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Way To go Laura Congrats.

I hope Nels feels better soon..

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Good morning guys~

Well, it FINALLY happened. After MONTHS of staying between 226-230, I finally broke the 225 barrier! Actually yesterday, and today it was 224!!! I haven't been under 225 in a long time (6 years or so). I haven't been exercising (to the gym- purposeful exercise/weights) in a while, but I have been walking a lot. This weekend I was pretty good. Not having snacks/food around really helped me. Maybe I should live in a hotel?! I so wanted the 100 off for my 1 year anniv. I don't think that will happen, but I will be closer.

I kept Nelson out of school today. I was all set thinking he would go back today and 10 min before bed last night he spiked another 102 fever. I am just feeling guilty b/c I pulled him out of school 2 days last week (to meet everyone in Orlando)... and then he will miss next Monday b/c we are going to NC to see my Mom and Dad. He still has no appetite. I even bought him a choc. iced donut and vanilla milkshake from DD. He licked the icing off and said "no thanks, can you save them for me". What kid doesn't want a milkshake?! In between fevers he is 100% fine- playing and energy.

Eva~ Wishing you safe travels. I hope your visit went well. Wow, you must have that Ft. Meyers to Orlando trip down pat! ; )

Karen~ Glad you got rid of all that food! You are the hostess with the mostess. You are amazing~ thought of every last detail for us this weekend! Thanks again for doing all that.

Janet~ How is your sis? Sorry to hear about your power. Guess what- my @*&^%$# DVR didn't record Survivor! I had to watch it on the computer. I was p.o.ed. I am seriously thinking about applying for that show. Hell, at 300 I couldn't have done it- but I am feeling more and more capable. I could use the million dollars!

JeweI~ Hope you feel better soon! I hate being sick. I hope your Dad does think about improving his life. You can't force him- just have to be supportive.

ok guys, time to go get some work done. The house looks like a hurricane went through. (toys everywhere). Oh, today I had to take DH's car to the mechanic (check engine light) ugghh. I had called ahead to make sure they had a loaner. Well, they gave me the run around- said I had to wait. I said, ok- just so you know this kid is sick with fever of 102 and I don't know what he has. The loaner car appeared in 2 minutes! LOL.

I will CBL... peasout.. Laura

That's a funny story. Hope Nels is better soon. My grandkids have been going through colds and stomach viruses.

Hope everyone out there feels better soon.

Congratulations all those who've broken plateaus.

Janet, hope your sister's well soon.

Phyllis, hugs.

Love to all,


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I just got back from Dr Davis support meeting. It was all about the machine that measures resting metabolism. They recommend it for banders a year out from surgery if you reach a plateau. Well, I did that. I know I have to eat 1100calories to lose. I just needed the reminder. Also , the fitness guy talked to us about building muscle so we will burn more calories.

Oh, I tasted Pro Joe the new Protein Drink. It is a cold coffee Protein drink or you can warm it up. The nurse said she uses it for cream in her coffee. It is okay......I just don't like cold coffee. I might buy a bottle and use it for cream. I like the vanilla best.

Now, I go Thursday for a tweak.

Newbies, welcome! You will get plenty of support and love (sometimes tough) on this thread.

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Phyll, great news all around... Hope your GS will be lots better and get his life off to a better road... And WTG on being at an all time low.... That is about 4 pounds away for me as far as a low I haven't been at in 25 years.... Can hardly wait to be in uncharted waters.... Good for you...

Laura, funny story....... you just know how to handle people.... Hope he is well enough for school tomorrow.. and WTG on your loss too... can't remember if I told you that before or not....

Lori, I'm so tired, too... as you know I didn't sleep well last night either.. I did get a little nap while Mimi was down today... Now I'm waiting for my brother to show.. He is here on business and seeing clients in the area.. He is a seed salesman for a big company from SD.... Apples, do you need any good corn seed????

Judy, I just finished my unpacking a bit ago... To much else going on to get to it until this evening... laundry will have to wait till tomorrow or so... I have to go to Bismarck with DD and Mimi in the morning... then again for PT on Thurs..... DH has to work tomorrow hauling grain, too, so life is going back to normal..... Weren't we just all so excited about our trip and now things are back to the same old same old!!! Except Apples out there all snuggled with her puppy.....

I've heard from a couple who want to add their personal infor to our list.... Any others who are interested should PM or e-mail me asap and I will get on it..... Hopefully this weekend sometime...

Well, time for bed.... I'm thinking I missed some important things to comment on but just can't seem to remember..... I'm proud of you all.... so keep up the good work.... On to tomorrow!!!!!! Good night....... Julie

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Thank you, Apples, for all the solid advice. I'll need to read it many times in the next few weeks.

Phyl - congrats on breaking the plateau. We are the same age and I'll Celebrate my 67th b'day as a banded lady.

So comforting to have so many who have been thru this journey to offer advice and counsel.

Joyce in KC

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Hi everyone.

Well, I am hearing that you all want to go back to FL? Well next year then maybe!

I hope that Little Nelson gets better soon its so sad to see our little ones sick...but playfulness and energy in btween the fever spikes are a good sign.

Im so happy to hear about all the excitement about hitting that point...and the weight loss and passing breaking the points..of staying the same for long periods of time... Congrats to all.

Hope all is well and everyone had a great Presidents day and all those on Holiday are enjoying.

I am on vacation however because I want to take off for the week of surgery and if need be the following week im working this week...and I worked Christmas week as well so just in case I need two weeks I wont feel guilty. So...Im pretty much working for free again this week..or it certainly feels like it!

Its kind of strange how I was so busy the last three months getting all the consults and tests done...and going back for follow ups...and now..its so um quiet. Since I orriginially was supposed to have my surgery on the 8th of Feb and I was bumped because of the sleep apnea for six weeks supposedly. Well...now that..that was cleared before the six weeks...due to good behavior lol. I feel like Im in limbo...just waiting around doing nothing. Im ready...but have to wait a month. Not happy! Im ready. I know another month wont kill me however.....this was a good time for me...not March....March 16th is my daughters bday. Purim is the first week and Passover is the last week. Can there be a worse time?? NOOO. but...like all others..who are waiting...I am waiting as there really is no choice unless there is a cancelation..which there might be...but if there is it will still be after the first of March! Lol

Okay....finished venting...sorry..just tired of the waiting after all the busyness of getting ready for the surgery! Kind of a let down at the end of the process...instead of the surgery being the culmination of the whole process.

well...I certainly have plenty to do besides the surgery stuff to keep me busy.

Tomorrow is pet day at my daughters school. Not really sure how im going to get the dog to the school at 11:30 and then go to work and be home by 4:30. Im not a magician but sometimes feel like I need to be one. I really dont want to bring the dog to school. She isnt going to like it! lol but, the kids are expecting all their pets for show and tell? Didnt show and tell end in pre school? My daughter is in the fifth grade.

I think that the dog should just be able to come to school for the day!!! Yea. Let her take her with and bring her home. Im sure the class would love to have her eat all the school lunch leftovers that the kids throw out!

I told the parents that I work with in Williamsburg that ill be bringing the dog to work with me afterwards...I thought they were going to have a heart attack right there...until I told them I was kidding. (yikes)

Its olmost Wednesday and I still have baking and shopping to do for the upcoming holiday of Purim. Why im procrastinating im not sure...but there is still one more week left before..and ill just kill myself the last week like always...to get everything done in time..lol (WHY I ASK??)

The one thing I did do ...is get my daughters costume ready. After seeing "The lightening Theif" She wants to be "Medusa the greek goddess" on Purim ..like Holloween the kids dress in costumes....So..I was able to get her a Roman mideavil costume...now I just have to figure out the hair?? snakes?? lots of snakes?? any suggestions..will be accepted gladly!

Well you all have a great night!!


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I am very new to this board. My goal for surgery is May 2010, I'm stil seeing the dietician. I am 58 and need the remaining years to be more than just working and watching T.V. I do nothing because I've become fat over the last ten years. I used to play baseball, run and now I just work, eat, sleep. How was your surgery? Were you scared. Do you feel the band, the port? Are you happy? Did you ever regret the surgery and why? I hope you can help with my questions. You look marvelous by they way.

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Phyll, great news all around... Hope your GS will be lots better and get his life off to a better road... And WTG on being at an all time low.... That is about 4 pounds away for me as far as a low I haven't been at in 25 years.... Can hardly wait to be in uncharted waters.... Good for you...

Laura, funny story....... you just know how to handle people.... Hope he is well enough for school tomorrow.. and WTG on your loss too... can't remember if I told you that before or not....

Lori, I'm so tired, too... as you know I didn't sleep well last night either.. I did get a little nap while Mimi was down today... Now I'm waiting for my brother to show.. He is here on business and seeing clients in the area.. He is a seed salesman for a big company from SD.... Apples, do you need any good corn seed????

Judy, I just finished my unpacking a bit ago... To much else going on to get to it until this evening... laundry will have to wait till tomorrow or so... I have to go to Bismarck with DD and Mimi in the morning... then again for PT on Thurs..... DH has to work tomorrow hauling grain, too, so life is going back to normal..... Weren't we just all so excited about our trip and now things are back to the same old same old!!! Except Apples out there all snuggled with her puppy.....

I've heard from a couple who want to add their personal infor to our list.... Any others who are interested should PM or e-mail me asap and I will get on it..... Hopefully this weekend sometime...

Well, time for bed.... I'm thinking I missed some important things to comment on but just can't seem to remember..... I'm proud of you all.... so keep up the good work.... On to tomorrow!!!!!! Good night....... Julie

Sorry I forgot to respond to you. The phone # I gave you is my cell. I use it mainly because I live with the inlaws and the "home phone" is really for the campers.

Don't know If I ever mentioned this but we live on church property. It is a retreat center owned by the church. It has cabins and a huge mess hall. My in laws maintain the property and help all the campers that come in get set up. It is 130 acres with baseball fields and a nature walk.

I am very new to this board. My goal for surgery is May 2010, I'm stil seeing the dietician. I am 58 and need the remaining years to be more than just working and watching T.V. I do nothing because I've become fat over the last ten years. I used to play baseball, run and now I just work, eat, sleep. How was your surgery? Were you scared. Do you feel the band, the port? Are you happy? Did you ever regret the surgery and why? I hope you can help with my questions. You look marvelous by they way.

Ezzie5, I use to play softball. I was really good at it. Made varsity my freshman year and was hoping to get scholarships and stuff for college. Then I got a little injury in my wrist and was out of the game. I hope losing this weight I can get back into it. I know I probably won't be top notch again but I love the smell of the clay. Is that weird? My son is starting tee ball this week and I am way more excited than he is.

Last July I was alot like you I just ate and slept my life away. I couldn't even work due to a disability. i came to the point where I was just feeeling like I had really let everyone, including myself down. I had so much potential and I just wasted it. I kinda had this aha moment and realized I needed to make some huge changes in my life. So I decided to go back to school. I am working to overcome my disabilities and get back into a job. In the proccess of being treated for my disability my doc mentioned that the lapband would probably make a huge difference in my recovery. So after many emotions and conversations on LBT and with my hubby I went through with it. I had my surgery 1/4/10. It went great. My surgeon did a wonderful job. I only have 3 inscisions. 1 in the belly button 1 under my bra and the final one on my belly. It is the only one visable really and it is so small. I am very happy with my decision. I have lost 15 pounds this past month. Total I have lost 28 but I gain hope and optimism. I had gotten to the point where I gave up, I thought I was bound to be fat the rest of my life and have all the illnesses that come with it. After talking and even meeting some ladies on this thread I realize there is an end to being fat. How wonderful is that?

Good Morning Ladies, I know I have talked a little bit to yall about my psych issues. Well, I decided last night that I need to get back into therapy. I have completely stopped taking my meds, which is a huge danger for me. I have started having crazy thoughts and the past 2 weeks I haven't been keeping up with life. I have been struggling to study, struggling with household chores, I can feel the crazy coming back. My routine ( or lack of one) started with the school semester. I can't seem to get into an ebb and flow. I just want to get ahold of it before it effects my grades, and my realationships. If I don't get a grip on it now I don't know how I will do things when we move out. MIL does the grocery shopping and cooking. Though I do go in an help she decides what we eat and how to cook it. She also has a maid come and clean our bathroom and vaccum most of our end of the house. I have to take over these things so I am prepared to live on my own. Therapy is really just a psych check up for me. Keeps me on track with life. Holds me accountable for taking my meds and being responsible. I am doing way better than anytime the past 3 years since I was diagnosed but I want more from myself. Don't want to give yall the impression that I am doing terrible. I'm not. I do want to be honest though cause then I can get support. You ladies always come through for me.

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:confused:Hi my name is Dawn was banded Dec 31 2008 . Ive lost about 45 pounds and now it seems iam not lossing and all i want to do is eat iam hunrgy all the time . Not feeling any retriction any more and its got me feeling depressed . I was down to 185 a few months ago weighed my self this morning and iam up to 198 . My goal weight is 140 i started at 240 . I did have some problems with acid reflux so there were a few time i had a fill and then they had to take ever thing out and start again . So this last time this happen they took ever thing out i went back a week later and they put 2.5 cc back in still know retrictions so 4 wks later another 3cc i felt restriction for about 2wk then it was gone . I think my band hold between 12 to 14 cc they said . I go next friday to the doc and iam hoping they say i can get another fill . Iam just feeling so discouraged its past my yr mark and i thought i would have lost more by now . I could really use a support buddy . I didnt think this was going to be so hard . Any one have some advice? Thanks


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Hi guys~ fly by post. I am such a doofus. I JUST realized I put the wrong year on Nelson's birthday party invitations!!! I proofed those several times too. duh. That's what I get for using the one saved on the computer from last year! I am sure no one will notice, but it just makes me feel silly. The boy went to school today. It was in the 40s too. I hope he does ok.

I don't have time to respond to posts- will do it tonight.

hugs. peasout~~~ Laura

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Good morning. It looks like a beautiful day out, bright blue sky, sun and the snowcapped mountains but it must be cold out. I am sitting here wrapped in a blanket. Today is my volunteer day at the hospital and will be leaving shortly for that. Last night we had our final tasting for the wedding, the menu is set there will be 2 choices: pot roast and chicken marsala. We also ordered the cupcakes, she is doing those instead of a wedding cake. I stepped on the scale this morning and am up 1.5 lbs. GRRR Gotta get a grip on that, I've maintained so easily but that little gain has me freaked out. yes I have made a few poor choices here and there and they seem to be more often than in the past so time to rein that in. My dress has to fit for the wedding!

Jewel, why did you stop taking your meds? Can you just start them back up again as you wait for therapy? Please take care of yourself, you've made amazing progress.

AQT, welcome! Sounds like you need more of a fill to get more restriction. Did they have to completely empty your band with the reflux? I had trouble with that once and they only took a half or 1 cc out of my band, the reflux went away and I kept some restriction that way. Hope they figure out just what works for you. Congrats on the amazing loss so far!!

Ezzie, my only regret about my band surgery is why didn't I do it sooner? It has totally transformed my life. I had surgery in June of 08 and lost 126 lbs in a year and have maintained that for almost a year now. It feels wonderful to have my life back. I think it's only natural to be nervous and scared for surgery, I know I was. And I got more so as the date got closer and closer. I just reminded myself that I did lots of research on this, had many preop tests and made the decision with a calm rational mind and not the scared to death one just before surgery. I can feel my port, in fact mine sticks out some, more so than most. Dr says it's because I had a small stomach (never thought of my stomach as small when I weighed 305 lbs), but I carried most of my weight in my butt and legs. The nurse practioner told me I could get a lower profile port but to me it's not worth another surgery. It's not bothersome or anything I can just see it when I am naked in front of the mirror and taht doesn't happen too often. DH says it feels weird and catches him by surprise sometimes. This is a great place for support and feel free to ask any questions you have, there is no such thing as a silly or stupid question, we've all been there.

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Jewel - I, too, am concerned about ceasing your medication without doctor supervision. Some meds must be weaned off. Please see your doctor and discuss this with him/her.

Essie - I'm on Day 10 of 14 day pre-op. After careful research, I know this is the right decision for me. And welcome to this wonderful thread of great ladies.

Joyce in KC

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I didn't intend to stop taking them. I just have forgotten to to take them until eventually I am off them. I guess some of my trouble lately has been going through withdrawls from it. It is a huge mistake on my part. Thankfully I haven't gotten too sick without them. I am just starting to slip a little. I gotta get this nipped in the bud before I do get into trouble and I am doing that. Just talked to the therapist and I have an appt. I am getting back on the meds. I don't know why I do this. My therapy appt usually keep me on track but I had to quit going for awhile because we didn't have insurance. Now we do. I thought I would be ok without therapy but maybe I am just not ready so I am going back. Hopefully I haven't undone all my hard work.

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Phyll, great news all around... Hope your GS will be lots better and get his life off to a better road... And WTG on being at an all time low.... That is about 4 pounds away for me as far as a low I haven't been at in 25 years.... Can hardly wait to be in uncharted waters.... Good for you...

Laura, funny story....... you just know how to handle people.... Hope he is well enough for school tomorrow.. and WTG on your loss too... can't remember if I told you that before or not....

Lori, I'm so tired, too... as you know I didn't sleep well last night either.. I did get a little nap while Mimi was down today... Now I'm waiting for my brother to show.. He is here on business and seeing clients in the area.. He is a seed salesman for a big company from SD.... Apples, do you need any good corn seed????

Judy, I just finished my unpacking a bit ago... To much else going on to get to it until this evening... laundry will have to wait till tomorrow or so... I have to go to Bismarck with DD and Mimi in the morning... then again for PT on Thurs..... DH has to work tomorrow hauling grain, too, so life is going back to normal..... Weren't we just all so excited about our trip and now things are back to the same old same old!!! Except Apples out there all snuggled with her puppy.....

I've heard from a couple who want to add their personal infor to our list.... Any others who are interested should PM or e-mail me asap and I will get on it..... Hopefully this weekend sometime...

Well, time for bed.... I'm thinking I missed some important things to comment on but just can't seem to remember..... I'm proud of you all.... so keep up the good work.... On to tomorrow!!!!!! Good night....... Julie

Mrs Bubba,

Did I ever give you my info? If not tell me what you would like and I can pm u.

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I guess I am having a bit of an off day. I just got back from my attempt at repeating my successful run yesterday and was not able to reproduce it. I have been training to do a 5K run in May. Yesterday I was able to do 0.3 mile jogging intervals broken up by 0.1 mile walks. Today I could only go 1.5 miles before needing to walk. What gives? I will try again tomorrow. Do any of you run? I am just getting started.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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