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Mornin' Gang...

Up at 4:30 am along with DH. He had to get up and go out to bin site to transfer some corn out of the dryers into other bins. He's been back in twice already for Breakfast and coffee. One good thing about the short span of sleep time lately...we sleep really good.

Still plugging away with corn harvest. Toughest year we have had in getting in the crop in 30 years. Tough on the body and tough on the equipment. Very expensive year for corn drying. At least double if not more. We're still smiling and I haven't run away yet, so life is good.

Eva, I'm good with getting a 3 bedroom with you. Janet? So happy you are coming and we can finally meet. I think we have Meredith and Arlene and Linda that we are waiting for on an answer definate answer, right?

As to your ? about the resort being on a lake. Don't think so. Just says it's located in the Lake Buena Vista area and the next thing it say is: "On the doorstep of the fabulous Lake Buena Vista Factory Store". That's their way of putting the lure out for us girls!

Sorry things might not work for you to come to FL, Cheri. Was hoping each and every one of you guys could make the trip. I understand though.

OK...would like to get this thing wrapped up here in a couple of days but Arelene is gone for a couple of weeks. We could always book an extra 2 BR and back off on it by the cancellation date. I am thinking we should have 2-3 BR and 1-2 BR. Does that sound about right?

I could use my remaining personal day on Friday. I could fly up on THurs nite or during the day Fri. (I'd have to check out flights and dollars. It might be cheaper to fly out Thurs. nite.) I could fly back Monday aft. or eve. since I am off work.

I'd definitely want to share with as many people as possible to keep costs down, especially with that many nights.

What's Feb. weather usually like in Orlando area? My kids are there with their kids right now and I'm hearing lot's of rain.


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Thanks Phyl. I would be able to travel back to visit easy so that would be a bonus. I don't want to go into any detail of what the possible relocation is etc. in case someone I know finds me here but we have discussed it pros and cons and are sortta leaving it up to God at this point. I know my kids will be fine w/o me here and I will survive as well. There are no grandkids yet, though I want them bad. And even if we did stay here, there's no guarantee they wouldn't move either. I am used to moving and have always thrived where planted.

I do have that adventurous side as well, Apples. We have moved many times in order I have lived in: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Utah, Georgia (sortta), Utah, Las Vegas, Utah, N. California, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Colorado, the longest I have lived in a home is about 5 yrs, shortest 10 mos. I have always bloomed where planted and made it home. I really have no roots anywhere. Colorado seems most like home as this is where DH & I met and grew up since junior high. Only my daughter was born here though (we are all born in different states). If I lived anywhere else, I would be welcoming the move. If I did leave here, my sisters would still be here to take care of Grandma though they'd have to step it up from what they do now. We need more specifics of the possiblities and have talked about it. We have always figured we'd move around until retirement. Apples, I hope you get to do some travelling once in awhile to quench that wandering spirit. Heck, I'd always meet you some place!

Well we got our tree up, I got presents wrapped, but still got a lot of other decorations to place and a mess to clean up. But it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here!

I could use my remaining personal day on Friday. I could fly up on THurs nite or during the day Fri. (I'd have to check out flights and dollars. It might be cheaper to fly out Thurs. nite.) I could fly back Monday aft. or eve. since I am off work.

I'd definitely want to share with as many people as possible to keep costs down, especially with that many nights.

What's Feb. weather usually like in Orlando area? My kids are there with their kids right now and I'm hearing lot's of rain.


Cheri...the booking dates on the condos would be Feb 11-14 as the checkout date at 11am. Check in time on the 11th would be 4pm. I hope this will work for you.

We have been in the Orlando in Feb many different years. Last year was the only year we experienced cold weather. The natives said it was an unusually cold Feb. It was about 60-65 during the day and got down in the 20's at night. Most years we have been there in Feb, it has been beautiful weather...usually 70-80's with high 50's at night.

My guess would be to make sure and bring a sweater or sweatshirt type jacket or spring weather jacket for the evenings. Swimsuit for day!

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Gonna work on Christmas decorating today since we were gone last weekend. But first I've got to dust all surfaces. Wet wipe them really, because my husband finally sprayed the basement walls and rafters for mold, but first he took the leaf blower and blew the rafters and walls to get all the spider webs and previous dust from when he took a wire brush to the walls to get off all loose plastering. I told him to suck it up instead because of the mold he'd be spreading but he didn't believe me.

Even more chunks of plaster came off the foundation (because of Water damage from years of seepage) and mortar from the bricks on top of the foundation. They must have used too much sand in the mix, or seepage leeched out a lot of the ingredients and only the sand is left. So he didn't just blow normal dust off everything, he blew mold saturated plaster and mortar dust that despite plastic sheeting went all over the house.

He cleaned all the floors yesterday and cleaned all the bedding at my insistance, but left the dusting for me.

He is retired because he couldn't get a decent job so took social security at 62. That's why he's the one doing these chores.

The basement has been a disaster since the two floods a year ago finished off what years of seepage had started. We had to do a complete teardown of the formerly finished basement and have Permaseal come in and put in draintile.

DH is a very nice man and very thoughtful but knows nothing about buildings and projects. He has two left hands when it comes to implementing projects so constantly hurts himself or wrecks something, but I can't afford to hire anyone for this teardown stage and for treating the basement for mold. I need the money for a new roof and for putting the basement back together.

So I think I've been breathing mold and plaster dust the past couple of days and it helped me come down with a mild cold that normally I'd have fought off.

I've made sure to get extra sleep the past few nights, cut out the major exercise (my joints hurt), and I think I've prevented this cold from turning into something major. I use the saline solution to control the sinuses during the day (and remove any mold) and zicam, which seems to help lessen the symptoms. Generic nyquil (without the pseudophedrine which keeps me awake) at night last night gave me a very good night's sleep. I'm just a little draggy today.

DH went to a gun show today to get a holster. He's going for security guard training all next week. There's a guy who's already offered to hire him, and he'll make between $12-15/hr., which sure beats most of the other jobs for men his age that are available. I've been pressuring him to find something because I don't know what my job situation will be next year.

Our windows are running with moisture from the basement. It's very cold outside. I think I saw our dehumidifier on its side in the former bathroom downstairs and I'll try to set that up. DH wasn't thinking yesterday. I'd told him we needed to switch the dryer vent to outdoors (we had it putting moisture and heat into the house for the winter.) Instead he cleaned all the rags and towels he was using to clean up and ran the dryer all day, making our window water problems even worse and preventing the basement from drying out after being sprayed. I told him the mold was going to come back unless he vented the dryer outside and set up fans in the basement. I forgot we had a dehumidifier.

My first husband was an a$$ but he never would have made the mistakes DH makes and I would not have had to be the one thinking of these things and directing him to do them since I'm not available because of work and arthritis to do them myself.

So I'm venting a little here so you'll all know I don't lead a trouble-free life. He doesn't read lapband talk but he does read my blog so I can't talk about this situation much on there.

I think part of the reason he's finally doing something about getting at least decent part-time work to supplement his social security is because he'd rather hire someone to do these projects than have me handing them to him and telling him how to do them. If I left it up to him he'd just let the house fall down around our ears.

Nobody is able to picture him as a security guard. He's built very slightly. Only his tummy sticks out. He's kind of a loner who's never exercised and is not at all intimidating. My son made the comment to me that DH is going to look and act like Barney Fife in his security guard uniform, and if his ears stuck out more he really would. Now I can't get that image out of my head, but it does make me smile.

I've got someone lined up to refinish the basement next summer but now at least I can go down there and not smell the mold. I'll be able to go on my treadmill to exercise this winter and maybe even have people over since the mold is gone. My grandkids can play on the concrete floors with things like trucks and tops and small bikes. I've done no entertaining since the floods.

Well, enough of that. I'm going to slowly start tackling the remaining dust and get the Christmas decorations up. We have my work Christmas party tonight. I don't want to overdo.


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Well back from the gym - I rode the bike for 58 minutes did 14.58 miles burned 500 cal - We will see how my knee does..

Bike is sorta boring - I like the treadmill better - but with the knee issue - I gotta give it (bike) a try - may take book next time..

Cheri - what a project - mold is dangerous..

Well need to do something today can't lay around - think I am going to sort thur present :0)

Ck back later

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Cheri...your vent made me suck my hot chocolate down the windpipe. I LOVE Barney Fife. But, in my mind, I can imagine what you are going through. Sounds like my friends DH. She would rather NOT have him do projects than to do them.

Good goin' on the exercise this morning, Janet. Got mine with the fifteen trips out to the bin site and all the trips up and down the stairs this morning. I should wear an odometer on days like this.

Got three batches of fudge made this morning. Make goodies every year for the elderly neighbors who used to farm and now we farm their land. DH takes it to them and has a good visit with them. It will be a little later this year than usual. Anyway, made and cut and in the frig in the basement and ready to deliver. Have my cookie exchange on Monday night but will not get started on those till tomorrow. Have too much other stuff going on today.

Gotta travel a little over an hour to a party for a young man that just got done with his stint in the Army. His parents are friends of ours. DH will be unable to go. They live near the closest Walmart. Need some things but don't know if I want to get in on the crowd. Might just stop in one of the little towns at a market to get what I need.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Got some cards addressed to my LB friends. Still need some addresses. Will find out what is going on with that tomorrow.

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"Healthified" Skillet Lasagna - 30-Minutes or Less - Eat Better America

This site has great healthy food

Well back from the store - had to get stuff to make Soup ;0)

it's 49 outside and that's cold for us desert rats ;0)

Well will be hanging around the house til 5 when I have to leave for xmas party - wash sort gift read and whatever..


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I've been reading this thread for weeks, and feel like I've come to know some of you. You are all such nice people! I have to tell you, reading your posts comforts me in some sort of way. Like knowing that people can reach their goal weight, but even more important, your lives go on and seem to be rich and full. And from reading Apple's posts, I feel like I know a little bit about what farm life is like!!

Do you mind answering some questions? Did all of you meet here on this support board and were you banded around the same time? How long did it take for you to reach your goal? Do you have any advice for those of us who are just starting out?

A little bit about me. I'm 55, work full-time as an editor at a state geological survey, and live in Bloomington, Indiana, a beautiful little college town in southern Indiana. I'm married, have the support of a good husband, and have two grown kids (DD and DS), no grandchildren yet. I live a pretty quiet life, and do a lot of sewing, knitting, quilting...crafty stuff. Adding exercise in to my daily life has been the hardest thing for me on this lap band journey, but I'm doing pretty good. Everything I like to do (practically) is done sitting down! And with my job, I'm sitting in front of a computer all day.

Anyway, I hope to become part of your little group here. I sincerely enjoy reading about your adventures!

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I've been reading this thread for weeks, and feel like I've come to know some of you. You are all such nice people! I have to tell you, reading your posts comforts me in some sort of way. Like knowing that people can reach their goal weight, but even more important, your lives go on and seem to be rich and full. And from reading Apple's posts, I feel like I know a little bit about what farm life is like!!

Do you mind answering some questions? Did all of you meet here on this support board and were you banded around the same time? How long did it take for you to reach your goal? Do you have any advice for those of us who are just starting out?

A little bit about me. I'm 55, work full-time as an editor at a state geological survey, and live in Bloomington, Indiana, a beautiful little college town in southern Indiana. I'm married, have the support of a good husband, and have two grown kids (DD and DS), no grandchildren yet. I live a pretty quiet life, and do a lot of sewing, knitting, quilting...crafty stuff. Adding exercise in to my daily life has been the hardest thing for me on this LAP-BAND® journey, but I'm doing pretty good. Everything I like to do (practically) is done sitting down! And with my job, I'm sitting in front of a computer all day.

Anyway, I hope to become part of your little group here. I sincerely enjoy reading about your adventures!

Hey Deb...welcome to the group. Sounds like you will fit right in on our thread. We love seeing new people. I hope you will take the time to re-visit us here daily so we can follow along as you work towards your goal. We have people in all stages of their weightloss journey.

First of all, congrats on the weight you have lost so far. You are doing great! As far as the exercise goes...it's something not too many of us like at the start. You are at the stage where you most likely are noticing that you are able to move better and better each day. Just set aside 30 minutes a day and get moving. Walk, ride bike, climb the stairs in your house (that is something I did cuz gyms are too far away for me to join). Any type of exercise will be benefitial.

Fill us in on what you eat on a dialy basis and how you,re doing with that part. Do you keep a food journal or post your intake on a website? For me, this was huge. It made me accountable.

Nice to meet you, Deb. Come back often and good luck!:w00t:

Edited by Apples2

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Deb...was in a hurry when I posted that post and forgot a couple of your questions. We all met here on this thread and other threads. A couple of us were banded at the same time. Some are more seasoned bandsters and we have some very new ones banded about the same time as you.

I think each one of us are different in the length of time it took us to reach goal. It's kind of like trying to compare how much fill you have in the same size band as someone else has. We are all different, metabolisms are different, how each of us gets to the "sweet spot" or restriction is different.

Any other questions, don't be afraid to ask. There's usually someone here with an answer or some advice to help you along. One of the things that got me through this process is following other's advice and watching their progress from the start.

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Hi Deb,

Welcome!! This is my favorite place to come on LBT. Most of us just found it like you did. Janet started this thread around the time I was a fairly new bandster and I think I am one of the longest posters on her thread that still posts, she has helped me immensely. Apples & I were banded very close together and 'met' on the June '08 thread (our banding month), Phyl & Janet were banded close together and I believe met on the July '07 thread.

I was banded 6/5/08 and have lost 126 lbs and reached my goal weight a year later. I've maintained ever since. However, it's only recently that I have accepted and become happy with the weight I am at. I didn't reach the 'normal' BMI weight for my height but pretty close to it so in my mind I was still overweight since that is what the chart said. My surgeon says however I am at a perfect weight for my height and build and that chart is just a guideline. When I got banded I never imagined getting below 200 so I am happy and it's been easy to maintain. I've gone from some size 26's to some size 8's now.

As for advice starting out, don't be afraid to ask questions, journal your food and concentrate on eating hard Protein first. I was a very strict rule follower, I was self pay for my surgery and I didn't want anything to mess me up. Getting my band is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

Well just over a week after Thanksgiving and I am cooking a turkey today. I had bought an extra one when they were so cheap before Thanksgiving and now thanks to all of DH's deer meat and pheasants we have no room in the freezer. Oh well, I didn't eat much turkey in SD, first off it wasn't very good and it was dry and I got stuck and PB'd on it. DH's aunt cooked the turkey a week before Thanksgiving and then took it off the bone and froze it. She then reheated it in a roaster oven all day Thanksgiving, think it got too dry and she didn't add back in any of the juices. So I am looking forward to my turkey!! No stuffing though.

House is looking pretty good all decorated. I'll have to take a pic of my tree and post it when I get it all done. Last year we made all these ornaments from pheasant feathers and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

I got so much I want to get done this week before I have knee surgery the next week. The countdown is on.

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Deb Welcome - Glad to have you...

Well both apples & great have pretty much answered your questions :0) - Yes Great is my longest poster on this thread. I think it was started 5/08 for us who got to goal and wanted to help new banders..

My story I have been banded since 7/17/09 - 52 yrs old when banded 250 weight 5'4 - I was lucky and got to sweet spot very fast and have exercised as soon as i was allowed (treadmill only for the first 8 months then got a trainer 3/08)- I got to goal within a yr 105 lbs lost then lost the other 7 lbs in the next few months and have kept it off - I fluctuate between 138-143 - but again I think I'm not the average banded - I like Great followed the rules and really made this a lifetime lifestyle change.. I am BIG on keeping a food diary - I did it for a solid yr - haven't kept one since I got to goal - but I am always aware of the # of calories I am consuming..

Like Apples says we all lose weight at diff speed - Phyl & I are both Lucky #7 (banded 7/07) she winters here in the desert and we visit often - plus my lucky #7 group have annual get togethers. In fact We "I'm here to help Gang" are going to meet in February..

I too alway eat Protein 1st - then veggies then my starch - I usually only eat starches for dinner - I eat low fat and mostly sf..

I to have a desk job (Sr Acct Mgr Insurance Agency) and Exercise was not my most fav thing to do - but I know that for me it's was a key factor in me getting the weight off and maintaining - I have a gym across the street from my housing development so it makes it quite easy for me..

I also only weighted in once a week - thursdays and that # got recorded in my food diary along with my exercise.

I basically follow a WW type eating plan (I can't do adtkins) I have to have some starches - I learned WW on the exchange plan - and like I said - I do eat a starch every night for dinner..

Also, IMHO I really think those who keep posting do better too - I think it's the accountablity factor - It's one reason I started this thread - I walk the talk - helping others keeps me on the straight and narrow too..

As you can tell we talk about all kinds of stuff here - our weight - our issues with food - our lives - I have a saying "No one understands a fat chick like another fat chick does" We all are diff but we all are the same too - we have issues with food - we are food addicts - We understand the struggles to get healthy - were someone who never has had a weight problem doesn't..

I have made great friendship through LBT - hope you become one of them too :0)

Great - Don't mean to be mean - but that turkey on Thanksgiving sounds awful :0). Since I drank on turkey day I really didn't get the full affect of thanksgiving dinner - but did have a little turky & stuffing the next day along w/pie..

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Thanks so much, everyone, for welcoming me. I think you've convinced me that I need to keep a food journal. I'm not the most organized person in the world, but I occasionally use the My Plate web site to track my food. Mostly just to see if I'm staying within my limits. My doctor doesn't want me to count calories or measure though; he thinks you need to learn to eyeball your food and figure out what you should eat. I do use a very small plate. I might start jotting down in a little journal what I'm eating and how I feel. I could also put down how much I've exercised.

Since my 2nd fill last week, I've been having a hard time eating much of anything. I think I've lost another 5 lbs in one week. I usually have a cup of oatmeal for breakfast (with Protein powder), and that I can get down. But hard protein is much more difficult and I've been getting stuck a LOT! Last night, my husband and I went out (a major occurrence!) to see a friend's art exhibit opening, and then went out to dinner. Turned out I couldn't eat any of what I'd ordered. I felt so dumb just sitting there while he scarfed down a ton of food! But it was still nice to be out for a change.

Sounds like most of you are early Christmas decorators! I usually don't get anything up until 2 weeks before (I'm also one of those last minute shoppers too). But my book club is meeting at my house tomorrow, so I decided to put up a little mini tree (silver 50s model!) with all hot pink ornaments and a pink flamingo on the top. I live in a 50s ranch and have decorated mostly in that style.

Our monthly book discussion group is a mix of couples and we have a potluck (pitch-in as they say in Indiana). I'm hoping I don't have too much trouble with the food---it would be embarrassing. Only one person in the group knows that I've had WL surgery.

Great: I hope your knee surgery goes well. One of the good things I've already experienced from the LB is that my knees have stopped hurting so much. At some point, I may need surgery, too, though.

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Deb, I used the 'my daily plate' website in the beginning too. I didn't weigh and measure my food too much. I got this little bowl at Target that someone suggested when I was starting out that held only 4 oz. So when I used that I knew I was getting my 1/2 cup portion and 2 would be a cup. On daily plate I used it as a guideline to see where my calories were and to make sure I was getting my Protein grams in. I didn't stick to a certain number of calories a day but did notice I stayed between 700 and 900 and usually had a high day once or twice a week at about 1100. I didn't follow what the daily plate website said I needed in calories or anything but just used it to keep a record of what I was doing. then when I was struggling I could always go back to a time I did well and see what I was doing too.

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Thanks so much, everyone, for welcoming me. I think you've convinced me that I need to keep a food journal. I'm not the most organized person in the world, but I occasionally use the My Plate web site to track my food. Mostly just to see if I'm staying within my limits. My doctor doesn't want me to count calories or measure though; he thinks you need to learn to eyeball your food and figure out what you should eat. I do use a very small plate. I might start jotting down in a little journal what I'm eating and how I feel. I could also put down how much I've exercised.

Since my 2nd fill last week, I've been having a hard time eating much of anything. I think I've lost another 5 lbs in one week. I usually have a cup of oatmeal for breakfast (with Protein powder), and that I can get down. But hard protein is much more difficult and I've been getting stuck a LOT! Last night, my husband and I went out (a major occurrence!) to see a friend's art exhibit opening, and then went out to dinner. Turned out I couldn't eat any of what I'd ordered. I felt so dumb just sitting there while he scarfed down a ton of food! But it was still nice to be out for a change.

Sounds like most of you are early Christmas decorators! I usually don't get anything up until 2 weeks before (I'm also one of those last minute shoppers too). But my book club is meeting at my house tomorrow, so I decided to put up a little mini tree (silver 50s model!) with all hot pink ornaments and a pink flamingo on the top. I live in a 50s ranch and have decorated mostly in that style.

Our monthly book discussion group is a mix of couples and we have a potluck (pitch-in as they say in Indiana). I'm hoping I don't have too much trouble with the food---it would be embarrassing. Only one person in the group knows that I've had WL surgery.

Great: I hope your knee surgery goes well. One of the good things I've already experienced from the LB is that my knees have stopped hurting so much. At some point, I may need surgery, too, though.

Deb - I gotta disagree with your doc - as fat chicks we don't know what 4 oz looks like - I bought a scales and I weighted and measured my food until I knew what 4 oz looked like.

Also as fat chicks we didn't care about the # of calories we ate - we had no idea that 4 slices of bread alone had 400 calories - not counting the butter we put on it.. or that an ounce of cheese has 100 calories - 2 little dice - who ate only that much cheese..

Losing weight is all about the math - calories in vs calories burned..

I kept a little 3x3 notebook in my purse - threw it on my desk in the morning - wrote down what I ate during the day at work - I kept my calories between 800-1200 during my weight loss phase and varied them daily - and then threw it back in my purse when I left work - and stuck in on the counter when I got home and jotted what I ate for the night..

After a fill I had to go back on to the post op diet - 1 week full liquids - 1 week mushies and 1 week soft then 4th week regular food..

You may be too tight - make sure to take tiny bites and chew chew chew and eat very slowly..

If you can't eat real food then you will turn to sliders and they usually have more calories..

Keep an eye on your tightness - if it doesn't loosen up some - then I would get a tad taken out..

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I just recently jumped in. I really liked reading this thread because everyone seemed so friendly and welcoming to each other. I have had a little bit of a rough start but hope to check in daily like everyone else seems to do.

I am 28, married, I have a 5 yr old boy and will be banded soon. I am also a nursing student. I am getting kind of nervous about next semester coming because I never know if I will fit in the desk at school. Hopefully I will have lost a good 20 pounds by then and it won't be an issue.

I have had a good day. Got some studying done and have stayed within the docs prescribed diet. This is the first day that I made it all day without going out of bounds. I realized yesterday I have 2 weeks til I meet with the doc again and he is going to expect some weight loss. I am am just thankful that for once I am not gaining. I have totally given up soda. Another huge step.

My husband has been working night shift. Usually my inlaws are home but last night it was just me and the kiddo. I didn't sleep at all. I swear I heard footsteps all night. Tonite I got to go it alone again. Even with my tear gas by my bed I am still scared to be out here alone. We live way out in the country. I feel like I really wouldn't be able to protect myself if something happened.thankfully this will be the last night. My inlaws return tommorrow.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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