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Goodf morning to all of you, hope it's a great day!

Woke up to some white stuff on the gound - yuck. Pool is closed so no Water aerobics - I guess someone accidenetly on purpose defiled the pool yesterday - a 6th grade boy -- so it will be closed all week due to chemical imbalance -- so no Water aerobics. Which means I will have to work out at the gym tonight instead. Oh well. I sure love the water on my body.

Busy at work yesterday - one of my co-workers is out this week having a minor surgery -- so it will be busier than usual.

Julie, sorry your family is so upset -- I can understand it after what you've been through -- bt they need to just stop and be happy that you're okay now and things should be fine in the future. You were also jeopardizing your life with the excess weight -- hopefully they understand that as well. It's tough because you have had so many unusual problems. I'm just sorry that they are making you feel so badly -- it wasn't your fault -- you didn't do anything wrong -- so don't allow them to make you feel guilty.

Apples, hope your FIL did okay in surgery -- poor guy, sounds so painful as well.

Lori, sorry about your uncle. I have some cousins in Utah that I was close to in my childhood and would love to see/touch base with again too -- they aren't even doing FB -- my aunt lives in upper state NY and I'd also like to see her again -- I think she's 88. It's just so hard to travel when you've got family all over the place, but I'd love to see them all again, so I know what you mean.

Sandy, happy you had a great time on your trip -- that 5 lbs. will come off fast -- probably already gone.

Eva, sounds like things are moving along quickly -- must see pics when it's all done and your storage barn up and in place. Hope the sale goes through on your home in Colorado.

Laura and LauraK - hope you're both enjoying your visits with family -- can't remember how long LauraK said she was going to be in Vegas.

Hope you all have a wonderful day --I'll cbl.


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Good Morning Peeps

Yep I am rested - I get a lot more done not being on the computer -

Julie - Hugs on the famiy issues - I agree w/your family no more surgeries period - as you know our band is only a tool but that the real work is up to you about your food choices - You can maintain your loss by eating healthy - Like I have said a milllion times I don't think my band takes my hunger away - I am hungry a lot of the time - but I choose to make healthy choices and to exercise - Yep it helps me not to over eat some foods but the junk nope as we all know they are slider - so.. IMHO make good healthy food choices - walk as much as you can - and let it be.. You can maintain your weight loss..

Great - Hugs on your Uncle - why don't you go see him before he dies if you can..

Apples - Hugs & Prayers on FIL

Still have my veritgo - can't blow dry my head upside down - tried yesterday about passed out had to grab the counter - as long as I don't put my head below my heart I'm ok..

Had gym last night - won't be going to bootcamp tonite too much up and down..

Food yesterday - Egg salad - Ck Soup - Fish - Veggies - Rice - and 1 sf pudding

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Good Morning Gang! Just checking in.....whining. I have been up since 3am aching. There is a front moving in from the north with a low moving in from the gulf........thunderstorms = Fibromyalgia is kicking big time. I am going to still walk because I know it will help.

LInda, one day you will see green on the ground. This sure has been a long winter. I fear it may be a very active hurricane season.

Apples, what's the news on your FIL?

Good Morning America just had a segment on Gastric Bypass, and how is can cure type 2 diabetes. It cured my friend's diabetes in less than 24 hours. Maybe insurance companies will start paying for more weight loss surgeries.

Okay, off for a morning walk.......Later!

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Speaking of diabetes - I am officailly off all diabetes meds! When I started my weight loss program I was on three meds. During the weight loss phase I was taken off two meds. I have finally been able to stop the third.

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Hi All

I'm back had a great time. Trying to get caught up on reading posts.

Back at work also.


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WooHoo, Sandy, on getting off the meds!!

I am trying out a new hair person this morning. The bariatric support group I went to in January was about make overs. This gal did all their hair and I discovered lives about 6 blocks from me and works from her home. So thought I'd try her out. Hopefully I'll look younger soon. LOL

As for visiting my uncle. I've thought of it. But he's not really aware of anything at this point and was concerned of being a burden on my cousins as they try to juggle things. Though I'd help them juggle. I told them I was avaiable for anything.

I read the most amazing book last night, I'd been hearing about it and saw it at costco yesterday. It's called Heaven is for Real and is about a 4 yr old boys near death experience and visit to heaven and back. It was a quick read as I read it in a couple hours last night.

Well better go get ready for my hair appt!

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Good Morning...

Arlene...sorry for the FM problems. No way would you ever be able to live in our area with the extremes we have with our weather. Today is cold and windy and we still have huge snowbanks. I feel like a prisoner. I was going to take off for a couple of days (my own Magical Mystery Tour) but canceled because I do not want to fight the elements. I've not left the house since 2pm Saturday. Winter is really hanging on.

I heard the GB WLS story on the radio this morning. But, LB surgery can also "cure" type II (not some miracle) but with lifestyle changes and food choices. I feel very fortunate that I head this off at the pass. Both my parents were diabetics at an early age. Both of DH's are/were diabetics and one of the reasons I am so careful about what I cook/bake for him. I try to never nag him on habits....just a few reminders once in awhile. He LOVES his sweets so they are not around much.

Linda....thought for sure you would not be getting any more snow. Sucks, doesn't it???? I bet the girls from the southern states are pretty sick of all our whining. Oh well, pay back is a b__tch.....we'll have to put up with theirs soon. So happy you do not have to have surgery on your back...now...get busy and make an appt to see some docs about your panni....get it approved and take care of it like you have wanted to. Maybe we can get a BOGO???????

FIL's surgery went OK. He was pretty confused for awhile after surgery. Kept pulling at things and mumbling. There was more to it all once they got a good look at it. Rods and pins and the possibility of not having full use of his hand. They put rods and pins in the ankle also. I am sure he is sore this morning. BIL is pretty sensitive and it was tough for him to see his dad in the condition he was after the surgery. Now we will just wait to see what the plan is and do what we can. He's such a sweet (young for his age) 87 yr old with lots of friends. Really keeping fingers crossed that he can be back here with his friends being able to visit instead of stuck in some home near where one of the siblings live. Friends are so important to him. All that will get worked out soon.

Janet...glad you got caught up on your rest. Hope your vertigo takes a hike soon. I seem to live with a mild case at all times. I guess I've tried everything and just accept it now. Not too bad but gotta watch certain things I do. Just every once in awhile I will get a case where it makes me a bit sick for a day or two. I understand (and Linda) what you are going through.

Eva....leave it to you to get so excited about a new shed....cute! I do know you are looking forward to getting your tools/etc. in a group and this will be perfect for your back yard. Make sure to get a photo to share. Speaking of photos....I sure miss the simplified way we used to have to post photos. I miss sharing certain things.

Now that I have canceled my plans, I'd better figure out what I am going to do today. I was just going to get in the car and drive and stop and drive and stop and see where the road took me, stay over night somewhere and do the same tomorrow.

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Speaking of diabetes - I am officailly off all diabetes meds! When I started my weight loss program I was on three meds. During the weight loss phase I was taken off two meds. I have finally been able to stop the third.

Wow! Wonderful.....and to think....you did this on your own. Gold Star for you!

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Stress, stress, stress. My how we are all so stressed.

My DH just took himself back to bed because I'm having grandkids dropped off at my house around noon while my daughter goes to Chicago for some more appointments or tests. This is his day off and even though he got plenty of sleep last night, yesterday, and the day before, he thinks he won't be able to get in his usual naps before going in to work tonight at midnight. I can see he's mad at me but I'm basically at the eye-rolling stage and am ignoring him. This is my vacation and I spent the entire day with him yesterday. This is the only day I'll have the grandkids over instead of going to their house because he normally sleeps during the day. I've never met a guy who needs as much sleep or worries about getting his sleep as much as my DH.

Great, I'm sorry you are so lonely. Do you think that's really what your trip down memory lane is really about? Do you think it would help you to become a volunteer again or find a part-time job now that you're settled? Or do you like being free to fly places whenever you want to? It's OK to reminisce but please don't get stuck there. You seem to have established friendships already and renewed some old ones. I envy you. When I'm working I have no time for that, just for my family, so when I'm off, like this week, I have no one but family to do anything with and they're all tied down. Fortunately, my grandkids are also on spring break and I'm needed to babysit. My friends are the people I work with, but we all have lives when we're not teaching so we don't get together outside of work.

Eva, I admire your well-balanced lifestyle. I'm glad you were able to retire but still find a part-time position to keep your hand in and income coming. You have your projects and school and friendships that also involve your DH. Mine is such a loner that it's actually led to isolating me as well.

Julie, what can I say. Mother/daughter relationships are some of the most complex in the world. Especially when the daughter is pregnant. You got the band to save your life and she needs to continue to hear that from you. This isn't about looks, its about living. Looking better is a bonus, but the health is primary. I don't think I'd allow anyone to hold me to a promise made under such duress. However, you do not do well with abdominal surgeries if your past history is any indication. Janet is right. Ultimately, its about making healthy choices. I'm thinking that seeing a counselor together with your daughter about your weight might be good for you and your daughter.

Making the weight thing a mutual project was a good idea. Ask your daughter if she wants to be around for her children and grandhchildren. I'd also suggest that you get physical therapy for your knees and so on. Water walking is one of the safest things you can do to regain strength safely. It takes the weight off your knees while still exercising them.

Also, percocet is likely to make you unstable and lead to falling again so you want to get off that asap. Strengthening the joints without inflaming them should be your goal to reduce pain. You're probably feeling these pains more now because your primary, overwhelming pain has been taken away. Using this whole situation as an incentive to lose more weight on your own will also help your physical pain. Did you know that every lb you weigh puts 5-10 lbs of pressure on each of your knees? So every lb you lose removes that much pressure on your knees. If you were to lose 25 more lbs it would take at least 125 lbs of pressure off each of your knees. That's what I keep telling myself. Even my 5 lb weight gain is affecting my knees. I can feel it. It's 25 extra lbs of pressure that they're carrying. My fake knees will last longer the less I weigh.

Charlene, keep on keeping on. We all have our days of indulgence (except Linda, LOL). Getting back on track asap is the trick. For you, I would think the incentive would be that your FM symptoms are likely to improve as you lose more weight. You've done great, however, and you need to give yourself credit.

Our addiction not only hurts us, it hurts the people around us. That's the hard part to remember. Our kids don't want us dead, or incapable of being there for them and their children. Hopefully, our husbands don't want us dead either (most of the time). LOL.

Melissa, loved the "Green Things" e-mail. Too true. Hope you're doing well. Tell us more about your counselor. One of the simplest things I've done to automatize my meals is to always have a Protein shake for Breakfast. I buy pre-made because I have no desire to shop for and try to keep ingredients in the house, and as someone who works outside the home I need simple solutions. I have no desire to spend hours in a grocery store being tempted by all the food. For supper I prefer simple foods, like pan frying (in olive oil spray) fish, hamburger, steak, pork chop, and having a veggie on the side. My DH makes any sides he wants that are carbs (like potatoes or rice) for himself. Or I have a salad with mixed greens, cheese, nuts, a little fruit, and a flavored olive oil and vinaigrette based dressing. (Favorite-raspberry). For lunch at work I have peel off cans of tuna or chicken available, or Protein Bars, or Protein shakes to grab as Snacks or meals. I am very much a keep it simple person precisely because I am ADHD. That's why keeping rotisserie chicken in the house is another easy solution. Great Protein, always tender, fix it with various Condiments. Take a small mouthful whenever you start craving carbs. Throw in a baggie and take to work. It's the KISS philosophy of food. Keep It Simple Stupid.

People like Linda and Apples seem to be able to be around food and cook and bake it for others without over-eating themselves. I am not one of those people. People have to eat what I'm eating or make it and take it somewhere where I'm not around it. It's hard to stop feeling guilty about not feeding everyone around you but it can be done and its an enormous relief to stop cooking for others. You'd be amazed at the reduction in stress. You don't have small kids anymore and your son and husband can easily make themselves a pbj sandwich or something else if what you're eating isn't enough for them.

One of the biggest reasons why women get fat is because they cook for everyone else and feel guilty if they don't. That's another reason why I gave up guilt for Lent.


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Hi All

I'm back had a great time. Trying to get caught up on reading posts.

Back at work also.


Happy you are back and had a good time, LauraK...you were missed

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Cheri...I'm right with you on the stress thing...we've had pure hell stress around here the last couple of weeks and are doing everything possible to not make it our lives. Little trips to the therapist are helping. I cannot live it anymore. You've had your share with concern for your DD and your DH needs to accept what it takes for you. I am sure that taking your grandchildren when you can makes you feel you are doing what you can for your DD. I can tell you that I would have some words for my DH if he reacted to me stepping in and helping in a situation like that. Hang in there.

As far as the cooking/feeding goes....it is something I truly enjoy. I have always just loved to cook and bake. Even right after this huge life change (WLS), cooking for others did not bother me. But, I revamped most recipes and decided that most meals that were served in this house would be healthy versions of what I used to cook. DH and DS are very active and have always watched the scale. We still have our treats and 90% of the meals I put on the table are low fat but tasty. Since day 1 I have known I do better without depriving myself of certain foods. In the past, deprivation drove me right off track. I feel very fortunate that I can eat when hungry and feel like I am "normal" even with having had WLS. My guys are somewhat spoiled but it give me great pleasure to spoil them.

Have fun with the grandkids....fill us in on DD's test results if you care to share.

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Fly by at work -- welcome home LauraK -- glad you had a great time. Let us know if you won any $$ (hope so).

Janet, glad you got some rest -- hope that vertigo goes away. Like Apples, we have learned to live with it somewhat - this latest bout has really bothered me more than usual -- but happy to know it's not due to my neck. Mine only bothers me if I look down or up or lay down so I'm okay as long as I keep my head somewhat straight. LOL.

Apples, sorry to hear FIL may lose some use of his hand - poor guy. I hope he can be near his friends as well. Is your DH thinking of flying out this weekend?

Cheri, your DH sounds like mine as far as sleeping goes - honestly, I didn't think anyway slept as much as mine -- and he whines so much about it too. LOL. Sorry he's reacting this way -- especially under the circumstances of your daughter's illness -- he's very selfish. Glad you don't let it deter you -- you're right -- it's your vacation too.

Lori, hope your hair turns out great!

Arlene, I ate some onion rings Friday (see, I DO have goodies sometimes). I just wish my being so good would result in some weight loss. I just continue to stay the same -- my DH however, lost 5 lbs. eating peanuts and Desserts every night. LOL. Wish I had his metabolism.

Arelene, hugs on your FM. I know how you feel.

Take care and I'll CBL. Really gotta run.


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Well I can't say I got rich. Didn't track my $$ between gambling and spending. Boy can I spend it. It was our thrill seeking weekend. We seen the Blue Man Group, took a helicopter trip over Hoover Dam, went up in the Effel Tower, and Zip lined down Freemont street. What a thrill. Gambling was just for the giggles didn't spend alot of time doing it.

Of course I did the Momma thing, "mom can you take me to Sam's club" and then Len's Crafters for her to get new glasses. So it was a mix of fun and time together. I am glad I did it now have to pay it all off.

Best part is I did not gain a single pound, yeah me for once. lol Eating was not the main attraction, I think she thought I was starving her but for me I didn't want to eat.

I'll try to respond to what I can remember,

Linda, glad you don't have to have surgery on your neck. My DD says to tell you Hi.

Apples, sorry to hear about FIL accident and surgery.

Julie, you are sounding better, hope things get worked out with your DD.

Cheri, glad to hear the cancer is shrinking for you DD. That is awesome news.

Arlene, hope the FM settles down soon.

Great, I better you are looking like a hootie ofter your new do today.

Eva, Yea for the new shed, that means more gardening tools, and goodies. How are the new babies doing?

Ok I run out now, crs is in effect.


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Good morning dear ones,........ I'm hoping for a stress-free day.... It's had a good start.... DH woke me up with a call from a guy in the Retirement section of the ND National Guard who has been making our lives miserable for almost 6 years about a problem with DH's retirement pay and a mistake that was made way back when we were married in 1995..... They kept saying they could do nothing.... too bad... Because of what they did then if he should die his military retirement would go to waste because I was not authorized to recieve it...... DUH!!!! I'm listed as his wife, but someone forgot to check a box or something and we are screwed.... Well, we (I) have really been pushing it and something worked..... (Threatening a letter to my buddy, the ex-Governor and now Senator of North Dakota didn't hurt!!) A copy of our marraige license faxed has just solved the problem supposedly and this will now be fixed................ Hurray!!!!!!!!!

A neighbor out at my family's farm lost her husband three weeks ago. He was only 60...... Farmer Rancher and she is a nurse... Well, she is trying to be a midwife to a herd of cows right now and things are not going well for her.... Her 30 year old son who has never left home (some issues of unknown nature there) isn't much help... She called a bit ago to ask DH to come help her this afternoon... She was crying... Had lost to calves during the night.... Feel so bad for her... Of course he will go do what he can and enjoy it, too... He loves that stuff..... I might actually get a little time to myself to catch up on some paperwork I've been trying to do for months... As a retired accountant I always have my tax stuff ready to go by January 15th and our taxes filed by 2-1 at the latest..... I just couldn't get the paperwork done back then but did have an appointment with tax man for 3-14........... when I was in the hospital and the work wasn't done.... DH can't do it without me...... So now my appointment is for 4-9 and I'm hoping to get it done today... I did actually get started last night so that encourages me that I might get there......

Oops. big interruption, but I came back and it's all still here..... so will just say bye and talk to you later.... Julie

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I think I found a new hair person. I really liked her. She has a salon with it's own enterance at her home. She put a little red in my dark brown and I like it and it's a little shorter. From there I decided why not more pampering and went and got a pedicure. LOL After my meloncholy kind of day yesterday it was perfect, I got a real springy pink. At least my toes say spring even if mother nature is not. LOL

Cheri, for the most part, no I am not lonely. I think yesterday was just a combination of things that just piled up. The little email arguement I had with my mother, DH being out of town, news about my uncle, my Grandma emailing me and wishing I was there, and then running errands and finding myself in my old area of town and memories they just took their toll. I went there for a specific one of a kind store, I didn't go there to feel the memories. LOL I don't want to work because I do want my free time to take off for Denver whenever I want, to take off with DH on his trips, etc. I have connected with many old friends and made many new ones. So all in all pretty good, but do get homesick once in a while. I am going to Denver next week to hold that baby. :)

LauraK, sounds like you had a nice visit in Vegas. DH just called from there, he's connecting there on his way home and has a meeting with the manager there.

Karen, hope FIL doesn't lose use of his hand. Did the black out have to be reported to the DMV? Will he lose his license?

Arlene, one thing I love about you is your honesty. You plug along and have a slip up and are so honest to reveal it here. Doesn't sound like it was too bad a slip up either. Sounds like you are liking the 17 Day Diet. My McD's friend is starting that as well.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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