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Hey gang - quick ck in before I head to the gym - have weight training tonite - legs

food today -

Bf - 150 cal Protein chips 10 grms pt

lunch - 3 oz steak 200 cal 21 grms pt - Veggies

dinner - Fish 4.5 oz 140 cal 32 grms pt - Veggies

snack 1/2 pt snack 60 cal 7 grms pt

Good food day :tongue_smilie:

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Melissa, how is the new job going??? Are you stressing and that is making your band tight?? Hope you are doing better with the food thing soon.... You'll get back on track..... don't try to do too much at once... [/color][/size][/font]

Mrs Bubba - I love my new job and I am really running around everyday. My exercise LOL. That could be why I feel tight. I am doing so much everyday. I really do like it.

Good Morning Gang

Melissa - have you had a fill recently or are you under alot of stress cuz of this new promotion - I know stress tightens me up !! If you are pbing is it cuz of- how fast you are eating - not chewing - or is it that you are just too tight - if you can't eat when eating slowly and chewing then I say get and unfill

Reflux isn't good - I do chewables if I get it and I do occasionally

Janet - I think it is stress but a good stress. If you know what I mean. That could be why. But I pb alot could be also cause I eat when I get home and maybe to fast cause I am like starving even though I eat lunch

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Wow...so many new posts and new names to remember!!!

I think ive caught up with all the posts ive missed over the last week and well....there are just so many posts Id like to respond to but...its taken hours to go through all the posts and still have missed some..and didnt want to respond to someone and not another so...this week I think I will not respond but just give an update about my week and continue from herein.....

I will try to check more frequently so I dont miss so many posts that I would like to respond to when they are posted!!!

Soooo its been a real hectic week for me and its kind of looking like this week might be just as hectic but for different reasons.

I have been working with the "Make a Wish" foundation. I work with one little boy who was being granted a wish and they came to grant it this past week. I was working so hard all week to get his house ready. The Foundation was making him a sensory/snoozelin room as he is medically fragile and he cannot go out of his house...outside of hospitals and doctor offices. Cant wait till tomorrow to use all the wonderful materials and activities they brought for him. Its been months of working with all the wonderful people and putting all this together!

This week...well it started out all good...until last night lol When my daughters ear started bothering her. This morning I took her to the pediatrician and well...that led to visit to the dentist and then the oral surgeon. It was not a lovely day to say the least. Antibiotics, muscle relaxer and pain killers. From what I thought was an ear infection to removing an cyst in the gum.....whd have thought?

Next week is a holiday that....involve lots of junk food and candy...not a good thing for me....its like Holloween for the whole family with lots of parties and eating! HELP!!! Id like to get away from it all however, I have this 10 year old girl who is just dying for all the hoopla...as it is the holiday for kids, and carnivals and parties including costume wearing. I have lots of cooking and baking because we have lots of baskets we have to give out. It will be just peachy! NOT.

I got my pre-surgery March 4th. Im so excited...but this month is so busy I wont have time to think about the surgery it will be here before I know it!

Have a great week all.


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OMW - hope DD is ok !!!

Well my 2 cents is enjoy while you can - I had last meal mentality pre-surgery - infact I gained 6 lbs between my consultation and my pre-op visit 5/31 to 7/6..

I know pple will disagree - but have a last whoopla - enjoy it - cuz next yr at this time or the next holiday after you are banded - your mindset will be diff - You will still want some of the treats and it will be find to have some - but once the weight comes off and you are feeling better and looking better you will have something and say to yourself - this aint worth the calories - and it doesn't taste as good as I remember..

Also - you can learn to bake and cook the foods you love with less sugar and fat (is splenda Kosher ;0) - I know there are so many recipts out there that just by using splenda and applesauce you can cut the calories alot..

How neat that you get to help make a wish come true - that has to be so satisfying

Well back from the gym - had a good workout - got dinner started - Dogs fed - Talked to Sis - her stepson in the hospital - enlarged heart & pneumonia - he's 36 or 37 max weighs 350... He's a sweet kid - short order cook and I guess his GF is big too - he loves to cook and eat - hopefully he gets his act together..

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1day, I can only have coffee with milk in it to start my day, then I have a Protein Shake which I sip very slowly. By lunch I can have about 3 oz of tuna or chicken. By supper I can eat more but I have to stop for first bite syndrome and wait a while, then finish my food. I stop as soon as I feel that tightness start before it gets to pb.

also, if you're moving around a lot because of work that's a good thing--counts as exercise. So glad you're finding your work satisfying.

Been working the phones for a phonathon for Roseland CHristian School tonight and will be doing so again for 2 more nights. Mostly leaving messages on answering machines.

So willo try to keep up with posts but can't post much myself.

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I got home about 4 and the meds made me hyper. Have not rested and nurse from surgicenter said that happens sometimes.

Will probably be very tired tomorrow. No pain and very little gas - except when I take a deep breath.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

I'm so happy this day is over and I'm truly a banded girl.

Joyce in KC :tongue_smilie:

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Joyce, it is good to hear that your surgery went well. Keep up with your pain meds and walk as much as you can without overdoing it.

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I am so glad to hear your surgery went well Joyce. Let the transformation begin! Do keep up with the pain meds. I stopped taking mine thinking I felt better and regreted it.

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good morning girls~

Joyce~ wtg, you did it! Glad no pain! This is the first day of the rest of your life!!! woohooo

Apples~ enjoy your ds. Hugs. I know how much that time means to you. Rainy day today here too.

Janet~ Good going on the good food day. Gym too. I will get there eventually. <sigh> So much going on with party, dh sick, last min stuff with Nelson's school. Next week I will take some deep breaths and get back on plan. I am doing ok with food. And I probably walked a mile in sam's and lifted all those cases of water/beer/etc.

Last night's out to dinner did not go well AT ALL. I ordered Soup first (french onion) and I never eat the top. (but I decided to take one bite of the cheese) Well, you can't chew that shit, not sure what they make it from, rubber? I chewed and chewed and should have spit it out. I felt like just air trapped but couldn't burp. I went to BR and PBed. Thought I would be ok, ordered appetizer crabcake. took only one bite No go. Back to BR. Couple sitting near the BR thought I was preggo..LOL. Then came back and wasn't going to eat, but just sitting I started sliming. Went to the car this time. PBed in the grass in front of restaurant! A car was just pulling in- saw me and decided to leave the restaurant! LMAO. Later when I got home, tried to drink some milk and same thing happened. Waited about 2 hours and was finally able to get a yoplait yogurt down. Had to take an extra prilosec and some tums. I keep wanting that last "free" fill. After March 2, they are $200. But with these stuck episodes just don't think I need it.

I will write more later. I know I didn't respond to everyone. sorry. HUGS..... gotta get the boy ready for school! peasout...cbl....Laura

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Joyce, so glad you're home and doing okay.. The first days are confusing.. You don't know what to expect really. Some sail through it and others have troubles. Just remember we are here if you have questions... Hope you have a good day... Congrats, you're on the other side now......

Laura, ick, that must have been awful for you.. What brought that on do you suppose? The first bite did you in and then upset the apple cart, so to speak...... Hope today is a better day.

Janet, hugs on the nephew's issues.. It's hard to watch an overweight person struggle now when we know what the back could do to help... I have a brother and his wife that struggle and I suggested they look into the band, but don't think they listened... Brother can lose weight (lucky man!), but his wife gets very upset when he does and she can't... Almost caused a divorce once... Matching bands could be a big blessing... but their decision....

I have a long day with doctors again today... and have some errands to run to get ready for my events this week... Suppose I'll feel like sh## tonight... But it must be done... I didn't sleep to badly last night, but woke up with the same pain and headache..... Something is wrong..... I also feel like I have a big lump of something in my stomach.... don't know what that is except I started taking the Cymbalta again on Sunday night....

Melissa, hope you are doing better.... Apples, is out having fun with her baby boy..... Judy is studying her lines...... And I'll bet the rest of you are busy doing something... Hope you all have a wonderful and productive day...... Hugs and prayers............ Julie

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I need help change weight my weight on my ticker does any one know how? all of you ladies are do a wonderful job keep up the great work.. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm back from Vegas! I had a great time. WE arrived about 11am on Sunday morning and I hung out at the airport while DH worked. Then we got checked into our hotel which was near the convention center. We walked all the way to the strip and then down the strip as far as the Bellagio, in a straight line that was just over 2 miles but we zig zagged through lots of casinos and a mall on the way so all in all walked at least 5 miles. My knees held up pretty good. I was worried that night as my most recent new knee was very swollen but it was fine. My leg muscles hurt more than the knees as it's been awhile since I worked out much. We had dinner at the Bellagio buffet, had Kobe beef there wasn't that impressed, tried Ostrich didnt' like the texture, and had lots of King crab legs, well lots in bandsters terms. LOL Then we went and saw the Blue Man Group. It was very different but we enjoyed it. I put $4 in a slot machine and lost it, that was all for my gambling. Then yesterday morning it was back to the airport, where I had a CA pizza kitchen Breakfast pizza. But couldnt' do the crust so just had the eggs, sausage and bacon off the top. DH did more work then we tried to come home. Had much trouble with flights, first one was oversold, we didnt' get on. The 2nd one was an hour late, got the last seats on it, but then missed our flight from Salt Lake to Denver due to the delay, got home late last night. Today I am off to take Grandma shopping. I dont' feel like it but gotta go, she is out of so many groceries and misses me.

I did read all the posts but no time to comment right now. Did want to say Congrats to Joyce though!! Welcome to the banded life!

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good morning girls~

Joyce~ wtg, you did it! Glad no pain! This is the first day of the rest of your life!!! woohooo

Apples~ enjoy your ds. Hugs. I know how much that time means to you. Rainy day today here too.

Janet~ Good going on the good food day. Gym too. I will get there eventually. <sigh> So much going on with party, dh sick, last min stuff with Nelson's school. Next week I will take some deep breaths and get back on plan. I am doing ok with food. And I probably walked a mile in sam's and lifted all those cases of water/beer/etc.

Last night's out to dinner did not go well AT ALL. I ordered Soup first (french onion) and I never eat the top. (but I decided to take one bite of the cheese) Well, you can't chew that shit, not sure what they make it from, rubber? I chewed and chewed and should have spit it out. I felt like just air trapped but couldn't burp. I went to BR and PBed. Thought I would be ok, ordered appetizer crabcake. took only one bite No go. Back to BR. Couple sitting near the BR thought I was preggo..LOL. Then came back and wasn't going to eat, but just sitting I started sliming. Went to the car this time. PBed in the grass in front of restaurant! A car was just pulling in- saw me and decided to leave the restaurant! LMAO. Later when I got home, tried to drink some milk and same thing happened. Waited about 2 hours and was finally able to get a yoplait yogurt down. Had to take an extra prilosec and some tums. I keep wanting that last "free" fill. After March 2, they are $200. But with these stuck episodes just don't think I need it.

I will write more later. I know I didn't respond to everyone. sorry. HUGS..... gotta get the boy ready for school! peasout...cbl....Laura

Poor baby.......I know how you felt. I have done the same thing. That is why I am slowly learning not to eat things in public that might get stuck......chicken breast is the biggie. Yep, when I went in last week he looked over the past six months and saw I got an unfill. The doctor asked if I had pb'd in the last month. When I said yes...... he said no fill.

I hope you feel better today.

What the??????? It is going to snow today in Houston! The last time I remember it snowing in February was fifty years ago on Valentine Day. I said Remember.....so don't quote me. I am in for a couple of days till this weather clears.

I have gone from 30 minutes of exercise to 45.

I hope everyone has a prosperous band day!:tongue_smilie:

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I need help change weight my weight on my ticker does any one know how? all of you ladies are do a wonderful job keep up the great work.. :cool2:

When you create the ticker you are given a url to go back to for updates. It is different for everyone. You have to save it to your favorites and return to the same page when you are ready to update. I would suggest you create a new one and make sure you get that url written down or save it to your favorites.

Ms.Bubba, Don't be so down on yourself. You do the most productive thing you can do, take care of mimi. You are a wonderful person and I loved meeting you. You are so loving and caring. Perfect for little Mims and for us on here. I know it can be hard being home everyday. I have done that for the past 5 years. It deffinetly helps to have people to talk to like us. I started looking up play groups for my son when I got down and I would meet other adults that way. Do you think you could try that? I am sure Mims would love some new little friends to play with too.

Great, so glad you had a wonderful time in Vegas. My hubby and I have been discussing going there. Really I am trying to talk him into it. I wanna see what all the talk is about. He would rather take a motorcycle trip.

I have micro today and then I gotta go to karate with my son. Apparently, a bigger boy in his class has been roughing him up. I know he is just playing but Jacob says it hurts and he won't go to karate without me. They have about 12 kids and only one teacher so I think they need a volunteer referee.

I stuck to my eatting plan yesterday. I am having fish for lunch and sausage and salad for dinner. Maybe have a low carb weight watchers icecream bar too.:tongue_smilie:

My Sil had her baby this weekend. Haven't heard from her about her trouble with the 12 year old. I think she has come to her senses. My brothers baby was due sat but I haven't heard from him yet. I may call him tonite if I can. I cannot wait to go visit him. I am gonna have so much weight off by then and I will get to meet the little one and see where he lives. I cried last time he visited and it was time to leave. I miss him so much.

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Mrs Bubba - I love my new job and I am really running around everyday. My exercise LOL. That could be why I feel tight. I am doing so much everyday. I really do like it.

Janet - I think it is stress but a good stress. If you know what I mean. That could be why. But I pb alot could be also cause I eat when I get home and maybe to fast cause I am like starving even though I eat lunch

Melissa, I too am usually starving by dinner and was having difficulty with first bite syndrom cause I was so hungry. I made up a little chicken salad (canned chicken) and having a little snack around 4:30 or so (I eat lunch at 1:00 and work until 6:00 so dinner is usually late) -- I eat it with some of the multi grain Special K crackers -- it's about 150 calories total and good Protein. That seemed to do the trick for me - I just started doing this last week. I think it's a better snack than popcorn cause it has the protein.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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