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Thanks Apples.... will do. I will call the dr in the next few days...

I did do fine with the bug I think it is because I hadn't had a fill yet, so that most likely saved me. My first fill I had 4.25cc He went up to 5.5 and backed down while I was swallowing a bottle of Water. I can "chug" a bottle of water with out it getting hung up.

I picked up a pedometer last night... So armed with my Ipod I will start doing some serious treking!

I dread the thought of ever getting the stomach bug and vomiting. My doc insists on coming in for an unfill if a person gets the bug. Happy to hear you got through it without troubles.

Will be anxious to hear how many miles you are putting on that pedometer! I have one but don't really need it. My treadmill keeps track. Easy to figure the miles out here in the country. Everything is set up in one mile sections!

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Hey Shrinkin Shan...welcome to our group. It was a pretty slow day on this thread yesterday and sorry no one caught up with your post till now. You are correct. This is a great place to fall and there's a lot of encouraging, helpful ppl on this thread.

Sounds like you are doing great. And, congrats on your 18lbs lost. Also looks like you have a handle on following the LB rules your doc set up for you. Hang in there until you get the correct amount of fill in your band. This is not an easy trip but with determination you can meet your final goal.

It is kind of funny how you come to realize that most things a person does are somehow connected with food. Almost all social situations have food involved. You just learn to do what is right for you in that situation....even if it means packing your own stash to avoid things you cannot eat in the beginning. I used to get flustered and in a bit of a panic thinking of social situations. Now, I don't even think about it. There's always something I can eat and just take it all as it comes.

If you have any question, just ask. There's no such thing as a silly one and I am sure I asked many throughout my weightloss journey.

Again, welcome and good luck!

Thank you for the welcome! I feel like I am doing fine and am very happy with the weight loss. I know if will be a tough journey but totally worth it! Yesterday was my first day on soft foods which meant that I was able to make one of my favorite meals. Unfortunately it was not what I thought it would be. Funny enough, when eating something so familiar it was very unsatisfying to eat only 1/4 of a cup!!! My whole meal was as much as I would have eaten in two or three bites pre-op!! :thumbup: At least now I know what to expect! Thanks again for the reply! Have a great holiday!

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Thank you for the welcome! I feel like I am doing fine and am very happy with the weight loss. I know if will be a tough journey but totally worth it! Yesterday was my first day on soft foods which meant that I was able to make one of my favorite meals. Unfortunately it was not what I thought it would be. Funny enough, when eating something so familiar it was very unsatisfying to eat only 1/4 of a cup!!! My whole meal was as much as I would have eaten in two or three bites pre-op!! :thumbup: At least now I know what to expect! Thanks again for the reply! Have a great holiday!

The amount you can eat just becomes a way of life like a "normal" person. I will admit that I struggled with the 1/2cup per meal syndrome at first...took me a few months to feel that a meal was satisfying. It will come...just remember to take things day by day. Like anything in life, some days are better than others.

Merry Christmas right back at ya!

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Went to the community center and walked 4 mi. in an hr. Feel great. Couldn't exercise the past two days but I did sing in choir for at least an hour and a half both days. Totally watched my food yesterday and lost the party lbs. 7 lbs from goal.

Called to set my next fill in motion. I want nice and tight for maintenance.


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Way to go Cheri, you must of been cruising. Wow so close to goal you will do it in no time.

Welcome Shrinkin Shan. You are doing great. I've only been banded since July and I'm still adjusting to the portions. Just had a fill and I am really tight and can eat just a little bit. Before this fill I could eat a lot more than I thought I should have.

Laura K

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Good afternoon. Looks like we have some new folks in the past few days. Sorry I've not kept up too well but welcome Happy and Shan.

I am doing better with my knee today sortta. I cut back on the pain pills and felt so much better in the head yesterday. But got quite painful in the night and I took 2 of the strong vicodin before therapy today and it made me loopy and nausaus today so came home and went to bed for an hour or two. On my way now to the DMV office, tried to get the temp handicap parking permit last week before surgery but since I didn't have the placard with me she wouldn't give me the new one as they overlapped 2 weeks and 'who knows what I would do with it'. So now I have to go in on my walker in pain 5 days after surgery to get it to satisfy her. GRRRRR Just hate dealing with gov't offices like that.

My parents should've arrived town today, haven't heard yet as my sisters were picking them up. They aren't staying with me this time. I have plans to see them tomorrow, just hope the knee coopperates. DH went with me to therapy and my therapist showed him some massages and manipulations he could do for me at home. Thought that was nice of him. Well gotta get goiong to the DMV office. I promise when I get better off these pain pills I will keep up more what is going on here. I miss ya all!!

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My MIL saw I got the Wii fit plus over the weekend and brought up the subject of my surgery. So far I have lost 7 pounds. At first she said if your losing weight then you prbly don't need the surgery. Then she started asking me questions. She seems to be understanding now that I explained my situation physically and about the insurance covering it. She asked me what surgery I was having and I told her about the band. Told her it will make me feel full faster and longer. That it will limit how much I eat. She said your suppose to limit your food intake to lose weight. Then I said the lapband is gonna help me with it.

Anyway now she seems more calm an understanding of what I am doing.

I had my preop appt this morning. I am getting more nervous cause it is getting so close. I keep asking myself "are you sure you can do this?" I just keep reminding myself I have done alot of things in my life that are hard but in the end worth all the work. This will be one of those things.

Also took my son to the zoo today and got some serious walking done. Today I was down 7 pounds in the past month. I am hungry all the time. I just don't want my doc to cancel my surgery so I am sticking with it.

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My MIL saw I got the Wii fit plus over the weekend and brought up the subject of my surgery. So far I have lost 7 pounds. At first she said if your losing weight then you prbly don't need the surgery. Then she started asking me questions. She seems to be understanding now that I explained my situation physically and about the insurance covering it. She asked me what surgery I was having and I told her about the band. Told her it will make me feel full faster and longer. That it will limit how much I eat. She said your suppose to limit your food intake to lose weight. Then I said the LAP-BAND® is gonna help me with it.

Anyway now she seems more calm an understanding of what I am doing.

I had my preop appt this morning. I am getting more nervous cause it is getting so close. I keep asking myself "are you sure you can do this?" I just keep reminding myself I have done alot of things in my life that are hard but in the end worth all the work. This will be one of those things.

Also took my son to the zoo today and got some serious walking done. Today I was down 7 pounds in the past month. I am hungry all the time. I just don't want my doc to cancel my surgery so I am sticking with it.

Good for you on all fronts. Keep it up.

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Hi everybody, sorry I didn't post today, but this head cold has me down..... DH has it, too, and we had Mimi from 10 - 6 today.... and she is still with a runny nose and a cough..... So, it was a rather unproductive day.... I'm tired and stuffed up and ready for some sleep....

Welcome to Happy and Shannon....... glad you are here and will look forward to getting to know you...

Jewel, glad you're MIL is coming around... It should be so easy for her to support you... and it will help you so much if she is sensitive to your situation when it is her kitchen......

Apples, thanks for taking care of the new girls.... The rest of us must be slacking off...... glad you are on top of things....

Lori, you take care..... sorry you have to tackle to DMV in this condition.....

I wish you all a restful sleep and a good night... Talk to you tomorrow, hopefully............ Julie

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Well I got to the DMV and got my handicapped placard, different lady this time and so much nicer. She even apologized for the bad one I had the other day and said how wrong she was. Lots of help it did me but was good to hear.

Okay so I've been talking about my pain pills and how they give me weird and vivid dreams. I gotta share one from last night, for a good laugh. Not sure if I talked much on here before about DH being a woodcarver we even had a craft business for a few years and he has won awards in a fish carving competition. Well the last thing he had me do was hold something for one of his fish carvings when I went to bed for a second as he painted. Probably explains why fish was on my mind. Anyhoo....

IN my dream 3 fish put on pearls and sunglasses and sang and danced the macarenna. LOL That was just one of many weird dreams. I woke up laughing from that one. Tonight am cutting out the oxycodone and seeing how that goes. My pain was worse today due to therapy I think. I even had the therapist cut one of the exercises short. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. I told Grandma I'd try to make it by her place to meet with some financial folks, my mom will be there but she wants me there as "I understand it better" Since it's for her I will do my best.

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Good Evening Gang

Sorry I have been MIA - But work was busy today - I came here to post this morning but never got around to it..

Welcome - Happy & Shannon ~~ Glad to have you join our little group - It's a pretty good group and everyone is welcome.. Jump right on in - We chat about everything you can think of from our struggles w/food and life in general..

food was good for me all weekend (well except Friday nite)

Yesterday - finished my shopping - got everything wrapped and vegged in the afternoon..

Today busy at work - I found these pita pockets at costco on Saturday 80 cal for 1 - well made ck sandwich w/avocado and lite mayo had 1/2 for bf w/apple and the other half for lunch - made a small spinach salad - but didn't need it..

Had gym tonite - had good leg workout - dinner lamb shank with roasted red tatoes & carrots - it' in the oven warming up (had this for dinner last nite)

Great - I am going to call you Tony Soprano with your fish dream - to freaking funny.... Glad you got your handicap sign. Hope the pain gets less - but sound like you are doing really well - Hope the parents visit is good this time..

Jewel - Congrats on your 7 lbs - Fantastic !!!! I also glad to her MIL is coming around -

Cheri - You will be at goal before you know it - WTG on the Exercise..

I think my 1st social outing was end of Oct in 07 - wasn't too bad - prime rib - ate slow and had 1/2 piece of cake - and drank way too much :0)..

I didn't eat out much (and still don't really) that 1st yr - I may go out to lunch once every 2 weeks and those are my treat times - my band does keep me from over eating - I gotta say that I really do eat healhty 98% of the time - I don't know why I freak so much when I have a treat - it's not like they use to be - my life with food was treats 24/7

Well, gotta feed the fur babies - cbl

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Well I got to the DMV and got my handicapped placard, different lady this time and so much nicer. She even apologized for the bad one I had the other day and said how wrong she was. Lots of help it did me but was good to hear.

Okay so I've been talking about my pain pills and how they give me weird and vivid dreams. I gotta share one from last night, for a good laugh. Not sure if I talked much on here before about DH being a woodcarver we even had a craft business for a few years and he has won awards in a fish carving competition. Well the last thing he had me do was hold something for one of his fish carvings when I went to bed for a second as he painted. Probably explains why fish was on my mind. Anyhoo....

IN my dream 3 fish put on pearls and sunglasses and sang and danced the macarenna. LOL That was just one of many weird dreams. I woke up laughing from that one. Tonight am cutting out the oxycodone and seeing how that goes. My pain was worse today due to therapy I think. I even had the therapist cut one of the exercises short. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. I told Grandma I'd try to make it by her place to meet with some financial folks, my mom will be there but she wants me there as "I understand it better" Since it's for her I will do my best.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....the fish in my dreams do the Electric Slide...B)

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LOL. I love the electric slide and the kids and I do the macarena at school all the time. I tell them we need to get rid of the heebie jeebies. They don't know that the Macarena makes them cross the midline of their body several times and we repeat it several times so its very good for the brain and for concentration. I have them do Miss Mary Mac several times, too, for the same reason. But I've never made fish do it.

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Well gang finished dinner - watched Survivor from last nite - pissed - RUSSELL SHOULD HAVE ONE...

Ready for bed - so I think I am calling it an early nite it's only 8:15 here in Cali...

Talk to you all in the a.m.

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Evening ladies....wow, I'll never get all these posts read.

San Francisco was really nice. The shopping was overwhelming for me. Too much really expensive stuff, but I did buy a couple of things. I found a little credit card/driver's license holder at Fossil that suits me perfectly, found some Christmas ornaments at Crate and Barrel, and these really goofy reading lights at Brookstone (for DH). We toured around SF on Saturday with our own personal tour guide. He was a friend of the lady we know there and he took around and showed us some very interesting things...then we wound our way up to Sonoma by late afternoon. We managed to get to one wine tasting...they closed at 4:30 and we showed up at 4:25. Then we did an olive oil tasting at another place. That was cool. Brought back 2 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of olive oil and 1 bottle of 20 year old basalmic vinegar. Flew out of SF at 6am on Sunday morning with a full plane and Phoenix was a mad house when we arrived. Glad I'm not doing that until after the new year. It was a very nice trip..now I have to catch up.

Apples, I'm with you buffet style entertaining. Show them where the drinks are and let them get it themselves. I love to cook, but I'm not a very good hostess.

Melissa, glad to hear you are joining us. It will be fun.

Cheri, sorry about the messy family stuff. I guess we all want everything to be perfect but life just isn't that way. Wish you the best over your break...enjoy the time off.

Julie, take a picture of the church in the snow...I'd love to see that. By the way, thank you for the ornament. Did you make it? It's very cool. My sister has a couple on her tree that she got from her mom and now I have one too. It's hanging off my light.

Laura....sneaky with the presents. I think having kids is the best part of Christmas. When DH's boy was younger and we had him for 1 Christmas, I had a great time with his presents. That was the only time we had him. Anyway, I give you a lot of credit for not having any modesty....it's being honest. Interesting info on the "codons". Between you and Phyl, we should be a healthy bunch. So that donut got stuck.....sorry it hurt so bad, but ain't banding a great thing!

Lori, hope you are doing a little better today. It will get better day by day and by New Years you'll be up and dancing. You are in good hands with Phyl and Laura. Okay...I just read the fish thing....LOl....I want your dreams.

Okay, I know I didn't get everyone, but I'm running out of steam. Hope you all have a great night!!


Edited by ocotillo

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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