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My dil is an ob nurse - she works labor & delivery..

I guess since I have been on my own since I was 16 - I am not afraid to be home alone.

I have 38 yr old DS - and 3 DGK's - my 18 yr DGS lives with me and the 2 DGD live with DS & DIL (dgs is by a diff mom and he's really my child been with me for most of his life)

I was lucky I was never a big soda drinker - so I don't miss it and if I get in the mood for one (I always drank diet) I will have one - but pour it between 2 glasses to get the carbonation down - it's really doesn't go well with the band ;0)

Glad you stuck to you eating plan today - one day at a time - that's all you can do - It's hard but it can be done - I was lucky only had 1 week pre-op diet ..

Well my gf just called she's flaking on the party tonite - so I guess I am going alone - don't really want to go - but have to - need to get in the shower soon..

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Ok gals, u have been so busy the last two days! I had a long day at work, and i have been reading all of your posts from the last two days. Almost 4 pages!

I am IN for sure for the Florida trip. I don't care where I sleep or anything. I am not picky at all, and I too am a Water rat. Love it.

Also, thanks to all of you for your info about the Fluid in my band. I was thinking the same thing for the past few days. Thats why i am not super worried about it. I thought about some fluid hiding in there too! But, thanks so much for all of your input. It really helped me to put my mind at ease.

Anyhow, I am going to watch a late night movie with andrew and then hit the hay. I am pooped.

Night, Meredith

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Hi everyone, before I forget, want to welcome both Jewel and Deb. Jewel I hope you will be able to get the support from both your DH and in-laws that you need. This is not an easy road and you need their help and support. Deb, I agree with Janet, not sure why your doctor would not want you to count calories at the beginning -- I have used daily plate since the beginning and feel the accountability of knowing how many calories has been very helpful to me -- I make better choices because I know that that small slice of cheese is 100 calories and I know how long it takes to work that 100 calories off at the gym. Most of us here have also found better success by fluctuating our caloires between 800 and 1100 -- and most of us don't subtract our burned calories either. Good luck to you both and hope you will become regulars here - it really does help to have the support of all these lovely ladies. We understand each other better than anyone else can.

I'm in for Florida. But I'm a bit confused -- aren't we piling as many people into each condo as we have beds for in order to keep the costs down? Are those prices good if only 3 people stay in the 3 bedroom condo?

Lori, hope everything works out for you -- I know about moving around too -- I've lived in Ohio, Minn., Texas, Alaska, Nevada, California and now Iowa. We moved here cause my DS was here and then he transferred out to Las Vegas last year! So you never know! But we like it here.

Had a busy couple of days. Went back to work Thurs and worked extra long to make up some of my hours for my doctor's appts. this week. Had my mammogram Thursday, already got the results, everything is fine with that. My leg looks better. Called my surgeon on Friday morning and let them know what was going on. I had my meeting witih the OR nurse for pre-op interview on Friday and more x-rays, etc. Surgeon will see me Monday morning to decide if he can do surgery. The nurse sounded hopeful and it is looking better, so I have hope it will happen.

My brother in law had emergency surgery Friday morning -- he's been suffering for over 8 months with pain in his groin area -- no one could figure it out. Well, he finally had an MRI of his upper spine area and low and behold he had a huge bulging disc -- so they did the surgery on Friday morning. He did well -- hopefully that will be the end of his constant pain. Won't know for sure until he gets off the pain meds and sees how he feels as he recovers.

Took DGD to Christmas parade on Thursday night. We always park the car along the square and sit in the car as it's always so cold. Well, she was just a blast as usual, actually spent most of the parade literally jumping up and down in the seat -- sitting in the front with me -- without her car seat is a "big deal" -- and she was yelling "merry missmas" out the window. It was so cute. I love this age (3)! She is just too much fun. I love being a grandma -she's my only grand, so I do enjoy her. But she is petrified of Santa claus -- she went to a Christmas party today at one of the churches and her mom said she just screamed and cried and won't go anywhere near him. Not sure why this is, but we are not forcing the issue. I just hope it passes in the next year or two. It's too sad to be afraid of Santa. She called me this afternoon when she got back from the party and said, "Santa scared me so bad!" I just don't understand.

Finished up my Christmas shopping on line today for my DS and his wife -- having everything shipped directly to them. With my surgery Tues., it needs to be easy for me. Got some presents wrapped today and found my Christmas cards so I can take them with me to hospital -- figure I'll have lots of time to do cards while I'm there 3-1/2 days. Plan to take some of my own food to the hospital -- 100 calorie packs, FF Jello and FF pudding cups for sure -- just want to make sure I will have what I need while I'm there. I'm worried they might not have FF things - it's a small town hospital.

Tomorrow we will babysit GD and I had taped the Thanksgiving Day parade for her which I will sit down and watch with her. I was busy cooking and didn't see it all on Thanksgiving.

Laura, hope you're feeling better - loved the pics of Nelson -- loved the JD cake -- it was beautiful -- did you decorate it yourself? 85 pounds is a lot -- of course you look different!!

Meredith, hope you don't have a leak -- you probably don't -- it's probably like Laura said -- just a kink in it or something.

Haven't been able to exercise all week with my leg infection, so feeling really lazy -- looking forward to getting surgery over and getting back to it in Januaary.

Oh, speaking of cards, my email is lvilcone@yahoo.com

Okay, gotta try to get some sleep -- tried earlier, but wasn't tired. Hopefully by now can get to it.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Good Sunday morning friends, I'm up early for some reason.... couldn't sleep and decided to get up and get my shower and then check in here... Nice to have more new people, so welcome Jewel and Deb.... This is a great place... Just don't wait too long between checking in or it takes a long while to catch up with your reading. We're a busy bunch.....

I'm 57 and got banded 8-08... Started at 387 and have lost 106 pounds.... I've had major (non-band) medical problems the last 7 months and my weight loss has been almost at a standstill for that long.. I'm hoping 2010 will get me my complete health back and a new determination to get after the next 80+ pounds I want to lose.... But I'm still happy to have this much gone. I'm married and have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren. I live in North Dakota and only have 1 daughter and 1 granddaughter who live close.. I do daycare for my little Laromi (Mimi) who is 2 1/2... My DH and I are retired so I do mostly as I please when I'm not sick or hurting.... Love to cook and bake and EAT!!!!!! Try not too do much of that anymore, but it's hard....

We got the church decorated for Christmas yesterday.. Today DH and I are covering for some friends so must be greeter, ushers, and janitor at church this morning.. I also have to read the lessons and am the communion assistant. Don't mind all this.. DH will probably have to shovel a bit of snow, but it's isn't alot..... I plan to just have a lazy day after that. Monday is my big appt with the Pain Management Specialist finally... We'll see what happens...

Linda, I was under the same notion as you about getting as many people in a condo as possible to save expenses. Hopefully that will work out... Good luck now with you surgery...

I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday..... Worship and rest........... a great combination... TTYL........... Julie

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Yea!!!! We have Julie's "yes" on FL. We will make sure you have comfy accomodations.

OK...we need other confirmations. LauraK...are you in? Meredith? Cheri? Does this work for you? Arlene? Linda? Eva?

Apples, sorry I can't make the trip this year with all of you. I just can't swing it financially. I am so jealous that you all will get to meet and spend time together. I may be able to go next year/time. I would like to meet all of you.

Laura K

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OK girls, here's the deal...

Made a call to the Villas this morning to double check on rates. I had it wrong but it worked out to be pretty good. A 2-BR (with a max of sleeping 6) is $189 for all three nights. A 3-BR (with a max of sleeping 8) is $216. Pretty low rent, I would say.

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Good morning all. So far so good today. Hubby made pancakes for breakfasts but I stuck to my plan. My son slept with me last night so I did sleep a bit better. Tonite should be much better. I intend not to cheat again today. I am trying to get creative with my food because it gets a little boring on the low carb but that swhat my doc wants. I had sausage this morning and instead of putting Syrup on it I put spagetti sauce and mozzerella. It was yummy. Anyhow just checking in.

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Good morning all. So far so good today. Hubby made pancakes for breakfasts but I stuck to my plan. My son slept with me last night so I did sleep a bit better. Tonite should be much better. I intend not to cheat again today. I am trying to get creative with my food because it gets a little boring on the low carb but that swhat my doc wants. I had sausage this morning and instead of putting Syrup on it I put spagetti sauce and mozzerella. It was yummy. Anyhow just checking in.

Mornin' Jewel...so nice to see your posts and that they are more positive sounding than last week. Sounds like you have determination to make this work and so happy you got your surgery date. Way to go, girl!

Hang in there on the boring thing with your menu. Just try to take your mind OFF of the food and onto something else. Grab the kiddo and take a walk, have MIL watch him while you take a bath, brush your teeth, pick up a book....anything that will take your mind off of the food. I would eat my meal and then promptly leave the dining area. I would wait to do the dishes just so I was not tempted to over-eat. Even if it was heading to the basement to do a load of laundry that wasn't full enough to start a load. You will find that it takes longer for our brains to catch up with our stomach when it comes to hunger. BTW...good job on leaving the soda alone.

Check in often....we are interested in how you are doing and how you are doing it. Have a good Sunday and stay strong. BTW...I admire you for going to school and having a little one. You should be very proud of yourself. :w00t:

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Apples, sorry I can't make the trip this year with all of you. I just can't swing it financially. I am so jealous that you all will get to meet and spend time together. I may be able to go next year/time. I would like to meet all of you.

Laura K

Bummer LauraK...I just think you are such a neat person and hoping you could come. Next time, OK?:w00t:

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Woohoo!!!!!!! Linda's a definate for FL!

Oh...and soooooo cute on the parade with DGD. I love kids. If my DS's would just get busy......

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Good Morning Gang...

Linda you have been BUSY ;0) Glad to her you are in for FL

Jewel - WTG on not eating pancakes and not putting Syrup on your sausage ;0)

LauraK - yep we always have next yr and hopefully the economy will be better..

Laura - Where are you...

Julie - You have a busy day..

I had a good time at my party last night - the crowd has changed some - my gf deb flaked and didn't go - but no biggie - got home at 10..

Up at 7 - having coffee - and gotta figure out why my Water isn't working on my fridge

Just a drive by - need to get moving I think I am going to wrap some presents today..

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Ok gals, u have been so busy the last two days! I had a long day at work, and i have been reading all of your posts from the last two days. Almost 4 pages!

I am IN for sure for the Florida trip. I don't care where I sleep or anything. I am not picky at all, and I too am a Water rat. Love it.

Also, thanks to all of you for your info about the Fluid in my band. I was thinking the same thing for the past few days. Thats why i am not super worried about it. I thought about some fluid hiding in there too! But, thanks so much for all of your input. It really helped me to put my mind at ease.

Anyhow, I am going to watch a late night movie with andrew and then hit the hay. I am pooped.

Night, Meredith

How cool is that, Meredith? You're comitting to 3 nights with a bunch of old ladies. Bless your heart!

And on the condo thing...you guys can pack as many ppl as you like in a condo and split the cost. Does not matter. You can bring sleeping bags if you want and camp on the floor. It's all up to the rest of you how you want your accomodations to be.

How was the movie? What did you watch? or...did you watch it from behind your eyelids????????????:w00t:

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Good morning everyone! Jewel, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for the welcome, Julie, Meredith, Great, Apples, Indio, and Laura (hope I didn't miss anyone).

I had my steel cut oatmeal for Breakfast this morning with some Protein Powder (since my fill, it's been hard getting the Protein in). I'm going to watch it and see if I need to go in for a little unfill. It's strange how doctors differ in their instructions; mine just wants you to be on liquids the day after your fill and then straight into eating solid stuff again. I'm going to try to stick to the semi-mushies for a while and see if any swelling goes down.

OK, you've all convinced me! I'm going to use The Daily Plate to record my food (already did yesterday's and starting on today). Looks like I'm getting about 800-900 calories in.

Tonight I'm hosting our book group and will have to make sure I eat slowly!! I'm making crabcakes and a pork roast and I hope I can taste a little bit. Now I've got to do some laundry and see if I have time to take in a couple of pairs of pants. I could kick myself because about three weeks ago I went and bought two pair at TJ Maxx, and now they're already too big. I mean, I'm thrilled about the weight loss, but wish I hadn't spent the $$$.

I'll check in later! Bye for now.

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Gosh...I'm junking up this thread with way too many posts. Wanted to add. 2 BR condo has 2 double beds and a sleeper sofa. 3 BR condo has 3 double beds and sleeper sofa.

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Good morning everyone! Jewel, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for the welcome, Julie, Meredith, Great, Apples, Indio, and Laura (hope I didn't miss anyone).

I had my steel cut oatmeal for breakfast this morning with some Protein powder (since my fill, it's been hard getting the protein in). I'm going to watch it and see if I need to go in for a little unfill. It's strange how doctors differ in their instructions; mine just wants you to be on liquids the day after your fill and then straight into eating solid stuff again. I'm going to try to stick to the semi-mushies for a while and see if any swelling goes down.

OK, you've all convinced me! I'm going to use The Daily Plate to record my food (already did yesterday's and starting on today). Looks like I'm getting about 800-900 calories in.

Tonight I'm hosting our book group and will have to make sure I eat slowly!! I'm making crabcakes and a pork roast and I hope I can taste a little bit. Now I've got to do some laundry and see if I have time to take in a couple of pairs of pants. I could kick myself because about three weeks ago I went and bought two pair at TJ Maxx, and now they're already too big. I mean, I'm thrilled about the weight loss, but wish I hadn't spent the $$$.

I'll check in later! Bye for now.

Alright, Deb....I love you already. You are a girl after my own heart. TJMaxx and I are best friends!

Be careful with the pork. I know we are all different and get stuck on diff things. I, for some reason, can eat it at noon but not for an evening meal. Go figure. Crab cakes sound so good. Have not had them for awhile. Think the last time was when we were in FL last year at Joe's Crab Shack.

I make a lot of steel cut oatmeal. DH watches what he eats (usually it's steel cut oats followed by a donut:lol:). I make up a pot and cook with raisins. I freeze in little Glad cups and throw in freezer. Just defrost in mircrowave. DH uses SF maple Syrup on his and I use brown sugar. I'm in maintenance stage and allow differents treats. I also throw a few chopped dates in mine.

So happy to hear that you are journaling your intake. I really does make a difference in your daily life. Makes you take a look at what you are putting into your mouth and when you take a look at it and you've gotten to your max allowed for the day...you're done.

Have fun tonight with your book club. Can I come? I'm an avid reader. Just wish I had more time this time of the year. Take care.

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