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hi everybody, need some encouragement here. I fell down 3 steps yesterday slipped on ice..got some major ouchies. Have been going for my walks, but limping cuz everything hurts. Don't feel like im loosin anything at all. Am stickin to it like glue, would like my first fill now, not at 5th week. (getting it a week early, going on vacation after that.) I am on the mushies, drink lotsa Water & crystal light..which does good in filling me up. Hoping and praying first fill will do what its spose too. :confused:

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I had my LAP-BAND® over 2 years ago and through life's struggles with taking care of my elderly mother who had cancer 6 months after my surgery, everything got off track.

I now take two bites, have to throw up and then usually am able to get a few more bites down. I am Diabetic, on medicines, my sugar gets too low and then I eat sugar.

I am so depressed and I don't know what to do anymore. I found a support group I am going to try in December.

I would appreciate anybody's help. I feel like such a failure.


So sorry you lost your mother and for all you are going through. You are making a step in the right direction in asking for help.

Can you give us a little info on how you did to begin with after getting banded? Did you lose? Have you been seeing your regular doctor for your diabetes issues?

Just jump in and ask any questions you might. We have a great group of people here and there's usually someone that will respond to your post. Janet (Indiogirl) started this thread many, many months ago and is a great help. She does not mince words and if you need a shove in the right direction, she'll steer you there.


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hi everybody, need some encouragement here. I fell down 3 steps yesterday slipped on ice..got some major ouchies. Have been going for my walks, but limping cuz everything hurts. Don't feel like im loosin anything at all. Am stickin to it like glue, would like my first fill now, not at 5th week. (getting it a week early, going on vacation after that.) I am on the mushies, drink lotsa Water & crystal light..which does good in filling me up. Hoping and praying first fill will do what its spose too. :bored:

So sorry to hear about your fall.

I hate walking on ice!!

Hang in there... it's tough going until you have a couple of fills. Just stick to it.. the weight will come off!

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hi everybody, need some encouragement here. I fell down 3 steps yesterday slipped on ice..got some major ouchies. Have been going for my walks, but limping cuz everything hurts. Don't feel like im loosin anything at all. Am stickin to it like glue, would like my first fill now, not at 5th week. (getting it a week early, going on vacation after that.) I am on the mushies, drink lotsa Water & crystal light..which does good in filling me up. Hoping and praying first fill will do what its spose too. :scared2:

Oh NO!!! Falling down the stairs is catching just like the dead battery virus that's been going around.

Coconut....I think you are the third person in a couple of weeks to take a trip down some stairs. I did two weeks ago and was very lucky not to break anything. Came out of it with just a jambed wrist. It will be fine but still wakes me up at night. Are you OK? Anything broken?

Good goin' on your eating and drinking habits. Be patient. You've just been through surgery. This part of the journey is for healing. We all know it's tough to stick to the certain food stages post-op but there is a reason for it. You doc wants you to heal properly.

Are you weighing yourself every day? If so, try to avoid the scale for a bit. Give things some time, continue to follow doc's orders. I know it's tough but so worth it!

Hope you heal quickly from your fall. Poor Girl!:confused:

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Might be too late for some of you, but I'm on the west coast, watching TV recorded from east coast feed.... "Bones" story line tonight includes much discussion regarding obesity, and "gastric banding device" is part of the "evidence".

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Buddies........I am doing good tonight on the eating. No pbing. I ate meat and corn........no problem. Yeah, I should not have eaten a chicken nugget, but I was thinking I could eat it with no problems. You know the best Protein for me is filet mignon. I buy the faux ones at HEB and peel the bacon off of them. They are lean and low in calories. My next fav protein is tilapia.

WTG Charlene - !!!! You gotta be able to eat.. Today I went to lunch w/gf I had salad yesterday from this place so I didn't want it again today - so I ordered a patty melt w/fruit on the side (wanted french fries & ranch dressing) I had a couple bites of the bread but just ate the meat (wasn't very good) and onions and a few slices of bananas & blue berries.

My gf was just so impressed - but truly I could not have eating the whole sandwich - I was full from just the meat - like I said it wasn't very tasty but filling..

I thought I was splurging cuz this is the 1st time in 28 months that I ordered a sandwich out - I have them occassionally at home but on lite bread.. But like I said - there is no way I could have eaten that whole sandwich.

I had my LAP-BAND® over 2 years ago and through life's struggles with taking care of my elderly mother who had cancer 6 months after my surgery, everything got off track.

I now take two bites, have to throw up and then usually am able to get a few more bites down. I am Diabetic, on medicines, my sugar gets too low and then I eat sugar.

I am so depressed and I don't know what to do anymore. I found a support group I am going to try in December.

I would appreciate anybody's help. I feel like such a failure.


NJB - Welcome & Hugs about your Mom - We know how tough that is..

What are you eating - are those bites small bites have you chewed well - what's a typical days menu (how much and what are you eating)

Are you excercising - if you can't eat normal food then you may be too tight - but again if you are eating too fast - taking big bites and not chewing that will cause you to bp after 2 bites..

I'm not diabetic - but I had a bf who was and the doc told him when his blood sugar got low to eat stuff like Jerky.< /strong>

If it got too low after a shot and he didn't eat when he should have ya - he would have a little sugar..

Did you lose weight - have you had your surgar/meds changed if you have..

hi everybody, need some encouragement here. I fell down 3 steps yesterday slipped on ice..got some major ouchies. Have been going for my walks, but limping cuz everything hurts. Don't feel like im loosin anything at all. Am stickin to it like glue, would like my first fill now, not at 5th week. (getting it a week early, going on vacation after that.) I am on the mushies, drink lotsa Water & crystal light..which does good in filling me up. Hoping and praying first fill will do what its spose too. :)

Coconut - Hugs on your fall - hope nothing is broken - take a day or two off till you feel better.

You say you don't feel like you are loosing - what makes you say this - GF you aren't going to be thin over night - it takes months - I know it seems like you should have lost 50 lbs by now but that's not how it works - it takes time

I guess you don't have a scale - I'm with apples on the scale issue - the very 1st week I weighed daily - but after that I picked one day a week and that was my weigh in day - and that weight on that day is what I put on my ticker and kept in my log book.. Some weeks I lost 1/2 some 2 - but what matters is that you are losing - that you are following your program - that you are learning to live a healthier life - and by doing all this the weight will come off -

We didn't put it on over night - it's not going to come off over night..

What are you expecting from your 1st fill - The fill only makes you feel full on a smaller amount of food - it doesn't take away your craving for food - it doesn't choose your food either and for alot of pple they don't get to their sweet spot on their 1st feel -

Don't set your self up for dissappointment - just go with the flow - eat healthy and when you are feeling better keep walking - this is a total lifetime lifestyle change - you are going to be doing this for the rest of your life - it's not going to come to an end..

So sorry you lost your mother and for all you are going through. You are making a step in the right direction in asking for help.

Can you give us a little info on how you did to begin with after getting banded? Did you lose? Have you been seeing your regular doctor for your diabetes issues?

Just jump in and ask any questions you might. We have a great group of people here and there's usually someone that will respond to your post. Janet (Indiogirl) started this thread many, many months ago and is a great help. She does not mince words and if you need a shove in the right direction, she'll steer you there.


Girl you have me lmao !

Ladies we are a village here - I may have started this thread but it takes all of us helping one another !!

Might be too late for some of you, but I'm on the west coast, watching TV recorded from east coast feed.... "Bones" story line tonight includes much discussion regarding obesity, and "gastric banding device" is part of the "evidence".

LOL - I will have to go and dvr that show :0)

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I don't pb on any meats as long as I take very small bites and chew very slowly and swallow very small amounts. I take a longer time to eat my food now. I've lost a few lbs since my fill so am not nearly as tight. Also seems like if I don't want to pb all I have to do is lose some more weight, the band loosens, especially at night, and eventually I need another fill.

I have to stick to mostly dense, relatively dry Protein to make the band work. Too much moisture or grease in the meat and it turns into just another slider that I can eat and eat and eat.

Man, I hate falls. I'm petrified of falling with all my osteoarthritis. Falls have ended up with me needing surgeries and injections and weight gain out of sheer misery. I never wear heals, I'm extemely careful under icy conditions and wear the most grippy shoes I can during the winter.

Everyone be very careful.

13 more lbs to goal as of this morning. Food's really good right now. I'm working the band and it works if you work it.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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I don't pb on any meats as long as I take very small bites and chew very slowly and swallow very small amounts. I take a longer time to eat my food now. I've lost a few lbs since my fill so am not nearly as tight. Also seems like if I don't want to pb all I have to do is lose some more weight, the band loosens, especially at night, and eventually I need another fill.

I have to stick to mostly dense, relatively dry Protein to make the band work. Too much moisture or grease in the meat and it turns into just another slider that I can eat and eat and eat.

Man, I hate falls. I'm petrified of falling with all my osteoarthritis. Falls have ended up with me needing surgeries and injections and weight gain out of sheer misery. I never wear heals, I'm extemely careful under icy conditions and wear the most grippy shoes I can during the winter.

Everyone be very careful.

13 more lbs to goal as of this morning. Food's really good right now. I'm working the band and it works if you work it.



I fully agree - I have said a million times I have done 75% of the work by changing my eating habits and the band did the other 25% by providing restriction

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Life seems to go on - even with our Bands. I also went through my mother's cancer. I feel for you. Be gentle on yourself but at the same time make sure you take care of yourself. Isn't that what your mom want for you?

Remember you have this tool to help you. If you are having trouble keeping solids down, and you haven't had a fill lately, you may be irritated. Have you tried going back to liquids for a day or two (protein drinks and Water, mainly), then reintroducing mushies, then solids? I've been in this situation, and have found (by doctor's orders) that this can really work. When I kept trying to eat small amounts when I was laready irritated, it made things much worse - I mean really bad! If this persists you should really check in with your surgeon's office.

Remember you are in this for the long haul. By all means, run, don't walk to your support group. There is nothing like the help, support and experiences of other banded people.

I hope this helps.


banded 8/16/2006

100% EWL and a size 4

it's not the easy way out, but if I can do this so can you!

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Good Mornin' Girls...

Even earlier morning this morning. DH had hopped out of bed (happy and smiling) and said "Good Morning, Honey". I looked at the clock through my grogginess (with one eye) and it was 3:20am. Now, I AM a morning person but it's been 4am for a couple of weeks now. It's called "Making hay when the sun shines". To translate into what that means for us is "Cutting in fertilizer when it's frickin' cold". (Only way it works is well below freezing).

Anyway, by 4am, coffee with DH was over, all the lunches were packed and ready to grab, a load of laundry done, dog fed and watered. Still need to plan supper in the crockpot cuz I will not be home later in the day.

Heading back into apt. today for more packing and stacking. Sis is heading back home again today and need to be there to help. She was diagnosed with a not-so-good disease a year ago and stress and too much physical exersion can bring her out of remission and lots of discomfort.

Also have a wake to fit in sometime later today. My friend's son (36) died of a heart attack. This family is also related to "mom's" family. Really sad. His mom is one of my neighbors at the lake.

Janet...the steering in the right direction comment....it was just my tactful way of saying...."Watch out...I hear Janet coming"!

Hoping you all have a good day. Can't remember if today is the "shopping" day. If it is, have fun and take a little slack out of the checkbook...you deserve it. Hope Earl does not get too bad of a case of "shopping mall bench butt".

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Good Morning Gang

Eva - We are going to the Outlet Store - last yr I got a $300 purse for $100 :bored:. The Coach outlet stores get packed - you will see pple in there with 5 or more purses - a lot of oriental pple are there -getting them for their whole families.. When I went there was a hour wait in line - that's one reason we are going on my furlough friday and early - they open at 10 .. and we should be there around 10:30 or 11

Ok GF you have lost 39 lbs more than you have lost before - you WILL do this.. Look you are coming to see me & phyl - and I think seeing us in person and seeing us walk the talk will help with your motivation - we are no diff than you..

There are tons of pple on here who lose slowy - this isn't a race - everyone loses weight at a diff speed - some of us lose faster than others - but remember who won the race - the turtle not the hare...

I had someone who has lost 52 in a yr contact me - she was concerned that she hadn't lost more - that 52 = 4 lbs a month - that's 1 lb a week the average for a bander is 1-2 a week - so that is average

You have lost 10 lbs per month thats 2.5 per week - that's ABOVE AVERAGE !!!

I know you feel it should be faster cuz you are eating so much less than before and exercising - but it just doesn't happen that way - I know I still do it myself - I go to the gym extra - eat less when I have gained a lbs and I jump on the scale and think 5 lbs should be gone magically - when in reality I have lost only 1 lbs.

There were plenty of weeks that I lost only 1/2 - but I didn't look so much at my weekly lost - I averaged it out and that always made it look so much better..

So just keep on plulgging away - it will come off !!! You will succeed and win this battle...

Good morning gang - left the alarm on so I could get up early and hit the gym about 6:30 then come home shower and pick up Phyl - So far the weather has held - no wind !!

Well gotta ck my other thread and get dressed - will cbl

Just wanted to say hi to everyone today. It seems that I haven't gotten the swing of how to keep in touch with all of you. I only get emails if someone writes on this board, and then it seems that there is stuff going on that I missed.

can anyone tell me why we are not allowed to eat and drink at the same time?

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Just wanted to say hi to everyone today. It seems that I haven't gotten the swing of how to keep in touch with all of you. I only get emails if someone writes on this board, and then it seems that there is stuff going on that I missed.

can anyone tell me why we are not allowed to eat and drink at the same time?

If you go up to the top of the page and click on "User CP", when the page comes up, scroll down and you will see all your "Subscribed" threads (threads that you have posted in). Just click on the thread you want to visit and you will see the entire conversation. If it is a long thread you will want to click on "Last Page".

As far as eating and drinking...you should really be making this a practice in your daily routine. You should be eating your "hard" Proteins first and then and veggies or fruit that you can eat till you are full. Depends on what your doc's orders are on how much he wants you to eat at meals. Some say 1/2, some say 1cup. A typical meal for me once I was on solid foods was: 3oz of hard Protein (chicken, tuna, fish, lean beef), then I might have a couple bites of veggies and that's all I could fit in....even b/4 my fills. Drinking while eating washes the food right through and you will not feel satisfied as long.

Sorry to hear you had trouble with your first fill. Are you chewing your food reallly good? Not chewing or taking too big of bites can cause problems. Practice eating very slowing, set your fork down in between bites and chew, chew chew.

Edited by Apples2

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Good morning, I am up early too, though not as early as Apples. It must be the fact that I am off the pain pills and also more fully recovered, but lately I am wide awake just before 6am. I was having a hard time dragging my butt out of bed before 9am. :bored: Guess it's good practice for when I gotta get up at 4am in about 10 days when I go back to work. I will only be going back for 2 weeks then off again for the other knee.

Janet, Phyl & Eva, have fun shopping today.

Porcupine, if you drink with your meals it washes down the food too quickly and also fills your pouch while eating so you can't eat as much and you just don't get satisfied. I drink up until my meals and then wait a minimum of 30 min after. Be sure you are mindful of your eating by that I mean watching your bite size, making sure you are chewing well etc. It's hard habit to get into as before banding we are pretty used to eating pretty fast and pretty big bites. I to this day can get myself in trouble especially in a social setting where I am not as focused on these things.

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Good morning.....just a fly by as I have a bunch of stuff to do before visiting Janet & Phyl. Can't leave the DH totally on his own you know.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.....I know I am doing better than before the band, but I also know I could really get with the program and haven't. Oh well, one of my mantra this time is not to stress about it too much.

Okay, off to work. Have a great day.


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