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I'm doing good, had a dr apt yesterday. Got a fill another 1cc. I hope this helps. I have slowed right down in my weight loss. Only 4.5 lbs since Oct. I don't feel like I'm eating more & I know it is going to get harder. I am increasing my exercise & yes I am still journaling my food. lol

Still getting used to my DS home again & DD comes home tomorrow for 3 or 4 weeks. Lots of deep breaths. This to shall pass..........

All in all life is good and improving all the time.

How are you doing, ready for your fam to come and Christmas?

Take care Laura K

Laura K - Can you make it to FL - would love to meet you too. I don't want the newbies to think they aren't invited too :0)

I hear you on the family - Mine will be here 12/24 around midnite and staying til the Thursday the 30th... I thought they would be going home Monday the 28th - 12/29 is my furlough day - and I was looking forward to recouping after their visit - I love them to death and really am looking forward to having them home for Xmas - but my whole life gets turned upside down and I am use to peace and quite and with a 5 yr old you don't get that ;0)...

And you have to understand - I only have 1 extra bedroom (they still lived in town when I bought my house) so I have half of them sleeping in the living room - so my house is really turned upside down...

Deep breaths - relax and enjoy while you have them to enjoy :00

Hope the fill helps and am very glad you are still keeping a food journel ....

Lori, happy you will be home for the weekend -- it's always better at home. You must be doing fantastic -- wtg. Sorry to hear about your band problems. I am so relieved I didn't have any similar problems. As everyone has said, you know what portions you can eat and I'm sure you'll be just fine until you can get a fill and some restriction. Laura, hugs on your impossible situation, but I agree with the others, if you can do it, I'd take the family and head to NC and have Christmas with your Mom and Dad.

Here's a few pics from the other day -- Aylah decorating those sugar Cookies and me yesterday with Santa and tree - I was dressed and decided I should take a pic to prove I am up and about. LOL.

Cheri, hugs -- glad the situation with your school is getting under control, but very tough on you teachers and I'm sure the admin. You are amazing in your strength. Hugs on the DGS illnesses as well. Will be keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

CBL, just wanted to say hi.

Linda - your DGD is such a cutie !!!! And GF we beleived you that you were up and about - why would someone lie about that :0) - Looking good girl

Oh I want sugar cookies - I won't be making them til 12/26 most likely or maybe Xmas night - Hell I may just have to go buy the premade ones and frost them myself - That's a whole nother week of waiting and having all this stuff in the office is killing me - for the previouse 2 xmas's - I was no on this side of the office - we were in our own wing - so I didn't have to look at this stuff 3 - 4 times a day and know it's just steps from my cube..

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AHHHH it fees so good to be home. First thing I did was take a nap! One thing about hospitals they don't let you sleep much. I took a nap while DH went and filled my RX's. I notice the pain pills are different this time and I have 2 kinds, so maybe that is why this knee is doing better.

Sorry with the grogginess I have I am having a hard time keeping up and reading all the posts. My different pain pills are helping on the pain but make me more groggy than the vicodin, though they said this was similar to vicodin only stronger.

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AHHHH it fees so good to be home. First thing I did was take a nap! One thing about hospitals they don't let you sleep much. I took a nap while DH went and filled my RX's. I notice the pain pills are different this time and I have 2 kinds, so maybe that is why this knee is doing better.

Sorry with the grogginess I have I am having a hard time keeping up and reading all the posts. My different pain pills are helping on the pain but make me more groggy than the vicodin, though they said this was similar to vicodin only stronger.

Recoup GF - take your meds and nap...

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I'm on Christmas break! I feel like Apples! Hooray!

I'm on the outs with my daughter. Over Christmas. She wants me to ask my son why he can't make it to her house Christmas day. And I won't do that. I don't feel I'm owed an explanation, nor is she. She tried to accommodate everyone by combining me handing out presents to my grandkids and then my sister's family and my parents coming to her house and those who can stay can stay and those who need to move on to other parties could move on. Her brothers (my sons) live in Indiana and so do their spouses families so she thought she was solving their difficulties with having two parties by combining them into one, thus eliminating my having a separate party for mine and DH's children. I'd just have a party for DH's children on my own.

So my son just threw a monkey wrench into her plans. The reason probably involves his wife who can't stand my DD and other DS and doesn't enjoy herself at our parties. I don't blame her. Neither has treated her well. So I'm letting go and refused to question him on why he's not coming.

Frankly I'm not looking forward to the party at my daughter's. I'm kindof hoping she'll cancel it now. I'll just do delivery Santa to each of my kids homes. They don't want to come here because they're going to enough parties.

The Christmas Day party can revert back to my sister's house, which is a lot nicer than my daughter's, and those who have no other parties to go to can show up there. My parents go there, I go there, and my daughter goes there. My boys have trouble making it. Which makes them mad. They'd rather be with my sister and my parents than come to my house with my DH's kids or each other.

I've totally given up trying to please them because there is no pleasing them.

I'll just have my DH's kids and the one grandchild over on the 27th and call it a day.

Sounds confusing and it is. My kids loved Christmas when they were little and they especially loved going to my mom and dad's and having my sister and her family there. (Kris is only 6 years older than my daughter and is more like a big sister) Plus, frequently they got to see some of my other siblings and their kids. They're much more bonded to them than to my DH's kids so that's understandable. Unfortunately, Christmas Day is when their spouses families frequently have parties.

This sh!! happens every year.

I think next year I'll go on a cruise.

Linda, Ayla (sp) is adorable, you look great.

Laura, Nels looked so cute in his hat. Such a dilemma for you.

Lori, sorry about the unfill. I know I'd be worried too. Glad the knee is doing so well.

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Yep it's a tad confusing lol - but you know what - when kids grow up and have families of their own this kind of stuff happens -

Hell - I would just have an open door policy and whom every shows up shows up...

I don't have much family left - both my bro's are gone I have my Uncle - Stepbro & 3 nephews who live here - I don't care for my stepbro's gf much - but my stepbro was an only child so all he has is me - So I open my door to him on the holidays.

I am looking forward to DS & Family coming - but would have been just fine if Xmas had only been me and GS

I think going on a cruise next yr is a good idea :0)

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Where is everyone - busy I guess

Apples you posted more during Harvesting - I guess you and dh are having some together time :0)

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Janet, that's what I tried to do. My daughter hijacked it, changed the date and tried to make everyone come. So come next year, I'm cruisin'.

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Where is everyone - busy I guess

Apples you posted more during Harvesting - I guess you and dh are having some together time :0)

Sorry have not been posting. Crazy busy. Crop is out but there is so much to do the next week to wrap things up. Been on the road running farm errands the last two days. Long days and short nights. Too many of them the last couple of months.

As far as what we do after the harvest is over....we are concerned since we had such a late harvest that it is going to be pushing it to leave here on Jan 15 for FL. Tax appts, farm analysis, wrap the other business up for the year, meet with partners of our other business, etc. We will make it work.

Having family Christmas at our home tomorrow late afternoon. This is quite the surprise for me but will do my best to be ready....

Hi to all and most likely will not post the next couple of days. MMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAA...that was me blowing a big Christmas kiss many directions to all my friends here.:smile2:

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Hi guys~

Tickets are booked, we fly up to NC on the morning of the 24th. DH was being an absolute sweetie with this decision. He said he will be ok and busy with work anyways. He always feels so guilty when he has to work on the holidays and hates having to leave Nelson to go to a case. So I guess he will be a bit relieved with this aspect. He has to work the 24th, off Christmas but then on call 26, 27 and 28th. So, impossible for him to come. But the 23rd he will be done early- like by noon. We are going to open the gifts that are from others, and DH and I. I will take one suitcase that has smaller things. I think it is too late to risk shipping them- and then have to worry about shipping them back. Then, like one of you suggested, a few extra things can be waiting under the tree when we return. He will have 3 Christmases! He is also young enough that you can trick him with a lot, as he doesn't fully get the calendar concept. I emailed my Dad my itinerary and waited for his response. (He thought we were coming up the 26th). He and my mom are really excited. Thanks for all your support- you guys made me feel better about my decision. And amazing, I feel 100% better since I booked the ticket. I think my blues were PMS, grieving, and missing my family for the holidays. You guys are so right though- I have a lifetime of holidays with DH, and he with Nels. This could be Dad's last.

We had some very positive news for Dad today. For the first time in 2 months he was able to pee normally. (he has a tube directly in his kidney draining most of his urine). He was so excited and called us to tell us the good news. I was so happy for him- as excited as I was the day nels was potty trained way back when! ; ) I think he has decided to fight and is taking less pills. The other theory is the chemo shrunk the tumor a bit and it allowed the ureter to open a little. I hope that his stopping chemo over the holidays doesn't stop this improvement.

Great~ So glad you are home! That is awesome! So proud of you!

Apples~ Are you guys having a post harvest party? You've been extra quiet... perhaps you are having to "warm" DH up. ; )

Janet~ your family will be there the same amt of time I will be in NC. I hope I planned mine to be the "right" amount. : )

It's snowing in NC today!!! I hope there is some for next week. Nels has never seen the white stuff except in movies and pictures!!! He doesn't have any gloves or boots. I have some garden boots he could use. Not sure if the stores have gloves here..LOL. I have never looked!:smile2:

It's time for bed. More tomorrow.


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Mornin' Girls...decided to hop on quick while I'm in the middle of tasks.

Laura...happy you made your decision and and good decision at that. Your dad is going to have you and Nels around. Don't worry too much about DH. I've had to do the same thing as you because he absolutely could not join us. They are not as sensitive as us women when it comes to things like that. Good news on your dad and don't worry about him taking a week off chemo for the holidays. Good to hear that he is speaking for himself and making his own dicisions on his health. Take care and safe travel to you and Nels.

One the gloves..wish I would have known ahead of time, I could have sent him some John Deer mittins.

OK..just flying by the seat of my pants here cuz don't have time to go back and re-read.

Cheri...sorry for your struggles with family and school. Enjoy your vacation time. Let your daughter run with Christmas. Maybe she enjoyed Thanksgiving so much that she decided to take over but does not know how to tell you.

Linda...great photos. I was going to post almost that same pose with MY santa the other day. I have a life sized Santa in my kitchen that sings and dance. I found the first night we had him that the motion detector Santa is naughty. Got up at 3am for a drink of Water and her started singing and dancing. Did not know if I would get my heart restarted.

Anyway, could not post cuz my card reader somehow shuts itself off and I cannot figure out how to restart. We have Vista windows and our computer is just a couple of months old. Guess I will have to call the tech guy. I want to post Chirstmas photos.

Alayh is sooo pretty. Can I have her?

Deb...hope you can make it FL. Bring the styro balls....I'll bring the glitter..Janet you bring the glue!

Janet...already mentioned to LauraK about FL and she is a no-go. Darn.

Great...you sound so happy to be home (as I would also). Try not to panic about the unfill. If I was in that situation I guess I would just avoid all sweets if that's a problem for you during the holidays. I think you said you always crave salty. Just avoid what you can and don't worry about a few days. You will get your level of fill back. Just hope it does not take you too long. Take care of yourself, and, don't listen to me...I am in a panic about having Christmas tonight and don't know what I am talking about.

Julie..hope your cold is better. You are going to have such a fun Christmas with Mimi.

OK...can't take time to talk to everybody but read all the posts. Have another Christmas party at my house on Monday at 3pm. At least I will be semi-ready for it after today. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Edited by Apples2

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Good Morning Gang..

Laura - I am glad you are going home for Christmas and in the long run I know you will be happy that you did it too.. I was thinking the same thing about apples & dh lol :0)...

Apples - GF you could swing 12 parties for the 12 days of Xmas and be just fine - you are a master at cooking & entertaining :0)

Sure glad you have a better memory than mine :0) - last nite I had to go back 20 pages to find out where we were going - OMG I looked at our rooms - what a deal - they are great accommodations - the only problem - is the outlet doesn't have have a Coach store :0) lol.... I love the pool with the sandy beach :0)

What did you pb on :0) this was your first - that's great ..

Well gang - last night was a night that I hate to tell you about - but I must...

I ate to my heart's content last night - all said and done I and a total of approximately 2500 give or take a couple hundred - most likely a plus.

Am I happy about it - yes and no - it felt good to eat and I know that I won't repeat it today - I am headed to the gym in a few and will burn 500 cal - and now I have done it - I am over it - til Christmas - but again my band will stop me from eating 16 oz of prime rib and due to all the pple being here - I will be a little stressed so that will tighten me up too..

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Janet...yeh...I think the place we are going looks pretty good for the price. Foo drinks by the pool, outlet shopping, happy times making memories with the girls. Only downfall is the distance from the airport. Most of the places close to the airport had really bad reviews when I looked at them. We will make it work.

Something for everyone going to think about. I will have time to pick up what everyone needs in their condo. Water, the basics to snack on, liquor to "snack" on, etc. I will compile a list and pick up on my way to Orlando. Just want everyone to start their own list (we can share certain things) and so when the time comes, I will be prepared. I will throw in spices, etc. if we happen to cook. I'm thinking I'll pick up eggs and sausage, etc. for breakfasts and deli meats for lunches. Whatever you guys feel you need and cannot travel with.

That's one thing I love about you, Janet. You put it out there when you feel like you slipped up. I really never see it as an error. I see it as the body needing a craving fulfilled. You fulfilled and and are back riding the horse at the gym!

Gotta go. Dust Bunnies are calling.

Edited by Apples2

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Janet...forgot to answer...I PB'd on stupid Cereal. I eat cereal every night b/4 bed. Always wondered what you girls were talking about when you said you had to run for the nearest restroom. Now I know. I feel like a real bandster now.

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Good morning everyone. Apples, forgot to congratulate you on completing harvest - so much stress for you at this time of the year! No wonder you PB'd! Are your boys coming home today? You mentioned family Christmas at your house today, not sure what you meant exactly.

Had a bad day yesterday. Some times I just fall apart - things have been very stressful past several months and I had "one of those days". Needless to say it is not very pleasant and poor DH tries to ride the depression waves but it is not easy on him. Good news is that I have those "days" then I get over it as quickly as the doom and gloom comes. Doesn't happen often, but I can't blame PMS cause I don't have THAT problem anymore.

Janet, good for you - I agree with Apples. I think that some times we just need to take care ofthat craving so that we can get over it and get back to our regular eating. I think part of it is all the temptation you have to endure at work -- it's so hard on you to say no CONSTANTLY -- it's so unfair (in many ways) but we also need to remember that a "little" is not going to "kill" us but I truthfully, I know we all panic cause we don't ever want to go back to our out of control eating as we had before. That's why we all need each other here, cause we are truly the only ones who understand how we really feel. I know DH tries, but he has no idea.

DSS moved out yesterday -- this is not bad news, part of it is we encouraged it -- he just can't follow our rules -- getting sick with his diabetes and not taking readings or insulin was a deal breaker for me -- it's a shi!!!y time of year to do this, but he's gotta grow up and figure out how to take care of himself. I just don't think we are doing him any favors by allowing him to abuse his body as he does. Tough love truly is the hardest. I still worry, I still want to make it "all better" with a kiss and a hug.

Laura, so glad you made your decision and yes, I agree, the men aren't nearly as sentamental about these things as we are -- he is such a great DH -- you are so blessed. It is so good for you to be with your mom and dad. Just hope the weather clears up -- I'm sure it will -- glad you aren't leaving for several days -- give them time to clear up that mess.

Lori, hope you are doing great today and feeling good being home.

I'm pretty much down to taking pain pill only at bed time -- I'm feeling really great. Apples, my Santa is same as yours - sings and dances -- Aylah is so afraid of him -- she won't go anywhere near him -- I do hope she gets over this fear of Santa!! I have an entire collection! LOL.

Cheri, you have the perfect attitude about your DD Christmas plans- good for you -- have a nice, restful break from school -- you certainly deserve a nice vacation.

Julie, hope you're doing great today. Eva, how's that shopping going? I'm so jealous as SF is one of my all time most favorite places!! Enjoy!

Phyll, Meredith, Oneday, LauraK, Jewell, and any one else I missed, I hope you have a wonderful, healthy day! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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