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My Word you have been busy - since tomorrow is my furlough friday - I had to make sure my desk was clean..

I don't remember if I had to take off nail polish when I got my lapband - I don't think so - but I did have to remove all my jewel (nose diamond ;0).

Ya Charlene you should have gotten the menorah :0) but heck my gf Starr was jewish - she celebrated haunicak(sp) and christmas

My Aunt Dot loved her sweets too at 93 - she would put sweet in low in her gin :0)... She ate like a bird too - the only thing that that I am losing is my sense of smell - I still have my taste for food and sugar - I know the sense of smell is suppose to affect taste - but that has happended to me yet :0)

Julie WTG GIRL !!! I am so proud of you !! Yep you are a grown up now - you can do this... I know that's what I though the first time I travelled alone from Cali to Fl to meet my sis for a cruise.. It's not that hard - there are always pple to help you along the way.. Once you have this trip under your belt - you will become a little jet setter ;0)

Jewels - We are all fat chicks here (even those of us who have lost our weight - in our heads we are still the same person we where when we were morbitly obese) so we understand where you are coming from - suggestion when you have time - go back to page one of this thread and read forward - you will see how much we all have incommon with all our daily and family issues.. Have fun tonite with DS

Laura - Ya you are warmer than us - no bathing suits here - but I am loving it - it's 52 right now - I have fleece pants & top that were on sale at target this week ($10 a piece) and socks on my feet - we are expecting rain. 85 omw - our average for right now is 77..

Ya you have your new uniform don't you ;0) - I bet cuz it's more form fitting than the baggy stuff you normally where is why pple are noticing ;0)...

Can't wait to see the pic's from DS performance.

Great - You are a very good GD - Hugs & Prayers for your surgery next week - you will sail thru it :0)

Apples - Darling gf - you get eye lash extensions - so I think that qualifies for a girly girl :0) - I don't have them... I get nails done year round - but toes I usually do myself in the winter cuz I am wearing closed in shoes so no one sees my toes - Heck I love it now I can reach my toes - my belly is no longer in the way ;0)

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hi Indiogirl, I am new to this blogging and banding.. it can be overwhelming.. but I'm excited. I just had my banding in Nov 09. My healing is going well, the only thing is the soreness. How long does this normally last?

Also, I've seen people with like weight trackers, how can I put one of those on my profile?

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hi Indiogirl, I am new to this blogging and banding.. it can be overwhelming.. but I'm excited. I just had my banding in Nov 09. My healing is going well, the only thing is the soreness. How long does this normally last?

Also, I've seen people with like weight trackers, how can I put one of those on my profile?

Welcome Tink - Congrats on your band

I would say that my port site was uncomfortable for at least a couple weeks - but heck it could have been longer - that was 2.5 yrs ago - and my old brain doesn't really remember ;0)

They keep moving things around - here's the link that explains how to get tricker and post pics etc LAP-BAND

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They let me have 'toes' last time for surgery and even had polish for my banding and gall bladder last year so don't think it's an issue. Just no jewelry, make up, or lotions.

Arlene, recipe sounds good, except for the rice part for me too, doesn't do well with me neither does Pasta. Maybe a side of veggies for me.

Julie, good for you for booking the flight, you are going to feel so strong and accomplished once you do this by yourself. A real confidence booster and to have all these gals waiting at the other end of that flight will make it all the more special.

Janet, nose ring or jewel? :eek:

Cheri, bummer on not getting to go to FL. I know you were looking forward to it.

Okay these Champion pants everyone is talking about...there's several 'fits' which one do you all like?

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They let me have 'toes' last time for surgery and even had polish for my banding and gall bladder last year so don't think it's an issue. Just no jewelry, make up, or lotions.

Arlene, recipe sounds good, except for the rice part for me too, doesn't do well with me neither does Pasta. Maybe a side of veggies for me.

Julie, good for you for booking the flight, you are going to feel so strong and accomplished once you do this by yourself. A real confidence booster and to have all these gals waiting at the other end of that flight will make it all the more special.

Janet, nose ring or jewel? :eek:

Cheri, bummer on not getting to go to FL. I know you were looking forward to it.

Okay these Champion pants everyone is talking about...there's several 'fits' which one do you all like?

I thought everyone knew - my nose is pieced...

I did it 6/04 I always wanted it - but thought I was too old too fat etc

Then one of our company reps came in w/her's done and we are the same age - so I did it.. Well the next time she came in it was out - her boss said something.. I know I use to kid my boss that I was going to do it - even glued a crystle on once - just to piss him off - Remember I'm a Catholic girl - tell me not to do something - I'm going to do it :0)

It's a little diamond stud - nothing big

I have the long pants - boot cut - fitted or semi fitted I think - they come in tall - reg & short

I also have the capri's which I wear in the summer for working out..

They are like yoga pants but a little more form fitting cuz of the Spanx .. I have the all black ones - I don't have the ones with strips down the side - they are in the exercise clothing section

These are the ones I wear C9 by Champion

They are usually $19.99 sometimes on sale for $17

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Where is everyone tonite???

Since I don't have work tomorrow - just had a cup of coffee - I'm cold now I want another one :0) it was really good..

Well - I guess I will go see who's on FB :0)

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They let me have 'toes' last time for surgery and even had polish for my banding and gall bladder last year so don't think it's an issue. Just no jewelry, make up, or lotions.

Arlene, recipe sounds good, except for the rice part for me too, doesn't do well with me neither does Pasta. Maybe a side of veggies for me.

Julie, good for you for booking the flight, you are going to feel so strong and accomplished once you do this by yourself. A real confidence booster and to have all these gals waiting at the other end of that flight will make it all the more special.

Janet, nose ring or jewel? :eek:

Cheri, bummer on not getting to go to FL. I know you were looking forward to it.

Okay these Champion pants everyone is talking about...there's several 'fits' which one do you all like?

Evening Everyone...hope you all had a good day.

Great...I get the fitted. Best to go to Target and try on and then go online to get your longs. That way you will know for sure how they fit. I do that with a lot of jeans and pants.

About ready to hit the hay. Long day...turned out to be another day of farmers at the table. Don't really want to get into it but by mid-afternoon I was STEAMING. I had soooooooooooo much planned for today around here. Nope, I swear DH stands out by the mailbox at the end of the driveway (it's a highway) and waves everyone in and hollars..."Come on in..she's cooking". I'm sick of cooking, I'm sick of way too many months of guys talking about nothing than farming, I'm sick of serving them, I'm sick of not being able to do what I want to do in my own home. (Maybe I want to walk around and scratch my butt..or boob or something).

DH spent tons a few years ago adding two offices and a showroom onto his Morton building. He has tables, chairs everything but he has to drag everyone off the street.

WHEW...that felt good to vent!

OK.. thank you...it's off my chest.

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Where is everyone tonite???

Since I don't have work tomorrow - just had a cup of coffee - I'm cold now I want another one :0) it was really good..

Well - I guess I will go see who's on FB :0)

I'm here, Janet....I must have been ranting at about the same time you were posting.

I drink coffee right up until bed time. Always have....always will. I love my coffee!

Have a great day off tomorrow!

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Well I was lonely :0)

Vent away - I would be venting too !!! I was like when the kids where here - Loved having them but it does interfere with things that I wanted to do..

As you all know they are coming for Xmas - I had the choice of 12/22 or 12/29 as my furlough day - at 1st it was going to be 12/22 but then decided that I would take 12/29 and have a recoup day after they leave ;0) (well hopefully they leave by Tuesday) DIL has like a week off..

Yep - I'm like you too about trying on 1st then buying online you never know how things are going to fit..

I have the reg to wear with heels and petite's to work out in

I don't usually have coffee at night - it will keep me awake - I did get some Decaf of the new starbucks instant - but tonite I don't have to go to sleep and get up at 5 - I should cuz I need to hit the gym - cuz I have to be at the doc at 8:45. But we will see how I feel in the morning :0)

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Vent away Apples. Will it be over soon now that the harvest is about done?

BTW, I think you are a girly girl you get eyelash extensions. I never used to get pedicures. DD convinced me to go once, I thought they were too frivilous, but then I got hooked. I especially like the massage part.

I am sitting here waiting for the dang phone to ring to know if I have to go in to work. Thing is it is after 9, if I have to get up at 4 I want to be in bed now. There is talk that we will not open and will close down for a week for our annual cleaning as long as we can't allow anyone into the weight room right now anyway, the usual annual shut down for cleaning is the week between Christmas and New Years. If that's the case I have to go in and clean at 8am for the length of the shift I was supposed to work. But it takes a board to make that decision and they are meeting tonight and then the gal I open with and I are suposed to get a phone call. Can't anyone just make a decision, why must it be a committee? I am pretty sure I don't have to be there at 5 and that it's mostly a choice between not going in or going in at 8 to clean. I was so hoping to get out of that cleaning this year since it would fall during my time off for my knee surgery. It's not fun.

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Vent away Apples. Will it be over soon now that the harvest is about done?

BTW, I think you are a girly girl you get eyelash extensions. I never used to get pedicures. DD convinced me to go once, I thought they were too frivilous, but then I got hooked. I especially like the massage part.

I am sitting here waiting for the dang phone to ring to know if I have to go in to work. Thing is it is after 9, if I have to get up at 4 I want to be in bed now. There is talk that we will not open and will close down for a week for our annual cleaning as long as we can't allow anyone into the weight room right now anyway, the usual annual shut down for cleaning is the week between Christmas and New Years. If that's the case I have to go in and clean at 8am for the length of the shift I was supposed to work. But it takes a board to make that decision and they are meeting tonight and then the gal I open with and I are suposed to get a phone call. Can't anyone just make a decision, why must it be a committee? I am pretty sure I don't have to be there at 5 and that it's mostly a choice between not going in or going in at 8 to clean. I was so hoping to get out of that cleaning this year since it would fall during my time off for my knee surgery. It's not fun.

If they haven't called by 9 p.m. then I would say no work @ 5 a.m. tomorrow..

I agree with you why can't pple make an executive decision with out calling a meeting and discussing it to death and never coming up with an answer anyway..

Hope you don't have to go in at 8 though :0)

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Hey, you guys still up??? Hopefully you are all tucked in and sleeping by this time... It's 1:30 here... I've been doing pretty well the last couple of days.. Actually slept all night in bed with DH last night.. He was shocked, of course!! So, tonight I went to bed but didn't take any sleeping or pain pills..... No pain tonight, so why take the dang pill........ Well, I rolled around for quite some time from 11:30 to 12:30 and then must have dosed off, but only to wake at 1:00 with aches and pains, but not my shoulder!!!! Go figure... I guess those pills have been covering for other things I wasn't even aware of!!!.... Anyway I had to read your posts and Apples, I surely do understand your need to vent a little.... I'm a very organized type and make plans and when someone messes with my plans I get grouchy!!! I'm glad you got all that off your chest.... Did you happen to tell DH he better not do it again for at least a week or two??? Hope this new day is a better on for you...

Lori, hope you know what you're doing tomorrow... I don't like the sound of you cleaning for 8 hours this close to your surgery.... might hurt something..... I'm hoping you have the day off and enjoy it emmensely....

Janet, it sounds like you aren't having a bad time adjusting to this furlough day... If it wasn't for the money, it would be a good deal.....

Just for your information.............. I hate coffee..........and everything about it... DH is addicted... He is a 37 year recovering alcoholic and evidentally drinks coffee like he used to drink beer and liquor.. I never knew him when he drank... But this coffee thing wouldn't be so bad, but he makes such a mess with it.. He spills making it, pouring it, drinking it........ And everywhere... the counters, the living room....(hard on carpets, thus another reason to consider something other for new flooring in the spring!!) the vehicles.... Maybe if I like drinking it I would be more tolerant... but I have never liked it at all.... Then when he tries to clean it up he uses my dishcloth and wipes, but doesn't rinse the rag so it makes it stained.. I don't have a decent looking one in the house anymore because of that... When he was gone for 15 months on active duty in Iraq from 12-03 to 2--5, it was the only thing I didn't miss about him... I even got to missing his dirty socks laying everywhere.....(That's a whole new vent, so won't go there....) So, there's my venting for the evening, too.... This site really is like group counseling... They sometimes tell you to write your feelings down and then throw it away... just get it out... I guess that's what we do here sometimes...

Well, I'm hoping my pills will kick in soon, so nightie night everyone... Hope you are all snoozing away....

Til tomorrow.............. Julie

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Mornin' Girls....woke up all refreshed (I promise...no rants today). Hey...that really did help to vent. Jumped in bed a few minutes after typing that rant and peacefully went to sleep...thanks for listening. I had just had it up to my eyeballs. You'd have to live here to get the true picture but I know you guys understand anyway. In fact, I am so calm this morning, I'm not even ticked off that someone searched out and ate my large Marathon Snickers bar. I even hid it so I would have it for Breakfast this morning. Well...not really hidden, just in the back of the Protein Bar container.

Great...hope you are still all snuggled in your nice, warm bed and not having to go in...not even for cleaning.

Yep, I guess you could call eyelash extensions being a girly-girl. Never thought of those when I wrote that previous post. I have never been to a spa or had a massage either. Can't even tell you why not. I don't do manicures due to the work I do around here. Telling DH this morning that when farming is done, I'll give it all a try.

Great...we are not done with corn harvest yet. Going to start sometime after noon today when DH catches up with corn drying. We have a few days left. Usually goes quicker but drying time is so long in between picking. We are all about ready to be done.

Will talk to you all later.

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Good Morning Gang...

Yes Julie - I am loving my furlough fridays !! I am lucky enough right now that the loss of the $$$ isn't going to kill me - cuts in to my shopping $$$ but I'm ok for the most part - I love the time off.. 24 days furlough days next yr and 22 vacation days - so that a good amount of time off when you count the holidays too - I think it's what the doc ordered for my sanity..

Yep this is our group therapy :0) ...

Well I am headed for the gym around 6ish - got up at 5 - having my coffee - I HAVE to go to they gym... I feel awful cuz I have only been once this week.. So I will get it in before I go see the ortho doc this morning

Just got dressed even that feels good - on my second cup of coffee - will be headed out in just a few

Plans today - doc 8:45 the I have to get nails done they look awful - need to find a pretty red - I have a whole shoe box full - I take my own polish to nail shop that way if i need a touch up I can do it - rarely have to but ya never know..


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Good morning, the dreaded phone call came at 945 last night, I am going in at 8 to clean but only am going to stay til 1030 or so. I had plans at 1130 and they are about 45 min away. They can't expect at that type of notice for me to be able to change everything. It also puts me in a quandry for next week. I was planning on working Monday & Tues before my surgery on Wed. however my normal hours are 5am to 830am. I have an appt with my Grandma on Monday at 9 and a hair appt on Tues. at 9. So I am thinking of talking to him today and making today my last day before surgery, unless I can go in at 5am and do my portion of cleaning on my normal hours. They are shutting down all next week for our annual cleaning, it was supposed to be the week between Christmas and NY's. If it's a big deal, I'll just quit. I guess that's the nice thing about this little job of mine. It's something for me to do to get out, make a little extra money, but I don't have to have it, so I have that freedom if things get hard or I no longer like it, I can quit instead of feeling stuck in a job I don't like. I think he'll work with me though, no one else wants my early hours and I'm very dependable to be there and open every morning.

I used to get my nails done every other week with acrylics for years until a few years ago. One of my moves I couldn't find a decent nail place so took them all off. Then my own nails underneath were so thin and damaged that once they grew out I never went back to getting them. I thought of just getting a manicure but never have. But love my pedicures. Janet, I have OPI Dear Santa Red on and it's very Christmasy if you need a good color.

Janet, good luck at the ortho doc, hope it's nothing serious with your knee.

Julie, I hate coffee too. It's so messy and stinky. DH nor I drink it so it makes for peace in the house. LOL BUt every WEd. when I have this group from church that meets at my house, I have to make it and I just hate hauling out the coffeemaker for that and worse cleaning it after. When my folks come to visit that dang thing is out on the counter and on all day long.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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