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Hey Gang - I couldnt get on last night - the stupid system kept bumming me off and was super busy at work so couldn't get on during the day..

I'm still around. Acutally just discovered that I stopped getting email notifications again on new posts and that's how I usually come visit and post. I figured folks couldn't be that quiet so came and checked and here you all are! I did take a nice 2 1/2 hour nap today. I was so tired after yesterday. I'm beginning to have 2nd thoughts on this job, the boss is so so. He's a young kid about my son's age, and well for lack of a better word, very immature. I've had no run ins with him yet but he's frustrating as heck. Rather than deal with one problem employee he's coming down on everyone and ends everything with 'grounds for termination' when the reality is everyone there is doing a great job but this one gal. And he reacts and blows up so quickly only to forget 10 min later what he said. Then wonders why you are doing what you are doing after telling you to do something 10 min before. But I will stick with it til spring at least. Unless something better comes along before then.

No, Janet, no shopping today. LOL Am trying to behave and wait til spring. But am sure those clothes will be out soon, I saw swimsuits in Target the other day.

Ya I would hate working for someone younger than me - at least at my job they are all older or the same age.

I say suits at target & stien mart in the last few weeks too - I need some capri for summer - I don't do shorts - well I can do bermuda's

Hi All,

Well - I had an interesting day today. Last week's appointment with the retina specialist at the eye clinic developed into another eye issue. I have macular degeneration and have been working w/retina spec for a year or so. Last week the resident found damage to the optic nerve that concerned her and I spent the next hour in a very painful examination with both resident and ophthamologist shining every bright light in the clinic into both my eyes. It ended with the doc saying I had some signs of a particular type of glaucoma, but he thought I was borderline and did not require treatment for it at this time (they would watch...). He did recommend a second opinion with the glaucoma specialist at the clinic (this is a university eye clinic, so lots of specialists in all eye conditions). I agreed to that - and had that appointment today. It turns out I do have the type of glaucoma they were concerned about - and it is the type that can cause sudden "attacks" which can cause equally sudden loss of much of your vision in the affected eye. The glaucoma specialist indicated very firmly I needed laser surgery on the left eye now. I figured next week... No - Saturday morning at 9:00! The clinic is not even open on Saturday! He's coming in just for me. I came home and did a search on the internet. I was not comforted by what I found, but very relieved that the surgery is an effective treatment, and this doctor is considered one of the best in the country.

We are so blessed to live in a time when this type of surgery is available - and on top of the banding I just had done, I am reminded of that once again. Tomorrow I see my LB surgeon and am scheduled for my first fill. I have felt much better today, and am relieved about that. I think I just need to learn the quirks of this band and I'm sure that will just take a little more time and practice. I thank all of you for your suggestions and support - I am really grateful to all of you.

Joann - Hugs on they eye problems - but like you said they can do wonders now a days..

How did your doc appointment go yesterday

JoAnne...so sorry to hear of your vision troubles. I am one to believe that visions is one of the greatest gifts from God. My grandfather had glacouma..lived a very full life but did not have the advantages we have today. You take every opportunity you can to save your vision. It is a precious asset.

I have to blow.......have nothing to do with LB. Ok...long story short. I met a guy...way back when....I thought he was the MOST interesting, successful 24 yr old I had ever met. Well, turned out he was MAJOR ADD....way off the board...married him. Had two kids. Both MAJOR ADD. Did not label them...did not put them on medication. Just was a very on hands mom that helped them out. Now, I would not have traded my kids or DH for anything. ADD people are very innovative and if they can grab something in their adult life and go with it...they can be very success. My DH...no question...success by the time he was 25. Oldest DS...success by the age of 25. Youngest son...now just seeing that success at the age of 25. Ran into a teacher that had both of my sons today. (BTW we treated ADD with NO medication). She was their math teacher. Yes, my sons could be little cut-ups in class but they were GOOD kids that really cared about their friends, school, getting their homework done, etc. Anyway, ran into this teacher in the grocery store today. She had the guts to walk up to me and ask what "these kids" ever made of themselves. First my jaw dropped. Then the bitch in me kicked in. Let her know that my first one of "those kids" aced college and graduated with a perfect 4.0. And the second one of "those kids" just got a job flying a transport plane for the government and cannot tell his parents what he is actually transporting because he has obtained a high security clearance since he was 18 yrs old...and by the way he earned is commercial, sea plane, gold instructor and every other frickin license he could get by the time he was 21.

Now...the above paragraph is not for bragging. It is for making a point. We have soooooooooooo many lovely teachers out there. Teachers that are so understanding and cannot stand to see a kid fall through the cracks. What is it with the teachers that can tell a mom (after proudly telling her what "those kids" are doing now...that she thought they would never amount to nothin' (and what teacher with a decent education uses the word "nothin'"? My jaw was still on the floor so the only thing I could do was leave her in the Cereal isle...what would you have done?

Apples - What a stupid B - these are the kind of teachers that give the teaching system a bad name ... I am so happy that you could report that "those kids" are successful - thanks to you being the good parent that you are.. What was her reaction when you told her ...

As with any occupation there are always a few that reflect badly on the rest. Teachers are no exception. I remember a teacher my youngest daughter had that told her she could not play basketball with the boys--she had to play Barbie dolls with the girls at lunch or stay inside. She actually grabbed the basketball out of her hands several times. Even after many years that school year was one I can't seem to forget.

No matter what someone says just remember you have the good manners and common sense to walk away. What a small minded/uneducated person to even approach you with questions such a she did.

Hopefully she is not a teacher anymore. Many of our teachers are just not equipped or understand the complexity of children and developmental issues or any issue out of the normal spectrum. I have a 8 yr old grandson who is autistic. Fortunately he is very high functioning and he talks and is mainstreamed in most subjects. There is a book I just finished reading titled The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. If anyone is interested in autism from a 15 year old autistic boy's point of view--I reccommend it highly. It is a best seller in England at the moment.

Sorry to be on the soapbox--but it really hits me when people, especially teachers, sterotype children into groups or ailments--each person is an individual and has individual needs and goals--no matter what.

On a different topic--I am looking forward to a trip next weekend to NC for a meeting (Thur-Sun). I am anxious to see if I get any comments about my weight lose as I have not seen most of them since Sept. I am going to have to break down and buy some smaller pants/jeans real soon. I look like a clown in baggy pants lately--what a wonderful feeling.

I was going to go to the Inauguration as my youngest daughter works as Chief of Staff to a Congressman and lives in DC but I have decided to not fight the crowds and go visit her in March instead. I have three daughters and they are all very supportive of my weight loss efforts.

Have a great weekend.

Jill I have a freind going to the inauguration - she is suppose to be bring me back a something... I would love to go -but like you the crowd issues - heck on tv you will have a birds eye veis..

Wow, the nerve of that teacher. You handled it with grace. Unfortunately there are bad apples in every profession.

Still am not getting email notifications of new posts. GRRRR I really like that feature and rely on it all the time. Also was having computer issues and DD's BF came and worked for 3 hours on it. It is running much better now.

I am so grateful it is Friday. Not liking my early hours! sleep in tomorrow. It will be really hard going to work next week as DH will be home on vacation. He is going to come up to the rec center when I get off at 830 though to work out with me. Speaking of which, it's so not fair. He started working out and eating less on Monday in an effort to lose about 20 or 25 lbs. He weighed today, he's down 10 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! MEN!! LOL

Long - Men !!! They have more muscle and that's why - it's so un fair

Oh goodness....what good listeners we have on this thread and thanks to you all for letting me vent on a subject other than the LB. Those of you that have raised a child strapped with challenges know exactly where I was coming from on this subject. I have great respect for teachers and the extremely tough job they have in helping us raise our children. As Long said, there are bad apples in every group. (I'm a good Apples2 though. LOL).

Wrapping things up here at home...banking, bookwork, etc...and get thru the weekend and then WE ARE OFF TO WARMER WEATHER!

Lucky you going to Florida... Well 2 more months til my cruise

I bought some Basic 4 Cereal today. Does anybody eat it? It looked good and healthy.

Nope I have tried - who makes it - I will look for it - I have raisin bran - go lean crunch and kasha cinnimon shredded wheat... I only eat cereal every now and then..


Good morning !!!

Like I said early couldn't get on last night ...

Well up waiting for the gym to open - doggies have an appointment at the beauty shop at 9

Need to food shop for the week and whatever else hits my fancy I guess.

Well, just cking in - will CBL:tongue:

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Good morning gals. You will never guess what I did today. I took my first aerobics class in years. At the rec center that I work at they started a new class called Zumba, this was the first week. The gal I work with wanted to try it and we went together. OMG, it was a lot of fun. the music was great, reminded me of cruise ship music sortta calypso/Carribean/Latin feel. The moves were medicore hard. I definitely have a lot to learn. At first was very self conscious how out of step I was and that I had to make improvisions for my knee. But then looked around and I was no worse than anyone else. And I told that voice in my head to shut up. I may have been out of step and going the wrong way sometimes but I was moving and that's what it is all about. gotta go check out daily plate and see how many calories I burned. :cool: Only trouble is, since it's a 'branded class' like Jazzercise used to be, it's a little more expensive. It's $6 a class, they offer it twice a week so that would be $12 a week, do I want to pay that to work out?? Might be worth it, if I continue to enjoy it.

Interesting, when I got out of the class, I thought, I can't wait to get home and tell the gals here about it. I knew you'd all understand what an accomplishment that was for me to take a class like that.

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Good morning gals. You will never guess what I did today. I took my first aerobics class in years. At the rec center that I work at they started a new class called Zumba, this was the first week. The gal I work with wanted to try it and we went together. OMG, it was a lot of fun. the music was great, reminded me of cruise ship music sortta calypso/Carribean/Latin feel. The moves were medicore hard. I definitely have a lot to learn. At first was very self conscious how out of step I was and that I had to make improvisions for my knee. But then looked around and I was no worse than anyone else. And I told that voice in my head to shut up. I may have been out of step and going the wrong way sometimes but I was moving and that's what it is all about. gotta go check out daily plate and see how many calories I burned. :thumbup: Only trouble is, since it's a 'branded class' like Jazzercise used to be, it's a little more expensive. It's $6 a class, they offer it twice a week so that would be $12 a week, do I want to pay that to work out?? Might be worth it, if I continue to enjoy it.

Interesting, when I got out of the class, I thought, I can't wait to get home and tell the gals here about it. I knew you'd all understand what an accomplishment that was for me to take a class like that.

Congrats Long !!!!! :thumbup:WTG !!!:thumbup: I am so happy that you enjoyed it.. Yes you are worth 12 dollars a week to move and exercise and do something you enjoy - you are so worth it - so don't let the $12 buck stop you..

I am so happy that you told yourself to shut up !!!!! That stupid little negative person inside of us - stops us from doing so much and enjoying life... Go for it 100%...

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Good Morning Gang

I am not mia - yesterday went to the gym, then took doggies to the groomers - went to Target for target stuff - then to Marshalls - got the cuties pair of shoes - well that took 3 hrs then p/u the doggies - came home - cleaned my room and bathroom (changed sheets dusted polished the furniture vaccumed corner clean mirrors mopped etc) was done around 5:30 - and was just too pooped to get on line - I was up at 5:30 in fact I think I went to bed around 9:30 last night..

Up at 6 this morning..

Going to finish cleaning house (I think) and maybe go to HomeGoods - need a Tree for my room..

Ok just cking in - like I said - I am not MIA - no longer blue - just busy and it seems like when I get on the computer - before I know it 3 hrs are gone and I have done a darn thing.

Joann - how did the doc appointment go...

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Congrats Long !!!!! :thumbup:WTG !!!:tongue2: I am so happy that you enjoyed it.. Yes you are worth 12 dollars a week to move and exercise and do something you enjoy - you are so worth it - so don't let the $12 buck stop you..

I am so happy that you told yourself to shut up !!!!! That stupid little negative person inside of us - stops us from doing so much and enjoying life... Go for it 100%...

Well it looks like I will take Zumba again tomorrow. My daughter is off and may come take it with me. She heard it had 'salsa' moves and thinks it sounds fun. I'm not sure what the moves are called. :wub: Just know I am not a dancer but it's still fun. I googled it and read various things as to how many calories it burnt. I read things from 500 to over 1000, I will go towards the lower end as I sure wouldnt' want to over estimate. I'd rather be burning more than I think I am than less.

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Sounds like fun, Long. My DH gives me lectures on slowing down in that department. You'd have to be here but I am very high strung and constantly on the move. He worries that I am going to burn up what is left of me. LOL. I will have to say that I feel absolutely wonderful and I just cannot help but be on the move!

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Hi i have been band for over a year I was banded on 8/20/07 and it started out good i had loss 44 lbs in two months then in april of that year i got really sick and had pericarditis its a inflammation around the heart and was told not to over do it i was so tired and the chest pain was really bad they think it was from the band surgery it just seem like i have never been on track after that i have gain 20lbs im really bummed out all the time have failed so bad my doctor wont give me a fill i think i have 2.5 in a 10cc band and could eat a house if need be just kidding im having some gallbladder pain but at at this time i just can get it out to many things going some days i feel like why bother Im afraid to ever get any surgery from that sooo i just wanted to vent thanksand sorry this is so long lindaday

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Hi i have been band for over a year I was banded on 8/20/07 and it started out good i had loss 44 lbs in two months then in april of that year i got really sick and had pericarditis its a inflammation around the heart and was told not to over do it i was so tired and the chest pain was really bad they think it was from the band surgery it just seem like i have never been on track after that i have gain 20lbs im really bummed out all the time have failed so bad my doctor wont give me a fill i think i have 2.5 in a 10cc band and could eat a house if need be just kidding im having some gallbladder pain but at at this time i just can get it out to many things going some days i feel like why bother Im afraid to ever get any surgery from that sooo i just wanted to vent thanksand sorry this is so long lindaday

Hugs Linda - I am so very sorry for your struggles. I would tell your band dr - that your tool can't work if it's not maintained.

I had my gallbladder out in 85 when they cut you open - now adays it's a lot easier - I was in consent pain with mine.

Concentrate on eating healthy and loving yourself but not with junk food - Love yourself enough to give your body what it needs - healthy foods and in turn your body with repay you by being healthier and giving you more energy...

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Good Morning Gang

Hope you all had a good weekend - Mine was good got the last of the Xmas stuff put away - went out yesterday and bought 2 fake trees - sofa table and ton's of silk flowers and sorta redecorated my casa... I am in a nesting mode I guess...

Found some sf w/splenda wafer Cookies - 4 - 130 calories - but I think they are going in the trash - not cuz they are bad - it's cuz they are too good - I ate 8 - they are tiny but still.

Well just cking in - Sending Sunshine to my snowbound Girl Friends - It's beautiful here this past weekend and suppose to be a beautiful week - High 70's if not low 80's....

Gotta get some work done - so will CBL :cursing:

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Good afternoon. Am in the midst of cooking a big turkey for dinner. We bought like 5 of them when the grocery store had them so cheap for Thanksgiving. Both of my kids are coming for dinner. Then DH will have all his leftovers he loves so much too. I have dibs on dark meat as the white doesn't go down so easy.

took my 2nd Zumba class today. She teaches the class on Mondays and Saturdays. I feel like such a clutz but am having as much fun as one can have exercising anyway and getting a good workout in. Think my knee will like the break now til Sat. I will still work out but probably on the bike.

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Hello to my buddies.

Janet sounds like you had a busy weekend shopping. My passion is decorating. I love January cuz I always promise myself two new bigger items for the house with the start of each year. Still deciding what they will be this year. Have some ideas.

Well, not sure when I will check in next. We are leaving early morning. Full blown blizzard here all day and has not let up yet. Another storm coming in tomorrow so we are heading out early. We fly out Wed morning at 6am.

Not sure how much wireless access I will have. DH and I will be competing for the laptop. I think I will just hide it somewhere when we get to the cabin (not really).

Talk to you guys soon....love ya!

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Well hey there tonight girls (Monday). I have been busy also and thats why I have not been on. didn't go to Dr last week since weather was bad so now appt is Jan 26th. Thats okay since I don't need a fill anyway. On the kids, I have three gorgeous daughters and one gorgeous son. Of the 3 girls one has had very severe acne since 15. She used accutance twice was in the hospital with severe reaction, almost died, had to be pulled out of school and be home schooled since some teenagers can be very cruel, has been depressed for a long time, is my only one left at home, is a good girl but can't seem to get in the world. She has had laser surgery to removed scars, never touched it. The dermotologist and plastic surgeon say its worst they have ever seen. She is now 22 and is a doll except a very very scared face. I don't know how to help her get past this, especially since the other two girls are model material and her twin brother is good looking and doing very well at 22. On to the next subject. Jill, my oldest daughter has a son (14) who is a high functioning autistic. He goes to Williamsville Jr. hgh which is a pretty tough school. He is also the love of my life. I also know alot about this subject. JoAnn, I have macular degeneration in my eyes. I had laser surgery to remove some of the spots. It really wasn't bad at all and it did help me alot. Long, sounds like you are doing okay. I am going to take that Zumba class also. Apples, I'll get back to you since I forgot what I was going to say and Janet, I did go and get prices on gym. 69.00 a month if you join by the month, 49 by the year and 39 for two years. ten personal trainer sessions of half hour is 264.00. I am going to join but don't know which one yet. I am worried about getting a two year plan since I have such a terrible back ya know. Anyway, I am back at walking every day and today I jogged but scale isn'[t moving too fast right now. Guess What! I am getting a new kitchen!!!!. I am thrilled. My house needs updating bad. I went and picked out cabinets, appliances so far. Son is doing granite counters for me since he is in the business, now I got to figure out floor ( I think ceramic????). Getting new Pella windows with the blinds in them. I like those. Well thats my story for the last few days. Am trying to eat well. Went to the store and got some groceries. Today I didn't have much of an appetite.


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Whoot, Beckyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A new kitchen!!!!!!!!! How exciting.

So sorry your daughter has had her troubles. Kids and be so mean to each other.

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Long - I am glad you are enjoying you zumba classes - after a while you won't be such a clutz - I am a pretty good dancer but again that's after a couple of drinks - in those kind of classes - I feel like a total dork..

Apples Enjoy your vacation you deserve it girl - I wish I had half your energy... My house if very traditional I would say -

Walls Mocha - carpet oatmeal - couches taupe & black over stuffed - glass/iron tables mixed with wood table. I have lived in my house 5 yrs this May - and after the intital move in and furniture buying - (whole house had new furniture) I got burnt out - I need art work - mantel and that's really about it - I am not good at assestorizing... Like stick this dodad on this table - this size plant here - that kind of stuff..

Plus I am tired of some of my silk plants too...

Have a good time on your vacation in FL soak up the sun - but make sure you have your sun block - you don't want to get burn so badly that you can't enjoy yourself..

Check in when you can - we want to hear all about your adventure..

Well hey there tonight girls (Monday). I have been busy also and thats why I have not been on. didn't go to Dr last week since weather was bad so now appt is Jan 26th. Thats okay since I don't need a fill anyway. On the kids, I have three gorgeous daughters and one gorgeous son. Of the 3 girls one has had very severe acne since 15. She used accutance twice was in the hospital with severe reaction, almost died, had to be pulled out of school and be home schooled since some teenagers can be very cruel, has been depressed for a long time, is my only one left at home, is a good girl but can't seem to get in the world. She has had laser surgery to removed scars, never touched it. The dermotologist and plastic surgeon say its worst they have ever seen. She is now 22 and is a doll except a very very scared face. I don't know how to help her get past this, especially since the other two girls are model material and her twin brother is good looking and doing very well at 22. On to the next subject. Jill, my oldest daughter has a son (14) who is a high functioning autistic. He goes to Williamsville Jr. hgh which is a pretty tough school. He is also the love of my life. I also know alot about this subject. JoAnn, I have macular degeneration in my eyes. I had laser surgery to remove some of the spots. It really wasn't bad at all and it did help me alot. Long, sounds like you are doing okay. I am going to take that Zumba class also. Apples, I'll get back to you since I forgot what I was going to say and Janet, I did go and get prices on gym. 69.00 a month if you join by the month, 49 by the year and 39 for two years. ten personal trainer sessions of half hour is 264.00. I am going to join but don't know which one yet. I am worried about getting a two year plan since I have such a terrible back ya know. Anyway, I am back at walking every day and today I jogged but scale isn'[t moving too fast right now. Guess What! I am getting a new kitchen!!!!. I am thrilled. My house needs updating bad. I went and picked out cabinets, appliances so far. Son is doing granite counters for me since he is in the business, now I got to figure out floor ( I think ceramic????). Getting new Pella windows with the blinds in them. I like those. Well thats my story for the last few days. Am trying to eat well. Went to the store and got some groceries. Today I didn't have much of an appetite.


Becky - Hugs to you and DD how awful for her... My Mom had some bad skin - and I know how she felt - There is nothing any plastic surgeon can do to improve her skin - I know that my uncle had something done - it soften the scars a little but they are still there..

How fun a new kitchen !!!!

Ok gang - I need to finish my dinner - I ate my salad at 8 cuz I go on line around 7:30 and by they time I made it here I just had to eat - it's 9 and I need to go eat my fish..

Yes I know I am backwards - but for some reason I have been hungry for salad for the last two days... So now tomy fish..

Will talk to you all tomorrow...

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Good Morning Gang....

It's a beautiful day here in the Desert - It will be sunny and in the low 80's...

No much to report since last night - I ate my fish - then watched a little TV went to bed at 10 and up at 5 - here at work and need to get my butt in gear..

But this is my ritual - so I gotta Say GOOD MORNING TO MY GIRL FRIENDS - will CBL :laugh:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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