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Good Morning Gang...

Linda - I sure hope I don't have to live with this veritgo - today seems like a good day so far ;0) = have you heard about the spinning treatment for vertigo - they spin you around trying to get the crystals in the interear to go back into place - I sorta did that my self in bed the other night - I hung my head upside down in bed and kept moving it in the direction that made me sping - since I was in bed I was safe from falling - I sure enjoyed my treadmil and music - maybe time for a change up in my routine - 138 maybe your happy weight.. Truly after I got to my goal of 145 - I didn't try to lose anymore weight - I just kept eating healthty and exercise and that's how I have lost the 0ther 11 lbsthink this is my body's happy weight. As you all know I allow for treats - but not every single day - Yes I have sweets everyday but they are sf treats -

Charlene - You are our trooper :0) you keep plugging along... You just have to find a combination of foods and exercise for you - since you know your resting metabolisim then you know how many calories you have to eat to lose the weight - so keep counting and budget them as you need to..

Krista - I promise you if you just keep eating healthy and exercising the weight will come off - do you count calories?? Very important imho

Well not much to report - Watched Idol and voted for my fav 4 - will see who goes tonite - hate to lose 2 ..


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Got a text at 4:22 this morning...the house in Colorado is officially under contract. Of course I won't see any significant money out of this deal until mid November next year, but at least I won't have to pay for repairs, insurance or anything else. They are paying just enough down to clear the commissions and we (my brother and I) will get a couple hundred now. They start mortgage payments to us in May and then they have that balloon payment next year and in five years the loan is due and or renegotiable. I hope they pay because I don't want to go through evicting people and foreclosing on the property. I guess a steady income is worthwhile for five years, by then, I can get into my IRA...

So all this will be good because then I don't have to go find a job. The little bit of extra money will help.

I don't have class today but have to work on the part-time job stuff and I need to go to TJ's. I'm out of eggs and milk. Staples in this house.


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My DD just picked up Bethany. I know if I kept her everyday I would lose weight. My band gets so tight from lifting her I can't eat. She is so cute. She keeps that smile on her little face that she had when she was born. She has big dimples too.

Eva, Woohoo! on the contract. I had a friend that financed a home like you are doing. It sure helped her income during retirement. My zucchini are up to three inches and the yellow squash plants need to be thinned tomorrow. I can't believe how fast they have grown.

Janet, thanks for the props. I could not have done this without your mentoring thread and the support of all of you. I know I should be eating less, but it is tough. 1100 calories add up fast. So far this morning I have had a boiled egg and a yogurt. For lunch I am making tuna with another boiled egg. dinner is chicken breast and broccoli and another yogurt. That should wipe out my calories for the day. I may can squeeze in some strawberries. I have a few left. I may just go down to the market and get a couple of pints. I think today is the last day they are picking from the strawberry patch.

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Melissa, hoping everything turns out okay for you -- hang in there -- if you think positively positve things will happen -- concentrate on that -- I know it's stressful for you - it's not your fault -- I don't want you to feel guilty - you haven;t let any one down -- it's just a tough world out there right now. I hope it gets better for you soon.


Linda - I am trying not to let it get me down. However my DH is being so negative. Saying I saw this coming and their is nothing we can do about it. He is being such a jerk right now which is ticking me off right now. But men deal with stress in a different way then woman. I like to be close and want to be held to comfort me. However he pushes me away during stressful times. UGH Men I swear

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I'm having a hard time believe no one is posting today....weird. Just went out for dinner and had ribs (1/4 rack) and DH had a t-bone...all for our dog. It's her birthday today and she's 12. She is so happy right now because she is out in the yard eating her rib bone. She'll get the t-bone tomorrow. She has a delicate stomach and tends to throw up if she eats too much of anything.

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I'm having a hard time believe no one is posting today....weird. Just went out for dinner and had ribs (1/4 rack) and DH had a t-bone...all for our dog. It's her birthday today and she's 12. She is so happy right now because she is out in the yard eating her rib bone. She'll get the t-bone tomorrow. She has a delicate stomach and tends to throw up if she eats too much of anything.

Tear in my eye and a heavy heart...I miss Glimmer, Eva and DH...all three just such cool people.

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Now that I've reread my post...geez the dog is a lot like me. If I eat too much or the wrong thing I throw up...LOL

Don't cry Apples....pet Tanker and tell him to wish Glimmer a happy birthday.

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Oh Apples and Eva, You two are so cute!

Eva~ I practically cried when I read about that baby tortise. I just have one. A three-toed box turtle named Mr. Marley Marbles. He lives inside with us in the living room. He is starting to come out of his hibernation. I love him like he is a person. It's strange, I know, but he has such a cool and interesting personality.

Melissa~ Hugs. You will get through this!

Janet~ Thanks for laying the smack down and reminding all of us what this journey is all about!

I'm having a tough time with food issues. I don't know what my problem is, except that is weather is total shit and that I'm sick of it, and that I cannot wait to leave and head to Florida on Tuesday. I am just kinda depressed because it is so cold and dreary. I really cannot take any more of this weather. This is one of the worst winters we've had in a very long time. It really does take an emotional toll on me when it lasts this long. Hopefully when I get home from Florida I will feel refreshed and recharged. This is a well needed vacation! I will not be getting home until the 13th! Yay! I am also taking a hiatus from FB, LBT, and e-mail during this time. It needs to be done! Just don't get nervous if you don't hear from me.

Ok, sorry about the rant!

Oh, and Julie, so happy you are back!!!! Yay!

Good night all~ Meredith

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Off to Cabo in the early a.m. folks! won't be back until late on the 9th. May or may not be able to get online while down there. SIL is bringing his laptop, but @ $15 a day for wi fi, not sure how much we'll be online!!

Will be thinking of all of you while we're away!! Reallly!! While I'm soaking up the sun and sipping Margaritas!! Well... one of my problems is I'm a gulper not a sipper, but I'll try to restrain myself... and I bought a can of Walmart brand Crystal Lite powder..... Lime Margarita mix.... I think it said enough for 12 quarts!! DD & I will see if we can get the bartender to use it! LOL! 5 cals a serving.... w/o the tequila, that is! HAHAHA!! OH.... I was down 5.2 lb at TOPS today!! WOO HOO!! Shot down that big gain I had last week!

Hugs, Gang!

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Congratulations Phyl on the 5.2 lbs -- wow - that's fabulous. Have agreat time in Mexico - I miss it -- we used to go every year when we lived in LA -- enjoy that sunshine and let us know how that mix is -- I'll have to look for that - that would make having a margarita not too horrible (calorie wise). Thanks for sharing.

Happy late birthday to Glimmer!! So cute Eva - we do things like that for our Merry -- by the way - I made a roast over the weekend and had a nice bone with lots of marrow in it and gave it to her -- with her missing her leg it's hard for her to eat it though -- so I held it for her for awhile. Poor baby -- she really did use her little paws like hands. But she's a trooper.

Arlene, I've had the same issue with my weight -- I just stopped after that first 106 and it's been really tough to get it to budge. I think cutting the carbs is really the only thing we can do to get it started again. I take Levothyroxine for my hypothyrodism -- I noticed on the information packet last month that it should ALWAYS be taken at least one hour before any other meds - -I had always taken it with my Water pill -- so I stopped and just started taking it by itself and waiting an hour to take my other pills - I think I feel better since I started doing this -- and I was just wondering if you take it and if so if you take it alone -- it might make a difference as well. I seem to feel less tired, so maybe that will also do something to my metabolism. (hoping). Nice that you and your DH can be on this journey together.

I had phys. therapy last night and they are also going to treat me for the vertigo - we'll see if a professional can make a difference -- I do the exercises at home and it never seems to help -- I'll let you know Janet -- this bout has been the longest lasting one ever - think it started right after Christmas. Sick of it. Hope you are getting better.

Missing my Aylah - may take her to see Hop this weekend - looks cute.

American Idol -- what did you all think of them saving Casey last week? I think he's a great guy but I think they gave him bad advice (which is another reason why I think they saved him besides the fact that he is a very good musician). I wasn't sad last night to see the two girls go home although I do think Thia had a beautiful voice -- omg Fantasia -- what happened to her? She needs some fashion advice! Good god. I was never a big fan to begin with -- but oh my -- she was kind of a mess I thought. Who's everyone's favorites? I think Pia is a great singer - but don't think she can win -- no personality - I do think James might win -- he's just so darn likeable. Thought it was funny the big mansion was leaking in the rain.

Eva, congrats on the house contract - that's perfect - nice little income for you. I'm very excited cause I turn 59 in a few weeks which means I can take money out of my IRA for emergencies in just 6 short months - we have old cars, etc. Not that I plan to take money out, but it's comforting to know if I really needed to I could. LOL. I've been working all my life and that day always seemed so far away and now it's suddenly here-- kinda scary as well.

My brother is back in the hospital -- please keep him in your thoughts and prayers -- I dont' know a lot except that he is not any better and still has the drain in the lung and that should have cleared up by now if it was that super infection they thought it was. I worry too that he's so beaten down that he'll lose his will to live and stop fighting. He's so young -- only just turned 62 in March. Thanks I know you guys will be praying for him.

I took today off from exercise - will hit it hard next two days at the gym.

Meredith -- have a wonderful time in Florida -- are you going to orlando? I can't remember - you are going to get together with Laura aren't you? Please post pics -- and give her a hug for me. By the time you get back it should definitely be better weather -- it better be!! Is Andrew going to Florida too?

Julie, sounds like you are feeling better every day -- with spring arriving that should help also -- I know I feel better when it's sunny and warmer out - I love spring -- love hearing the birds chirping again.

Melissa -- try to have a good weekend -- sorry for all that is happening now -- I'm hoping you get a good break soon. You're a strong woman, you can handle this -- take deep breaths and try to de-stress as often as you can. Tell your DH you need some physical comfort -- he was happy to buy you chocolate at Valentine time -- now you need some hugs --which are free. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need from your DH. They don't read minds either you know.

Lori, when are you going to Denver? Can't remember - have a great time and enjoy Katelyn.

Have a great day and weekend everyone!!!


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Lori, now that you are GM you definitely need an external hard drive -- to store pics - -you don't want to lose any that you have on your computer -- I bought one for cheap - that has huge storeage capabilities - like $50 -- I just make sure I store important docs there -- my writing projects and pictures.

Kristi -- hope you have a good weekend --you're doing a great job -- how much have you lost in total now?

I tape the Doctor's show every day -- I was watching it from earlier this week and they had the results from the 17 day diet - most people lost about 30 lbs -- several lost as much as 50 in 51 days - so that was impressive - one guy lost 70 lbs. -- but they were quite large -- I'm sure their weight loss will slow down now as well. I was curious how much they lost doing all 3 phases. Never heard back from my e-mail about the ridiculous weight loss table in the book. LOL.

Cheri -- your spring break is over already -- hope you enjoyed it.

Okay, now I really need to hit the shower.

Love you all.


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Good Morning Gang!

Meredith.......have a great time in Florida! We are having awesome weather and Florida usually has the same. You will get your "Happy" back down there. I can't imagine living in such cold for so long.

Linda......thanks for the info on the 17day. Although I slipped a couple of times I am still using it as a guideline. I am enjoying the book. Like I said before I like reading diet books, self help books, and inspirational books. I always seem to take away nuggets of truth from all of them.

My doctor told me about taking the thyroid medicine by itself, but I don't. I guess I need to. I am going to see him this morning. This getting hot and not being able to cool off might be a thyroid problem. Also, I read it was a Fibromyalgia symptom too.

I hope the therapy will make you feel better. Of course having warmer weather would help too. HUGS!

Eva, Happy Birthday to Glimmer!

Apples......how is FIL? I prayed for him yesterday.

Phyl.......Woohoo! Cabo! Use the excuse you have to drink a Margarita for every LB buddy. Have a great time!

Joyce.....how's it going?

Jodi.....You working on the 10lb?

Melissa....I am so sorry for your insurance loss. Keep searching and you will find help. Meanwhile, take care of yourself! Resist that sweet tooth!

Janet.......how's the vertigo? Gone?

Cheri.....any update on your DD?

Sndy......when is the TT scheduled? I went with my friend that has had a TT to the PS . Now she wants Lipo in her midriff. I personally would wear Spanx for that, but she wants it gone. She is the one that had a TT, Boobs, and arms done all at one time. I was amazed how quick she recovered. The first week was rough then she was just really sore for a couple of weeks. You will do fine.

Lori, you will love the ipad!

Well, off to the thyroid doctor. I'm always low in something....usually D. Isn't everyone low in D? Anyway, I will get check in this eve! I missed the two Lauras and Kristi. I hope all of you are doing good. If I missed anyone......CRS! Oh, Julie......check in! I want to know how you are feeling.

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Melissa -- try to have a good weekend -- sorry for all that is happening now -- I'm hoping you get a good break soon. You're a strong woman, you can handle this -- take deep breaths and try to de-stress as often as you can. Tell your DH you need some physical comfort -- he was happy to buy you chocolate at Valentine time -- now you need some hugs --which are free. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need from your DH. They don't read minds either you know.

I can handle it. It just seems this yearing has been such a trying year and I a feel done with it all. As far as my DH goes I ask for physical comfort but he just does not want to right now. He will come around eventually. When he is stressed he just wants to be in his own work cocoon. However his office is at home so don't know how much he gets.

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Melissa....I am so sorry for your insurance loss. Keep searching and you will find help. Meanwhile, take care of yourself! Resist that sweet tooth!

I am trying however my new vice is Peanut Butter. I bought some carb monster Soups from that living after weight loss website and just made some this morning it has 8 - 1 cup servings in it. It smells good but have not tried it yet

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Melissa - have you tried the PB2 -- powdered Peanut Butter -- has only 45 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving (2 T.) -- it tastes great!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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