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Today was a challenge for me I was shopping at Walmart and stupidly bought a big bag of Pork rinds. Well I let my brain say "there's protien in there." I am happy to say I had a few then threw them away. I so glad I did that, they weren't even good. I did buy gr turkey and made patties and put them in the freezer, so I will have them to just grab for work. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thank you all for the welcome, it really helps.

Laura K

Good Morning!!! It's raining this morning and I love to get up early and listen to it!!! It's also getting cooler so the leaves should start turning colors soon. The hills are so pretty with all the golds, reds, burgundies!! I'm sure it looks like a big bouquet from the sky!!!

Laura K~~~ you brought up the pork rinds and when I go to a store and just have to have a snack, that's what I grab, only a small bag. So my ??? is, what would be a good choice?

Laura~~~~ What is a car line? I'm thinking maybe lining up to drop the kiddos off for school?

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What did you say so take in on calories. I can't remeber what you said. I am writing now so I am trying to stay inbetween 1200-1500 is that good? I am usually about 1200-1300 so far.

Remember I am over a year out.

Melissa - during my weight loss phase 800-1200 calories a day and varied them..

Two weeks home from the hospital and


walked around the entire condo complex two days in a row!

Love my new bionic knee.

Pain is decreasing, activity increasing, cut way back on pain pills!

Should be declared no longer "house bound" by the end of the week. PT intends to release me to outpatient PT so I've visited two facilities right here in our neighborhood, "interviewed" receptionist at both places and looked over the equipment, etc. So now I know which one I want to use. I'M READY! The sooner I get this rehab over with, the sooner we can head south to "Janet Land"! I will LOVE getting back to our RV park and the hot Water pools/hot tubs. We have excellent work out room where I can use the treadmill and hope that this year I can get on the recumbent bike!



Sorry... hope my enthusiasm doesn't knock you over but I just had a 16 oz latte with FOUR shots of espresso, and used it to wash down a Vicodin... which I needed after my exercise routine, long walk and scooter ride over to get my latte! My knee is hurting some after all that, but pushing through!

Phyl I need the espresso this morning WTG on your exercise...

Hey guys~

Busy busy day today! I am exhausted. We had Nelson's class "social" from 10-1. One of his classmate's family hosted the pool party at their house. I couldn't stop thinking I would go NUTS if there were 25 messy kids in my house. I can handle 5-10, but 25 is too much. They had fun playing all together and not having to be in a classroom. 2 of his 3 teachers showed up. It was funny- many of the parents had not seen me since June. To my knowledge only 2 know of my surgery. Everyone noticed and said something on the side. food was not that good so it didn't tempt me too bad. They had wraps that I didn't dare try. There was a bean salad and fruit. The rest was sweets, chips, or hard veggies/dip. After that we had plans to meet a friend of N's that was in his class the last two years and just switched schools. They were best friends last year and had not seen each other since June. We always had our play dates evolve around food. When I told her (the friend's mom) I was going to have surgery last Feb., she made a rude comment and we hadn't talked since. We made plans to meet at 2, and I figure she'd know that were weren't planning on eating. We met at Chuckie cheese (the things we do for kids)!!! She had ordered a LARGE pizza before I got there. I politely declined but offered to pay. Nelson ate one bite and left to play. My friend was visibly shocked when she saw me. (she is overweight and her son is too. I would guess she is about the same size as I am now- maybe 10 lbs more). Normally she would have eaten 4 slices of pizza and today she had one and never ate more. It was nice to see the boys together again. I hadn't realized the depth of their friendship, they had really missed each other. I was glad I put my anger aside for the boys.

Nelson was in bed and asleep by 8 tonight! DH is on call and at the hospital- home away from home.

Janet~ Do you have windows 95? That may be the problem. I would be happy to try and work on the CD. Let me know and I will PM you my address. DH is a self professed computer geek and is great at recovering my stuff. We have two back up hard drives as Nawlinz stated. I probably have 5000 photos on here. I keep meaning to scrap book but now the number of photos is just too overwhelming. WTG on the gym!!!:) 480 calories is a workout!

JulieB~ so glad mimi is better. Sorry you were up early. : ( I have never eaten Rhubarb in any way shape or form. I can't imagine that it would tempt me either..LOL. I hope you have fun at your reunion.

Phyllser~ I am so proud of you! Great job on all the hard work!!! Easy on the espresso! LOL... too much of that and you will be jogging around the complex.

Doodle~ <hugs> with your DD coming home. I pray for you and your family, especially Eli that all works out. It must be hard on him. He is so blessed that he has you in his life!

Nawlinz~ I can't imagine losing everything or going through Katrina. Those of us who only witnessed it through a tv have no idea what you guys went through. I hope that you and your family were safe though.

LauraK~ Welcome. This is a great place for support! That's so neat that you got so much from this thread and we didn't even know you. 53lbs is awesome! WTG!

ok all, hope everyone is having a good weekend! TTYL! peasout, Laura

Laura - I have window's xp - I think I made this disc when I had windows 95...

Love your pics of Nelson - he is such a cutie....


I would like to be at 130 or less. I am only 5'2". I told them when they said 150 " well that would still make me overweight for my height. So I still have 51 lbs to go. I have been down to 145 but could not maintain it. I feel I have to tool and will power now. Tonight was the first time that I had to talk myself out of eating something because of emotions. Still adjusting to my son moving to college. I need to find something to get me out of the house more besides work. This is my long weekend, I get bored after awhile.

Janet, sounds like it could be root rot, roses can be fickle and they don't like there "toes" to be to wet. Stick your finger down in a ways first to test if it needs to be watered. This coming from a person who has no luck with roses.

Laura K

Laura K - I think it may be root rot - letting it dry out and see what happens.

Thank you for your support. I was banded 9-2-09. My unusual question. I want to receive communion tomorrow at church. Will the host (bread) cause a problem?

I'm a day late - but no it shouldn't be a problem

Today was a challenge for me I was shopping at Walmart and stupidly bought a big bag of Pork rinds. Well I let my brain say "there's protien in there." I am happy to say I had a few then threw them away. I so glad I did that, they weren't even good. I did buy gr turkey and made patties and put them in the freezer, so I will have them to just grab for work. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thank you all for the welcome, it really helps.

Laura K

Laura K - you did good with throwing them away - I think we all tell our selves those things - on adtkins they are an allowed food - I know that sometimes - I eat something I think I want and it's not as good as I thought it would be.

Good Morning!!! It's raining this morning and I love to get up early and listen to it!!! It's also getting cooler so the leaves should start turning colors soon. The hills are so pretty with all the golds, reds, burgundies!! I'm sure it looks like a big bouquet from the sky!!!

Laura K~~~ you brought up the pork rinds and when I go to a store and just have to have a snack, that's what I grab, only a small bag. So my ??? is, what would be a good choice?

Laura~~~~ What is a car line? I'm thinking maybe lining up to drop the kiddos off for school?

Sharon a small bag really isn't bad - I do popcorn for the crunch factor - I buy the 100 cal snack size - I need to buy and air popcorn machine - I would save me $$$..

Well gang had a hang over yesterday - slept and ate way too many carbs & fat - but it was just one day and I didn't eat at the wedding and never had any cake - so maybe it was a wash between the all the dancing I did..

Well this is just a drive by - I need to get busy and get some work done - I am still a little sluggish today...


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Hello my dear friends.... I, too, am back from my weekend fun... We drove 180 miles to a family reunion picnic for DH's side... Was nice.... too much food of course..... But I did fairly well.... Did have 1/2 piece of rhubarb pie and a brownie.... splurged, I guess you would say.... otherwise a little chicken, some Beans and a bit of cabbage salad and some great homemade pickles.. I managed to come home with no pie.... gave all the leftovers away to people who were so tickled to have it... Just gave some of the Pasta salad that was left to my brother and half of the pie that was still here at home... So, my house is "clean" again... It was a good day and I have no regrets...

A friend was here today and we went over to my gym and did a bit of a workout.. I have to be so careful of my neck so did nothing with my arms, but did manage to get some cardio in.. I used to own a fitness center (looooooong story!!!) like a Curves and still have all the equipment.. Right now we have an open rental space and have it set up in there.. I've been in recovery so much that I haven't been able to use it much.... Have to start somewhere and that was a start... My friend has lupus and her kidneys are very bad.. Doc told her she has to lose weight to be put on the transplant list, so she wants to try this to see if it will help.... Gives me a workout partner... We decided today that we should maybe start more with just walking than the machines... made a date for Wednesday morning...

Jenno, I remember the first time I had communion after surgery.. I was on my way back to my seat when it dawned on me what I had done.. We use real bread... But I didn't have a problem... Always chew the bread well before swallowing...

Eva, I so get you about the getting past your 32 pounds.. I have been to this place before other times and am so anxious to move into "uncharted waters".. We're going to make it.... just gotta keep going day by day.. and couple ouces here and there and soon another pound is gone.. It works for me...even if it does seem too slow sometimes... As long as we keep going down, that's all that matters.. It isn't a race.... its a way of life... I'm glad to hear you had such a good weekend, too...

If, congrats on the loss.... It's funny how we can sometimes just feel like we have lost.. I've done that, too....

Sharon, I'm so happy for you and your DD.... One of these days I hope you can just breathe easy all the time instead of holding your breath............. And it is so nice to have this place to come and share everything with people who care... We are very fortunate to have found such good friends...

Janet, hope you are feeling perky again real soon...

LauraK, good job on throwing something in the trash.. It is liberating to be able to do that instead of putting it in your mouth... That idea of not wasting food is something that we have to forget... It is way better wasted than in our struggling bodies... So, good for you..

Well, I should do a couple more things before Mimi comes back....... She's with Great Grandma ("GG") right now. I should do some paperwork... You all have a good day... TTYL........... Julie

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Talked with my 7th grade girls group about the 10,10,10 principle, which is a way of helping you make decisions. We make decisions just about every moment and we need to ask ourselves what would the results be, good and bad, 10 minutes from now, 10 months from now, and 10 years from now.

I thought about how that applied to food and how something that looks good right now and would satisfy our craving right now (or maybe not) ends up cumulatively as weight gain 10 months down the road which 10 years down the road puts us on the path of high blood pressure, high, cholesterol, high blood sugar, and prone to heart disease, strokes, Alzheimers, breast and colon cancer, Dr.s' bills, food bills, wardrobe bills, loss of income from not being able to work as well or at all, shame, etc.,etc., etc.

Of course, for my kids, the consequences of bad decisions now, like just going outside and walking around at night in high risk neighborhoods, can be fatal.

10 minutes from now, 10 months from now, 10 years from now. Puts things in perspective.

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I hope someone can help me, I had the LB 11 months ago, and have lost 35 pounds, I have had 4 fills that total 4.5 cc's, my Dr. told me I shoudn't need any more fills, but I feel like I can eat more than I should. I guess I need to go back to the Dr., but I thought some else might have the same problem. Thanks Everyone

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Hi all~

Car line is lining up the kiddies and dropping them off to school. You have to arrive between 825 and and 840 otherwise you have to find a parking space, go into the office, sign them in and wait for a monitor to walk them to class!

Well, I just got back from the YMCA. My 2nd visit there for the day. First one was cardio and then an hour with trainer. The second was info session for the December 5K!!! Yep, I am going to do it! I think I will do the "walking" program but I may do the walk/run. I haven't decided. This has been on my to-do list and now that I am at the half way point of weight, I feel like I am ready.

We went out to dinner tonight. I ordered the "early bird" special. Vegetable Soup (cup), salmon, broccoli and corn on the cob. Well, Soup was fine... then 2 bites of fish.... then ONE bite of broccoli and PB! I ran to the BR just in time. I was having the worst pain ever. Usually as soon as I PB it goes away, but this time the pain stayed for an hour or so. Ughhhhh. Why is it we very often get stuck on something healthy, yet "bad" foods always slide on down! Poor Nelson didn't know why I left the table so suddenly. Luckily DH knew without me saying. Live and learn.

Janet~ Hope you are feeling better today. : )

JulieB~ WTG on the reunion food! And with getting a new exercise partner!!!

IYSOY~ I like the 10-10-10 principle.. well stated.

Doodle~ You sound so chipper! : ) Love hearing you so positive! Keep up the good work.

Welcome Bradley 18~ You've come to the right place. Congrats on the 35 lbs! That is a great start. How long has it been since your last fill? How many calories are you having in a day? How many grams of Protein? Are you keeping a food diary? Are you exercising? If so, how much?

ok girlies. I need to get the little squirt ready for bed. TTYL! peasout, Laura

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I hope someone can help me, I had the LB 11 months ago, and have lost 35 pounds, I have had 4 fills that total 4.5 cc's, my Dr. told me I shoudn't need any more fills, but I feel like I can eat more than I should. I guess I need to go back to the Dr., but I thought some else might have the same problem. Thanks Everyone

Well you only have 12 lbs to go - I see you were lower bmi

What are you eating and how much are you eating ie 1 cup 2 cup..

Are you exercising??

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On my way to the gym - It will help with the yuks that I am having right now - you know that feeling were somethings going to go wrong - or you think it is - I am anxious - well I know once I am done with the gym I will feel better...

Laura - yep - sliders no problem - eating out too I think we forget and eat too fast and don't chew.

Ok it's time to leave


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IYSOY - What a great principle. I think everyone can use that. I am going to try to remember.

Janet & Laura - great that you both made it to the gym today.

Julie - good job on the reunion eating. We all tend to make it about the food and not the people as it should be.

Tonight I went to Mt Pleasant, were my son goes to college, and took him, my nephew and his girlfriend to dinner to Celebrate my sons 20th b-day. I did ok. Few bites of salad, 1/2 of chicken breast, couple of scoops of Beans, none of the Pasta 2 pinches of the roll. Brought home chicken and Pasta. Felt real good to not over do it. I tell you I was afraid to eat that roll, read so much about bread getting stuck. Cross my fingers knock on wood I haven't been stuck or pb'd.

Everyone have a great day tommorrow, it's back to work for me.

Laura K

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ok so tonight i had the worst time ever with a stuck pill. I took 2 tiny laxative pills (My fault not enough veggies or water). They got stuck together I guess and I kept PBing but they would not go down or come back up I called the Dr because I was not thinking and he said to drink hot tea It has been an hour and a half since the whole thing started and it feels better but it also feels like they are still stuck in my throat. The doctor on call said to come to the hospital and get scoped if it does not get better which does not sound like fun so I am praying it goes down. Also the the liquid came out of the pills and tasted nasty.

OMG I feel so horrible. The last fill I had was in July so I guess i took the pills to close together. I thought it was no big deal since they were so small. WRONG !!

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Hello girlfriends!!!!!

Sorry I have been so MIA for the last few days. School and work have been keeping me super duper busy!

I am so excited today!!!! I started my hard core working out. :sad::blink::thumbdown::lol: 1 hour of "stretch, sculpt, and tone" aerobics with an instructor that is no joke, and then 20 minutes on the recumbant bike, and 40 minutes of weight training with the same instructor.:w00t: This is going to take place every Monday and Wednesday until December when the semester ends. I am so happy that I have the ability to take these classes at school! I actually did pretty well in class, we did step aerobics today, and boy oh boy it was something! I am so happy about working out! Yay! It came at just the right time too. I think I have reached a small plateau, or maybe I can eat more than I am supposed to because of minimal restriction. I was lucky enough to move my fill date up to the 21st because my Doctors office had a cancellation. Thats next Monday already! food wise, I did pretty well today also.

Breakfast~ Special K Red Berries and Light vanilla Soy Milk

Lunch~ Grilled chicken breast and small salad w/ light dressing

Dinner~ 4 oz grilled chicken kebob and fattoush salad

I will probably have some watermelon in awhile for a snack as well. I have a whole huge half of one that is not cut up yet that is taking up a ton of room in the refridge.

Doodle~ I have taken a small break from the shack because it was keeping me up too late at nighttime and then I was so sleepy in the a.m. I think that I am going to get back to it tonight. I'm only at chapter 8. It's really good though. Really different, but good. Congrats on DD's graduation. My mom too always used to tell me not to stoop to the level of others who are not there to help you. They only want to hurt you because they too are hurting, and misery loves commpany! She just needs to remember that in this difficult time, and I'm sure you won't let her forget it :thumbdown:!

Laura~ Congrats on the loss of the poundage and getting back into the gym. Feels good! Super cute pics of Nels and his buddy! I feel ya on his mom though. She's probably just miserable with herself in her own skin and just is jealous.

Janet~ Hangovers are the worst! Hugs. I think that I may go see my sister in Cali in January or so. We should meet! How far away from Huntington Beach did you say you were? The furthest West I've ever been is to Las Vegas.

If~ I love the 10-10-10! It's like with quitting smoking, everyone always says there will be something that tests your will power in 3 days, 3 months, and again in 3 years.

Julie~ Yay on getting back to working out again! Awesome! WTG!

Graminator~ You rock!

Newbies~ I love these gals so much. They have helped me through some of the worst days on this journey, and then have cheered me on again through some of the best ones. You won't find another group better than this one!

Ok, sorry I didn't get to everyone, I have to get back to homework! Long day tomorrow.

Ok, love you all!


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Evening everyone. Another day passed and two more to go before another mini vacation...Yipee.

Meredith, you are going to be so busy over the next few months. It's great you get to work out for class. I did that too for a couple of semesters. I took racquetball and boy did I get good that semester. I'd be lucky to even hit the ball now.

Laura, sounds like things are going well with you right now. Good job with the workout.

Talk to you all later.


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1 day....so sorry you are having trouble with the pills. I haven't had one of those stick yet. I hope that everything is okay today. I wonder if they just try to go through sideways or flat and get stuck. Then Water won't help much. I'm able to take a pretty sizable Multi-Vitamin right now and it surprises me that it goes down easily. I do take them at night when I have very little restriction however. I'll go back to chewables after I get my fill again.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.


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IYSOY - What a great principle. I think everyone can use that. I am going to try to remember.

Janet & Laura - great that you both made it to the gym today.

Julie - good job on the reunion eating. We all tend to make it about the food and not the people as it should be.

Tonight I went to Mt Pleasant, were my son goes to college, and took him, my nephew and his girlfriend to dinner to Celebrate my sons 20th b-day. I did ok. Few bites of salad, 1/2 of chicken breast, couple of scoops of Beans, none of the Pasta 2 pinches of the roll. Brought home chicken and Pasta. Felt real good to not over do it. I tell you I was afraid to eat that roll, read so much about bread getting stuck. Cross my fingers knock on wood I haven't been stuck or pb'd.

Everyone have a great day tommorrow, it's back to work for me.

Laura K

Laura K - I can eat almost any food - String beef is about the only thing that gives me any problems - I haven't tried a submarine sandwich - too much bread - but I can eat bread - I buy the lite sandwich bread every couple of months and have a sandwich - I don't buy sour dough bread - cuz I would eat it till it was all gone - I can eat shrimp - and when I am out to dinner - I will have bits of a roll and some butter - but really try and stay away from it for the most part - I really am more about nutrition than anything else - bread is empty calories..

ok so tonight i had the worst time ever with a stuck pill. I took 2 tiny laxative pills (My fault not enough veggies or water). They got stuck together I guess and I kept PBing but they would not go down or come back up I called the Dr because I was not thinking and he said to drink hot tea It has been an hour and a half since the whole thing started and it feels better but it also feels like they are still stuck in my throat. The doctor on call said to come to the hospital and get scoped if it does not get better which does not sound like fun so I am praying it goes down. Also the the liquid came out of the pills and tasted nasty.

OMG I feel so horrible. The last fill I had was in July so I guess i took the pills to close together. I thought it was no big deal since they were so small. WRONG !!

Melissa - hugs - I take ducolax and they are tiny and never had a problem - did you take them after you had eaten - I usually alwasy try and take any pills on an empty stomach - so they will go down - Hope you are better today..

Hello girlfriends!!!!!

Sorry I have been so MIA for the last few days. School and work have been keeping me super duper busy!

I am so excited today!!!! I started my hard core working out. :thumbup::mad2::thumbup::thumbup: 1 hour of "stretch, sculpt, and tone" aerobics with an instructor that is no joke, and then 20 minutes on the recumbant bike, and 40 minutes of weight training with the same instructor.:) This is going to take place every Monday and Wednesday until December when the semester ends. I am so happy that I have the ability to take these classes at school! I actually did pretty well in class, we did step aerobics today, and boy oh boy it was something! I am so happy about working out! Yay! It came at just the right time too. I think I have reached a small plateau, or maybe I can eat more than I am supposed to because of minimal restriction. I was lucky enough to move my fill date up to the 21st because my Doctors office had a cancellation. Thats next Monday already! Food wise, I did pretty well today also.

Breakfast~ Special K Red Berries and Light Vanilla Soy Milk

Lunch~ Grilled chicken breast and small salad w/ light dressing

Dinner~ 4 oz grilled chicken kebob and fattoush salad

I will probably have some watermelon in awhile for a snack as well. I have a whole huge half of one that is not cut up yet that is taking up a ton of room in the refridge.

Doodle~ I have taken a small break from the shack because it was keeping me up too late at nighttime and then I was so sleepy in the a.m. I think that I am going to get back to it tonight. I'm only at chapter 8. It's really good though. Really different, but good. Congrats on DD's graduation. My mom too always used to tell me not to stoop to the level of others who are not there to help you. They only want to hurt you because they too are hurting, and misery loves commpany! She just needs to remember that in this difficult time, and I'm sure you won't let her forget it :thumbup:!

Laura~ Congrats on the loss of the poundage and getting back into the gym. Feels good! Super cute pics of Nels and his buddy! I feel ya on his mom though. She's probably just miserable with herself in her own skin and just is jealous.

Janet~ Hangovers are the worst! Hugs. I think that I may go see my sister in Cali in January or so. We should meet! How far away from Huntington Beach did you say you were? The furthest West I've ever been is to Las Vegas.

If~ I love the 10-10-10! It's like with quitting smoking, everyone always says there will be something that tests your will power in 3 days, 3 months, and again in 3 years.

Julie~ Yay on getting back to working out again! Awesome! WTG!

Graminator~ You rock!

Newbies~ I love these gals so much. They have helped me through some of the worst days on this journey, and then have cheered me on again through some of the best ones. You won't find another group better than this one!

Ok, sorry I didn't get to everyone, I have to get back to homework! Long day tomorrow.

Ok, love you all!


Meredith WTG on the Exercise - as you all know I am big on that subject - you gotta do the whole package to get healthy and exercise is key - and also when you do get to maintenance - if you want to eat you gotta exercise...

HB is about 100 miles I guess - takes about 2 hrs - So let me know - I may be going to Vegas for my Girls weekend - at the end of January - but we have no def plans..

Hangovers !!! You would think at 54 I would know how to drink by now - but when I am in a party mood - watch out and then the next thing you know - I am too far gone :0)...

I was feeling no pain - but not totally messed up.. but came home at just the right time - even though I didn't think so at the time - I wanted to dance some more !!!

Evening everyone. Another day passed and two more to go before another mini vacation...Yipee.

Meredith, you are going to be so busy over the next few months. It's great you get to work out for class. I did that too for a couple of semesters. I took racquetball and boy did I get good that semester. I'd be lucky to even hit the ball now.

Laura, sounds like things are going well with you right now. Good job with the workout.

Talk to you all later.


1 day....so sorry you are having trouble with the pills. I haven't had one of those stick yet. I hope that everything is okay today. I wonder if they just try to go through sideways or flat and get stuck. Then Water won't help much. I'm able to take a pretty sizable Multi-Vitamin right now and it surprises me that it goes down easily. I do take them at night when I have very little restriction however. I'll go back to chewables after I get my fill again.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.


Eva - Where are you going on your mini vacation...

Well gang just cking in - I read last night but it was 8 and I needed to eat and get some tv in before bed...


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HEEELLOOOO !!!! Got some spare time so I'm getting a head start on this wks posts!!! Still raining and still loving it!! I just got home from work, already took my bath and have my jammies on!! DD is still doing good, Eli, on the other hand, is not doing so good. He is trying her patience soo much!! But I told her that's to be expected! She starts counseling tomorrow so that should help.

If~~ Love your 10-10-10 idea!! That could work on any thing in life!!

Meredith~~ You are going to be one lean mean machine!! I envy you!!!

Janet~~~ Thanks for the advice on the " quick" snack! Sometimes I don't eat very much lunch, and when I go to the store, I get sooo hungry! Also taking pills on an empty stomach. I've often wondered about that!

1DAY~~~ Bless your heart on the stuck pills!!

Julie~~~ One of these days I will be able to breathe easier!! ( I hope!!) Good job on the family reunion and making good food choices!! It always helps me to have a partner, makes me accountable!!

Laura~~~ I did a March of Dimes walk one year and enjoyed it soo much! At the rate your going, you're going to be running not walking!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

Octo~~~ We're only working 4 days a wk, for the last 2 yrs, so I get a mini vacation every wk., the only problem is, just don't have any money to do anything!! lol Have fun on yours!!!

Well, I 'm going to warm up some Soup for supper and do a load of laundry. FUN FUN FUN!!! TTYL Sharon

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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