhs and oohs and little giggles that im going to hear...then I can retire. lol

Im getting nurvous about the pre-surgery date...apparently some of the March bandsters were saying how they needed to get lots of tests on that day...as well as have a blood gas taken?? what?? one woman relayed her experience throught the day...and after this....I think im going to have nightmares about this day....the surgery im not concerned...im going to be sleeping...but that day????? HELP. Im a big chicken and dont like needles. The endoscopy was a really big deal...scared my more then the idea of the surgery itself. I did it but heck was not happy about it..now this?? Blood gases hurt like hell....I hear....did you all have to get them or is it just some people...at some hospitals?

so starting to get a little ansty.

Joyce....Congrats!! You did it...so glad you are doing great. Nice to hear....thanks for letting us in on your exp. really!!!

Okay...must go to sleep...

Have a great night and rest of the week!


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Hi, just back home from church... My supper went well... A bit of sloppy joes left, just enough to feed the stragglers after the shower on Saturday who I might have to give supper to..... Works for me!!! I also did a solo number......me and my 12 string acoustic guitar... I sang a country version of "I'd Rather Have Jesus". It went pretty well considering I couldn't feel my fingertips after practicing too much.. I don't play enough anymore so my calouses are gone and those strings are hard on the fingers... But I made it and did okay... Won't have to do it again for a while .....

Jessica I love hearing you talk about things.. You are so upbeat and raring to go... I love it.... You go girl.!!!

Lori, hugs on the mother issues... I have my own and it's never fun to argue with your mother.....not at any age... So glad your DD's shower was fun... It will soon be time for the wedding.. only a month now, right?? I'm sure you are getting excited about Israel... You and DH will really appreciate first class after a long ride in coach!!!!! But it will be so much easier now that you are half the size you once were... Have a great time....

Laura, you must be busy with all your birthday party preparations.. Is Nelson excited???? I'll bet... Does he have lots of John Deere tractors already.... the replica/toy size???? I found a cute one here at our local JD dealership I want to send him, but not if he already had a ton of them....Want it to be something special..... Mimi now takes Squirt with her everywhere along with Caillou.... It was a great gift....

Well, time to relax a bit.... TV is boring, as I'm not an Olympics watcher..... the other things are all reruns because of it and so it's boring... might just read a little before taking my pills and crashing... I have PT again tomorrow..... so to Bismarck again.. My car pretty much knows the way by heart now...... 4 times last week.... it's only about 80 miles round trip, but it really just puts a crimp in the rest of my day.... Don't have much shopping, did it all yesteday... I do need to pick up a refill on my pain pills.....

Goodnight everybody.... sleep well.... Julie

Thanks so much for the wonderful compliment. I am just so tired of letting my illness tell me I can't. On thing I learned in therapy is I can. I am not broken. It may take more effort from me but I still can achieve things.

now..you are talking....sometimes its all about the teachers and the school. I find if you have a child that is what I call....the I can fit anywhere kid...it doesnt matter where they go..they will thrive..but when you have a child with a special need or needs a little something extra...thats where the school philosophy and the teachers of the classroom and the supports...are cruciall. Good for you for realizing that he needed a change for the better!

uh oh..I feel like the special educator is speaking through me again. I hope no offense is taken...But im happy for you...ive read now for about two months and damn...you are so busy doing for everyone.. that Im glad you are doing for you as well you deserve it and just in case..you werent getting praise enough ...I wanted to add to it ..hope you dont mind my professional butt in.

I don't mind at all. It was a tough decision because we thought he was familar with the people there and we didn't want to disrupt him. We made the right decision though and LOVE his new school. They don't even have TV'S for the kids to watch. They teach. Everytime I went to pick him up at the old school they would be watching TV and that bothered me. Plus one day he got a bump in the nose, it looked broken to me but the teacher said there was no bleeding. I took him to the Doc anyway and he told me there definately was bleeding even had to clean it out with a swab. Thankfully it wasn't broken. I know kids will get hurt but give me a call or something to let me know he is injured. They didn't mention it until I asked why his nose was black and blue.

That school became a tug of war between me and my MIL. I pulled him out once before and was taking him to a different school. Then I ended up in the hospital. When I got home from the hospital I discovered that he had been switched back to that school. So my MIL could take him instead of me.:smile2:

I better get off that subject.

Nothing new to report here. Got a long day ahead of me. I don't get home from school til 9:30 tonite. Then I am off tommorrow.Yay! Yesterday I took a sip of my Protein Drink and yuck it was all lumpy. It wasn't past the expiration date yet. Don't know what happened but that was gross. I gotta get some more tommorrow. I think I'll look into that Unjury. Anyone use those?

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LauraK, I took a master gardener's class more than 10 years ago and I loved it. If I had the energy and time, I would pursue it again, but I really don't have a functioning area to garden in yet.

Janet, yep the no choice thing would be better but I know how much I rebel after doing that for an extended time. I'm actually going to buy that book...maybe this weekend while in San Diego. Hope you have a safe trip to your DS and enjoy your visit.

Linda, your cold weather sounds so delightful....not. But at least you have sun and that helps a lot.

Jessica, those are exactly the sorts of messages you need to tell yourself. You are turning your life around and you will be successful. The school journey and the weight journey are really big steps and you are doing amazing. My best friend, at the age of 40 something, applied for and got accepted to physical therapy graduate school. She had to take chemistry and anatomy and sounds like all the classes you are taking before she applied. She got in the first try and is now working at the VA as a physical therapist and loves it. So there is a great future for you out there.

Gotta run....will continue later.


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Good afternoon, just got home from my volunteer stint at the hospital. They've been giving me more and more to do. Today I visited bypass patients in the hospital, which I have done a lot of, but today I went over a lot of discharge info regarding followups etc.

Been under a lot of stress lately and well let's just say I have handled like I always have, some how a bag of Fritos found it's way into my house and is now gone. Makes me so mad, why do I do that to myself? The stress is in regards to my Grandma however, it has to do with my mom and I disagreeing on how to handle something. I am the one handling it but she's down there in FL trying to dictate how I do it, I feel somewhat like I need to honor her wishes, but yet I am the one with all the work and also trying to honor Grandma's. We've exchanged some pretty terse words via email, I think the worst is over, I half expect the phone to ring any minute though.

Jewel, true 4 days would be along time on a bike. And don't forget your 'tush' has a lot less padding now!

Linda, the shower was great, she got lots of nice things. I think after 25 or 30 yrs of marriage I shoudl get a shower and get all new stuff! And you are never too nosy, I am too then! I will be in Isreal for 8 days, gone from home 10 days, I am going with a group of 17 from my church. I am very anxious.

Janet, I always get to fly first class if it is available, one of the perks of DH's job. However, goign to Isreal we bought tkts with this group and are not using his flying benefits, it's kiling him to think he has to sit in coach if there is a possibility of 1st class being open. LOL

LauraK, a master gardener? you must be good, what does that mean?

Laura, glad your parents are coming to visit. I remember DH's sister (we met in HS) having a "Kiss me Donnie' poster in her room when we were dating. I think the lips were worn off of it! LOL

I've got American Idol recorded but have been so busy and when I do watch tv watching the Olympics, but I have to disagree, do not like Ellen. I don't so much as miss Paula as I dislike Ellen. I wonder how the show will be without Simon next year. I didn't like Kara at first and she has grown on me, maybe Ellen will too.

That means I paid to take classes for 13 weeks, did 40 volunteer hours and 5 additional educ hours. I have to also maintain 15 volunteer hours and 5 educ hours each year to stay certified. So you pay to volunteer, but this is how I learn more and more. I am not even close to knowing a lot. Some of our members have volunteer more than 5000 hours. They are good.

At our meeting last night our association mbrs volunteered almost 11,000 hours last year.

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Jodi, I just love hearing about your traditions, as I know nothing about being Jewish.

I think each Dr/Hospital has something different they do or want. I didn't have to have blood gasses drawn. The fear of the unknown is the worst the rest is a piece of cake. oops bad word.

Jessica, you are doing so great. Keep up the good work!

Eva, that's the thing with MG you get to volunteer to work in someones elses project. I always run out of room at home, well not room, resources. I have been building beds using field stone and I'm out again. The more beds I make the less grass I have to mow is how I think about it.

Also looking at plants/bulbs that will produce big leaves for my cement leaf projects this year.

Janet, There are never to many plants. That sounds like a good price. Our MG meeting last night was about roses and Clematis. Growing them together by using the rose as a built in trellis for the clematis. The color/specis combos she used was just amazing.

Everyone take care, Laura K

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Good morning! Today is my last busy day before vacation. I have nothing planned for Fri and Sat. unless you count laundry, packing etc. But I have no where I have to be! This afternoon is a meeting with Grandma and a long term care representative and something with Medicaid which she may have to go on, it's not going to be fun. My mom wants this meeting, she'll be here in 3 weeks, I was pushing to wiat for the meeting when she was here, as I know I won't find out everything my mom wants. I hate being in the middle! And it's bringing up all the old, 'nothing I do is ever good enough' feelings I have fought my entire life and thought I conquered. That's my vent for the day.

Jodi, I leave for Isreal on Sunday, we don't arrive in Tel Aviv until MOnday, so I assume the holiday will be over then?? We spend a night in Tel Aviv, then 2 nights near the Dead Sea, and then the rest in Jerusalem. I am very excited to see all the Biblical sights, walk where Jesus walked, etc.

Also, on my surgery day, all I had was surgery. No other tests that day, just got there, checked in, they started my IV, they may have drawn a tube of blood, I don't remember. All my testing (and never had blood gases that I know of) was well before the surgery date, I had pulmonogist screening, cardiologist screening, psych eval and a bunch of blood tests beforehand. Your date is going to be here before you know it and you'll do great!

Woke up today with a horrible headache, haven't had a headache in forever!

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Fly by~ sorry guys can't respond to posts. I glanced them but sooooo busy here. No school today so trying to get things done with DH and DS here. ughhh. party stuff, cleaning, laundry, stressing, etc. Also, TOM is finally here for a visit after ignoring me for 3 months! omw, what a visit too! tmi but I feel like a PMS bitch on steroids. I accidently opened a Sam's size jar of gourmet jelly Beans that were meant for the party. I had one handful and then put them away. Thank God there is no chocolate in this house.

I am so excited about my parents coming down for a few days. We set up an appt with a local oncologist just so dad has someone to see if anything happened while here. I feel bad that I can't give as much attention to the "prep" of their visit b/c I have the party going on. So now if I am not on for a while you guys will understand why.

Hugs and hi to everyone. peasout... Laura

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Great-you will love Israel. The Bible is their history book. It is an amazing country. The Israeli people can be "tough," but with their history, I guess they have to be. Have a safe journey--and remember not to shave before floating in the Dead Sea--ouch!

Hope everyone is doing well today. This morning I measured myself; there was some improvement, but more to go. Dr. Oz says my waist should be less than 30 inches---What?!? I guess that's from the charts that say if I am 5'1", I should weigh 105. They do not consider our ages and the way things "shift." Twenty years ago, I was appalled that I got to 140. Now, I'd be thrilled to get there!

The show opens tonight.

It got cold again....what happened to global warming?

judy xo

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fly by - just to let you all know I am alive and well - got home late last nite and busy today - will catch up tonite :0)

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Fly by~ sorry guys can't respond to posts. I glanced them but sooooo busy here. No school today so trying to get things done with DH and DS here. ughhh. party stuff, cleaning, laundry, stressing, etc. Also, TOM is finally here for a visit after ignoring me for 3 months! omw, what a visit too! tmi but I feel like a PMS bitch on steroids. I accidently opened a Sam's size jar of gourmet jelly Beans that were meant for the party. I had one handful and then put them away. Thank God there is no chocolate in this house.

I am so excited about my parents coming down for a few days. We set up an appt with a local oncologist just so dad has someone to see if anything happened while here. I feel bad that I can't give as much attention to the "prep" of their visit b/c I have the party going on. So now if I am not on for a while you guys will understand why.

Hugs and hi to everyone. peasout... Laura

I was wondering if you were about to TOM because of your pb incident. I suspect you swell a lot with fibroids and all and your stomach and abdomen get irritated and swollen which makes the band tighter. That could explain your wide variance.

I fell today at school. I was walking around the edge of the gym and a student who was playing with a ball fell and dove right into my feet. Landed right on the point of my hip and have a huge hematoma. Went for x-rays of hip, pelvis, lower spine and neck because all got jarred pretty good. No breaks other than that I possibly broke off a spur on my hip that was bothering me anyway. News flash: I'm full of arthritis. LOL. Which is, of course, the reason I've had neck surgery, shoulder surgery, double knee replacements, epidurals in neck and lower back, and God knows what other procedures. Dr. said I'd have massive bruising from the hip and that I'd whacked myself pretty good. He thinks I'll be in a lot more pain tomorrow and wants me to not work or only do restricted light duty. Well, my job's not that physically demanding and I've already designed my room and my teaching techniques to accommodate my arthritis so I think I'll be all right..I've been sitting all day in the Dr.s office and then went home. Might soak in the tub. I'm going in late morning tomorrow and I'll limit what I do. I don't stay after school on Fridays and my groups are small. Next week I'll be administering IOWA testing to a small number of students who need some accommodations so that'll be restricted enough for Monday.

I know a lot of people would just stay home but its very difficult to get a sub for me and since I take the kids out of their specials, my kids end up in their regular teacher's classroom when that teacher is supposed to be having a prep period.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow. If its bad, I won't stay. He gave me Lortabs but those have never helped me in any way so I doubt I'll even use them.


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Great-you will love Israel. The Bible is their history book. It is an amazing country. The Israeli people can be "tough," but with their history, I guess they have to be. Have a safe journey--and remember not to shave before floating in the Dead Sea--ouch!

Hope everyone is doing well today. This morning I measured myself; there was some improvement, but more to go. Dr. Oz says my waist should be less than 30 inches---What?!? I guess that's from the charts that say if I am 5'1", I should weigh 105. They do not consider our ages and the way things "shift." Twenty years ago, I was appalled that I got to 140. Now, I'd be thrilled to get there!

The show opens tonight.

It got cold again....what happened to global warming?

judy xo

Break a leg tonite Judy.

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I miss my visits with my girls! I had a HUGE post written last night (yep, Eva, copy and paste is what I was doing because of our iffy service). Wellllllllllll, go up to go to restroom and DH lost it when he sat down. He does not know how but it was gone. Not his fault....should have saved it.

Been on the run and no time to post or catch up.

Janet...have a safe and fun trip to see family.

Lori...have a safe and fun trip to walk where Jesus walked. Will be thinking of you.

Jessica...you are awesome in the great strides you have taken since first knowing you. You are really going in the right direction

Hey Julie...talked to you a bunch last night but now CRS. Hope you are feeling OK.

Eva....hey, girl....how's it goin'?

Hi Phyll!

Good luck with your play, Judy.

Linda..sorry about your weather. We dread heading back that way.

Hey to the Master Gardener...also wrote you a long one last night and lost it...again..CRS

Everyone I have omitted....a big Hey to you all.

Had a great time with DS and his friends. He flew into Daytona and we just hung out, had lunch, hung out, had dinner, hung out.....was great.

OK...this is short and you all know this kills me not to have access...in a couple of weeks I will catch up with you all. Sending luvs

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Just popping in to say "HI" to all of you!

Please forgive me.... its a challenge to keep up with all the posts! I thoroughly enjoy keeping up with all of you, but a bit overwhelming to respond to all.

I am doing so much better. Still taking some antibiotics (left over from a UTI!) because my left ear is still hurting a little, and my lymph nodes in my neck. I gained 4 lb while DD & SIL were here!!! Probably a lot of it Water, but nevertheless, 4 lb!! Too much dining out (sodium), too many "adult" beverages, and not enough exercise---- partly because I skipped a few times when I was feeling lousy, and when we were sightseeing with DD & SIL. We had a GREAT time, BTW... in Temecula-- wine tasting with ... now this is complicated.... step-granddaughter-in-law!! Get that??? She is tour guide at one of the best wineries in CA and she took DD & I (ladies' only afternoon) to her winery for VIP tasting and let us use her discount (50% on wine, 30% in gift shop) to buy whatever we wanted!! We stayed there in Hampton Inn that night. Next day we drove to San Diego where we stayed in the Hilton... thanks to another friend and her "family and friends" discount!! We went to the San Diego Zoo that day. Next day we drove over to Coronado Island where we walked on the beach and then explored the Del something hotel... very fancy place where all we could afford was coffee!! LOL!

But we had great fun the whole time they were here. SIL is closer to our age than to DD's, so we are a very good "fit" and get along well. At that hotel... after we got our coffees, we sat out on the hotel patio to take in the beautiful beach and sunshine. A couple across the sidewalk from us came out to a table and set down their coffees and pastries and then went back inside for a minute (she forgot her purse). They no soooner turned their backs when we heard all this commotion and turned around to see two sea gulls fighting over their pastries! In a matter of seconds, the goodies were gone and so were the birds! The couple came back out to find only their coffee and an empty paper wrapper!! I thought my DH would never stop laughing! The couple was not amused and I saw the woman standing there muttering at one of the birds who'd come back to survey the damage while her hubby went back in for more pastries. Judging by the cost of our coffees, almost $10 for a large latte and a large coffee... I'm quite sure the seagulls devoured several dollars worth of sweets!

16_3_124.gif 16_3_124.gif

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Ok Gang - you have been busy as usual

Judy - Break a Leg & Have fun doing it !!!!

Jodi - I love it !! You are a modern Jewish Mom - heck my gf (who was jewish) Mom - never cooked - we ate out all the time when I was with them - she never baked that I knew of - Starr and I ate a lot of Bagels & lox - no cooking required (well toasting the bagel)

The only test I had pre-op was blood test - won't tell you how many vials they took ;0) - but I did have pulmonary test where the did blood gas but that was part of all the test I had to do before surgery - my doc makes you do them all - mamo - colon- heart - shrink - nutritionist - lungs... But the only pre-op in July was the blood..

Eva - You are talking to an x-catholic school girl - the #1 rebel and still am to a degree - but rebelling against yourself is silly ;0) - but again it's that vicious cycle that we all go threw..

Thought - I deserve to eat what I want

Response - If I want all the benefits of being heathier/thinner I just can't eat whatever I want without planning - I have to make "I deserve to be healthier/thinner and feel good about myself" a much higher priortiy than " I deserve to make spontanouse choices about what I eat.

Sabotaging Thought - I don't think that I can accept the fact that I can't eat spontaneously

Helpful Response - I have been giving myself chices about what when and how much to eat for a long time - so it feels natural and right to do so - on the other hand - I have to face the fact that spontaneous eating doesn't work for me - The more often I say No Choice to myself the less I'll struggle

Rules to help stuggle over what to eat or not to eat

Eat a substantial amount of Protein veggies and fruit at every meal

Don't eat any junk food until after dinner

Eat only raw veggies while cooking dinner

When eating out eat up to only 1/4 % more than I would usually eat when home ( I like this one ;0)

These rules enable you to leave an afternoon reception feeling good and looking forward to dinner - they keep you from gaining more than a couple of lbs when on vacation - Following a rule eliminates the struggle over what to eat or not to eat

There is one rule - however - that you have to commit to (you don't have a choice in the matter) You Must follow your food plan

Ok that's my beckism for the day :0) -

Great - Fritos !!!! they just found their way into your house !!! gf - buy a little bag and that's it - when you have to have a frito fix - not a big bag...

1st class - WTG

Hugs on the Mom & Grandma issues - you are between a rock and hard place on that one -

Cheri - glad nothings broken - hope you aren't in too much pain from the fall tomorrow..

Laura - I didn't know there was so much to be MG - well hell I didn't know there was such a thing ;0) Maybe when I retire I will get into it - I love flowers - I would love to redo my back yard - but I want maintenance free stuff -

Phyl - love the bird story lol

Apples - we miss you !!!

Laura - enjoy the parents - they aren't going to care if the house is in tip top shape :0)

Jessica - I used the Unjury - choc and unflavored in the very beginning - but as far out as you are I wasn't using it - I didn't use all the choc gave it to gf who had by pass and the unflavored stuff I used the most - also Jay Robb makes a good egg white vanilla pt powder - mixed w/lite oj taste just like an orange Julius..

I also use to use and still do sometime - clear pt powder drinks that are like crystal lite - 70 cal and 15 grms pt - you can get them from bariatic choice website -

Julie - How are you doing !!!

Deb Whats up w/you..

Melissa - Still enjoying the new position - Oh I remember what I wanted to tell you- Apples turn me on to this Cereal - Fiber One Carmel Delight - taste like cinnimon toast cereal - 1 cup 180 cal - I measure out a cup and snack on them in the morning at my desk - don't know the pt count but it's the kind of thing you can eat at your desk..

Ok I gotta go back - got the gps charging (can't find the car charger for it) got phone charging - need to pack - feed the dogs and who know's what else -

I started this an hour ago..


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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