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I am going to nominate you for What not to Wear when you get to goal ;0) lol !!!! That's the kind of girls they have on the show all the time :0) - Oh I want to be comfortable - That's who was on last week - the only thing I don't like is their new hairdresser - they need Nick back..

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I like to watch What Not to Wear..... I've threatened my DD that I was going to nominate her.... She has very long hair that she dies black now...Yuck.... And she hides in too small jeans with great big sweatshirts and her hair in a ponytail most of the time... I do believe that she is doing her best to make sure no man looks at her... Defense mechanism...... And I want Nick back, too.....

Okay, I'll be a good sport about shopping as long as I get to sit when I need to.... We have a dress barn here, but have only been in there once I think.... I may be a bit more stylish than Eva descibed herself, but nothing like Apples, Janet, or Lori...... I still don't know what Ann Taylor Loft is??????? And I cna't buy much or I won't have any way to get it home.. I'll have to mail it to myself...... My bag is already full.....

Cheri, I told the gal today about you and your hanging machine and she said they had one and maybe will use it on me at some point... Should be interesting ... I have a bit of pain in my neck tonight and a bit of a headache.. I'm about to take my pain meds and head to bed.... Hoping to feel better tomorrow....

Thanks for your encouragements about Mimi... She is a delightful little girl, very smart and quick.... She may need a bit of help, but she is going to be just fine.. DD is easily flustered and worried..... So I have to be the one to hold her down a bit.... Will push her to get into these docs and find out what's what.... Could be the pediatrition over-reacted, too, because she didn't know what to do so pawned it off on the specialists.....

Well, time to sleep...... goodnight, sleep tight..... you know the rest!!!!!!! Julie

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I love what not to wear and would love to be on that show. I must be watching reruns as Nick is always on there, what time and day are the new ones on? I can't believe he's not on. I remember when I first watched Clinton wasn't on either and it was another guy with really long curly hair. When I lived in DE I even checked into going up to NYC to get a make over/hair by Nick. Do you know what he charged? $500!!!

Julie, dont' be thinking I am too stylish. I love Ann Taylor Loft because it is more casual. I love that style but don't get all my clothes there but do get a lot. But I also just got some $4 blouses on sale at Penneys. I am all over the board. I am glad you are changing your mind about shopping. I think the best thing to do would be have a central meeting spot. That way the diehards can shop til they drop and we may all drop at different times and we just meet there and have a drink/water whatever and people watch.

OK FL gals, are you bringing bathing suits? Do I bring capris or long pants? Sandals? Guess I need to watch the weather. I am so excited.

DH & I just decided tonight that we are going to fly to SLC for Fri night til Sat. afternoon and just drive around and see how it looks etc. and see if we can get a feel for housing prices, areas etc. Yes we've lived there twice before but not sure we'd go back to the same area or not and we wanted to do our research before DH said yes or no on the position if he gets it for sure. So that makes 3 airplane trips for me in one month. I haven't gone on a plane since May last year and now 3, to SLC, FL and then our Isreal vacation. In the past I'd be so panicked about the seat belt and the dreaded middle seat and now it's not even an issue. I just might have to donate my seatbelt extender back to the airline. LOL

Well here I am up again because I can't sleep. Leg/knee is really hurting tonight. I am so bummed as I had 2 days of pain free and no pills or anything and now since therapy yesteday it's bugging me. I took 2 vicodin and am waiting for them to kick in to go back to bed.

Apples, have a safe drive. Going to miss hearing from you for a few days on here.

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Bye-bye! Talk to you all in a few days (sooner if I can pull DH off of his obsession ....Ag Talk).

OK...love ya all. Almost hyper-ventilating I'm so excited to see my son. You all take care. Karen

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I'm awake for some dang reason so thought I would check in and try to catch you, Apples...... Have a great, safe trip..... I know how excited you are... Hope it meets all your expectations... You are such a blessing to us all..... Take care and have fun............ Julie

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I'm awake for some dang reason so thought I would check in and try to catch you, Apples...... Have a great, safe trip..... I know how excited you are... Hope it meets all your expectations... You are such a blessing to us all..... Take care and have fun............ Julie

Awww....thanks, Julie. You have a good "solo" flight. You will be fine. See you when you guys get to the condo. I'm Laura's backup if something comes up for her. Hope you don't mind the wait till Eva and Janet get in. Really only a little over an hour.

Hope everything works out with Mimi. You are a good GM to take such good care of her. Take care and talk to you soon. Sending loves.:thumbup:

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Good morning GIRLS!

I tried to scan the million pages of posts in the last two days... OMW... I read... shopping.. ann taylor... coach... outlet... i will shop... i don't shop... and up calories. I will gladly up my calories as we shop for Coach bags!!! : ) And I have a GPS~ so NO fears, give me an address and I will find the place and give you an ETA!!!! I am feeling a new coach bag coming on... someone get me a coupon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have only had two in my whole life. My mom and dad gave me one when I was 30 and another when I was 40. I use them every day. (boring i know) My birthday is Feb 20... so look at that timing!!!!!!!!!!!

Fly by.. will write more after I take Nels to school!


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Good morning!!

Laura, at least we will recognize you when you pick us up...we've seen so many pictures, you won't be hard to find. PM me with your cell phone also please...thanks.

The scale is finally moving in the right direction. Yipee!! I bought new multi-vitamins yesterday...Vitamin Warehouse...and they are supposed to be good ones, no sorbitol or other really weird fillers. Well they taste like crap. The aftertaste is lingering and hard to camouflage. I usually take my pills at night before bed....all of them, and after trying those vitamins...decided to try and take them in the AM so I could eat something to hide the taste. Not sure if that is working. I firmly believe a Multi-Vitamin is necessary for me. I know I don't get all the nutrition with what I eat either now or before banding. I rarely get sick so I think they help. I may have to go back to Centrum Silver chewables. They didn't taste good either but they were manageable. Okay so much for the petty worries of my life.

Off to the pay check producing machine.

Oh Janet, I can dress better, but I just spent 2 years in oversized big shirts because I couldn't find t-shirts that fit comfortably. I'm thrilled to be able to wear that huge collection of t-shirts. I also spent that time in stretchy pants, not necessarily jeans and I'm thrilled to be back in my jeans. I am looking forward to that time when I have to buy new clothes because nothing I have fits. I'm thinking that may be a while, but it's going to get here. Then, we are going shopping my friend. I'll meet you in Phoenix or Indio and we'll do a shopping spree.

Gotta go.

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I haven't been on much because my internet connection at home has been down.

Apples, have a safe trip! And no stopping at all the Ann Taylor outlet stores on the way!

I'm at work and need to go help put together rock kits for kids...we have a big production of them once a year and all the employees of the geological Survey are in a big room stuffing rocks into plastic bags and into boxes. Fun. (Except the chert (flint) cuts your hands!) Talk to y'all later.

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Good morning lovelies!!

Well Apples should be well on her way, praying she has good roads and is out of snow, cold and ice real soon and has her arms around that son of her's in no time.

I am going to take Grandma out again today since I have a free day and she's game for it.

Wouldn't you know it, I got a Coach coupon in my email today, was all set to print it and maybe a few extra copies for our meet in FL and it expires on Jan 31st so I am hoping I get another one after that. If so I will print extra copies.

Going out tonight as well, DH & I are going to our favorite Mexican place. I eat the innards of 1/2 a burrito and usually am just fine, however, lately I am eating too much. Not gaining though but I am so afraid it will catch me in the butt litterally. I have a fill appt tomorrow. I don't like feeling this hungry and more out of control. I still am about 4 ccs lower than I was before my knee surgery and don't want to go as tight am thinking about half way.

Laura, can't wait to meet you!

Eva, you too of course, I take teh Centrum Silvers as well. Not the greatest but they seem to be doing well for me. I do the chewables as well in the morning and then eat and it helps with the taste.

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Good Morning Gang

Well I didn't get to sleep til around 11:30 - Midnite - but I stayed in bed ;0)

Apples - Please be safe - I know you can't wait to see DS...

Great - I will most likely throw in a suit - but 72 isn't swiming weather for me - 72 is almost sweater weather - it's long pants and closed in shoes not sandel weather for me - But for you girls with minus 30 degrees snow ice etc 72 is summer for you all - I haven't ck'd my email yet - but I would have gotten the same one as you - Ya hopefully we get some more before we go..

WNTW is on tlc Friday nights at 9:00 cali time... The new hairdresser was on some hair dresser reality show competition a few years ago...

I first saw the english verision of WNTW with the 2 english chicks - I liked them.. Never saw the curly hair guy -

LOL I ck'd out how much to get cut by Nick too !!!! Yep that's how much pple pay in LA and NYC for hair - I would do it as a reward - I went to Jose Eber back in the 80's and spent $200 cut & color - but that was my reward for losing 60 lbs.. and all he did was suggest hair style to fit my face and hair type - someone else cut & colored it...

I take Bariatric Advantage VitaBand chewables - I like watermelon - but am trying Mixed berry - I keep them at work and when I get hungry I eat them - I also have the Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate Cinnomon Flav Lozenges w/D - I am terrible about taking my vitimans - I will do go for a while and then slack off - then I will see to many bruises and start back :0)..

Eva - It's a date - I am a shopper !!! I was a shopper at 250 - I like to shop !!!

I wore elastic waisted pants all the time at 250 and it's something I refuse to weat today - Well I do have leggins and exercise clothes that have elastic waist ;0)

Well I have a funeral at 1 to go to - lady at work who I have worked w/since 1974 - husband died last week - bummer I hate funerals...

Gotta get to work - CBL

Julie they have a Dress Barn Womens - cute clothes - don't over pack - leave some room for a couple purchases :0)

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I am having a good day today. I got a 94 A on my anatomy and physiology 2 exam. Yeah! And My hubby said he is getting a BIG raise at work. His boss and the owner of the company want to go out to dinner tonite. I am so nervous. I have a million what if's running through my head. Worse, What if I eat too fast or too much and get sick? His boss knows I had the surgery, what if he starts asking questions about it? He is soo curious about it. He has asked my hubby a ton of questions about it. I am embarrassed that I let myself get so big. Thats why I don't like to talk about it much. Anyway, all these worries and I know it is just social anxiety. I just have to remind myself that I have done things that are much harder than going out to dinner.

Janet, Something you said about when you eat out. You bring home the leftovers. I was told that the band didn't like reheated food. I take it yours does ok with it?

Plus, just a little ettiquet question. Is it impolite to bring home a doggie bag from a dinner that is this important, expecially if they are buying. I don't want to come across as cheap but jeez they know how much he gets paid. Don't want to be tacky.

Anyway my excitement over everything is feeding my nerves. I think I'll go take a bath. While there is hot Water. Precious commodity in this house.

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Jessica, I eat reheated food all the time -- I cook and have leftovers and no problem -- I bring home food from restaurants no problem -- Just make sure you don't dry it out -- that is probably why they warn you about that I would think. But I know Janet cooks one pot wonders and has them over several days -- I do too. And in my opinion, taking home a doggy bag doesn't make you look cheap -- it makes you look like you don't like to waste food - I don't think it matters who is buying -- at least in my opinion. I bring home food all the time. As far as talking about the band, don't be embarassed if it comes up - especially if you know your dh's boss is so interested in it -- I think Biggest Loser has helped dispel a lot of what people think of overweight people -- I don't think anyone worth their snot is going to judge someone (you) just because you are overweight - you are a lovely, smart intelligent girl with a bright future and that's going to shine through anything else. You dress us and go strut yourself and have a good time -- they are going to love you just the way you are -- don't worry.

Janet, we are twins, I do wish I could come to Florida -- I am really crying over not being able to shop too. I've never bought a Coach purse either - I'm usually too cheap -- I do have some cute purses that i designed at a purse party -- they weren't cheap either but I've never even been to a Coach store.

Gotta run, am at work. CBL. Got up and did 1 hours of exercise. DGD spent the night -- all is okay hopefully her mom will get out of hospital today. I need a restful night -- I'm tired.

Apples, I miss you already.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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