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Julie, I hope you are busy treading as we speak! Hurry up, Janet is right behind me. :)

Just wanted to pop in and say I may be scarce the next week or so. My grandma's flight gets in in 2 hours and I have to pick her up, then my parents tomorrow. Grandma is staying here til her moving van arrives and we can move her into her place and my folks are staying for almost 2 weeks EGADS!! Will pop in when I can.

The scale is moving!! I was back firmly at 199 this morning which is 1/2 lb lower than it was before when it was going back and forth those 2 lbs. Never to see the 2's again!

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You gals are TOO FUNNY!

Janet will roll on the floor when she sees your comments!

She has a longstading reputation as "FOOD COP",

but this sounds more like "EXERCISE COP"!

3_12_27v.gif 3_12_22.gif 3_12_27v.gif

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Okay, Apples, did I beat her????? I managed .3 miles at 2 mph.... that's more than I can usually do at my still 309 pounds..... But my baby is up and crying... gotta go... Julie

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Hi everyone - came on to check in and to say I am sooo hungry right now! I've eaten my fair share today. Can't figure it out.

Anyway, you made me chuckle - janet food cop/exercise cop!


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Hey Julie...you got on the darned thing and you walked....that's what counts. Sounds like you are pretty booked with things and it's weighing on you. You will notice that the more weight you take off...the more you will be on that treadmill or outside walking. I couldn't believe what that first amount of weight off my body did for my ability to exercise. Keep it up!

Boos....sorry about your hunger issues today. Some days are just like that and it takes ALOT of willpower to stay the heck out of the kitchen cupboards. How many times have you heard people comment on how fickle the band is? I think it is something we all go through. Hang in there and try to not have to make up tomorrow for what you have done today.

Long...I know you have some issues when it comes to your mother. Hope you can handle of the stress of it all...well...I know you can. Grandma is going to appreciate everything you are doing for her. I simply LOVE the elderly. One of my best friends is 88 and guess what she did this morning when I was visiting with her? She said the "f" word!!!!! She has another "old" (77) lady that bugs the heck out of her and relys on her for everything (very emotionally needy). Well, she's had enough of it for awhile. She started out with saying "I'm going to go to hell for saying this...." and then she said it. So hilarious and I don't even like the word.

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Apples and Janet -

I just want you to know how much I appreciate hearing your comments about maintenance of your weight loss. I KNOW I will get to my goal weight. Right now that is a foregone conclusion. I know the real purpose of this band is to help me when I am at goal - to STAY at goal. Knowing how you are accomplishing this is invaluable to me.

I had my 3rd fill yesterday - another 1cc to make the total 6. Not that I am concentrating on the numbers here, Janet! but it helps me to know my doctor's plan in getting me to my best level of restriction. I am quite a bit tighter today - know I will loosen up a bit in the next few days as swelling goes down. Everything is going down okay - just a lot slower. Not a bad thing and probably just where I need to be right now. I am scheduled for another small fill on Mar 20 - I may not need it but the doctor wants to see me anyway to make sure I'm ready for the Korea trip.

I have been exercising! Almost afraid to say anything, but despite the knee and foot pain, I am finding the recumbant bike to be my friend right now. I am planning to chase a 2 year old in a few weeks - gotta prepare for that!

Apples - you look good, you feel good, you are eating healthy, and you can wear anything you want. Anyone who has the audacity to try to make you feel bad about your weight loss has to be rude, insensitive, jealous, or just plain crazy. There - that should just about cover everyone. Love you, Girlfriend. You are inspiring!

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Oh JoAnne...I cried with that one. Thanks...you are the inspiration. Look at you...you are doing everything by the book and have such an awesome attitude and KNOW you will reach your goal. That's what all the Lap Band docs are looking for in a person!

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Julie, I hope you are busy treading as we speak! Hurry up, Janet is right behind me. :)

Just wanted to pop in and say I may be scarce the next week or so. My grandma's flight gets in in 2 hours and I have to pick her up, then my parents tomorrow. Grandma is staying here til her moving van arrives and we can move her into her place and my folks are staying for almost 2 weeks EGADS!! Will pop in when I can.

The scale is moving!! I was back firmly at 199 this morning which is 1/2 lb lower than it was before when it was going back and forth those 2 lbs. Never to see the 2's again!

Long, I wish you well on taking care of your mother. Remember, if you need to vent we are here for you. I am glad your ticker is moving again. Mine....well, it ought to move today. I did a bad thing....I ate nuggets from Chick fil A....got stuck....and threw up for 2hrs till it all game up. I know...too much TMI, but I am exhausted. I have learned my lesson....NO chicken NUGGETS!. I guess I will sip on tea and broth this evening. :tongue2:

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Well, I'm baby free now and I still beat Janet.... I wanted to say that after that little walk my lungs hurt so bad.. I'm just getting over a cold and wow did they burn. Usually when I have used that thing before I do 1 1/2 mph and do a quarter mile.. So I upped it to 2 mph and did a little longer.. Would probably been able to do more if my lungs had not hurt so bad. But I did do it and that was a good thing.. My husband just told me I should go swimming tomorrow and he will take care of the baby for me.. That is nice of him... I love the Water aerobics because I can do so much more in the Water than I can do out of it...

Long, it takes a special person to deal with the elderly well, and it sounds like you are that special person.. Your grandmother will be so lucky to have you.. And as for your parents... well two weeks is only 14 days and sounds like you will be so busy the time will fly.. I'll be thinking of you.. I have lots of time with my mother and probably more now that she isn't supposed to drive for 6 monts. She really likes to get out to all her events.. Bible study clubs and such. She is a lay minister with the Lutheran church and does supply pastoring.. so she gets calls to fill in all over the county.. She did say she may have to take her name off the list for a while.. But just driving her around all the while having my granddaughter, too, will be a full-time job.. We'll get through it, though... I have faith.. The alternative is nothing I want to think about....

Janet, I'm doing better this evening, so I may make it through the day after all.... I counted up all my calories and it wasn't as bad as I imagined. I guess I just felt out of control... Will have a nice safe supper and start over tomorrow.. My goodness, you have these gals trained good, they know just what to say when you aren't around.. Thanks to all for helping me through the day... Julie

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Evening all ~ just cruising through. Busy day today as usual. b=STB, cottage cheese, L=roadhouse chili (microwave bowl/sm); drank a 12oz bottle of cranberry juice, filled me up so bad I had a pain in my side for a little while-gone now. dinner, still thinking about: probably leftover turkey & vegetables over rice and a snack. There lies the problemS the snack. I had a couple (ok I lied,) a few minature snickers from one of my colleagues candy dish and like I mentioned before, I have this snacking problem late at night. It's rough. I see my doc in a couple of weeks - so hopefully I can manage some sense of control between now and then. Did my exercise, treadmill 45mins and 50 sit-ups, back still sore, but I know if I allow myself to make excuses - I won't get on the darn thing. Now it's over, I feel like I did something right and good for myself today. Ready to relax. Have to get up extra early tomorrow - giving a training presentation at work for all those early risers - yuck. I would rather work through the night than wake up early - oh well...

Well Ms. Bubba, it seems like your feeling a little bit better. Keep doing that treadmill for whatever period of time you can. Cardio exercises are supposed to increase your dopamine (or something like that), the electrons or neurons??? in the brain which controls mood - so good cardio, happy person; at least that's what somebody told me.

Long - good luck to you on the visiting parents and the new neighbor "grandma." My parents visit me every year in August and stay for about a month. They actually use my home as their extended stay location while they visit relatives who live in the Northeast. So they stay here for a week, visit folks for a couple of days, come back here for a fews days, visit more family/friends. This continues for a month. I love my parents deeply, but my Dad and I can get on each others nerves very quickly - we are so much alike. Oh well, I love them and I'd rather deal with the 1 month a year, than not have them at all. In that regard I am blessed.

Apples - I meant to tell you that "I" envy you at 121#s and there is absolutely no shame in this. Flaunt it and wear it proudly. I'm with Long, who cares what anyone thinks, I have no doubt that you look wonderful.

Hey Joann **waving** Janet - just checking in, can I get at least an A- or B for effort :) Talk to all later.

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Long, I wish you well on taking care of your mother. Remember, if you need to vent we are here for you. I am glad your ticker is moving again. Mine....well, it ought to move today. I did a bad thing....I ate nuggets from Chick fil A....got stuck....and threw up for 2hrs till it all game up. I know...too much TMI, but I am exhausted. I have learned my lesson....NO chicken NUGGETS!. I guess I will sip on tea and broth this evening. :)

I actually had those yesterday! I notice if I have them I need to be very careful and take tiny bites and chew. Being breast meat they are drier and get stuck on me easier than other nuggets.

Well Grandma arrived safe and sound. She just went in to bed, she looked exhausted. Tomorrow I am picking up my folks and we are going to see her apartment for her first time. I hope she likes it. We had a real nice dinner, both my sisters and my kids were here. I just did some BBQ pulled pork in the crockpot. Tomorrow night I am cooking a 23 lb turkey and having cake for my Dad's 77th birthday. I am handling all this food pretty good given my new fill yesterday. Grandma didnt' recognize me first at the airport, of course, she's now concerned that I still want to lose some weight and thinks I weigh 130. LOL And my sisters jumped on that, not wanting me to lose more. See I was always the 'fat sister' and am no longer!!! There's a new opening in the family for that position, I held it long enough and vow to never fill it again.

Went to my gynecologist today for my yearly. Mentioned a sore back, they did a urine sample and are sending it for a more complete urinalysis, they think I have either a kidney infection or stones brewing. I sure hope not. In the mean time I drink cranberry juice.

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Long, take care of yourself. Maybe those exercises have put a strain on your back. I hope your Grandmother settles in without any problems. It is so hard on the elderly to move. When we moved my mother to a retirement home she went in the hospital because she dehydrated. Having her in place with help will give all of you peace of mind.

JANET.....where are you? Did I miss something? I thought your cruise was in a couple of weeks. I hope everything is okay.

Apples, I sent you a message......I want your sugar free dessert recipes.< /span>

Joanne.....you are doing awesome. I know you are getting excited about seeing your family.

Pyllser.....hope you get to feeling better soon.

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Ok Gang Sorry for being MIA didn't ck in at lunch - have been super busy at work and tonite had appoint w/Attorney didn't get home till 6 - So here I go

Hey Long....happy that you feel your fill did it's thing. Now I want you to be happy that your scale is moving. Also, thanks for the basket suggestions. I think I will just take the three suggestions and make three smaller baskets. This kid that has luekemia is pretty special to us and DH and I talked about it last night and going to throw in a couple of extra baskets. He has been a friend of my DS since grade school...has two babies of his own and a wife that is frantic about his health (as we all are).

Cold and windy day here again. Making a big pot of chili and cleaning some closets (my obssesion). You can tell it's pretty boring around here when I got all excited about going to town and buying three new shoes racks and cannot wait to get them assembled!

Apples - Prayers for your DS friend - I had a cousin who had luekema (sp) I think she got it around 16 lived til 26 - she died on my 40th bday - I didn't know her well - she lived in England - met her a few time..

My closet needs some cleaning - Sweaters need to be put up (90 yesterday 80 today) and some stuff from last year needs to go - I have a GF who had bypass she has lost 100 saw her at the store Sunday - she got alot of my old stuff - and it won't be long till she fits into my 12's - she still has a bit of a tummy but - another few months that will be gone..

Shoe racks oh no too much work - I am not that organized - they (shoes get kicked off in the closet and then I will go in and put them in order - I have a hell of a time just hanging up my work clothes after I take them off -

I was going to do that tonite - then had to go to the attorney - so maybe this weekend..

Hi all,

I'm not having a great day today.. My little one is crabby and out of sorts and I have to say I feel the same way.. She is sleeping now and I hope she takes a good long nap. I had a little one in my recliner. Have been taking it easy today after a very busy day yesterday. BUT......I've been looking for something to eat every few minutes.. And of course making all the wrong choices.. I hate it when this happens.. I think the scale got me off on the wrong foot today.. I was sure it would be down today and instead it was up a half a pound.. Now I know that isn't a tragedy, especially when I weigh every morning, but it just hit me wrong today..........Like why am I trying so hard when nothing is moving.. so off I go to get food that is bad for me..... Dumb, huh??? I've stopped now and am just drinking but I've consumed all of my calories for the day again, and it's just 2:00..... I wish I wasn't such an emotional girl... I think I'm just overtired and very stressed from all the caring for others I do, which leaves me no time to take care of myelf. I haven't been able to go to my Water aerobics for a week now and that isn't good.. I absolutely hate walking on my treadmill, but will try to do that tonight. Don't know if I'll make it to swim tomorrow either.. It's M-W-F, 30 miles away.... This is my fault, as I'm so accustomed to being sedentary that exercise is still not something that pops into my head automatically.. That's why I'm looking forward to spring, when I can take my little girl walking to the park and that sort of thing.. Can't walk on the treadmill with her here because she might get hurt... I do have a walking tape, and tried that once when she was here, but I laughed so hard watching her try to do it that I didn't get much out of it... Sounds like a bunch of lame excuses doesn't it??? I think it is..... But that doesn't change anything.. So, I guess I should leave my pity party behind and get moving.. I could be on my treadmill now while Laromi is sleeping, BUT I'M NOT!!! Maybe I'll go try............. cross your fingers, please... Could stand some good motivation.. Usually all I need is to see the scale drop and I'm good to go....

Sorry, for the down mood.... thanks for listening.. Julie

Julie - Ok GF - #1 No more getting on the scales every day - once a week - pick one day - for me it's Thursday - an that's your weigh in day - only what the scale say on your weigh in day counts - see what happens when you get on every day - it get's you depressed- I feel you here and understand - I have days that I say oh my rings are really loose - I bet I'm 137 then get on that dang thing and it says 139.... NO MORE DAILY WEIGH INS - ONLY WEEKLY WEIGH INS !!!

You gotta plan for these emotional eating moments... That's first and foremost - get the junk out of the house - you baby GD doesn't need it and you DJ doesn't either - Find low calorie stuff to eat when you just can't stop yourself - 100 cal snack pack popcorn - that's my emotional and night time go to food - and even if I eat 2 of them and I have - it's better than eating 500 c Cookies or chips or whatever..

I find that when I am over tired - it's a big big food trigger for me - so I just don't keep crap in my house - How's your restriction?? I know I talk alot about calories eating healthy exercising - but I also have good restriction - ya it doesn't help when I hit the candy or Cookies - but it does with all my other foods that are hard Proteins - heck - don't ask me why but my butternut squash will get stuck and cause me to pb at times - well that and 1 bite to many if I am going to be honest here..

OK - here i go on you weight and exercise - this is being said with total love gf - so please don't think I am being mean here alright..

Yep you are in the 300 - yep its hard to exercise - but if you keep telling yourself that it's too much it will be too much - you just have to get on than dang treadmill when you can't get to the pool - and say to yourself - I am going to walk for 10 minutes - at 2.0 while the baby is napping - work this into your day a couple of times - maybe before she gets there - while she's napping or after she's left - if you do it 3 times a day for 10 min - that's 30 minutes of exercise - yep it's hard - but just start slowly - put on a tv show - or music that you like or read a magazine - do something to distract yourself while walking -

You have to physic yourself into this you gotta quiet saying it's too hard - if you think you can't do it then you won't - if you Know you can you will - so quit making excuses - Heck in the begining I hated it - I sweated (like that word) like a freaking pig - My feet would hurt - I would bet totally burned out in the beginning - but I just kept challenging myself - "The Power Starts with You" is written on the wall at my gym and I would look at those words and say yes I am a strong woman - I can and will do this..

You MUST MUST MUST make time for yourself - you are at the age when it's time for you - yes it great to help other - but you have to say - this hour is for me - and I am going to take it.. You need to explain this to your family.

I know there isn't much you can do about like your mom getting sick - life does happen - but these are just bumps in the road - they don't last forever and if they do then you just have to find a way to work time in for you - even if that means asking for help... I know that I have a very hard time asking for help..

Julie........hurry go get on the treadmill....I HEAR JANET COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG - LMAO :tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2::blush::thumbup::scared2::lol::lol::lol:

Julie, I hope you are busy treading as we speak! Hurry up, Janet is right behind me. :w00t:

Just wanted to pop in and say I may be scarce the next week or so. My grandma's flight gets in in 2 hours and I have to pick her up, then my parents tomorrow. Grandma is staying here til her moving van arrives and we can move her into her place and my folks are staying for almost 2 weeks EGADS!! Will pop in when I can.

The scale is moving!! I was back firmly at 199 this morning which is 1/2 lb lower than it was before when it was going back and forth those 2 lbs. Never to see the 2's again!

Long - you too - you have me really cracking up here:tt2::thumbup::lol:

Hugs on the parents & Grandma issues - but our 200 sit up girl will be able to Handel it...

You gals are TOO FUNNY!

Janet will roll on the floor when she sees your comments!

She has a longstading reputation as "FOOD COP",

but this sounds more like "EXERCISE COP"!

3_12_27v.gif 3_12_22.gif 3_12_27v.gif


Food Cop & Exercise Cop I LOVE IT !!!!:tt1: And yes you know me well :lol:- I am just cracking up on these comments -

I just Love it... :lol:

Okay, Apples, did I beat her????? I managed .3 miles at 2 mph.... that's more than I can usually do at my still 309 pounds..... But my baby is up and crying... gotta go... Julie

Julie Yep you beat me - Good Girl - I am very proud of you - that's great !!!! :):thumbup:

Hi everyone - came on to check in and to say I am sooo hungry right now! I've eaten my fair share today. Can't figure it out.

Anyway, you made me chuckle - janet food cop/exercise cop!


Kathy - I AM STARVING TODAY TOO :crying: - I don't even remember what I ate for bf (see the importance of tracking)

I know I ate something - Orange I think and string cheese - that's what it was - I really can't eat oranges - I chew them the spit out the stringy stuff.. lunch was my eggplant lasagna and I was hungry at 1 :30 it really didn't stick w/me - but I am just want to eat..

I haven't cuz at work I don't have really anything to snack on and when I got home I had 3 baked cracker thingis like 30 cal max - I wanted to add some salami - but didn't cuz that's the kind of stuff I use to eat - and never count it as food = just a pre-dinner snack - well 400 calories isn't pre-dinner snack - so I didn't go for the salami -- dinner will be fish rich & butternut squash

But the way I look at it a little hunger isn't going to kill me - but eating too much food will - so I suffer a little - big woop -

I don't know why we are so scared of a little hunger we act like we don't know where our next meal is coming from..

We act like if we don't eat right this very second that we are going to die of starvation..

Heck we have enough body fat to live for more than 3 hours with out dieing...

So I sit and drink (water or crystal lite) and know that dinner will be here soon enough and I will live with this hunger til then...

Hey Julie...you got on the darned thing and you walked....that's what counts. Sounds like you are pretty booked with things and it's weighing on you. You will notice that the more weight you take off...the more you will be on that treadmill or outside walking. I couldn't believe what that first amount of weight off my body did for my ability to exercise. Keep it up!

Boos....sorry about your hunger issues today. Some days are just like that and it takes ALOT of willpower to stay the heck out of the kitchen cupboards. How many times have you heard people comment on how fickle the band is? I think it is something we all go through. Hang in there and try to not have to make up tomorrow for what you have done today.

Long...I know you have some issues when it comes to your mother. Hope you can handle of the stress of it all...well...I know you can. Grandma is going to appreciate everything you are doing for her. I simply LOVE the elderly. One of my best friends is 88 and guess what she did this morning when I was visiting with her? She said the "f" word!!!!! She has another "old" (77) lady that bugs the heck out of her and relys on her for everything (very emotionally needy). Well, she's had enough of it for awhile. She started out with saying "I'm going to go to hell for saying this...." and then she said it. So hilarious and I don't even like the word.

Apples - My Aunt didn't say the F word but the "B" one and I was shocked... I said I didn't think she knew that word - she doesn't cuss at all - and she said she didn't until a few years ago My Aunt is very straight laced...

Apples and Janet -

I just want you to know how much I appreciate hearing your comments about maintenance of your weight loss. I KNOW I will get to my goal weight. Right now that is a foregone conclusion. I know the real purpose of this band is to help me when I am at goal - to STAY at goal. Knowing how you are accomplishing this is invaluable to me.

I had my 3rd fill yesterday - another 1cc to make the total 6. Not that I am concentrating on the numbers here, Janet! but it helps me to know my doctor's plan in getting me to my best level of restriction. I am quite a bit tighter today - know I will loosen up a bit in the next few days as swelling goes down. Everything is going down okay - just a lot slower. Not a bad thing and probably just where I need to be right now. I am scheduled for another small fill on Mar 20 - I may not need it but the doctor wants to see me anyway to make sure I'm ready for the Korea trip.

I have been exercising! Almost afraid to say anything, but despite the knee and foot pain, I am finding the recumbant bike to be my friend right now. I am planning to chase a 2 year old in a few weeks - gotta prepare for that!

Apples - you look good, you feel good, you are eating healthy, and you can wear anything you want. Anyone who has the audacity to try to make you feel bad about your weight loss has to be rude, insensitive, jealous, or just plain crazy. There - that should just about cover everyone. Love you, Girlfriend. You are inspiring!

Joann - I know you aren't focusing on the # in your fill - just that you want to get to that "sweet spot" :wink2: I bet you can't wait to see your grandbaby - Yesterday was my BGD 5th bday and it's the 1st one I have missed.. When I called her yesterday morning to wish her happy bday - and told her I was sorry I wasn't there she said I understand LaLa you live far away now - I told her when I come up in April that we would have another party for her bday and I would take her shopping

Long, I wish you well on taking care of your mother. Remember, if you need to vent we are here for you. I am glad your ticker is moving again. Mine....well, it ought to move today. I did a bad thing....I ate nuggets from Chick fil A....got stuck....and threw up for 2hrs till it all game up. I know...too much TMI, but I am exhausted. I have learned my lesson....NO chicken NUGGETS!. I guess I will sip on tea and broth this evening. :eek:

Charlene - Hugs for 2 hr's of pbing - I guess I am lucky it comes up and it's over... Chew - not that they were the best choice (food cop talking here:tt2:) but if you are going to eat that stuff make sure you chew well... Exercising your jaw :lol: (exercise cop talking):lol::lol:

Well, I'm baby free now and I still beat Janet.... I wanted to say that after that little walk my lungs hurt so bad.. I'm just getting over a cold and wow did they burn. Usually when I have used that thing before I do 1 1/2 mph and do a quarter mile.. So I upped it to 2 mph and did a little longer.. Would probably been able to do more if my lungs had not hurt so bad. But I did do it and that was a good thing.. My husband just told me I should go swimming tomorrow and he will take care of the baby for me.. That is nice of him... I love the Water aerobics because I can do so much more in the water than I can do out of it...

Long, it takes a special person to deal with the elderly well, and it sounds like you are that special person.. Your grandmother will be so lucky to have you.. And as for your parents... well two weeks is only 14 days and sounds like you will be so busy the time will fly.. I'll be thinking of you.. I have lots of time with my mother and probably more now that she isn't supposed to drive for 6 monts. She really likes to get out to all her events.. Bible study clubs and such. She is a lay minister with the Lutheran church and does supply pastoring.. so she gets calls to fill in all over the county.. She did say she may have to take her name off the list for a while.. But just driving her around all the while having my granddaughter, too, will be a full-time job.. We'll get through it, though... I have faith.. The alternative is nothing I want to think about....

Janet, I'm doing better this evening, so I may make it through the day after all.... I counted up all my calories and it wasn't as bad as I imagined. I guess I just felt out of control... Will have a nice safe supper and start over tomorrow.. My goodness, you have these gals trained good, they know just what to say when you aren't around.. Thanks to all for helping me through the day... Julie


Yep I have jedi student's !!!! They know me well Long Charlene Apples Boos Becky Joanne have been here a long time and Phyl is a Lucky #7 with me (both banded 7/07) And I am known for being the FOOD COP on my Lucky #7 thread and now have the newly crowned title of EXERCISE COP... I love it..:thumbup:

I am glad your DH is going to watch the baby so you can get to the pool - that's what I was talking about above - sit down with him tell him how important this is to you - make a plan on what days he will watch the baby so you can get to the pool - tell your mom you are there for her - but that there maybe times when it conflicts with your schedule - but that after your swimming you will be glad to help.

There is NOTHING WRONG for taking me time - we all need it - we have to do it if we are going to be happy people..

Keep thinking I can do this - I really truly beleive in positive affirmations they really do work- just like calling someone stupid all the time or dumb - then they start to beleive that after yrs of being told it- so quit calling yourself names - talk to yourself like you would a friend - you wouldn't tell your Friend - oh ya you can't do that cuz you weigh too much - you would tell her take her time - go slow but that she could do it..

I am so glad you are feeling better and yes tomorrow is a new day (even though what I am most happy for is you stopped today with the over eating and excuses)

Just keep doing this and it will get easier (not that it's a walk in the park and I still have days I struggle) But as the lbs come of you will feel so much better - that feeling will help you not eat when those urges hit - you will think oh - if I eat that then I am going to put the weight back on then I am going to feel like I use to and I don't want to feel that way anymore... That has been my motivation - I never ever want to feel the way I use to - I feel so much better now adays...

Evening all ~ just cruising through. Busy day today as usual. b=STB, cottage cheese, L=roadhouse chili (microwave bowl/sm); drank a 12oz bottle of cranberry juice, filled me up so bad I had a pain in my side for a little while-gone now. Dinner, still thinking about: probably leftover turkey & vegetables over rice and a snack. There lies the problemS the snack. I had a couple (ok I lied,) a few minature snickers from one of my colleagues candy dish and like I mentioned before, I have this snacking problem late at night. It's rough. I see my doc in a couple of weeks - so hopefully I can manage some sense of control between now and then. Did my exercise, treadmill 45mins and 50 sit-ups, back still sore, but I know if I allow myself to make excuses - I won't get on the darn thing. Now it's over, I feel like I did something right and good for myself today. Ready to relax. Have to get up extra early tomorrow - giving a training presentation at work for all those early risers - yuck. I would rather work through the night than wake up early - oh well...

Well Ms. Bubba, it seems like your feeling a little bit better. Keep doing that treadmill for whatever period of time you can. Cardio exercises are supposed to increase your dopamine (or something like that), the electrons or neurons??? in the brain which controls mood - so good cardio, happy person; at least that's what somebody told me.

Long - good luck to you on the visiting parents and the new neighbor "grandma." My parents visit me every year in August and stay for about a month. They actually use my home as their extended stay location while they visit relatives who live in the Northeast. So they stay here for a week, visit folks for a couple of days, come back here for a fews days, visit more family/friends. This continues for a month. I love my parents deeply, but my Dad and I can get on each others nerves very quickly - we are so much alike. Oh well, I love them and I'd rather deal with the 1 month a year, than not have them at all. In that regard I am blessed.

Apples - I meant to tell you that "I" envy you at 121#s and there is absolutely no shame in this. Flaunt it and wear it proudly. I'm with Long, who cares what anyone thinks, I have no doubt that you look wonderful.

Hey Joann **waving** Janet - just checking in, can I get at least an A- or B for effort :) Talk to all later.

Sharon you get a A!!! I love your no more excuse for exercise - that gave you an A !!!! Those little candies have about 60 or 80 calories - and really - you could have eaten a Protein bar (choc of course pure Protein are good) for the calories that you ate in candy which did nothing for your nutrition..

And it's true about the exercise making you feel better - getting your endophines going - I know that there are days I don't want to but I do and you know what I feel so much better after I am done - I feel better physically and mentally- I am proud of myself for doing it and not making the excuses

"the power starts with you" and let me tell you as those pounds come of it is so very impowering....

Ok - I really gotta get off the computer - it's 8:15 and I started this at 6:30 i think .... I need to go cook my fish and you know what - I was STARVING AT 6:30 but now I'm not - I got involve in my post and forgot about my hunger... distraction !!! But my head is hurting and I feel I am rambling - so I am going to close for the night...

Ladies - I love you all and am so blessed to have you in my life - Sweet Dream - Til tomorrow - Hugs Janet aka Food Cop & Exercise Cop :tt2::wink:

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Janet....I don't know how you keep up with it all. You had an answer or comment for EVERYONE. I have a difficult time remembering which thread I am responding to half the time! Thanks for all you do.

Sharons....what a nice thing to say. I ROCK!!!!!!!!!! and SO DO YOU and the rest of the gang!!!!!

I will see what I can do about those recipes for you. I might just post them here so everyone can get them. I won't have time for a few days. Am booked with volunteering the rest of the week, planning a 50th bday party, helping a friend with some computer troubles, etc...but promise I will follow through.

LONG>... hope you are not doing the onset of kidney stones. Got my urine test report back today from doc. Showed evidence of stones in ureters. Doc wants to see me tomorrow to discuss what they found in CAT scan and then decide what we will do about it. All depends where in the kidneys the stones are sitting. Just want them gone so I can have a couple of stone free years.

OK...time wake up DH and DD (dear dog) so I can get them off to bed. sleep tight, dear friends.

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Had a good day, tried a new Water aerobics class tonight -- like it better than the ones I take in the afternoons. It's good to have options. Julie, you've had a tough week, you're doing great - you must be a very strong person to deal with everything you've been dealing with this week. Just remember to take care of yourself too. It sounds like you do a great job of taking care of everyone else, but you're worth the trouble too you know. Proud of you for getting on that treadmill. I love my water aerobics and hope you will get back to yours soon. Long, I loved that your grandma didn't recognize you at first -- that's wonderful - and I love your attitude about not being the fat sister any longer. It's someone else's turn. Good for you! Today was my weigh in day (only once a week) and I was happily surprised with 5 more lbs. gone! I was really shocked because I've been so hungry the last few days and felt like I've been eating more than usual, but was eating the right foods, just more of them. I'm looking forward to my fill next week. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow! We're supposed to have temps in the 50s here. Linda

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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