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Just got back from visiting my daughter. Saw all her kids. She is really anxious and depressed and obsessing over every possible thing that could be or might go wrong. Can't blame her. She managed to depress me. She starts chemo on Monday. She feels like her Dr.s are not as positive as they could be. She wants them to be rah! rah! cheerleaders and since they're not she's afraid they think she doesn't have a good prognosis. Pray that she finds a Dr. who believes in her. Every two weeks she'll be checked to see if the chemo is shrinking the tumor. Hopefully after 6 weeks they'll do the surgery. She wants both breasts removed and she'll need a total hyst. Then they will immediately start with both radiation and more chemo for another 6 to 7 weeks.

Can't think about much else right now. I know others of you have your issues and struggle, too.


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Lori, Hurry up Grandma before she gets here. Who guessed March 5th?

Cheri, I am praying for you and DD. HUGS!

Janet, are you coming down with something? I hope you feel better.

Linda, I signed up on Kaye Bailey newsletter....in fact there is a App to her forum on the iphone.

Melissa, I need a tweak too! I don't have any restriction right now.

Jodi, Jessica, Julie, Joyce......how are y'all doing? I miss my J's....you too, Janet!

Apples, you must be getting ready for the big bash tomorrow. I am going to my little family bash tomorrow. It is so nice not to be the one doing all the prep for the party. AAAHHHHH! love it!

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Just got back from visiting my daughter. Saw all her kids. She is really anxious and depressed and obsessing over every possible thing that could be or might go wrong. Can't blame her. She managed to depress me. She starts chemo on Monday. She feels like her Dr.s are not as positive as they could be. She wants them to be rah! rah! cheerleaders and since they're not she's afraid they think she doesn't have a good prognosis. Pray that she finds a Dr. who believes in her. Every two weeks she'll be checked to see if the chemo is shrinking the tumor. Hopefully after 6 weeks they'll do the surgery. She wants both breasts removed and she'll need a total hyst. Then they will immediately start with both radiation and more chemo for another 6 to 7 weeks.

Can't think about much else right now. I know others of you have your issues and struggle, too.


OMG, Cheri...You have so much on you plate right now. I hope you can feel the love and support from all of us right now. I stated a couple of weeks ago that I did not know what prayers were all about. Hypothetical question. All I know is that when I lay my head down to sleep...I have in my heart my family and friends. I wish for and pray for the best. I wish for Rachael..the best outcome and in my heart I have "that feeling" that "prayer".

I was not taught how to pray. (It was pounded into me by nuns...they said something like "pray NOW") I always knew life was about how a person treats another and that if you say a prayer..it better not be about asking God to do something for yourself. I PRAY you daughter will pull out and defy the odds. I guess I just figured out what a prayer is.

Lori.......you too..I pray for a healthy Kaitlyn....

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OK....plan is..Going out for dinner at 6pm with DS, GF and 2 kids...and, we have a surprise for DS...his favorite Auntie who might have beat the odds with breast cancer is showing up as a surprise....Oh and her favorite guy Johnny. Momma's gonna buy dinner and cannot wait to post what that little guy of Joe's (GF's son but he treats him just as he should) has to say. He's not a smart A$$ at the age of 5 but he is so incredibly smart. I am not ever any more a fake grandma....DNA does not matter. Proven fact.

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Lori, Hurry up Grandma before she gets here. Who guessed March 5th?

Cheri, I am praying for you and DD. HUGS!

Janet, are you coming down with something? I hope you feel better.

Linda, I signed up on Kaye Bailey newsletter....in fact there is a App to her forum on the iphone.

Melissa, I need a tweak too! I don't have any restriction right now.

Jodi, Jessica, Julie, Joyce......how are y'all doing? I miss my J's....you too, Janet!

Apples, you must be getting ready for the big bash tomorrow. I am going to my little family bash tomorrow. It is so nice not to be the one doing all the prep for the party. AAAHHHHH! love it!

Arlene...I was born to love to do the prep for the party.....Eva, too. We are so much alike that way. Anyway...not tough for me to let DS's GF do it all. I just wanted to do my share. But she is so easy going. I told her ONCE.. you ask..I will do. You don't ask...not getting done. Worked out great. She has kids and bills... I told her "You plan...we pay", The little girl paid way more than she should of but that is just the way she is. Sweet. DS is soooooooooo lucky...but, he realizes. Sweet boy.

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Oh my! I have so many things to say, but I can't keep track and Multi-Quote isn't working!

My Mom's entire experience with her aneurysm has to start all over...other than the CT scans, I suppose. Her insurance company called to say the Cleveland Clinic isn't in her PPO. When we initially checked on that, we were told the CC was indeed a PPO of Coventry (her insurance company) but found out it isn't a PPO for Coventry's subsidiary, Carelink. I am so glad I worked for Blue Cross Blue Shield and that my brother still does because we can get things figured out. So she'll be going to a hospital closer to home with her "initial" consultation on Monday. Lord knows medical issues happen for everyone, but I think the worst part of this experience for her so far is the waiting. She just wants to get everything done and over with.

I am so glad to hear that the daughter with cancer had good news about her cancer no spreading. I am sorry to be drawing a blank on your name. Cheri, I believe? I just hope she gets some positive thinker behind her to keep her built up. I truly believe where you are mentally is half the battle. Now if I could just fix my own Bipolar.... ;)

Do I have it right...Michelle/Melissa...I completely know where you are in this struggle. Lately, I am working very hard to keep myself convinced that I made the right decision in getting it because I am having such a hard time managing my food. I just keep saying tomorrow is another day to start over (not that I always convince myself) and get it right.

I have a question...I have been taking an antibiotic for acne, and it is tearing up my stomach. I took my dose with food today, but apparently it wasn't enough. As Mom and I got to the restaurant where we were having lunch today, I almost thought I was going to have to go home. I ordered milk when we sat down and sipped it through lunch. (It was a super creamy whole milk...but I was in PAIN). Between the milk and chicken, my stomach felt 95% better. But as the day went on, the burn came back to the point I couldn't keep cottage cheese and peaches down. Have you ever heard of antibiotics being a threat to a band? I have been told ibuprophen could erode the band, but never warned about anything else. I know my stomach must be irritated and swollen, but I have no idea what to eat/drink. I am afraid to even drink a Protein shake. Oh...and I can't take antacids or the such. I am going to call my doc Monday but thought you may have some suggestions until then.

And I can't find an acronym list for this site. Every link I have found doesn't work and I have no idea what things are sometimes. :D

I hope everyone has a great weekend and health and happiness finds us all...including our loved ones.

Be blessed!


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Happy Friday Beautiful Banders!

Wow, what a week! I am pooped!

Down another pound - yipee!

Cheri - you & your family are in my prayers!

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend. DH work party tomorrow night & shopping trip to Bellingham, WA Sunday!

Have a great weekend all!



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Post that I think might have taken down LBT was last night after Kellie and Kristi's posts. It was extremely negative and sounded quite bitter. It's gone... so I still suspect that's what caused the problem!

Lori... congrats on the grandbaby!! Saw her beautiful photo on FB!!

Julie... concerned about you putting off hospitalization until Monday if your Hgb is that low! Should be like 12-15!

Alzheimer's walk today.... disappointed because I walked almost the whole 2 miles last year and had to ride my scooter this year... knee problem. Seeing an ortho on Friday. Frustrated that my ortho at home has been telling me for almost 3 years that partial needed to be replaced with a total... said hardware was loosening/collapsing because of weight loss. But every time I told him.. then , lets do it, he told me he wanted to watch it "a little longer". Well, it's never given me much pain until this week and now it's difficult to walk. We won't be home until bout the first of May So then he's going to want me to go to my primary care doctor for screening to make sure I'm healthy enough for surgery. With the other knee he wouldn't put me on the schedule until that was done. And then they were booking about 2 months out. Our 50th high school reunion is 2nd weekend in August. So... if I need this knee done THIS year, want to get it done as soon as possible after we get home so I have plenty of rehab time before our cross country trip! So if I can't get it done by early June, it will have to be late August which will mean staying up north longer than we want to in the fall!! We are NOT going to miss our 50th reunion!!

Well, better go to bed. Getting late and have to be at church early for last minute choir practice.

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Just as an FYI - this thread has been restored (obviously since you're reading it ;-)) - the Topic was deleted in error by an administrator.

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Just as an FYI - this thread has been restored (obviously since you're reading it ;-)) - the Topic was deleted in error by an administrator.

Thanks !!!

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Gang - do you want to keep this thread - or keep the new one ???


Let me know - I posted on the new thread this morning

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Hey everyone!

Sorry I have been remiss in posting. Just so darn busy! Sometimes life gets in the way of LBT. ; ) Well, and sometimes LBT gets in the way of LBT! (Apology accepted by the admin. So much better to hear them admit their faults then try and hide them!) : ) My parents left Friday around noon. It was sooooooooo sad saying goodbye. I stood their watching them take off with tears strolling down my face. One of the airport workers (who has known my dad for 15 years) came and just hugged me. It was really sweet. My Dad has a really positive outlook (even though his dr is cautiously optimistic) My mom is worried but hides it mostly. They really enjoyed the week here- it was warm, pool was heated and we swam almost every day. It was so nice that they came to school with me to Celebrate Nels' birthday with his class. Memories. I can honestly say that growing up I don't think my dad ever came to my school ONCE, ever. He was so busy working (owned his own company which was a textile mill that worked all 3 shifts- so he was always there checking on things). It's just the way it was. Just cherished the whole week.

Saturday was baseball game for Nels. Then came home, cooked dinner and then went for a bike ride with Nels. Today DH is on call- had to go in to do a hip replacement. Not sure why that is scheduled as emergency on a Sunday morning! Again, gotta roll with the punches.

I am so behind on posts. I will comment to the last couple pages. Sorry if I missed something.

Lori~ CONGRATS on becoming a Grandma!!! I saw the pic on FB! What a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! (and how worried we were she would come so early). Hope your DD is doing ok. How is she after the fall? What about GB? How long will you stay there? Enjoy every moment! Soak up those baby smells and grunting sounds!

Cheri~ OMG. I am so so sorry to hear about your daughter! Just terrible news. It sounds like she can be a fighter when she wants to be and I am praying she finds all the strength. One thing you have to tell her is that oncologists in general are very cautious about their optimism, even when there is nothing to worry about. Only way I can describe it is they would rather you be prepared for the worst and surprised and thankful if it is good. Everyone in the medical field likes to focus on all the risks, not the benefits. (and I know b/c I have to do it too). I will keep you guys in my prayers.

Phyl~ I hope you get the appts lined up with your drs. Sometimes pending the medical clearance, they will hold a surgical date for you. Just really explain the timeline you have (sometimes talking to the office manager helps). Yes, it seems that you have been watching what this knee will do for long enough. That is an a-ha moment when you did the walk last year- and had to ride this year. hugs.

Janet~ hey you! How's the 5 day shopping thing working for ya? LMAO. BTW, you can't start a 5 day and say except for...blah blah blah bras. That's like me saying, I will do the 5 day pouch test, except for the ENTIRE cheesecake I will eat for dinner on day 3. LOL.

Apples~ Glad you made it home safely. : ) How did the birthday dinner go?! Tell DS happy birthday!!! Have you unpacked and settled back to the cold? If you need anymore sunshine breaks- come to FL!!!

Eva~ Did you survive your speech in Spanish? You are one busy gal with work and school and yard and such!

Julie~ I missed the low HGB comment. Hope you are ok. What's going on?

Mere~ Congrats on the nephew! Saw his photo on FB, what an adorable baby! So you did the 5DPT? You are still unfilled, right? I desperately want to start filling back (I have only like 4cc in). Yesterday I was able to eat a slice of thin crust pizza (from real pizza place made super thin) at lunch time. Even with my unfill, I haven't been able to eat Pizza Crust. Is ur dr going to repeat the xray- or see how you do?

OK guys, gotta get going. This post took longer than I thought. : ) I will CBL.........peasout..Laura

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Geeze I posted on the new thread....I guess we need to decide which thread to use. Maybe keep the other one around for other stuff...



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Hi fabulous banders! Happy Sunday

I can't find the current posts? So I am not up to date on everyone since Friday. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I am loving the weekend! Yesterday I got a lot down laundry and a 3 KMS walk and DH work party.

At the party I did ok. Tried to have wine & still no go after 3 sipes. Had a little of some of the items but not too much!

Today up early, shopping on line to order cookbooks and hope to get in a workout on the eliptical before hitting Bellinham for a shopping trip :).

Have a great day all!



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Don't know if I posted this. The good news is that the pet scan shows the cancer confined to the tumor in Rachel's breast and in one lymph node, which according to the oncologist means a very good prognosis. The good news is also that she passed the heart test and can withstand the chemo and radiation. The bad news is that intensive chemo starts Monday, she will almost immediately lose all her hair, she will be tested every 2 weeks to make sure the chemo is working, after six weeks double mastectomy and probably total hyst, followed by more intensive chemo and radiation. About 4 or 5 months of hell. Rachel is a fighter but she is also an obsessive worrier which is not conducive to healing. She focuses on all the what ifs and gets beside herself. I've asked people on her special FB page, Rally for Rachel, to send her jokes and suggestions for good movies and sitcoms and videos that will make her laugh. You all have seen that I'm a firm believer in laughter being the best medicine. Maybe I'll copy and paste some of my stories about flatulent farts (redundantly ridiculous). I may gross out all her FB friends but it'll certainly take her mind off her troubles. LOL

Laura, I know this is really hard with your dad.

Lori, congrats on new Grandbaby.

Kelley, antibiotics can be hard on the stomach. Coat your stomach with milk before taking and take with food. Avoid all acidic foods, especially anything Tomato or OJ. fruit and veggies may not be a good idea at this time. Absolutely no pop. coffee with milk in it only to neutralize the acid. No tea. Full of acid. No chocolate. Causes reflux.

Melissa, you may not be ready for the 5 day pouch test. Just start cutting back your carbs and substituting Protein. Increase your good fats intake with nuts and cook with olive oil. Do not use fat-free anything. You need the fatty dressings on salads to keep you full. Also, most fat-free substitute carbs instead.

Learned an interesting thing. The way cancer cells are spotted on a pet scan is because they love sugar. To take the test you avoid carbs ahead of time and then they give you glucose(pure sugar) and watch the cancer cells light up as they devour it. Basically, they hog the sugar. All food, to be used by your cells, must be converted to sugar. If we don't eat sugar or carbs, then our cells will convert Protein and stored fat to sugar to feed them. However, protein and fat are converted slowly into the sugar your body needs for energy. So your blood sugar doesn't go up, and what you eat doesn't get stored as fat, instead, fat gets burned up.

So, I'm thinking, no wonder obese people have a higher rate of cancer than thin people. Just another reason to avoid carbs.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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