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Here's something neat to check out:


It's a bald eagle sitting on her nest.



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Good Afternoon Gang! Well, I walked and then went shopping at Kohl's. I had to get some Koh'ls cash for my next shopping trip. Really, their men's shirts fit my DH just right. I bought him several work shirts including two Hawaiian print shirts. He even wears those to work in the summer. I ache if I sit too long, but it should be gone after the front passes. Thanks for all the well wishes. The support I get from all of you is such a blessing. I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this condition.

Apples, no, I would not do well up North. The only place I think I could live other than here is AZ. I might just have to find us a "love shack" in AZ. lol I am glad FIL made it through surgery. I am sure it will be a long recovery, but it sounds as though he is up for it.

Lori, I saw that little boy on TV. What an awesome story. I would like to read the book too. Yep, I think this is day 10 of 17. I know if I had not fallen off the wagon I would have lost more by now. I will weight on Saturday.

LauraK, you really had a lot of fun. I've seen the Blue Man Group, but I bet the zip line on Freemont was awesome.

Sndy......yeah, losing weight and exercise is key to getting off of meds. I think Gastric Bypass is good for the super morbid obese. The girl I saw on GMA weighed like 198 and went down to 120. She was real short. Everyone has to research the best solution for their health. WTG! for getting off of the diabetic meds.

Cheri, it's "Old Man Syndrome". Not all of them get it, but those that do.......geez! My DH loves for the grands to come over when there aren't any sports on TV or he isn't playing fantasy football. Yep, rolling and ignoring is a good strategy because no matter what you say they aren't going to change. Hugs for your DD!

Julie, YAY! on straightening out your retirement. It is a miracle to get anything straight with the government.

Linda, I know what you mean about people with good metabolisms. At least I am married to someone with a "shot" metabolism. I am glad he got bypass though. Taking a hundred pounds off in nine months made it so much easier for him to eat healthy. It is so tough for me that has a resting metabolism of 1100 calories a day. It doesn't take much for me to gain.

Janet.......Yay! our sheriff is back on the thread!

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By the way, you I Pad users. I got one for school with NCLB $. What do you use yours for? I do not listen to music except for CD's of songs I'm learning for choir which I listen to in the car. Other than that I prefer silence, especially after teaching all day. I'm not finding many educational apps for older children. I want free ones of course. Games are good, but nothing where they can order stuff online since its synched with my credit card. Can you use it to download documents? I thought I'd put my crazy school schedule on it and keep it right in front of me to check which class is coming next. LOL. Its going to take ma awhile to get used to.

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By the way, you I Pad users. I got one for school with NCLB $. What do you use yours for? I do not listen to music except for CD's of songs I'm learning for choir which I listen to in the car. Other than that I prefer silence, especially after teaching all day. I'm not finding many educational apps for older children. I want free ones of course. Games are good, but nothing where they can order stuff online since its synched with my credit card. Can you use it to download documents? I thought I'd put my crazy school schedule on it and keep it right in front of me to check which class is coming next. LOL. Its going to take ma awhile to get used to.

Hi, Cheri, et al! Been away for awhile!! 7's reunion, etc., and now my excuse is... trying to set up new laptop. As for iPad2... still learning all the things I can do, but I am going to see if I can do my calendar and contacts on there.... at least until I can get a new copy of Outlook for the new laptop. SIL works for Microsoft, so I think he's going to get me a copy of that and the new Office. Abbreviated version is on the new computer, but haven't tried using it yet. I know there's no Outlook... I think it's only Word and Excel. I use Word a fair amount, but never have really mastered Excel. I do like the iPad for games, and think I might take it to Mexico when we go because I can read books... have several on there, and maybe listen to music. Don't know about documents, but I bet there's a way to download them.

Using the old laptop right now because I'm syncing my documents and settings to the new one right now. Says another 20 minutes. Hope I'm not transferring too many pictures.... but can always delete later. First will double check and make sure they're all on my external drive now.

Been keeping up with most of your posts. Glad you're back, Julie and things going a little better after the altercation with your DD!!

Apples... prayers for FIL. Hope he's doing better today.

Trying to hit the highlights here but it's kind of like that shower game they always make you play... look at this tray of "stuff" for a minute and then when they take it away... try to remember what was there and write it all down!! LOL!! I know exactly what I want to say until I start typing. Then I can't remember anything. CRS syndrome!

Let me try some more!!

Great.... reminiscing over times gone by! That's tough. I remember a period of about 3 months when I couldn't walk down the long hallway in the house we were living in at the time without crying because our oldest daughter was turning 18 and I had the walls literally covered with photos of all four kids from infant on up! Now it's our grandchildren who are moving in to adulthood!! At least the older ones! We still have a few that are not yet in to the teen years. But two more turning 21 in just a few short weeks. But each of the phases of our lives have their own blessings... so it helps the pining over the past! Hugs!

I know what you mean about finding a new hair person. Glad you found someone you like. I have my beautician here at the park, but when we go home... haven't really settled on anyone yet. Last time I went to DGS's girlfriend, but she's in this high class place that charges an arm and a leg and I'm not going to pay those kind of prices! Plus I don't like the way she's been treating our grandson!! B)

Eva... wish I could light a fire under DH about getting a shed set up for us here on our RV lot! Then we could leave some lawn chairs and other things here when we leave!!

Charlene... good finds at Kohl's. I can never find any good bargains there, but DIL is great at finding deals!! I'd love to get DH some new Hawaiian shirts... but he always says he doesn't need anything.. and if I buy him clothes, they often hang in the closet and don't get used.

Linda, Jodi, Laura, etc.... forgive me... I'm out of steam and I think my new computer is finished transferring, so better tend to that. Need to get back to ONE laptop!! This is a hassle!

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Sandy - WTG!!! Congrats on no diabetes meds.

Cheri - Thank you for your information on how you automake your meals. I like my counsler.

Well I come home from work today and my husband says we can no longer pay our cobra insurance. A little notice would have been nice; because everything we did this month will not be paid for by our insurance company. I feel so overwhelmed I have tons of sites I was given to hopefully be able to get our meds cheaper. I am more concern about my anxiety and now I can't see my therapist cause he cost $150 a visit. Also for those that remember my husband is self employed and he does not have a paycheck each week so we can not prove his income except by taxes and those show we make too much money. I have been told so may times today by friends to give my problems over to GOD and he only gives us what he knows we can handle. I just want to curl up in bed and cry. We are having problems with my son being a typical teenager and lying and having anger issues and so forth. This is the reason why he started seeing a counsler. He is ADHD and takes Concerta since he was in elementary school and it works and keeps his temper even and he has better self control over his thoughts and impluses. How are we going to pay for that med it is so exspensive. Now I really feel overwhelmed. I really have to take care of my health now. And what about work no insurance until Dec or if I can get a full time position I will be eligble for insurance in August. UGHHHH

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Hey Gang...

Sandy Great news getting off your meds !!!

Cheri - Hugs on the DH issues.. Again reason I am single - only have to deal w/3 dogs and a cat ;o0) Don't have ipad - mini computer like a laptop - it does all the same things except it doesn't have a disk drive.. I know Phyl has laptop - iphone - now Ipad - that's just being to connected for me.. As it is I am feeling that the computer is just taking up too much of my time ..

Charlene - Girl - quit dieting please please please - I know you all were talking about some diet book a few weeks ago ... DIETS DON'T WORK... Eating healthy does - I really beleive if you deny yourself the things you like then you are dieting - I like sweets - I subsitute real stuf w/sf stuff - I like Starches - again I eat then but only once a day - I don't deprive myself - I just ask myself before I eat is it heatlhy or not - I made ck Soup on Sunday - omg it had so much fat - and this is coming from a chick who LOVES fat - but you know what my taste has changed - I had to skim it off - it was just way too greasy..

Plan you meals- sit down tonite - plan a weeks menu and allow for bday parties or what ever you got going on - give yourself a calorie budget - and keep to that budget - follow lbt rules pt 1st then veggies .. Quit saying that you aren't going to eat carbs cuz you know that only last about 1 hr - then you are reporting - I'm off the wagon... Going off the wagon is eating a bowl of mashed potatoes for bf - lunch and dinner and toping it off with 1/2 gallon of ice cream and 2 liter of coke or pespi.. You gotta exercise your gray matter too... I still plan my meals for the most part - meat & veggies for dinner 99.9% - left overs for lunch or a green salad & pt for lunch - Breakfast - some kind of Protein for the most part - sometimes a starch - yogurt & berries too.. and almost every nite either a bag of 100 cal popcorn - 1 cup sf ice cream - or sf pudding

Right now I am bbqing steak - steaming cauliflower - even snacking on a piece w/yogurt ranch dressing - craving it not bread not cheese - if you would just get in the habit of eating healthy the you won't crave the junk so much - hell when my #7 where here we ate out a couple of time - and a couple of nights we ate ravolies w/chicken but I can tell you by Friday I was so ready for my normal dinners - the food that I eat regularally -

Girl you can freaking do this - quit looking for some quick fix - it all about what you eat # of caloires and what you burn - so if you want to get healthy - then you can't eat your cake & ice cream too - one or the other not both and only occassionally.. You will live - life doens't elvove around - it revolves around the pple in our lives...

Melissa - Hugs on the insurance issues - sure wish we could be of some help..

Julie - Just picked up my taxes today ;0)

Great- Glad you like the hairdresser..

Linda - I have never had veritgo before - so this is a new thing for me - this morning I was dizzy - but as the day progressed it went a way - in bed last night if I turn a certain way - the room spins - I just am not turning my head upside down to blow dry my hair ;0) - I will be glad when it's gone...

Apple - Girl I'll take my 3 -4 months of heat over all that snow and cold weather anyday.. Hell even when it's 120 i'm not in the house for 3 solid days..

Well time to feed my doggies and bbq my steak

Food today -

BF Jerky & Egg salad - Lunch Fish & veggies - Dinner Steak & Veggie - snack - ??? popcorn - sf pudding? ? Will just depend on what I want then -


BTW my DIL is going w/sleeve - it's covered by her insurance - hopefully in May or June she'll have the surgery...

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Janet...surprised that DIL ins covers the sleeve. Guess I have not heard of too many ins companys covering it. Good for her. I know there are quite a few happy sleeve peeps out there. Good for her. Hopefully, she will learn to have a healthy pantry for the entire family and change the eating habits of all under one roof. I know that you have state b/4 that if the band failed you, you would go with the sleeve. I wonder what the guidelines are for a person that is a normal BMI and wanting coverage for the sleeve. Bet there's a huge grey area.

Did not ask and not sure of when I will hear back on my panni procedure. My doc's office is pretty efficient so just going to let them do their work and not "bug" them. Fingers and toes still crossed that this will fly. I am so annul.....have the need to see the future, get this lined up so it does not interrupt spring planting.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....families. An 87 yr old should be able to say where he wants to recoup.....siblings competing for and lining up three different assisted living facilities in three different parts of the state just to be near them so they do not have to travel. Just think of what this man wants and being able to be visited by friends so important. Enough of that. Thanks for listening to my "whine of the day".

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Charlene - Girl - quit dieting please please please - I know you all were talking about some diet book a few weeks ago ... DIETS DON'T WORK... Eating healthy does - I really beleive if you deny yourself the things you like then you are dieting - I like sweets - I subsitute real stuf w/sf stuff - I like Starches - again I eat then but only once a day - I don't deprive myself - I just ask myself before I eat is it heatlhy or not - I made ck Soup on Sunday - omg it had so much fat - and this is coming from a chick who LOVES fat - but you know what my taste has changed - I had to skim it off - it was just way too greasy..

Plan you meals- sit down tonite - plan a weeks menu and allow for bday parties or what ever you got going on - give yourself a calorie budget - and keep to that budget - follow lbt rules pt 1st then veggies .. Quit saying that you aren't going to eat carbs cuz you know that only last about 1 hr - then you are reporting - I'm off the wagon... Going off the wagon is eating a bowl of mashed potatoes for bf - lunch and dinner and toping it off with 1/2 gallon of ice cream and 2 liter of coke or pespi.. You gotta exercise your gray matter too... I still plan my meals for the most part - meat & veggies for dinner 99.9% - left overs for lunch or a green salad & pt for lunch - Breakfast - some kind of Protein for the most part - sometimes a starch - yogurt & berries too.. and almost every nite either a bag of 100 cal popcorn - 1 cup sf ice cream - or sf pudding

Right now I am bbqing steak - steaming cauliflower - even snacking on a piece w/yogurt ranch dressing - craving it not bread not cheese - if you would just get in the habit of eating healthy the you won't crave the junk so much - hell when my #7 where here we ate out a couple of time - and a couple of nights we ate ravolies w/chicken but I can tell you by Friday I was so ready for my normal dinners - the food that I eat regularally -

Girl you can freaking do this - quit looking for some quick fix - it all about what you eat # of caloires and what you burn - so if you want to get healthy - then you can't eat your cake & ice cream too - one or the other not both and only occassionally.. You will live - life doens't elvove around - it revolves around the pple in our lives...


Thanks for the kick in the Arse! I know diets don't work. I am doing this do just get the sweet tooth out of my system. I have been counting calories. The only sweet I have in the house right now is fruit. I am loving the lemon in my Water and tea. And the boiled egg thing is working too. I have been boiling six eggs every other day. My pup is loving eating the yolk.

Awesome for DIL going with the Sleeve. Dr Davis thinks that is the best surgery. He was going to do a revision on me, but at the time insurance was not covering it. I think Aetna covers it now.

Melissa, I am so sorry for you losing your insurance. I wish you could find a policy at least for your medicines. Do you get a discount on your drugs at Sam's? Maybe you could talk to them about your problem.

Okay, my pup will not go out of the doggy door because there are June bugs swarming on the porch light and patio. Yes, I said June bugs! They aren't supposed to start swarming till May and JUNE. OOPs! Yikes! there is one in the house by my computer! I must have let it in when I took Charlie out to potty. Ugh!

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Hi gorgeous banders!

I am sending everyone bug hugs! Happy hump day!

I have been up since 2am. I haven't had much time to drop by as I am up to my eyeballs in work. Working 12 hour days.

I can't get the scale moving or my measurments. But I know my body is changing & I feel good. Since I can't sleep I will workout and head into work early.

I started back on my weights this week so I hope that will get things moving.

Since my fill last week it is still trial and error. Wow, did I get stuck last night! I think it was the combination of Protein & triscut. Holy crap! Thought I was going to die. Thank god for papaya!

I know that I can slow down my eating more. I am finding I have to take a bite then wait 1 minute. Chew, chew... I also find that my good foods that worked prefill don't work. For example - my veggie burgers, stuffed mushrooms & some chickens. New foods that work: crab cakes.

Have a good rest of the week all!



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Janet so happy to see you posting. Miss you -- loved that pic on FB of you opening your presents!! I know what you mean about greasy foods -- I agree, just not appetizing any more. Interesting how our tastes change.

Charlene I know what Janet means about dieting - you and I are always looking for the perfect combo of foods that will get our metabolisms working better.

Sandy wow -- wtg on the diabetes meds - -so happy for you -- such a wonderful result of losing your weight -- so inspiring.

Melissa, not quite sure why your DH is dropping the cobra -wouldn't it still be less expensive than out of pockets? I can't imagine having no insurance, especially with a teenager in the house -- I'm so sorry this is affecting so much of your life -- it's very hard -- You should talk to your pharmacy where you get your son's meds and see if they will set up some sort of payment plan for you so he can stay on his meds (and your meds too).

Julie, happy to see you back writing more regularly -- really missed you. Sorry about your friend's DH -- my co-worker who has a large farm has lost 3 calves so far this year -- had to have c-sections and still lost them. Seems like it's a tough spring for them.

Speaking of spring, supposed to see some 60s this week. I am ready. Snow was gone by mid-morning but still only 30 this a.m. -- but I have faith it will be better from here on out!! Apples, hope you can get out today and go have some fun - as my grandma used to say "get out and get the stink blown off you."

Merry got up with me this morning and is running around -- not sure what's up with that - she usually lounges in bed until 9 or 10 -- she's just a happy girl this morning. She's so funny - she's such a momma's girl these days -- when I don't come home for lunch DH says she sits at the top of the stairs and just stares and stares, waiting for me. So sad really -- poor girl.

Lori, I get moments of memories overwhelming me too sometimes -- pretty normal I think -- our families are important to us and we loved our lives being "moms" and it's natural to miss that time and mourn it a bit. Glad you found a new stylist - I bet the red looks nice in your hair but it won't last long -- red is very fleeting for some reason - i like red in my hair but it would just go away so quick I quit spending the money on it. Hope yours stays longer.

Since the pool was closed yesterday morning, went to the gym last night and had a good workout with bike and elleptical. Felt good. Our zumba instructor is threatening to stop classes over the summer -- she works at the school and has summers off -- the rest of us work all the time and want the class -- we are hoping she won't desert us -- she thinks no one will come to class cause the weather is "nice" and we will all be outside. I think she's wrong, I still need my regular class to keep on track - it's okay with me if she goes on a trip and takes some time off but not the entire summer! They don't have anyone else certified that can teach it either.

Phyl -- good to see you post -- glad you're having a great time - when are you going back North? Love love love all the pics of Zoey on FB -- don't know what you and Earl did pre-Zoey -- lol.

Kristi - sorry about your not sleeping - what kind of work do you do? You might try the foods that don't work immediately after a fill in a few weeks -- after you lose a few pounds the band will loosen a bit and you might be able to eat them. Just cut everything very small and chew it very well -- be sure not to eat fast -- I still do that on occasion -- just be conscious about it. I can eat any meat -- even chicken breast with no problem -- but tiny bites and chew well.

Well gang, gotta get going, time to get ready for work. My co-worker had her thyroid out yesterday - she'll be gone rest of the week, so it's busier with her gone.

lauraK -- zipping on freemont st? Didn't know they had that -- so much fun!! Good for you!

Apples, hope FIL issues get worked out and he gets to be somewhere where he has friends. They need to "let him decide" -- he only hurt his arm and leg - his brain and mind are still in good shape - he can decide for himself, can't he?

Love to all.


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Good Morning Peeps..

Charlene - you just have to limit carbs and count calories since you know what your resting metabolizim is - I really do find that the sf foods satistfy my sweet tooth. Mine shows up at nite time.. Last night I had 2 sf puddings (dark choc).

you and dh have had surgery - you both should be eating very healthy... Just set your mind to it - for 2 weeks don't allow any extra treats to kick the sweet tooth... I allow real sugar about every 2 - 3 weeks - but that's it.. On vacation I eat what I want - had great bisucuts and gravy on vacation - but that's it - I don't eat that way at home.. Starches make you retain Water - exercise and eat healthy you will do it.. Yes I am glad DIL getting sleeve - concerned about cutting the stomach away - a lot more invasive than our bad - but she has about about 150 to lose and she will need the panni surgery afterwards... She's alot like me - so I think she will be alot like me once she has the surgey LOL the reformed food addict LOL she said some girl in the seminar said she rather keep the fat than have saggy skin - DIL has listend to me enough - she said the girl was stupid - I said yes the fat is killing you the skin issues won't LOL here Doc suggested it - it has a 70% success rate where as band has 50% - so she's going for it..

I know that some are super sensative to starches/sugars - but not everyone is and I couldn't live w/o some starches - so I just limit them... Plan Plan Plan... It works

Linda - My babies are happy in the a.m and when I get home from work ;) - Head feels pretty good this a.m. knock wood

plan today is walking on treadmill after work - Haven't done it in months - I bet it's going to kill me LOL - just don't think the up and down of boot camp is going to cut it right not w/vertigo issues. April 1 our insurance changes

Apples - a lot more insurance companies covering the sleeve - normal bmi - well Mexico is the place to go - if you ever visit the sleeve site you will see how many banders have converted and are doing very well.

FIL needs to stay w/someone and he should make the decision - OMG it's tough to get old..

Well sleep well no vertigo this a.m ;0)

Krista - the weight loss is going to slow - so don't be concermed... You are doing great -

Suppose to be 91 today !!!! Capris and sandals :)


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"Melissa,I am so sorry for you losing your insurance. I wish you could find a policy atleast for your medicines. Do you get a discount on your drugs at Sam's? Maybeyou could talk to them about your problem."

Charlene - I get a discount at Sam's I thought about talking to my trainer at work; but worry about what it might do. I think she talks to people. I am looking into different companies that can help you find discounts for your drugs.

"Melissa, not quite sure why your DH isdropping the cobra -wouldn't it still be less expensive than out of pockets? Ican't imagine having no insurance, especially with a teenager in the house --I'm so sorry this is affecting so much of your life -- it's very hard -- Youshould talk to your pharmacy where you get your son's meds and see if they willset up some sort of payment plan for you so he can stay on his meds (and yourmeds too)."

Linda - He did not drop it on purpose we just can't afford it and since I work part time and my money does not help with our bills. I am trying to find so kind of prescription help and some Drs offer discounts when you have no insurance.

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Morning.............. almost got stuck in the bathtub this morning...... got in, but my right leg is so weak and unstable at the hip that I almost didn't get out!!! finally did it on my own steam, but not a fun time....... Now I have to get dressed to go spend part of the day with my mother............. pray for me, please...... I need to have a serious talk with her, but don't know if I can handle it today.... She needs me to go with her to Bismarck to the doc..... I'm just going along and will try to see my chiropractor about this dang hip...... It's just a kink.......

Got our tax paperwork all done yesterday except to grab one thing from credit card statements for business...... that's a relief to finally have it done... A couple more things and it will all be in order like I would normally have it at this time of year..... DH is waiting to get tax refund so he can spend it!!!!!

We will have a rousing 37 today so no jacket for me.... Just a shirt and then a nice hoodie........ works for me.... I'm sick of my winter coat..... and gloves....... You all have a productive day...... love to all.............. Julie

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Janet....Capris and sandals????? ^%@#%&^*(())(*^%$#$##$%$. So happy for you..LOL.

Regarding my question on normal BMI/sleeve and insurance. I am a curious person and have spent time in the sleeve threads and understand that and option if to go to Mexico. Guess I was unclear and kind of just wondering if ins companies will cover someone that has made it go goal or almost with the band. Someone that loses their band or are really struggling with reflux, etc. Revision is the word I am looking for. I hope your DIL does well with it. I know from reading on the sleeve thread, some suffer with nausea the first couple of months but after they get over that bump, they love their sleeve. Besides curiosity, another reason I spent time on that thread was I wanted to educate myself on the sleeve just in case anything would go wrong with my band. That was during and right after my weight loss stage.

Happy to hear your head is better today. I tend to notice my worse bouts with vertigo when everyone around me has a head cold. It's like that's my version of their cold. Weird, huh?

Arlene....the way I see the "trying this diet and then trying that diet" thing is this: It's like yo-yo dieting. What I get from your posts is that if you go off the plan and have something that is not allowed, you feel like you "cheated". If you just concentrate on eat day and plan, plan, plan as Janet said and not allow certain carbs, you will not feel so defeated. It's gotta feel like a continuous challenge when the only challenge you should really have is keeping the hunger monster at bay and making good/healthy food choices when the hunger hits. If it is meal time and you are really not very hungry at that time, don't eat at that time or just eat a few bites. That would be a way to bank your calories. I think that you trying to be so structured with your "diet" actually is making you feel defeated because it is sooooooooooo tough for you to stick to. Cheri's idea of having some dense Protein (like her moist chicken) on hand to just grab a bite in between meals. Having raw veggies with some FF dip on hand when those times hit. I do believe that you are extremely carb sensitive and should try to limit. Heck, if you are carb sensitive, a piece of cake could throw you off for an entire week. Not saying that you should not eat any carbs....just all the good ones. If it is not made completely by mother nature, don't eat. (fruits and veggies). Hugs

Julie....nice to see posts from you where you are feeling back to your old self. Try to get out and walk to build up your strength after that surgery you had. A good way to build up little by little. Your story about your friend's calves makes me feel lucky we are not tied down with livestock. One big baby dog is enough.

Hey, Phyll, nice to see your post. I swear I have forgotten more about techie stuff than you learn in a day. I used to be so good at it when I worked every day. Now I just have DS to do things for me. Now I wish I would have just forced myself to do certain things. Enjoy the rest of your time down south and also enjoy your trip.

Linda...Merry's running around this morning was just her way of saying "Mommy, spring is coming, spring is coming!". Sounds adorable. Cute photo of GD peeling carrots for GM. She is so beautiful. Do you share????

Kristi....patience....we all hit those little plateaus. I noticed that even if the scale did not move, my clothes got bigger. Make sure to journal and keep track of what you are eating/drinking. Push to drink more Water and if you feel you are cutting back on calories, bump them a bit. Sorry about your stuck episode. A learning experience, hopefully. My first was on a deviled egg and deli turkey. I swore that in my lifetime, I would never eat them again. Now they are a staple in my frig. I think I was about 3 months out when that happened. When I told my doc about it he said "Well, don't you know, you can't swallow eggs whole anymore". True. Just keep at it... Hope your schedule slows down. A good night sleep is so important when it comes to weight loss.

Was going to head out today but cloudy, windy and cold. Will just get some things done in the house. Will be getting together with my friend and her DD from CO for coffee later today. Have a nice chicken bake ready to go into the oven for dinner (lunch) and going to make a corn bread to go with it. Comfort food for a crappy day. Now, I'm going to go turn that crappy into a nice day and do some things I enjoy. I can see a couple of closets getting torn apart and being put back together. Am I sick????? It's one of my favorite things to do. I lead an exciting life here on this farm. You all have a nice day. Will visit later.

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Melissa--hugs. How 'bout turning all that worry into something constructive? I think some people are born worriers and telling them not to worry is like telling them not to breathe. However, you could research insurance options. You could figure out ways to cut expenses so you can still pay cobra. You could really plan your eating to keep you and your family as healthy as possible while uninsured. You could look for a second part-time job to help pay for insurance. it's important to remember that you're seldom actually stuck. There are always options. Sit down with your husband and look at all your expenses. Be aware of every dollar you spend. Almost all of us spend money we shouldn't or don't need to spend. If you don't have insurance then you need to start a fund to cover unexpected medical costs. It can sometimes seem like it ought to be a right to go out and spend money on fast food and raised thermostats but its amazing what you can save when you really put your mind to it. But your husband has to agree to the spending cuts as well. Women tend to fritter it away on little stuff. Men tend to buy majorly expensive toys or unnecessary items that they think they need. A financial planner might be helpful to both of you. Include your son on the decision making. He needs to understand the sacrifices the whole family is going to have to make.

Also, the only cure I know for adolescence is time. Concerta helps with ADHD but doesn't cure hormones. Sigh.

Have you ever tried prayer and meditation as ways to get yourself on a more even keel? Just wondering. I tend to do that while I'm walking or driving. I can't sit still and do it. I need part of my mind occupied with automatic activities.

Charlene, I understand your need for a system that works for you. Since you like eggs, and its one of the best sources of Protein I see no problem with it. You do show a pattern of adopting various food plans and then abandoning them--the shake thing, the Weight Watchers thing, the 17 day thing. Janet is right. Just make healthy choices most of the time. For you, with your carb sensitivity and low resting metabolism, that means plenty of Protein and not a lot of carbs most of the time. Also, you have an unstructured lifestyle where eating opportunities come up unexpectedly--like a chance to go out to eat. Nothing wrong with that, but I find that I'm starting to refuse offers to go out to eat. I'd rather make myself a salad. Now that's a change for me. Nothing wrong with a more flexible lifestyle and unstructured days and nights other than that its not conducive to planning. So I can see where having a plan done for you, like the 17 day thing is very appealing for you. The trick is not to worry about the times you go off it (as long as they're not everyday) and to stay with it most days. It can give you the structure you lack. But vary it more and change it up. You're going to get pretty sick of those hard-boiled eggs very soon and then what are you going to do?


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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