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Laura, after reading some of the reasons for band erosion, I'm very grateful to be as stable as I've been. I've never had to have an unfill, partly because I made sure I lost extra weight after my final fill, even though I was at goal, and thus gave myself some leeway. When I get too tight, I immediately back off on the sliders and go back to liquid and then solid dense Protein to drop the Water weight fast, and then the real pounds. A few days of that and I'm quite comfortable again.

One of the biggest incentives I have not to gain it back is that I have no money for replacing clothes. I've been staying away from the stores and the book stores (my other addiction). I'm not eating out or bringing in fast food hardly either. We just carpeted our whole basement, and still have to finish off the rest of the bathroom and do a little electrical. So I've almost prepaid my European concert tour and now that money will go to paying off the carpet in a year. After that I suspect my husband's car will need replacing and that will mean taking on another car loan. A good part of our main floor needs painting and neither Ken nor I can or will do it so that means paying someone else. And within a couple of years we'll need a new roof. By then, maybe real estate will be worth something again and we can sell it when I can't work anymore and go live someplace cheap. LOL.

I actually need to lose that last 5 lbs I gained to look good in my skinniest stuff. I think once the weather warms up and the time changes this weekend I'll be able to walk outside when I get home from work, and that'll help me get that 5 lbs off. Puttering in my garden will help, too.

Melissa, I think you need a fill. You're wide open and that's not helping with your hunger. Janet's test is a good one. If you can eat 4 oz of dense Protein like chicken breast or tuna or steak (unaccompanied by liquid before, during, or after the meal or by any other sliders) and you don't feel full, you need a fill.

I surround myself with protein all day long. More than one choice so that if head hunger hits me or physical hunger, I can eat something that will satisfy my cravings, not cause more. That can be Laughing Cow cheese, Atkins or Muscle Milk chocolate Protein shakes (not the light Muscle Milk, it doesn't have enough fat in it to keep you satisfied). (I don't do shakes with fruit and yogurt, way too many carbs), Atkins protein Breakfast bars (made of soy nuggets, absolutely delicious--chocolate chip or chocolate peanut butter), peel top cans of tuna and chicken, etc. I also have SF pudding Snacks at home and some SF choc candy (I limit the candy to 2 pieces because of the gas they cause and I only eat them at night so most of the farting will be in my sleep). I don't eat yogurt because even the low carb has too much sugar in it. You're better off scrambling some eggs with lowfat cheese and a few bacon bits. It'll last you a long time. oatmeal and apples are both very bad for me. They create unbelievable hunger for sweets. My stomach is growling within 10 minutes of eating them. They may be lower glycemic than straight sugar, but they are huge carb triggers for me.

You work at costco, right? They have great rotisserie chicken to which you can add a little pesto or tobasco (no catsup or BBQ, too much sugar). If you make sure you have a stash of these things around, you won't be reaching for the bad for you Snacks. Stay away from the 100 calorie carb snacks. They are huge triggers for us carb sensitives. Janet can eat them, but Janet exercises way more than most of us are physically or mentally able to do.

I suspect you're ADHD just like I am, and that makes it very hard for us to plan meals or keep track of things like carbs, calories, blood sugar, etc. That's why its important to keep a stash of healthy choices around for when the carb monster strikes. And they have to be things we like. We need plenty of treats, which is why i go with the Atkins bars and the chocolate shakes and the SF chocolate evening treats. For us, eating helps us concentrate, focus, and stay on task.

Don't know if any of that helps. To get in my veggies and a little fruit, I often have a mixed greens salad at night with Feta cheese, a few nuts, a few berries (fresh or dried) and a dressing with good fats like Greek or Italian. Again, these are easy to stock in the fridge and eat when you don't have time or the inclination to cook.

I know you feel obligated to cook for your family, so keep things like ham steaks, hamburgers, rotisserie chicken, pork chops, etc. available. A few nuked baked potatoes that they can fix how they want (don't make one for yourself) and a veggie or salad and the whole family has a healthy meal. They can supplement with bread or toast. Don't fix it for them.

So much is really simple. If you make tacos or burritos, just don't eat the shells. Separate out your meat from casseroles and don't smother it with sauce. Make Pasta or rice separate for them to combine with the meat and sauce.

Don't ever bake. Ever. Just the smell can trigger the carb monster. That's a small price for your family to pay for a healthy wife and mother. I know there are those on this thread who can bake. You and I can't. Stay out of break rooms where there are snacks and snack machines. Our impulsivity is too great to trust ourselves around that stuff.

ADHD people are terrible at planning and terrible at resisting temptation. We have to come up with compensating techniques. These are some of mine. Hope it helps.


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Thank You Janet and Cheri for all your support and ideas.

Janet you are never preachy I love all your advice. You and several others do not sugar coat things and I love that.

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Good Morning Peeps

Thanks Melissa - sometimes I feel preachy LOL - I guess it's cuz my light blub went off and IMHO its not about dieting - it's just about eating heatlhy - plan and simple and exercising too..

Well not much to report since last night - Andrew was here so I cooked for him too - didn't make one pot wonder instead just fried porkchops (in just a tad of oil) had 3/4 or pork chop and about 3 asparaguss - he had Pasta with his. So for lunch today - will have a salad..

Yep Cheri - I exercise and am thankful that I don't have any real issues that prevents me from doing it - I feel that it's important as a healthy diet and exercise go hand in hand.. I know pple lose the weight w/o exercising I know that some pple lose the weight by the band alone eating the same foods that they did before - but for me it's about health not just restriction - I like to eat and am frustrated sometimes that I can't eat more - but that's why I got the band..

Well it's time to jump in the shower... CBL TGIF

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Good morning. Wow sounds like quite the earthquake and then tsunami that hit Japan last night. Also a tsunami hit Hawaii, glad I wasn't there for that. I've been trying to get ahold of DH to see if his employees are okay in Hawaii but it sounds like it wasn't bad there.

I am going to the dr today. I've been saying I am going to go since Christmas but haven't. I have this weird neck thing going on. It's like a sore throat but more neck-ish. Noticed at first mostly at night but it's there during the day too, maybe something with my glands? Also got paperwork to have some bloodwork drawn from when I saw my lapband dr in Denver but never did so will ask them to do that.

Then I got laundry to do so I can pack for our road trip to Denver. Little Katelyn still has jaundice and her levels have peaked. Hopefully they will go down now. I got to see her on video chat yesterday afternoon. She's yellow!

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Hey Everyone, Just wanted to drop in and let you guys in on how I am doing.

I am so busy and tired. I keep going to bed early but it doesn't seem to help. I am trying to adjust to a new schedule this week cause my classes change every 8 weeks and it's that time. I did great in my last 2 classes. Got an A and a B. Now I am going to school 4 days a week and I am getting up earlier. I have alot of major course work due next week that I am working on.

My husband acidently overdosed on some meds that he thought was "just Tylenol" It also contained asprin and caffiene. He started feeling bad so I went to his work and took his blood pressure. It was way high so we rushed him to the ER. It felt good to actually know how to assess the situation and know for sure he needed to go. I am actually learning stuff which feels great.

I am running another 5k in the morning. The Gate River Run. It is a huge event and I am so excited I can participate. I got tendonitis again while training for it so I was not able to train alot. After my injury I decided to drop out but a friend I have made recently talked me into doing it with her. I will not be running the whole thing but I will have alot of fun walk/running it.

I did find a new fill doctor. I have only seen him once but I am passing on going to my old Doc again. My eatting lately has not been great. Might be why I am tired. I will be back on track following my run tommorrow though. I have gained some but have been holding steady the past few weeks. I have already planned my meals and bought what I need. I just needed to find the drive from myself. I was just going along with my healthy eatting because I was scared of my doctor. I am ready now to do this for myself.

My family did sign up for a cruise over spring break. It is in 2 weeks. Yes I bought some new shoes to go with me. Also got another 2 piece. I also have gotten my motorcycle license and have been riding all over the country areas near our city. I hope you all are doing well. I miss you guys, sometimes I just get in this funk and I don't talk to anyone about it.

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Hey guys~

Janet~ I don't find you preachy either. You shoot straight from the hip, IMHO. You are 100% right... just b/c you can eat something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.... is SO RIGHT ON. It was a test. B/c always before I couldn't eat bread or pizza dough (except for one bite. If I had two then I would PB) So, I never ate it b/c I knew I couldn't. So when I tested and COULD............ then I knew I needed a fill. It's mostly psychological. But somewhat physical b/c now I am AFRAID to eat anything like bread. Today I had 1/4 peach (20 cal) with 1/2 cup cottage cheese(80 cal, 14 gm protein) for lunch. It's now 3pm and I am still full- from a slider! So, I feel good. Breakfast was a muscle milk, 170 cal, 20 gm Protein. At Sam's they had milk and cookie samples... i had like 1/4 milk and one tiny 1 inch cookie bite which I crumbled in and drank it..LOL. Just found out our babysitter is free--------- so date night! whoohooooo!

And down 3 lbs just 36 hrs on liquids............. sodium is a powerful thing!

Jewel~ WTG on school and 5k! And diagnosing DH at work. Sounds like everything is coming into place.

Cheri~ You are right about so many things. Thanks for the advice. : ) How is DD?

Great~ hope DGD gets better soon. Yes, usually jaundice will peak and then level off and then drop. When I was in the Peace Corps, I couldn't do levels. I used to take photos of the kids with my digital camera and compare the "color". Have a good road trip Grannie!

Eva~ How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of your vacuum? LOL. Hope you crawled out and got some work done. ; )

Apples~ hi.

Lady KC~ hi.

Where is everyone?

I need to go hop in the shower.... TTYS.........peasout..Laura

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OK nurses, I just got home from my dr appt and on way to get a neck ultrasound for something called carotidynia? I am googling it now. LOL I won't get results til Monday while I am away but they have my cell number and said I could call them as well. Always something. Also those anuerysims (sp) on my eye could be related. HMMMM

DD just called and they are parked in the car at a park in the sun trying to get sun on DGB, they are supposed to put her in sunlight for brief periods for the jaundice but they don't get any in the house so her DH took the dog to the dog park and DD is sitting in the car with DGD. She needs to be exposed and it's not warm enough to take her out in just a diaper outside. She sent me a text of a photo of her sunbathing. LOL She said it really helps the yellowness. It's so fun/weird/interesting/awesome seeing your own child as a mother, this totally irresponsible child of mine becoming all responsible and grown up, etc. She's doing great so far.

Laura, enjoy date night. Just saw a sign that a restaurant I like is having a shrimp special so think I might make it date night too!

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Jewel.... you are doing GREAT! Congrats on the run tomorrow!! And on those excellent grades! Glad your hubby is okay!!!


Great.... found this on Wikipedia:

Carotidynia is a syndrome characterized by unilateral (one-sided) soreness of the carotid artery, near the bifurcation. It was first described in 1927 by Temple Fay[1]. The most common cause of carotidynia is migraine, and then it is usually self-correcting. Common Migraine treatments may help alleviate the carotidynia symptoms. Carotid arteritis is a much less common cause of carotidynia, but has much more serious consequences. It is a form of giant cell arteritis, which is a condition that usually affects arteries in the head. Due to this serious condition possibly causing carotidynia, and the possibility that neck pain is related to some other non-carotidynia and serious condition, the case should be investigated by a medical doctor.[2] Because carotidynia can be caused by numerous causes, Biousse and Bousser in 1994 recommended the term not be used in the medical literature.

Our oldest daughter had some jaundice when she was an infant and I was also told to put her in the sunshine for a few hours a day. We were stationed in Sacramento at the time and living on base in a small mobile home that we'd bought. It had big windows on both sides of the living room so I would put her on a blanket on the floor next to the window in just her diaper and let her soak up the rays! My Mom & aunt came to visit for a week or so and they would tease me because I would lie on the floor next to her, on my tummy and nuzzle her ears while she was sunbathing!!

Janet... "PREACHY".... of course!! LOL!! But that's why we need you!!

Saw ortho doc today and he confirmed what I already knew... hardware in rt knee is failing and I need to have it converted to total knee... Will contact WA doc's office on Monday and see how to proceed from here because I don't want to waste any time after I get home!! I have PLANS for the summer and do NOT want to spend it doing rehab!!

Next door neighbor had cardio appt today... he will probably need stent... apparently has a blockage, but nothing very acute so they will continue tests on Monday. I expect by mid-week he'll be having a stent put in! Chest pain, shortness of breath and he's still out golfing, etc!!! YIKES!

So sad about the Japanese tragedy!! Was happy to hear from a former Japanese exchange student of ours overnight.... on FB... that she and her family are okay. Much damage in a couple of west coast ports.... Santa Cruz, Crescent City... some people washed out to sea... some who were out there on their boats trying to get pictures!!!! HUH?????

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Good Evening Peeps...

Laura - I really wish I could find that post I did ages ago about fills being more about the phyiscoligy than the physical affects - like taking a placebo.. I'm not saying that fills are necessary - but I don't think that you should rely on them to lose the weight for you - Like I said - I am at sweet spot - I had 1/2 sandwich for lunch today - this great nutty whole wheat bread 120 cal for 1 slice - 6 slice turkey -3 slices avocado and lite mayo

I ate the whole thing at 11:30 and I did just fine - I am getting a little hungry but nothing that a few nuts wouldn't cure... But again I'm one of the lucky ones I think cuz I never had a problem with getting to my sweet spot - got to it in 3 fills - went 2 yr without one (from Jan 08 - got a tweak last Jan 10) and nothing since.. I sure in the heck don't need one - sometime I think I could use a little unfill ;0) especially like last night ate 3/4 of my pork chop and 2 asparagus - wanted more :0)... I have always been able to eat pizza - never tried a submarine sandwich or hoagie or even a hamburger - theses things are what got me to the place where I needed the band - so I just don't do them - I miss a submarine sandwich form Ciro's they are the BEST or should I say were :0)

Lori -

Carotidynia is a form of vascular neck are face pain in which the vascular change occurs in the carotid artery in the neck. The disorder is not uncommon, and most patients have a prior history of Migraine. They present with pain in the neck and face, and are often thought to have a disorder such as chronic sinusitis or trigeminal neuralgia. Diagnosis can be made from the type and location of the pain and the finding of a tender and swollen carotid artery on the same side. Carotidynia responds to the prophylactic medications used for migraine, often disappearing in weeks or months. In some patients the syndrome may become recurrent or chronic, with a variable response to medication.

Well don't know what to make of this - cuz you don't say that you have Migraines? ?

Why doesn't DD buy one of those Sun lamps - that's what the hospitals use... I guess I take for granite our sun and warm weather - 88 today per my car - wonderful weather

Jessica - Have fun on your cruise - glad you dh is ok - WTG on your 5k

Phyl - LOL thanks for needing me ;0)

Well need to go strip the beds and start the laundry - tomorrow gym @ 8 dogs to the beauty shop 10:30 - Winco Shopping - costco shopping - home but it all up and then relax till I have to leave at 1:30 on Sunday to pick up Phyl to head to the airport to pick up Peaches..

So will cbl

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Hi all,

Melissa I had one thing to tell you. Do not accept that crap about why you're trying to kill yourself with food. Not one of us is trying to do that. If anyone lays that line on you you need to remember you have an addiction center in your brain that lights up when you eat food. For others its alcohol, or risk-taking, or drugs, or rescuing others. Do we have emotional issues that contribute to our addiction? Yes. Are they the cause of it? No! We have a chemical reaction to food that other people don't have, particularly to carbs. We don't hate ourselves so much that we're trying to kill ourselves with food. Anyone trying to peddle that crap is out of date and out of touch with the latest research. What a guilt trip to lay on you. Or are you laying it on yourself? You got the lapband because you want to live. You wanted a tool to help you get a fighting chance against that addiction center in your brain. So, make use of the tool. And reject any shaming message that tells you you're trying to kill yourself with food.

Jessica, glad to hear from you.

Gotta go.


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I am home from a very frustrating several hours at the hospital. I called this morning to schedule the ultrasound. It's one central scheduling number for several different hospitals in their chain or whatever you call it. I got, or thought I got a 230 appt at the one by my house. I got a 230 appt alright but she scheduled it for the wrong hospital about 40 min away. So, of course, mine didn't have me in the system and then they act like it's my fault by telling me I don't have an appt etc. but they will 'work me in'. Finally got called back about 330, I was supposed to get a 'carotid artery' and a 'neck' ultrasound. Well neck was too ambiguious for the tech. She needed more specific was it thyroid? or what? Because 'she couldn't be liable for doing or seeing something on the ultrasound that wasn't specific in the orders'. HUH?? I am so sick of these privacy laws, liablity laws, etc. No one wants to take responsibility for nothing. Of course, when they called my docs office for clarification they were closed . So I was to point to areas in my neck and they could take pics of that area only because the orders said neck fullness or something. SHEESH! I hope they got what the dr needed. And then she gave me this story of how I didn't have an appt, they worked me in and others were waiting. Well what about me? I did have an appt it's not my fault the scheduler screwed up, I even verified it and everything before I hung up. GRRRRR I did some googling of carotidynia not sure that sounds like what I have or not. I've not had Migraines in over 30 yrs but as a teen and young 20's I did, but I was healed of them.

As for DGD, she just called her levels are up again to over 17 and the dr ordered a light bed from some home health care place to be delivered to their home tonight. DGD has to stay in that all weekend except for feedings and diaper changes. DD is all worried. She goes back on Monday to be tested again.

Janet, have a wonderful week with your Lucky 7 group. Sounds like a blast.

Phyl, hope your WA dr can get the ball rolling on your knee surgery as soon as you get back. When do you go back?

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Great - Hugs for all that waiting and drama OMG I would be fit to be tied.... I don't have a lot of Patience :) -

Tell DD that it's better to get the light at home and keep DGD under it - that's better than going back to the hospital - that's what they use to do in the old days - my gf had to take her baby back to hospital for like 3 or 4 days - She's home - the light will do the trick..

Well got one bed done - one more to go - got light plates all wiped down - guest shower cleaned.. Load of towels in the wash - Hungry - going to go eat dinner

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Good Morning Peeps

Can't beleive I'm the 1st one to post - either Charlene or Linda are here 1st thing in the morning :0)

Well I have a busy day - gym @ 8 - Dogs go to groomer @ 10:30 (you should see me with all 3 dogs - bear trying to mark everything - they get all tangled up - it's pretty funny) Need to go to Winco & costco - home put all the stuff up and chill I hope for a while..

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Hi Gang,

Tutoring at 8:45-one student. Then go for a walk. Then finish getting the house ready for my parent's 60th anniversary which we're having at 1 tomorrow. My sister and her family and my 3 kids with theirs. Gotta order some chicken and mostacholli (sp). We're cooking Italian sausages in the crock pot. Sister's bringing salad and my mother's bringing her famous cakes. Gotta go and get pretty table covers and paper plates, make sure we have enough pop and juice. My DH has been cleaning the house so I only have a little dusting of furniture and wood floors to do and my personal laundry.

My daughter was only really sick from her chemo on Weds. She's finally set up a calendar for people to sign up to help her out as things get worse. Her husband hasn't been working in order to do everything and be with her for every Dr.'s apptmt., test and procedure. He needs to go back to work. Yesterday was my carb day so back on the Protein band-wagon today.

Melissa, I hope you understood my rant about accusing yourself or others accusing you of trying to kill yourself with food. Will the excess food eventually kill us? Yes. Are we trying to have that happen? No. We have a disease, fatal, if left unchecked. We put it into remission by sticking to Proteins and letting the band help us limit our quantities. We are never "cured." We are never "recovered." We are always "recovering" food addicts. The carb monster is always lurking and we are rightfully afraid of him. Feed him and he grows and kills us a little more each day. Starve him and he shrinks and loses power over us.


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Hi gorgeous banders!

Indiogirl 55 – I agree with your post a 100%! That is what I am doing and I am down 33lbs since Jan 25 and I have only been banded since Feb 9/11.

I workout every day & carry food with me all the time so I make the right choices. I plan my meals all the time & dream up new recipes. My favourite night time snack is fat/sugar free chocolate pudding with a bit of Protein powder. Cottage cheese & fruit are my saviours during the day and Protein Bars for emergencies.

Laura – I hope you find your sweet spot.

Phyl – excellent work on the weight loss! You must have made the right choices.

The earthquake was horrific! We had a tsunami warning here in Vancouver. I was glued to the TV from 2am until going to work to make sure we were ok. I was ready to hit the road!

Jewel – great job on your marks & the 5K run! The cruise – where are you cruising too? Have fun too with your motorcycle license!

Laura – have a great date night! I need one of those & am planning one when my nephew & brother in-law leave!

Sent my banded BFF and family off to Paris last night for 1.5 months. God I am going to miss them! How lucky are they! I would rather be in Paris. That stupid work thing! Have to work hard so I can pay off my surgery now!

My nephew & brother-in-law are staying until Tuesday and we are having fun! My nephew is 9 yrs old and loves it here in Canada as they are from Shanghai. My brother-in-law moved to China 17 yrs ago and we hope they will move to Canada one day. They want to as the kids get older.

Have a great day hanging with my DH and dinner out with friends. They bought a new house – love seeing new places.

The rest of the weekend hanging with family and shopping for Canadian items for my nephew to take back with him.

I go for my first fill on March 23 & my clinic has also launched a WLS group so I am attended that too. I went to one local at one of the hospital and found it good.

Everyone have a great weekend!



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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