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Hello Ladies, Thank goodness school vacation is over. Out to eat and a long scrapbook weekend didn't look good on my food journal. I was suppose to leave today for bike week with my brother, but he didn't have enough bikes to haul to make it worth his while:cursing:. Instead I saw my Dr. and nutritionist yesterday(in Worcester,MA), we worked on my food lists. He didn't give me a fill, he's not happy with pbing. I'm a 4cc with 2.7cc's in it. No carbs. (bread), which always makes me bp. Guess I'm a slow learner. So my journal looks alot better for these past 2 days. I'm still wearing the surgery shoe from my fall down the stairs. Drive bus barefoot. Have another appointment with my regular dr. Fri. Have a healthy day. Bonnie

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Hey gang I have not abandon you all...

I posted this morning started at 7:30 had interruptions - then had a meeting that didn't end till 10 then finished post hit submit - and BOOM :tongue:... it went to cyber space ....

Pissed me off so much :wink2::thumbup::tt2:- and I had tons of stuff to do - so didn't try and repost - super busy at work - and last night didn't get home till 7:30 --

I leave for the gym in about 5 minutes - but wanted you all to know I am here - and I will post when I get back home after gym ... OK...

Hugs - J

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Hey All ~ Hope you all had a good day. Mine started with a having a major headache. I decide to go in a couple of hours late to give my head a chance to stop throbbing. Had my usual SB Caffe Mocha, then some cottage cheese with fruit. lunch, chicken noodle Soup (cup in the hand) and...some choco covered graham crackers.:thumbup: dinner will probably be some leftover baked chicken and leftover refried Beans and my usual snack sf pudding or fudgcicle. However, the best news is....drum roll PLEASE:

After work I came home and walked on the treadmill for about 40 mins and did 25 sit-ups:tt2::tt2: :wink2: Yep - one giant step for me! I actually read some of what I need to complete for homework in one of my textbooks. That helped keep me from looking at how much longer I had to walk before my 30 mins would be over. Long - before the holidays when I had started exercising a little more, being bored was something that happened to me. I actually bought some sort of Pilates DVD thinking I would switch off from day to day e.g. walking, then pilates, walking, pilates etc. Unfortunately, I never got back into the exercise thing and never even took the wrapper off the DVD. Oh well, I'll get there soon enough. At least I walked on that dang treadmill and the time really flew by. Reading my text book was a good idea.

Well that's enough out of me. Talk with you guys tomorrow. Oh yea, hollyberry I saw you were a January bandster like me and Erica - welcome. Ms. Bubba it is always a pleasure, if I missed anyone please forgive me, chalk it up to one of my many senior moments. Last but not least - Janet, hey there :tongue:

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Hey, good afternoon!!! I made it to my fill.. The roads were still okay down and back; the freezing rain may still come yet later today, so I lucked out.. AND the fill went fine. My PA listened to me describe how things have been going and thought we would try one cc today bringing me to 8 in a 14 cc band.. She said she could feel something that made her quite sure this one will do the trick for me and doesn't expect to hear from me for at least 2 months.. This is great news to hear.. I'm sure hoping she is right. Although I had lost 8 pounds since my last fill a month ago, I really had not lost anything for 2 weeks. So, I'm on liquids today and maybe tomorrow, too. We'll see how I feel.. She hit the mark right away this time so I'm not worried about after effects.. I'm way happy about that!!

I've only been on this site a short time, but really enjoy the atmosphere. I started keeping a little log with information about you all so I can better remember things about you... Thought I would tell you a bit about my life and I encourage any other new ones to do the same. It sure helps me understand feelings and things better when I read the posts........ Here goes:

I'm from central North Dakota, born and raised. I live in a small rural town of 1500 people with my husband and 2 cats. We have three grown children and 3 grandchildren. Two daughters live right here by us and I do daycare for our 22 month old granddaughter. Our son lives in Ohio with his wife and 2 sons... I am a retired accountant and restaurant owner and my husband is a retired power plant operator and soldier. We have rental property so we do still manage all of that, but it doesn't take a lot of time. (Except snow removal this year!!) My husband just accepted a summer job and is looking forward to having something to occupy himself without always costing us money!!! I still do lots of recordkeeping for family members. My extended family mostly lives here, too, so I spend lots of time being a daughter, sister, sister-in-law and aunt, too.. Being a daughter takes up lots of my time as my mother has been ill and even though my brothers are around (1 is in SD) I seem to be the one who deals with all of her issues. I do it willingly most days... I've been very heavy most of my life starting at age 5, with intermitent times of major weight loss.. But it has always come back UNTILL NOW!!!!! I am so looking forward to being of a normal weight and staying there for the rest of my life.. There is still so much to do and I want to do it without pain and disgrace..... I love to cook and bake and entertain my friends and family.. Don't want this to change, but I go at it a bit differently these days..

So, I am eating a yogurt (first food today) and feeling okay.. Hope you are all well. Thanks for listening.. Julie

Wow, Julie...thanks for the info. So nice to get to know you. B/4 I read this I had PM'd you to see about getting together for lunch some day if it works for you. I can knock off a day of volunteering and drive to meet you!!!!! Wouldn't that be fun??????

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Long, Apples, Indio,

I could read your postings all day long. I get more information and inspiration from you 3 than you know. Thank you!!

It's almost funny, but every time I think I will post a question - one of you answers it before I ask. My question today was about sparkpeople. I like their tracking systems, but I haven't seen anyone mention WLS and was afraid to come out of the closet with them!!

Keep on keepin' on, Ladies. You have no idea what you do for people who read the postings, but are too shy to post themselves.

Awwwwwwwww...what a nice thing to say....I think most everyone on this thread can answer a few of those questions. Keep 'em comin'!

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Good Evening Ladies....I feel like I've been away for soooooo long after reading all of the posts I have missed the last day or so. Wanted to respond to some of them but will just start over fresh. I DON"T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT, JANET. You are a Godsend to so many and you take soooooo much time for each person. Thank you for that.

First off...want to thank everyone for the compliments on my "real" avatar.

I actually slept pretty good the other night when DH was gone. JoAnne..my big mean 100# lab sounds like your Jack. He would lick an intruder to death. He is afraid of so many things...white garbage bags (not black), white floors, shadows out in the yard, etc. We love him to death though.

Janet..I wouldn't be using a gun. I have a huge fire extinguisher and a steel bar. I'm quick and I'm mean. Any intruder would be on the floor saying "Uncle" in a few seconds flat!

Spent the afternoon at the clinic. Have had three bouts with kidney stones in the last five weeks. Doc thinks it's time to laser them again. Have a CAT scan in the morning to determine how many (hopefully none are left up there) many more I have and where they are sitting. All that info will determine what to do next. As I've stated b/4, have had them since 1994 with a frequency of about 2-3 months apart. I pass them at home unless they get stuck in the V of my double ureter. If there are any left up there and they are able to get at them, I am going to get them blasted. So tired of the pain and the life interruption. I have always kept my body very well hydrated so is not caused by that. Body just produces them.

That's my story for the day. Have a big weekend ahead with company coming, 50th bday party for a friend, a big open house for friend's business, etc. Gotta find time to dust, etc. soon.

Hey....thanks for listening. All in all...life is good.

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Just going to post one more time cuz I'm showing off my new face and think that three post in a row is just not sufficient!

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Hello everyone. Well I have been very down on myself in the last 2 weeks I have not lost any weight. I know why with Valentines Day, my birthday, my daughters wedding shower it has been non stop dinners, parties, etc. I have not been making the best food choices some days. Like one night I had a piece of pie and another night had ice cream. I am down because in 9 weeks I am only down 21 lbs. I am working hard this week to get back on track. I am scheduled for my 3rd fill next Friday. Thanks for listening everyone. Have a great evening.

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Hey everyone.... Just got home from Ash Wednesday services at church... (Yup, I have ashes on my forehead in the sign of the cross). I'm feeling pretty good today after my fill yesterday.. Still not eating much but soft things.. The scale was down again this morning, so I'm happy........ Maybe I can make my Lenten Goal....

Apples2, I did get your message and that sounds wonderfull.. We'll have to plan it after the big storm that is headed this way again tonight and tomorrow... 35 below wind chills for tonight.. Ouch... glad I'm safe and warm in my cozy house..

My computer is acting up, so have a man coming tomorrow to look at it.. It makes me crazy when it does this... So will keep this short tonight and hopefully be back tomorrow sometime when grandbaby is napping.. Night all!!! Julie

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Also the 'ab ripper' part went from 100 crunches to 200 crunches and yes I did them all!! That's where I lost her. Actually I did 198, didn't get the last 2 in. I was very impressed with myself so please excuse my bragging, but I know this was the place other's would understand! After all that though, we went to the movies and I got my #1 dangerous redlight food, popcorn, my duaghter put way too much salt on it. But anyhow I am up 2 lbs this morning. GRRR hoping it is partly Fluid retention.

Long - you got me beat girl - i doubt I could do 50 sit ups - we do a little ab work 3 set of like 15 after some of our weight sessions but that's it - YOU GO GIRL !!!

Hey, good afternoon!!! I made it to my fill.. The roads were still okay down and back; the freezing rain may still come yet later today, so I lucked out.. AND the fill went fine. My PA listened to me describe how things have been going and thought we would try one cc today bringing me to 8 in a 14 cc band.. She said she could feel something that made her quite sure this one will do the trick for me and doesn't expect to hear from me for at least 2 months.. This is great news to hear.. I'm sure hoping she is right. Although I had lost 8 pounds since my last fill a month ago, I really had not lost anything for 2 weeks. So, I'm on liquids today and maybe tomorrow, too. We'll see how I feel.. She hit the mark right away this time so I'm not worried about after effects.. I'm way happy about that!!

I've only been on this site a short time, but really enjoy the atmosphere. I started keeping a little log with information about you all so I can better remember things about you... Thought I would tell you a bit about my life and I encourage any other new ones to do the same. It sure helps me understand feelings and things better when I read the posts........ Here goes:

I'm from central North Dakota, born and raised. I live in a small rural town of 1500 people with my husband and 2 cats. We have three grown children and 3 grandchildren. Two daughters live right here by us and I do daycare for our 22 month old granddaughter. Our son lives in Ohio with his wife and 2 sons... I am a retired accountant and restaurant owner and my husband is a retired power plant operator and soldier. We have rental property so we do still manage all of that, but it doesn't take a lot of time. (Except snow removal this year!!) My husband just accepted a summer job and is looking forward to having something to occupy himself without always costing us money!!! I still do lots of recordkeeping for family members. My extended family mostly lives here, too, so I spend lots of time being a daughter, sister, sister-in-law and aunt, too.. Being a daughter takes up lots of my time as my mother has been ill and even though my brothers are around (1 is in SD) I seem to be the one who deals with all of her issues. I do it willingly most days... I've been very heavy most of my life starting at age 5, with intermitent times of major weight loss.. But it has always come back UNTILL NOW!!!!! I am so looking forward to being of a normal weight and staying there for the rest of my life.. There is still so much to do and I want to do it without pain and disgrace..... I love to cook and bake and entertain my friends and family.. Don't want this to change, but I go at it a bit differently these days..

So, I am eating a yogurt (first food today) and feeling okay.. Hope you are all well. Thanks for listening.. Julie

Julie - Congrats on 8 lbs in 1 month that's 2 lbs a week and that's very good... I know that you think it should be flying off (the weight) but it doesn't work like that - but all those lbs add up and next year you will be so surprise at how much it's going to total too..

About me - 54 divorced (Happy) have 1 DS (38)- a wonderful DIL 3 Grandkids 2 girls from dil 14 & 5 and my my almost 18 yr GS who lives with me (diff mom from the GD's)- he is really more like my child - he was born in my house and was with me for the first 3.5 yrs of his life then I got married but then got him back 7 yrs ago when dh and I broke up.

I weighed 3 lbs at birth - My mom uses to say things like - oh can you believe she weighed 3 lbs when she was born - she has made up for it and the pretty face comments alot to.. My 1st diet was like 4th grade - they gave me liqiud diet med - I think that's what made me a closet eater - I had to sneak food...

My Mom died when I was 15 - My Dad & Stepmom died 17 yrs ago - One bro died in 99 at the age of 43 - my baby bro died 10/08 he was 50 - I have a half sis (same mom) but right now that relationship is really strained due to the family issues that come up when someone dies... I have 4 nephews and 1 niece - 1 uncle on my Mom side who's 65 and 1 aunt on my dad's side who's 93

I have been on my own since I was 16 - I have worked since I was 19 - I was thin for a few yrs - 14-23 then the weight started back on -

The weight loss has improved the quaility of my life 100 mill % - That's the reason I had the surgery - I want to extend the yrs I have left on this earth - I wanted to improve the quaility of my life - I was eating and sleeping my life away..

I have always been a pretty confident person even fat - I think the major reason I over ate was control - It's what I had control over - Also boredom

Well, that a start :0)

Hi everyone - I just can't keep up with you all. I had four pages of posts to read through!

Well, Happy Fat Tuesday! Tomorrow starts Lent for those of us who are Catholic. I've decided to give up sugar. I know, should have already done that but for the next 40 days I'm off it!!! I hope it helps with the scale.


Kathy - I'm giving up work :tt2::tt2: I have never given up anything - even back when I went to Catholic School- I guess with my parents it wasn't a big issue..

Does the giving up sugar include alcohal :tongue:?? I have a GF who gives up both and usually looses weight during lent...

Long, Apples, Indio,

I could read your postings all day long. I get more information and inspiration from you 3 than you know. Thank you!!

It's almost funny, but every time I think I will post a question - one of you answers it before I ask. My question today was about sparkpeople. I like their tracking systems, but I haven't seen anyone mention WLS and was afraid to come out of the closet with them!!

Keep on keepin' on, Ladies. You have no idea what you do for people who read the postings, but are too shy to post themselves.

Thanks !!! Just talking fat chick talk - I know all the excuses - I know all the reasons - and for some of us our weigh issue can come form major issues and for some it's something as simple as boredom !!!!

NOBODY SHOULD BE TOO SHY TO POST - We are all the same - we all help each other ---

Weight problems since about age 8 w/many years of yoyo dieting. LapBand surgery 7/07, down a little over 100 lb. Just had my 6th fill last week. Think I have 5.5cc in 11 cc band. P.A. was in a really b____ mood last week and told me my band was near capacity! HUH??? Stll trying to figure that one out. She just wanted to chew me out about every little thing for some reason. Have good restriction and hope to see my weight loss pick up a little now... last few months have been tooooo slow!

Phyl - that fill is going to get you going in the right direction again... You have done so well - the weight loss and all the nsv too... That lady can jump in a lake

I just found out this week how fickle the band could be. I had great restriction all weekend, now yesterday and today I've been so hungry !!! and it's not head hunger either. :eek:

PJ - I don't find that my band helps my hunger - ya it keeps me full longer and faster - but it doesn't stop me from being hungry... I have found if I drink a crystal lite when I am hungry it helps - I like the fruit punch - but make it in a 20 Water bottle not 16

Julie - you don't have to give up something you could committ to exercising for lent :tt2:

:tongue: to Janet re: the treadmill. You called me out. There aren't any clothes on it, but if I turned it on you could probably see the dust clouds from here to Cali. Ok, I know "exercise is the key." Long you seem to have this exercise thing going real good. What was it like when you first started? I actually was a gym rat about 6 years ago. Wouldn't miss my work out time, went there directly from work. I got into a rut and the longer I stayed away the harder it was for me to get back. In Dec started exercising again, then holidays hit and here I am, can't get started again.

Thanks to the Ladies who shared some personal stuff, it's nice to get a little background - so many interests, so much talent. Oh yea, Janet - I'm studying for a Master's in HR/Labor Relations. That's what I do for a living e.g. Labor Relations; unions, grievances etc. so yes, when I get home all I want is quiet and no problems.

Well today, didn't do so bad on the food. Just finished dinner. Fish fillet (baked) and some refried black Beans. I just (sorry a telemarketer just called - the nerve it's almost 9pm here:cursing:)...anyway hopefully dinner will take me through the evening. Have to have my snack though e.g. sf pudding probably. Oh well, will check in tomorrow.

Yes GF - you talked about your good eating but didn't mention exercising:laugh: didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out:bored:

HR Labor - oh ya I wouldn't want to deal with any more pple at the end of the day either...

I never would've thought it possible that I would work out this much and not hate it. I won't say I enjoy it but I like how I feel and what it's doing for my body.

Long I'm right there with you on the exercise issue - it's unbeleivable that almost 19 month I have exercise - that's a record in it self..... My trainer commented tonite how quick on my feet I am now - limber too. how much strong I am today than a year ago - (March will be my one year anniversay with my trainer). These are the things that really keep me on track - I just feel to damn good now a days - I have so much more energy - I can do things without being tired all the time -my feet or hips hurting - hell just rolling over in bed was a chore...

Hi everyone, Good to read everyone's posts. Phyllser I was an AF wife too -- stationed in Duluth, MN, San Angelo, TX, and Fairbanks, AK, so have seen my share of nasty, cold winters. I'm originally from Ohio, Youngstown area. After Fairbanks, I divorced and moved to Reno, NV where I raised my DS and lived until I met my current DH and moved to Long Beach, CA in 1992. He became disabled and we left So. CA four years ago and moved to Iowa (where my DS lived) and now my DH's daughter and 2 year old GD live here too. I don't miss So. CA much, I worked in downtown LA and don't miss the commute at all. We left at a good time, and are grateful for that. Janet, today was my weigh in day and I lost my two pounds for the week. I also recalculated my BMI which is now at 39 so I am THRILLED with that, which helps keep me motivated. Linda

Linda - I would never live in LA - hell it took me 5 hours to get home from Beverly Hills when I went for my PS consultation.. Never would I live where traffic was like that..


Hey there all (Wed morning). I got up this morning and feel like crap. Called and got a Dr appt for today. I think I have a sinus infection. Ive had this for two week now and thats long enough for me. Nothing to report here. My life is pretty much boring at this point. Apples, where is your picture? I am anxious to see you:thumbup:. To the new ones, It is hard to get going on this program for some of you but just do a little each day until you build up to it all. Heck, I still feed deprived about food sometimes. I would love to have a big ol hamburger or a blt. Can't eat the bread. My number one trigger food would have to be popcorn also Long. Havent had much of it since being banded but one night I did have some at the movies and man I was sick all day the next day. My sis put a little butter on it and I havent had butter since being banded. Girls, talk to you all tonight. Oh and Phyl, I would love to work with the babies at the hospital.


Becky - I wish butter made me sick - I still love it - I still have to be very careful of it - and really at the movies it's not butter but butter flavored oil - and if I eat too much of that it will make me feel icky too...

Hello Ladies, Thank goodness school vacation is over. Out to eat and a long scrapbook weekend didn't look good on my food journal. I was suppose to leave today for bike week with my brother, but he didn't have enough bikes to haul to make it worth his while:cursing:. Instead I saw my Dr. and nutritionist yesterday(in Worcester,MA), we worked on my food lists. He didn't give me a fill, he's not happy with pbing. I'm a 4cc with 2.7cc's in it. No carbs. (bread), which always makes me bp. Guess I'm a slow learner. So my journal looks alot better for these past 2 days. I'm still wearing the surgery shoe from my fall down the stairs. Drive bus barefoot. Have another appointment with my regular dr. Fri. Have a healthy day. Bonnie

Bonnie - This is a learning experience and it's hard for all of us to give up our drug of choice (food) - Just keep plugging away and it will get easier...

Hey All ~ Hope you all had a good day. Mine started with a having a major headache. I decide to go in a couple of hours late to give my head a chance to stop throbbing. Had my usual SB Caffe Mocha, then some cottage cheese with fruit. lunch, chicken noodle Soup (cup in the hand) and...some choco covered graham crackers.:thumbup: Dinner will probably be some leftover baked chicken and leftover refried Beans and my usual snack sf pudding or fudgcicle. However, the best news is....drum roll PLEASE:

After work I came home and walked on the treadmill for about 40 mins and did 25 sit-ups:tt2::lol: :w00t: Yep - one giant step for me! I actually read some of what I need to complete for homework in one of my textbooks. That helped keep me from looking at how much longer I had to walk before my 30 mins would be over. Long - before the holidays when I had started exercising a little more, being bored was something that happened to me. I actually bought some sort of Pilates DVD thinking I would switch off from day to day e.g. walking, then pilates, walking, pilates etc. Unfortunately, I never got back into the exercise thing and never even took the wrapper off the DVD. Oh well, I'll get there soon enough. At least I walked on that dang treadmill and the time really flew by. Reading my text book was a good idea.

Well that's enough out of me. Talk with you guys tomorrow. Oh yea, hollyberry I saw you were a January bandster like me and Erica - welcome. Ms. Bubba it is always a pleasure, if I missed anyone please forgive me, chalk it up to one of my many senior moments. Last but not least - Janet, hey there :seeya:

CONGRATULATIONS SHARON !!!! Now don't you feel so good about doing it - its wasn't that hard was it - and yes you gotta find something to do while walking on the treadmill - reading - tv - music something

I am very proud of you girl - I know how hard it is to get back into the routine - that's why I won't let myself slack too much... I would like to exercise 4 times a week - but sometimes life gets in the way so some weeks it's only 3 - but I won't let myself slack for say an entire weeks - in the last 19 months - I have never missed 1 week of exercise - cuz if I did - I know how hard it would be to get back on track...

Good Evening Ladies....I feel like I've been away for soooooo long after reading all of the posts I have missed the last day or so. Wanted to respond to some of them but will just start over fresh. I DON"T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT, JANET. You are a Godsend to so many and you take soooooo much time for each person. Thank you for that.

First off...want to thank everyone for the compliments on my "real" avatar.

I actually slept pretty good the other night when DH was gone. JoAnne..my big mean 100# lab sounds like your Jack. He would lick an intruder to death. He is afraid of so many things...white garbage bags (not black), white floors, shadows out in the yard, etc. We love him to death though.

Janet..I wouldn't be using a gun. I have a huge fire extinguisher and a steel bar. I'm quick and I'm mean. Any intruder would be on the floor saying "Uncle" in a few seconds flat!

Spent the afternoon at the clinic. Have had three bouts with kidney stones in the last five weeks. Doc thinks it's time to laser them again.

That's my story for the day. Have a big weekend ahead with company coming, 50th bday party for a friend, a big open house for friend's business, etc. Gotta find time to dust, etc. soon.

Hey....thanks for listening. All in all...life is good.

Apples - Sometimes it can get a little hard - like tonite when I have to catch up from last night - that's why I check in - in the morning and during the day.but some days there aren't enough hours..

But this is my transfer addiction :tongue: and it keeps me honest too.. I am one who practices what she preaches (well for the most part:wink:)

Glad they are going to take care of those stones - that would be a "B" to have that kind of pain so often..

Hello everyone. Well I have been very down on myself in the last 2 weeks I have not lost any weight. I know why with Valentines Day, my birthday, my daughters wedding shower it has been non stop dinners, parties, etc. I have not been making the best food choices some days. Like one night I had a piece of pie and another night had ice cream. I am down because in 9 weeks I am only down 21 lbs. I am working hard this week to get back on track. I am scheduled for my 3rd fill next Friday. Thanks for listening everyone. Have a great evening.

Rose - Hugs GF - but as you said you know why the scales haven't moved as much as you would have liked.. You have lost 21 lbs in 9 weeks that 2.33 a week and that's great.

Also - we have to learn how to live our lives with our new lifestyles - If you have cake today - no ice cream tomorrow - or if you do have double treats - then you gotta do double exercise...

Hey everyone.... Just got home from Ash Wednesday services at church... (Yup, I have ashes on my forehead in the sign of the cross). I'm feeling pretty good today after my fill yesterday.. Still not eating much but soft things.. The scale was down again this morning, so I'm happy........ Maybe I can make my Lenten Goal....

Apples2, I did get your message and that sounds wonderfull.. We'll have to plan it after the big storm that is headed this way again tonight and tomorrow... 35 below wind chills for tonight.. Ouch... glad I'm safe and warm in my cozy house..

My computer is acting up, so have a man coming tomorrow to look at it.. It makes me crazy when it does this... So will keep this short tonight and hopefully be back tomorrow sometime when grandbaby is napping.. Night all!!! Julie

OK Now I am jealous - you get to meet Apples - Julie - I gotta tell you that she is a great person - for all you newbies - when my bro died in October all these ladies (Long Apples Becky - Charlene - Kathy - Phyl) were all so sweet and supportive - I got more support from them than I did my own sister...

The longer you stay around you will realize how we all become such really good freinds without meeting in person and when you do get to meet in person - it's like you have know this person your entire life...

Well, it's 8:28 - I'm hungry - and need to go get some down time... So I am signing off for the night - I will talke to you all tomorrow...

Sweet Dreams....

xoxox J

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Hey Julie...(Mrs. Bubba)...looks like we are really gonna get hit tonight. Bet I won't make it for that CAT scan tomorrow and am scheduled to volunteer from noon till 6pm. From the look of the map on the weather tonight, it will be a wicked one. Time to hunker down!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Julie...(Mrs. Bubba)...looks like we are really gonna get hit tonight. Bet I won't make it for that CAT scan tomorrow and am scheduled to volunteer from noon till 6pm. From the look of the map on the weather tonight, it will be a wicked one. Time to hunker down!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember those ND winter storms! Went to work one Friday afternoon with two other RNs from the base and we didn't get home until Sunday afternoon! Wind chill was something like minus 100 that night. Stay safe!! And stay inside, gals!


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Good Morning Gang.....

My little Angel woke me up early again this morning to go potty - 4:25 and I get up at 5 so why go back to bed....

So I thought I would get a jump on my posting - but I see all was pretty quiet last night...

Well, the stupid scale moved 1/2 a pound this morning - I have one more to go to get back to my normal weight.

This is the thing girls you can't let 3 lbs sit and stay once you have gotten to goal - cuz if you do then it will be another 2 or 3 in a month or so then so on and so forth and before you know it - bam you are back to your heavy weight and saying OMG how did that happen over a 2 yr period of time. For me when I have lost weight before - that's what happend - slowly over 2 yrs I put all the weight back on and then some..

Well, that's about all I have to preach about this morning...

I guess I better check my other threads cuz I didn't last night

Have a good day ladies and make good food choices and get your exercise in - Make time for you - cuz you are worth it - you are important - your health is important - and you can't keep putting off till tomorrow what you can do today... Today is your tomorrow...

Hugs - J

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I was wondering, I was banded 1/30/09. I have lost 17lbs since pre-op (10days). I get my first fill Monday

Can you feel where your port is? How do we know if they find the port to do the fill? Thanks for any input.


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I was wondering, I was banded 1/30/09. I have lost 17lbs since pre-op (10days). I get my first fill Monday

Can you feel where your port is? How do we know if they find the port to do the fill? Thanks for any input.


When you lay down with your arms over your head it is easy to find the port. I have always been able to feel my port. Congrats on your weight loss and fill today!:):thumbup::thumbup:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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