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Hi everyone,

So last night at my book club, the food was great, but I had a hard time. I think the social aspect is what got me nervous, and I got stuck and PB'ed. This is RIGHT after telling everyone in the group that I had had LB surgery! I don't think people noticed much about my "episode" except that I wasn't able to eat the food on my plate. Everyone was very accepting of the news (except for one person, I think) and very supportive.

Tonight is my lap band support group Xmas party, and we're going to have food there, too. I hope to be able to talk with the nutritionist and see if I should get unfilled a little. I've been PB'ing about once a day since I got filled last week. But I only have 3 ccs in a 10-cc band!

This time of year with all the parties and work get-togethers is a little challenging right now, with me being so tight.

Thanks, Eva, for the welcome! I'm glad you like the retro look. Our house isn't totally retro, by any means. But gradually I'm re-doing things to get back to the original look. Anybody here a fan of Mad Men? I love the decors in that show.

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Hi everyone, Welcome Tweety and good luck tomorrow on your surgery! I know you'll do just fine! Being a regular poster here will help you tremendously -- be sure to log in soon and let us know how you are doing.

Okay, getting ready to leave for my dr appt. Leg is looking really good, I'll be shocked if surgery does not proceed tomorrow. I'm so happy about that.

DSS (dear step son) pulled crap last night. Honestly, as if we don't have enough to deal with right now? You might recall he just showed up here a few weeks ago from Oregon asking us to forgive him and let him back in our home. He will be 22 in March -- he is no young kid. Well, he seemed to be doing okay -- in fact he did start work last Mon. at Walmart. It's almost like when things are going good he MUST screw them up. Well, he worked Sat. and said he was going to spend the night with a friend that we know and go to church with his family yesterday and would be home by 1:30 p.m. to get ready for work by 3:00 -- well, no show and no call -- we were frantic by midnight -- caling hospitals, police. He called in sick at work (so that job is probably gone) and we had no idea where he was. He finally called at midnight. One of our daughter's friends had seen him at 2:00 p.m. and through various people texting each other he got a message to call home. Honestly! My poor DH was imagining all sorts of things. He is juvenile diabetic. Why oh why can't these kids grow up like we did? Jeez. Okay, thanks for listening. Sorry if that's TMI. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

We have a couple inches of snow this a.m. Looks pretty. My storm door on north side is totally frozen shut this am -- use that to let our baby (dog) outside. Will have to get the deicer spray out.

Laura K, for some reason I thought you were in Missouri, not Michigan -- but we still might manage a visit - Meredith is in Michigan also.

Excited about the Florida trip. Can't wait. Thanks again apples for taking care of everything -- you are the greatest!

Janet, good going on that wrapping job. Julie, you'll be fine, but remember, you're welcome to fly to Des Moines and fly with me also. Eva, how did you get a FREE curio cabinet? Sounds great. Meredith, wreath sounds interesting be sure to post pics when you're done.

Laura, keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Cheri, my DS is much like your DH -- and my DIL learned that at the beginning of their marraige -LOL -- it was the ONLY time they ever fought was when he tried to remodel their bathroom - what a disaster -- he is great at everything EXCEPT repairing anything around the house -- not a handyman -- but then again, he was raised by me and had no dad to teach him anything like that, so it's no wonder. Glad you are making the trip to Florida. Anxious to meet you and everyone else.

Gotta run. CBL. Linda

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Julie...like Eva said...breathe deep...you can do this. We'll all help you through it.

Linda...happy that surgery is going to be behind you. Darned kids anyway. Just because that 1 in front of their age changes to a 2....doesn't mean crap until they learn responsibility and respect for their parents. I am sure he is a good boy...DH's favorite saying "There's no such thing as a bad kid, it's just some of the decisions they make that are bad". My two boys were not angels and the reason for the need to color my white hair. Thank God they lived to talk about some of their not-so-great experiences. Patience and have a little talk with DSS and tell him what you expect as far as phoning in and living at your home. I didn't mean for this to be a lecture on parenthood... I am sure you are a good momma.

OK...gonna try to clear up some questions and give some info here about the FL meet. The way I have it figured is...if there are 3 ppl in a condo for the three days the total per person would be $105.16. This includes tax, booking fee (heck I booked it, not them!), and the cleaning fee on each condo. I consider this a pretty good rate.

Laura and I talked and she cannot commit right now but will come if she can. She can grab a sleeper sofa if she does not mind in one of the condos. As of now we have 9 and one more will not put a crimp in our style and I know we are all hoping she can make it.

Ok...here's the bugger question to answer. No shuttle from the airport. They have free shuttle from condos to Disney, Universal and Sea World. I checked into fees for shuttle service and the lowest is $84 for one person and an extra $18 per person if he is pickup up a group. Outrageous! I will pick up (if you guys can coordinate your flights within a few hours of each other) at the airport. I have a truck which seats 5 with seatbelts and luggage can go in the back. I guess that would make two trips. I will put myself "out there" and commit to two trips to the airport but I would need to know everyone's arrival times and who would be on each trip from the airport. Departure would be the same way so will need to know those times as well and get definate times of when we need to leave the condo so that you get to your flights on time. The shuttle company I talked to said it takes an average of 40 minutes from airport. Hopefully, travel from the airport won't be a "cluster" those days.

OK...also I want each of you to email or PM me with your cell #'s so that I can put in my "Florida Meet" notebook and this will make it easier to meet up at the airport. If Laura is able to come, she will be driving also but I will not speak for her on picking up at the airport.

Anyone that wants to individually check into transport from the airport can. I spent quite a bit of time researching rates and, like I said above, $84 is the lowest rate I could find. Taxi would be much more.

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Hi all~

Quick posting... I will be driving up to Orlando that weekend!!! Apples, I just sent you a detailed PM. I will pay for my slot, and the only reason I wouldn't go would be something with my Dad. But he told us all not to use his cancer as an excuse to NOT LIVE LIFE. It's actually on the top of his list. He wants everyone to continue working, take care of themselves (exercise/eating/life stuff) and doing what they do. IF you have time after all those are done you are allowed to visit. : ) So, I am putting myself on the list.

I think you guys will like this place. It's very clean and pretty new. It's centrally located. Apples, one thing I forgot to tell you to ask for was ask to be in one of the "new" buildings and not next to the construction. They are in different phases of building the condos. The price was even lower when we went in off season, so we got a 3 br condo for the 3 of us, just so Nelson could go jump on beds... and have a room to just play in. I wonder if any of them adjoin? Or like a corner one connect to another for families. We can check on that.

Went to my DH's work Christmas party Saturday. It was my first time seeing most of these people since I lost the weight. (His boss knew b/c we got a pay advance since we have an exclusion on insurance). Well, I ended up telling a few of the docs and nurses b/c everyone was asking for my "diet plan" and how I did it. People reacted really positive. (but it is different when you are telling medical people who "GET IT"). I had a cute new outfit. (pants 16W and sweater was a Marc Jacobs L, not even XL!!! Althought it was a very very roomy sweather! LOL) I will post a pic. Keep in mind that Nelson took it..LOL, that's why it's a little fuzzy, he had his hand over the flash or something. The pics were taken at MY house before we left to take Nelson to his friends and then go to the party. I didn't bring my camera to the party). The last pic was taken the night before by Nelson's best friend Nick, we were having a playdate and DH came home in his scrubs..LOL.. impromtu family pic. Personally, I think I look weird when I have makeup on- which is why I rarely wear it. I don't even think I look like the same person from those two pics.

I will write more later!!!

peasout~ Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Laura...you look wonderful! Those inches are coming off even though you say your scale says differently.

So happy you are considering FL! I will call the resort and ask them to place us AWAY from the construction that is going on. Thanks for the tip and also, thanks from all of us for the sending me the link to this resort. I think it's going to be a fun, relaxing place.

I did get your PM and will get you a response sometime today in between corn loads and cookie baking (cookie exchange tonight with girls from a "homemakers" club I belonged to about 30 yrs ago).

Your dad has his thinking straight...you gotta live your life. You don't want him feeling guilty cuz you guys are giving up doing things for yourself.

OK...should mention on the departure trips to the airport...I would want to be leaving the Orlando area by at least 3pm cuz gotta get to my honey for VD dinner. Just something to keep in mind when you book.

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Went to my DH's work Christmas party Saturday. It was my first time seeing most of these people since I lost the weight. (His boss knew b/c we got a pay advance since we have an exclusion on insurance). Well, I ended up telling a few of the docs and nurses b/c everyone was asking for my "diet plan" and how I did it. People reacted really positive. (but it is different when you are telling medical people who "GET IT"). I had a cute new outfit. (pants 16W and sweater was a Marc Jacobs L, not even XL!!! Althought it was a very very roomy sweather! LOL) I will post a pic. Keep in mind that Nelson took it..LOL, that's why it's a little fuzzy, he had his hand over the flash or something. The pics were taken at MY house before we left to take Nelson to his friends and then go to the party. I didn't bring my camera to the party). The last pic was taken the night before by Nelson's best friend Nick, we were having a playdate and DH came home in his scrubs..LOL.. impromtu family pic. Personally, I think I look weird when I have makeup on- which is why I rarely wear it. I don't even think I look like the same person from those two pics. I will write more later!!! peasout~ Laura

You're lookin' GOOD! I love the pics. Whatever Nels did, I love the effect! Almost like a fade out filter or something!

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Drive by post

I have flight booked

I arrive 4:05 at Orlando International flight #1592 on Thursday 2/11

I leave 2/14 @ 9:30 a.m

How far is airport from condo ??

Laura love the pic and love your Dad's attidtude :0)

Will post more later

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Laura,a great pics of you and your family. Boy girl you are smokin hot..... Glad the people you talked to understand as I posted earlier not all do. Your Dad's attitude is so cool, my Mom was just like that too. Glad you get to go meet everyone in Fl.

Laura K

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Hey ladies, Just checking in. I got the results of my Human growth and development exam. 100! I am so excited. It was the highest in the class. I have finals the next 2 weeks.

FYI... I do plan to meet with yall in FL I just won't be staying the night. I will drive down friday and hang out then drive home after dinner. It is only about 3 hours from me.

I have talked to hubby about my Lapband a little bit. I told him I would just like to not tell his parents. Just maybe tell them I am on a diet. I would have to be very careful not to up chuck in front of them but I think since they will be at work during my surgery I might could get away with it. My Doc make it seem like such a simple procedure that I will be up and going the next day. If they ask I will just say I am having personal issues. My husband wants to wait and see how it goes after the surgery then decide wether or not we should tell them. Finally something we can agree on. So that is that.

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Hey ladies, Just checking in. I got the results of my Human growth and development exam. 100! I am so excited. It was the highest in the class. I have finals the next 2 weeks.

FYI... I do plan to meet with yall in FL I just won't be staying the night. I will drive down friday and hang out then drive home after dinner. It is only about 3 hours from me.

I have talked to hubby about my LAP-BAND® a little bit. I told him I would just like to not tell his parents. Just maybe tell them I am on a diet. I would have to be very careful not to up chuck in front of them but I think since they will be at work during my surgery I might could get away with it. My Doc make it seem like such a simple procedure that I will be up and going the next day. If they ask I will just say I am having personal issues. My husband wants to wait and see how it goes after the surgery then decide wether or not we should tell them. Finally something we can agree on. So that is that.

Jewel...I have to give you my 2 cents on this one. It's a personal choice on who you tell about your LB surgery. But, you are living with your in-laws, they really should be told that you are having surgery. Part of having a good relationship with those you love and live with is to be open and honest with them.

I took it from your other posts that there might be some barriers built up between you and MIL. Wouldn't it be nice if you had her support? And, what a better way to break down those barriers than to let her in on this let her help you. You may come up against some resistance from her to begin with but with a little information she might just be more accepting of this process than you think.

I really don't think there could be a way to hide this from the ones you live with. The surgery certainly isn't the toughest I've ever had but a person is not just off and running the next day. You need to take time to heal and take care of yourself.

As I said above, just my 2 cents. Now, if you have visions of this old lady standing on a soap box, wagging her finger at you...it's not that at all. Been around for awhile and I'm a believer that you gotta try to make situations better b/4 you give up on them. Give your MIL a chance with this. You might find out that she is your best support. If not, you really aren't out anything. At least you gave it a try and you were honest with her. Let her in and see what happens OK?

Just hope you find the right answers to all this b/4 you have your surgery. It's so important to go into this with things positive in your life. Good luck!:thumbup:

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Hi everyone,

So last night at my book club, the food was great, but I had a hard time. I think the social aspect is what got me nervous, and I got stuck and PB'ed. This is RIGHT after telling everyone in the group that I had had LB surgery! I don't think people noticed much about my "episode" except that I wasn't able to eat the food on my plate. Everyone was very accepting of the news (except for one person, I think) and very supportive.

Tonight is my LAP-BAND® support group Xmas party, and we're going to have food there, too. I hope to be able to talk with the nutritionist and see if I should get unfilled a little. I've been PB'ing about once a day since I got filled last week. But I only have 3 ccs in a 10-cc band!

This time of year with all the parties and work get-togethers is a little challenging right now, with me being so tight.

Thanks, Eva, for the welcome! I'm glad you like the retro look. Our house isn't totally retro, by any means. But gradually I'm re-doing things to get back to the original look. Anybody here a fan of Mad Men? I love the decors in that show.

I missed your post this morning, Femme...so sorry you PB'd at your club meeting. Oh well, a good friend understands what you are going through.

Try not to sweat all the Holiday events coming up. Pass up what you know you cannot eat and eat what you can. Social situations can be tricky. It took me awhile to not panic and then that would just cause me troubles. Now, a little more than a year out, I don't even think about it. It will come. Stay strong and focused.

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Whew what a busy day. I left the house at 5am for work this morning and at 330 this afternoon am just getting home. I went from work to Grandma's, helped her wrap presents, then I went to the mall on a impromptu moment. I wanted to get there this week so off I went. I looked at dressy dresses at Dillards for my mother of the bride dress. Didn't see one I liked so decided I will go back to David's Bridal and get the one I found there, will do that this weekend. But since I just so happened to be at the mall and there just so happened to be an Ann Taylor Loft store there, I just so happened to wander in. Did I ever hit a major mark down sale. She said they just marked stuff down today. For $100 I got a pair of jeans (size 12 darn it!), cardigan sweater, a blazer/jacket (dressy), black blouse, 3/4 sleeve t shirt, 2 short sleeve tshirts (they all have some flower or embellisments on them), pretty good huh?? Then I got some gadgets at the Container store and some pages for my planner at Frankin Covey. From there I went to the grocery store and got most of my Christmas groceries. There's a few things I will have to send DD or DH to the store after my surgery for. I was so busy I totally forgot to eat lunch. Never do I forget to eat. All I had today was 1/2 banana for Breakfast. But I am feeling so relieved. I was in a major panic mode of all I wanted to get done this week before I am laid up from surgery next week. This helped immensely. Still got stuff on my to do list but this took a major chunk out of it. DH goes to Las Vegas tomorrow for 2 days so I will get lots done with him gone too.

Femme, About the only time I get myself in trouble with my band these days is in social settings. I have determined it's because I am not paying close enough attention to my bite size and chewing while I am busy talking etc. But I am a firm believer in wanting to keep my restriction and fills in these situations as it's those same situations preband that I mindlessly ate and ate and ate and before you know it ate enough for 2 meals. I like how my band reminds me, that's enough.

Jewel, You will decide what is best to do as far as telling folks about your surgery. Pre surgery all that knew were my hubby and kids. I was freaked about telling my folks and in laws. I ended up telling my in laws shortly after (they live close) as they noticed me losing weight. They surprised me and were pretty supportive. My folks I didn't tell until I saw them 4 mos later (they live in FL) and was 75 lbs down. Mom was the one I was most concerned about telling. If you looked up the word negative in the dictionary you should find my mom's picture there. But with 75 lbs down she couldnt' be too negative. She is now telling me how sickly I look, how old my face looks now, etc. Just remember this is your journey and your body and health and you need to do what is best for you.

Julie, hwo did the visit at the pain doc go?

Linda, surgery on for tomorrow??? Will be thinking of you. Wish it was mine, I got one more week to go. Sorry about the step son situation. My DS is an overnight manager at a Super Walmart.

Laura, you look beautiful with the make up on! Cute photos. Your Dad has a great attitude.

Eva & Janet, did you find good airfares?

apples, you've done such a good job putting this all together. Keep in mind there's lots of tolls around the Orlando airport.

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Great...thanks for the tip on the tolls. With DS living down in that area for 4 yrs and flying into Orlando, we've become aware of the tolls. Always travel with 2 rolls of quarters when we are in that area. We don't have a toll road in MN. Wish they would do some to help with $$$ it takes to keep our roads maintained.

Good goin' on the finds at Ann Taylor. I had a day like that on Sat. at Herbergers. Help DS with Christmas gifts for GF. I had lots and lots of coupons and gift cards (2) for $15 each as a gift from company for my next purchases. Found an Ann Klien watch that had been $80 for $22, a Bracelet that had been $65 for $16.99 and a necklace that totalled $120 for $47. I love a good deal and DS no longer has to sweat the gift giving. I even wrapped them for him. I think I am letting him off easy.

I am sure all you can think about is getting everything done b/4 your surgery. You are going to be so happy when it is done.

My day was extreme. Cookie exchange tonight so made 12 doz Cookies (we exchange 6 doz.), made 12 large loaves of cranberry/banana bread, fed the dirty farmers, did the dishes in the sink as my dishwasher has been down for two weeks now. It's only 2 yrs old. Think the panel went out on it cuz it cannot let itself out of the wash cycle. There were some mightly clean dishes b/4 I noticed it! Oh yeah, also ran back and forth to the bins...how many times, I don't know...lost track. All I know is I just cannot work like a man anymore. It's taken it's toll on this body the last month. My hernia repairs are telling me to slow down.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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