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Good morning. Just a quick check in. DH is working from home today, he's doing conference calls in the other room, gosh they sound boring. He says they are.

If you saw my FB post yesterday, I got a new IPad2!! Wasn't really looking for one but thought they would be fun. I was at Walmart and what is there all by itself in a case crying out to me? I've been saving my change for along time for a splurge purchase and this was it. Was on the phone a lot of the evening with DS who was helping me set it up. I am so dumb when it comes to that stuff but hopefully when it's all set up it will be easy.

Happy Birthday to Glimmer!

Safe travels to our travellers, enjoy the sunshine!

I am in the process of finding and booking our vacation in May. WOOHOO!!

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Charlene, I am not low in D. My doctor and his assistant were surprised. He said research is showing that all kinds of things happen when you are low on D. I'm outside quite a bit and I do consume fortified milk. Good luck with your appointment.

Linda, you are such a good Mom to your Merry. Those dogs love those bones, even without the extra "Hand" she'll be able to hold the bone down with one foot and gnaw on it.

Phyl, Have fun in Cabo, let us know how you like the crystal lite. Really, have a great time.

Meredith...you too!! Have a wonderful time in FL and soak up all the sun you need. I wouldn't be able to stand it all cloudy all the time. I guess that's why I live in the sun belt.

Lori, external hard drives are easy...just plug them in...uses a USB cord and my is powered so I have to plug it into power too. I have a terabite or something crazy like that on my external drive. See I don't get jewelery or perfume for birthdays and Christmas, I get hard drives and storage sheds....also cinder blocks. They're probably cheaper than the jewelery I like...LOL.

I have to finally work at the job...I didn't get any of that done yesterday, but I did finish my final story. I will have to "edit" and revise it, but I'll do that in a day or two....need to take a break from it.

Going for a walk....hope you have a great day!.


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Melissa - have you tried the PB2 -- powdered Peanut Butter -- has only 45 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving (2 T.) -- it tastes great!


Never heard of it. Where do you get it?

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Happy B-day to Glimmer!

Linda, that is too cute about you holding Merry's bne for her. That is something I would do too. She has found a way around that missing leg - YOU!!!!

Arlene, I am scheduled for May 19 for just a TT. My PS told me it would be easier on me to do the TT and girls separately. I am all over that! I will do the TT first as that is what really bothers me the most. I may or may not do the girls but I have time to think that over.

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I bought the PB2 on Amazon, I think Bells Plantation was another site. Just google PB2 .

Sandy, that is great that you have your apt. That's the same thing I want to have done.

Linda, So cute about Merry. Prayers for your brother.

Eva, Happy B-day to Glimmer.

Meridith, have a great time in FL.

Phyl, have a great time on your vaca. too.

Wishing I was still on vaca.


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Good Morning All...

Linda...your story of Merry and the bone melted my heart. Poor little thing. What a good momma to hold her bone for her. Thoughts and prayers going out to your brother and you and your family. Wish they could find out what is going on with him. You had stated awhile ago that he is really thin and does not have much to go on. Hopefully, they can build him up some while he is hospitalized. I know his illness is very stressful for you and you would love to be with him at this time. Hugs.

Meredith...have a GREAT trip. I know where you are coming from on your food issues and wanting spring. I have been cooped up in this house waaaaay too much since coming home from AZ. I eat when I'm not even hungry....just for something to do. If I was worried about gaining or trying to maintain, all this would drive me nuts. DH has some equipment he wants to put on a consignment auction coming up on April 13 and is pretty sure he will not be able to dig it out of the snowbanks. It's been a sucky winter for many in the Northern states. Just have a great time....cut your calories when you can while on vacation but treat yourself when you feel like it and get back. Hopefully the weather has turned around and you can get outside and be more active by the time you get home.

Melissa...hugs on all the issues you are having with insurance, DH, etc. Men pull away when they are stressed. My DH gets quite and will work for very long hours when he is troubled by something. I always find it best to let him work through things on his own. My even trying to talk it out at times will just drive him further away. Hugs. Linda is right on the PB2....so much better for you. See if you can find some in your area. If not, email me and I will send you a jar. I have a couple of extras.

Great...I think you stated you heading to Denver on Monday? I bet you cannot wait to hold that baby again. Linda is right again....having an external hard drive is so much easier. Worth the $$$. Have a great trip.

Cheri....hope you had a great vacation and got your grandchildren "fix" and that your DH is out of his snit.

Eva...happy birthday for Glimmer (belated) from Tanker, DH and myself. Sweet puppa. You and your DH are so good about doing your date night. DH and I used to when the kids were home. Once a week and one of us would have to be sick our something if we broke our date. Then life kind of got in the way. You talking about your date night kind of kicked us into doing it again. Ours will be Sat night after we go and visit FIL. The home he will be in is in a city that has lots of nice restaurants. We are just going to plan our date nights around our visits. As you know, our area does not offer much except bar and grill type food. Really tough to get a good steak unless I make it at home.

Arlene....I really do get why you do the different diets. When you stated that the guidelines from some of these diets/books provide nuggets of truth...I get that. We are all different and need different things to help us along. I just hope you know where I was coming from with my last post to you. I don't want you to be beating yourself up if you cannot stick to the strict guidelines some of these books/diets put out there. Hugs. And, you are always so good with the prayers. Thanks for the ones said yesterday for FIL.

Hope you have good results from your tests today. Your question on being low on D. I have lucked out and have not been low on anything throughout this process.

Phyll...have a GREAT trip to Cabo. Your Crystal Lite mix sounds good. I make a sugar free one for DH made with fresh lime and diet sprite. He loves it but the Crystal Like sounds a bit easier. Will have to look for it on Amazon.

Sandy...I too and interested on when your TT is scheduled. I have not heard anything back yet on ins. I suppose I should email my doc's office manager today to see if she's heard anything.

Hi to all I've missed. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

FIL was loaded on a plane from Phoenix at 4:30am this morning. He needed to have a first class seat and BIL was able to help him to his seat. Nominated BIL into sainthood last night. All family members voted and agreed. He's a sweet guy to do all he has. It's been tough on him. His partner and two little children are vacationing alone in Palm Springs. He will get in on one day only of vacation. He told my DH on the phone the other night (after seeing FIL's wrecked truck) that we should have been planning a funeral instead of seeing him go through surgery. We all feel fortunate.

And, Eva, you are right in what you said about the family taking care of him. I might have sounded selfish but the point I was trying to make is that DH and I would like for him to at least have some say in where he lives.

OK...have company coming for dinner (lunch). Have a big pot of stew on the stove and need to get busy and make some beer bread to go with it. Will check back later. OH....I got out yesterday. Was going to just drive the 70 miles to Walmart but ending up staying on the freeway and traveled an hour more to my favorite TJMAXX. Found the cutest bridal shower gift. A big/sturdy lime green watering can, a kneeling pad to match, lime green garden gloves and all the tools a person would need for their flower beds in lime green. This little bride is just like her mother. Has a green thumb. Also found everything I need to do all the kid's Easter baskets. I have 7 that I do for. Got them fun gums and candies and books to read while they get sugared up.

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BTW....just thought I would let you guys know that I have gained 18lbs from being cooped up in this house.

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Apples, I just can't imagine you gaining 18 pounds, but I believe it. I do understand wanting FIL to have a say in where he stays, that would be ideal, but I've been on the other side of that where I let my Mom stay where she wanted and it led to HELL. Once he recovers, hopefully he can function well enough to return to his friends. Glad he'll be close enough for you to visit.

I'm planning on doing and FNSC on the Saturday before Easter. I love to have Easter parties....fun food...fun decorations. I just put the email out there, so we'll see how that goes over.

Linda....I did forget to mention your brother...prayers are there for him and his family.

Back to work.

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Apples, I just can't imagine you gaining 18 pounds, but I believe it. I do understand wanting FIL to have a say in where he stays, that would be ideal, but I've been on the other side of that where I let my Mom stay where she wanted and it led to HELL. Once he recovers, hopefully he can function well enough to return to his friends. Glad he'll be close enough for you to visit.

I'm planning on doing and FNSC on the Saturday before Easter. I love to have Easter parties....fun food...fun decorations. I just put the email out there, so we'll see how that goes over.

Linda....I did forget to mention your brother...prayers are there for him and his family.

Back to work.

April Fools, Eva!!!!

Hell, I was so excited about a month ago prior to going to see my LB doc. My scale said I had gained a little over 6lbs...doc's scale said I lost 2.9lbs. Go figure. ....his was correct.

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Yes I am going on Monday to Denver to see Grandma and grandbaby. Life is just full of 'Grands'! LOL

Okay regarding this external hard drive, do you mean you save like everything on it versus your computer? I really don't have much on a computer other than photos and many times I just make discs of those. Is it something like saving things on a disc? I feel overwhelmed by technology LOL

Apples, we are looking at doing another Mediterranean cruise, last 2 times we did the Western and this time may do the Eastern out of Venice. I have DH just about convinced to go, well he's convinced it's just finding the week he can be away. Looks like we'd leave 2 days after my birthday!

Hope FIL does good on his trip home. Will he be staying far from you? Did he eventually have a say in the place?

Vitamin D, I am low on it as is DH we both take supplements, mine is RX strength his is just some OTC from costco that his doc recommended. I also usually show low on B1 and potassium.

Arlene, since you like 'diet books' have you seen 'Made to Crave'? it's not a food plan in fact you follow your own healthy plan, but it delves more into cravings and dealing with those but with a spiritual bent. I think you'd like it.

We are having a beautiful but windy day out. DH is loving working in the yard, he's redoing his pond and waterfall he wasn't happy with it. I am going to go sit and supervise while I educate myself on all things Ipad.

Phyl, what do I need for my Ipad? I know you jsut got one. I got the cover for it in pink, do I need somethign on the back? how do you carry your's around? are there cases?

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Hey Gang!

I just got back from the endocrinologist. I was pleasantly surprised to find I do not have low D. In fact, he told me I had excellent numbers especially my cholesterol. My good cholesterol is 103. He is the second doctor in two weeks to tell me I am going to live a long time. He said he had never seen anyone lose 80lbs on a lap band like I did. He just doesn't know all of you. I have gained, but he said it was probably the Savella(FM drug) and Lexapro. Now, I am going to talk to the shrink about getting off of it or cut it down.

Apples, I know you care very much about me succeeding on this journey. I appreciate all the comments. I just want y'all to know where I am coming from. I do believe I have an addiction to sweets. I inherited it from my dad who was and alcoholic. The more I battle it daily the more I forgive my dad for his disease. The more I forgive the stronger I become. This is definitely "One day at a time". Your poor FIL. I take it he is coming back to MN. Who is going to care for him while he recovers? Yes, you BIL is the current saint. I hope all the sisters appreciate his sacrifice. I know you do.

Melissa, I know your DH is being a butt. Men always feel less than whole when they can't give their families all their needs. Try real hard to reassure him that you understand. I am praying for you a full time position. What is a carb monster Soup? Where are the recipes?

Linda, I am going to see if I can watch that show online. I am sorry I missed it. I have been watching Dr. Oz. He has so many health tips.

Eva, I have seven cherry tomatoes on one plant. Now I just go out twice a day to check on my garden. I had forgotten how much I loved having a garden. This is my first time to have an above ground garden. I put some Miracle Grow soil in it so I should have a good crop.

LauraK, I know what you mean.....a vacation sounds so good especially after a hard winter

Sndy......well, your doctor knows best. My friend just did not want to be put to sleep three times. She is a nurse so all that stuff scares her. I'm ignorant......so I just trust God has put me in good hands and He will wake me up.

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Great, the external hard drive is a separate gadget....you would back up documents and photos....save them as you normally do on your computer, but periodically copy all your stuff to the external hard drive. It's just like copying to a CD or a thumb drive...only it has much bigger storage capacity. I use it as a back up device.

Apples, April Fools....see how gullible I am.

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Great, the external hard drive is a separate gadget....you would back up documents and photos....save them as you normally do on your computer, but periodically copy all your stuff to the external hard drive. It's just like copying to a CD or a thumb drive...only it has much bigger storage capacity. I use it as a back up device.

Apples, April Fools....see how gullible I am.

Eva...just couldn't believe that not one of us did the April Fools thing earlier today. I just couldn't think of anything and that popped into my head.

I want to do an above ground garden at the lake and have another at home for squash, pumpkin, etc. Flower beds and garden this year depend on if I have surgery. Too much for DH to keep up with.

Lori...FIL will be 70 miles from us. As Eva stated a few days ago, he'll be able to make new friends where he is at. And, 70 miles a few times a week to visit is not anything to worry about. He landed in MN at noon and heading to his destination with his DD and SIL. He's in good hands but has another 3 hour trip ahead of him. Poor little guy. He'll be happy to finally land in his swing bed.

Arlene...congrats on the good numbers and good to hear you are going to live a long life cuz don't know what we'd do without you. Love.

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Yes I am going on Monday to Denver to see Grandma and grandbaby. Life is just full of 'Grands'! LOL

Okay regarding this external hard drive, do you mean you save like everything on it versus your computer? I really don't have much on a computer other than photos and many times I just make discs of those. Is it something like saving things on a disc? I feel overwhelmed by technology LOL

Apples, we are looking at doing another Mediterranean cruise, last 2 times we did the Western and this time may do the Eastern out of Venice. I have DH just about convinced to go, well he's convinced it's just finding the week he can be away. Looks like we'd leave 2 days after my birthday!

Hope FIL does good on his trip home. Will he be staying far from you? Did he eventually have a say in the place?

Vitamin D, I am low on it as is DH we both take supplements, mine is RX strength his is just some OTC from costco that his doc recommended. I also usually show low on B1 and potassium.

Arlene, since you like 'diet books' have you seen 'Made to Crave'? it's not a food plan in fact you follow your own healthy plan, but it delves more into cravings and dealing with those but with a spiritual bent. I think you'd like it.

We are having a beautiful but windy day out. DH is loving working in the yard, he's redoing his pond and waterfall he wasn't happy with it. I am going to go sit and supervise while I educate myself on all things Ipad.

Phyl, what do I need for my Ipad? I know you jsut got one. I got the cover for it in pink, do I need somethign on the back? how do you carry your's around? are there cases?

Lori, I haven't read her book, but I think I have a devotional by her. She was just here in Pearland for a seminar. I missed it. Thanks for telling me about it. On the cruise thing. I think the Royal Carribean is leaving Galveston for Spain in May. My DS said that the rooms are starting at 450 for like 15 days. I know you don't want to be gone that long, but it sounds like a fabulous trip for a retired couple.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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