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Julie...to quickly answer your question...just pay me when we get to FL. Thanks for the offer though

502.......batting a thousand today!

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My fifth graders had a fartfest yesterday after lunch. They claimed it was the cheese. I had 10 of them in a tight semi-circle around my table. I was using an overhead and everytime I looked up they had their shirts pulled up to cover their noses. They all looked at Phillip who has a well-deserved reputation but he said, "It wasn't me this time."

No one else would fess up so I told them to please go in the hallway as needed and I would not get them in trouble. Three of them immediately headed for the hall. I taught the rest of the period with students popping in and out of the room. One of them might have just been imitating, but we were playing a game and they really wanted to see their team win. Marquise came back in the room with a look of desperation on his face, jiggling like crazy so I said, "Why don't you go spend some time in the washroom!." He scuttled out of the room yelling, "Thanks!" over his shoulder. Michael kept saying, "It was the cheese Mrs. Flory!" while clutching his abdomen. He tried to stay in the room because he was coming up with all the answers for his team, but I finally dismissed him to the washroom, too.

We made it through the period with me calmly ignoring it all for the most part, but at the end of the day, in front of a group of girls who come to me after school, I started laughing until the tears were rolling down my cheeks. Seeing that look of desperation on Marquise', the naughtiest kid in the school, face, was priceless.

Then I got on FB last night and someone had posted this joke which I will try to relate to the best of my ability.

A man came up to the pharmacist's assistant and asked for something to stop his cough. The assistant was out of cough medicine and gave him something else. Later the pharmacist came back and saw the man leaning on the wall. He asked his assistant what that was about. The assistant replied that the man wanted cough medicine but he gave him a laxative. The pharmacist was horrified and said that you can't treat a cough with a laxative. The assistant pointed to the man leaning on the wall and said, "Yes you can. See, he's too afraid to cough."

Thought y'all might like to laugh tonite. Enjoy.

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I guess my lack of food intake yesterday paid off. I was down a whole 2 more pounds this morning. Making a total of 20 pounds. Felt good after having such a tough day yesterday. I even managed to get some food in me today. Half an egg for Breakfast and chicken for lunch and dinner. Don't have room for anything else but Protein. I guess yesterday I ate too much too fast. I ate really slow today waiting for the full signal. I never got it at dinner but didn't want to push it. I did feel some gas pain though so I just stopped and took some tylenol.

School has got me really busy I am taking 3 classes and will be on campus 4 days a week. I have a ton of reading to do already. I hate the feeling of being behind. The people in my classes also seem more serious about school than last semester. More competition for the nursing program.

I hope everyone is doing well. I really do apreciate all your support. I can't wait to meet most of you in Feb.

Welcome to band land Jessica - only room for protein - and yes it is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT to take tiny bites (size of an eraser), chew very very well, eat off sandwich plates and use small forks & spoons...

You are still healing inside - you don't want to pb - I had 10 days each phase full liquids - mushie - soft - regular.

Learning your new full is totally diff than your old full and it takes awhile - - I would say one more bite cuz it tasted good and I wanted to eat more - but that one more bite would come right back up..

Hi everyone. Had hair appt. last night - needed to get my gray roots covered I made the appt. for evening cause I thought I was going back to work sooner. Will definitely go back next week -- see surgeon for follow up on Monday.

I taped Biggest Loser and watched Idol and then watched Biggest Loser later -- irritates me when two favorite shows are on at same time. Thank goodness for DVD and Tivo. Poor DH has to put up with my reality tv but he watches too usually. I was shocked that I actually enjoyed Victoria Beckman - I thought I'd hate her -- she was actually a quite pleasant judge. I think I like her better than Kara. I agree, I think AI will do downhill when Simon leaves, I really do like Simon -- I almost always agree with him. Not sure if I will like Ellen on there as a judge - have to wait and see. Frankly, I was sick of Paula so not really missing her. Never was much of a fan of hers.

Had lunch with friends today - it was 45!! DH got the Christmas lights/decorations down from outside - thank goodness it warmed up enough - I'm so glad he waited and didn't try to do it when it was so cold. Had a nice long afternoon, then stopped at another friend's house and saw her new addition on her home -- had coffee with her Got home around 5:00.

Spent the morning exercising -- 120 mins. of walking/jogging/walking with weights. I am glad I got some new tapes so I can mix it up a little and I'm hoping using the weights will help kick start a new weight loss for me. I've kicked up the exercise in hopes the scale will move down a little by next week.

Jessica, I'm really surprised your surgeon is moving so quickly on the foods -- be careful -- my doctor didn't clear us for soft foods for a long time after surgery -- it was 1 week of Clear Liquids, 2 weeks full liquids, 2 weeks pureed food, then soft foods -- so altogether almost six weeks -- I'd just be extremely careful. I've been "stuck" a few times but so far (knock on wood) I've never had the "sliming" people talk about - I've been very lucky. I would just be super careful. I don't know why some surgeons are in such a rush to get you to eat soft foods. It seems to me that our bands would benefit from healing longer at first, at least in MHO.

Welcome to all the other newbies.

Julie glad to hear you're sleeping better. Lori, I had some trouble sleeping well since surgery also -- finally this week feel like I'm sleeping better. It's going to be hard to get up at 5 next week -- I'm going to have to set my alarm starting tomorrow to get used to it. I really wish I could stay home from work until Spring! Ugh.

Laura, hope your dad starts to feel a little bit better soon, at least well enough to talk on the phone. It's a hard time for all of you, keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Apples, I think it was smart to cancel one of the condos -- I thought at the beginning two would be enough - heck we usually have at least 6 in a two bedroom condo for vacations -- and sometimes as many as 8 -- it's more fun the more the merrier usually.

CBL. Linda

Linda - Ya I love DVR's so much better than vhs and disc .

I watched AI til about 9:30 and went to bed - taped BL - need to finish them tonite - Ya Posh wasn't so bad - and I love Ellen but again she doesn't have a music back ground - we will see...

Simon leaving AI and doing Xfactor - which I think will replace AI - I love Randy though and I am w/you on Kara - but she was better last night and Posh was good..

WTG on the exercise - I have scheduled myself for a tweak next week - I use to be full at lunch on 1 cup of food - but lately that's grown to 1.75 cup and I will be hungry an hour later - maybe it will be like my last fill 1/08 where just .1 did it - Like Melissa say - I think I need more of a head fill than a real fill - but going anyway - I haven't seen my doc since 5/08 - I did see the Doc when we recorded the commercial last October - but that's the last time I have seen him

Evening........ Apples, I agree about the condo... Good idea.... Do you need us to send you any money yet??? I sure can if it would be easier for you......

I e-mailed Meredith today and she answered.... is fine, very busy, and has a very ill relative.... She says she will try to check in tonight sometime.... At least we know she is okay.....

Apples and Great...... You are both lucky that you lost all this weight now before you become grandmothers because let me tell you trailing a 2 year old at56 and 387 pounds was dang near impossible and 108 pounds later it is still tough..... It definitely has its perks, though..... Hugs and kisses from your own grandbaby are the best of all......

Sorry some of you have been having sleep issues.. I know what that is all about....... mine is better and I hope yours will be soon..... My shoulder is bothering me tonight and this is an odd time for it... It's usually much later when it starts to hurt.... May take my pain pill earlier tonight....

We had a wonderful day today.. DH took Mimi out to play in the snow and ride uptown in the wagon.... She had a blast...... No snow in the forecast and 30ish temps for the next few days... I like this unless it starts to rain... That is the worst of all.... ice.........

Arlene, hang in there... things will be better soon....

Time to get supper and try to relax a bit... Had my brother, mother, and a friend here for lunch today so DH settled for leftovers..... Makes me happy....


Julie - Hell I'm 143 (hopefully tomorrow ;0) and I couldn't keep up with a 2 yr old !!! I don't see how you do it - day in and day out - I love my DGDers but I don't want to be with them every day - I guess since I raised my GS for the most part I got all that out of my system.

Hope the pills kick in and you sleep well tonite

Hi im Tammy and I am glad to have found sum support. I hope it is not too late to join in your group. I was banded march 14 2008 and lost 74ils but I was working out 5 days a week and 2 hrs a day. it was too much workout and I was not gettng filled because of the rapid weight loss. I had no energy so i stopped working out and my doctor would not filled me on a regular. so now im with a new dictor I just got unfilled because of the bad acid reflux,

I am totally depressed because I have not lost weight in 8months, its because I am eating all the wrong foods and dont have the motivation. so 2 weeks ago I recommitted but it has been the hardest thing to do. I dont really think i need a fill because I do not want to be too tight.

today was not a good day. I cried because I started out with fat free yougurt and a 1/4 granola then 1 hour later a turkey sandwich on brownberry bread(havent ate bread in about 6 months) then i ate sum caramel popcorn and crackers. I wasnt hungry but emotionally ate because of issues with hubby. I did go to the gym and work out for an hour. havent been there in about 4 months.

I said all of that too say I need help. I want to be a size 12. I am a 20 now was a 26/28. can you help:frown:

Tammy - Welcome & Hugs for your struggles..

How to get re motivated - Well I don't have the answer for that - if I did I would be a millionaire lol...

Ya I know how hard it is to get it back since you lost it - that's the # 1 reason this has never been a diet for me - but a lifestyle change in my eating.. And as far as over exercising - I figured that one out w/a conversation with my Uncle - if you work out like that it can be come a chore and you don't enjoy it - and if you don't enjoy it - you quit..

So I limit myself to 1 hr period and have done 1.5 max. 3-5 days a week - you have to have some time off - during my weight lose phase I was at the gym 4-5 days a week - now it's 3-4 with a day or 2 of my wii in the mornings..

So sit down plan a menu for a week - shop for it - and throw out all the junk you have in the house (better in thee (trash) than in me) Eat your BF (150-200 cal) - mid morning snack (100 cal) - Lunch (200-300 cal) - mid afternoon snack 100 Cal - dinner (300-400) Cal and then evening snack 100 Cal

On the low side you will consume 950 cal - on the high side you will consume 1150 - keep a food diary - eat healthy don't diet - eat low fat - sf - limited carbs..

Come and be accountable to us - and eating cuz you are upset w/dh isn't hurting him - it's hurting you... You deserve a healthy life..

Get back to the gym - but don't make it a chore - say ok today I am going for 1/2 hr 3 or 4 days a week - then in a couple weeks increase that time to 45 mins so on and so forth..

We are here for you..

Girls! I am alive!

I've had so much going on lately. Pretty much I've been on the brink of tears for the past two weeks at any given moment. My grandma is extremely ill and 2 of my 3 aunts are treating her horribly. When I say horrible, what i mean is evil. It's so sad and just breaks my heart. School started again and is just running me ragged all ready. I'm burned out and have "senioritis" to the max. May cannot come soon enough.

I just feel like if I log on and tell you all of this I will sound like such a Debbie Downer. But, you girls sure do make me feel better and it is important for me to post to keep me accountable. I think that it will be easier for me to check in and post now that I'm back on a schedule. It really takes a solid schedule for me to keep on track with everything, weight loss, money management, everything! So, I know I've said this before, but I'm back now for real! I've missed all of you so much.

Ok, now for some bad news. I cannot make it to Florida next month. My best friend is having a baby in April and I am helping throw her a baby shower. Her mother decided that the date should be at the end of Feb, so we are having it the last weekend in Feb. There is just no way I can miss this much work. I already went to Cali in November, NYC in December, it is just not possible. I was really looking forward to meeting all of you. I cannot just convey to you how upset I am about this. Is there any chance we will be able to meet again in the future? I'm so sad:frown: I think that this is also why I've felt bad about checking in with you guys. I was so looking forward to this and now I have to back out. I just hope all of you will understand.

There is good news though. I am losing weight again and it feels good. One more day and I will update my ticker.

Well. I have to get back to math homework. Ugh. My worst hated. I hope that all of you are doing well. I didn't have time to read today, but I am catching up. I feel like I'm almost caught up and then you gals type a bizzillion pages in one day!

Love you all!


Meredith - I am sorry you aren't coming but understand - we always have next year :0) - Sorry about your GM - hope it's nothing serious.

Well gang going to go and see about dinner - it's 7:09 and I have the rest of AI to watch and BL


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Great...do you think that your not sleeping could be a build-up from the pain medications? I had leg problems after my second pregnancy...very painful and on pain meds for awhile. After awhile it made me very jittery and I had a lot of trouble sleeping. Just a thought. Laura? Phyll? Any thoughts?

I have no wisdom to offer here, but... it has to have something to do with the surgery/pain meds I think. DD#1 having similar problems now that she's weaned off her post-op pain pills (hysterectomy in Nov). And I had the same problem after my knee surgery.

My fifth graders had a fartfest yesterday after lunch. They claimed it was the cheese. I had 10 of them in a tight semi-circle around my table. I was using an overhead and everytime I looked up they had their shirts pulled up to cover their noses. They all looked at Phillip who has a well-deserved reputation but he said, "It wasn't me this time."

No one else would fess up so I told them to please go in the hallway as needed and I would not get them in trouble. Three of them immediately headed for the hall. I taught the rest of the period with students popping in and out of the room. One of them might have just been imitating, but we were playing a game and they really wanted to see their team win. Marquise came back in the room with a look of desperation on his face, jiggling like crazy so I said, "Why don't you go spend some time in the washroom!." He scuttled out of the room yelling, "Thanks!" over his shoulder. Michael kept saying, "It was the cheese Mrs. Flory!" while clutching his abdomen. He tried to stay in the room because he was coming up with all the answers for his team, but I finally dismissed him to the washroom, too.

We made it through the period with me calmly ignoring it all for the most part, but at the end of the day, in front of a group of girls who come to me after school, I started laughing until the tears were rolling down my cheeks. Seeing that look of desperation on Marquise', the naughtiest kid in the school, face, was priceless.

Then I got on FB last night and someone had posted this joke which I will try to relate to the best of my ability.

A man came up to the pharmacist's assistant and asked for something to stop his cough. The assistant was out of cough medicine and gave him something else. Later the pharmacist came back and saw the man leaning on the wall. He asked his assistant what that was about. The assistant replied that the man wanted cough medicine but he gave him a laxative. The pharmacist was horrified and said that you can't treat a cough with a laxative. The assistant pointed to the man leaning on the wall and said, "Yes you can. See, he's too afraid to cough."

Thought y'all might like to laugh tonite. Enjoy.


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Another funny story.

My daughter had her 5 yr. old autistic son and her 2 yr. old rambunctious son with her in the Dr.s office. Autistic son started pitching a fit (probably sensory overload and havin to sit too long). She took them in the elevator to go down a level to a washroom to calm him down. In the elevator the two year old pushed the red button.

Momma said there'd be days like this....

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Evening Gang...just a drive by on my way to bed to read.

Meredith...good to finally hear from you. Sorry you cannot make FL. Was looking forward to meeting you in person. Happy to hear you are staying on track. Sorry to hear about your GM and the trouble she is experiencing.

Well...off to bed I go. We have had CNN on all night. So sad...watched the coverage on the EQ in Haiti but could barely look sometimes. Just so devastating. Makes a person feel so thankful and so, so sorry for what they are going through. Prayers for them tonight.

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Evening Gang...just a drive by on my way to bed to read.

Meredith...good to finally hear from you. Sorry you cannot make FL. Was looking forward to meeting you in person. Happy to hear you are staying on track. Sorry to hear about your GM and the trouble she is experiencing.

Well...off to bed I go. We have had CNN on all night. So sad...watched the coverage on the EQ in Haiti but could barely look sometimes. Just so devastating. Makes a person feel so thankful and so, so sorry for what they are going through. Prayers for them tonight.

I wasn't aware it was so bad til this morning (didn't watch the news last night) - and haven't watched tv tonite - just like Katrina - the devastation and lost of life - heart breaking..

Guess I will be donating to the Red Cross tomorrow..

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I wasn't aware it was so bad til this morning (didn't watch the news last night) - and haven't watched tv tonite - just like Katrina - the devastation and lost of life - heart breaking..

Guess I will be donating to the Red Cross tomorrow..

Janet...you can donate by just punching in some #'s on your cell and it will be charged to your cell bill. Just go to CNN.com to retrieve the #.

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Busy night again ladies.

Meredith, so sorry we won't be seeing you. I too was looking forward to meeting you. Sorry about your GM...also sorry to hear your aunts are behaving badly. It makes me mad that people can be so petty. They need to send love to your GM not turmoil. Wishing you the best in school.

Okay, that's about as far as my brain will stretch tonight. Got the cell site project submitted today (due tomorrow) and now I have to catch up on some other stuff. I'm brain dead and need to sleep. Hope to catch up tomorrow!!

Cheri, your story and joke were pretty funny.

nite nite.


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as I work with Autistic children..I appreciated this story.. thanks!!!

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uuughhhhh, I just lost the post I was typing. Not sure how I did that. I was up a couple times last night with Nelson. He has had fever 102.4 off and on all night. A tiny runny nose, but otherwise no other symptoms. I guess I should be thankful, his classmate Declan was out for two days with vomiting and fever. yikes. I hope this is just a 24 hr bug. We are supposed to go to Miami tomorrow! DH has a CME conference. We have a nice room overlooking the waterway/bridges. I guess even if he is sick we can go. We can just as well hang out and watch sponge bob there as we can here, right?!

I wrote a bunch of nice things to everyone... but HELLO and HUGS will have to suffice right now. I will CBL and promise to write more.

peasout... Laura

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peas......I hope Nels is feeling better soon!

Breakfast. 1/2 sandwich thin toasted. Cut a hole in it .....put in in a pan....egg in hole....cooked in Pam. Yum!

Lost a LB!

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Laura hope Nels is feeling better. Have a good time in Miami, you are right you can hang there just as good as home.

Once again I am trying to add the pic to here, it's in the signature line. Can't figure out how to get it in the pic form you guys do. Help

Laura K

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Morning girls.... today is going to be a new type of day again... DH got called to come to work.... hauling grain... so he just left and I'll be alone with my Mimi all day.... don't have much else to do so can just be with her most of the time... Maybe she will be a bit "better" if she has my undivided attention and I'm not trying to cook or bake or anything.....

After the pain subsided I was able to go down to bed at about 1:00 and did sleep until 8:00.... I'm glad of that... just wish I could find out where that pain comes from....

Laura K, when trying to attach a picture scroll down from the post you are typing and find the spot for attachments and click the Manage Attachments box. Then go from there.... it's quite simple once you find the right spot.. I had a hard time at first too...... Hit the "browse" button and find the file you want and and then hit Upload.... you can do more than one but must upload each time... Then close and you are attached.... Hope it works for you..

Laura, I hate it when I lose something like that and then have to try to do it over... Always seems like such a chore.... Hope Nelson is better soon... Those little ones keep you busy....

Meredith, I'm so disappointed that you can't come.. but understand... We'll have to try another time... Hope your GM is better soon...

Best wishes for a wonderful day, ladies.... TTYL.. Julie

Oh, the picture is of DH and me with our newly restored International MTA tractor that was my father's.... DH is just so proud of it... We sent this as a Christmas picture this year... It was so dang cold that day that I was just freezing standing there...... Bye now..............

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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