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Apples, Thanks for finding that thread. It was very informative and scary. She had a lot of good things to say.

I got into a cleaning mood tonight thanks to all of you talking about organizing. Got rid of a tv that wasn't working right, moved to others around. Cleaned my bathroom fixture, ceiling, sink and toliet. Washed dishes, a load of laundry and took out the trash. Was tired after work & boy am I tired now. Tripped up the stairs after taking out the trash retched my back, dang that will teach me to turn on the lights and pay attention. Off to take a hot shower to see if that helps a bit.

Have a good night and day tomorrow.

Laura K

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Laura K...hope the back thing is nothing too serious. I took a fall down the stairs a couple of weeks ago. I lucked out. Just jammed my wrist but it could have been much worse.

I also did some major reorganizing this afternoon and evening. Always feels good to get those things done.

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Janet...are you sure you are not running a restaurant that weekend? LOL Menu sounds good and what a good mom/GM to make what everyone likes. I'm so lucky with no picky eaters (with the exception of onions and walnuts for my ppl). I love stuffing also but gets stuck. Go figure. So soft you would think it would slide right on through.

I have been more stuck the last couple of weeks than I have the entire 15 months I have been banded. Just the stress. I am always careful with chewing, etc. but band has been tight but has started to loosen up again today. Just finished eating a chicken leg and thigh and all is well.

Ok it's Charlene then I think who puts a trees up in her bedroom - OMG it seem like yesterday we were talking about Christmas and it's here again so fast....

How can you remember if you get stuck on stuffing - I guess I only make it for Turkey day - and I can't remember if I ate it last yr or not - I remember having my 2 nephews - stepbro/gf and uncle - but that's it.. I usually am not hungry after I have done all the cooking and preparing - I usually eat around 8 once everyone is gone..

I think I can eat it though - but like I said - gravy on my stuffing..

Great room - ya that's what it's called.. I just decorate this area - includes kitchen - nook - living room..

I am use to my picky eaters - I hate going to restaurants with them though - OMW no lettuce on the plate - all hamburgers plain - it's a pain...

Stress is the only thing I have noticed that tightens my band - and GF you have had major stress

For me no problem with flying..

Nope not me that does a tree in the bedroom. I'd love to though. LOL I do my main tree in the family/living/great room (think the same room has many different names in different parts of the country) and then a few small skinny trees in the basement aka mancave. DH decorates that one with used shot gun shells and lights. LOL My tree upstairs is mostly handmade balls that we've made the past few years from the pheasant feathers. They are quite beautiful if I do say so myself. Now I am anxious to put my tree up! LOL I think I am going to get a real tree this year since we will be putting it up later. I used to put it up the day after Thanksgiving but due to our trip to SD this year it will be a week later. Tomorrow I am getting DH's Christmas present (either a GPS for hunting or a new flyrod/reel and am taking Grandma shopping with me. I think she'll get a kick out of the huge Bass Pro shops store and we'll get lunch at their restaurant.

I too get stuck on stuffing, gotta be the bread. Bummer. I did miss having that last Thanksgiving and am sure I will this one as well. I'm not making it this year and I will convince myself that who makes it this year just doesn't make it good. LOL I do like green bean casserole so will have that instead. Sounds very thoughtful Janet, all you are making for everyone.

Apples, most likely it is the stress you've been under making you tighter. That's the only thing that I notice that affects my band. Flying doesn't. Well, that and being at a high altitude. When I went camping up in the mountains at about timberline, I had trouble. Odd that that would but not flying. MAybe because I was there for a few days.

I use to put my tree up on the 15th of December - that's when I could afford to buy it.. But now adays - I have a fake one and put it up after thanksgiving..

Well now that my Stepbro & Gf & Uncle are coming don't know if I will make the steaks - but might grill some carnada asada.. Alot of pple in this area of the country have potatoe salad instead of mashed tatoes - or in addition too.

It's funny how everyone has diff tradtional foods that they are use to for Thanksgiving & Christmas

If I make Cookies like I plan - I won't be baking a cake.

Last yr I sent all the left overs home w/my stepbro and will do that again this yr they are on a tight tight budget don't have much and they will be able to eat good for a few days..

I don't know what kind of cook his gf is - I don't care for her that much - but can put up with her for a few hours in the name of family..

Back from the gym - was careful with knees - trying to talk the gym into reducing my membership to $10 a month without paying $99 up front - right now I pay $19. Got my trainer to reduce his fees - so that I can afford to keep him - Savings of about $90 a month..

Fed the dogs - my dinner is cooking...

I started this before I left for the gym so most likely have some posters since :0)

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Peas - Nelson is so cute in all the pics.

Janet - I have clothes envy and look at the shoes.

Cheri - Yeah unfortunately I do PB on ice cream and eat some more I was trying to confess. But I am trying not to keep it in the house

I realized you kept eating after the pb, but I still suspect if you didn't pb you'd have eaten even more because you didn't have the warning to slow down. That's what happens to me when I get first bite syndrome. I slow way down and eat cautiously and stop when I think I might be going to pb again.

I'm struggling with food too, off and on. My weight loss has slowed down. I was losing 2-3 lbs a week. Now I'm struggling to lose a lb a week. All the walking is making me hungry, too. I'm not gaining. In some ways I think with only 13-14 lbs to lose to reach goal my body is saying slow down. But I am having a lot of cravings. I do eat some sliders and sweet things but I try to cut back portions of regular food and exercise more then get back on track. Whats bothering me is I go for days eating right and barely lose.

I know I'll have the 10 lbs by the January date but I really was hoping to be at goal by Dec. 30.

Well, we'll see.

Meanwhile, I had so many compliments at church Sunday it was embarrassing. One woman told me that not only was I more beautiful than ever, I was sexy. My husband told me that was true in an Uma Thurman sort of way. He said I was sort of slinky and was starting to walk with a certain amount of 'tude.

People think I'm losing more than I am. I think its all the walking. Also my new clothes are very flattering.

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Thank you to everyone and all your suggestions. and help.

Also to all of us in the same funk. Just keep working at it and i pray we all get out soon.

Love ya all,


Melissa - we all go through our moments - I stopped at Walgreens to get cigs - I wanted candy Cookies - they has some cookies at the cash register - I said why do you guys have this stuff right here - I told myself no junk - she could tell I had been to they gym - she say you can work it off - I told her that cookie has 400 calories - that's a meal - that's and hour on the treadmill - no thanks - Today I was strong but who knows what tomorrow will bring ..

Apples, Thanks for finding that thread. It was very informative and scary. She had a lot of good things to say.

I got into a cleaning mood tonight thanks to all of you talking about organizing. Got rid of a tv that wasn't working right, moved to others around. Cleaned my bathroom fixture, ceiling, sink and toliet. Washed dishes, a load of laundry and took out the trash. Was tired after work & boy am I tired now. Tripped up the stairs after taking out the trash retched my back, dang that will teach me to turn on the lights and pay attention. Off to take a hot shower to see if that helps a bit.

Have a good night and day tomorrow.

Laura K

Laura - Hugs on the back - I think all that stuff I did messed with my knees along with the cold...

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Hello Ladies!

I am happy to announce that I did so well with my eating today! And, I exercised really hard. I feel that after my slip up over the weekend, I am back on track. Thanks to all of you really. You helped me to realize that I need to just put it behind me and keep moving forward and forget about it.

I put an offer in on another house today. Another short sale, but this realtor says that she thinks that the bank should let us know within 30 days as to whether or ot they are going to accept the offer. Cross your fingers. My mom and i are arguing about this house for some reason. She is nervous I think? Who knows? I think that sometimes she takes frustrations out on me too. My dad and I are really close, but my mom and I have trouble seeing eye to eye sometimes. It really bothers me. I know that a lot of you really understand this.

Sorry to cut this short, I have to wake up early and go do grandmas hair. Still tonight I have to take a shower and get the laundry together for Andrew to do while I am at school tomorrow. Oh, and I totally forgot, I have homework to do also! Ick.

Night, Meredith

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I realized you kept eating after the pb, but I still suspect if you didn't pb you'd have eaten even more because you didn't have the warning to slow down. That's what happens to me when I get first bite syndrome. I slow way down and eat cautiously and stop when I think I might be going to pb again.

I'm struggling with food too, off and on. My weight loss has slowed down. I was losing 2-3 lbs a week. Now I'm struggling to lose a lb a week. All the walking is making me hungry, too. I'm not gaining. In some ways I think with only 13-14 lbs to lose to reach goal my body is saying slow down. But I am having a lot of cravings. I do eat some sliders and sweet things but I try to cut back portions of regular food and exercise more then get back on track. Whats bothering me is I go for days eating right and barely lose.


May be because some of us are at a road block with the holidays we all have gotten into a sweet or junk food thing with whatever stress we are dealing with. At least I walk at my breaks and kunches at work so that helps. And you are right about the PBing i usually give up after another bite or two

Melissa - we all go through our moments - I stopped at Walgreens to get cigs - I wanted candy Cookies - they has some cookies at the cash register - I said why do you guys have this stuff right here - I told myself no junk - she could tell I had been to they gym - she say you can work it off - I told her that cookie has 400 calories - that's a meal - that's and hour on the treadmill - no thanks - Today I was strong but who knows what tomorrow will bring ..


Maybe it is that time of year when everything is in our face I am just trying to take it slow and concentrate on the excersie and for the most part the food is starting to follow.

Okay Janet did you say cigs you smoke I did not know that.I guess we each have our on vice huh

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Janet...didn't know you were having knee problems. Do they bother you once in awhile?

Cheri...those last 20lbs b/4 goal are a bugger. It's almost like your body is preparing you for maintenance. Letting you figure out where you should be when it comes to intake. That was the time when I used Janet's advice and shook up my diet at bit and it kicked me back into losing after a plateau. I think I bumped my cals up a couple of times a week by about 300 cals a day. (can't remember...either 1 or 2 days a week).

Off to bed...we have a 4am morning...

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Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I can only hope to help others someday. Who knows how many will be encouraged in one way or another about weight loss. Well I can only hope that all goes as plans and I am excited about the future. I wonder how close people will react to my new eating habits.... no more extra snacky poos! lol Well I am going with the 1 day at a time motto for awhile.


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Meredith, I sure can relate to the mother/daughter issues. Both as the daughter and as the mother. I've posted lots about my relationship with my mom. My daughter is 28 and engaged and currently moved back in with us. Sometimes I feel like she's in HS and tend to want to mother her too much, but on the otherhand should a 28 yr old have to be asked to clean her room? Or to help out? It's a fine line. We get along great for the most parts and my biggest prayer is that I don't turn into my mother when it comes to her. Congrats on finding another house. Let's hope this one goes faster than the other short sale. Any photos??

Janet, do you have new knees in your future? Or did you injure yourself?

I can remember PBing on stuffing because we were in SD last year as well for Thanksgiving and I was at this crowded table very difficult to get out and had to excuse myself to run to the restroom, don't want to do that again.

This holiday season as the goodies come out, I am trying to remember everything I did last year. I lost over this time of year, I tried to plan on my treats. My goal wasn't to be perfect, but in control and mindful of the extras I allowed myself. One bite or one day a year isn't what put the weight on us in the first place, it was many bites and many treats and mindless eating. At least for me.

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May be because some of us are at a road block with the holidays we all have gotten into a sweet or junk food thing with whatever stress we are dealing with. At least I walk at my breaks and kunches at work so that helps. And you are right about the PBing i usually give up after another bite or two

Maybe it is that time of year when everything is in our face I am just trying to take it slow and concentrate on the excersie and for the most part the food is starting to follow.

Okay Janet did you say cigs you smoke I did not know that.I guess we each have our on vice huh

Yes Melissa - I still smoke - I got some chantix cuz a while back I was ready to quit - or at least try - I still enjoy smoking - I smoke out side every where :0) - but sometimes it's a pain - But then the urge to quit left - so - just like weight loss - when I am ready to do it I will - I am not going to force the issue - and in the back of my mind I am worried about gaining weight - I quit for 10 days prior to surgery - but the day before surgery I smoked - due to nerves mostly - I told the doc when I went to the hospital that day - they still operated..

I gave up food and exercise - Not ready to give up cigs too !! That's asking a lot - like a gf said everyone has to have a vice ;0) and cigs are mind - I smoke about 1/2 - 3/4 pack a day and that's includes just smoking 1/2 cig not the whole thing - - ok yes justification - I don't smoke like my x - 3 packs a day ;0)


I don't have knee problems per se (that I know of anyway)- they have been achy the last couple of days - could be the cooler weather - the knee cap area aches..

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hello to all my peeps~

You guys are making me hungry with all the turkey talk! We will all be together in NC and it should be interesting. 2 of us had bariatric surgery this year, Dad is taking Megace to try to stimulate his appetite. Mom is losing weight and eating a lot (b/c of stress she is burning it), my brother who has always been perfect weight is now a good 40-50# over. My niece is fighting her weight but said she is down to 198 now. The other two are skinny, and then Nels is a solid 58# but the pickiest eater. He won't eat turkey unless you tell him it's chicken..LOL. Last year he had 2 bites of "chicken" and bread. Won't touch the sides. Dad wants to cook one turkey and deep fry the other! Good golly! But hey, whatever he wants... I will damn make sure he gets! His birthday is the 30th of Nov and I think we will Celebrate his bday on the same day, since everyone will be together.

Dad went to the oncologist today and he gave them a lecture about NOT waiting anymore on the chemo. He thinks he should start NOW, and fears the tumors have grown. They were all really upset after the appointment. We still don't have the biopsy back yet. DH called him and they discussed it. He said it doesn't really matter what it says, he is 100% convinced of the diagnosis, as is the docs at Duke and Johns Hopkins. Mom was crying all afternoon. I think they got some false hope from the urologist and the oncologist was doing some damage control to get them back down to earth. He kind of said, you either do chemo or let's arrange hospice when you're ready. He did say it nice and caring, but they took it all wrong. I guess there is no easy way to "take" that info. SIGH. My poor parents. I wish I could take this pain away from them. I don't even care about my pain, I just hate to see them hurting. Dad has been furiously meeting with is attorneys the last few days. He wants affairs in order as they say. It's just so sad.

I haven't felt like getting back to the gym. Still fighting with TOM and just feel punky. Tomorrow Nels has a dr's appt and will miss school again. Some of these appts were made months ago and I will have to wait 6 mo to reschedule. Just better to get it over with.

Hugs to everyone, I will write more in the morning.

peasout! Laura

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Janet,...........LOL.....no trees in my bedroom. In fact, I bought a little pre-lit this year from QVC. My daughter is having Christmas at her house and I gave her all my decorations. I am going to buy some new yard ornaments. I had one of those blow up things last year and every time it rained I had to go out and shake the Water off of Rudolph.

Well, I am still having IBS. I am going to go to the doc on thursday and get a little unfill. I don't want to have problems when I go to Hawaii. The Librax does relax my stomach so I am not PBing as much as I was last week.

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I can't stand job issues...got a part-time job to pay for daughters wedding...well I am self employed and not used to drama at work...I am in the middle of issues and I really need this job....really hungry today and yesterday.

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I don't even care about my pain, I just hate to see them hurting. Dad has been furiously meeting with is attorneys the last few days. He wants affairs in order as they say. It's just so sad.

I will pray for you and your family...this is really a difficult time for you all. I do remember not caring about my pain and just wanting to stop the pain my loved ones were feeling, tough place to be. The only thing you can do right now is your best..to be there for your parents...right now they do really need you.

Be Blessed. Keep sharing about how you feel.

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