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I have read the PS threads here on LBT but I have not really looked any where else. I picked up a couple of misconceptions from it. For instance, I had read that a 4-6 week recovery time is needed. My doc said no way unless I have the girls done at the same time. He recommends having the two procedures done separately as recovery is much easier that way. When having them both at once you loose some of your ability to get up because both your abs and pecks are involved. By doing them separately, mobility returns quicker. There are trade offs though, it is less expensive to have them both at once; one fee for operating room and one fee for anesthesiologist. I am going to have them done separately.

I have read about pain pumps which you can take home but I don’t know much about that. Maybe that would be a solution for you. We will have to ask.

I do have a recliner and plan to use it. Now, I just have to find a way to drug Charlie (just kidding), or at least make him understand that he cannot jump on me or lay in my lap for a few days after surgery. For anyone who doesn’t know, Charlie is my 90 pound lab. A sweetie for sure but definitely a bundle of energy. I am considering sending him to the doggie babysitter for a few days to be safe.

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I have read the PS threads here on LBT but I have not really looked any where else. I picked up a couple of misconceptions from it. For instance, I had read that a 4-6 week recovery time is needed. My doc said no way unless I have the girls done at the same time. He recommends having the two procedures done separately as recovery is much easier that way. When having them both at once you loose some of your ability to get up because both your abs and pecks are involved. By doing them separately, mobility returns quicker. There are trade offs though, it is less expensive to have them both at once; one fee for operating room and one fee for anesthesiologist. I am going to have them done separately.

I have read about pain pumps which you can take home but I don't know much about that. Maybe that would be a solution for you. We will have to ask.

I do have a recliner and plan to use it. Now, I just have to find a way to drug Charlie (just kidding), or at least make him understand that he cannot jump on me or lay in my lap for a few days after surgery. For anyone who doesn't know, Charlie is my 90 pound lab. A sweetie for sure but definitely a bundle of energy. I am considering sending him to the doggie babysitter for a few days to be safe.

Sandy...I think your dog sitter idea for a few days is a good one. I know Tanker will not jump up on me if I am in a recliner. He does not jump up unless invited. The only time he would freak and jump on the bed would be in a thunderstorm. Solution is to medicate and shut bedroom door.

I have read that the 4-6 weeks is dependent on your what activity level your job requires. From what I have read, with a TT the average time off of work is about 2 weeks. Smart to not have both procedures at the same time. A couple of years back, I read a thread of someone that did boobs, TT and thigh lift. Not good.

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Apples, would LOVE that visit -- but would love it more if you'd hang out and sleep over and get a good night's rest before you trudge back again. I'll let you know what I find out about my neck -- I may be recovering from surgery and then that would free me up to more availability -- but for sure would love it if you visited me - thanks for thinking of me.

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Apples, would LOVE that visit -- but would love it more if you'd hang out and sleep over and get a good night's rest before you trudge back again. I'll let you know what I find out about my neck -- I may be recovering from surgery and then that would free me up to more availability -- but for sure would love it if you visited me - thanks for thinking of me.

Linda...will wait a bit to make plans till we both know what the near future holds for both of us with surgeries. Just wanted you to know that I have talked about this so often and making the trek is on my to-do list. Fun.

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Oh how I wish Utah was on the way from MN to Iowa! B):P

Apples, you mentioned not getting your font to work, but all I see is green from you.

How exciting for Sandy and Karen coming up on their tummy surgeries. I would love to get my legs done. But am probably going to have to live with them. They can't do much for calves and that is what bothers me the most.

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Hi everyone....

Thank you all for all your concern and wishes......I so appreciate the words of support and comfort!!!

I did speak with my attorney this morning.,...who was my divorce lawyer and the lawyer who set up the guardianship account at the beginning of this whole crazy process. He couldnt believe it. He said that all the lawyers were hoping that this surrogate was fairer then the last when coming to decisions involving custody trials, trusts and family court concerns. Apparently they fired the whole dept and hired all new clerks and guardian lawyers etc.

He was really not happy about what he granted and didnt. He said firstly that because the last surrogate granted in full for tutoring services, half for tuition and half for camp for the past four years in a row....so precedents has been set and he cannot deny now....if these items were granted from the onset....they must be honored....so he is going to be at the court tomorrow and next day and will try to discuss with judge and see what to do.....if nothing then.,...we will go for an impartial hearing..to make sure that the next three years will be granted as it should be.

For clarification.....

This account was not from a trust fund at all. It was from the double the salary that enlisted Dassi as the sole beneficiary which came from a medical benefits policy from work because he died....he as the idiot he was....and I say this with all the love and respect I feel at this moment for him....was told to never put a minor child as a beneficiary to anything legal. He was told this several times by his lawyers, family, friends, coworkers, estate planners etc....but he was so bent on keeping any bit of money from me possible just to be spiteful....so the end result now...Dassi suffers not me. He could have put her name in trust of someone else just as easily like one of his brothers, friend or whom ever else.....but he was stubborn and foolish sooo he refused and he also refused to get life insurance that was mandated by the judge and ordered by him in our divorce decree....so we never got any life insurance....this was just a fluke that his benefit plan from work included this clause....to get double his salary thank god...for small favors.

If he could hear and see now....I wonder what he would say. Im sure it would be ....."I didn't think this would happen, Who'd have thought" well...the unthinkable does happen. sooo, after this happened.....this money....needed to be set up in a guardianship account which is supposed to be a joint account with the surrogate court that means that it is there to make sure that the money is being used in the interest of the child and no one else. It is not supposed to be determined by the judge only...but in NY this is what it has become depending on the surrogate judge preceding at the time. There is only one surrogate in each boro.

You know I wouldn't be so peeved had I not had my six thousand dollars that was my return from taxes....offset why???? because my darling ex....was responsible for paying our taxes but of course he didnt...sooo I get to pay for them....and innocent spouse doesn't count as we filed separately but our agreement stated that I would pay tuition he would pay the taxes....and he did begin to pay....but when he passed away they came to me.....as my name was on it and it doesn't matter what our divorce agreement said. SO...even though now the IRS is not collecting from me...they are taking my returns starting this year....to cover the 60,000 owed!! SO....not only did I not get the return I expected...I thought okay things will be okay...if I get the 3400 reimbursed for tutoring....and half the tuition....but no....not even that....and if just surviving was not hard enough as it is every darn day!!! and...what about camp now???? soo....not only would all this be hard enough without the extra help I was expecting that I always got each year....we are talking 10,000 dollars in all pretty much that I am now paying alone.....that and the additional 2900 I still have to give back to my moms credit card for the restaurant party part....thats what was left to pay for the bat mitzvah...which would have been payed from that 3400 that I was supposed to get back...which now I'm not! so.....im just plain peeved!!!!

I have dealt with alot over the last 5 yrs.....but this takes the prize!!!

well....as for me.. rotfl....hystericle really.....getting manic I think....My stomach is killing me!!! I have been taking the augmentum antiobiotics.....for three doses so far....and Ive never had this problem with antibiotics but I got such an attack starting this morning of diarhea....runs....that I called my surgeon and he said it was the antibiotic....seems that with the band...and medication staying in the stomach longer this can happen. SOO....that needed to be changed to something else. SOoooo got a new script but Ive been sick all day....and now drinking Gatorade as per surgeon as well....I hope this goes away soon. Not sure whats worse the ear or the stomach now!!!

Tomorrow.....Rons brother is coming in from Israel to spend the week in NY because he could not come for the bat mitzvahs last week...his wife came but he could not....so he came this week and so tomorrow he is taking Dassi for the day......they will first go to cemetary....as per Dassi request...then lunch.....afternoon they will spend looking at pictures of the bat mitzvahs that he hasn't seen and Dassis creative arts etc etc....and the finale of the day...he is taking us to dinner and then he is taking Dassi in to the city to see "Phantom of the Opera" . This was part of her present "they also gave her a beautiful necklace and earing set from "Michal Negran" an Israeli artist that all the girls love.....but the biggest present was both of them coming here for her for this occasion!!! oh....so much that Ron is missing soo sad....they are trying to make it up to her by spending time with her when they could....which is really wonderful but wont make up for him not being here.....but it sure makes her feel special and better......so I can tolerate them as well for whenever they want to come....they are welcome here anytime so need to clean up and cook...make sure there is food and stuff around for him....

I just hope he will be okay taking her himself...lol. I asked him this on phone today...and his response was....Jodi, I have 5 kids. I think I can handle this....hmmmm okaaaay....well I give him credit. My dad would never take her anywhere alone...he wouldn't have the slightest idea what the heck to do!! Hope it will be okay..........

Shel love "Phantom" they thought it was a good ending to her...whole "mask and masquerade them" hidden miracles and costumes...etc. Shel love it!!!

Karen, I guess....since you guys aren't getting the snow.....we are!!! All day snow/rain...raim/snow!! When will spring arrive here in NY???

in any case....you all said vent sooooo venting!!! but....yes, am again.....saying sooooo SORRY!!!

going to sleep and hoping to tomorrow a better day!

Have a great night


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Jessica, hope all is better for you today - when do you do your presentation? Thinking of you and hoping all goes well. Have you heard back from DS's doctor about the meds?

I am doin better today thank you. I just got a little stressed when my teacher sent me an email about my low test scores. She wants to see my study notes. And wants me to meet with the tutor for the program. If I hadn't studied I would understand but I really worked on this last test. Nursing students are infamous for never opening the books for their prenursing classes. I didn't really use my books last semester. I just learned from lecture. I guess I just lack study skills. I get distracted easily, I can read through things and not remember what it was I read. Which frustrates me. With my husband working in the evenings I have to deal with my son and it takes away from my concentration. The dirty dishes and laundry irritate me until I just give up and do them. I can't study with housework calling.

I am thinking about getting a study partner and studing in the library after class. That way I can't do laundry and dishes.

On a higher note, I LOVE THE OR. I spent the day in surgeries and it was awesome once you get use to the smell of cauderized flesh.


I saw them do a femoral artery bypass and join an artery and vein in the arm (for dialysis). I wanna go there everyday for rounds. One things that does bother me as I get to spend more time with healthcare providers I realize there is a real lack of compassion for obese people. I get so tired of hearing fat jokes. It is an accepted prejudice and it irritates me.

I also put money down on my first motorcycle today. I will be signing the paperwork Friday since it's my only "day off".


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Wow, Jodi...so much to digest...I just cannot imagine having to deal with all of this on your own. Please do all you can to have your attorney go to bat for you. So many things involved with this and the sad part about all of it is...it involves such a sensitive subject... Dassi losing her daddy. The more she is left out of emotional part of this, the better. If your ex could look back today and know that he could have not had her educational future at risk, I am sure he would have dotted all the "i" and crossed all the "t's" for his daughter's sake. Hugs....fight for what is right. That's the only advice I have right now. Hugs again.

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Shot of Toradol. My brother and i have both had this instead of morphine after surgeries. Also, after I type my Fast Reply I highlight with the cursor and then do color and size. You know how to highlight don't you? Hope that works. Maybe you have to re-highlight for each change you want to make.

So much to respond to, but bed beckons. Just wanted to let you know that Rachel's tumor is now barely discernable, seems to be shrinking daily. Also, at U of Chicago, when they did an ultrasound of the baseball sized cyst on her ovary, it was nowhere to be found. Power of Prayer. Go God.


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Oh how I wish Utah was on the way from MN to Iowa! B):P

Apples, you mentioned not getting your font to work, but all I see is green from you.

How exciting for Sandy and Karen coming up on their tummy surgeries. I would love to get my legs done. But am probably going to have to live with them. They can't do much for calves and that is what bothers me the most.

Sorry Great...don't think I have it in me to do a drive through Utah to pick up up to go to SE Iowa. LOL. How bout you fly into Des Moines and I pick you up?

Always wanted to have substantial calves. I have chicken legs. But, you know what? I have what I have and you have what you have. Legs are something that we cannot change much. I would also love to have an elongated waistline but long ago decided that I will make the most of the legs and the short waist and dress to camoflage the best I can. I have skinny legs up to my A$$ and only an inch between my A$$ and my boobs. Freaky, huh? Not really...just the way I am built.

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Shot of Toradol. My brother and i have both had this instead of morphine after surgeries. Also, after I type my Fast Reply I highlight with the cursor and then do color and size. You know how to highlight don't you? Hope that works. Maybe you have to re-highlight for each change you want to make.

So much to respond to, but bed beckons. Just wanted to let you know that Rachel's tumor is now barely discernable, seems to be shrinking daily. Also, at U of Chicago, when they did an ultrasound of the baseball sized cyst on her ovary, it was nowhere to be found. Power of Prayer. Go God.


Cheri...I believe in miracles... and think that Rachel has just happened upon one. I think the ovarian tumor would have freaked me out more than the breast tumor. So, so, so happy with your news. I know that as a mom you must just have been beside yourself with worry. I hope you are now able to breathe a bit of a sigh of relief. Hugs.

I had Toradol while hospitalized for torn ligament and tendon in my ankle and after a four hour surgery on it. It eased some pain for a bit but did not take it home. I had a bit of a problem with queasiness with it. Better than projectile puking with other drugs but I would rather put up with pain than put up with nausea. Thanks for the suggestion though. I guess I can say that I am really not too worried. I just like to be prepared just in case it might kick my butt and I need something on hand. I have a feeling that I will post a couple days after surgery and state that I was up cleaning the bath tub and all is well.

As far as the font...tried your suggestion many times. I have been in contact with a few others on LBT that have the exact same problem (same as I had right after conversion) and they are in the same boat. It's almost like it has to run it's course. I have a bit of patience so will ride it out. As you notice, I can post in my green ONLY if I start with a bold black letter first. Freaking weird.

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Jodi, rage all you want. To be left with all that mess because of someone's selfishness and vindictiveness and have it affect your daughter and jeapordize you financially for years is unbelievable. One thing you should know though, is that the private schools and the summer camps and all the other incredibly expensive things won't matter in the long run. It's you who makes the difference in her life. You can do that with or without money. So breathe. Be honest with Dassi. You don't have to demonize her father but you shouldn't canonize him either. He was human and he didn't foresee the consequences of his actions. You do not have to take the heat if she no longer can do some of the things she's used to doing. In fact, involving her in the decisions as to what can be cut to make your life less crazy might actually be very good for her.


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Apples, so weird that you can't post with green unless you do the bold letter first. Mine works okay.

Great picture Jessica! Yes, go to the library and study and that should help with your concentration -- between the house, Jake and everything else, it is hard to study at home. You'll be just fine -- the tutor should be helpful.

Yes, Great, that's a smashing idea - fly into Des Moines -- that would be a fun day.

Jodi, so sorry about all the stress -- I know how that is - lack of enough money is terrifying I know. Hopefully your attorney will be able to take care of it, sounds hopeful anyway The IRS situation is very bad -- so sorry you have to deal with this especially since it was not something you probably even knew about at the time. Happy for Dassi about her Uncle coming to visit - going to Phantom will truly be the icing on the cake - she'll love it -- such a great classic for her to see. .

Cheri - so happy about Rachael's tumor -- such good news. Yes, prayer and positive thinking are very powerful.

Had so much fun at Zumba last night - so weird -- the first night of new music/routines is so hard but the next time you go you really seem to get it -- it's so fun to have a challenge like learning dance steps - I highly recommend it as exercise "enjoyment" to those of you who want to do some cardio but don't like to exercise -- that hour goes by in a flash.

Time to get ready for Water aerobics -- hope you all have a great day.


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Fly by~ Just so busy. School is out tomorrow, so today is my Friday- only busier. Work, then Nels @ bus stop, then try to find DH bday present (bday is tomorrow 25th), start packing for NC (Dad doesn't want to travel), clean house, grocery shop for DH...etc...

Thanks for concern about MIL. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/03/23/syria.protests/?hpt=Sbin It's just so sad what's going on there. A doctor and medic were killed in a mosque yesterday while helping the wounded. We are so blessed to live in the US. Many of us take our freedom for granted. Imagine being arrested, beaten or killed just for having an opinion?

Cheri~Your news about DD just brightened my whole day yesterday. Hallelujah.

Hi to you all! peasout, Laura

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Good Morning Gang!

Laura........you are so right......we take our freedom for granted. I can't imagine having to live in such chaos. I hope your MIL is safe. I know Syria is having riots too. Enjoy your time with your dad. Happy Birthday to DH!

Linda, day 6 of 17. Well, I went up in weight this morning. I started back on Calcium and it constipates me so bad. I am going to kick up the Water this morning and hope I will get relief. I take Fiber at night and chase it with a bottle of Water, but it hasn't helped. I know it will all work OUT. lol

Lori, I love my ipad, but I still need my desktop. You can't do everything on a ipad, but it is only a matter of time. I probably could do more, but I don't like asking my DH for help. My DD and even DS are better at teaching me. DH just does it for me.

Cheri......GO GOD! Awesome news about your DD!

Janet.......where is our Sheriff? They Lucky Seven's must have worn you out.

Jessica, loved the picture. Yeah, my friend that worked in surgery said she didn't want to be fat if she had to have surgery because of all the jokes. I am sure they had a field day when I was under the knife. No, it is not right, but is allowed.

Apples, you have any relief from the weather?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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