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Hey gang, just got up from another nap... I take pills and then I sleep for a while and then I get up for awhile...

Anyway, I'm about winding up the info on those who wanted to be on a personal information list I am compiling.... If anyone else still wants on just PM or e-mail me your infor sometime in the next couple days... Otherwise I'll send it out this way to those on the list....

Laura K, wtg on the bargain..... I wish you a DL, too, just like Judy!!!!!

Joyce, thanks for the input.... I've been trying everything.. Was wondering today if I need to consult a neurosurgeon...... It's my neck that is the problem and yes, I sleep in my recliner all the time... not every night, but lots especially when I'm hurting...

Melissa, how is the new job going??? Are you stressing and that is making your band tight?? Hope you are doing better with the food thing soon.... You'll get back on track..... don't try to do too much at once...

Well, back to DH... he wants me to sit and watch TV with him.... Julie

Julie, I want to add my info but don't know how to do the pm. my email is llkb4me@yahoo.com if you can email me and I'll send my info back.

Laura K

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Laura K, to e-mail or PM someone just click on their name above the avatar and it will give up a choice of what you want to do.... it's easy, but you have to know where it is.... There are so many things I don't know about this site yet.. I heard the girls talking about all sorts of things while we were in FL and I was just lost.. Not a big computer whiz here!!! Julie

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Joyce, I will be sending prayers your way in the morning. It will be over before you know it.

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Joyce, I will be sending prayers your way in the morning. It will be over before you know it.

Me too! Prayers going your way this morning. HUGS!

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Good Morning Gang

Joyce - Hugs & Prayers this morning ...

You all were busy yesterday

Julie Thanks for doing the info stuff !!! Got it !! Hope you can get that MRI soon- Hugs on your pain.

Charlene - You did fine w/the potato - I am not purest when it comes to all Protein - I think we do need some carbs - and like everyone said it's good for you.. I had 1/2 c mash potatoes last night w/my steak - I haven't had any in ages and was craving them - It's all about moderation and not loading things w/butter ;0) hell I use to put half a stick of butter in mine :0) not any more :0)

Cheri - I love to dance too ;0)

Eva Angel does look better I wouldn't say cute - they shaved her legs too short I like them with a little hair cuz otherwise they look like tooth picks :0) but she is nice and clean

WTG on exercise - I really do miss the treadmill - will go tomorrow - I have weights tonite - the new Ipod have a radio in them - I hate commercial so doubt I ever use that function..

So the single ladies are JB LauraK & Me ?? I guess I'm the only one who doesn't want a DL - DH ;0) - Had my share growing up - my dogs require enough attention a man would just get in the way - and I don't think the doggies would like anyone else in my bed - Angel sleeps w/me 24/7 - right where another person would sleep.. lol

Melissa - have you had a fill recently or are you under alot of stress cuz of this new promotion - I know stress tightens me up !! If you are pbing is it cuz of- how fast you are eating - not chewing - or is it that you are just too tight - if you can't eat when eating slowly and chewing then I say get and unfill

Reflux isn't good - I do chewables if I get it and I do occasionally

Jessica -Eva makes the best Jerky - I think she should start a lbt business selling Jerky - Hey Eva !!! Great Idea right there

how about it - I would pay for your jerky !!!!

Laura - enjoy the day w/DH ;0)

well about time to hit the shower - work - my gosh the weekends go too fast

Never left the house yesterday !!!


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Joyce, good thoughts and speedy recovery coming your way!!

Morning gang, I'm up and have my lunch packed and logged. Have dinner planned, let's see if it goes that way. I have walking planned for exercise.

I'm starting to stuggle with food again. See, it's been month since my fill and that's just about as much as I can seem to hold out. I've had food thoughts and some "not planned" eating lately and I really need to get out of that frame of mind. Food has been going down easily since before Florida until last night when I did get a little stuck and slimed. So back on the band wagon for me. I really hope in time I will be able to channel the need, urge...obsession to eat to more positive activites.

Right now, my back (foot & leg) are bothering me again. It's changed from bothering me when I go to bed to bothering me when I wake up....or I wake up at 3 or 4am and it's bothering me and I can't go back to sleep. I'm hoping working out on the aero pilates will help in the long run...I get it's going to take time, but I really don't want to resort to surgery.

Enough of my whining. I did sort through some t-shirts and pants this weekend and have another pile to donate. I threw 2 really bad ones away and my DH dug them out of the trash for his "rag" bag...I give up...he's a pack-rat. LOL. I also found some shirts that had been stashed for a long time and I'm wearing one of them right now. It's almost like going shopping.

Better finish getting ready for work. Have a good day every one.


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Janet, I have thought about making Jerky, but what a pain to get a food prep license and I'm not prepared to do that right now. Maybe in the future...especially if I get fired. That probably won't happen...I just can't let myself do that level of crappy work...guess my parents did instill a work ethic in me.

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Joyce, good thoughts and speedy recovery coming your way!!

Morning gang, I'm up and have my lunch packed and logged. Have dinner planned, let's see if it goes that way. I have walking planned for exercise.

I'm starting to stuggle with food again. See, it's been month since my fill and that's just about as much as I can seem to hold out. I've had food thoughts and some "not planned" eating lately and I really need to get out of that frame of mind. Food has been going down easily since before Florida until last night when I did get a little stuck and slimed. So back on the band wagon for me. I really hope in time I will be able to channel the need, urge...obsession to eat to more positive activites.

Right now, my back (foot & leg) are bothering me again. It's changed from bothering me when I go to bed to bothering me when I wake up....or I wake up at 3 or 4am and it's bothering me and I can't go back to sleep. I'm hoping working out on the aero pilates will help in the long run...I get it's going to take time, but I really don't want to resort to surgery.

Enough of my whining. I did sort through some t-shirts and pants this weekend and have another pile to donate. I threw 2 really bad ones away and my DH dug them out of the trash for his "rag" bag...I give up...he's a pack-rat. LOL. I also found some shirts that had been stashed for a long time and I'm wearing one of them right now. It's almost like going shopping.

Better finish getting ready for work. Have a good day every one.


Congrats on the "new" clothes.

Thinking of Joyce this morning.

I have class this morning. Took my meds. I have even started taking Calcium like my doc recommends. I got these Viactive chocolate chewables. Don't really taste like choclate but they still taste good. Working on my Protein shake for Breakfast, Got my chicken and salad packed for lunch. So I am gonna succeed today at sticking to the plan. After school I hope to get my taxes done and then Tee ball practice. I got a busy one ahead of me. I am learning to plan my meals. I had it all under control til school started but I am catching on. Have a great day everyone.

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Hi everyone! Congratulations to Joyce!!! Hope you're back in your room by now and ready to begin your new life as a bandster!

Eva, I hear ya on the food prep license, etc. I used to do a lot of free catering for friends/family for weddings, anniversary parties, etc. and I was particularly famous for making cheese cakes and of course I used to bake tons at Christmas and everyone always wanted me to start a catering business or at least sell cakes/cookies -- too much work -- especially cause I had to also work at a day job to support my son (this is when I was single). But like Apples, I used to love cooking/entertaining. After my back surgery it was really hard on me - if I spend a full day cooking my back just kills me. So I still love cooking for the family, but no more marathon baking/cooking for me. I miss it though. But redoing your home kitchen for the license would be a pain and pricey.

Janet, sorry about your IPod -- isn't it awful when a family member does something like that. Don't they realize you're going to know it's missing? Glad you replaced it.

Had another snow storm over night -- truly so tired of snow, but at least the sun is out now and it is melting. I have huge drifts in my backyard -- which faces north. We live on the edge of town and our backyard runs out to a big cornfield so the wind really whips up the snow into our back yard. Can't wait for spring.

Jessica and Eva, sounds like you both got off to a great start today -- good going on planning your food and packing your lunch. I pack mine everyday -- it just makes it easier. If I tried to go to a restaurant everyday it would be far too tempting for me.

We bought DGD a swing set on sale yesterday -- the girl at the store was joking around saying, "are you going to put it up today?" So now we have to store this big old huge box in our garage -- why can't they wait and put them on sale when the weather is nicer?

I read some really good things about plateaus in the Beck book yesterday -- really made me feel better - just knowing plateaus ALWAYS happen no matter what you do is helpful. She also mentions that as we get older our metabolism does slow down and therefore even though we may have weighed a certain weight when we were young (i.e. 130) that 30 years later we may not be able to achieve that weight healthfully and that we need to just readjust our thinking about what our goals should be. Also talks about how our lowest achievable weight may not be a healthy maintenance weight because we'd have to cut calories too low or exercise too much to maintain that weight. Really good information on the plateu problem.

Julie hugs on the pain issues, I do hope somehow you can get that MRI. I know how hard it is to live with pain. It's really hard when it starts to interfere with what you want to do (like caring for Mimi).

Well, I can't remember any more of what I read earlier, so will close. Love and hugs to all, hope everyone has a wonderful day. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Lori, can't wait to hear how your trip to Vegas went. Did you end up seeing a show and if so, which one? Linda

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singles dances.

To go to one, you have to have a sense of humor. I live in a retirement community and was probably the youngest one there. The dance is advertised--"Come! Dance the night away! Hours: 7-10." (really!)

I danced some, but no one should go out and buy a bridesmaid dress! Still, it was something to do and my friend Diana and I had fun. It's BYOB and Snacks. I did a BYOCL (Crystal Light) and no snacks. I will try it again--next year.

The scale moved a little after 10 days of a plateau. I will be patient. I am definitely going to follow Janet's plan of giving myself a 5 lb. range. I have never done that. 5 lbs weren't so bad to gain back, but that became 10 and that became 20 and what-the-hell-give me a cupcake. I want to lose 32 more. With your help, I will do it. And then STAY THERE! (the hardest part)

I would love to hear maintenance tips from those at goal.

(Sat by the pool yesterday.....)


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Judy, I'm so disappointed..... I was so looking forward to being bridesmaid!!!! Hope you had fun anyway.... glad the scale moved for you.... It's a good feeling... You'll be back to goal before you know it....

Linda, I used to be a caterer... along with the restaurant I owned and operated... I've done a lot of it and don't miss it too much... I love to cook, too, and still get my fix when there are church events and such.. Like Wednesday night I have to do a light supper for 50 before Lenten Service... Just sloppy joes and chips and bars.... Others help, but I'm in charge... Then I'm doing a baby shower on Saturday for my great nephew... Just cake and coffe for the most part as it is an open house... Not a big deal.... But I would never want to go back to doing for a job again... It's hard work....

We are getting our Mimi a swing set for her birthday in April, too.... Where did you find yours???? We haven't started looking yet....

Gosh, Eva, sorry you have pain now, too.... What the heck, is this crap catching????? If so, I'm very sorry, I must have started it..... or gave it to everybody in FL... I don't wish this pain on my worst enemy.....

I've been alone most of the day... DD took Mimi to work with her this morning.. I have been very lazy and done not much of anything... drifiting on and off to sleep.. DH came home about 1:30 as the elevator was full so no more grain hauling today or tomorrow... Now he is just putzing around here and I'm still lazy... Just don't feel good.... I ate fish for lunch and it's sitting like a lump in my stomach making me feel rather ill.... My shoulder hurts, my neck hurts, I feel a bit dizzy , so I'm just a barrel of fun here...... I did call the insurance company this morning again and got yet another run around... You just have to file an appeal.... follow the instructions on the letter you got..!!!!!!! Do they know how damned disgusting they are??? I made a few other calls and have some things lined up for tomorrow so we can make some decisions.... Something just has to give soon....

I should try to do something constructive, but don't know what that will be... My laundry is all done and I don't want to clean house... Don't have to cook as there are leftovers for supper... Just sit here and feel sorry for myself I guess.... Aren't I just a downer.... I better go now before I mess you all up.......... Hope the rest of you are having a great day.... Is there still sun down there in Florida, girls?????? Oh, yeah, Judy, I caught that a "by the pool" line... rub it in why don't you???? Bye girls.... TTYL.............. Julie

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Just a fly by from the phone. Dh and I taking the boy to tkd and then out to eat. I spent the day buying stuff for the birthday party on sat. Weather guy is predicting 70 and partly cloudy. Crossing fingers for good weather as there is no plan B. I would likely die if I had 25 kids in my house! Omw just thinking about it gives me palpitations! Lol. Cbl....peasout! Laura

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Eva – Per Beck you just gave yourself permission to vary from your food plan with this (let's see if it goes that way): and the more that you allow yourself to vary the more you will – Per Beckism !!! So stick to plan – don’t allow changes :0)

The urge to eat – I had that yesterday – it’s cuz I am beat and being tired is a big food trigger for me – but since I don’t have anything in the house that it dangerous I was good and I never left the house ;0).

GF I want you to go in the Jerky business for us ;0) not the world – we won’t require a license lol !!!!

Isn’t it wonderful when you old becomes new again :0)

Jessica – Yep it’s all about the planning – I made extra veggies last night so I would have them for the next few days for lunch – I plan most of the time – and the other part I am home – so I cook and like I said before – my house is my safe haven for healthy food – so I normally always have something healthy to eat or make.

Linda – I can’t workout w/o my ipod – and I don’t know if this is karma or not – but DIL – SIL fell down the stairs and broke her leg the next day after being at my house – so maybe it was she who took it. ;0)

Happy Weight – a maintain able weight – and you are so right – at our age it aint going to be 120 lbs – between 138-143 is my happy and maintainable weight without having to work too hard..

Judy – LOL Bridesmaid dresses – that’s too cute !!! Glad you had fun – that’s what it all about anyway – hell what are you going to find in a retirement community anyway – the old guys seem to like younger girls anymore anyway - .

I just keep eating the same – I haven’t changed my eating – I use to go to the gym 4-5 days a week – now it’s 3-4 and may have an extra squirt of butter or bite of this or that in maintained – but truly my eating is the same – that’s why I am not dieting – if I changed my eating to my normal – I would gain weight – cuz I am a Paula Dean girl for my butter – and whomever is the sugar queen of the food channel

Julie – Hugs gf on your pain – I wish I could do more !!!

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Hey to everyone...Unplanned day trip today with friends. Went to Cedar Key. Lovely little place with lots of character. Had lunch and walked and drove around taking it all in. Drove back late this afternoon in teeming rain. Took us twice as long to drive back. Was very nice. Rain has subsided and was a beautiful day. Now just watching and listening to puppa and poppa sleeping on couch. Such snoring going on!

Was a great "hockey" party yesterday. Were a few over 50 ppl. Went well, had fun and well worth it all.

DS is flying in tomorrow. Not sure if he will land around here or in Daytona. Either way we will get to spend some time with him. He had the plane fired up earlier today but weather grounded him. Should be able to fly in the morning though. He will be bringing 2 students with him. He will be going up and giving them their final "check ride" b/4 they get their instructor's license. Then he will be able to spend some time (a couple of days) with mom and dad. Looking forward to it.

Janet...rotten thing with the Ipod. The worst part is having doubts about who took it. We had similar experience with a exchange student. Ripped us off. Sad.

Joyce...hope all went well today. Take care and post when you can.

Julie...sorry to hear you are in pain again. I have sooooo wished in the last 6 months that you could get to the root of your problem. Hope it comes soon.

Eva...you too...sorry you are having some pain. Bummer. You can do this eating thing. Maybe a tweak??????

A big "HI" to everyone else. Time to go make popcorn. That will wake my guys up. (Nightly ritual at our house/cabin). Most likely will not check in the next few days. Going to out and traveling around with DS. Just gotta let you girls know when I go MIA.

Sorry for the non-response to most of you. Will catch up soon. K

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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