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Drive by - I have veritgo - just want to let you all know I was alive - just not feeling real groovy... The meds are like taking sleeping pills - hit yesterday after lunch - had be be driven home from work - am at work but don't know for how long...

Love to all...

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Hello Janet, My name is Tonya I was banded on Feb.4th Im looking for buddy/ies. Im not losing the weight like I had planned. My husband had his band done in Sept and has learned some bad habits.. Which I try to tell him other wise but am starting to sound like a broken record. So I dont drink 30 before meals or a hour afterwards and he does.. I am a cook love it always have.. I have 3 children so big meal was a must.. learning to cook small is the hardest thing Ive had to do.. But Im learning. Getting my portions right is hard. Do you have any suggestions that would help me? And Im not a Breakfast eater never have been but they say you need that Protein first thing in the morning.. Ugh. Any ways congrats on the success. I pray that I get there..

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Drive by - I have veritgo - just want to let you all know I was alive - just not feeling real groovy... The meds are like taking sleeping pills - hit yesterday after lunch - had be be driven home from work - am at work but don't know for how long...

Love to all...

Janet....Ugh...I know how you feel. I have vertigo frequently and it just has to run it's course. I hate the meds also...I think they would put a horse down. Take care. There are exercises you can do to relieve some of the symptoms. Take care. Sending the love

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Hello Janet, My name is Tonya I was banded on Feb.4th Im looking for buddy/ies. Im not losing the weight like I had planned. My husband had his band done in Sept and has learned some bad habits.. Which I try to tell him other wise but am starting to sound like a broken record. So I dont drink 30 before meals or a hour afterwards and he does.. I am a cook love it always have.. I have 3 children so big meal was a must.. learning to cook small is the hardest thing Ive had to do.. But Im learning. Getting my portions right is hard. Do you have any suggestions that would help me? And Im not a breakfast eater never have been but they say you need that Protein first thing in the morning.. Ugh. Any ways congrats on the success. I pray that I get there..

Tonya...not Janet but going to jump in here since Janet might not be available today to answer your questions. I am sure she will have some good advice for you when she has the time.

For me, planning was the key. Also, weighing, measuring and journaling ALL my food during the weight loss stage was key. You need to have control over what is being put in your mouth. As far as breakfast goes, you really do need to eat as early in the day as you can in order to kick that metabolism into gear. There are many ways to get your Protein in. Kashi has some high protein cereals.....add a little skim to make it go for you. There are so low carb/high Protein Bars available (20gr) that go down pretty good in the morning. Make oatmeal ahead of time and freeze. Make mini-quiche in cupcake pans and freeze. Get organized and have things on hand that are easy for you to grab.

When it comes to cooking for the family. Why not just cook a meal for all of you...eat the same things. Don't bring things into the house that are trigger foods for you and your DH. Kids can learn to eat healthy foods (fruits and raw veggies instead of crackers and chips). Start now and both you and DH set good example by what you cook, eat and bring into the house. Have a healthy snack in the evening with your kids if your daily caloric intake allows.

There's so many ways to eat healthy but it takes planning and commitment. Let us know what your usual foods are that you are consuming and maybe we can all give you some tips on what worked for each of us. This might help in getting you started. Jump back on the thread with any questions you might have.

As far as how your DH is eating with the band....show him by example. Maybe when he sees you have positive results, he will catch on to your way of eating. Good luck

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Good morning

It looks very dreary out there today, but at least it's rain and not snow! Come on spring!

Janet, sorry you aren't feeling well. HOpe you are back up to par real soon.

Laura, too bad your dad didn't feel like traveling, I know he enjoys his visits to your place so much. HOpe the situation for your in laws improves in Syria. Scary times.

Arlene, I am having enough trouble right now with my Itouch. I think I inadvertantly wiped out DH's Ipod on Itunes. I synced and his stuff is all gone. I don't do it enough and mess things up. Maybe an Ipad isn't for me.

Tonya, welcome and congrats on your band. First I think you need to change your thinking. Don't compare your journey to your husbands. If he wants to make poor choices they are well his choices. You can make your own better choices. As for eating smaller portions, get smaller plates and bowls. I got a small bowl that I think is meant for dipping sauces or something at Target, it holds 1/2 cup. So when I get my portion I know exactly what I am getting. If I am still hungry I will have another 1/2 cup as I keep my portions between 1/2 to 1 full cup. Why are big meals a must? Not sure what you mean by big meals, but there's nothing wrong with cooking healthy for the entire family. Good luck to you. Keep posting and let us follow your success!

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Good Morning...quick post. Both DH and I have make-up appointments that we missed yesterday due to crap weather. We have clear roads and sunshine today. Cold but the sun is shining and that makes such a difference.

Arlene...the above should have answered your question on the weather. Would love to be working in the flower beds but know that is a couple of months off.

Jodi...have been thinking of you and your dilema. Sucks

Great...good morning. Good advice you gave Tonya.

Spent the morning setting up the schedule/plan for farm and tiling business. Now just need it approved and signed by DH and DS. Having this structured plan wards off miscommunication down the road between DH and DS. A bit annul, but really does work for this operation. Two extreme ADD ppl add up to a non-extreme ADD person (me) enforcing structure and a signed plan.

Just wanted to pop on and say good morning. Gotta run. Think DH and I will do some shopping for farm items and then go out for dinner later today. You all have a good one. Later.

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Janet, you have vertigo? I hope that goes away. You are so rarely sick. Must be all that fun you had with your guests. Take care!

Laura, I agree with you about our freedoms. Some people feel it's our right but look at how many people in the world don't have that right. I disagree that we should be interfering with the middle east. We are going to stretch ourselves too thin. Took a class in college on conflict resolution and that professor had some very good points about where the US is and what they are doing globally and it doesn't look good for us in the long run. Sorry to get off on politics...buy I'll send your MIL safe and secure thoughts.

I tried an experiment with cold brewed coffee. You let the Water and grounds brew at room temperature for a long time, then strain them and make the coffee with the liquid. The coffee comes out very smooth and a lot less bitter but it takes twice or more as much coffee to get the same strength. I did a side by side this morning and there is a very noticeable difference. So I'm dong another run with a measured amount and I put it in the fridge (using a quart jar for the coffee and water). I'll let you know how it goes. I love my coffee but drink it with sweetener and milk or FF half and half because of the bitterness. Maybe I can give up the milk if the stuff is smoother. We'll see.

I worked until midnight on the work project and still didn't get it done. I have to study Spanish this morning, but will have to work on it again this afternoon. The men showed up at 6:30 to start getting the form for the concrete pad made. We weren't up yet. I am tired this morning and not functioning well.

Have a great day everyone.


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Janet - sorry about the vertigo. Must be really bad since you needed someone to drive you home. So glad you were aware and helped prevent an accident for yourself and others. Feel better -- hugs.

Jodi - what a mess. So sorry.

Misery, sometimes, loves company - so I'll share an experience that my sister had. Nasty divorce due to his cheating (even bought a house for GF). The divorce ruled that he pay all debts of marriage. He took bankruptcy and the MasterCard debt then fell to my sister. The charges included $$$$$ spent on trips the GF and ex shared in Hawaii and romantic dinners. Nevertheless===SHE was required to pay the entire bill. Including penalties and interest. She had issues with the IRS too, but I can't remember the details. Life can just be so unfair and, many times, justice is over rulled by power and money. angry.gif

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Hi there, going to try to respond to some of you sweeties today if I can remember. I didn't take notes.....but I should have.....

We are finally dug out after a 2 day blizzard..... 14 inches of very wet, heavy snow.... DH just finished doing some of our rental property a while ago. We missed appointments, too... DD did get to make up her OB one today.... all is well at 33 weeks....... I'm anxious, but want to get my strength back before baby gets here.....

Lori, so happy for you and your DH enjoying being grandparents now... It really is the best....... I got to go get Mimi from school today as SIL was working and DH took DD to Bis, so it was up to me to get her... We did just fine...... She is so sweet and don't get much time with just her anymore so I really enjoy it...... She asked how my tummy was and then told me, "Don't worry, gramma, I'll take care of you." Little sweetheart..... You gotta love em.....

Janet, hope you are better soon...... How are you able to work with vertigo??? take care of yourself.....

Joyce, I think I kinda missed out on all the medical things you had going, but I'm sure glad you are two-handed typing again and are on the mend...And you are sure right about how unfair things can be sometimes...

Sandy, glad you had such a happy time on vacation..... You'll be back to our regular weight soon I'm sure....

Laura K, Have a great time in Vegas.... I'm sure your daughter is so anxious to have you get there.... I've heard that Hoover Damn thing is great however, we never did do it all the times we've been there when our oldest daughter lived there....

Laura A, I, too, am so sorry about the concerns for Nael's family.... It's horrible to not feel safe in your home... Let's hope it ends soon..... I also and so sympathetic to the situation with your folks.. As I've said many times, I've been in your shoes and know what it hurts like.......trying to be tough on the outside is hard....... But I know you and I'm positive you will do what needs doing and do it very well..... There will be time for all the rest later..... Hugs and prayers, girl.......

Jodi, hey dear girl, you looked beautiful on those pictures and Dassi is just a doll......Was your mother in the black suit with blonde hair???? Wonderful celebration that your daughter will never forget.... As for the legal worries..... you'll get it figured out.... sounds like that judge needs an attitude adjustment!!!! and you're just the gal to give it to him!!!! But you must take care of yourself..... be well...... Hugs.....

Jessica, take the help the professor is offering.... she wouldn't even notice if you weren't so normally outstanding!!!!! Your idea about studying with a partner at the library is a good one..... congrats on the cycle..... If it makes you happy, I'm all for it......

Eva, retired and busier than ever......... I can't keep up..... are you writing a book now??? Wow..... I'm sure you can do anything you put your mind to...... Enjoy

Linda, you lucky duck........ Apples and I started planning a meeting a couple years back and still haven't because I just can't get well enough. Maybe this summer we can finally meet in Fargo...... You girls have fun... I know you will....... Glad to hear Katie is better and I understand how you miss the little one.... Now that DD is not working we don't see the girls as much either and miss them.....

Arlene, is it that nice in Texas already????? I'm just thinking of turning on the heater in this room as I'm cold..... I hope this means your FM is hiding now.... I recently started taking Calcium, too, but haven't noticed any Constipation from in, but my system is so screwed up yet, how would I know...

Cheri, yes, I believe in miracles, too..... so glad you have recieved one for your daughter.. this is just so wonderful for her and you....... Go God, is right.....

KisKis, sorry I don't know you well yet, but hope all is well and you are taking this journey is stride.... best of luck....

Melissa, how are you, hon???? Are you looking for another job again? Thought I missed something when I was reading one day.... hope all is well with you, too...

Apples, we must have had the same storm system..... It looks like spring will never come, but a few nice days will handle this, too, I guess...... But it is deep out there......... Hope you and DH have a great day together today.... I'm hoping your DH will use novacaine when getting his teeth done..... Was so glad to read of your time with DS's GF's children.... I know you made the best of it.... Isn't this the little guy who is so sharp?? I think you've told us stories before about a Christmas meal or something....

Meredith, how's things.... sorry I can't remember what you are up to.... I hate that, but just can't bring it to mind...... still to clouded with drugs.... hope you are fine and happy..

Phyll, what are you up to these days? You were sick, are you better??

Well, I'm thinking a nap might me in order now.... I still have some paperwork to do, but it will wait til later now.... It's hard to sit by the des/computer too long at a time... My incision has a bit of a leak that I am watching... Called the nurse and she said I was doing what was necessary, so won't worry about that..... I have lost weight through this ordeal, but don't know what to think of that.... My appetite is starting to rear it's ugly head, but so far I have not given into it..... My mouth is getting some better. Still no shoulder pain.... all midriff/back pain from the surgery.... I'm sleeping good and have really reduced my percocet usage.... trying to do Tylonel during the day and a percocet at night if I need it.... so far so good.....

Talk to you all later, please forgive me for those I may have missed..... I've thought and thought and come up blank......... Hugs to all.... Julie

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Tonya, I'm not a big Breakfast eater plus my band won't allow me to eat big breakfasts. I drink a chocolate Protein Drink (my fav is Atkin's Royal Dark Chocolate) for breakfast. I avoid all carbs for breakfast like oatmeal or cereals because they expand in the tummy and can cause major stuck issues (which, believe me, you want to avoid.) I can't even eat eggs most mornings because they are the purest Protein and my band is quite tight (or my stomach is too swollen) in the morning. By night I'm much less tight and I eat my biggest meal at supper. meat and some veggies or a mixed green salad with feta cheese, a little fruit, cashews and dressings with mostly olive oil and vinegar and other flavors. Throughout the day I do eat Protein Bars and generally have meat of some kind for lunch.

Laura, the whole MidEast/NAfrica thing is scary at the best of times. Such a volatile area of the world. Every time we (the USA) stick our nose in it tends to backfire. Every President has gotten bogged down in some nasty mess there and nothing we do seems to actually make a difference. One nasty dictator gets replaced by another. Corruption follows corruption. Democracy doesn't seem to be able to get a foothold possibly because democracy was birthed and cradled and raised in a Graeco/Roman/Judeo/Christian culture and ethos. Without that common background it really struggles. Not that we've always gotten it right. We have plenty of poor and oppressed in our own country. Sigh...Solutions elude me. Praying for your MIL

Julie, you sound like your old self again. So glad the shoulder pain is gone. I know you're scared without the band but we're here to support you girl.

More miracles. Rachel's breast tumor is shrinking so fast that they've postponed the surgery tll July and will continue chemo. There's a 25% chance the chemo will be enough to wipe it out. That's what I'm believing and praying. At the very beginning of this thing when Rachel called me for prayer and was considering not doing chemo if the cancer had spread, I told her she had to believe that every chemo treatment was a gift from God and that every cancer cell had to bow the knee to His will. She wrote that on her bathroom mirror. I prayed with her that every cancer cell would be in submission to God and would back off and disappear.

I know that God does not always choose to answer prayers this way. I believe this saying: He will make your test into a testimony, your mess into a message, and your trial into a triumph. Sometimes it is the grace with which we fight a losing battle that is the testimony, and the faith we share that God will work all things together for good for those left behind, and sometimes, just to prove his power, he works a miracle.


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Jewel - Cute Pic

Janet - sorry you are not feeling well

Jodi - Hang in there

Julie - You sound a lot better. I am glad your pain seems to be getting better

As for me I am continuing to see my shrink. Things are ok. I just have alot to think about. I have to be disciplined and he wants me to automate one of my meals to lessen the stress on my self. Still trying to figure out why I am scared to get this weight thing under control. So much is going on in my head right now don't think I can write it all down yet. Give me time and I will

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Melissa, hang in there and deal with it as you can. I'm really glad you are getting professional help. I hope your shrink is someone you like and is helping you

Cheri, someone is listening to your prayers. Sending you as much healing wishing as I can muster (I should say, sending them to your daughter). I'm sending you coping wishes, but I'm sure you will handle what ever comes your way with grace and love.

Julie, it's really good to hear from you. Glad to hear the healing is progressing and have the most optimistic outlook for your future.

Had school and came home and vacuumed the edges of the house. Tomorrow it's the middle, and the rest of the cleaning. YUK...I think I've said that before. Now I have to work.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you had a good day.


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Melissa, hang in there and deal with it as you can. I'm really glad you are getting professional help. I hope your shrink is someone you like and is helping you

Oh yes I really like him alot

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Melissa...I am a believer in taking care of my mental health. Today DH had dental and I had mental. I have always just checked in once in awhile....especially when there is added stress in our lives. (Which happens a few months during the year due to the load we put upon ourselves with the type of work we are in). I believe in talking to someone outside my little family. So nice to unload to someone that has not emotional involvement. I am wide open and honest and I get some good constructive advice. Good for you for taking that step and realizing and accepting the help. No shame in getting someone else's perspective. Our loved ones cannot always take the brunt of everything. I always come out of my sessions with a new outlook. Sometimes I have to say "Ooops...think I am being too tough on myself...or...ooooooooooooops....I think I am being too tough on DH"....just a good thing to be able to unload.

OK....since coming home from Tucson, we have not done too much socially. (Trying to catch up with work...each of us individually trying to catch up with our friends, etc.). DH and I were sitting here talking and trying to decide what to do for the weekend. We know that once the weather tames down and the snow melts, we will not have much time to do "date night". I got on the phone and planned "The Magical Mystery Tour". Not sure if it's to DH's liking but he can plan the next one and surprise me. (Oh damn....we are going to a farm show with machinery and all that stuff). Sooooo, will let you all know how it turned out. Going to take Tanker to the kennel (unless DS wants him for the weekend), going to dress up and hope DH enjoys what is planned. Going to blindfold DH part way into the trip and surprise him. Biggest mistake he made this evening was to tell me "I'm just not good at planning things and surprising you". One last hurrah b/4 the farming season hits. Fun

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Apples your weekend sounds like a lot of fun!! Hope you both can relax and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

Not much hapenning here -- going to Des Moines this a.m. Woke up to about 1/2 inch of snow -- not bad, I can handle tht. It's already 32 so wion't stay long. Pretty but I'm okay with not seeing this stuff for another 8 or 9 months!

Janet, how's the vettigo? As you know Apples gets it and so did I - or so I thought -- well now I'm being told it's probably not typical vertigo but probably because of my neck problems. Hope you're feeling better and hope it goes away fast. You can google the vertigo exercises -- just put in vertigo exercises -- it's laying on one side in a certain position and then on another -- helps the tiny hairs in your ears realign or something -- should help if your problem is caused by the innner ear -- they never helped me so that should have been a clue to me. I've had these bouts of spells for probalby 15 years -- at least -- and now I'm just dizzy most all of the time -- not good.

Cheri, what tremendous news!! I'm so happy for your family -- what a wonderful outcome!! I've had several friends here who've had the same treatment but always had to follow with the mastectomies so if she can avoid that it would be amazing.

Laura, Syria was more int he news last night and it really was horrific. Praying for your mother in law. I hope she is staying safe. Can't remember which city she lives in - Damascas? I'm very troubled by all the mess going on in the world. And yes, we are so fortunate to live in the USA - my dad's parents came over from the "old countries" and so I grew up knowing that our freedom was worth risking everything to have. My grandfather actually stowed away on a boat to leave when he was 16 -- and never saw his family again - ever. I just can't imagine that. i've also had family members and close friends who've died protecting our freedoms.

Arlene, hoping you have good news to report at the end of the 17 days! How's your garden?

Lori -- wtg on the pouch test - so proud of you too -- especially for choosing to stick to it instead of movies and popcorn. Good job!!

Melissa -- glad you are continuing to see your counselor - when I worked through some of my issues last fall I felt so good afterward -- it really helps -- you'll be able to get back on track -- the counselor will give you coping skills for when your addictions want to control you. I know Janet preaches it all the time but individually we have to really absorb what "this is a lifestyle change not a diet" truly means -- it's easy to say but harder to really accept it and do it. Each of us is different and I think that aha moment hits us at different stages. Continued good luck and best wishes to you Melissa -- I'm here cheering you on.

Julie, you too -- bless your heart - you're so caring of all of us -- I'm so glad you are feeling somewhat better -- hoping you gain renewed strength and energy with every passing day. Keep up the positive outlook.

Don't have anything much planned as of now for the weekend - we'll see if Katie can make it through 2 weeks without needing us to take Aylah. Have all my doctor appts in Des Moines today -- will report on them when I return.

Meredith -- hi - saw all your pics on FB -- hope you're doing good and back on track as well.

Jodi - hope you're feeling better!

Eva, love hearing about your gardening activities -- makes me want to garden. LOL. Good luck with your final weeks of school -- you'll miss it when it's over.

Got done early at my appt. last night so made it another Zumba class last night -- had Water aerobics in the morning -- really enjoyed being able to do zumba an extra night - just love it.

Have a great Friday everyone and weekend. Gotta get ready to leave.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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