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Long - I like Great2BThin. Longnomore - sounds like you are no longer tall! You deserve a new screen name! Can I have your old one???

Apples - and others - on FB I am Joann Haley Farley. Send me a friend request (let me know your name, too - I get some I don't know and I am hesitant...) I don't do games much 'cause I would be on the computer 24/7 and I would never get ANYTHING else done. But I like friends...

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just a note to say hello!~ i just went to the gym... 30 min of cardio and 60 min with my trainer doing interval stuff. i am pooped!!! (Meredith's word!) The other day I was reading her post and I thought she said she pooped, and I was about to congratulate her. : )

Picking Nels up from camp and then coming home to get the house ready for my parents' visit! They are flying in from NC today until Sunday. My dad is a pilot and they enjoy their retirement years jumping around in the little plane. They are so active- walk 3 miles a day or do hour Water aerobics! They have more energy than I do at 75! Nelson will be soooo excited to see his Grams.

Hi to all and hope everyones mid week is going ok!


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Hi! this is my first time posting!!

I am considering LapBand I have scheduled an appointment for a consultation 3 weeks from today!

Just trying to get more information.... im 5 foot and 205 my BMI puts me in obesity range, but my doctor tells me that it's not "accurate" because a lot of my weight is muscle. I have tried every diet out there. I am 22 and just want to be healthy. Does Lapband seem like the right idea for me or am I way off.....

Any advice would help!!

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Hi all, taking a couple minutes while baby is watching her favorite cartoon.... Calliou..... Never heard of it til she started watching it!!!! It keeps her very still for half an hour and that's a good thing I guess....

I never thought of going to the "goodwill" type stores to get clothes.. Will try that tomorrow when I hit Bismarck for some shopping... Need some summer tops.. And a chiropractor treatment on my leg... I have been exercising, though.. Half mile of my walking tape on Monday and 30 minute circuit workout yesterday morning and a nice walk uptown later that afternoon.. I wish I could get the food thing under control that good.. Just can't start losing any weight.. I do have my next fill on Monday, so I'm hoping for at least 2 more cc's... I've got a lot of hope in those little cc's!!

Laura, love your adoption story.. I have some friends who have a similar one.. And I have a brother who adopted his daughter and son from India.. That was quite an experience for them... And those children are so loved... Here in our little old town, they were unique, but in the best way possible... It was like everyone took a special interest in them... God knows where they would be if they weren't with us.. Good for you.. have you considered another?

Long, or should I say, Great...... I like Great2BThin... If you've got it, flaunt it I say!!!! You should be so proud of yourself... I'm glad you are not worrying about a specific number... 10 here or 10 there, (Like with Apples) shouldn't be an issue.. It's the reason I don't have a specific goal in mind.. I'm feeling very good now and would love to reach normal one day, but I'll settle for being somewhere under 250..... It might sound like a lot to those of you who started there, but when you've been near 400, it's a great number and one I can live with... I just need to get started losing again.. Won't be happy if I get stuck here for a long time.. I've been here before.... Anyway, I vote for "Great"

Apples, you are so busy and golly but you have a lot of friends who come to share your summer get-a-way... or it is the same ones often? Would love to be there with you sometime.... We could start an annual LBT retreat at your summer cabin...... Sounds like a fun time... How many beds do you have!!!!LOL!!!! I have a little lunch planned with a couple friends/classmates tomorrow when I go to town.. Should be fun, too....

Well, Calliou is about over so I'd better finish up here. Hope to talk to you all later.... Stay happy... Julie

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Good afternoon. I had to go visit Grandma this morning so thought while I was over that way I'd pop in at Goodwill and buy those size 8 shorts I liked and didn't get on Monday. But, alas, they were gone, BUT.......I got me a pair of size 8 capris and they fit!! They are in the wash now so I can wear them asap.

Thanks for all the input on my new screen name. It's looking like it will be Great2Bthin, I will change it when I get back this weekend. And Joann, you are more than welcome to my old name, I'll let you know when I change it.

I'm on Facebook too, I like friends!!

Oh this weekend, can't remember if I told you what I am doing yet or not. If I am repeating myself, chalk it up to a senior moment. LOL Anyhow, last June DH & I went for a drive over Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mtn Nat'l park. At the summit there is a gift shop and next to it a huge staircase to the top of the mountain (about 14,000 feet). It looked so daunting, but I said then that this summer I was going to go climb that staircase. So we are going camping, in a tent no less, EGADS!! What have I gotten myself into, but I got a nice cot, it was a condition of me tent camping! We are meeting my best friend from HS too and her husband, all 4 of us graduated together. Anyway I am climbing those stairs on Friday afternoon, then I am going to the gift shop and buying the Tshirt that says I climbed them. I'll try and get a picture at the top. Hope my knee holds out. It's worse on my knee coming down though than up.

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OMW, Lori! I can't wait to see the picture of you in that T-shirt. My hubby has been talking about a tent camping trip - it's been a long time, and (like you) I don't think I can sleep on the ground! But I'm getting ready to give this a try - prerequisite is the cot! We are headed to Bennett Spring and our camping trailer this weekend. It is HOT here - and very humid - so hiking may not be on the agenda at this time. With the hot humid summers in MO, we are totally different campers now - we (meaning me) like that air conditioning and that indoor potty!

I am excited for you and anxious to hear about the adventure. I know how the knee is - but you have probably strengthened the surrounding muscle structure with your workouts to the point where it may not be an issue for you. It may not feel great the next day, though, as the joint may react more after a few hours. Take along the pain medication of choice so you can get some good rest after your climb.

Congrats on the great NSVs you had at the support group meeting. It tells me that maybe you should just not worry about that last 10 - with your LB tool in place, your healthy food habits, and your exercise, that 10 pounds is going to go it's going to go away all by itself without you worrying about it. After all, you are normal!!

And the name? I was just kidding... Nobody else can be Long2BThin!

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Hi Joann,

Bass Pro has some pretty nice cots these days! We got the kingsize ones. Then we got home and they didn't fit in our tent so , yep you got it, we got a bigger tent. Hubby didn't complain too much as he has ulterior motives for the cots and tent for hunting.

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Oh Lori - our husbands should meet each other! It wouldn't do to exchange the cots for smaller ones - ya gotta get a bigger tent! That is exactly what my hubby would do. I am now forewarned - if he comes home from work with new cots AND a new tent I won't be at all surprised.

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Joann, now's the time to get the big tent. It's on sale for $40 off. I was so frustrated when I got that ad in the mail today. So off we went to Bass Pro with our receipt and yep they credited us the $40. I wanted it credited back to my account but nope, hubby saw and opportunity and said he'd take it in a store credit. LOL

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I don't think I will even pass that along to DH. He works there, you know - and would probably finagle his employee discount off the sale price, which would make it irresistable.

Ah well, it might as well be a big tent as anything else... Might as well stock up on outdoor equipment while he's working there - at least that's what he tells me...

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Message from DH - "We have a big tent, but I'll be happy to buy you one if you want it." Thanks, honey - I'll just share yours.

We have more thunderstorms tonight - last night was rough and here we go again. I am hoping it will cool things off a little, but not holding my breath.

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Hi! this is my first time posting!!

I am considering LapBand I have scheduled an appointment for a consultation 3 weeks from today!

Just trying to get more information.... im 5 foot and 205 my BMI puts me in obesity range, but my doctor tells me that it's not "accurate" because a lot of my weight is muscle. I have tried every diet out there. I am 22 and just want to be healthy. Does Lapband seem like the right idea for me or am I way off.....

Any advice would help!!

Welcome! LBT will give you a lot of information to help you make a decision. Ask Away!

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Hi everyone, hope you all had a great day.

Long...your weekend sounds like so much fun !! Anxious to hear about it and post some pics plz.

Joann...I love your new pic !! You two make such a cute couple !! :)

Peas....we are friends on Facebook now ! :( I also have your email addy. I'm on aol also, so I may see you online sometime. Have fun with your parents this weekend.

My vacation starts Friday at 4:45. I'm going to work on my scrapbooking, make some Stampin UP cards for upcoming birthdays, going to shop at Good Will stores, I already have addresses printed out from cities all around me...lol Going to make a day of it.

My DIL from Georgia is coming up for a couple of days on her way to visit her brother , very anxious to see her, yet sad that my DS can't make it.

Joann...before I go, do me a favor, and send some rain to Texas plz. It is soooooooo hot and dry.

Take care all.


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Hey Gang been busy at work and then last night had to do accounting stuff for bro's estate - pay some of my own bills and answer an email - didn't get off the computer til after 9 so we just to POOPED to post...

Long - I like Great2BThin. Longnomore - sounds like you are no longer tall! You deserve a new screen name! Can I have your old one???

Apples - and others - on FB I am Joann Haley Farley. Send me a friend request (let me know your name, too - I get some I don't know and I am hesitant...) I don't do games much 'cause I would be on the computer 24/7 and I would never get ANYTHING else done. But I like friends...

Joann - I use to be a big farmer - but it was taking too much time away from my real life and wasn't getting stuff done -so as of right now - I am collecting freinds too - but we already are :0)

just a note to say hello!~ i just went to the gym... 30 min of cardio and 60 min with my trainer doing interval stuff. i am pooped!!! (Meredith's word!) The other day I was reading her post and I thought she said she pooped, and I was about to congratulate her. : )

Picking Nels up from camp and then coming home to get the house ready for my parents' visit! They are flying in from NC today until Sunday. My dad is a pilot and they enjoy their retirement years jumping around in the little plane. They are so active- walk 3 miles a day or do hour Water aerobics! They have more energy than I do at 75! Nelson will be soooo excited to see his Grams.

Hi to all and hope everyones mid week is going ok!


Laura - once you get your weight off you will have just as much energy as they have - WTG on the exercise

Hi! this is my first time posting!!

I am considering LapBand I have scheduled an appointment for a consultation 3 weeks from today!

Just trying to get more information.... im 5 foot and 205 my BMI puts me in obesity range, but my doctor tells me that it's not "accurate" because a lot of my weight is muscle. I have tried every diet out there. I am 22 and just want to be healthy. Does Lapband seem like the right idea for me or am I way off.....

Any advice would help!!

Hi it's hard to tell if you qualify - that will depend on your insurance and some pple are just stocky even if they weigh 100 lbs they have a stocky build..

The band isn't a diet - it's only a tool that provides you with restriction so that you can't eat alot of foods - but again depending on what foods you over it - it doesn't work on all foods - candy - Cookies - milk shakes etc - they all are slider foods..

The band is all about a lifetime lifestyle change in your eating - healthy - low fat - limited carbs and sf and exercise..

Hi all, taking a couple minutes while baby is watching her favorite cartoon.... Calliou..... Never heard of it til she started watching it!!!! It keeps her very still for half an hour and that's a good thing I guess....

I never thought of going to the "goodwill" type stores to get clothes.. Will try that tomorrow when I hit Bismarck for some shopping... Need some summer tops.. And a chiropractor treatment on my leg... I have been exercising, though.. Half mile of my walking tape on Monday and 30 minute circuit workout yesterday morning and a nice walk uptown later that afternoon.. I wish I could get the food thing under control that good.. Just can't start losing any weight.. I do have my next fill on Monday, so I'm hoping for at least 2 more cc's... I've got a lot of hope in those little cc's!!

Laura, love your adoption story.. I have some friends who have a similar one.. And I have a brother who adopted his daughter and son from India.. That was quite an experience for them... And those children are so loved... Here in our little old town, they were unique, but in the best way possible... It was like everyone took a special interest in them... God knows where they would be if they weren't with us.. Good for you.. have you considered another?

Long, or should I say, Great...... I like Great2BThin... If you've got it, flaunt it I say!!!! You should be so proud of yourself... I'm glad you are not worrying about a specific number... 10 here or 10 there, (Like with Apples) shouldn't be an issue.. It's the reason I don't have a specific goal in mind.. I'm feeling very good now and would love to reach normal one day, but I'll settle for being somewhere under 250..... It might sound like a lot to those of you who started there, but when you've been near 400, it's a great number and one I can live with... I just need to get started losing again.. Won't be happy if I get stuck here for a long time.. I've been here before.... Anyway, I vote for "Great"

Apples, you are so busy and golly but you have a lot of friends who come to share your summer get-a-way... or it is the same ones often? Would love to be there with you sometime.... We could start an annual LBT retreat at your summer cabin...... Sounds like a fun time... How many beds do you have!!!!LOL!!!! I have a little lunch planned with a couple friends/classmates tomorrow when I go to town.. Should be fun, too....

Well, Calliou is about over so I'd better finish up here. Hope to talk to you all later.... Stay happy... Julie

Julie yep those little cc do help !!!! WTG on the Exercise !!! Ya Apples how many rooms do you have at your cabin :0)...

Good afternoon. I had to go visit Grandma this morning so thought while I was over that way I'd pop in at Goodwill and buy those size 8 shorts I liked and didn't get on Monday. But, alas, they were gone, BUT.......I got me a pair of size 8 capris and they fit!! They are in the wash now so I can wear them asap.

Thanks for all the input on my new screen name. It's looking like it will be Great2Bthin, I will change it when I get back this weekend. And Joann, you are more than welcome to my old name, I'll let you know when I change it.

I'm on Facebook too, I like friends!!

Oh this weekend, can't remember if I told you what I am doing yet or not. If I am repeating myself, chalk it up to a senior moment. LOL Anyhow, last June DH & I went for a drive over Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mtn Nat'l park. At the summit there is a gift shop and next to it a huge staircase to the top of the mountain (about 14,000 feet). It looked so daunting, but I said then that this summer I was going to go climb that staircase. So we are going camping, in a tent no less, EGADS!! What have I gotten myself into, but I got a nice cot, it was a condition of me tent camping! We are meeting my best friend from HS too and her husband, all 4 of us graduated together. Anyway I am climbing those stairs on Friday afternoon, then I am going to the gift shop and buying the Tshirt that says I climbed them. I'll try and get a picture at the top. Hope my knee holds out. It's worse on my knee coming down though than up.


Hi everyone, hope you all had a great day.

Long...your weekend sounds like so much fun !! Anxious to hear about it and post some pics plz.

Joann...I love your new pic !! You two make such a cute couple !! :thumbup:

Peas....we are friends on facebook now ! :bored: I also have your email addy. I'm on aol also, so I may see you online sometime. Have fun with your parents this weekend.

My vacation starts Friday at 4:45. I'm going to work on my scrapbooking, make some Stampin UP cards for upcoming birthdays, going to shop at Good Will stores, I already have addresses printed out from cities all around me...lol Going to make a day of it.

My DIL from Georgia is coming up for a couple of days on her way to visit her brother , very anxious to see her, yet sad that my DS can't make it.

Joann...before I go, do me a favor, and send some rain to Texas plz. It is soooooooo hot and dry.

Take care all.


PJ - how long are you off work 1 or 2 weeks :0) Enjoy and be sure to get some exercise in (wink wink)

Hugs J

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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