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Gosh, Jessica...sounds like you have your hands full. Try not to beat yourself up for not excelling in one class. You are one smart cookie and have done so well....one class...just do what you can. As far as Jake's meds.....call his doc a.s.a.p. and let him know what is going on with his behavior since starting on them. As far as DH goes....make it clear you need him to back you up and to step in. If not...give him leftover meds. (joking) Take care of yourself. Sorry for your struggles. Hugs.

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Hi beautiful banders!

Thanks all for the support.

Typical Monday but all good. I got lots done. I had a good workout on my elliptical, business lunch and ended the day with a massage.

Laura K – Mr Right is somewhere you least expect! Have a blast in Vegas!

Meredith – I hope all works out with your friend.

Jewel – good luck with school & Jake. My heart goes out to you. I am a DINK (double income no kids). Venting is good. Parenting is not easy.

Everyone have a great evening!



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Going on strike sounds good, Jessica! Like Karen's suggestion. Call Dr. and give leftover meds to hubby. Take care of YOU! How are your meds? Get a coach or tutor for this course. Ask for an oral quiz prior to next quiz to see what you're not getting. It could be the way the questions are being asked.

Meredith, maybe your friend doesn't want to go alone with her husband anywhere and that's why she wants your company. Maybe you should ask her what the hey is going on. Sometimes, listening before confronting can pay off.

My daughter's tumor has shrunk significantly after first chemo. Second round should knock it on it's a$$! Thanks for all your prayers and continued support. Today's chemo is the one that's going to also knock out all her hair. Pray it doesn't knock her out too badly. She's supposed to go to U of Chicago this week for consultation.


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Jodi, so sorry about the ear infection. Glad the suggestions helped with Dassi's party. I know it's a big thing. I've attended a couple of bar mitzvah's (sp?) for my friend's sons. I'm really glad I don't have to pay for that. You looked pretty good on FB.

LauraK, just keep plugging along. When it's right, it's right. Just make sure you have some best girl friends around because they will keep you going on the down times. Have fun in Vegas.

Meredith, the "girls" are giving you good advise. It's going to be hard to tell her no, but you have to do it because it's your sanity. She needs to deal with her own problems.

Jessica...vent all you want and call the boy's doctor. Let your DH know how you feel and ask him for some help. If he doesn't help, leave his pants where they are until her runs out of pants (I know this would be hard on you too) but sometimes you have to get the point across. There are days I just leave my DH's socks where he leaves them. He does pick them up, but they may lay there for a day or so. It drives me nuts, but I've learned to no stress too bad. It's not worth it. You are smart, you may not ace this class but you will pass. What you're doing is so far beyond what I'm doing, I really give you a lot of credit. Honestly, you will get through this class.

Cheri, prayers to your daughter. Glad to hear the tumor is responding in the right way too. Wow! How are you doing?

I just finished the story I might submit to a contest. I have to talk to my teacher about it tomorrow then I'll make my final decision. It's 31 pages, double spaced, long or 9,230 words. Who thought I could be so full of crap...LOL.

food good today. Not eating white carbs after 2pm. You know, those baby steps.

Have a great night ladies.


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Great - I sent the 17 day diet info out to al of you via e-mail over the weekend. Basically it's just like how we are supposed to eat.

Jessica, I'm so sorry to hear you struggling but you will get through that class -- you're so used to getting A's that it's scaring you -- but I know you'll pass -- maybe you can get some help as Cheri suggeted. As far as your son goes, you need help and support from your DH -- you need to tell him exactly what you told us -- "no adult gets a day off -- when you're home from work there's more work to do at home -- we are raising a son together and I need your help -- quit playing the x-box ALL the time" etc. He needs to grow up a bit and accept part of the responsibility and take some of the burden off your shoulders. As the old saying goes. . . you didn't get pregnant alone." Sorry that your son is struggling with the meds -- I agree that you should call the doctor right away.

Jodi, sorry to hear you are sick -- hope it passes quickly -- you were probably run down from all the party planning.

Eva, good luck with your story submittal -- hope you win the contest. Is it a national contest or something local or through the school?

LauraK - I remember dating days too -- ugh -- hated it -- never understood that type of behavior either - not sure what it means BUT I do know it's NOT about YOU -- it's their problem and has nothing to do with anything you did. It sounds like you already have it handled, but just in case you have any doubts, it wasn't you.

Apples, glad you made it back in time to meet your friend.

Janet, sounds like you girls had a great week albeit exhausting. It's fun to vacation from home once in awhile.

Well, gotta get going to my morning Water aerobics - had my zumba last night - all new routines -- but good - it was so hot in the room - they had no air on and no fans and it was about 90% humidity -- very very sweaty.

Meredith, how would you respond to your friend if you didn't work with her? I think that's a clue -- you need to figure this out and do something or she's going to start demanding even more and more of your free time - these type of people don't back off on their own. Trust me, I've been there.

Cheri, happy DD's tumor is responding nicely and things are going okay for now.

Gotta go.


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Hi girls~ I am going to DITTO everything Eva and Linda said with the exception of submitting my story : )

I am exhausted today for some reason. Not sure if it's the full moon, hormones or too much on the mind- but haven't been sleeping soundly for a few days. If this is my worst problem, I will be ok.

We are VERY worried about the political situation in Syria (where my MIL lives). They are having protests (like every other non democratic country in the middle east). I am so thankful I encouraged my DH to go see his family a few months ago. Unless things improve quickly, it doesn't look like we will go this summer. We will probably go to Dubai where his sister lives. Wish we could talk MIL into traveling there.

I posted this on FB (sorry for the repeat) but yesterday I thought I was LOSING my mind when my car alarm kept going off without any rhyme or reason for about 10 min!!! Then I realized the spare keychain was TRYING to send SOS signals from the washing machine! DH had put the keys in his bathing suit pocket Sunday after the beach. Well, I check all pockets except for bathing suits! I took it apart and took out the battery but it looks like it's toast.

We were supposed to go to NC for next week's Spring Break. (just Nels and I) But Dad said he may want to come down here for a change of scenery. He has next week off of chemo (3 on, one off) He said he won't know how he is feeling until Friday or Sat. So will have to have house "ready" just in case. : ) My house is like being home for him- but in a warmer place. He's having a really tough time with chemo this time. Cancer sucks.

Cheri, I'm just so happy for your daughter! Just such positive news! Each tumor is different. It sounds like she has a great team of doctors and they knew exactly how to attack this! WTG!

I need to get dressed. My day to go volunteer as class mom.


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Good Morning Gang!

Cheri, very good news for your daughter. I will continue to pray for her and your family.

Linda, day 4 of 17. I am not going to tell what I have lost until I have been on it for 7 days, but it is working. I had gained more weight than I had reported. The last 5lbs was after the steroid shot for my trigger thumb. Everything makes me gain. UGH! Anyway, I actually can stay on this plan. The restriction on my band is coming back too. The only problem I am having is sleep. Carbs really help me sleep, but I will adjust.

Eva, my plants are really growing. I am hoping for a plentiful crop so I can share with friends. I wish you lived near. With what I have planted salsa would be excellent.

Meredith, I wish you well on your friend dillema. I've been there. I felt used later.

Kristi.....WTG on you weight loss!

Lori.....so sad about your friend's DS. I know she really needs your support now. You are a good listener.

Jessica, I hope Jake adjusts to the new medicine. Stay in touch with the doctor on his behavior. It is hard to concentrate on weight loss when you have so much going on. Just try to eat healthy. HUGS! on the HUBBY! Trust me.....it doesn't get better as they get older. Try writing him a letter relating to something he cherishes ......like not caring for his favorite dog.....motorcycle.......or not keeping his area clean at work. I read in a book years ago that men don't get "it" until you can relate it to their life. It does work.

Janet......glad you had a great time last week. We missed you! Rest up and get back to posting!

Apples.......your weather is YUK today. Lots of rain. I hope you get some nice weather soon.

Okay, I am off to shop for DGD's leotard and ballet shoes. She starts a ballet class tomorrow for toddlers. It is so cute to watch the little ones in their little tights.

Later gang!

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Good Morning Gang...

Yep it was a good week - busy but good busy and had a few evenings of down time where I was in bed by 9 LOL...

I still haven't read - Julie - you need to catch me up - I did here or saw that you wanted to quit lbt - girl I will come and kick your butt you can't leave us - you are one of us even w/o your band - hope you are feeling better

Cheri your DD has been in my prayers..

LauraK - Hugs sound like you and man friend had a falling out..

Meredith - good for sticking up for yourself - you can always cancel on Saturday

Lori - How's the grandma fun going..

Apples - Back into the swing of things..

Eva - Ya it would be nice to have them for a couple months so that you can have more time - spaced out - there's a house down the street for sale - we said they should both go in an buy it ;0)

Well I over slept this morning - on purpose - so will have to post later gotta hit the shower

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Janet, nope falling out, he just stopped calling or answering. It's his problem and I am moving on. Glad you had such a good time, sounds like a lot of fun.

Cheri, So happy DD's chemo is working.

Arlene, I love watching the little ones performing.

Laura, that would be great for your parents to come to FL.

Meridith, hang tough with her, you can do it.

Eva, you are so talented. Gardening, writing, learning a new language.

Everyone else have a good day.


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Good Morning! Am so glad to wake up and see the weatherman wrong. They overhyped some winter storm so much on the news last night, I was expecting to wake up to all white out there and there's nothing. Still cold though.

This is day 2 of the 5 day pouch test. I was really hungry last night but today not so much. Looking forward to tomorrow though.

Linda, I did get the email about the 17 day while in Denver and thought I saved it but lost it. But Eva sent me a copy of the Word doc she made from your emails so I have that now. Thank you for taking the time to write it all out.

Jewel, your DH sounds like my SIL with the video games. He plays an XBox game called Halo and it's like he's addicted to it. I don't get it, to me it's a toy and when I grew up I gave up my Barbies. LOL He gets consumed by it, in fact one night while we were in Denver some new maps or something came out for it and he had to take the XBox up to the other room and locked himself in there to play for hours against people he doesn't even know to earn points. It's when he gets so engrossed with that and doesn't help DD around the house or with the baby that I have issue with. He goes through streaks though and gets better then worse. I think it depends on when something new for the game comes out.

Cheri, so glad your daughter is responding so well to chemo!

Jodi, hope your ear infection is better. A friend of mine in Denver has one too as an adult.

Laura, how scary for your MIL hope the situation improves and you can go or that she will go to Dubai to see you all.

Eva, good luck with your story submission.

Janet, this long distance grandma-ing is going okay but sure wish I could hug her today!

Well I am going to go and try and work on pictures. I don't know what it is about digital photos and uploading and downloading but I have troubles every time. I love to play on the computer but hate messing with photos.

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Hi there friends......... I was able to read most of the posts since I was here last, but just don't have the energy right now to comment... Sorry.... But I will give you the update on my appointments..... Saw the GP doctor yesterday...... He said that considering what terrible shape I was in 2 weeks ago I looked very well..... A little color in my cheeks again.... I did ask all those questions about the meds and all the mix-ups with the hospital.... Nothing drastic except I should have been on protonics all this time for the ulcers on my esophogas.... But will get them soon..... We went through all my other drugs and he took one away and then we made a plan about the rest.... If I'm still pain free (shoulder & neck) in three weeks we will start removing them one at a time.... If you go more than that you don't know which one is doing which..... I approved of this plan..... so that was a good appointment.. they drew blood and will get me results today sometime.......

We are having a big storm today and we are not able to drive to Bismarck today to see my surgeon. I was up to our clinic and had the staples removed, so that is a big relief... No more pulling..... I should start to perk up now maybe...... I still need to speak to the doctor about what I can eat... I was sent home on full liquids..... have done a few mushies, but am tired of that...... So, haven't been able to ask the big questions yet, but I will!!!! I haven't had any pain in my shoulder and neck since surgery..... Still have no idea if it's gone for good or just hiding.... and waiting to strike again.......

Hey, love you guys..... gotta go get something to eat... haven't yet today... Talk to you later I hope.... Julie

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Hi.....Just got the uncut...pics on flicker from the bat mitzvah if anyone would like to see them.....Dont for the life of me yet know how to download them or upload them so happy viewing! They are the raw pics!!!

They are pretty good for a lay person....will get more of the edited ones on flash drive this weekend...and then make an album on snapfish or something.....get some printed etc

I have to say however....as nice as my dress was....I still look fat fat fat but not as fat as I would have looked a year ago 80 lbs heavier!!! lol Everyone else looked fab and the pics were great! Really told the story of the days celebration......Enjoy!

SO still home as my ear is just killing me olmost took a pain killer but Tylenol helped. so sitting here...going through all the pics and straigtening up...going to friends this weekend for shabbos...and am thinking what to cook for them. okay....will post later

have a great day!


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Linda, it's a local submission at the community college. Thanks for all the well wishes but I haven't submitted yet and don't know if I will until after my meeting this morning.

Julie, glad to see you posting and feeling better. Sounds like you have a good plan. You have all the tools to maintain your weight loss, just keep working it like you have.

LauraK, I'm not that talented, just a little ADD perhaps. I don't like being bored and I can't stick to any one thing for an extended time (except work and school).

Laura, hope you Dad is able to come down. Although you have to clean house, it's nice to have your Dad around. You don't have to take time off and Nels will have someone to occupy his time with.

Charlene, good luck with the 17 day plan. One of the dahlias is sticking its head out of the ground today. We had a little rain yesterday....very little, but it's cooled down a little and its good for the plants.

Hi to everyone else. I need to get to school early today...check back later.


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Have read for almost an hour to catch up - now need to get busy - but a few comments

Julie - so happy the pain left after surgery. This may be the end of pain and hopefully you will not have to wait for it to return any minute. Back to a normal, pain free life.

LauraK - so sorry the latest man, simply walked away. Men are such jerks - so many of them. Have a great time in Vegas.

Janet - welcome back - the pictures looked like a wonderful trip and time with the Lucky 7's. Woopie is going to perform in Indio next week. Wish I was there to take you to see her, if you enjoy her humor.

Cheri - wonderful to hear daughter's tumor is shrinking. Sending love and prayers.

Sandy - loved your explanation of decision NOT to band. You have done so well on your own. So proud and happy for you.

Lori - sad for your friend regarding son with bipolar. My daughter has finally found a physician/psychiatrist who has put together the right group of drugs to help her bi-polar symptoms. She sleeps a lot now, but is not so manic and aggressive.

Jessica - I agree with Karen, you have done outstanding in all your classes, this one is just not working for you. Don't beat yourself up.

Arlene - way to go on 17 day diet.

Know I have forgotten some. Sending love to all.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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