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I am headed to Macy's this morning to get some MAC gel eyeliner. Then is am going to see Lincoln Lawyer. My DH read the book and loved it. So we are having a day to ourselves......NO GKIDS day! Yay! I love them , but after carrying my 2 1/2 year old DGD in the elevator to my mother's apartment my back is Whacked! I did not know my DGD was afraid of elevators. Anyway, going down was a better experience, but not for my back.

Linda, that new diet plan is similar like the one we should all be on. I keep forgetting to boil eggs for a snack. I love boiled eggs. Anyway, I will start it on Monday. We have to take my son out for his birthday. He will be 37 on Monday.

Julie......HUGS and PRAYERS for you today!

Okay, I am off .......will check in this eve!

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Good Morning All...hope every one had a happy St. Pat's day. Mine was full. Didn't babysit yesterday but got the little girl this morning. Her bro went with the parents. They are down in MPLS for the state girl's BB playoffs. If the team wins, I will have the little one till at least tomorrow night. She's 2 yrs old and calls me "Tanker's Mommy" and DH is "Tanker's Papa". Cute. Her parents are neighbors of our at the lake and the kids spend a lot of time at my place up there so she had no problem jumping out of Grandpas arms into mine this morning. Her and Tanker are hanging and watching Garfield for a bit.

Yesterday DH's GF and I went shopping. Of course, had to travel 70 miles for mediocre type shopping but we had fun. Had lunch in between and then back to town by 3pm so she could pick up her children from school. I piddled around town doing some errands and had a 5:30 LB group support meeting. Good meeting but numbers are so low. There's so many pple banded by this doc that you would think we would have more that would attend. I would like to do something to help get the numbers up on attendance. The coordinator is so patient and I know it is not worth her time to stick around a couple of hours after working in the hospital/clinic all day but she is so patient and kind. She has such a way of making everyone feel special and getting them to talk.

Found a couple of good deals yesterday. Nothing I really NEEDED but could not pass up. I found a red St. John's Bay wool peacoat for $19.99. Had been $200.00. A pair of Vigoss jeans (studded flap pockets.....makes me look like I have butt cheecks) for $11.90 that had been $55 and a North Face hoodie in blue and white for $19.99 that had been $89.00. Fun stuff and fits perfectly. I have plenty of clothes and not a lot of closet space left. I do go through the closets at the beginning of each season and either take it to Good Will or one of my consignment shops. I am making a walk-in closet out of one of the smaller spare bedrooms. Cannot wait to start. Maybe this afternoon little muffin and me will put some of the racks together and start in on the project.

Julie...you know better than to think we would just let you slip away from the thread. I don't think there are rules that state you need to have a band installed in order to be here to share and get support. Hugs.

Well, think I will get little pumpkin dressed and take her outside for a muddy walk. She has knee high rubber boots so she's good to go. Now just have to go find mine. You all have a great day. Will check in later. Sending the love.

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Thank you, my GFs, for all the b'day wishes. My travel GF came over and spent the day with me, then hubby & DF joined us for dinner out.

Today was last day for nurse. Can do everything alone - except - no lifting.

Nail gal just arrived to do my hands. I can't drive yet.

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Apples wtg on the deals - wow! Very nice deals. I had to giggle cause you said "DH's GF" instead of DS's GF. LOL. Had a nice chuckle over that - just thinking how generous of you to go shopping and lunching with your hubby's mistress. LOL.

Glad you're enjoying your little friend -- fun isn't it? I posted a pic on FB last night of our little Aylah putting a puzzle together with DH and she looked so content sitting next to him - just a cute picture where she really showed her adoration of her "papa".

Joyce, so nice you are finished with your nurse - glad your getting back on your feet.

Called my brother last night -- he's still very weak and still on oxygen. He's complaining about his strength and energy and I assured him it will take a long time to regain it all back -- those infections are so tough on your body -- his wife told me he wasn't depressed but he was very emotional when I spoke to him. I need to get there for sure and soon -- I think he really needs some family around. I hope to get there this summer.

CBL -not feeling up to much -- maybe take tonight off - will see how I feel when I get home - I sure miss my zumba glad spring break is over and instructor will return next week - it's been tough exercising alone most of the week - very boring.



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Linda...what a slip I made. Hmmmmm....maybe I had better go check DH's underwear drawer. "They" say that if he buys himself silk underwear, he has a GF on the side. Yes, that would be very generous of me to have lunch with one of his GFs. The only way I would meet up with her for lunch would be if she had a check for me that represented 70% of DH's assets!

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My little girl that is spending time at our house is an absolute ANGEL. She's 2 and talks a blue streak and when I am not sitting with her, she entertains herself. It's been a great day with her. She met my DS when he and DH came in for lunch. She told me "I no like your boy". Funny. And he's sooooooooo good with little ones. I think he might have teased a bit too much. She's pretty serious. I haven't accomplished much besides a bit of bookwork and a load of laundry. I sometimes forget children are time consuming. Not sure yet if she is staying the night. Their BB team lost their game down at state in a double overtime. I had to walk away from the TV a few times....got the stress levels up there.

It seems that all I can think about today is the panni procedure I want to have done. I am not sure when the recommendation letter and history will go to my ins company but going to be patiently waiting with my fingers crossed to see if it's accepted. I went to Makemeheal.com Tuckthattummy.com and was paging through photos and stories. It actually helps me to know what I am in for. As I stated b/4, I never think about what pain will come with surgeries..just don't like looking at incisions and drains. Going to that site really helped because I forced myself to even look at the actual surgery photos. Soooooooooo hoping to get some answers within the next 2 weeks and want to push for a surgery date prior to planting season. If not, it will have to wait until mid-June, which would work for me also.

Sorry...did not address anyone but Linda....little one wants "dinno". Guess that means dinner. Later

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Hey gang......Loved the movie Lincoln Lawyer. Yes, I ate popcorn. I'm back on the Chew Chew tomorrow.

Apples, Great buys! I've been on a shoe kick lately. I love my Birki's, but they are hard to find around here. So, I went to DSW and found another sandal that feels so good.

The little girl sounds like a sweety. I know you are having a great time. I am going to look at those websites on the tummy surgery. I am far from one, but would like to know about it. This is about removal of the excess skin? It shouldn't be as invasive as abdominal surgery like the ones you have had before. You will do great!

Joyce, glad to hear you are doing good and will be able to go on your trip. I know you must be ready to get out and travel again.

Lori, I know you must be sad to leave Katelyn. Trust me......you will be back very soon. They grow up so fast.

Linda, I may buy that book if I can get a "cheap" price. Has it been on the market long enough to be at Half Price books?

I just answered the front door......Woohoo! my new Earth Boxes are here.....gonna plant my bell peppers and zucchini.

Have a great Weekend!!!

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Evening everyone, I am down 3 pounds this week. It feels good to see that I can do this without that controling Dr. Really I have lost 6 pounds the past 2 weeks. Hoping for another 3 before my cruise. I have to look good in my 2 piece bathingsuits. Also have a great dress for the Captains dinner. Can't wait to post those pics for you guys. My hubby and son will be matching too. So cute that Jake wants to be like Daddy. Here are some pics of recent stuff.


The first is from my last 5k. Second is from my first 5k. Third is just a pic of me today. I have found that I don't need the plus size store anymore. There is a store here called Ross. It sells really cute stuff in my size. The plus size stores are too big. Again I am in the final strech to onederland. I can't believe I gave that up. I worked so hard for it. I'll get that again soon, I can taste it. I kinda forced myself into it last time, Rushed it. I didn't eat hardly anything over christmas to get there. It was a weird feeling to be there. Really it is a weird feeling just to be here. I can walk in a room and not be the fatest. I can feel comfortable in a group of pretty and skinny girls. Even though I am still fat, I feel pretty. When I did my presentation thursday I looked HOT! Everyone complimented on how great I looked. Everyone also knows how hard I work out. I was talking about my band the other day and someone said "yeah, but you also work out a ton don't you?" It was great to have my hard work acknowledged.

Julie, I miss you. Feel free to call if it is easier than being on the computer. Your like a momma to me.

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Evening everyone, I am down 3 pounds this week. It feels good to see that I can do this without that controling Dr. Really I have lost 6 pounds the past 2 weeks. Hoping for another 3 before my cruise. I have to look good in my 2 piece bathingsuits. Also have a great dress for the Captains dinner. Can't wait to post those pics for you guys. My hubby and son will be matching too. So cute that Jake wants to be like Daddy. Here are some pics of recent stuff.


The first is from my last 5k. Second is from my first 5k. Third is just a pic of me today. I have found that I don't need the plus size store anymore. There is a store here called Ross. It sells really cute stuff in my size. The plus size stores are too big. Again I am in the final strech to onederland. I can't believe I gave that up. I worked so hard for it. I'll get that again soon, I can taste it. I kinda forced myself into it last time, Rushed it. I didn't eat hardly anything over christmas to get there. It was a weird feeling to be there. Really it is a weird feeling just to be here. I can walk in a room and not be the fatest. I can feel comfortable in a group of pretty and skinny girls. Even though I am still fat, I feel pretty. When I did my presentation thursday I looked HOT! Everyone complimented on how great I looked. Everyone also knows how hard I work out. I was talking about my band the other day and someone said "yeah, but you also work out a ton don't you?" It was great to have my hard work acknowledged.

Julie, I miss you. Feel free to call if it is easier than being on the computer. Your like a momma to me.

One Hot Chick!!! Congrats!! You're hard work has paid off. I am so proud of you!

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Awesome job Jessica! Sometimes we (and I mean myself included) don't give ourselves enough credit for our accomplishments. You should be proud.

Cheri, thinking of you and your daughter. Hang in there girlfriend.

Apples, oh my gosh! You are going to beat me to a flat stomach. LOL, good for you. I have my surgery scheduled for May 19.

Arlene, what is an earth box? I must have missed something.

I am on vacation in Cancun and I am having trouble falling to sleep so I quickly read through the posts to catch up a bit. I will be coming home next week. I am with friends while DH is home taking care of dad and my Charlie. I am such a lucky girl to have him. When the opportunity to go on this trip came up he told me to go, relax and enjoy myself. I am doing just that. We haven't done much in the line of touring but we have walked and have done Water aerobics each day at the pool. And of course we have done a lot ot gabbing.:D

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Good morning gorgeous banders!

I have been watching the posts but been to busy to drop in. I send everyone big hugs!

I had a crazy week. Some big emoitional stuff that resurfaced after I was supporting a staff member at work. Being in human resources I deal with some heart wrenching situations as I work on a indian reserve with one of my clients.

Had a nice lunch yeterday with an old friend.

I have booked a trip to my old boarding school for a reunion weekend with my BFF for April 30. Mexico is also 4 wks away :).

I get my first fill this wednesday. I can't wait as I am hungry all the time and eat every 2 hours. I worked out everyday and it was a slow week on the scale but I also had the monthly women things happening. I am sure next week will be better. My phone was in for servicing so I didn't have my electronic calorie counter. I have it back so I can track more accurately. Down 2.6 lbs but no inches for a toal of 30.6 lbs & 13.5 inches :).

DH & I have a great weekend ahead nice and quiet. We will go to a movie and get chores done around the house. I hope everone has a great weekend!



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I see that some of you are on Facebook. I am too if you want to connect under Kristi Searle McDonald or kristi@peoplebiz.ca

Twitter: kristi.searle

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Charlene - Great work! Love the pictures! You are a true motivation!

One Hot Chick!!! Congrats!! You're hard work has paid off. I am so proud of you!

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Good Morning. It's a nice sunny day here -- bout 30 now but supposed to be in high 40s. Enjoying the spring weather. Not too much rain yet.

Busy day yesterday Came home and Aylah and Katie stopped here to visit just as i got home and was getting ready to go to the gym so was delayed for an hour. Hadn't seen Aylah all week so had missed her. She had made us cupcakes and dropped them off. My poor DH -- has to eat double of everything as I don't eat them -- she's always making Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins and bringing them over. Oh, i forgot to tell you that we have a classifieds at work and people sell stuff all the time -- I grabbed a like new Easy Bake Oven for $5 the other day to put away for her - the one with the light bulbs - as they are no longer going to make those I thought I'd better buy it now and stock up on the bulbs. LOL. She'll love it. Same girl was also selling a Dora mitt and baseball and it IS new -- never used -- got that for $3 -- those were my deals of the week. I can usually do pretty good on buying the big items for Aylah this way -- last year I bought a giggle me Elmo for $10 - it was one of her favorite Christmas gifts.

Lori, you're probably about ready to hit the road - have a safe trip -- you'll be visiting soon -- don't cry too hard.

Saw the pics on FB Phyl posted of lucky 7's -- Peaches is so pretty -- she was singing karioke it looked -- they looked like they were having a great time.

My apologies to Jodi, Jessica and Candace -- i somehow didn't have you guys in my LBT list on my address book -- that's been corrected. I'll send my e-mail from yesterday to you guys - I apologize - i checked my list this morning and realized I had missed some people -- not intentional - I now have my list up to date and correct.

Not much planned for the weekend - I'll work out and catch up on some tv I've taped and never seem to have time to watch. Have a few little chores to do but cleaned well last weekend and not planning much -- we might go to the casino for dinner tonight -- not sure -- probalby though as the weather looks good. I'm kinda bored .LOL -- can you believe that? Sheesh. Next Friday I go to Des Moines for my appt. with neck ortho. and so I'm taking the day off so we can run other errands while we're there.

Gotta get to the gym. Just sent you all an e-mail -- let me know if you got it. I got a failure notice but I think it was only on Candace's e-mail -- can't tell for sure.



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Hey there dear friends,

First of all, let me apologize for making that stupid statement about not being able to be here without my band..... Yes, Apples, I know better than that....... I was having a very bad day and feeling sorry for myself..... I do know we are friends forever.......thank you for that.... You are all such a blessing to me..... So, Lori and Jodi and (I know there was someone else who threatened me) there will be no need of paddles or trips to ND to straighten me out..... Jessica, oh my goodness, how proud I am that you think of me like a mother... I'd love to be your mother and am so very proud of you.......I'm so proud of all of you...... So all of you who scolded me know that I heard you and there will be no more talk of leaving.....Maybe once I get my strength back I can spend more time at the computer.... Sitting up straight makes my incision hurt more.... I get them out on Tuesday...... That will help.... Monday is the medical doctor and then Tuesday the surgeon..... I have some tough questions for both of them....... Maybe I'll finally get some answers and maybe not... No serious shoulder pain since this all started, but on pain meds most of the time..... We'll just have to see.

I'm tired today as DH and I drove to Bismarck yesterday to the other hospital to see a friend..... These are the ones we play cards with all the time and such...... He has COPD and is medically retired...... Well, he just casually popped up a temperature of 107 early Tuesday morning and went down in the ambulance...... ICU........ the whole shebang..... He's in his own room now and feeling better, but he doesn't know that there are some dramatic things happening... They are in the process of finding out if his heart was damaged by the high temp...... Anyway, when I talked to her on the phone and asked what we could do, she said to just come down and visit...... so we did..... DH pushed me around in a wheel chair... but it was still tiring.......

So, although I haven't commented on all of you, I have to go rest... Been by the computer too long......Next computer will be a laptop!!!!!

Hugs and love to all................. Julie

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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