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Melissa--hugs. How 'bout turning all that worry into something constructive? I think some people are born worriers and telling them not to worry is like telling them not to breathe. However, you could research insurance options. You could figure out ways to cut expenses so you can still pay cobra. You could really plan your eating to keep you and your family as healthy as possible while uninsured. You could look for a second part-time job to help pay for insurance. it's important to remember that you're seldom actually stuck. There are always options. Sit down with your husband and look at all your expenses. Be aware of every dollar you spend. Almost all of us spend money we shouldn't or don't need to spend. If you don't have insurance then you need to start a fund to cover unexpected medical costs. It can sometimes seem like it ought to be a right to go out and spend money on fast food and raised thermostats but its amazing what you can save when you really put your mind to it. But your husband has to agree to the spending cuts as well. Women tend to fritter it away on little stuff. Men tend to buy majorly expensive toys or unnecessary items that they think they need. A financial planner might be helpful to both of you. Include your son on the decision making. He needs to understand the sacrifices the whole family is going to have to make.

Also, the only cure I know for adolescence is time. Concerta helps with ADHD but doesn't cure hormones. Sigh.

Have you ever tried prayer and meditation as ways to get yourself on a more even keel? Just wondering. I tend to do that while I'm walking or driving. I can't sit still and do it. I need part of my mind occupied with automatic activities.

Charlene, I understand your need for a system that works for you. Since you like eggs, and its one of the best sources of Protein I see no problem with it. You do show a pattern of adopting various food plans and then abandoning them--the shake thing, the Weight Watchers thing, the 17 day thing. Janet is right. Just make healthy choices most of the time. For you, with your carb sensitivity and low resting metabolism, that means plenty of Protein and not a lot of carbs most of the time. Also, you have an unstructured lifestyle where eating opportunities come up unexpectedly--like a chance to go out to eat. Nothing wrong with that, but I find that I'm starting to refuse offers to go out to eat. I'd rather make myself a salad. Now that's a change for me. Nothing wrong with a more flexible lifestyle and unstructured days and nights other than that its not conducive to planning. So I can see where having a plan done for you, like the 17 day thing is very appealing for you. The trick is not to worry about the times you go off it (as long as they're not everyday) and to stay with it most days. It can give you the structure you lack. But vary it more and change it up. You're going to get pretty sick of those hard-boiled eggs very soon and then what are you going to do?


Thank you Cheri for all of your advice and thoughts. My husband and I will talk more tonight so we will see where this is headed.

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Oh my, you've been busy ladies. The thread was down last night when I checked. I'm going to make this a quick post.....maybe.....

You ladies that mentioned having Protein Powder and pudding inspired me to try it. I've made pudding twice now and added my Protein powder and it's not bad. It works well for me at Breakfast. I just made chocolate and I'm waiting for it to set. I've also made some SF Jello and using that as a snack at night. Whatever works and it's working...been cutting out most of the white carbs and I'm losing the desire for them. Yipee!!

The whole point of the Protein Powder thing is I had been loosing hair again....lots of it. I ate horribly during the holidays and have had a very hard time getting back into line so I've been doing the increased Protein thing and my hair is noticeably not falling out now. Just the normal stuff and it feels a lot better. I thought I was going to be bald. Anyway, I've gone through so much protein powder I had to order more. I ended up with 7.5 pounds tubs that should be here next week.

The protein thing is really helping....I'm eating Jerky, or eggs, or anything I have in the house that is protein when I want to eat. It's helping. I'm also eating veggies and a little fruit (grapes and strawberries....yum).

Thanks for listening ladies....be back later.


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Eva...good going on doing the "cleanse" to curb your carb cravings. I noticed such a huge difference once I did that (back in the weigh loss stage). My cravings were always for anything starchy and salty. Never sweets so much. Pasta, potatoes, cracker, chips and bread were a huge part of my diet. It felt so good when I got rid of the carb cravings. About a week into it, it took everything I had to stay away from those things. I was praying for a straight jacket with the hands tied up so I couldn't reach of them.

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Charlene - you just have to limit carbs and count calories since you know what your resting metabolizim is - I really do find that the sf foods satistfy my sweet tooth. Mine shows up at nite time.. Last night I had 2 sf puddings (dark choc).

you and dh have had surgery - you both should be eating very healthy... Just set your mind to it - for 2 weeks don't allow any extra treats to kick the sweet tooth... I allow real sugar about every 2 - 3 weeks - but that's it.

Arlene....the way I see the "trying this diet and then trying that diet" thing is this: It's like yo-yo dieting. What I get from your posts is that if you go off the plan and have something that is not allowed, you feel like you "cheated". If you just concentrate on eat day and plan, plan, plan as Janet said and not allow certain carbs, you will not feel so defeated. It's gotta feel like a continuous challenge when the only challenge you should really have is keeping the hunger monster at bay and making good/healthy food choices when the hunger hits. If it is meal time and you are really not very hungry at that time, don't eat at that time or just eat a few bites. That would be a way to bank your calories. I think that you trying to be so structured with your "diet" actually is making you feel defeated because it is sooooooooooo tough for you to stick to. Cheri's idea of having some dense Protein (like her moist chicken) on hand to just grab a bite in between meals. Having raw veggies with some FF dip on hand when those times hit. I do believe that you are extremely carb sensitive and should try to limit. Heck, if you are carb sensitive, a piece of cake could throw you off for an entire week. Not saying that you should not eat any carbs....just all the good ones. If it is not made completely by mother nature, don't eat. (fruits and veggies). Hugs

Charlene, I understand your need for a system that works for you. Since you like eggs, and its one of the best sources of Protein I see no problem with it. You do show a pattern of adopting various food plans and then abandoning them--the shake thing, the Weight Watchers thing, the 17 day thing. Janet is right. Just make healthy choices most of the time. For you, with your carb sensitivity and low resting metabolism, that means plenty of protein and not a lot of carbs most of the time. Also, you have an unstructured lifestyle where eating opportunities come up unexpectedly--like a chance to go out to eat. Nothing wrong with that, but I find that I'm starting to refuse offers to go out to eat. I'd rather make myself a salad. Now that's a change for me. Nothing wrong with a more flexible lifestyle and unstructured days and nights other than that its not conducive to planning. So I can see where having a plan done for you, like the 17 day thing is very appealing for you. The trick is not to worry about the times you go off it (as long as they're not everyday) and to stay with it most days. It can give you the structure you lack. But vary it more and change it up. You're going to get pretty sick of those hard-boiled eggs very soon and then what are you going to do?

Okay, I here ya! I joined WW to be on the same plan with my DD.....to many calories for ME. I joined Dr Davis Protein Shake plan to take food out of the equation so I could learn to eat right. I did that to jump start my weight loss and learn to eat healthy. I still eat healthy, but I have let too many carbs in my life mainly because they go down now. The boiled egg thing is working for a quick snack. The Water with lemon is working. I am going to make an appt with Dr. Davis to see if I need a fill. If my insurance will pay for a sleeve I may get a revision. The last time I saw him about a revision he put me on the shake diet. Now, let's see what he says. I have gained 10lbs since I saw him in the fall. Well, I have lost a few too. Anyway, we will see.

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Good afternoon. Busy day and haven't been here much, now DH just came home and we may go to dinner. Cheesecake FActory I think and I know that's by a Carters baby outlet! LOL

Melissa, how do you mean your DH didn't drop Cobra on purpose? Did they just take it away from you? I agree with the others, find other ways to cut costs or plan, plan, plan, for those medical expenses. Hope you find something that works.

Arlene, yep, gotta start looking for the next thing as far as diets, revisions, etc. go. You know what to do, just gotta do it. (talking to myself here too). I've stopped stressing so much about the food and am working on the head issues, ie) the Boundaries book, etc. I believe I am getting somewhere with all that.

Apples, I've been organizing as well, couldn't tell it by the looks of my computer room and kitchen, but it's the mess before the neat. LOL I am going through photos and recipes and cupboards.

Sorry no more time for more personals, DH is calling, think he's hungry, it's only 3 and he's wanting to go to dinner. Does that mean we are getting old? LOL think he skipped lunch is the problem.

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Sandy, congrats on getting off the meds. That is a great benefit to the weight loss and exercise.

Apples, so sorry your weather continues to suck. It will get better. Although you FIL might have to move to someplace that is more convenient to the kids, be grateful there are kids willing to take on the responsibility of an aging parent. Ideally, it would be someone close to where he lives already, but it's really hard for people our age to relocate our lives and jobs to accommodate our parents. I bet where ever he ends up, he'll make new friends. Also, he doesn't have to be there forever. Once he's healed and mobile again, he can change locations. Just need to get him through this and make sure he doesn't get depressed and slip. Hugs to you and DH...it's got to be hard on both of you.

Cheri, I wish we were closer...I'd suck you into my life too. I'm good at that. My mother required 8-10 hours of sleep a day. It always amazed me she could sleep that much. Enjoy those GKs...they grow up too fast.

Linda, your comment that it only makes you dizzy when you look down or up...reminds me of that joke..."Doctor, it hurts when I do this (shows person doing some action). The doctor answers, so stop doing that." Anyway, sounds like your dizziness is seriously restricting your movement. I've had inner ear infections that caused that. My ears didn't hurt, but it sure affected my balance. Is that a possibility?

LauraK, glad you are home and had fun. Of course you had to do the mom thing. It's expected. You got nice weather in the package too didn't you? The new shed will be for gardening things plus other stuff. I'm hoping not to buy anything extra however...just put away what I have. One of the babies committed suicide. Found it upside down and stiff today. So sorry, but I can't watch them all the time and they have to fend for themselves. I still feel bad, but work really hard on not feeling to guilty.

Julie, congrats on getting the retirement pay thing worked out. I know how important that is. Glad your DH is around to help your friend. That's very special. Good luck with your endeavors to work with your daughter. Are you getting excited about the new baby?

Great, did you post a picture of your new do on FB? Glad you found someone you like. It's so hard (at least for me) to get someone you like and that will do exactly what you want. I'm also glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your early dinner with DH.

Charlene, you would be welcome here in the desert. We can find you a little love shack to spend the winters in. Apples is very good at shopping, she'll help I bet. Good for you and the walking. I know how important that is to overall health. How's your mom doing?

Hi Phyl, thought you moved or something....LOL....computer issues, yuck. I'm glad you are doing that because I hate doing it and usually have DH fix and move all the stuff. It takes forever. I've been backing up my stuff on an external hard drive, that way, I have all the documents and pictures. When are you heading up north?

Melissa, I'm so sorry you having these issues. Are the meds you need more expensive than the COBRA payments? Maybe you can squeak by until you find the insurance solution that will work for you. I'm sorry about the counselor, but I'm sure you will find a solution that will work for you and your family.

Janet, wow, the DIL has finally decided to do something about her weight. I'll be really interested in how the sleeve works for her. I still think you have to eat right, just like with the band, for it to be effective. Sorry about the vertigo....see I suspected you were a dizzy blond....just kidding. I hope you start to feel better soon. You and LInda and Apples....the dizzy trio.

Kristi, wow 12 hour days are brutal. The WL does fluctuate. It's wonderful at first because the weight drops so easily (for most of us) then the really hard begins. You do have to watch what you put in your mouth. And of course that exercise. Yep, the fills do change what and how you are eating. Linda gives good advise....take care.

Hello to anyone I've missed...not on purpose.

I'm going to post a recipe for a FF yogurt dip.

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I think I like that font a little better....

The dip...dressing, whatever.

Saute 1 medium onion sliced or chopped with a chopped clove of garlic in a tsp. of olive oil until they are tender. Cool a little, then add this to a container of FF Greek yogurt, fresh thyme or dried thyme, salt and pepper and blend it. I had to add a little lowf fat buttermilk to thin it a bit in the blender. The blender really helps with the texture. Let it sit in the fridge overnight so the flavors blend. I found it tasted wonderful and used it with veggies and on my zucchini patties.

The zucchini patties were really good too...I shredded a zucchini and added a little thinly sliced onion, some egg beaters, salt and pepper, and a few bread crumbs (I suspect you might not need the bread, but it helped absorb some of the extra liquid.) I let this sit in the fridge too for a while. The patties were very loose and soft, but I cooked them in the teflon skillet with barely any oil until they browned. I put the yogurt stuff on them when they were done. DH even ate them and he's not fond of zucchini.

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Back from dinner, it was good. I ate the toppings off half a small pizza basically. I miss pizza sometimes and this satisfied that.

Okay, so what's an external hard drive? Should I be doing something I am not like backing stuff up?

Janet, sorry about the dizziness. That's exciting your DIL is getting the sleeve. I forget does your son have weight issues as well? Maybe as she eats differently after her surgery it will have a beneficial affect on the entire family.

Eva, poor little turtle. I had a dog commit suicide growing up. My mom threw her ball, and she ran so hard and fast and missed a corner and ran right into the brick of the house and killed herself. It was so tragic to see happen. I just sobbed. At least she went out doing something she loved, full force.

Julie, I forget is your DD having a boy or girl? do they have aname? I remember she's due on my birthday.

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Apples, I just went to the "sleeve" forum. I checked out revision. I think you have to have two surgeries.....one to remove the band and then the sleeve surgery. Also they said you can leak if you have a lot of scar tissue around the band area. If so, that leaves me out. I am nothing but scar tissue. I will still talk to Dr. Davis, but probably a tweak of a fill will fix my issue.

Eva, that dip sounds awesome. I will have to copy it and try it out. Hey, if I have I ever get to move to the desert I will give you a call. My mom is really tired. I told her to go the the doctor tomorrow and get her blood checked. He goes to the retirement home tomorrow. That is the one nice thing about her place.....having access to a doctor. I hope she just needs a B12 shot or something other than low sodium......that requires hospitalization.

Sounds like the Cheesecake Factory was a hit. I have had many coupons for that place, but I have not made it there. It sounds like I couldn't handle going there right now. I read the Boundary book. I read the one for setting boundaries for kids too. It sure makes you think about your own boundaries. I hope you have success with the head issues. I believe the greatest percentage of our problems with weight is a head issue.

Okay, gang, gotta go Water my garden. Thank goodness the cool front chased the June bugs out for a few days. I hate those things. One flew in my hair. Ugh!

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The Cheesecake Factory has some pretty good salads. I ate there in February and had a great meal with salad and I forget the Protein. Here's to your little garden and hope your Mom is okay.

Great, I eat the top off pizza's too. Crust is a little too hard, although I do nibble on the really brown crispy pieces. Sorry about the dog...that's worse than an upside down tortoise. I like the tortoises, but it's hard to get really cozy with them.

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Good Evening Gang

On the Sleeve issue - I know pple who had their band removed and the sleeve done at the same time - note that this is with no band complications.. Sleeve they cut most of your stomach out and sew it up - sorta like stomach stapeling - but instead of staples they cut away the stomach - DIL doc said that for her and the amount of weight she has to lose it would be better - Yep you still have to eat healthy and exercise - just like with any wsl - but it's not like bypass where you lose do to the malabsorbtion - w/the sleeve you don't have the whole maintaince issues - fills - unfills - finding that sweet spot - 3 pple were Wasa - Little Ms Diva - OregonDaisy - and all are doing well - all went to Mexico and had it done Dr Acevas (sp)

I am happy that DIL is finally sick and tired of being Obese - She's alot like me - so I think she will do fine - some girl in the seminar said - oh if I am going to have flabby skin then I don't want the surgery DIL said the same thing I would have said.. She want's to do things w/Brooke like go to Magic Mtn - and ride the rides -you all know the things that you can't do cuz you are obese -

Yep my DS has weight issues too but for me it's better than doing drugs ;0) - if I have to deal w/issue w/him I would rather have it be food than drugs.. But he has lost 22 lbs since January.. So he's making some changes and as you all know my Brooke is my biggest concern and hopefully that will change too..

Felt pretty good today - no dizziness - since I have barely exercised for the last 2 week - hell I've only exercise once in the 2 prior weeks - Had gym Monday - but didn't go to bootcamp last night cuz of the dizzy issues and it's to much up and do - so today I went and did the treadmill.. I have been on a treadmill since last June 10 - I was really proud of myself 404 cal burned in 50 minutes and I was ok and not dieing :0)

Well the phone keeps rining - have had 2 calls since I started and now it's ringing again - Will cbl

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Good afternoon. Busy day and haven't been here much, now DH just came home and we may go to dinner. Cheesecake FActory I think and I know that's by a Carters baby outlet! LOL

Melissa, how do you mean your DH didn't drop Cobra on purpose? Did they just take it away from you? I agree with the others, find other ways to cut costs or plan, plan, plan, for those medical expenses. Hope you find something that works.

Arlene, yep, gotta start looking for the next thing as far as diets, revisions, etc. go. You know what to do, just gotta do it. (talking to myself here too). I've stopped stressing so much about the food and am working on the head issues, ie) the Boundaries book, etc. I believe I am getting somewhere with all that.

Apples, I've been organizing as well, couldn't tell it by the looks of my computer room and kitchen, but it's the mess before the neat. LOL I am going through photos and recipes and cupboards.

Sorry no more time for more personals, DH is calling, think he's hungry, it's only 3 and he's wanting to go to dinner. Does that mean we are getting old? LOL think he skipped lunch is the problem.

Great - I meant he did not take it away on purpose. See I have always held the insurance for our family since he is self - employed. When I got laid off many months back we had to pay for cobra for us to keep our health plan. It cost 1300 a month then at the begining of the year it increased to 1600 I new this day was coming but hoped and prayed it would not. I have been looking at several prescription sites but not all have been good. There is a couple of meds that are brand name with no generic available but since I work at Sams and have a plus membership I do get a percentage off the meds. Since I am Part time i do not get health insurance until dec. If I can get promoted to full time i can get insurance in Aug.

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Thanks all for your love and support.

I am going to go to bed tonight early. I am going to the sleep clinic for more testing. But right now it is stress with all that I have got going on.

Being a type A I can be impatientJ. My chocolate pudding with Protein mix in is my favourite!

I have really kicked up my work out to 45 – 90 minute work outs 5-6 days/week.

Linda – I have my own human resources consulting practise. I have gone back to puree my food. I just need to slow it right down. Thanks for your support.

Julie – My heart goes out to you.

Charlene – I use a food diary on my phone that tracks carbs, Protein, fat and calories. It is great!

Night, night all!



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Morning everyone! This will be quick as I need to rush out to Water aerobics.

Eva, sorry about the baby -- poor thing - I get way too attached to any pets -- so that would make me upset -- I'm way too emotional. Thanks for the recipes -- I'll be trying them both -- still make your other sauce -- with the onion, garlic and chili peppers.

Janet so happy DIL is getting WLS!!! For sure she will make changes and Brook and your DS will have much healthier lifestyles -- sounds like DS has already made some great changes -- happy she is joining him. Interesting that she is choosing the sleeve - the major reason I chose the band was because it was reversible -- for me I just wasn't comfy with the permanence of any other type of wls. But the sleeve is new -- I hadn't heard of it before the band and I haven't researched it. Yes, she will be able to do so much more with Brook -- I can't wait to take Aylah to Disneyland and ride all the rides! Glad to hear the vertigo is a bit better - I've had to learn to live with it - as I seem to have it more now all the time -- like I said it only bothers me if I look certain ways -- but I can still do Zumba (thank goodness)! LOL.

Apples, hope you get out of your house today -- or did you make it out yesterday?

Melissa, hoping everything turns out okay for you -- hang in there -- if you think positively positve things will happen -- concentrate on that -- I know it's stressful for you - it's not your fault -- I don't want you to feel guilty - you haven;t let any one down -- it's just a tough world out there right now. I hope it gets better for you soon.

Arlene, I understand what everyone's concern is -- I don't get the same impression from you - what I hear is that you aren't losing weight even when you limit your foods -- and that's frustrating (I know). Just keep plugging away -- by limiting starches I've lost all the extra weight I'd gained but now I'm stuck again at 138 and can't get past that - but I'm try to not dwell on that. Even eating healthy most of the time I just stay the same.

Okay gotta run - cbl. Love to all.


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Arlene, I understand what everyone's concern is -- I don't get the same impression from you - what I hear is that you aren't losing weight even when you limit your foods -- and that's frustrating (I know). Just keep plugging away -- by limiting starches I've lost all the extra weight I'd gained but now I'm stuck again at 138 and can't get past that - but I'm try to not dwell on that. Even eating healthy most of the time I just stay the same.

Charlene – I use a food diary on my phone that tracks carbs, Protein, fat and calories. It is great!

Good Morning Gang!

Linda, Yep.....you got it! The reason so many people with a BMI over 50 get bypass surgery is they can lose at least 80% of their excess weight before their metabolism and weight loss collide. I may not be saying that right, but I know with my DH when he rode 100 plus miles a week on his bike he only lost 7lbs. With bypass he lost 100lbs then it stopped. He has been at a BMI of 29 for 18 months. I had a BMI of 52......now I am at 39 and have been there for a year. I am still morbidly obese. I am always looking for a combination of foods that will jump start me again. I still need to lose 80 lbs, but I would be happy with losing 50. I take five medications. Even though I have lost weight I still take BP meds, FM meds, Thyroid meds, and antidepressant. I started taking my pepcid again and found that the acid in my gut was causing my pb episodes. So, I will continue to seek information to keep this journey going because I don't want to give up and go back to super morbid obesity. This is another reason I am stuck like glue to Y'all. You keep me going. I am grateful for all of you!

Kristi......I have the Livestrong app on my phone and ipad. I love it!

Okay, gotta go walk before I babysit this morning. Later!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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