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Arlene just told me that she couldn't e-mail me through the site.... I didn't change anything, but it was changed alright.. I had to re-check the box that says I accept e-mails.... So, I should be good to go again in case anyone wants to e-mail me that way... Sorry, Arlene, and thanks for telling me... Julie

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Good morning girls! Thank you, thank you , thank you for all the birthday wishes! You guys are THE BEST! It actually is a good day. The weather is nice~ supposed to get up to 72 today! Next weekend (for the boy's party) is supposed to be sunny and 70! Perfect weather! DH is feeling a bit better. Fevers getting farther apart. He made reservations for tonight at The Capital Grille. (will load him up on advil) I know they have a few of those in other states. I just love it (used to when I could EAT eat). But they have great Soups and appetizers too. I am going to be "good" all day, so I can be "bad" tonight..LOL.

Just got off the phone with my family~ one by one they passed the phone around. They are having the party/dinner without us. I insisted. Sis didn't Celebrate her bday on Valentine's b/c she was waiting on us AND mom already bought all the food. She bought a SF angel food cake (b/c of sis' RNY) and then has diff toppings, some SF and some regular. I thought that was a good idea for a bday party for two WLS gals. Missing my family really bad.

Janet~ Thanks for the beautiful cards! I LOVE the charm and have already hung it in my car. Thank you for thinking of me. And Nels, well he did a BACK FLIP when he got his card!!! Not necessary, but totally appreciated!

Cheri~ Happy Anniversary! Congrats on being under goal!

Great~ Sorry about the PB. And I hear ya on things said. The one I heard for forever was "you'd be so pretty if you were thinner! Such a pretty face!"

JeweI~ Hope you are feeling better. And wtg on hubby compliments. My DH is so good at saying just the right stuff to make me feel good. Smart husbands know the balance.

Arlene~ I will have to try those pancakes- they sound great.

Karen~ I could almost hear your sweet voice sing that bday song! Thanks for thinking of me. : ) How are you guys doing?

DH is out with Nels right now. They went to get me "something". Also, DH wanted me to have some ME time. I was invited to go- but am enjoying the quiet house. I briefly thought about a pedicure, but will go on a week day when it's not so crowded. Ok girls. I will CBL... peasout! LAURA

I was just looking at some pics from bdays past. holy cow, even I can see the change.

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Cheri, Thanks for sharing your eating experience thru an average day. My banding is Monday and I'm, of course, concerned about how eating will change.

Good for you to exercise when weather is soooo gross.

Joyce in KC

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I just noticed you are in Stuart. My DH & I used to spend xmas thru New Years on Hutchinson Island. Loved the town of Stuart.

Happy B'day - love seeing your transformation pix.

Enjoy your romantic dinner with hubby.

Joyce In KC

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(good thing you can't hear me sing, my dad used to tell me I needed to carry a bucket to church to carry my tune!)

Just a quick fly by post. Already been to Breakfast, got my oil changed in the car, and got DH fitted for his tux. I am getting ready now for DD's bridal shower and thought, OMG I haven't checked in here yet today! I can't complete my day w/o you gals! Have a good one!

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Good Morning, Gang! Very little time this week to read posts, reply to posts! So just a quick "HELLO"! DD & SIL here for a few days and trying to make the most of our time together. Still feeling kind of sick, too! Two weeks tomorrow and I'm ready to be done! Sudafed this morning is helping a little.

It's a beautiful day so far but I see clouds heading this way. Our step-grandson & 2 kids on their way over for a few hours visit... our SIL's oldest son so trying to think of some things to do that will keep the two grandkids occupied and entertained. Also, our son was thinking of flying down in his airplane today from the San Jose area. Waiting to hear from him if the weather is going to cooperate or not. Called on hour ago and DGD said they weren't out of bed yet at 10 a.m.!!


Dr. Laura.... here are my symptoms.... started with sore throat 2 wks ago. Then a little queasy stomach, mild congestion, achy, especially back of my head and neck... that continues, lungs seem clear, cough up stuff on & off all day but mostly in the morning, two nights ago was awake during the night with excruciating pain in my back, right side, around my waist. It was better in the morning, and better today, but still hurts in that area when I move, when I cough or even clear my throat.



Dr. Janet says pleurisy. Nurse Phyl says its just a virus and it'll pass but I can't figure out the back pain.



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Ok Phyll: Your friendly neighborhood nurse practitioner at your service. I take MC/Visa and Amex. LOL. Disclaimer: is for informational purposes only and is not intended to act as a substitute for a professional health care practitioner advise. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, please consult your doctor. We will not be liable for any complications, injuries or other medical accidents arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance upon any information.

That said, let's review your symptoms: Sore throat x 2 weeks, mild nausea, rhinitis, myalgia/aches esp of head and neck, intermittent cough. (Lots more questions I would ask: Fever? Color of nasal drainage? Blurred vision? Dizziness? Diarrhea? Urinary symptoms? Any rashes? History of tick bites? Chest pain? Shortness of breath? Facial swelling? Drooling?) Possible diagnosis: Viral Illness. (90-95% of all sore throats are caused by viruses, even influenza). BUT...Strep could be one. if it were untreated strep, an uncommon complication is post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. (Given your history of recurrent UTIs, it would cause me to want that checked out). The other thing that can cause all these things is Mono. (although the associated spleen enlargement usually causes left sided pain). It could be pleuritic chest wall pain, as Dr. Janet, suggested. But you said only off and on cough that is worse in morning. (the worse in morning party is usually b/c of post nasal drip causing a sort of "snot rot" in the back of the throat that can get into the bronchi). So, it sounds like a virus taking its course. BUT... I always advise people if after 10 days their symptoms persist then they should be checked out. The back and neck pain concern me the most. Also, if you had an untreated sinusitis (which can cause all these), it can migrate to the brain if left untreated. Go see a health care practitioner! And, I hope you feel better soon!

Wow, wasn't planning on working on my birthday. ; )

Good luck Joyce on your upcoming surgery on Monday!!! You will do great! And know we are thinking about you!!!!

CBL peeps.... Laura

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Happy Birthday, Laura!

And Happy Anniversary, Cheri!!

It's been a few days since I've posted; work has been super busy and so I don't have time to read and post during the day. Things are going well---lost another pound!

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Thanks, Laura! I haven't had any fever. Nasal passages feel inflamed. Don't think sinuses are infected. Just so tired of feeling so yucky and run down!

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Linda, like Joyce said, maybe sleep in your guest room when DH is snoring too loud? It's hard for some people not to sleep with their loved ones, but sleep is more important to me than cuddling. I sleep in my current guest room unless we have guests and we both sleep better..DH flops and I snore. And I did buy a really good mattress for the guest room. Sounds like your trip to Chicago might just be the ticket...it's hard to stay up late, but sometimes it's worth it and I think changing our daily routine now and then helps brighten up our moods.

Jessica, congrats on the great grade...you are a bright woman and you are going to do just fine in school. Good going on getting your meds straightened out. We all go a little off balance now and then and need help. I wonder about myself sometimes.

This morning started out all sunny and bright and now it's windy and cloudy and a storm is blowing in........an hour later...it's raining.

Great, the story about your sisters is interesting. I'm wondering if that is going to happen with me. I've always been the fat sister and I'm really hoping that those dynamics will change in the future. I'm still heavier than both of them right now, but that may not last too much longer. Congrats on the 37 cent stuff...that is really cool. All of that stuff adds up so anything you can save helps. I used coupons on Michaels to buy the bowls for the centerpieces....took me weeks to collect enough of them for the tables.

Laura, your wedding pictures are beautiful...you look so happy! Sorry about DH being such a baby....my DH is pretty amazing when he's sick. I just don't hear anything from him. He sleeps or lays around reading and rarely will he tell me he's sick. Guess I'm lucky, because I'm not a very good care giver and he doesn't require it (at least when he's sick). I wish you and DH & DS better health. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Julie, once again, sorry you are in pain...it ups the stress level which impacts food intake...I really hope you can get to the bottom of it so you feel better. Oh, and when you finish with your dust issues...I have a few here too.

Janet, glad you had a good visit with the kids. I think it's fabulous that you get along so well and love each other. So you are driving to your DS's next weekend? That will be nice. Does DGS and the dogs go with you? Oh, he is working isn't he. How's that going?

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well. Hope you figure that out and start feeling better. Enjoy your visit with your family.

LauraK, glad the zumba is working out for you....I'd be tripping over my feet.

Cheri, Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for your family and their health issues. It's tough and some people seem to have more issues that others...I wish them the best.

Judy, how's the arm? How's the rehearsals going?

Hey Joyce, you are getting close, we'll be rooting you on over the next few days.

Well I'm not doing much today. My cleaning lady didn't clean much when I was in FL because her GD had a little accident and she had to leave early....so I'm doing some house work. I think I forgot how. Sheets, towels, rugs being washed and I'm going to have to do the floors, they're getting too messy. She won't be coming her next scheduled visit either because she has something going on, so she will have a lot to clean when she does get here in March. Yes, I know, I'm a princess when it comes to house cleaning. But you know I'm doing my part to help the economy.

It's still raining.

Got my yearly evaluation yesterday and I did okay. We aren't getting a raise this year (no management person is) but we are getting our bonus and mine is good (based on how the company does and the business unit). No complaints from me. The money is taxed at a higher rate and they take all of your deductions out of it, so in the end, I get about 1/2 of what the total amount is. It will help pay for the work we are going to have done on the house (move the power line from overhead to underground). So although I still don't want to work, at least I still like the pay check.

It's still raining....

I'll check back in later.....


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Oh Gosh...I miss our daily chats. I am caught up on all the posts but impossible to respond to all. Sorry.

Cheri..Happy Anniversary. Missed that earlier.

What a beautiful day in the forest. First time I have worn capris. In the mid 70's and also tomorrow but with a chance of rain. As log as it's warm, I'm good with it.

Doing a picnic tomorrow with a bunch of Canadian friends for the Olympic USA/Canada hockey game. We take so much crap from them but we have a plan.

I made a banana cake and decorated it like the US flag. DH and I each have hockey sticks with US decals all over them. Flags to wave, can coolers in red/white/blue. We are even going so far as to wear shin guards, etc. Also dressing in our colors.

Been cooking all day. Cooking utinsels are minimal in our cabin so takes a bit longer. I stirred my from scratch cake and got quite the workout. Make a huge batch of LF potato salad and also a large stockpot of white chicken chili. Tomorrow will be for relaxing and having fun.

Our time here will be coming to an end after this next week. We will be packing next Sat and leaving early Sunday. We are wishing that we booked another month but need to take care of some tax business at home. DH had quite a few stops picked out to look at machinery and equipemnt on the way home. He is thinking of taking 2 weeks to travel home. Just going to enjoy the time remaining here. Have something planned every day with friends...lots of day trips.

Hope all who are under the weather, feel better soon. Phyll, hope you head to your doc. 2 weeks is a little long especially with your torso pain issues. We all love you and want you to be healthy and happy.

Take care. All you are getting from me lately are ME, ME, ME posts but I just try to post when I can. Sending the love!

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Happy Birthday, Laura!!:thumbup:

Thanks for sharing your pictures. They were so beautiful!

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Happy Birthday Laura! The progression pictures you posted are amazing. You look fantastic!

I just got home from shopping. I needed something to wear to a banquet next week. Leapin' lizards, I am so excited I can hardly stand it. First, I bought two new suits. The sale was so fantastic I couldn't help myself. The first was a $200 suit for $40 and the second was a $300 suit for $57. If any of you have Carson's you should check out their sales. They are giving 70% off of the sale prices.

Second, and even more exciting than sales was my new sizes. I bought one size 14 and one size 16. Sooooooo happy.:thumbup:

Edited by sndycnrd

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Sndy--WTG! New sizes! It was so much fun to walk into Dress Barn and walk to the LEFT (misses) instead of RIGHT (women's). We can do this!

Julie and others--DUST is a protective cover. Don't do it.

Arm level pain is at a 3, instead of a 10. Anxious to see what the orthopedist says. Besides, "give me money."

Rehearsals can be fun. They can be booooooorrrrrriiiing. I've been acting for about 30 years. I love to audition; I love to get a part; I love meeting the people in the play; I love the first week. Then I remember that it is WORK and I wonder who I have to sleep with to get out!! Then, the show opens and I seem to be fine again. To be honest, I'd rather be directing than acting.

The FL girls will love hearing this--I am going to a singles' dance tonight--hahahahahahaha! All you married folk 5_1_120.gif are missing-----nothing! Take a moment to kiss your DH. I know there are good men out there and maybe I will write about a DBF one day. (Actually, I like [/url] DL better--any guesses?)


It's always exciting in BandLand............


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Judy, I got it...... I know how your mind works!!! You go girl..... I used to do singles dances back before Lowell... We were actually set up to meet each other at one, but he bolted....... I met someone else.....

Sandy, WTG on the shopping.... I'm still waiting for those sizes, but that will come... Have fun.....

Phyll, get better soon..

Laura, have fun on your birthday date with the boys....

Apples, no mixer is a bummer.......... I hardly know what to do without mine anymore.... have fun..

Eva, good going on the bonus.... every little thing helps... especially with those little projects we want to get done... I have a couple on my list, too... We have a nice tax refund coming soon....

Well, DH is having a fit... Mimi wants to go outside and has her coat on, but it's snowing and he doesn't want to ... I have to go referee.... Everyone have a great evening... I plan to kick but in pinochle tonight!!!!

Hugs to all....... Julie

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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