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I think a motorcycle ride to vegas would be too long even for us. My tush can't handle 4 days of riding. We could fly there and rent a motorcycle, though.

I have an exam in Anatomy today. It covers alot of material. I am nervous about it. I also have an exam tommorrow in Microbiology and a paper due in Film class. It is getting close to midterm. I guess thats why everything is coming all at once. I am tired and want to crawl back in bed. I guess I don't want to face this. Time to put on my "big girl panties" and get it done.

Even though my son played in the play group once a week he had a difficult time when he started preschool. They wanted him to go to different therapies. They didn't follow through with it and said they were waiting on something from me. Just bad communication. Well, he never started those therapies and we sent him to another preschool. He has improved so much at this new school. He is talking well and not afraid of the other kids anymore. It took time but his new teachers really worked with him. They seperate the kids into play groups of 3-4 and I think that has made it easier for him to adjust. He is quiet and doesn't like alot of stimulation. It was a difficult transition but the right teachers helped him along.

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Good morning sunshines : )

DH is FINALLY better. It kinda blew all our plans to chill and do stuff while Nels was at school. And today is last day of school, Thur/Fri is "winter break". I swear these private schools invent days off. They have "care" on those days for working parents, but if you aren't signed up for that they charge $10 an hour!

My parents are going to try and come down on Sunday! They didn't want to come for the party b/c Dad just doesn't have the stamina to handle it. But they wanted to be here for Nelson's actual birthday which is on Monday. That really means a lot to me. But now is adding a whole nother level of stress. I will have to clean AFTER the party before they come. Also, DH and I are going to offer our master BR. The bed is more comfortable and has a sep thermostat. He has been so cold with chemo. I am not sure they will accept, but I have a hunch they will.

Janet~ recheck what you typed on FB. You wrote "I missed my cardio!" I read: I didn't go. So I was all set to give you a lecture~ LOL... yeah, me the one who hasn't been to the gym in a month! ; ) WTG on being an exercise girl. I wish it was catchy.

Lori~ I LOVE donnie. I had a purple bike, coat and socks growing up. I woulda seen him. : ) You do have a busy schedule!

I will write more later.. gotta go

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Hi All,

I went to a DPAN lecture/concert last night. DPAN stands for Deaf Performing Artist Network. That young man was amazing. He is making Videos where they are signing and singing to music.

It is just amazing to watch all the people signing so fast. It was a fund raiser for the Deaf club at Central Music University. My nephews girlfriend is the treasurer for the group. She is deaf with a cocular implant. My daughter is hearing impaired with two hearing aids. I just was so impressed with the crowd and show.

Tonight is my Master Gardner meeting, so I have been keeping myself busy.

You have all been so busy on here I can hardly keep up. No time to respond to all, take care.

Laura K

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Good Morning Girls

Laura - Well we all know I can't type or spell have the time - I drop words and write hear when I mean here ;0)

I have been doing the treadmill since the beginning of July 07 and I guess it is habit with me now - It did feel good to be back in the swing of my routine - but since I am going out of town Friday (visiting DS) I won't get my Sat workout - may go Friday morning before I leave..

That's sweet that your parents want to be w/Nelson for bday - Grandparents get so much joy from their Grandkids - I know I do...

Eva - New Beckism that I read last nite - No choices !!! I will stick with plan - and then something else but I forget - day 16 is where I am at - I will look up tonite and post - it was about working the brain resistance muscle ;0)

Jessica - You will do fine on your test - give yourself credit :0) If your prior grades are any indication - you are one smart girl !!!

Great - Israel is going to be so cool to visit !!! I figured you did a little shopping - First Class - OMW - one day I would like to fly 1s

LauraK – QVC has 12 rose plants for $29 today’s special value – I want to order them – but don’t know where I would put them.. I love roses

Well gang gotta get to work :0) CBL

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Good Morning, WTG on the exercise Janet and Eva!

Watched Idol - it was okay -- I felt badly for that red head (I can't remember names at this point) who sounded so awful. And the sweet young black girl who sang I Wanna Hold Your Hand -- she is so interesting to watch -- she kinda mesmerizes me with her body language - I just love watching her but she didn't sound good. It should be an interesting year - can't wait to see the boys tonight. I think Ellen is doing a great job -- and I don't miss Paula AT ALL. She used to drive me insane and the fighting with Simon got on my nerves. So much better now to focus on the CONTESTANTS and not on HER. Sorry, she is not my favorite celebrity (can you tell? LOL). I also stayed up and watched the skating -- oh my what talent the Korean and the Japenese girl have -- so beautiful. And the Canadian who lost her mom -- I sobbed during her performance but then really sobbed for her at the end. What a brave performance that was -- how hard that must have been. But as a mom, I know her mom would have wanted her to continue and perform.

Melissa, that performance sounded wonderful. I have a cousin who was born deaf.

Laura, so happy your mom and dad are coming for Nelson's birthday. Will they spend the week? Your dad must be feeling somewhat better if he feels he can make the trip -- will probably do him a world of good to get out of the house and into some nicer weather. Your mom probaby needs a good change of scenery as well -- it will be so good for them.

Jessica, sounds like your son is in a terrific school. It's so nice that he has teachers that are willing to work with him and help him. That's fantastic. I can't remember how old your son is? I think 5, is that correct?

How long will you be gone to Israel Lori? Have you been there before? Are you going with friends, or a group or just out on your own? Boy do I sound nosy! How did the shower go on Saturday?

Very cold here this morning -- is only 6 degrees right now and it's almost 10:30 -- but the sun is shining and no more snow for the next week or so and it's even supposed to get up to 40 degrees by next week -- yippee!! So happy that next week is MARCH!!

Well, better get back to work - hope everyone has a great day. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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I finished watching idol this morning (watch half last nite and the other half this a.m.) I agree the red head and I wanta hold your hand girl are the ones who will go if pple have any sense :0) !!! I think Ellen is doing GREAT !!! I think the 3 judges next yr will be her randy & kara...

I read on AOL that Joannie (not sure that's her name) the canadian who lost her mom did very well - I will watch it tonite... Yes I agree her Mom would want her to compete..

it's suppose to be 68 here - I know spring weather for you all but still winter for me :0)

Back to work :0)

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Hi there, just checking in to say hi... I'm in the process of frying up 12 pounds of ground beef to make sloppy joes for supper at church tonight... Just have it in my big electic roaster..... Won't take long.. Had to make a pan of bars, too, so made banana bars with cream cheese frosting... they look good, but no tasting, YET!!!

I might be a bit better today.. My headache has let up some and that is a good thing.. I still feel it, but it has backed off.... I guess I'll just keep plugging away... Mimi is napping and DH is downstairs wataching a new DVD he got for his birthday about Viet Nam...... I'm glad he is down there as I really don't care to watch it with him....

Well better go check my meat... Hope you all have an enjoyable day... Julie

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Hi there, just checking in to say hi... I'm in the process of frying up 12 pounds of ground beef to make sloppy joes for supper at church tonight... Just have it in my big electic roaster..... Won't take long.. Had to make a pan of bars, too, so made banana bars with cream cheese frosting... they look good, but no tasting, YET!!!

I might be a bit better today.. My headache has let up some and that is a good thing.. I still feel it, but it has backed off.... I guess I'll just keep plugging away... Mimi is napping and DH is downstairs wataching a new DVD he got for his birthday about Viet Nam...... I'm glad he is down there as I really don't care to watch it with him....

Well better go check my meat... Hope you all have an enjoyable day... Julie

Sounds yummy, and you are so sweet to do this when you aren't feeling well.

I think I did well on my test. It felt easy enough and only took me about 30 minutes.:wink: Now for my micro exam tommorrow. Then another micro exam tues. I have another exam for anatomy weds on the parts of the respiratory sytem. You wouldn't think there was alot to it but there is. I just gotta keep plugging away at all this a little at a time. Seems like I just have alot of exams. Atleast anatomy 2 doesn't count towards my entrance application. I learned that today and it certainly took off some pressure. In every class I try to be the highest in the class so I know I have a better chance of getting in. Honestly I just cannot believe I am doing this. 3 years ago I hit rock bottom but with alot of work and meds I am coming out of my slump. I look in the mirror and can't believe what I see. I have that same feeling on my way to school I just can't believe I am successful in school. I am turning my life around.

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Good afternoon, just got home from my volunteer stint at the hospital. They've been giving me more and more to do. Today I visited bypass patients in the hospital, which I have done a lot of, but today I went over a lot of discharge info regarding followups etc.

Been under a lot of stress lately and well let's just say I have handled like I always have, some how a bag of Fritos found it's way into my house and is now gone. Makes me so mad, why do I do that to myself? The stress is in regards to my Grandma however, it has to do with my mom and I disagreeing on how to handle something. I am the one handling it but she's down there in FL trying to dictate how I do it, I feel somewhat like I need to honor her wishes, but yet I am the one with all the work and also trying to honor Grandma's. We've exchanged some pretty terse words via email, I think the worst is over, I half expect the phone to ring any minute though.

Jewel, true 4 days would be along time on a bike. And don't forget your 'tush' has a lot less padding now!

Linda, the shower was great, she got lots of nice things. I think after 25 or 30 yrs of marriage I shoudl get a shower and get all new stuff! And you are never too nosy, I am too then! I will be in Isreal for 8 days, gone from home 10 days, I am going with a group of 17 from my church. I am very anxious.

Janet, I always get to fly first class if it is available, one of the perks of DH's job. However, goign to Isreal we bought tkts with this group and are not using his flying benefits, it's kiling him to think he has to sit in coach if there is a possibility of 1st class being open. LOL

LauraK, a master gardener? you must be good, what does that mean?

Laura, glad your parents are coming to visit. I remember DH's sister (we met in HS) having a "Kiss me Donnie' poster in her room when we were dating. I think the lips were worn off of it! LOL

I've got American Idol recorded but have been so busy and when I do watch tv watching the Olympics, but I have to disagree, do not like Ellen. I don't so much as miss Paula as I dislike Ellen. I wonder how the show will be without Simon next year. I didn't like Kara at first and she has grown on me, maybe Ellen will too.

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My goal is to be a nurse.

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Linda and Janet, I'm a tv girl, too.... I tape things if they are new unseen shows... and of course I have Young and the Restless set to record everyday so I don't miss it.. Usually watch it before I go to sleep and if my pills make me fall asleep while it is till on I still can watch it later..... But I'm not into reality shows... Don't do Idol or Survivor... I like crime dramas......NCIS, CSI, Bones, Good Wife.... that kind... or we watch lots of the 48 Hours type shows....


Trying to catch up on all the posts since Saturday!! We were gone for a few days with our DD & SIL. Had a great time. Got back last night.

Can't begin t respond to all the posts, but yours caught my eye, Julie!! Those are all the same shows I like to watch!! DH would watch Fox News 24/7 if I let him! I get tired of it pretty quickly!

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Hi all,

Fly by...going to see the Chieftains tonight. I have to go pick up my sister. I'll catch up tomorrow or tonight if I'm too wired when I get home.



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Hi, just back home from church... My supper went well... A bit of sloppy joes left, just enough to feed the stragglers after the shower on Saturday who I might have to give supper to..... Works for me!!! I also did a solo number......me and my 12 string acoustic guitar... I sang a country version of "I'd Rather Have Jesus". It went pretty well considering I couldn't feel my fingertips after practicing too much.. I don't play enough anymore so my calouses are gone and those strings are hard on the fingers... But I made it and did okay... Won't have to do it again for a while .....

Jessica I love hearing you talk about things.. You are so upbeat and raring to go... I love it.... You go girl.!!!

Lori, hugs on the mother issues... I have my own and it's never fun to argue with your mother.....not at any age... So glad your DD's shower was fun... It will soon be time for the wedding.. only a month now, right?? I'm sure you are getting excited about Israel... You and DH will really appreciate first class after a long ride in coach!!!!! But it will be so much easier now that you are half the size you once were... Have a great time....

Laura, you must be busy with all your birthday party preparations.. Is Nelson excited???? I'll bet... Does he have lots of John Deere tractors already.... the replica/toy size???? I found a cute one here at our local JD dealership I want to send him, but not if he already had a ton of them....Want it to be something special..... Mimi now takes Squirt with her everywhere along with Caillou.... It was a great gift....

Well, time to relax a bit.... TV is boring, as I'm not an Olympics watcher..... the other things are all reruns because of it and so it's boring... might just read a little before taking my pills and crashing... I have PT again tomorrow..... so to Bismarck again.. My car pretty much knows the way by heart now...... 4 times last week.... it's only about 80 miles round trip, but it really just puts a crimp in the rest of my day.... Don't have much shopping, did it all yesteday... I do need to pick up a refill on my pain pills.....

Goodnight everybody.... sleep well.... Julie

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I think a motorcycle ride to vegas would be too long even for us. My tush can't handle 4 days of riding. We could fly there and rent a motorcycle, though.

I have an exam in Anatomy today. It covers alot of material. I am nervous about it. I also have an exam tommorrow in Microbiology and a paper due in Film class. It is getting close to midterm. I guess thats why everything is coming all at once. I am tired and want to crawl back in bed. I guess I don't want to face this. Time to put on my "big girl panties" and get it done.

Even though my son played in the play group once a week he had a difficult time when he started preschool. They wanted him to go to different therapies. They didn't follow through with it and said they were waiting on something from me. Just bad communication. Well, he never started those therapies and we sent him to another preschool. He has improved so much at this new school. He is talking well and not afraid of the other kids anymore. It took time but his new teachers really worked with him. They seperate the kids into play groups of 3-4 and I think that has made it easier for him to adjust. He is quiet and doesn't like alot of stimulation. It was a difficult transition but the right teachers helped him along.

now..you are talking....sometimes its all about the teachers and the school. I find if you have a child that is what I call....the I can fit anywhere kid...it doesnt matter where they go..they will thrive..but when you have a child with a special need or needs a little something extra...thats where the school philosophy and the teachers of the classroom and the supports...are cruciall. Good for you for realizing that he needed a change for the better!

uh oh..I feel like the special educator is speaking through me again. I hope no offense is taken...But im happy for you...ive read now for about two months and damn...you are so busy doing for everyone.. that Im glad you are doing for you as well you deserve it and just in case..you werent getting praise enough ...I wanted to add to it ..hope you dont mind my professional butt in.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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