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That's one of my goals, to be able to run 5 miles. I want to look more into that couch to 5 k thing you talked about.

Jessica, glad to hear you are getting back on your meds. We all need to do what is right for us to stay healthy.

Laura K

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I guess I am having a bit of an off day. I just got back from my attempt at repeating my successful run yesterday and was not able to reproduce it. I have been training to do a 5K run in May. Yesterday I was able to do 0.3 mile jogging intervals broken up by 0.1 mile walks. Today I could only go 1.5 miles before needing to walk. What gives? I will try again tomorrow. Do any of you run? I am just getting started.

Run?...ummmm...Nope, can't say that I do. I run if my children are hurt or something is on fire. Other than that, it is walking for me:tongue2: I do, however, admire people who can and do run. Bad joints run in my family (degenerative cartilage problems) and my knees already grind :(.

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One of my trainers encourage me to speed walk instead. He felt that it was just as good for the body and less damaging to joints.

Something to consider.

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Good afternoon everyone, Another slow day at work, so will try to post now. Welcome Joyce, Ezzie and Dawn. I'll try to comment here on some of the questions you asked. Joyce, good luck on your surgery next Monday -- it'll be over before you know it.

As you can see by my signature, I had surgery 1-27-09 and have lost 101 pounds. My goal is 132. I'm only 5'1" and I started at 245, so I was literally as wide as I was tall - seriously that is NO joke, my waist was somewhere over 50 inches - I never did take the measurement before surgery. I have absolutely no regrets about choosing Lap Band surgery -- in fact I was just thinking about that yesterday -- about how having the band really helps me stay on track and not "give up" and just have a binge and eat - cause I can't do that with my band.

Ezzie, I will be 58 on my next b-day in April. I think most of us felt about the same way you do. My wake up call was a combination of my first grand child being born and also knowing that if I didn't do something now before I had diabetes, etc. it would only get worse. My cholesteral levels were only getting higher and my blood pressure was getting up there and I just didn't want to die, to put it simply.

Dawn, sorry to hear about your struggles and congratulatons on your weight loss so far! Sounds like you do need some additional restriction to help you out. Glad you have an appointment to get one next week. I didn't really have good restriction until about 10 or 11 months after surgery -- my surgeon does very conservative fills. Most of us here agree that the band is helpful, but we take credit for all the hard work -- the band doesn't keep cake, candy, ice cream, cheese, etc. out of your mouth -- we have to do that with willpower. Also, the band works even better if you do incorporate exercise into your daily routine. In order to get maximum benefit from the band you do need to make lifestyle changes and that includes what we eat as well as exercising. Believe me when I say that I would rather do almost anything else (like sitting on my butt) than exercise. You have to put yourself and your health first and just take the time to do what you need to do. It's not easy, but again, it's just something we have to do if we want to be successful in getting the weight off and then maintaining the loss. I hope you don't take what I'm saying wrong, it's just that so many times the surgeons and their staffs don't seem to do a great job in preparing their patients on the realities of how to be successful with lap band. It's not a magic cure, only a tool.

As Janet (our fearless leader here) likes to say "they didn't band our brains" and we still would love to eat all that good stuff, and if I didn't have my band I know I would have had some by now. I can't really eat carbs -- with my restriction I cannot eat any bread and if I do try to have a little rice or baked potato, I get so full so fast I decided long ago it's not worth it. I eat my Protein and veggies and I'm pretty well full. The protein is very important to maintain muscle so be sure you get all the protein in your body needs -- at least 70 grams per day. I also firmly believe in keeping a food journal and being accountable for everything we put in our mouths -- I use thedailyplate.com but there's a lot of them on the web. Another thing I think is helpful is checking in here and just venting and talking about our issues. I think you'll find it really helps to keep you on track - this is a great support group here. You can talk about anything that's bothering you -- or just how you're doing in general - no one judges, everyone here is just wonderful. You no longer need to feel you are alone in your lap band/weight loss journey! We are all here to love and support you and cheer you on!

Lori, hope your knee starts to feel better - sorry and hope you had a better day today. Glad the wedding plans are proceeding nicely.

Janet, I laughed so hard at your "sometimes being a tv person is hard" cause I feel the same way most of thetime -- LOL. We are a couple of spoiled brats, aren't we? I always have the TIVO going and the VCR in the bedroom going all the time and then there's no time to watch it all. I even TIVO some day time things too. OMG! LOL. Unless your a tivo addict, you couldn't possibly understand this problem.

Phyll, so happy for your loss -- congratulations!! That's worth celebrating!! Coach purse? New outfit?

Laura, your story was great -- wtg on getting the car in and out of the shop -- that's priceless. Have a good trip to NC, hope all is going well there. I'm sure everyone will understand about the year on the invitation -- sounds like something I would do. LOL.

Jessica, sounds like you understand that you need to get back to therapy and on your meds - that just shows what a smart girl you are -- you're really doing so well -- just keep up all the great work. Your in-laws' house sounds lovely - what a great area for your son. Hope when you move into your own place you'll still be in the same area.

Julie, sounds like you had a super busy day. Don't worry about the laundry, it'll get done when it gets done. Hope both you and Lori get better sleep tonight. I stayed up until midnight watching the men's skating short program but managed to get up at 5:15 to get my exercise in. Whew. Some days I don't require much sleep - I guess last night was one of those nights.

Apples, hope the puppa kept you company and isn't too lonely for DH now. Sounds like you may have some time to catch up on some reading finally! Enjoy!!

Well, gang, must close. Sorry if I missed any of you - hi to Judy -- glad you made it last weekend. Melissa, hi to you too -- hope your snow has melted by now and all your car troubles are over!!! Meredith, how's the house coming along? Miss you - how's school going? Cheri, hope your week is going well -- glad you got to spend some time with your grandkids!! LauraK, we'll see spring some time -- I'm sending a couple days of sunshine over to you. We've been cold, but at least it's been sunny. Eva, hope you made it home safe and sound.

Take care all, I'll CBL. Love to all, Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Sndy, I don't run, but I speed walk I can do 10 mins. miles - with intervals of jogging. How long have you been jogging? I think maybe you just need to build up your endurance, just keep on doing what you can and soon you'll be able to increase your time/distance. That's what i had to do when I first started out. I now do 8 to 10 miles at a session-- with no break, but it took about a year to get to that level of endurance. Good luck with your training. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Syndy, you go girl! I admire anyone who can run in their forties or fifties. Take care! The fitness trainer at our support group said as Bariatric patients remember his motto"First, Do No Harm"........so if it hurts modify till you build up your strength.

Janet is busy with her company. She will check in when she gets time......probably not tonight.

Well, peeps, I got back into journaling my food....1100 today.....30 minutes of exercise.....it would be more if it would warm up and I could walk.

Okay, gotta go!......Have a great evening!

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Syndy, you go girl! I admire anyone who can run in their forties or fifties. Take care! The fitness trainer at our support group said as Bariatric patients remember his motto"First, Do No Harm"........so if it hurts modify till you build up your strength.

Janet is busy with her company. She will check in when she gets time......probably not tonight.

Well, peeps, I got back into journaling my food....1100 today.....30 minutes of exercise.....it would be more if it would warm up and I could walk.

Okay, gotta go!......Have a great evening!

charlene - You go with the journaling as you know I do great then I don't with the journaling I just need to jump back in but I keep making excuses I am in such a rut

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There is no way I'm going to be able to keep up with all these posts....It's really good to see everyone participating.

Yes, I made it back last night about 11:30pm we got home just before midnight. My back was bothering me from sleeping on a futon for a couple of nights and I had to take a vicodin. I took it on the plane between Dallas and Tucson and slept off and on most of the way home. After we got home, I was able to sleep until 8am this morning and woke up feeling good. The trip was uneventful and I am grateful for that.

We had a good visit with my brother and his SO...she gushed over my weight loss (that was nice) and I told them about the band because of course they asked. Anyway it was good. On the way back to Orlando, we stopped at the Manatee park and saw at least 30 manatees...that was pretty cool. They were hanging out in the released Water from the power plant...it's warmer than the ocean rivers right now.

Laura, wow, doesn't it feel great to reach a number that you haven't seen in a very long time. We are very very close in weight...hopefully, we will be sliding down that scale at about the same rate...steadily. Hope Nels stays feeling better. You leaving for NC tomorrow? Best wishes to your Dad...hope he knows we all send him our best wishes. Hope your sister likes her "bag".

Great, Apples almost did send that bag, but then thought it might have been a little tacky...glad you see the humor in it. I really like doing silly things like that. Wish you could have made it too, but maybe for the next trip. Are you excited about your Israel trip?

Charlene, you aren't weak.....you are very strong and able. You made the step to get banded and you stay with the thread and you are participating in all the support groups and working on the exercise. How in the world do you think that is weak. food is a necessity and it's very difficult to make the right choices sometimes. You will find that specials place you need to be and all will fall in place. Trust yourself.

1 day....we missed you too, but there will be another one and we were talking about meeting in Savanna, GA, how far away is that for you? Hope the new job goes well.

Sndy...great job with the running...any running would be an effort for me.

Linda...sorry about the vacation time issue...that's what my company does too, no sick time, I have to use vacation time if I get sick. I met some snow birds in FL that were from IA and they were great...made me think of you.

LauraK...glad Isaac is feeling better. It's really hard with the animals because sometimes you just don't know what to do for them.

Cheri...enjoy the clothes...you did the work and need to have the clothes to show it off. $200 may seem like a lot, but I bet you got some great deals.

I'm going to work on dinner for DH and his boy...I'll be back later and continue with the posts.

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RUn??? ha ha!! Me?? Seriously though, I just had both my knees replaced and I know have doctor's orders not to run. LOL For once a doc's orders that will be easy to follow! I am only allowed to run if from danger. But I can and should walk a lot. I feel like I now have to start from square one on the exercise but I'll get there again.

As most of you know I volunteer for the bariatrics dept. at my hospital. Today I put together packets for pediatricians. They are starting a teen program. Interesting.

Tomorrow I am getting another small fill, I hope this puts me back at my sweet spot.

Well gang, my DH interviewed for that promotion/move we should know something in a week or so at the most.

Arlene, did you ever do that 5 day pouch test??

Eva, sorry your back flared up. Glad you got some relief.

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Phyll, my daughter gets chewable Gummy fish oil for her boys from costco.< /p>

I just got back from Dr Davis support meeting. It was all about the machine that measures resting metabolism. They recommend it for banders a year out from surgery if you reach a plateau. Well, I did that. I know I have to eat 1100calories to lose. I just needed the reminder. Also , the fitness guy talked to us about building muscle so we will burn more calories.

Oh, I tasted Pro Joe the new Protein Drink. It is a cold coffee Protein drink or you can warm it up. The nurse said she uses it for cream in her coffee. It is okay......I just don't like cold coffee. I might buy a bottle and use it for cream. I like the vanilla best.

Now, I go Thursday for a tweak.

Newbies, welcome! You will get plenty of support and love (sometimes tough) on this thread.

I think I'll do some research on the whole concept that having more muscle burns more fat. Maybe while you're exercising but my insurance co. just listed that as a common myth that the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. I know a lot of trainers and muscle builders claim that theory. They also listed as a myth that milk thickens your phlegm. I suspect that milk sticks to and coats phlegm giving the illusion of thickening it.

Thr Pro Joe sounds interesting.

I am very new to this board. My goal for surgery is May 2010, I'm stil seeing the dietician. I am 58 and need the remaining years to be more than just working and watching T.V. I do nothing because I've become fat over the last ten years. I used to play baseball, run and now I just work, eat, sleep. How was your surgery? Were you scared. Do you feel the band, the port? Are you happy? Did you ever regret the surgery and why? I hope you can help with my questions. You look marvelous by they way.

Love my band. Lost 70lbs in 8 months and am at goal. I'm 58, did it for my life and my grandkids. Was athletic once. Never will be again but I can walk really fast now. I was scared before surgery a little but compared with all my other surgeries it was a cakewalk. I can feel my port but I only have one incision. My Dr. was recently trained in this latest technique. I do not and never will regret the surgery.

Good Morning Ladies, I know I have talked a little bit to yall about my psych issues. Well, I decided last night that I need to get back into therapy. I have completely stopped taking my meds, which is a huge danger for me. I have started having crazy thoughts and the past 2 weeks I haven't been keeping up with life. I have been struggling to study, struggling with household chores, I can feel the crazy coming back. My routine ( or lack of one) started with the school semester. I can't seem to get into an ebb and flow. I just want to get ahold of it before it effects my grades, and my realationships. If I don't get a grip on it now I don't know how I will do things when we move out. MIL does the grocery shopping and cooking. Though I do go in an help she decides what we eat and how to cook it. She also has a maid come and clean our bathroom and vaccum most of our end of the house. I have to take over these things so I am prepared to live on my own. Therapy is really just a psych check up for me. Keeps me on track with life. Holds me accountable for taking my meds and being responsible. I am doing way better than anytime the past 3 years since I was diagnosed but I want more from myself. Don't want to give yall the impression that I am doing terrible. I'm not. I do want to be honest though cause then I can get support. You ladies always come through for me.

Good for you Jewel. Feeling normal because of the meds often makes people think they don't need them anymore. Thank God you caught on quickly and are remediating that situation before you dug too deep a whole.

:confused:Hi my name is Dawn was banded Dec 31 2008 . Ive lost about 45 pounds and now it seems iam not lossing and all i want to do is eat iam hunrgy all the time . Not feeling any retriction any more and its got me feeling depressed . I was down to 185 a few months ago weighed my self this morning and iam up to 198 . My goal weight is 140 i started at 240 . I did have some problems with acid reflux so there were a few time i had a fill and then they had to take ever thing out and start again . So this last time this happen they took ever thing out i went back a week later and they put 2.5 cc back in still know retrictions so 4 wks later another 3cc i felt restriction for about 2wk then it was gone . I think my band hold between 12 to 14 cc they said . I go next friday to the doc and iam hoping they say i can get another fill . Iam just feeling so discouraged its past my yr mark and i thought i would have lost more by now . I could really use a support buddy . I didnt think this was going to be so hard . Any one have some advice? Thanks


Dawn, can you have the Dr. prescribe a reflux med to help you when you get your fill? Often it's gas and no room for it that causes the reflux after eating. After fills I often find I have to take tiny sips of mostly liquid and mushies for a few days and burp after each sip or tiny bite. After I lose a lb or 2, and after the stomach heals from the fill, the band loosens up and the gas diminishes. As always, with reflux, avoid pop, coffee, chocolate, Tomato of all kind, citrus fruits and drinks, high Fiber and other foods and spices known to cause gas. Don't eat for 3 or 4 hours before bedtime.

Good luck. Go slow with the fills but do get them.


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Sandy, I'll never run again. I have 2 fake knees. I wore out my knees. Partly genetic, overly stretchy knees that dislocated and had too much play in them causing them to rub and wear out, partly exacerbated by volleyball and baseball played as an adult.

I walk and climb steps at work early, before I start teaching. The new knees allow me to climb steps but running would wear them out too quickly. I also have herniated and deteriorating discs so I don't want to cause more compression on them by running.

As long as you're walking fast you're still getting plenty of exercise. So go slow and listen to your body. All kinds of things, including PMS and Water weight, can greatly affect your running. My daughter runs much more easily after she starts her period and drops the Fluid.< /p>

I also sing, which is geat aerobic exercise, and am planning on taking up dancing again. I've got my husband on board with that. Its a whole lot more fun than running for me.


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Back again...

Jessica, I'm glad to hear you recognize that you need to stay on your meds and are taking steps to be where you need to be. See you are an inspiration to others and being able to explain how the band works will help those around you. Good for your DH's boss, he'll have you to inspire him.

Phyl, sorry about the GS trouble and the fact you have the remnants of a cold. Wow, great job on the weight loss....I bet you were just dancing on that WII! So can you get the fishoil in the caplets and break those open? I bet they would taste really bad though.

Jodi....while you are waiting, keep in mind that wait period is saving you tons of money. I didn't have to wait too long but it cost me thousands. You know what they say, "time or money". Have you been able to figure out that recipe you were wondering about? I can't remember exactly what it was...but I take it's high fat? You know you can still do those, but you just don't eat more than a bite. Good luck with the dog duty. Snakes for hair? Maybe there is a costume shop and you can find a medusa wig. Or maybe a bunch of partially inflated, long skinny ballons with eyes and fangs drawn on them. I can't tell you on this thread what that reminds me of...but you might be able to imagine it.

ezzie...I think most people are apprehensive about surgery, but I've never had one before this and it was no big deal after it was over. I don't feel the band now (it was tender right after surgery because it's right at my bra line) and I do still feel my port and the tubing from time to time, but it's not something I worry about. I've only lost 44 pounds so far and I'm feeling so much better. It's amazing how much easier it is to tie my shoe and move. Walking is easier and so is exercising. It's been worth it and I look forward to future benefits. I wish the best for you. There is a lot of information out there, read it all, the good and the bad, it will help you.

Julie, what fun buying yard stuff! You'll have something fun to look forward to when the snow melts. So you are going to give up bread for Lent...I think that is great. It's something you love and it will be a sacrifice which is the point isn't it? It's also a very healthy choice. And it's only during the Lenten season so you know it's not forever. Good for you.

Judy, glad you made it home alright....we waved when we drove by, but there just wasn't enough time to stop. My brother had plans and we had to get to Ft. Myers in order to meet up with him. You are going to do so well in your play..you are so talented and funny. Have tons of fun!!

Apples, cute story about your DS. Glad all that food didn't go to waste too. I'm still working on the "don't waste food, there are starving children...." syndrome. You get through any of your reading? How's the dog?

Ladykc...welcome! The pre-op diet is tough but I really thought it helped me with hunger issues after I got banded. Yeah, it's tough without the computer these days.

Janet, did you get my text message? At least this text wasn't one of those...oh no, I'm stuck in Dallas again. How's your sister? When is your DS coming? Hope all is going well with you.

dinner is done and I think I'm going to go read the rest of the book I was reading on the trip. That will be different. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow, but oh well, got to pay for the car rental. It's weird, I will spend a ton of money on travel...nothing tangible, but have a cow when I buy a $200 piece of jewelry. I really do love jewelry, just don't wear much. Maybe when I lose the weight, I'll want to adorn myself more..LOL.

Have a great night ladies.


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Dreads? wig or real if your daughter's hair is long.


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Eva, thanks for the encouragement .... I have really been down on myself for being off track. I am better today. I journaled and exercised.

Great, I did shakes for one day......I know....but tomorrow if I do get a tweak I will be on shakes in the evening. I wish I liked milk, and it just seems like anything similar to milk is not very tasty to me. I do cuz I have to.

Cheri.....who knows.....he was rattling off terms or names of chemicals or hormones or something that is found in the muscle which burns calories. I wish I had picked up the myths so I could share them. I know four out of the five were false. If I remember, I will pick up the paper when I go see the doctor tomorrow.

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Laura – I found out about couch25k here on LBT in the exercise section. It was really hard to get started, the first week was brutal, but I am up and running now! Check it out; I would be interested to hear how you are doing. We can help motivate each other.

Crzytchr – I understand running after kids. LOL. Mine is 22 years old now. Maybe someday I will have a grand baby to run after. How old are yours?

Ladycusa – walking is great exercise. I do a lot of walking. This was just a new personal goal to strive for. Heck, I couldn’t even run a block when I was a kid, and I am 53 now! Talk about a stretch. I have made a lot of personal changes since starting this process and I am pushing myself to new limits. Like I said, walking is fantastic exercise and I completely believe in it.

Ljv52 – 10 minute miles…….you are my hero!!!!! I have been at this for approximately 6 weeks now. My first week I started on the treadmill with ½ hour of walking with 3 X 1 minute jogs. It was brutal. I have now taken it outside and have gotten to ½ hour of 0.3 mile jog intervals. You are so right; I absolutely need to increase my endurance. It was so easy yesterday to do it; today, I struggled. I will just have to keep trying. I have a goal of completing my first ever 5K in May and I will do it, even if it means doing a jog/walk combination. You mentioned that it took you a year to get to your current level. I guess I am encouraged by that - meaning there is still hope for me to reach my goal. I can’t believe how far I have come in 6 weeks. When I started, 0.3 miles was an impossible dream. Now I am here.

Charlene – I am working on strength. I am amazed at how many over 50 jogging newbie’s there are. LOL, and I thought I was unique.

Great2bthin – congratulations on the new knees. You must be feeling so much better. Take the physical therapy slow. Enjoy the new knees and the mobility they will bring you!

Cheri – It sounds like you keep very active. That is what really counts.

I have to say, I don’t know why I am so set on this running thing but I am. It is a huge challenge for me. I am so proud of myself. Since Sept, I have lost 40 pounds and have gone from zero exercise to daily exercise. I recently started reading the Beck book that many of you have talked about and day 4 or 5 says to give yourself credit. I have never been very good at that but I am trying to change. So……. I am giving myself credit for what I have accomplished and for stretching to reach my goals. Thanks to all of you for the inspiration. I have lurked around this thread for several months. I only recently got up the nerve to join. Thanks for having me.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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