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Laura – I found out about couch25k here on LBT in the exercise section. It was really hard to get started, the first week was brutal, but I am up and running now! Check it out; I would be interested to hear how you are doing. We can help motivate each other.

Crzytchr – I understand running after kids. LOL. Mine is 22 years old now. Maybe someday I will have a grand baby to run after. How old are yours?

Ladycusa – walking is great exercise. I do a lot of walking. This was just a new personal goal to strive for. Heck, I couldn’t even run a block when I was a kid, and I am 53 now! Talk about a stretch. I have made a lot of personal changes since starting this process and I am pushing myself to new limits. Like I said, walking is fantastic exercise and I completely believe in it.

Ljv52 – 10 minute miles…….you are my hero!!!!! I have been at this for approximately 6 weeks now. My first week I started on the treadmill with ½ hour of walking with 3 X 1 minute jogs. It was brutal. I have now taken it outside and have gotten to ½ hour of 0.3 mile jog intervals. You are so right; I absolutely need to increase my endurance. It was so easy yesterday to do it; today, I struggled. I will just have to keep trying. I have a goal of completing my first ever 5K in May and I will do it, even if it means doing a jog/walk combination. You mentioned that it took you a year to get to your current level. I guess I am encouraged by that - meaning there is still hope for me to reach my goal. I can’t believe how far I have come in 6 weeks. When I started, 0.3 miles was an impossible dream. Now I am here.

Charlene – I am working on strength. I am amazed at how many over 50 jogging newbie’s there are. LOL, and I thought I was unique.

Great2bthin – congratulations on the new knees. You must be feeling so much better. Take the physical therapy slow. Enjoy the new knees and the mobility they will bring you!

Cheri – It sounds like you keep very active. That is what really counts.

I have to say, I don’t know why I am so set on this running thing but I am. It is a huge challenge for me. I am so proud of myself. Since Sept, I have lost 40 pounds and have gone from zero exercise to daily exercise. I recently started reading the Beck book that many of you have talked about and day 4 or 5 says to give yourself credit. I have never been very good at that but I am trying to change. So……. I am giving myself credit for what I have accomplished and for stretching to reach my goals. Thanks to all of you for the inspiration. I have lurked around this thread for several months. I only recently got up the nerve to join. Thanks for having me.

Thanks I will look it up. I did read some where something on it quite awhile ago. It will be my goal. I do walk on my treadmill almost every day. Some days I walk morning and night. I have been increasing my speed but not near up to what Linda does. Once a week I have been going to a Zumba class and they just added another night, next week I will go both nights. Had to do a tax return this week so I couldn't go. We will both make it to that 5k.

Take care Laura K

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Sndy, my kids are older too, 15, 18, and a 26 yr old stepdaughter, but I still run if they are hurt. Oh, and I have 3 grandbabies!!!:thumbdown:

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Hi everyboduy.... It's been a busy day, no time to post... Then I fell asleep early in my chair and made myself go to bed.... Now I'm awake with pain in my shoulder again... Thought I would take time to answer a few posts while I wait for pain pill to kick in....

Jodi, waiting is so tough.... When we finally get our head ready we want things to happen now!!!! It'll come and soon you will be a real band sister.... On the Medusa costume, I'd take a clear shower cap and sew on a bunch of gummie worms..... Did something similar once for my daughter.... It was fun... Good luck

Ezzie, welcome..... I'm so glad to have had my surgery.. I have a long history, but back and forth is the short version... I started at 387 and have lost 110 pounds.. have a long way to go, but I've done great!!(Did you hear that Janet!!!?) Medical problems have had me on maintenance for almost 10 months now and I'm proud to have been able to not gain and actually lose a pound here and there... It is finally time to restart my losing and I'm struggling to find my way, but I will.... Good luck to you...

Jessica, I understand about forgetting to take pills ... I have actually taken myself off Cymbalta recently, but my doc had said it was okay to try... If I start feeling funny I can start again.. The fact that you recognize what is going on is wonderful... You have a handle on things and will do what you have to do to stay moving forward instead of slipping back.... And my goodness, have you become the inspiring poster.. I love how much you have changed and how well you are doing... I'm so proud.... Keep it up......

aqt/Dawn, I think you need a fill and you need to learn to relax a bit... Don't stress things so much.. This is a lifetime thing now and you have to find your groove.. You will and it will be great....

Laura, no biggie on those invitations.. All those mothers will totally understand a misprint..... I'm sure the party will be awesome... How did Nelson do in school today?

Lori, the wedding meal sounds very nice. and don't you worry about those 1.5 pounds... You'll get them before they get you!!! That beautiful dress is incentive enough... You'll be the hottest mother-of-the-bride ever!!! How's your knee today..?? My shoulder is bugging me again.. I have PT tomorrow..... I know part of my problem is that I haven't sat still since I got home from FL and I'm overtired and not taking care of myself like I should... That ends today.... New me tomorrow....

Joyce, I'm so glad you joined us... hope you find everything you need here... it's a great place..

Yes, Phyll, I got your info and will get working on it soon....

Sandy, running, not for me... I have to conquer walking first... But I'm glad for you... just go slow.... You can hurt yourself if you don't do it right...

Laura K, you be careful if you try to run much... It's an activity for the already strong people......in my opinion....

Crzytchr, I'm with you... I could possibly run if my life or one of my family's lives depended on it, otherwise, not for me....

Arlene, I hear you are struggling.... the journaling is a good thing for lots .. I'm glad you are able to do it.. You'll have things under control before you know it... I'm sure you can do this.... Keep the faith..

Eva, so glad you are home safe.. My back acted up on the way home too... The last leg from Mpls to Bismarck had me squirming terribly... Now I'm fighting with my lower back.. Had a treatment today...Hopefully that and some less stressful days will get things back in order for me...

Well, gang, I attended Ash Wednesday services tonight and have ashed on my forehead to prove it... The pastor chose just the right texts and I found what I was looking for in way of motivation and inspiration for a Lenten committment... So, as you are my witnesses, I'm giving up bread for Lent... I am allowing myself crackers (love the Special K ones I stumbled on in FL) and an occasional Thin Bun.... but otherwise no bread.. Also plan to foce myself into regular walking with my tape at least 3 times a week... And just generally trying to work the band the way it is suggested by most docs.... Lots of Protein and more fluids... I have a problem getting enough fluids... So I will work on that... 40 days isn't a long time.... Easter should bring with it a nice loss I'm thinking, if everything goes according to plan...

At a meeting tonight after church I became the Vice President of our Parish Council and also more than likely the new Parish Treasurer.... I'm a retired accountant so paperwork is a snap for me.. The present treasurer has been for decades and wants to step down.. Said I will if he choses to do that... More work, still no pay... Anyway, This adds to my activities.... some days that's okay and some days it's a chore.. But I will do it and be fine... DH just shook his head....

Well so far my shoulder isn't letting up yet... I don't like this.... I'm so tired for late nights and too much pain recently... I need to sleep... PT again tomorrow in Bismarck and then Mimi until 6 again... She has the sniffles and DD is getting it too....

I know Janet is busy with things, but I didn't see Apples today... Are you okay there, hon????!!!! You DH is gone so you and Tanker are behaving I hope... Check in soon so I don't have to start worrying.....

Goodnight girls... Hugs and prayers for all.....Julie

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Morning....up and at'em.

I am logging my food in this morning and will get right back on track. Didn't do bad yesterday, but it was an unstructured day like the last week was, so it's time to get myself back into losing mode. I have goals to meet, one in April and one in July (band anniversary). I'd like to have lost at least 66-67lbs by my bandiversary, so I have a ways to go on that and it needs to happen.

Julie, good for you on the goals and the bread. You can do it.

Sndy, I don't run either....maybe in another 20 pounds, but right now, my back and hips are still too compromised to pound on them like that. Although when walking on the river walk, I've really thought about running and how freeing that would be, so maybe when I hit onederland I will be giving it serious thought.

Gotto go to work...later ladies


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i need major help!!!!! i had a fill yesterday now @7.3ccs plus i have gained 14lbs in 2 months.my md says she is pleased with my wt loss but i am very discouraged and told her so. she than reminded me that it takes 2-3 years too loose the wt.for 2 weeks i have been on liquids during the day.cib, coffee w/equal/sweetnlow /creamer, slimfast, Water with exenephine. a meal in the evening.and than i tend to snack on chips and coookies bad! BAD!!! I ALSO didnt exercise for a week.my son is going to the reserves i dont intend to buy anymore junk in the house its just me and the pom

Edited by CASSIEME1

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by post - My DS & family got here Tuesday - my DIL family was here last night for dinner - OMG her bro is LOUD..

Dawn - Welcome again :0) You can do this - it's work but doable..

Running heck no - I walk 15 min mile on 6 incline and weight training - I have minor knee issues - arthrities (sp) :0) hell old age catches up w/you some time

Linda - LOL on the t.v. issues ;0)

Charlene - GF you can do this - you really can - and yes give yourself credit for not giving up... And just cuz it's cold outside - doesn't mean you can exercise in the house :0) just a thought :0)

Cassie - Welcome - Throw the crap out and if DS wants it then have him keep it in his room that's what I do with my GS - I am a food addict - I don't keep food that I can't say no to where I can get at it..

Has the liquid days and meal at night helped - This isn't a diet but a lifetime lifestyle change in our eating - Our normal eating is what go us fat in the first place - yes restriction does help and with that alone we will all lose some weight but we won't ever get to goal or stay at goal if we go back to our unhealthy eating habits.. I haven't been on a diet this whole time - Truly I just eat healthy - lower fat foods - limited carbs - mostly sf but I still indulge in sugar (my addiction likes to rear it's ugly head everynow and then) but the whole this is - I don't say oh I screwed up - for get it - I stop and say ok slip up - now immediately throw the crap away (if I haven't eaten it all) and get back to your plan.

Eva - ya I got your message - when I was on my way to work - phone was vibrating - I thought who in the heck is calling me at 7 a.m. - glad your trip home was uneventful - we have had enough of evenful travel for a while - but gf we did have an adventure didn't we ;0)

Jessica - wtg on taking care of you...

Well everyone else that I missed not intentional - i just got to get busy at work - family here til tomorrow - so my schedule will return to normal on Friday night ;o)

Hugs to all - Janet

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The definition of INSANITY is always doing the same thing ( over eating, & sweets) and expecting to get different results

Oh forgot - Sis out of hospital - thanks for asking

Muscle does burn more calories just being than fat - We need muscle to help with our balance - bone density etc

There are ton's of myths out there - hell the one that bugs me the most is that muscle weighs more than fat - a pound is a pound.

The size of that pound is diff - 1 lbs of feathers is bigger than a pound of muscle but a pound is still a pound

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I am schedule to be banded on 3/4/2010. I am in the second day of my pre-op diet and I'm starving. I'm luckier than some I'm on a high Protein diet. I'm very excited for the future, I'm not yet discourged. However, today I keep thinking that I'm not gona make it through this 2 week diet. I have tried so many diets and gave up on them after a few days. It helps that there is a prize at the end of this diet but it seems so far away right now. I can do this, I won't give up! How did you do it?

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Sam, I found that the first 3 days are the worst. It gets better/easier. You can do this, just keep your eyes on the prize. Each Dr is different so follow your dr orders.

These ladies are great and will help you all they can.

Laura K

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Hi guys~

Well, DH woke up this a.m. with a fever 102, chills, muscle aches. He has never missed a day of work since I have known him (1999). He's on call today and this week with 2 docs on vacation- they are short staffed- so he went in. He didn't have to go in until 11am, but will likely be there until the morning. I am feeling iffy- but no fever. Another death in FL yesterday due to the H1N1. We've had our shots- so hopefully that's not an issue. We decided to call off the trip. My parents were so disappointed when we called. My mom had gone shopping and was planning a big birthday celebration for me and sis. (hers was 14th and mine the 20th). Ughhh... I feel so bad letting them down. But I would feel worse if we got him sick. My family runs on guilt and I am feeling it 10 fold today. Then they suggested we come after the weekend- but Nelson has his taekwondo testing on the 26th (supposed to go at least two lessons before testing) and his bday party 27th. I have sooo much stuff to do before the party!

On a positive note...... 223 today!!!!!!!! OMG!

Eva~ Glad you made it home safe and sound. Hope your back feels better. And yeah, that's cool that we are so close. Race is on! ; ) (kidding)

Janet~ Hang in there with work/family/etc. Yeah, I do about the same speed as you. I can't imagine a 10 min mile walking. Dang that's fast.

JulieB~ Hope your shoulder is feeling better. You need to slow down. So glad Mimi liked her squirt. Did you find out if your DD has Finding Nemo movie?

Samc~ I agree with LauraK, the first few days are the hardest with the liquid. Are you allowed to have yogurts or Soups? I found the greek yogurts with 15gm of Protein per serving REALLY helped me. If you are sick of sweet you can add a tsp of olive oil, mint, onion powder and a little salt. Sounds weird but kinda tastes like sour cream and onion dip. I ate a lot of SF Popsicles during that time to. Hang in there. The motivation of getting to the surgery date and desire to have your liver in good shape should help you keep on track.

Cassie~ Step away from the cookies! You can do this!!! hugs

sndycnrd~ WTG on the running. I did the training for the couch25K back in Oct/Nov. but twisted my knee and never did the race in Dec. It is very motivating training with others. My husband jokes that the only way he would run is if someone had a shotgun at his back! (those of you that have met him can hear him saying that! LOL)

Not sure what to do with myself today. Plan was to pack and now that I don't have to do that.. Hmmmm. Maybe I will chill. I haven't done that in a while.I should go to the gym but feeling too punky for that.

I will CBL guys... have a good Thursday! peasout... Laura

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Thanks guys no more cookies.during the day i can go for the liquids b/c i am @ work my hands/mind is busy.actually i dont get hungry until evening ive always been that way.than i am starving.

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Good Afternoon, Friends!

DH is back from his mini equipment trip. Saw him for a few minutes and he loaded his dog in the truck and took off. Invited me along but I just got done doing the laundry and wanted to catch up with everyone while I have internet connection. (Iffy when the sun is shining). DH spotted a consignment type store on the way home so wanted to look around.

Beautiful day here in the forest. Sun is shining and not too cool...60's.

Spent two hours at the laundromat (Uhg). The tongues were flapping. Women fighting over dryers. Life's too short.

Janet...happy to hear sis is out of the hospital. You take care of yourself and catch up on your rest when you can. You've been on a roll for quite some time now.

My take on the muscle/weight issue. A person needs to move and build SOME muscle to be healthy. But, weight is weight. Body builders are at just as much risk (IMHO) for health issues as an overweight person. I think everything in life is about a happy medium and calories in count, exercise counts and when a person steps on the scale, weight counts. It's all about the middle of the road.

Speaking of the middle of the road....went shopping in Deland yesterday with a friend. On the way back, I turned at a busy four way corner onto another highway. There was a utility pickup with a wide load sign on it. In front there was a man laying on the road and an older lady and also a young woman...maybe late teens. She was waving her hands and yelling. In front of the pickup, a man with a green safety vest was laying on the road. Could see he was not in the best of shape. I have some training but just the basics. Pulled my vehicle over..my friend had seen the man on the pavement and knew she could not handle getting out. Anyway, he was breathing but barely. Read in the paper that he was run over by his buddy in a semi that he was guiding. They both were out of their vehicles to take a bit of a break and he somehow got caught and run over by 60' trailer. This happened 30 minutes from any town so took quite a bit of time for rescue vehicles. Helpless feeling. All I could do was say say a prayer for this young man's family.

Laura...sorry to hear DH is ill and you are not feeling well. I remember those days when the kids were young. Things seemed to run the course with everyone in the household. Take care and get rest. Way to go on the 223! And, a little friendly competition between you and Eva would be fun to watch. You two are just spunky enough for a good challenge. I have a feeling in my bones that she is going to take you up on it. Good luck to both of you. Oh..and by the way...you are both at that point of no return after breaking your plateaus....I'm going to just sit back and watch "the game"!

Sorry you needed to cancel your visit with Mom and Pop. Better to not pass along what you have though. I know this is heartbreaking. Hugs.

SAMC...Hang in there with the liquids. One thing that got me through was low sodium broth. I would sip that throughout the day. Also, getting enough Protein seems to help. Good luck and keep us informed and make sure to come and post when frustrated.

Cassie...ditto what the others said. Get rid of the Cookies or get them out of sight. Don't set yourself up for temptation. You can do it! Also, when I was in the weightloss stage, if I didn't get enough SOLID protein during the day, I was ready to eat anything in the evening. It helps even things out. Even if it's Jerky or a handful of soynuts.

Sndycnrd...Good for you on the running. I am active and walk but no desire to run anymore. I used to run track in college (the mile). I don't have joint issues but it's just not in me anymore. More power to you!

A big "hey" to everyone I did not address. Going to post b/4 I lose this. Then, I am sure, when DH comes back he will want to catch up on his Ag Talk forun. Next year I want to be sure to have another laptop along on our trip. Sharing sucks!

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Good afternoon, just got home from my fill. I got another 1cc back in my band. I am now at 10cc which is one less than I was at surgery. She offered to give me both cc's to put back there but I opted to go conservative as I dont' want to get too tight while I am out of the country later this month and have issues. i've never had problems with tightening up and flying but hear it can be an issue. Plus I thought I was possibly a tad too tight then so will see how this goes. I am scheduled for another fill on March 10th. The bummer part is I gained 3 lbs since my last fill. I had maintained so well for so long and suddenly am struggling. time to go back to logging my food, watch the snacking, etc.

DH called and his boss wants him to go to Las Vegas for a night asap. So guess who's going to Vegas this weekend? We are going on SUnday to Monday. He's supposed to take me along and buy me a nice dinner! I can do that. DH couldn't go today and on Saturday is my DD's bridal shower, I didn't want to miss it.

Cassie, you need to eat more solids during the day so you aren't so hungry at night and don't have Cookies, etc. in the house! Good luck.

Sam, luckily I didn't have to do a pre op diet. Not sure how'd I have handled that.

Julie, my knee has been a little better but still more achy lately than it's been. Thanks for asking.

Janet, goodness girl you are busy! Hope you get some time to relax soon.

Apples, how scary to be in that situation. Did you hear how the guy is?

Was hoping to catch some curling on the Olympics this afternoon, but no such luck!

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Good afternoon, just got home from my fill. I got another 1cc back in my band. I am now at 10cc which is one less than I was at surgery. She offered to give me both cc's to put back there but I opted to go conservative as I dont' want to get too tight while I am out of the country later this month and have issues. i've never had problems with tightening up and flying but hear it can be an issue. Plus I thought I was possibly a tad too tight then so will see how this goes. I am scheduled for another fill on March 10th. The bummer part is I gained 3 lbs since my last fill. I had maintained so well for so long and suddenly am struggling. time to go back to logging my food, watch the snacking, etc.

DH called and his boss wants him to go to Las Vegas for a night asap. So guess who's going to Vegas this weekend? We are going on SUnday to Monday. He's supposed to take me along and buy me a nice dinner! I can do that. DH couldn't go today and on Saturday is my DD's bridal shower, I didn't want to miss it.

Cassie, you need to eat more solids during the day so you aren't so hungry at night and don't have Cookies, etc. in the house! Good luck.

Sam, luckily I didn't have to do a pre op diet. Not sure how'd I have handled that.

Julie, my knee has been a little better but still more achy lately than it's been. Thanks for asking.

Janet, goodness girl you are busy! Hope you get some time to relax soon.

Apples, how scary to be in that situation. Did you hear how the guy is?

Was hoping to catch some curling on the Olympics this afternoon, but no such luck!

I read in the daily newspaper that he passed away. Just from observing, I figured there was not much of a possibility he would survive. Sad.

Have fun on your trip to Vegas. I could travel every day of my life. Wonder why we dubbed my DS "The Happy Wanderer" at a very early age? Hmmm...wonder where he gets is from?

Good luck with your fill. Hope it does the trick and is the right amount. That 3lbs will disappear. If you have never had trouble with being too tight when flying, you should be OK. Just make sure to drink enough Water and get up and walk when you can. Have fun!!!

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Apples--tragic experience. So sorry you had to witness---poor family. It's sad enough when someone dies, but to lose a life that way...

Nice to hear from the newcomers! Welcome. I found this forum more educational that anything else. Remember, your journey may be similar, but we are each unique.

Fat vs. muscle, muscle takes up less space. You could fit better in clothes, but the scale could be the same.

Happy Birthday to Laura--pretty soon! I love to Celebrate OTHER people's birthdays! haha I know your family must be disappointed, but everyone's health must be a priority. No guilt. It is what it is. Hope DH and DS feel better soon.

I seem to have done something to a nerve or whatever. I am having BADBADBAD pain in my right arm. Doctor (orthoped) will see me on Tues. WHAT DO I DO FOR PAIN in the meantime???? I have a rehearsal tonight, and yet, I cannot lift my arm to comb my hair. It will not be a pretty sight. Moving my fingers to type and keeping my arms close seem to work. WHINE WHINE WHINE.... (or should I do wine wine wine??)

Last week this time, I was packing.

Scale is not moving--I am not discouraged. It will.

judy xoxo

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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