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Hey Gang some of you have seen (50+ group) but for those of you don't belong to that thread cuz you are too young :Angel_anim:

Here is what you can acheive when you do the work

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Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration to us all, especially this 53 year old grandmother of one! I will have to take some pictures, so I have some before pictures to post 8 months from now. Thanks.


Banded 4/8/08


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Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration to us all, especially this 53 year old grandmother of one! I will have to take some pictures, so I have some before pictures to post 8 months from now. Thanks.


Banded 4/8/08


Yep Alice you gotta have some before & progress pictures - if you ck out my profile - I have some there - there is a pic that I took 12/15 (inspired tshirt on infront of th xmas tree) don't remember my weight - in the 190's i think and remember thinking how fantastic I looked then - and then compare that to now.. '

50's is the new 30's

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I do not have high blood pressure or the others that you mentioned, but my GP wrote an wonderful letter to the surgeon and insurance co stating that my herniated discs, knee pain, and a few others were because of my obesity. I can't see the surgeon until I attend an informational meeting and that meeting is July 17th. I have had regular doctor visits so I am sure I will not have to go thru what you went thru. My only prayer right now is that things move right along after the 17th...I am anxious to start my new way of living and want to become a healthier happier me. Kimberly

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Hey Janet, Way to go girl:thumbup:. You should be on the TV commercials. You are a perfect mentor. I really get alot out of your information. In fact when I lose my 100, I think I'll come to Palm Springs and visit you. Ha ha.

You know, maybe meet some stars, etc. :shades_smile:I can't believe how good you have done at this. I Looked at your fish recipes on the 50's site. Sound good. I also stopped weighing day and night because yes i am going crazy up and down.I am constipated also but really there isn't that much going in yet. Anyway this is day nine for me and I am doing great. I took a mile. 2/10 walk today and I also layed in the pool today for a while which was wonderful. Saturday is my first day on mushies for three weeks so we will see how that goes. I am still on full liquids but really feel bloated. YOUR WAIST IS SOOO SMALL. :thumbs_up::thumbs_up::thumbs_up: What size is that very cute dress? Were you going to see "AHonkaTonk" or what. Anyway you have alot to be proud of so stay on here with us so we can feel like you. Talk to ya all later. good luck to eveyone just going for their surgery.


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I do not have high blood pressure or the others that you mentioned, but my GP wrote an wonderful letter to the surgeon and insurance co stating that my herniated discs, knee pain, and a few others were because of my obesity. I can't see the surgeon until I attend an informational meeting and that meeting is July 17th. I have had regular doctor visits so I am sure I will not have to go thru what you went thru. My only prayer right now is that things move right along after the 17th...I am anxious to start my new way of living and want to become a healthier happier me. Kimberly

Kimberly - That's great of your doc, will keep good thoughts & prayers that things move swifty for you.. Keep us posted... Hugs Janet

Hey Janet, Way to go girl:thumbup:. You should be on the TV commercials. You are a perfect mentor. I really get alot out of your information. In fact when I lose my 100, I think I'll come to Palm Springs and visit you. Ha ha.

You know, maybe meet some stars, etc. :shades_smile:I can't believe how good you have done at this. I Looked at your fish recipes on the 50's site. Sound good. I also stopped weighing day and night because yes i am going crazy up and down.I am constipated also but really there isn't that much going in yet. Anyway this is day nine for me and I am doing great. I took a mile. 2/10 walk today and I also layed in the pool today for a while which was wonderful. Saturday is my first day on mushies for three weeks so we will see how that goes. I am still on full liquids but really feel bloated. YOUR WAIST IS SOOO SMALL. :thumbs_up::thumbs_up::thumbs_up: What size is that very cute dress? Were you going to see "AHonkaTonk" or what. Anyway you have alot to be proud of so stay on here with us so we can feel like you. Talk to ya all later. good luck to eveyone just going for their surgery.


Becky Thanks So Much for your kind words - that's really sweet. I am just a regular fat chick - yep I still call myself that cuz in my head I still am - I am not totally use to this new body yet..:huh2: But I am loving it (well except for my arms - hence the shawl - sure glad it came with the dress)

Dress is a size 10 which I can get into with unzipping - form fitting but not too tight.. I wore a pair of 8's today - they were too big.. :w00t: I have been buying 6's and do have 1 pair of 4's (freak mistake cuz I am sorry 150 in weight isn't a 4 but they say 4 and I LOVE THEM)

The dress is for Lapband Council dinner in Vegas tomorrow night - I don't know if I told you all here that I was invited to sit on a patient advisory council - I am going to Vegas tomorrow and there is a dinner at the Wynn - dress code causal elegance - so that's what it's for - my hair and makeup aren't even done in that pic - I had come home from the gym and my bff came over to see the dress and she just loved it and made me put it on at she took my picture - No my Trace Adkins Concert was May - and I wore jean & my cowboy hat :lol:

You can come to visit even before you lose the 100 if you want - and Palms Springs ?? Well I have lived here all my life and only seen 1 or 2 - but again I don't go to Palms Springs much any more (lwas there every weekend in my Disco Days cuz that's where all the clubs were:wink:) - I actually live in Indio 20 miles east of PS..

I'm glad you aren't weighing every day - I may jump on the scale during a week that I really want to get to that 5 lbs mark - but I don't count anything except what i weight on Thursday morning - I could have weighed 145 yesterday but this morning it's 150 that's what I count..

Are you suppose to be in the pool??? are your incisions all healed?? I don't think I could get in the pool until 4 or 6 weeks.. Becareful you don't want and infection..

You will be happy to go on mushies - refried Beans (fat free of course) with just a sprinkle of cheese - I think that was my 1st mushie meal.

I take ducolax for my Constipation - but if I drink my Water as I am suppose to I usually don't have a problem - but every now and then I will.


Ok Gang gotta go finish packing - If I don't talk to you all tomorrow- I will try and ck in Sunday when I get home (if Im not too tired).

So be good - make good choices and when you are tempted to eat something you shouldn't - I am on your shoulder telling you - no no no put it down and get something healthy to eat.

Be good - stay sweet and TTYL

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Hi Janet,

Double congratulations!! On the 100 lbs and on being asked for the Advisory Board. You need to be really proud of yourself!!! I know I am proud of you and also very glad that you are my mentor.

I am working on the exercise criteria. I went for a walk with my daughter last night and I was quite surprised I was soooo out of shape. She made excuses for me saying "you are ok, you just had surgery, you will gain more stamina as you heal". I know she is partly right but I was kind of ashamed that I was really tired after a 1 mile walk (with a few hilly areas). I am doing good on my diet and using dailyplate.com every day. Thank you for the catfish ideas for being so prompt in answeringing our concerns and questions. Have a great time at the Winn--it is a beautiful casino. I was there a little over a year ago.

And by the way I am a 62 year old mother of 3 daughters and grandmother of 5. Four GSs 14, 9, 8 and 8 and one GD who is 13. I work full time as the Manager, Customer Service for the USPS and also serve as a National VP of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. I am a busy individual and am looking forward to more eneregy and looking 10 years (at least) younger!!:biggrin2:

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Hi Janet,

Double congratulations!! On the 100 lbs and on being asked for the Advisory Board. You need to be really proud of yourself!!! I know I am proud of you and also very glad that you are my mentor.

I am working on the exercise criteria. I went for a walk with my daughter last night and I was quite surprised I was soooo out of shape. She made excuses for me saying "you are ok, you just had surgery, you will gain more stamina as you heal". I know she is partly right but I was kind of ashamed that I was really tired after a 1 mile walk (with a few hilly areas). I am doing good on my diet and using dailyplate.com every day. Thank you for the catfish ideas for being so prompt in answeringing our concerns and questions. Have a great time at the Winn--it is a beautiful casino. I was there a little over a year ago.

And by the way I am a 62 year old mother of 3 daughters and grandmother of 5. Four GSs 14, 9, 8 and 8 and one GD who is 13. I work full time as the Manager, Customer Service for the USPS and also serve as a National VP of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. I am a busy individual and am looking forward to more eneregy and looking 10 years (at least) younger!!:biggrin2:

Jill - You are dong GREAT 62 walked a hilly miles just had surgery - heck I couldn't do that a year ago :wink_smile:- Your daughter is right - slow and easy you will do better as each week passes

Yes you are one busy lady!!!! - We have matching GD who are 13 :bored:

The Wynn was FABULOUS !!!! OMW room was great view was breath taking - Just was busy so didn't get to do alot - but did win $250 on $7 :thumbup:


How is everyone doing this Monday Morning - How was your weekends.

I am back - so if anyone has any questions or needs something just let me know I am here !!!!

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How is everyone doing this Monday Morning - How was your weekends.

I am back - so if anyone has any questions or needs something just let me know I am here !!!!

Good afternoon. Welcome home Janet. How was the panel??

I posted this in the 50's but thought maybe this was the more appropriate spot:

OMG, I can't believe I almost screwed up big time. Well I did but I got lucky. It taught me a huge lesson, never forget I have a band!! There I was shopping costco, ignoring all sample ladies! When suddenly what should appear but a sample lady with 'Lousiana Hot links'. Well I was buying stuff for the 4th BBQ and thought I'd try one. I popped the whole thing in my mouth, about an inch long sausage. It was so spicey hot, that I chewed a couple times and swallowed. And, then, I immediatelly thought OMG!! Did I just do that? It's going to get stuck, what do I do? I totally forgot about the band. I just told someone last night how normal I know felt as I've recovered. I am on solid foods so that's not so much the issue. The issue was my bite side and lack of chewing. First I was going to go to the restroom and try and vomit but then remembered that was bad. I just prayed it went down and it did. So obviously I don't have too much restriction anymore and need my fill in 2 weeks (from today). But I can't believe I totally forgot about the band and did that. I have been so mindful of every bite, not taken a big bigger than a pencil eraser or my pinkie nail bed (2 guidelines they gave me in the nutrition class). I have been the perfect lap band patient. It taught me a huge lesson though, never just pop something in my mouth w/o thinking, be mindful of everything! It wasn't like a cheat moment where I thought I'm sick of this so screw it I'm going to eat this or anything. I really and truly just let it slip my mind. Has anyone ever done this? I feel so stupid. IT WON"T HAPPEN AGAIN!! Also, never shop at costco hungry! LOL I'm just starting to get my hunger back at almost 4 weeks out.

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Long - it was good - I really can't report much signed a non disclosure form - but to say they just wanted our opinion and input on marketing more or less for the band - no great trade secerts or anything like that - but I did get to meet some really nice pple..

What you did was normal - don't freak too much - just be happy it didn't stick - I forget about my band even now - and will do the same thing.... I will do this when I am really hungry - like right now.. I have had 3 bits of sandwich - and am feeling a little pressure. So what I have to do is slow down -

For me I know right away if it's getting stuck on a bite like that - even sometimes it's the 3rd bite that will do it for me - and sometimes it goes right down.

It takes a long time for our old habits to go away - and they never really do - they just go down below our radar and will pop up every now and then.

I saw those hot links last time I was at costco - but they didn't have samples - My family likes the Farmer John ones - I use to love them too but the skin just doesn't agree with me anymore - and that's my fav part the ends.. I will cut the insides of one and put it in my eggbeaters..

I think that I started getting hungry too about 4 weeks - but even though I didn't have tons of restriction had some...

Shopping while hungry - even with proper restriction is a no - no imho as then we tend to buy stuff we shouldn't - since I didn't get home last night until like 5:30 and notthing to cook for dinner or lunch today - went to the store and got lite bread - ham - 2% cheese dijon mustard - 200 cal sandwich - but started to look at other stuff - but said no - just don't look - also when I am hungry I forget I am banded and think i can eat all this food - but really I know I can - I guess wishful thinking :lol: cuz I do miss eating sometimes :)

Glad that you are doing good though - sounds like you have the right mindset - Keep up the good work...:frown:

Good afternoon. Welcome home Janet. How was the panel??

I posted this in the 50's but thought maybe this was the more appropriate spot:

OMG, I can't believe I almost screwed up big time. Well I did but I got lucky. It taught me a huge lesson, never forget I have a band!! There I was shopping costco, ignoring all sample ladies! When suddenly what should appear but a sample lady with 'Lousiana Hot links'. Well I was buying stuff for the 4th BBQ and thought I'd try one. I popped the whole thing in my mouth, about an inch long sausage. It was so spicey hot, that I chewed a couple times and swallowed. And, then, I immediatelly thought OMG!! Did I just do that? It's going to get stuck, what do I do? I totally forgot about the band. I just told someone last night how normal I know felt as I've recovered. I am on solid foods so that's not so much the issue. The issue was my bite side and lack of chewing. First I was going to go to the restroom and try and vomit but then remembered that was bad. I just prayed it went down and it did. So obviously I don't have too much restriction anymore and need my fill in 2 weeks (from today). But I can't believe I totally forgot about the band and did that. I have been so mindful of every bite, not taken a big bigger than a pencil eraser or my pinkie nail bed (2 guidelines they gave me in the nutrition class). I have been the perfect lap band patient. It taught me a huge lesson though, never just pop something in my mouth w/o thinking, be mindful of everything! It wasn't like a cheat moment where I thought I'm sick of this so screw it I'm going to eat this or anything. I really and truly just let it slip my mind. Has anyone ever done this? I feel so stupid. IT WON"T HAPPEN AGAIN!! Also, never shop at Costco hungry! LOL I'm just starting to get my hunger back at almost 4 weeks out.

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Thanks Janet. I will forgive myself then for my goof up and move on. Thanks for sharing your experience as it shows me that I will always have to work on the head hunger so to speak and be mindful of my eating. I just felt so foolish for forgetting I had a band, but if even successful experienced folk like you can have a moment, I'm in good company. It goes back to my all or nothing thinking. If I'm not 100% perfect, then I failed. This was one mindless mistake, I was lucky it didn't get stuck, and learned a valuable lesson. Thank you.

On a side note, do you know if previous bypass patients can be banded? I have someone asking me, otherwise I will ask at my support group tomorrow night.

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Thanks Janet. I will forgive myself then for my goof up and move on. Thanks for sharing your experience as it shows me that I will always have to work on the head hunger so to speak and be mindful of my eating. I just felt so foolish for forgetting I had a band, but if even successful experienced folk like you can have a moment, I'm in good company. It goes back to my all or nothing thinking. If I'm not 100% perfect, then I failed. This was one mindless mistake, I was lucky it didn't get stuck, and learned a valuable lesson. Thank you.

On a side note, do you know if previous bypass patients can be banded? I have someone asking me, otherwise I will ask at my support group tomorrow night.

Yes it's that all or nothing mentallity that we have to change - it's all about moderation - balance - but for us foodies it's going to be a lifetime balancing act for us.

Yes bypass pple can get banded - I hear about it this weekend - someone had a friend who had bypass and then was banded..

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Hi Janet, Glad to hear your back. Did you learn anything new regarding lap band? Well I started mushies on Saturday. So far I've had cottage cheese, pudding, baked potato, scrambled eggs. I have I weighed 239 morning of surgery (18th) and this morning I weighed 232.6. Okay So on Sunday of last week I weighed 234.6. Have gone up and down about 4-6 oz all week.Is this normal. Have lost two pounds. My question is, I don't really have a huge appetite at all right now. today is Monday and this is the first day I've been a little hungry so if I am not eating that much, then why have I slowed down? Is it because I am constipated or is it because I am reintroducing food into my system. I have been playing with the same 4 oz. for about five days now. If my appetite isn't very big now, then when I am filled it will even be less, right? I am walking about 1.2 miles every other day or working in the garden for at least four hours everyother day. Now I am not too far out yet since surgery so I am not getting to ruffled about it now but others have lost quite a bit more than me and just wondered if this sounds normal to you. Also, I am afraid to eat. first of all I dont want to pb and second how can there be no restriction in the first six weeks if they make your stomach from the size of a football to the size of a walnut?

I dont understand how there would be no restriction with that? Need some advice. thanks


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Hi Janet, Glad to hear your back. Did you learn anything new regarding lap band? Well I started mushies on Saturday. So far I've had cottage cheese, pudding, baked potato, scrambled eggs. I have I weighed 239 morning of surgery (18th) and this morning I weighed 232.6. Okay So on Sunday of last week I weighed 234.6. Have gone up and down about 4-6 oz all week.Is this normal. Have lost two pounds. My question is, I don't really have a huge appetite at all right now. today is Monday and this is the first day I've been a little hungry so if I am not eating that much, then why have I slowed down? Is it because I am constipated or is it because I am reintroducing food into my system. I have been playing with the same 4 oz. for about five days now. If my appetite isn't very big now, then when I am filled it will even be less, right? I am walking about 1.2 miles every other day or working in the garden for at least four hours everyother day. Now I am not too far out yet since surgery so I am not getting to ruffled about it now but others have lost quite a bit more than me and just wondered if this sounds normal to you. Also, I am afraid to eat. first of all I dont want to pb and second how can there be no restriction in the first six weeks if they make your stomach from the size of a football to the size of a walnut?

I dont understand how there would be no restriction with that? Need some advice. thanks



Nothing really to report on that front - plus I had to sign a non-disclosure form - so really can't talk about it - but they just wanted banded pples input on our experiences and how it can help them in their stuff about the lapband..

But did learn alot about Obesity the Disease..

Ok to your issues - first and foremost put the blessed scale away right now - immediately!!!! You pick one day a week and only on that day get on the scale and record that weight.... I can get on the scale every hour and every hour weight a diff weight.

As you heal your restriction is going to decrease as the swelling from surgery goes down - your appetite will return - it is a misnomer IMHO that the band takes away all your hunger even when properly restricted which you aren't yet - You will alway have some hunger issues be it mental or physical and it will take time to learn the diff. The diff with the band is now you are going to make healthy food choices - eat Protein first - and you will be full on a smaller amount of food.

You can't compare yourself to others either - all of our metabolism are diff. Someone may lose 10 lbs the first month then hit a plateau - or others may lose .5 lbs a week for 3 weeks and then drop 2 or 3 in the next - this is why I say put the scale away and don't for gosh darn sake worry about 4 or 6 oz ... You are going to sabotage yourself with that kind of thinking.

I have a friend Phyl (you know her from the 50's thread) she may not lose for a week or 2 then in drop big numbers.. I have been pretty consistent in my weight lost - but it's just my body - we are all so very diff...

Do you know how many calories you are consuming?? You are doing good on the exercise - have you taken your measurements if not do so tonite or tomorrow - chest - tummy - hips - thigh's - arms then in 3 months I want you to take them again. Sometimes our weight lost doesn't show on the scale - but it will show in our clothes and measurements - there are more ways than just the scale to measure your success - You might not have immediate results that you want - but remember as long as you keep up with the exercise and eating healthy within your calorie budget then pounds will come off -

2 lbs in one week is great that's the average 1-2 lbs a week - but some weeks I just lost 1/2 lbs

As to the pouch vs football - you know what the band looks like on the stomach - that band is where your restriction is - food flows Thur that hole - liquids - mushies and super soft foods slide right thru (ie slider foods) this is why when you get to regular food you are always told to eat hard Proteins (real food/meat) in tiny bites and chew - this food has more substance and won't slide thru the band - it's going to stay in your new tummy (pouch) for a while til it goes down - ie the whole principle of the band you get full on a smaller amount of food.

You get stuck or bp when you have taken a big bite and not chewed it and it gets stuck in that hole and your body is going to try and make it go down by producing more saliva (slime) to push it thru - some times it works others times it doesn't and you will pb - also if you eat too fast or too much it will back up and cause you to bp or slime.

All you can really do to insure your sanity - is #1 stay off the scale :lol: on a daily basis - #2 eat healthy on all food stages (I really suggest logging your calories to really know how many you are getting daily) #3 exercise

If you do all these things and don't have any other medical problems the weight will come off - you have to remember that us 50+ girls have yo-yo'd dieted so much that we have really messed with our metabolisms and some of us are just slower losers that others - You also know athinnerdenise - she has lost slowly - but she keeps plugging away and it has come off...

Hugs - Now put the scale away :P:lol::lol::lol: It's way past my dinner time and I am a little hunger - so of to eat - and get ready for tomorrow - if I didn't get all your questions answered or caused a whole nother set let me know...:lol:



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How's it going Gang !!!

Who has plans for the 4th?? Who's having BBQ's or going to them??

Do you have a plan in place on what you are going to it - Planing is very important.

Make sure you eat Breakfast - and then plan what you are eating - tally the calories and stay within your budgets..

If you are at home - it's easier cuz you control the foods you server - but if you are out - then just take a small portion of what is being served - Protein 1st then veggies then starches - Eat watermelon instead of cake (make sure you take tiny bites) and if you just can't pass up the cake - do the 3 bite rule - allow yourself 3 bites then throw it away or give to someone else. Remember it's not those 3 bites that got us fat it's eating 3 or 4 pieces of cake.

Here's some sauages/hot dog info that my freind salsa posted

I forgot to post this for everyone. I found 97% fat free Hebrew National Hot Dogs at Wal-Mart a couple of days ago. They only have 45 calories per hot dog. So for those of you who are not planning to spend their 4th of July in a compression garment sipping on a vicodin margarita this could be a great alternative to bring with you to a BBQ. Also if you are looking for sausages...Johnsonville has great Turkey/Cheddar sausages that are 130 calories. If you can find the Jenny-O Turkey cheddar sausages they are only 120. I eat these a lot for Breakfast. I love em! You should be able to find any of these in the hot dog section of your favorite grocery store!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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